Y&R Transcript Monday 12/1/14

Y&R Transcript Monday 12/1/14


Episode # 10545 ~ The moment of truth arrives for Victoria, Summer confronts Sharon, & Adam's worlds collide!

Provided By Suzanne

Sharon: Nick, if you're trying to avoid me, we need to talk.

Summer: This is not your house and you have no business letting yourself in.

Sharon: I came here to see your father. We need to talk.

Summer: No, you don't. You need to leave him alone. You've hurt him enough already.

Nick: [Groans] [Groans] [Crying]

Adam: Hey, buddy. Pal.

[Bugatti barking]

Adam: Great.

Constance: Oh...

[Barking continues]

Constance: Oh, he's still -- still barking at you.

Adam: Well, yeah. My -- my newest theory is that, uh, I'm still working all these medications out of my system, you know. I don't smell like myself yet, I guess.

[Bugatti barks]

Sage: Actually, bugatti's been off since yesterday -- constantly --

[Bugatti barks]

Sage: Barking at the window. Uh, I'm gonna take him for a walk.

Adam: Good idea.

Sage: Come on, baby. Let's go. Come on. Good boy. Oh, you're so good.

Constance: Animal instincts. We ignore them at our peril.

Avery: Yes. If you could send that over right away, I would appreciate it. Oh!

Michael: Oh! I'm so sorry!

Avery: Ah. Hey, hey. I'll call you back. Thank you.

Michael: Look, here. I'll --

Avery: It's fine. No, no, no.

Michael: I will pay for the dry cleaning.

Avery: No, you won't.

Michael: I'm so sorry.

Avery: Listen, I am a professional klutz, and I keep a backup.

Michael: Still, I should watch where I'm going.

Avery: No. It's fine. No worries. No harm done. Really. Ah. Okay.

Dylan: Hey.

Stitch: Hey.

Dylan: Hey, coffee on the house for the man who delivered my niece. Thank you, though. Seriously.

Stitch: Have you seen the baby yet?

Dylan: I did. I did. A very Newman thanksgiving. I saw the baby, Victoria -- they both look great. How are you doing?

Stitch: Crawling out of my skin, actually. [Chuckles]

Dylan: Why? What's going on?

Stitch: Well, uh... today's the day the test results come in. Yeah. I find out whether Victoria and I made this beautiful, gorgeous little girl or...that I'm not the father. [Chuckles]

Billy: Hey, there she is.

Chelsea: What are you doing? I thought you'd be at the hospital already.

Billy: What? Without you? These test results affect both of us, Chels. I want you with me when I get a thumbs up or A...thumbs down.

[Door opens]

Victoria: Oh, hi, Dr. Walsh. Those are the results of the paternity test?

Dr. Walsh: Yes. They are.

Victoria: All right, Katie. It's time to find out who you're gonna be calling "daddy."

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Colin: Where is your sister?

Jill: Honey, we've been here all of two seconds.

Colin: Yeah, well, she talked about, you know, big doings going on and stuff.

Jill: And what makes you think these big doings have anything to do with you?

Colin: If it affects my wife. Ergo, it affects me.

Jill: Especially if it turns a profit.

Colin: You got a problem with turning a profit?

Jill: No. As long as it doesn't involve turning Fenmore's into a money-laundering venture again.

Colin: That -- that was times gone by. Look, I-I had to humor a loan shark who was threatening something that I hold very dear.

Jill: Aww. Your money clip.

Colin: [Sighs] My beloved wife. I'll introduce you one of these days.

Jill: [Laughs]

Colin: Look -- look, having money is great. I mean, you spend it, it's a blessing, you throw it in the air. But you have my heart.

Jill: Aww, baby. But don't forget -- Lauren didn't want to let you in on Fenmore's in the first place.

Colin: Yeah. Big deal. I got other fish to fry. So there.

Avery: Oh! What the hell are you doing?!

Joe: Enjoying the view on my way to Michael's office.

Avery: You know where his office is. This isn't it.

Joe: Nothing I haven't seen before or thought about since.

Avery: You just don't get the hint, do you?

Joe: What? Do you always do that? Change clothes with the blinds open?

Avery: Uh, I am focused on my work, Joe, which today involves crushing your vendetta project.

Joe: You know, you keep saying it's personal. Your boyfriend does, too. I don't think either of the two of you understand the potential or the scope of this project.

Avery: Oh, I understand the scope. And so does the public, and they don't like it. Our grassroots opposition -- it's gaining momentum.

Joe: Couple of has-beens reminiscing about the good ol' days?

Avery: Well, I also got news we cleared another hurdle for getting landmark status on the coffee house.

Joe: A hurdle?

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Joe: You think you're gonna be able to get to the finish line before this deal closes?

Avery: I'm not worried.

Joe: You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Avery: Oh, come on, Joe. Like you said, it's not personal, right? It's just business.

Dylan: A baby is great. But a baby doesn't fix everything. Don't you and Victoria still have a lot of stuff to get past?

Stitch: Well, not that much anymore, actually.

Dylan: Really? Uh, how come?

Stitch: Hey...do you remember when I told you that there was more to the story with my father? You know, I-I finally opened up about it to Victoria. Now that she knows the truth, all of it, it changes everything.

Dylan: Well, do I get to be in on it, or are you just gonna keep me guessing?

Stitch: Look, the night my father died, he was drunk. He was violent. That's -- that's how he was. We fought all the time, but that night -- that night was really bad. The two of us went at it. I left. I went to cool off. And when I came back, the shed he was in was on fire. My mother -- she was just standing there, watching it burn.

Dylan: Your mother.

Stitch: He had been on her for years. He never let up on her. She just snapped.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Stitch: You and I know how that goes.

Dylan: What -- afterwards, she let you take the fall?

Stitch: I wanted to. It was my choice.

Dylan: You had to do time so your mother wouldn't.

Stitch: After I got out, I had a life, you know? Yeah, it was with someone else's name, but I had the military, Jenna and max, med school. It was my choice.

Dylan: Yeah, but how -- how come, you know, once Chelsea and Kevin started digging into your past, you didn't just come out and say that you were innocent?

Stitch: She was my mother, Mac. I was gonna take it to the grave, but then Victoria... I couldn't let her think that her baby's father was a killer. It was time for her to know.

Dylan: I feel like a jerk.

Stitch: [Chuckles]

Dylan: I mean, some of the things that I said, even believing this could be true...

Stitch: The thing is I told you there was more, and you trusted me. You were a real friend no matter what. I'm never gonna forget that.

Chelsea: You're not the same man I met in Myanmar. And -- and I'm not the same woman.

Billy: Well, I think it's safe to say that neither of us saw this coming, so just come with me.

Chelsea: Look, I think it was great that you wanted me there when you took the paternity test. And -- and to be honest with you, I'm glad I got a moment alone with Victoria.

Billy: Yeah, yeah. How did that go?

Chelsea: Uh, it was -- it was good. I told her how happy I am for her.

Billy: Yeah?

Chelsea: Yeah. I mean, she gets to be a mom again. I am happy for her. But I didn't tell her how happy I am for us. I mean, we're good, Billy. You don't have to hold my hand when you get these test results back. I am okay no matter what happens. The question is, will you be?

Billy: Chels, I-I want her to be mine -- the baby. I do. I held her. I watched her take her first breath. You know, I got to do that with Delia, and it changed my life forever. And this baby -- she's not some Dee Dee stand-in. She's her own little person.

Chelsea: You've wanted to give Victoria a baby for so long. Lucy...

Billy: Lucy.

Chelsea: And Johnny, but -- but this -- I mean, this would be different.

Billy: If my DNA matches, it doesn't mean instant family. It just means -- it means I'm a dad again. That's it.

Chelsea: Oh, Billy, come on. That is not all it means. If this baby turns out to be yours, there are gonna be... thoughts and -- and feelings for you and Victoria. I'm just being a realist. We have to at least acknowledge that...it may change things.

Billy: It will change things. Just not between you and me. Hey. You're a realist. This is real.

Dr. Walsh: We've done a measure of 16 genetic markers, and there's a match of all 16.

Victoria: Okay, so...there's no confusion. There's no chance that it's not accurate. I mean, your lab is -- it's secure, right? It's just, you know, sometimes, things happen, like, on accident or -- or on purpose, and, um... you just -- you're 100% sure that you know who the father is? Okay. This is it, then.

[Door opens]

Stitch: Sorry. Am I late?

Victoria: No. It's okay. Did you see Billy out there?

Stitch: Uh, no. No, I didn't.

Victoria: Oh. Okay. Well, maybe we should just wait until he gets here, you know, so that we can all find out at once.

Billy: Sure. Yeah. You're call. Sure.

Victoria: Dr. Walsh, would you mind giving us a moment? Thanks.

Stitch: So, how you feeling?

Victoria: Tired.

Stitch: Yeah?

Victoria: If that counts.

Stitch: The baby keep you up last night?

Victoria: [Sighs] Uh, yeah. But, you know, losing sleep for this reason is the best reason in the world. My mom and dad helped me out. I stayed at the ranch last night.

Stitch: Well, good. I-I'm glad someone was with you.

Victoria: Yeah. How are you? How's Maureen? Have you -- have you heard from her?

Stitch: No. Not since she left the hospital.

Victoria: Did you tell the police what happened?

Stitch: Paul knows.

Victoria: Oh. Okay. Hopefully he'll be able to find her.

Stitch: You know... [Clears throat] You know, I, uh -- I have been worrying about my mother for years. And right now, this moment is all I care about.

Victoria: She's here. She's real.

Stitch: She is amazing. And so are you.

Victoria: Thanks. You know, I look at her, I study her little ears and her nose, try to figure out who she looks like... you know, who her father is, and -- and then it just kind of hits me that I'm getting to know you, you know, and learning who you are.

Stitch: Victoria, you always knew the real me, okay? It was just the details that weren't true.

Victoria: I feel really terrible about...the things I said to you and the way that I treated you.

Stitch: What else could you think?

Victoria: [Sighs] I could have trusted you. You made an incredible sacrifice. You were totally selfless out of love. I mean, what kind of mother wouldn't want that man as a father for her child?

[Door opens]

Billy: Hey. Um... so, what's the word?

Anita: Hello? Don't call me and tell me the baby-daddy results are in and then just sit here working.

Chelsea: Well, I called you for support, so clearly my brain isn't working at full speed.

Anita: All right. You just get your fanny to the hospital and you go mark your territory, missy.

Chelsea: You know what? I think I'm feeling better. You can go. Really. I'm all better.

Anita: All right. When has anyone ever handed us what we want? You and me -- we make our own luck. Now, Billy is yours now. So go get him.

Chelsea: I can't. He has to want me and no one else. I'm sick of being second choice.

Anita: Oh, pumpkin, what the hell were you thinking letting him go?

Sharon: Summer, your dad and I -- we're still faith's parents. We need to work together, and that means talking.

Summer: Yeah, talking and then crying to him and then begging for his forgiveness. We all know how you work, Sharon. I've heard my mom say plenty about it when she didn't think that I could hear her.

Sharon: [Sighs] I'm so sorry for how I hurt you. You have no idea how much I regret that. But you have to know that after the ECT, I had completely forgotten what I had done, and... you and I had become close. I loved being your friend. I really loved helping you get ready for your wedding to Austin, being family with you and Noah.

Summer: And then what about Jack, the guy that you randomly made my father, and Kyle, who you made my brother? What about that family?

Sharon: I know how hard it was for you.

Summer: No. What you know is what you want and what you feel. You took my father from me and then my mother. And then you had the nerve to try to take her place.

Sharon: I would never.

Summer: You said that you loved my dad and then you broke his heart. My dad left because he couldn't even stand to be in the same town as you. You will never get the chance to hurt him ever again.

Sage: Bugatti! Come back here to -- [Screams] No! Sit. Sit. Oh, geez. Hello? Hello! Can you hear me?! Okay. There's still time left. No, no. Bugatti, stay here. Stay here. Stay here. Okay. [Grunts] God. This is insane. [Grunts] Uh...oh, my God. Hey. Hello? Can you -- look. Can you look at me?

Nick: [Weakly] Help.

Sage: Okay. You're gonna be okay, all right? I'm gonna go and get help. Can you hang in there, please? Okay.

Nick: Thank you.

Lauren: Hi, guys. Sorry I'm late.

Jill: Oh, that's okay.

Colin: Hey.

Lauren: How you doing, sis? Mwah!

Colin: Let -- let's get down to business.

Lauren: Okay, yeah. Let's do that. All right. So, Fenmore's has been offered a very solid opportunity that I think we should look into.

Jill: Wait. This is the development that Esther was blathering about. She signed a petition to prevent this.

Lauren: Oh, please. There's always opposition to any new developments.

Colin: Well, what's everybody on about?

Jill: It'll flatten the area. It'll toss out all the current business owners.

Lauren: He didn't mention -- which businesses?

Colin: Well, you know, we're talking about economic Darwinism...

Jill: Didn't you see the blocks that are gonna be affected?

Lauren: No, I didn't.

Dylan: You guys talking about the development?

Jill: Yeah. Crimson lights is in that area.

Dylan: Yes.

Lauren: What?!

Dylan: Me and then the, uh, used-book store, the ice-cream parlor -- pretty much everything you see from the coffee-house front door -- gone.

Colin: Yeah, but it'll create jobs. I mean, it'll boost the economy.

Dylan: You know, the rich getting richer and family and independent businesses getting squeezed into oblivion.

Jill: [Sighs]

Dylan: You know the guy behind it, Joe Clark?

Lauren: Yeah.

Dylan: Avery's ex-husband.

Lauren: He didn't say that to me.

Dylan: Well, he has a personal vendetta against me, and he has no problem taking other people down with me. Actually, I'm here meeting with other small-business owners because we are gonna fight. I'm sorry. I know that's gonna put Michael in a tough position.

Jill: Why Michael?

Lauren: [Sighs] Because Michael represents Joe. And I'm assuming that Avery's gonna fight this for you. [Chuckles] Michael did not say one word about how ugly this would be.

Joe: So, this is you fighting your boyfriend's battle.

Avery: I'm protecting an important part of this town. This is my home now.

Joe: An important part of the town? Really? The insurance office and the video store?

Avery: I fight for people who deserve it, just like I do the innocence foundation. Because, you know, too often, people with money and power steamroll over everybody else.

Joe: Well, I didn't realize you were such a bleeding heart.

Avery: Well, maybe you should have actually paid attention when we were married.

Joe: Yeah, I found out the hard way. Nice blouse, by the way.

Michael: It's called knocking, Clark.

Joe: What the hell are you doing about this? You had no idea about the opposition, did you? Probably not something the client should bring to the attorney's attention. You know, Avery's also trying for landmark status for crimson lights. And you're doing what? Drinking a bloody Mary.

Michael: It's tomato juice. Do your clients know about your very intense personal mission with regards to your ex-wife's boyfriend?

Joe: My clients care about making money. I care about making money. And I assume you care, based on the rates that you're charging me. So fix it.

[Cell phone rings]

Michael: Dr. Larson.

Adam: Okay. Here you are. Just a touch of milk.

Constance: Exactly. Thank you.

Adam: Put a piece of chocolate on there for you, too. I won't tell if you won't.

Constance: I used to say that to you all the time when you were a boy.

Adam: Yeah. We were quite a team, weren't we?

Constance: Weren't we?

Adam: Even though I often let you down, right?

Constance: But...what you did out there that night -- risking yourself.

Adam: It was -- it was one night. And I failed. The man I was trying to save died. I think maybe, uh... never mind. [Chuckles]

Constance: No, Gabriel. No. Go on. Tell me.

Adam: Right. Well, I-I was just gonna say, you know, I think, um -- I think the man that I used to be is also gone. And -- and I know there are parts of me that that's no great loss, but there are other parts, connections that I used to have that were... they were special. You know, now, after all of this, my own dog doesn't even recognize me. And you look at me like I'm a stranger sometimes.

Constance: Oh... oh, my darling boy.

Adam: No, you -- you don't have to make excuses for me, grandmother. Not anymore. I know what I've done. I know who I am, and I know what I have to do to make it right. I do. It's actually, uh, in this book that you gave me. I marked the page -- 138. It says, "suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and it's taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I've been bent and I've been broken, but hopefully into a better shape."

Constance: When we're lucky, Gabriel -- when we're luckier than we deserve, a blessing can sometimes come from tragedy.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah, maybe we're both lucky. [Chuckles]

Constance: I think we are.

Chelsea: I let Billy go alone because this baby isn't about me.

Anita: Is he your man or not?

Chelsea: I want him to be, more than I expected. He says things will be all right. But, you know, sometimes people say that and then...

Anita: Oh, sweetie. [Sighs] Enough of that warm and fuzzy nonsense.

Chelsea: Okay.

Anita: [Chuckles] Now listen to me. I think you have misjudged the competition. She's Victor Newman's daughter.

Chelsea: Mom...

Anita: She knows a thing or two about mind games.

Chelsea: I don't think Victoria has enjoyed this whole process of not knowing who her baby daddy is.

Anita: Please. She loved every second of it. Two men fighting over the baby, fighting over her, trying to outdo each other. Meanwhile, she's like, [High-pitched voice] "Oh, I can't trust you bad men! I'll just take care of the baby myself." [Normal voice] What a load. She knows how to play that "who's the baby daddy" like a pro. You know, I think maybe she knew it was do or die when Billy shacked up with you.

Chelsea: Victoria didn't --

Anita: Don't be so sure.

Chelsea: You know what?

Anita: Seriously --

Chelsea: I have to get back to work. Let's just grab this and --

Anita: Are you shooing me out?

Chelsea: No! Maybe. Maybe a little bit. But it's lovely to see you, and I love you. And you'll be able to see Connor soon.

Anita: Are you okay?

Chelsea: I'm good, mom. Love you. Mean it.

Anita: Give Connor a kiss.

Chelsea: I sure will. Okay. Bye-bye. [Sighs]

Billy: Well, I guess we've waited this long. We can...wait some more. [Chuckles]

Stitch: Yeah.

Victoria: The doctor should be here soon. She's perfect, isn't she?

Billy: Yeah, she is.

Stitch: She's amazing. Yeah.

[Door opens]

Dr. Walsh: You all set?

Stitch: Yeah.

Victoria: Thanks for giving us a moment, Dr. Walsh. I appreciate that. So, um... as you can see, both men are here, and I guess we're ready to do this. The doctor's already explained to me that the test results are definitive and accurate, and, um, I-I just -- I'd like to see them first, if you don't mind.

Stitch: Oh, yeah. Sure.

Billy: Whatever you want.

Stitch: Yeah. Sure.

Victoria: Thank you.

Dr. Walsh: You're the baby's father, Mr. Abbott.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Victoria: Ben...

Stitch: Uh, she's beautiful, Victoria. It's -- [Chuckles] Take care of yourself. Uh...congrats, Billy.

Billy: Hey, um... thank you.

Stitch: Yeah.

Billy: Hey. [Chuckles] Vicki, she's, uh --

Victoria: I know.

Billy: [Chuckles] Hey. Hey, you.

Victoria: Katherine. This is your dad.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Sharon: Summer, I love nick. I love him more than I would love any other man. He's the last person I would want to hurt.

Summer: That is such a lie. You knew what you were doing when you messed up that test. And then you decided to cut yourself a break by erasing your memory so that you could play innocent.

Sharon: I had no control over that.

Summer: It's just disgusting the way that you sucked up to me. Did you really think that I would forget my real mother if you were just nice enough to me?

Sharon: What happened to Phyllis was an accident.

Summer: [Scoffs] Really? Because you've hated her since I was born.

Sharon: No. It was the other way around. Phyllis has always chased off anyone who she felt threatened by. She -- she chased anyone away from nick and Daniel, and she's probably done that to you and Austin, hasn't she?

Summer: You have the nerve to badmouth my mother to me? My mother has people who love her. Who do you have left? Exactly. You better leave before I have security throw you out.

[Cell phone rings]

Sharon: Mr. Sherman. Uh, David, thank you for calling. I'm trying to find nick. I need to talk to him about custody, but he hasn't come back to town yet, and he hasn't checked in with faith. You think we can use that against him?

Nick: [Exclaims] [Groans] [Exclaims] [Screams] [Crying]

Adam: I had tea with Constance, put the little chocolate on the platter. It was a hit.

Sage: Okay. Stop talking. The dog found someone -- a man injured. Some lunatic put a bear trap in the woods. I need you to help me.

Adam: A man got caught in a bear trap?

Sage: That's right.

Adam: Gee, that sounds serious. You should call an ambulance.

Sage: No. There's not time for an ambulance. I need you to help me. There is so much blood.

Adam: I bet.

Sage: Someone died saving your life. And you can't be bothered to help someone else?

Adam: Okay. Yeah. No, let's -- let's go.

Jill: Don'

Jill: Okay, now, look at this place.

Colin: Marvelous. A coffee shop. Wherever will we find another? Like, every street corner.

Jill: Don't you understand how important history is? Honey, it's memories and smells and tastes, and it -- it grounds us. It keeps us honest.

Colin: Yeah.

Jill: Well, it keeps some of us honest.

Colin: Look, I love progress. I love opportunity. I love the thrill of that, and I-I really love it when you get all fired up.

Dylan: Hello, again.

Jill: Oh, hi.

Dylan: I'm gonna head to the counter if you guys want to order something.

Jill: No, no, no. I was just giving my husband here a Genoa City civics lesson. What a disaster it would be for somebody to replace buildings like this with some new development.

Dylan: Yeah. I'm glad to know you're on our side.

Jill: Mm-hmm.

Dylan: I'm not going down without a fight. Actually, I'm not going down at all.

Colin: That's the spirit.

Jill: Good.

Colin: Oh, please.

Jill: Stop.

Dylan: Pretty sure I told you you're not welcome here.

Joe: You know, you're living in quite a world of denial, my friend. This deal's going through. Why not just move on?

Dylan: For a guy who's so sure he's gonna win, you seem a little nervous.

Joe: You ever think about how much pressure this is putting on Avery that at any given moment, you're about to blow a gasket and clock me again?

Dylan: Avery's fine. I'm fine. The residents of Genoa City -- they're getting fired up. And getting building permits in that atmosphere is really tough to do. Your investors should know that they're throwing their money away.

Joe: You know, Avery gave me a speech today about fighting for lost causes. I realized she was referring to you.

Avery: Yes. Well, given the age, the unique construction, and the importance to the town, landmark status is completely reasonable. Great. Yes, I understand it has to go to vote, but I appreciate that. Thank you very much. Okay. Bye-bye. Hey. Hi.

Summer: Hi.

Avery: How are you?

Summer: Hi.

Avery: Hi.

Summer: I'm good. My dad left town for a few days, and he hasn't been in touch with anybody as far as I can tell.

Avery: Honey, if nick needs time --

Summer: No. Sharon broke my dad's heart and now nobody's even heard from him.

Avery: Summer, what are you worried about? You don't think that your dad would --

Summer: No. No, I -- just where is he and why hasn't he at least called me?

Avery: Look, I know her loves you, faith, and Noah more than anything. He just needs time. Okay? He's not going anywhere.

Michael: Yes, doctor. I understand about the additional testing. But what are my treatment options? Yeah. No. Not on the phone. Fine. Thank you. Yes. Thanks.

Lauren: Why didn't you tell me?

Michael: Lauren --

Lauren: Something this big that affects so many people, and you don't say a word to me.

Michael: I don't know what you're talking about.

Lauren: Joe Clark is gonna destroy the warehouse district and you're helping him.

Michael: You know what? The details of that are --

Lauren: Are horrifying! And there is no way that you didn't know about it. You are the most detail-oriented person I know.

Michael: Look, my -- my relations with Clark are very limited at best. He has investors. They have opinions.

Lauren: They are not locals and they don't care about the small businesses here. Since when don't you care?

Michael: You do not understand everything!

Lauren: Oh, well. And clearly you can't be bothered to explain it to me.

Michael: Lauren, Lauren! Wait! Wait.

Billy: Oh, hey. Hi. Hi. There you are. Come here. Daddy, Dada, Pop -- whatever you want to call me, Katherine. Do you know how many people love you? Hmm? Already you got your mom and you got your brothers. Yeah. And you got me. I'm the luckiest dad ever. Katherine.

Victoria: Katie. Um...I just thought it would be the right name.

[Both chuckle]

Victoria: For so many reasons.

Billy: Yeah. That means that you are gonna be a handful... and worth every second of it. Yeah.

Victoria: And I was thinking for the middle name...Rose.

Billy: Dee Dee's favorite. Tea roses.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Victoria: I know it's never gonna be the same.

Billy: No. No, Vick. She's -- she's her own little miracle, aren't you? Yeah. Yeah.

Victoria: She already has angels watching over her -- Katherine and Delia. They'll always been watching out for her.

Billy: Yes, they will. Katherine rose.

Victoria: [Chuckles]

Billy: [Chuckles]

Adam: Are you sure this guy isn't just sleeping off a rough night or something?

Sage: Yes. I told you. He's caught in a trap.

Adam: All right. I got it. I got it.

Sage: [Gasps] There he is. Please be alive. Please be alive. Please be alive. Please be alive. You okay? You okay?

Adam: Son of a bitch.

Billy: Yeah, I'm -- I'm -- I'm holding her right now. I'm looking into my daughter's eyes.

Chelsea: Oh. Billy, I'm so happy for you.

Billy: Hey, listen, I'm gonna help Victoria get the baby home, all settled in. I, uh -- I think they were at the ranch last night.

Chelsea: So... [Clears throat] This is the baby's first time home?

Billy: Yeah. Yeah, and I get to be there.

[Footsteps approaching]

Dylan: [Sighs]

[Glass shattering]

Stitch: [Sniffles]

Billy: You ready?

[Katie fusses]

Billy: Oh, hang on. Hang on. I'll get it. I'll get it. There we go.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Sage: [Grunts]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chelsea: Billy is not an option for Victoria because Billy is not available. I'm gonna see to that.

Victor: What is he doing holding my granddaughter?

Sage: You know him, don't you?

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