Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/19/14
Episode # 10539 ~ Sharon & Avery face-off; Dylan confronts Joe; Kevin's secret is revealed.
Provided By Suzanne
Avery: Just leave the file, Phoebe.
Sharon: What are you working on? Nick's case against me?
Avery: And if I am?
Sharon: You didn't think that I'd just let you take my child away from me, did you?
Nick: Yeah, so, I pull up to the hospital.
Dylan: Did you see Victoria and the baby? How are they? Stitch left me --
Nick: Dude, I'm getting to that part.
Dylan: Okay.
Nick: So, I get there, and they're both asleep, but apparently Vick and our niece are doing great.
Dylan: Our niece. That's awesome. That sounds pretty cool, huh?
Nick: It's super cool.
Dylan: I wanted to go, but I figured I'd just lay low for a little while.
Nick: Yeah, no, I get it. But let's go soon. Maybe we'll do it together, like an "uncle brigade" thing.
Dylan: Yeah. Smart way to stay busy and focus on the good stuff.
Nick: What stuff? Like the Sharon stuff? And I'm fine, before you ask.
Dylan: Am I -- am I supposed to buy that, really?
Nick: What's the alternative? Supposed to get all worked up and pissed off again and... you know, when I think about what Sharon did, the way she hurt Summer, I-I get so mad, I can't even think straight.
Dylan: You can't think straight, so what -- what are you gonna do? You gonna move on, or do you want to make Sharon pay?
Joe: Ms. Fenmore?
Lauren: [Gasps] Oh. Uh, Lauren, please.
Joe: Would you like to join me at the bar?
Lauren: You're so sweet. I'm -- I'm looking for somebody.
Joe: Oh, I believe I'm the person you're looking for.
Michael: [Sighs]
[Door opens]
Kevin: [Sighs] Receptionist told me to tell you the doctor's running late.
Michael: What the hell is wrong with you? Get out.
Kevin: I just got here.
Michael: I did not invite you to this consultation. I didn't even tell you when it was -- for a reason.
Kevin: Well, I am me. I have a very specific skill set, and I got the information I needed. Are there any good magazines in here?
Michael: You think I'm just gonna sit here and allow you to invade my privacy over and over again like this?
Kevin: And do you think I'm just gonna allow you to go through this alone? No.
Nick: There's no "make Sharon pay." I just got to help my kids through this.
Dylan: She does love them and they -- they do love her.
Nick: Yeah, her kids. My kid she threw right under the bus.
Dylan: That's why I asked you about payback.
Nick: I don't want to make Sharon pay, all right? I don't want to be anywhere near her. But my kids are stuck right in the middle of this, which I hate. I hate it a lot.
Mariah: Yeah, you're not the only one, bud.
Sharon: Faith is surrounded by pain and confusion and chaos. I'm not going to let her become some pawn just because Nicholas is upset with me.
Avery: So this is nick's fault.
Sharon: I hurt him. It's exactly what I wanted to avoid, and it happened. So now he's lashing out at me. None of his decisions make any sense. If he wanted to protect faith, dragging her through some horrible legal mess, that's not the way to do it.
Avery: Well, there doesn't have to be a legal mess if you just give up custody.
Sharon: Never. And not because I'm selfish. Because my daughter needs me.
Avery: Okay. Then legal case it is.
Sharon: You know, if you actually had ever cared about faith, I think you'd be talking Nicholas out of this right now. So evidently that was all an act.
Avery: Faith will be loved and cared for by the parent capable of doing so, and that's Nick. And you, Sharon, you're gonna get exactly what you deserve.
Michael: Beyond the issue of my privacy, do you think you could just accept the fact that this is the way I want to handle things?
Kevin: Have I said anything to Lauren about your diagnosis? Nope. Have I said anything to fen or Gloria?
Michael: Oh, lord.
Kevin: No, of course not. See, Michael, I can back you up on what you want, but only so far.
Michael: You have to let me deal with this the way I want to.
Kevin: Or I can be a decent brother and help you through it. I choose option "B."
Michael: Help me through what? It's a meeting.
Kevin: Well, they say you should work the buddy system for oncology appointments, have somebody taking notes, ask questions you may not think of at the time.
Michael: "They" say. Who's "they"?
Kevin: People, Michael. People who have gone through this. It's a lot to process. So I'm your backup. I'll take notes, and I'll e-mail them to you later.
Michael: And this is you being helpful?
Kevin: Trying to be, yeah.
Michael: And it has nothing to do with you thinking that I won't tell you every little detail. I wasn't planning to lie to you, Kevin.
Kevin: Maybe it's not me I'm worried about. I'm concerned you're gonna lie to yourself.
Lauren: You're the one I'm looking for? [Chuckles] I am so not interested.
Joe: No, I'm sorry. That must have sounded... I'm Joe Clark.
Lauren: The man I'm meeting? Oh! [Laughing] Oh, my God. I'm so embarrassed.
Joe: No, it's okay. It's not your fault. It's not like I'm wearing a name tag.
Lauren: No, but...
Joe: I'm sure it happens to you all the time, beautiful lady like yourself.
Lauren: Joe... [Chuckles] Anyway, it's so nice to meet you. And, um, why did you ask for this meeting?
Joe: Well, I'm a client of your husband's, and I was hoping that you and I can work together, as well. I've got a proposition I'd like to share with you. Strictly business, I swear.
Dylan: This looks like a good time for me to go do some stuff.
Nick: Glad, uh, we ran into each other. We haven't talked since...
Mariah: Yeah. Summer filled me in, which was awesome, because somehow this is my fault since I have Sharon's genes.
Nick: Look, Summer's just going through a rough time right now. Nobody blames you.
Mariah: She does. I heard you moved out of Sharon's.
Nick: Did you expect me to stay?
Mariah: From what I heard, you two have caused a lot of damage to each other. And, I mean, weren't you and Sharon married when precious snowflake Summer was conceived?
Nick: Look, I hate what I put Sharon through, but we were both adults. What Sharon did to my daughter, the way she hurt her, is unforgivable.
Mariah: So even though she was sick and she regrets everything that she did, and even though you swore that you would be a family and that you could get through anything...
Nick: And I meant that. And I just wish it was anything else in the world, because I know we could have got through it together as a family, all of us.
Mariah: Instead it's every man for himself.
Nick: Mariah, it's not like that. You're Cassie's sister. I love having you in our lives. The last thing I want is for you to feel like you're stuck in the middle of this, like you got to choose sides.
Mariah: People always have to choose, and I will, too.
Sharon: It's not up to you to decide what I deserve. And regardless, this is about what faith deserves. She deserves love and support and continuity and not to be dragged through her parents' issues.
Avery: You know, it's remarkable, this strong maternal instinct you have, considering you're the one who used faith to come between Nick and me.
Sharon: Okay, first of all, I was ill back then. And secondly, I am not the reason why you didn't end up marrying Nicholas. You did that all on your own when you left him at the altar. Anyway, I don't know what that matters. You and Dylan are so happy now.
Avery: Because it's a pattern of behavior with you, Sharon. I have watched you do terrible things to people, and somehow you always make it someone else's fault! You tormented my niece, letting her think her father wasn't her father! That's sick, Sharon! It's manipulative and cruel. And you know what? I don't give a damn if you didn't push Phyllis down the stairs. You're the reason my sister lost a year of her life. You're the reason that Summer didn't have a mother to turn to when she needed one the most.
Sharon: I feel terrible about what I did to Summer and Nick. But I can't apologize enough for what I've done. Now I'm healthy. Nick's gone. I'm not falling into a million pieces. I'm thinking like a mother. I'm trying to protect my child.
Avery: Well, Nick thinks he's best suited to take care of faith.
Sharon: Well, Nick is wrong, because that's not what's best for faith. You know, you can't understand this, Avery, because you don't have children of your own, but I guarantee you, if you did, you would be fighting on my side to help me keep my child. You are fighting on the wrong side. You're fighting against motherhood, and you're not gonna win this fight.
Avery: You've just given me all the ammunition I need. I can't possibly lose.
Joe: The prospectus is for a new development in the warehouse district. Great location, plenty of foot traffic, close proximity to green space, and, of course, ample amounts of parking.
Lauren: All right, so this is restaurant and retail?
Joe: All high-end. Destination dining, shopping, a place where someone could go spend hours or get in and out of quickly.
Lauren: Mm-hmm.
Joe: Now, we're looking for a special type of clientele.
Lauren: Sure. You want disposable income, a discerning eye, oh, someone who values quality, and will be a loyal customer in return.
Joe: The exact type of clientele that you and your sister cultivate at Fenmore's.
Lauren: Well, this is a prospectus. Have you broken ground yet?
Joe: No, but that's why we can offer you a pre-construction rate on your lease, and we can also tailor the space to your exact specifications.
Lauren: You've given me a lot to think about. Can I take this?
Joe: Absolutely. Can I get you another copy for your --
Lauren: No, no, no. I'm fine. If I have any questions, I can call you. Uh, yeah, Jill and I will definitely think about this. Thank you. I will be in touch.
Joe: Great. Well, thank you. Oh, and give my best to Michael.
Lauren: Actually, you may run into him. He's meeting me for lunch shortly.
Joe: He's out of the office? I'd really like to stick around, but I have another meeting I've got to get to. It was nice to finally meet you, though.
Lauren: Yeah. Lovely to meet you, as well.
Joe: Officially.
Lauren: Yes, officially. Have a good one. Honey, uh, my meeting ended much sooner than I'd anticipated, so if you're free, come on by the club. See you soon. Love you.
Michael: What do you think, Kevin? That I'm here because I'm in complete denial of my condition? Or do you still think this is some elaborate cover-up for my having an affair with a receptionist?
Kevin: We've never done this before, Michael. Never gone through cancer.
Michael: "We"? You have it, too?
Kevin: There are questions you need to ask and answers you need to hear. I need to hear them, too.
Dr. Larson: Michael Baldwin?
Michael: Yes, uh, that would be me.
Dr. Larson: Derek Larson.
Kevin: It's dr. Larson, though, right?
Dr. Larson: Very much so.
Kevin: Kevin fisher. I'm his brother. I'm his backup.
Dr. Larson: Always helps to have a second set of ears.
Michael: I was just explaining to Kevin that I would like this meeting to be one-on-one.
Kevin: The doctor just said it helps to have --
Michael: Kevin.
Dr. Larson: It's always the patient's call.
Kevin: Okay, I'll be outside. Or actually I have somewhere to be. You'll take good care of him, though, yeah?
Dr. Larson: I will.
Kevin: Okay.
Michael: Sorry. He's a nuisance.
Dr. Larson: It's not a bad thing having somebody like that around. You'd be surprised how helpful they can be.
Michael: I would be surprised, yes.
Dr. Larson: Now, for initial meetings, I usually start with my background and degrees, so, like your brother, you can be assured I know what I'm doing.
Michael: Actually, you come highly recommended by dr. Botnik, so really, I would like to dispense with the preliminaries and cut to the chase. [Clears throat] What can you tell me about my diagnosis?
Nick: [Sighs] Hey. Any, uh, progress with my case?
Avery: Uh, I'm in the middle of drafting a motion. But I did lose some work time dealing with Sharon.
Nick: What'd she want? Try and get you to not take the case?
Avery: Well, I told her the way to avoid a fight would be to give up custody of her own volition.
Nick: She's never gonna do that. She doesn't see herself as a danger to faith.
Avery: Mm-hmm. She made that clear. So court is the only alternative.
Nick: I know it's gonna be rough, but it'll be worth it. I'll get custody of my daughter.
Avery: I insisted to Sharon that we would win, but, Nick, the truth is, we can't be sure of that.
Nick: I've already won custody before. Sharon has a history of instability.
Avery: Yes, that's true, but she's been managing her illness for months. And you, just a week ago, saw her as a fit parent, so a court may not see her prior acts as something to deny her custody of.
Nick: Are you saying there's a chance I could lose?
Avery: I know that's a foreign concept for a Newman, but this is a tricky case. And it's gonna be an ugly battle.
Sharon: Oh, sorry.
Dylan: Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to --
Sharon: Oh. Hi.
Dylan: Hey. You know, actually, I was, uh, wondering when I would run into you. Not literally, but...
Sharon: Because you talked to Avery and she told you everything?
Dylan: You know, Nick and I spoke, too.
Sharon: So now you know I lied. I lied, and because of me, one man thought he was a father when that wasn't true at all. Just like Chelsea and you.
Dylan: Not exactly like that.
Sharon: Okay, well, whatever it is you want to say, I've already said it to myself a hundred times, so you don't have to bother.
Dylan: No, no, no. Hold on. You need to stay. I need to say this.
Dr. Larson: Well, we need more information before we can determine what stage your cancer has progressed to, and then comes the treatment protocol.
Michael: As I understand it, sometimes a protocol is no treatment at all. Uh, active surveillance.
Dr. Larson: In some instances, but given your biopsy results, your PSA --
Michael: Prostate specific antigen.
Dr. Larson: Yes. Your PSA levels and your Gleason score, it's likely your cancer is beyond stage one and treatment will be necessary.
Michael: I've been reading about some other approaches. Uh, the, um, antioxidants in tomatoes.
Dr. Larson: Lycopene?
Michael: Exactly. And there are other over-the-counter supplements of these kind of things can prevent the cancer from spreading.
Dr. Larson: Michael, the web is a valuable resource, but in this case, please come to me. Call me. Ask me whatever questions you need answered.
Michael: I do have a question. Um... the other issue, uh... the medication was helping, uh, but was that, uh, a symptom of my condition, or will it, uh, continue, get worse?
Dr. Larson: I suspect the erectile dysfunction is unrelated. But it did you a favor. Got you into the doctor's office so the cancer could be discovered.
Michael: What's next?
Dr. Larson: Tests, imaging. We see if the cancer is localized or has spread, and then we take it from there.
Kevin: So, this is what a rollicking good time looks like. You having a good day?
Mariah: Fabulous. You?
Kevin: There are absolutely no words. So, you start.
Mariah: Well, since I'm trying to be better at this whole friendship thing, I will spare you the misery. So, you. Go. Start. Find words. Oh, come on. Try at least. You always have something bad going on.
Kevin: Well, that is warm and fuzzy. But I, um, I cannot get into it. Seriously. So, what's your misery? Sharon stuff? The non-wedding?
Mariah: I wasn't looking for a family. I was doing just fine without one.
Kevin: And you had one thrust upon you.
Mariah: And as it turns out, they didn't totally suck.
Kevin: Amazing when that happens, right?
Mariah: It is. It was. But it turns out my kind of sort of family is just as screwed up as everything else in my life.
Sharon: I know. I'm a terrible person, and you despise me now. I just can't -- I can't take it anymore.
Dylan: Okay, hold -- hold on. I hate what you did. But despise you? No. I mean, that would make me a big hypocrite, especially after what I did.
Sharon: Well, you didn't tell Chelsea to lie to you about Connor any more than Nick told me to lie about Summer.
Dylan: I know, but after, when I ran off with Connor. It was like my brain just went to this other place where I only had one mission and I was absolutely sure that it was the right thing to do. You know, anything could have happened to that child because of the switch in my head.
Sharon: I was so confused. I-I was ill. I was damaged at that point. The thoughts that I had when I switched those results, I would never think that way now. Never.
Dylan: I hear you. But afterwards, if you did know it was wrong and something was nagging at you, something, you know, maybe telling you to do the right thing?
Sharon: Yeah, I did. I-I did know.
Dylan: Then that's what you have to deal with.
Sharon: I'm just not sure I know how to.
Dylan: Got to get help, you know, doctors, therapy. And you got to take baby steps with you and the people you hurt. You know, you got to remember that they don't owe you forgiveness. You got to earn it or just accept it might never come.
Sharon: But you don't hold it against me?
Dylan: You were a friend to me when I came to town. A good friend. And you're a good mom to faith, and that's what it comes down to, Sharon. There's a lot of good in you. Way more good than the bad. Trust me. Just find your way back. And don't lose sight of who you really are.
Sharon: Thank you. That means more than you could know.
Nick: It's not like I've forgotten that my parents went round and round. We have to figure out a way to do this without faith getting caught in the middle.
Avery: We will make this as painless for her as possible.
Nick: Which is with me. She stayed with me last night. And she's quiet and confused, but every day and night that she's with me, the better off she'll be.
Avery: Right, but right now, it's at Sharon's discretion. You have no legal right to maintain physical custody. And to protect that position, you need to take great pains to allow Sharon to see faith whenever she wants to.
Nick: Which is why I want to move this case along as fast as possible. And you're right. A week ago, I did think Sharon was a good mother. But that's before I found out what she was capable of. When you have this image of someone and it's broken up into a million little pieces, I...
Avery: I know. I do.
Nick: Are you talking about Dylan?
Avery: No. I know Dylan. But I'm beginning to think I never knew my ex-husband.
Nick: Is Joe bothering you?
Avery: I used to consider him very detached, focused on his career. But this deal, going after Dylan and the coffeehouse, it's becoming painfully clear he's trying to punish me.
Nick: Well, you've moved on, and you're happier without him.
Avery: Well, apparently I'm supposed to be miserable and alone.
Nick: Forget that. Look, Avery, you're my friend, and Dylan's my brother. I don't know who this Joe dude thinks he , but he can't do what I can do in this town. I can get this deal stopped. Just say the word. That coffeehouse means a lot to lot of people. It means a lot to me.
Avery: Your first step away from Victor.
Nick: Exactly.
Avery: And to where you proposed to Sharon.
Nick: Well, I mean, that's not in the plus column right now, but... you know, we had this -- this tribute for Cassie there. It was like a memorial. And we moved past that awhile ago, but every time I go out on that patio, I still feel it. And I'm not gonna let some jerk tear it down brick by brick, or worse, blow it up just so he can feel like some big man.
Avery: Neither am I.
Nick: So just say the word and I'll help you.
Avery: I appreciate that, but Dylan and I have a plan of attack.
Nick: All right. But if you want a second line of defense, you know where to come.
Avery: I know where to turn.
[Telephone rings]
Nic okay, so I'm gonna get out of here and let you get some work done.
Avery: Okay, try not to worry too much about the case.
Nick: Right
Avery: [Sighs] Avery bailey Clark yes, yes. That is the case. Uh-huh. Great. I appreciate that. Uh, let me know anything else that you find. Okay, thank you.
Joe: Before you throw anything at me, I'm here to see my attorney.
Avery: Michael's out. And I don't believe you, so why don't you tell me why you're here, and then get out.
Michael: That was Gloria. Did you know that she's in los Angeles torturing the Forresters?
Lauren: [Laughs] Oh, man. My deepest sympathies.
Michael: [Sighs] I'm sorry I couldn't get away earlier. You haven't ordered, have you?
Lauren: No, I was just reading this, uh, prospectus from your new client.
Michael: Joe Clark. Yeah, savvy guy, substantial financial backing, and, um, I understand some might say he's handsome, if that's your type.
Lauren: I didn't notice. My type just walked in the room.
Michael: [Chuckles] I may blush.
Lauren: Do you...need a reason to blush? Hmm. Hmm. You still give me butterflies. [Chuckles]
Michael: May it ever be so.
Lauren: All right, now please, let's eat. I'm starving.
Michael: I'm afraid we can't stay.
Lauren: Why not?
Michael: It has to do with why I'm late.
Sharon: We need to talk about faith.
Nick: Yeah, I've consulted with my attorney. She's gonna be with you for the next few days.
Sharon: Where she should be.
Nick: That's temporary till the judge can decide.
Sharon: Why would you put her through this?
Nick: Because I don't trust you, Sharon. I don't trust faith to be safe with you.
Sharon: I would never hurt her.
Nick: Well, you've done a lot of damage in the past when you've gotten off your meds.
Sharon: I'm not off my meds.
Nick: Well, you can get off them in a second's notice and not tell anyone before it's too late.
Sharon: Okay, I'm not gonna have you scaring my daughter, making her think she shouldn't be around me.
Nick: I would never turn our daughter against you. For faith's sake, not yours. Faith needs to feel secure. Now, maybe she would be fine with you, but maybe not. I can't take that chance.
Sharon: Okay, so you're just gonna, what, call your lawyers, you're gonna take control of everything just like Victor Newman would do?
Nick: Look, I think it's best in the future if we just communicate through our lawyers. And, Sharon, if you don't have an attorney by now, you need to get one.
Sharon: Here's what we're gonna do, Nick. We're gonna get lawyers, and then we're gonna communicate through them, and then they're gonna talk to each other, and they'll get back to us. That sounds brilliant! We will raise a child without ever having a conversation.
Nick: It's not gonna be a problem because I plan on raising faith on my own.
Sharon: That is not fair to faith. Or to me. Nick, once you're feeling better, once you're feeling less wounded, this will get easier. You'll see. You know, we have always found a way. You and I have been through so many horrible things, and we've always found our way back eventually.
Nick: Talking isn't gonna fix anything. Sharon, you destroyed our family. You destroyed our relationship. It's over. It's done. Get used to it.
Joe: Honestly, I'm here to see Michael.
Avery: At lunchtime. Excellent planning on your part, Joe.
Joe: Look, I'm sorry about last time.
Avery: See, I find that hard to believe since you ran straight from here to the coffeehouse to irritate Dylan.
Joe: I went to the coffeehouse to smooth things over with your boyfriend, make sure I didn't get clocked again for just doing my job.
Avery: Meaning your quest to build some generic monstrosity.
Joe: You know, it's actually quite attractive architecture. It's gaining quite a bit of interest.
Avery: Uh-huh. Did you tell these interested parties that you plan on destroying important structures, shutting down independent businesses? Because the people of Genoa City, they respect loyalty.
Joe: And since when did loyalty become such a priority for you?
Avery: [Sighs] Making things personal again. Real classy, Joe.
Joe: You know what? I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. But clearly there is still something left between us. Okay, that kiss didn't come out of nowhere.
Avery: That kiss almost got you a knee to the groin and a call to the cops. I don't find that flattering. In fact, the law and I, we consider that personal battery.
Joe: Look, I kissed you because... you know, the why doesn't matter anymore. Please let Michael know stopped by.
Avery: Hi.
Dylan: [Sighs deeply] You kissed Joe?
Lauren: So, where were you before you came here? Sounds important.
Michael: I was at the market. Luscious, ripe tomatoes, mozzarella, basil. I am gonna take you home and feed you, and then I am going to...
Lauren: Have your way with me?
Michael: That is the plan.
Lauren: [Chuckles]
Michael: Mm-hmm.
Lauren: Okay. So that's what that kiss was about.
Michael: What do you mean?
Lauren: Very intense. Especially for public. You know, like you knew what you wanted all along.
Michael: I did.
Lauren: Yeah?
Michael: Yeah. , Shall we?
Lauren: I'm just a little confused. You know, you had the me thing on your mind yesterday.
Michael: What are you confused with? Have you seen you?
Lauren: You started this new business with Avery, and you're taking all this time off to cook for me, which I love, and spend time with me.
Michael: And that is bad how?
Lauren: Are you trying to prove something to yourself or to me? What's going on?
Kevin: So, Sharon...
Mariah: Yeah.
Kevin: And Summer.
Mariah: Uh-huh.
Kevin: Holy --
Mariah: Yep.
Kevin: And then you?
Mariah: Me? What me? This doesn't get to be about me.
Kevin: Well, Sharon is your mother, and Nick, in a convoluted way, is a father.
Mariah: Not really.
Kevin: Noah and faith are definitely your brother and sister, so how is this not about you, too?
Mariah: [Sighs] Everyone is -- is torn up and hurting, and I just... I can't help anyone.
Kevin: You are helping by existing. Not leaving town, staying here, that there is helping. And you're allowed to be upset about this, too, for your own sake.
Mariah: In the grand scheme of things, this isn't getting kidnapped by a pervy cult leader, so it barely even registers.
Kevin: Yes. Exactly. See? No big deal.
Mariah: No big deal. Been online today?
Kevin: Uh, more like have I been offline.
Mariah: So, did you see that fantasy series? It's kind of like "kingdom beyond," but it's a little different. It's by Plato sphere. It's a new guy. It's a pen name, obviously.
Kevin: I hate puns.
Mariah: Don't be a buzzkill before you even read it.
Kevin: I saw the link, and then I read some reviews, so thanks, but no thanks.
Mariah: Read the first five pages.
Kevin: All right, I'll get around to it.
Mariah: I mean today. And if you don't like it, fine. I will owe you a cup of coffee.
Kevin: Ooh, that is a major enticement. I'll get right on it.
Mariah: [Chuckles]
Avery: I did not kiss Joe.
Dylan: Uh, well, he just said that --
Avery: He kissed me. Evidently you missed the part where I told him he almost got a knee to the groin.
Dylan: Well, how come you didn't tell me?
Avery: What's the point?
Dylan: Uh, because I should know.
Avery: Well, it happened to me, not you.
Dylan: You didn't tell me he came to town, either.
Avery: Right, because you were in jail, Dylan, trying to lure Ian out of hiding, and I didn't see the point in sharing news like this.
Dylan: You tell me when your car gets dinged. You tell me if you see a jerk at the supermarket. Why wouldn't you tell me about Joe kissing you?
Avery: I didn't want to upset you.
Dylan: Because you think I'd flip out on him?
Avery: That was a concern, yes.
Dylan: I don't need to be coddled.
Avery: You also don't need to be provoked. And you've already punched the man in the face once.
Dylan: That's not gonna happen again. I swear to you. So if he tries to pull something else --
Avery: I will handle it.
[Telephone rings]
Dylan: You should take that.
Avery: That can go to voicemail. We need to finish this.
Dylan: No, you just take the call. I'll see you at home.
Avery: Dylan!
Sharon: I believed everything you said. That I was your home, that we could get past anything.
Nick: I didn't know you then.
Sharon: Nick, you know everything about me. I'm me. I'm Sharon. I'm -- I'm the same woman that you were in love with two days ago.
Nick: You let me think that. Hell, you may have even believed it, but we both know better now.
Sharon: I don't believe that love like that goes away.
Nick: It did. I swear to you, the second it happened. And every time I think about what you did, this hole in my heart that used to be filled with love for you, it just gets bigger and darker. I mean, just being around you right now --
Sharon: Nick, it's emotion. It's intense. And you know how they say, if you didn't feel something for me...
Nick: Is that what you think? That "Nick hates me so much right now because he loves me"? It's sick. It's delusional. It's another reason why I don't want faith anywhere near you. It's why I don't want to be around you right now.
Sharon: Nick! Nick! Please! Please!
Michael: I think it's being in the office with Avery. She makes me want to be the next big internet cooking sensation.
Lauren: [Laughs]
Michael: [Chuckles]
Lauren: Well, believe me, I love you in an apron, but...
Michael: [Laughs]
Lauren: I'm serious. Why the seduction? Are you trying to convince yourself of something or me?
Michael: When I first started this firm with Avery, the plan was to make more time for you.
Lauren: Hmm.
Michael: More time for us. And I was so right to do it. I had no idea. I want you to know how much I love you. I want you to know how grateful I am for this life we fought for. There will never be enough moments with you, and I would be a fool not to take them when I can.
Lauren: Well, then you better take me home right now.
Michael: [Laughs]
Mariah: And?
Kevin: I just started.
Mariah: You can read faster than that.
Kevin: Not with someone hovering over my shoulder, I can't.
Mariah: Well, hurry up. I need someone to talk to about this. Do you love it?
Kevin: Eh, it's okay.
Mariah: Oh, my gosh. It's better than okay. You know what? Now you owe me a coffee and a brownie for lying and saying it's just okay.
Kevin: Do you want me to read this, or do you want me to go fetch you a coffee?
Mariah: Hmm... no. You're off the hook. I got to go see faith, but you stay here. Keep reading so we can talk about it later. I can't wait for Plato's next chapter.
Kevin: Oh, me either.
Mariah: Oh, don't be so grumpy. That's my job. Bye!
Kevin: Yep.
[Computer keys clacking]
Sharon: Hi. David Sherman? This is Sharon Newman. Yes. I need representation in a custody case. Yes, I'm aware of how the Newmans always rally around their own. Mr. Sherman, I know you're the man I need on my side.
Nick: [Sighs]
[Door opens]
Nick: Bar's closed. What are you doing here?
Dylan: Hey. Joe.
Joe: You look a little fired up there, McAvoy.
Dylan: Don't be scared. I'm not gonna punch you.
Joe: Fear's not the emotion that comes to mind.
Dylan: You said shutting down my business isn't personal? Obviously it is. I'm here to let you know it's personal for me now, too.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Grace: I'm here for you.
Jill: Hold on, son! Your mama has something to say to you, and you need to hear it.
Victor: There are a few things I have to say to this woman that are not fit for a lady's ears.
Maureen: And I might have a little story for you, too.
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