Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/2/14
Episode # 10546 ~ Dylan receives a threatening message, Maureen contacts Nikki, & Nick fights for his life!
Provided By Suzanne
Sage: Come on! [Grunts]
Nick: [Groans] You.
Adam: What have you done?
[Glass shatters]
Avery: Oh, my God, Dylan.
Dylan: No, no, no. Stay back. A brick came through the window. Just stay back! There might be more!
Avery: You can't go out there!
Dylan: Stay back!
Avery: Dylan!
Chelsea: [Sighs] [Sighs] Hey, Amanda. Will you watch Connor and Johnny for a bit? I'm going out. Mommy needs a break.
Paul: Hey, stitch. I'm glad I ran into you.
Stitch: Ah, you might change your mind about that. I'm not in the best mood right now.
Paul: Oh. Well, I'm afraid this is just gonna make it worse. [Sighs] Have you seen your mother?
Stitch: Why do you want to know?
Paul: Um, the department has been pressured to make an arrest.
Stitch: I guess it was just a matter of time.
Paul: Well, she did lock Victoria in a closet, after all -- allegedly.
Stitch: What did Victoria say about it? How much did she tell you?
Paul: Well, I haven't had a chance to question Victoria yet.
Stitch: But I thought you said you got pressured.
Paul: Not by Victoria -- by Victor.
Billy: Welcome home, Katie.
Victoria: Billy, could you get the...
Billy: The lights? Yeah.
Victoria: Ooh. It's chilly in here.
Billy: Yeah, is 72 okay?
Victoria: Perfect.
Katie [Fusses]
Billy: Uh, let me hold her while you get your coat.
Victoria: Oh. Okay. There you go.
Billy: Oh, I know.
Victoria: Thank you.
Billy: Yeah, that's better, isn't it? Say, "That's better," isn't it? You like your new crib? Well, not your crib-crib, but you get the idea. You know, you should have seen this place when your mom and I first moved in. It was like -- [Chuckles] It was like something out of a '50s sitcom.
[Doorbell rings]
Victoria: Oh. I'll get it.
Billy: Why, that must be the Cleavers from next door.
Nikki: Hi, darling.
Victoria: Hi.
Nikki: How are you?
Billy: Make that the Addams family.
Nikki: My littlest darling. There she is. [Gasps] There she is. Hello, my love. It's good to see you, Billy.
Billy: You, too, Nikki.
Nikki: Hi, love. Hi, love.
Victor: What is he doing holding my granddaughter?
Victoria: Well, Dad, you'd better get used to it. Billy is Katherine's father.
Nikki: Well, congratulations, Billy. I'm very happy for you.
Billy: Thanks, Nikki. Although something tells me I still won't be invited to be in the family Christmas picture, though.
Nikki: Well, you found Victoria, and you helped deliver the baby. They're both safe and sound, thanks to you, so we owe you a debt of gratitude, don't we, Victor?
Victor: I think the man with the medical degree had more to do with that successful delivery.
Victoria: We needed both Ben and Billy to get through it, Daddy.
Nikki: And now that you did get through it, it's time to celebrate the new member of our family.
Billy: Yeah, and the new member of the Abbott family, as well.
Victoria: Billy, don't push it.
Victor: My sweetheart, we knew that you didn't have time to buy things for the baby, so...
Victoria: Oh.
Victor: ...We took the liberty.
Victoria: Oh. Wow. Dad, it looks like you bought out the entire store.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Nikki: Well, I'm sorry. That's my fault. They were just too cute. They were too cute, and I had to buy them all. Yes, I did, and you will just love the riding habit that I got for you. [Gasps] It'll be more adorable than you are right now. Yes, it will. Oh, she's tired.
Victoria: I think maybe I should put her down.
Nikki: She's yawning. I'm coming. I want to help.
Victoria: Come with me.
Nikki: Come on, sweetheart.
Victoria: She's such a baby.
Nikki: Oh, I just love her.
Billy: Listen, um...I'm more than willing to lay off if you'll lay off of me, and besides, you really don't have much say in the matter, since biologically and legally, I'm Katie's father, which you should be happy about, considering the alternative is a murderer.
Victor: I guess you haven't heard, have you?
Billy: No. Heard what?
Victor: Stitch is not the murderer. In fact, quite the opposite. He's a hero.
Stitch: I'm afraid I can't help you. I have no idea where my mother is.
Paul: Well, apparently, she left the hospital in a hurry. Did she leave a goodbye note of any kind?
Stitch: A short one, but no indication of where she might be headed.
Paul: Look, stitch, if your mother gets in contact with you, you're gonna have to let us know.
Stitch: She didn't mean to hurt Victoria, and I am -- I am not excusing what she did. But I know my mother would have come to her senses and let Victoria out of that closet if she hadn't had that heart attack. She even tried to tell me what she'd done, but they took her into surgery, so she couldn't.
Paul: Is that the truth?
Stitch: What, do you think I'm gonna make it up?
Paul: Well, it wouldn't be the first time you covered for your mother.
Stitch: So, Victor told you everything?
Paul: Well, if you're referring to how your father died, then yes. He told me that your mother killed your father, and if that is how it happened, then --
Stitch: It is.
Paul: Then we have to prove it. Even so, that doesn't let you off the hook. It doesn't negate the charges against you for practicing medicine without a legal license.
Stitch: Of course it wouldn't. Why would anything go my way?
Paul: Look, there are a lot of wrongs that have to be righted, okay? And to do that, we need to find your mother.
[Cell phone rings]
Paul: Excuse me. Hey, there. What's up?
Avery: Paul, someone just threw a brick through the coffeehouse window, and Dylan went after them. Can you send a squad car? Somebody's gonna get hurt.
Paul: I'll be right there myself. Don't worry. Listen, um, I got to take care of this. In the meantime, take care of yourself, okay?
Stitch: [Scoffs] Nobody else is going to.
[Both chuckle]
[Glass thuds]
Stitch: Another one, man.
Chelsea: I'll have what he's having.
Sage: What are you doing?
Adam: You shouldn't have brought me out here, sage.
Sage: What do you mean by that? He needs our help.
Adam: No, we're gonna leave him, okay? Let's go.
Sage: Go?
Adam: Come on.
Sage: He's going to die.
Adam: He's not gonna die. He's gonna be fine. Someone else is gonna find him.
Sage: In the middle of the woods?
Nick: [Groans]
Sage: We have to do something.
Adam: No. No, I can't risk it. Come on.
Sage: Hey! What is the problem? You know him, don't you?
Adam: He's my brother.
Paul: Hey, there.
Avery: Hey, Paul. Thanks for hurrying over.
Paul: Yeah. Any word from Dylan?
Avery: Nothing.
Paul: Okay, I've got two squad cars out there looking for him.
Avery: Well, I hope they find him soon. We don't need any more trouble.
Paul: Yeah, me, too. So, uh --
Avery: Dylan! Did you find him? Are you okay?
Dylan: I'm fine. He got away.
Paul: Did you happen to get a good look at him?
Avery: I called Paul to help us.
Dylan: I appreciate that. Paul, there's really no need.
Paul: Look, if somebody's threatening you or your business, it is my business.
Dylan: Nobody's threatening anything.
Avery: What do you call this, Dylan?
Dylan: A couple of kids causing some trouble. I-I saw a couple of them yesterday, uh, tagging the wall next door.
Paul: Did you report that?
Dylan: No, I painted over it. This is probably their attempt at paying me back.
Avery: Okay, if people find out that vandals and troublemakers are in the neighborhood, they're gonna stay away. You could lose customers.
Dylan: And your ex would love that -- watching me lose money on this place, forcing me to sell.
Avery: Well, also, the landmarks commission could think the warehouse district isn't worth saving.
Paul: Yeah, yeah. How's that going? Is anyone buying that this area is, uh, historical?
Avery: Yes. We have a very good chance. There was an article in the paper. It's the front page.
Paul: Wow. I see. So the fight has gone public?
Avery: Absolutely. It's the best thing for our cause.
Paul: Right, of course. Let everyone know about it.
Dylan: I should think about getting some security cameras outside.
Paul: I'm not sure that's gonna solve your problem.
Avery: Well...
Dylan: Hey, man, I'm sorry. We're -- we're closed. We're just fixing something. Some repairs. Thank you.
Avery: Uh, okay. I'll get a dust broom and pan.
Dylan: Uh, I'll get some trash bags. Uh, are you gonna stick around?
Paul: Uh, no, not unless you need me.
Dylan: No, I think I can sweep.
Paul: Good.
Dylan: Thanks for coming.
Avery: Thanks, Paul.
Paul: Hi, there. Um, yeah, you can. Could you tell me if, uh, Joe Clark is still a registered guest there?
Sage: He's your brother, and you're just gonna bail on him?!
Adam: Keep your voice down.
Sage: His life is at risk!
Adam: My life could be at risk if I get involved in this. He's already recognized me.
Sage: That's impossible. You don't look like Adam Newman.
Adam: Looked right into my eyes.
Sage: He was probably just glad that someone was helping him!
Adam: Well, even if that's the case, it's only a matter of time before he figures it out. He's gonna be around Constance. It's gonna be five minutes -- she starts talking about me, how I saved Adam, the burns, the plastic surgery.
Sage: I'm not gonna listen to you talk about this anymore when this man is bleeding. [Grunts] Damn it! [Sighs] Will you please help me get him out of this thing? That's all I need you to do.
Adam: Have you not heard a word that I've said?
Sage: Yes, I have. You also told me that you're trying to be less selfish and that you're turning your life around. Did you mean that, or are you just lying again?
Stitch: Thanks.
Chelsea: Wait. Wait. We have to toast first.
Stitch: Yeah, there's nothing I really want to drink to.
Chelsea: How about to life's little jokes?
Stitch: [Scoffs] How little?
Chelsea: Mm, about six pounds, seven ounces.
Stitch: Ah, so you know about the DNA test?
Chelsea: Yep. I heard about it from the proud papa himself.
Stitch: Ah. Billy and Victoria -- they finally got the baby they wanted, so...
Chelsea: [Sighs] I'm sorry it's not you passing out cigars.
Stitch: [Scoffs] I bet you are.
Chelsea: Just 'cause this kid is Billy's does not mean he's getting back together with Victoria.
Stitch: [Scoffs] No?
Chelsea: He's happy where he is...
Stitch: [Chuckles]
Chelsea: ...With a woman who doesn't saddle him with unnecessary expectations.
Stitch: Well, I wouldn't go putting Billy's name on your mailbox just yet -- not after what I saw today.
Chelsea: What did you see?
Stitch: The look those two gave each other when the doctor read the paternity test -- that told me everything I needed to know -- that I don't stand a chance, and neither do you.
Victor: Not only did stitch do time for his mother -- he covered for her all these years. That to me is a sign of a real man.
Billy: Well, in my book, that's an idiot. He gave up half his life for what -- to protect a lie?
Victor: To protect his family.
Billy: The guy lost his wife and his son when the truth came out. How is that protecting his family?
Victor: You saying that indicates to me that you know nothing about the idea of honor, do you?
Billy: Oh, then maybe we should ask Victoria which she would rather have -- the "honorable guy" who isn't a part of her life or the one who's always there for her, no matter what?
Victor: When have you ever been there for her? Are you kidding me? Who are you talking to? You were there for her when you were gambling or drinking or nearly got her killed because of your shady connections? Don't compare yourself with stitch. You'll lose every time.
Nikki: [Chuckles]
Victor: You girls already finished?
Victoria: Yes.
Victor: Oh.
Victoria: Katie fell asleep.
Nikki: Ohh, she's just like a little angel. So peaceful, not a care in the world.
Victoria: So, Mom said that she would stay with us for a few days to help out.
Nikki: Yeah, I didn't think you would mind.
Victor: No. I think it's a wonderful idea.
Nikki: Yeah. It's so nice to be around new life, you know? It just makes you feel like anything's possible.
[Cell phone rings]
Nikki: Oh. Hello?
Maureen: Nikki, it's Maureen. Please don't hang up.
Paul: Oh, Mr. Clark.
Joe: Chief Williams. What, uh, brings you to our neck of the woods?
Paul: "Our neck," is it? You're really planting roots here, aren't you?
Joe: Well, I love your city, but my home will always be Chicago.
Paul: So you keep saying.
Joe: You on official police business? There hasn't been any trouble, has there?
Paul: Not here at the club, but I am investigating some criminal activity.
Joe: Well, that sounds exciting. Hope you catch your culprit.
Paul: Mr. Clark, where have you been the last couple of hours?
Joe: Me?
Paul: There's no other Mr. Clark around that I know of.
Joe: [Chuckles] Surely, you're not accusing me of something, are you?
Paul: Just answer the question, please.
Joe: Well, I woke up, had a bite to eat here, and then, uh, went to crimson lights for a cup of coffee.
Paul: Oh. So you couldn't find a cup of coffee here?
Joe: Well, not that cup of heaven your son serves up.
Paul: And after you left crimson lights...?
Joe: Back to the gym to work it all off.
Paul: And about what time was that?
Joe: How about we just cut through, and you tell me what this is all about?
Paul: There was an incident at the coffeehouse. Someone threw a brick through the main window.
Joe: Wow, I'm sorry to hear about that. Is everyone okay?
Paul: Uh, fortunately, yes.
Joe: Well, that's -- that's good to hear.
Paul: It's interesting that this incident took place on the day the newspaper printed an article in opposition to the warehouse district redevelopment.
Joe: Surely, you aren't assuming that there's a connection?
Paul: A warning to the business owners in the area to desist or perhaps an attempt to devalue the neighborhood so you and your cronies can move in?
Joe: You know, you can keep spinning your theories all you want, but I assure you that my
clients and I have no connection with this.
Paul: And if I were to ask you for alibi witnesses?
Joe: I could give you a handful. The gym was packed.
Paul: You'll forgive me if I don't take your word for it.
Joe: Well, apology accepted. But I can assure you, chief, that where I come from, we don't throw bricks.
Avery: What are we gonna do about the window?
Dylan: Uh, I got a piece of plywood. I can cover it. Just be careful, okay? Don't cut yourself.
Avery: Okay. You know, that was a dangerous thing, going after the person who did this.
Dylan: Don't you mean to say it was a stupid thing?
Avery: That's your word, not mine.
Dylan: I defend my territory. It's what I was trained to do. It's who I am.
Avery: I know that, but I wish you knew you didn't have to do it alone. You have people now who love you and have your back.
Dylan: Yeah, you know, it's kind of crazy how different things are from when I first got here. A lot of people were against me, especially nick.
Avery: Okay, well, you can't blame him for that. Hey, listen, have you heard from him lately?
Dylan: No. Why?
Avery: Well, Summer came by my office looking for him. She's worried.
Dylan: Because he took off for a couple days to get away?
Avery: Well, she said that he was in a pretty bad state when he left.
Dylan: That's understandable.
Avery: Mm-hmm. I told her he was fine.
Dylan: But...?
Avery: Uh, well, we had a conference call scheduled for today to talk about Faith's custody case, and, um, he missed it.
Dylan: Hmm. I mean, you know it is. You go away by yourself. You start thinking about what you need to change in your life, and, you know...
Avery: Yeah, I know, but I left him many messages, and I told him that Summer was upset, and he hasn't called me back. That's not nick.
Dylan: Well, maybe nick turned off his phone. I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason why he hasn't been in touch.
Adam: I'm doing this against my better judgment.
Sage: Do you not have any feelings at all for your own brother?
Adam: Yeah, sure I do. They're all complicated.
Sage: [Grunts] Just help me get his leg out, okay?
Adam: Yeah, I'll help you get his leg out, and that's it, okay? And I have no doubt that someone's already looking for him, anyway. He's the light of everyone's life back in Genoa City. They treat him like he's a God. And who knows? Maybe he is a God.
Sage: Oh, God.
Adam: He's managed to skate through life so far. I have no doubt that he'll manage to get himself out of this.
Sage: Finally. Oh, gosh.
Adam: I'm out of here.
Sage: I got to stop the blood. Where are you go-- will you at least call 911?
Adam: Unh-unh. No. I don't need any contact with the authorities. I told you I'd get his leg out of the trap. That's exactly what I've done. Now the rest is up to you. Good luck.
Sage: That should hold it. Hey. Hey. Help's on the way, all right? You stay alive.
Nikki: I can't believe you have the nerve. I can't believe that you had the nerve to call me after what you did to Victoria.
Maureen: I'm so sorry. It was so wrong of me. I wish I could just go back and change it all.
Nikki: So what do you want from me?
Maureen: To talk to you in person. I-I-I'm at chancellor park.
Nikki: And if I don't, then what? You'll follow through with your threat? You'll tell everybody what you know about me?
Maureen: Just come, please.
Nikki: I suppose I don't have any choice, do I?
Maureen: I'll -- I'll be at the west end near the plaque.
Victor: Everything okay?
Nikki: You know, with all this excitement with the baby and everything, I totally forgot I have a charity meeting this afternoon. That was them asking what the holdup was, so I guess I got to go for a little while.
Victor: Okay.
Victoria: Oh, that's fine. There's no problem, Mom.
Billy: You know what? I could stay a little while longer.
Victor: Well, so can I. Sweetheart, I'll stay a little longer, okay?
Nikki: All right, well, uh, I'll see you shortly.
Victor: Okay, my darling.
Victoria: Okay, Mom.
Nikki: Bye-bye.
Victoria: Bye. You know, there's really no need for either of you to stay. I'm sure the baby's gonna be asleep for a while.
Katie: [Crying]
Billy: You were saying?
Victoria: Ah, yeah, I think I forgot to change her.
Billy: You know, hey. Hey. I'll -- I'll get it. I'm out of practice.
Victoria: Oh. Okay. I know what you're gonna say, and I really wish that you wouldn't.
Victor: The name on the baby's birth certificate ain't "Abbott." It's "Newman," as it should be.
Sage: [Sighs] I just made the call. EMTs are on their way.
Adam: You didn't use a landline, did you?
Sage: Relax. I used one of your burners. They can't trace it back to you. You're gonna be safe.
Adam: Well, if I'm so safe, why is my brother right outside my front door?
Sage: He wasn't even on your property.
Adam: He was close enough. You think he's looking for me?
Sage: Looking for a dead man?
Adam: I don't know. Maybe he knows that Gabriel's the one that died that night.
Sage: Your tracks are covered, all right? He's not on to us.
Adam: If he's not on to us, then why is he so close?
Sage: I don't know. Maybe he was staying in a cabin somewhere south of here.
Adam: Okay. Well, this is not a coincidence.
Sage: Well, sometimes, that happens.
Adam: [Sighs] God. You know, I wish he'd just vacationed in Fiji. [Sighs]
Sage: Geez. He really shook you up.
Adam: Just a bunch of things I haven't thought about in a long time.
Sage: What did he do to you?
Adam: Nothing. It's, uh -- it's a lifetime ago. Nothing.
Sage: You know, you can't outrun that stuff.
Adam: I think you'd be surprised. I'm really, really fast. Now, listen to me. I mean it. You got to stay away from there, okay? The sooner the ambulance comes, gets nick, and takes him out of there, the better off we are. God, I need a drink.
Chelsea: I am not gonna freak out on the basis of one look, which could have meant anything. As far as I'm concerned, Billy is committed to me.
Stitch: Hey, if you want to set yourself up for disappointment, go right ahead. Makes no difference to me. I got enough problems on my hands, like, oh, maybe the lawsuit your mercenary father brought against me.
Chelsea: Okay, for what it's worth, I tried to get him to drop that suit. I even offered him a cash settlement of my own.
Stitch: Oh, did you?
Chelsea: Yeah. I understand that you don't really think highly of me since Billy and I dug up your past, but I am not the type of person that would kick a guy while he's down.
Stitch: You did that just out of the goodness in your heart?
Chelsea: I want to put all of that to bed and move forward with Billy. I believe that we can move forward. I believe that you and Victoria can move forward. You just have to stop selling yourself short.
Stitch: The baby's paternity changes a lot of things.
Chelsea: It doesn't change the reason why Billy and Victoria broke up in the first place, and it doesn't change the fact that they both have feelings for us now. Billy is not an option for Victoria because Billy is not available. I am gonna see to that. So, is that something you'll toast to?
[Glasses clink]
Victoria: I put "Newman" on Katie's birth certificate for a reason -- not to keep her father out of her life.
Victor: Very sorry to hear that.
Victoria: Dad, for you, of all people, to say that? Were you really better off without your father in your life?
Victor: With the kind of father I had, yeah. You bet.
Victoria: Well, Billy's not like that. You can say whatever you want about him.
Victor: And I certainly have, haven't I?
Victoria: Yes, you have, and he's a good father, and he loves his children, and he would never abandon them.
Victor: Sweetheart, if you must, let him be part of your daughter's life, but not part of your life. For heaven's sake.
Victoria: [Sighs] I couldn't even if I wanted to. Billy's already in another relationship.
Victor: Oh, come on. All you have to do is snap your fingers. He'd be right back at the door.
Victoria: Oh, really?
Victor: Of course.
Victoria: Well, do you see me snapping?
Victor: Well, I see your fingers getting closer.
Victoria: Oh. Don't start.
Victor: Whether you'd like to admit it or not, I think you're softening towards him.
Victoria: No, I'm not.
Victor: Yes, you are. Listen to me. There's a man far more worthy of you.
Victoria: Ben?
Victor: Yes. We have all misjudged him. He's not a killer. He didn't murder his father. He's worthy of you. He's a good man.
Victoria: Somebody needs to clear Ben's name.
Maureen: They're gonna put me away. My life will be over.
Victoria: Yeah, but Ben will be getting his life back. I think that's the least you can do as his mother. [Grunts]
Victoria: What are you doing? Hey!
Maureen: [Sighs] Nikki. [Sighs] I was afraid you wouldn't come.
Nikki: Let's not pretend this is a reunion for old friends, shall we?
Maureen: Would you like to sit?
Nikki: First, why don't you give me a good reason why I shouldn't call the police?
Maureen: What about the baby? Isn't that reason enough?
Paul: Whoa. You need a hand?
Dylan: Oh, man, I didn't expect you to come back.
Paul: Well, I'm done with work for the day, so I thought I'd come by and see if you needed any help.
Dylan: No, thanks for the offer. But I've been thinking I could use your help with something else -- a way to take a real stand.
Avery: Nick, it's Avery again. I'm sorry to leave so many messages. I just hope you're okay. Will you call me, please? [Sighs] What are you doing back here?
Joe: What do you think?
Avery: When are you going to get it through your head? I am not interested in playing games with you.
Joe: Then why did you accuse me of vandalizing crimson lights? Do you honestly think that that's something that I could do?
Nikki: What does any of this have to do with Victoria's baby?
Maureen: Because if she is my grandchild, then you won't have to worry about calling the police. I'll -- I'll do it for you, and I'll go take whatever punishment they give me for killing Richard.
Nikki: Ah. Well, that's very noble of you, but that's a sacrifice you won't have to make. The baby is Billy's.
Maureen: Are you sure of that?
Nikki: Quite. They did a DNA test. The results are conclusive.
Maureen: Ohh. My poor Ben. That child would have meant so much to him and to Kelly. Oh, it's just one more heartbreak. [Sighs] Geez, you know, it's been one nightmare after another for this family. I -- you know, I should just probably go turn myself in anyway. I hate who I've become. I hate what I did. I ran and then let Ben carry it for me. I-I hate who I am, Nikki. [Sighs] You know, I wish -- I wish I had known how to ask for help when the abuse started, but I didn't, and we have paid for that ever since.
Nikki: Well, I think you and your family have paid enough. This is enough for you to get out of Genoa City and never look back. Here. Take it.
Billy: Success. One dry diaper and one little girl fast asleep.
Victoria: Thank you.
Billy: Yeah. So, uh, Grandpa Munster leave?
Victoria: Mm, I think you're getting your sitcoms mixed.
Billy: Ah. Yeah, well, you know, munsters, Addams -- it's all the same when it comes to your dad. So, what'd he have to say about me while I was upstairs? I'm sure it was some pretty fantastic trash talk.
Victoria: You know what? He did his best, but I've heard those opinions for years, and I-I don't let it sway me.
Billy: Even now, when he has a real white knight to compare me to?
Victoria: What are you talking about?
Billy: Stitch, Victoria -- Mr. "I took the rap for my mother's crime 'cause I'm such a stand-up guy."
Victoria: Oh. You heard about that.
Billy: Oh, yeah. Yeah, from your dad. He rubbed my face in it.
Victoria: Well, you shouldn't let him get to you.
Billy: Well, he did for a few minutes, and then I-I went upstairs, I took a look at our daughter, and everything seemed fine.
Victoria: Well, she has that effect on people, doesn't she?
Billy: She does.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: You know, I-I still can't believe that it's real -- that she's mine. She's -- she's ours.
Victoria: I know, Billy. It's crazy. After all the fertility treatments and all of the disappointments, you know, she's finally -- she's ours. We have a baby.
[Doorbell rings]
Victoria: Ah, Mom must be back.
Paul: What kind of stand are you talking about?
Dylan: I'm talking about a demonstration. I want to make it big enough and loud enough to make an impact, but I also want to do it within the boundaries of the law.
Paul: Right. Okay. Well, I can definitely help you with the permits you're gonna need, but, uh...
Dylan: "But, uh" -- but what?
Paul: Dylan, the developers you're dealing with have very deep pockets and a lot of clout, and if you anger them enough --
Dylan: I don't care how much money or power they have. I'm not backing down from this.
Paul: Hold on a second. Listen to yourself. You're letting your anger get the better of you.
Dylan: I have a right to be angry.
Paul: Right, it's what you do with your anger that matters. The worst thing you can do is play into their hands.
Dylan: Okay. But this is the right thing to do, and I'm going ahead with it with your help or without it.
Avery: I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't accuse you of anything.
Joe: So why did chief Williams just spend the last 30 minutes interrogating me like I was a common criminal?
Avery: That's news to me. He must have come to that conclusion on his own, but you know what? Now that I think about it, it makes sense.
Joe: It makes sense?
Avery: Yes, it does. You're the one with the most to gain by damaging the coffeehouse.
Joe: By throwing a brick through the window? Avery, someone could have been hurt, all right? I would never have done anything like that. You know, I thought you knew me better than that, but, clearly, you don't know me at all.
Maureen: Are you buying me off?
Nikki: Well, that was my intention, but it's not really necessary anymore. I meant what I said. I have stopped drinking. So you don't really have anything on me.
Maureen: [Sighs] Then -- then why?
Nikki: Because you need it, and this isn't life-changing money, but it might be enough to change your life.
Maureen: So, just -- just go away? Oh, but it's hard to leave Ben and Kelly, and they're going through so much.
Nikki: If you stay here, you'll only be subjecting them to more, and you know that.
Maureen: I am going to use this to get myself back on my feet and become the person that Ben and Kelly will be happy to see when they see me next.
Nikki: Good luck.
Maureen: Thank you. Uh, Nikki. You and I both have a lot of demons. Don't let yours get you down.
Nikki: I wish the same to you.
Maureen: Thank you.
Victor: Stitch. How are you doing? Okay?
Stitch: Yeah.
Victor: Good. It has come to light that you have sacrificed a great deal for your mother. You actually went to prison to cover up the fact that your mother killed your father.
Stitch: It's true.
Victor: I respect that sacrifice a lot. Would you make that same sacrifice for Victoria?
Stitch: [Scoffs] In a heartbeat.
Victor: Then get off your sorry ass and get over to her house and prevent her from making the biggest mistake of her life.
Chelsea: I hope this isn't a bad time.
Victoria: No. Not at all. Come in.
Chelsea: Hi.
Billy: Hey. I didn't know you were planning to stop by.
Chelsea: Well, I wasn't planning to, but then I started sketching, and, uh, well, here. It's kind of still a rough version, but here. You get the idea.
Victoria: Oh. Wow. It's a christening gown.
Chelsea: Yeah. If you like the look of it, I thought I would make it for Katie.
Victoria: It's gorgeous.
Billy: That's an amazing gift. I can't tell you what that means to me.
Chelsea: Oh, it's the least I can do.
Billy: I really appreciate that.
Victoria: Yeah, we both do.
Nick: It doesn't matter what you do. You can take a thousand bullets for Dad. It's not gonna do any good. You're always gonna be on the outside looking in.
Sage: Hey. The ambulance is coming. You're gonna be okay.
Nick: Thank you.
Sage: You're welcome.
Nick: Who are you?
[Sirens wailing]
Sage: Help is here. You're gonna be safe.
Nick: No, wait. Wait.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Gwen: We met through a friend.
Devon: At a club.
Lily: Which one is it?
Hilary: Both.
Lily: How would you know?
Abby: Speaking of prior loves, I heard that you spoke to Kyle.
Kelly: You made me fall in love with you! I hate you for that, Jack!
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