Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/11/14

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/11/14


Episode # 10533 ~ Joe makes a move on Avery; Colin plays games with Hilary & Devon; Stitch decides to tell Victoria the truth.

Provided By Suzanne

Paul: So, what's the status of the, uh, background check on Joe Clark? Good work, Harding. Get me that as soon as possible, will you? Okay. Thanks. Bye.

[Knock on door, door opens]

Paul: Yeah?

Christine: Hi. You have a minute?

Paul: Hi! For you, I got 90 seconds.

Christine: [Chuckles]

Paul: What's up? Have you decided whether or not to go forward with the garibaldi case?

Christine: Yes, I have, but that's not why I'm here.

Paul: Oh. Mm. Well... I like the reason you're here. But, uh, now in a station full of cops?

Christine: Let's say it's a preview of things to come.

Paul: You know, not that I'm complaining, but, uh... where's all this coming from?

Christine: Um, well, I have realized that things have finally settled down. You've recovered from your gunshot wound and the shock of finding out Dylan's your son. I thought maybe we could pick up on our little project.

Paul: I see.

Christine: Unless, of course, there's some reason that you've changed your mind about having a baby.

Joe: Jabs looking good. I'm beginning to, uh, think I made a mistake suggesting we go a few rounds.

Cane: I'll take it easy on you.

Joe: Oh, I'm just glad you're back in the ring, 'cause a few more of these, you'll be itching to get in the boardroom.

Cane: So that's what all this is about, huh?

Joe: Well, I can't help but think you're wasting your time here, all right? You're a corporate exec at heart. The sooner you recognize it, the better off you'll be.

Cane: So, what happened to the, uh, the chin there, huh? Did you, uh, do that in the office?

Joe: Would you believe it if I told you I ran into a door?

Cane: Yeah. That door's name is Dylan McAvoy, isn't it? [Laughs]

Joe: One, two.

Dylan: Thank you for helping me with this.

Avery: I am not gonna let Joe steal crimson lights out from under you. Not without a fight. And by fight, I mean a legal one.

Dylan: What fun is that?

Avery: No, I am serious, Dylan. No more using your fists to make a point. We have better options.

Dylan: Like?

Avery: Well, for one, Joe is trying to broker a deal with a large part of the warehouse district, so we may be able to appeal to the landmarks commission, get him shut down.

Dylan: That's good.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Dylan: I know I should apologize for hitting him, but he had it coming.

Avery: Okay, please don't let Joe get to you. We can't make this personal.

Dylan: Well, you tell that to your ex. He made it personal when he came to town. And we both know it's not just real estate he's after.

Stitch: That should do it for the appetizer and the main course. After that, I don't know. Maybe a -- like an apple tart dessert or something like that, you know. I want tonight to be perfect. Thanks.

Abby: Yum. Although it's gonna take a lot more than dessert to win Victoria back.

Stitch: I guess she told you about our date.

Abby: If that's what you want to call it. Supposedly there's something important that you have to tell her. But whatever you have to say is not gonna make a difference.

Stitch: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Abby: Victoria has a million reasons not to trust you. Don't be surprised if she stands you up.

Victoria: Oh, my God. Ben didn't kill his father. Kelly did.

Maureen: Kelly didn't kill anyone! She was away at school when her father died!

Victoria: You expect me to take your word for that?

Maureen: You can check with the registrar! There is nothing to find!

Victoria: You wouldn't be getting this upset if that's all there was to it. What's the rest?

Maureen: There is no "rest"!

Victoria: What are you trying to be so protective of? Or should I say "who"? It's not Kelly, and God knows it isn't Ben. Who is it? Oh, my God. It was you. You! You killed your husband and you let your son take the blame?!

Maureen: [Panting]

Joe: Look, he blew this whole thing out of proportion, all right? Dylan overreacted. Taking my real estate deal personal.

Cane: Yeah? So, this is just business?

Joe: Water under the bridge, all right, Dylan breaking up Avery and I.

Cane: Well, that's what you say, isn't it? Maybe you can start walking around with a hockey mask on so you can feel safe.

Joe: Oh, look at you with the jokes.

Cane: [Chuckles]

Joe: Look, I don't think Dylan's coming after me again.

Cane: Yeah, but there's got to be a lot of people in this town who want to take a shot at you. One, two. You're gonna make them lose their businesses.

Joe: Sacrifice a few for the many, huh?

Cane: You actually believe this?

Joe: Yeah, I do, okay? The firm that I'm representing is gonna redo the whole warehouse district.

Cane: Yeah, but you know the progress doesn't always make sense.

Joe: Yeah, well, change is good. Get on board. Venture out of your comfort zone.

Cane: Yeah, so, why is it all of a sudden I feel like you're talking about my work situation again?

Joe: Time to get out of the kiddie pool and into the deep end with the big fish, all right? And I'm not the only one that thinks that. Your dad said so, too.

Cane: Let me tell you something about my dad. My dad wants what my dad wants, and he won't let it up so he gets what he wants, especially if he can smell blood.

Hilary: Oh. Hi, Colin.

Colin: I didn't mean to startle you.

Hilary: If you're looking for Jack, I'm sorry, but he got called away to an important meeting.

Colin: Actually, uh... I'm here to see you.

Hilary: Oh. What about?

Colin: About someone, um, close to your heart.

Neil: I really appreciate you bringing me out like this. That's very nice.

Devon: Well, we have a lot to celebrate, dad.

Waiter: Excuse me. Mr. Winters?

Neil: Yeah?

Waiter: The owner asked me to send over a bottle of, uh, sparkling water with his compliments.

Devon: Thank you very much.

Neil: Well, that was really nice of the owner. He must have deep pockets, huh?

Devon: No. [Laughs] That's funny. I, uh, I hear the owner's very proud that you're doing so well in your Braille class.

Neil: Yeah, it's only a matter of time before I'm reading "War and Peace."

Devon: I have no doubt that you can do anything you set your mind to.

Neil: Devon, can I tell you something?

Devon: Yeah.

Neil: I have no idea how much longer this is gonna last. But I finally realized that I can't just sit around and wait for this sight of mine to come back, you know? There's -- there's too much that I want to do.

Devon: I know there is. And I know how much you miss Jabot. And I think this Braille class will go a long way in getting you back to work.

Neil: Wait a minute. No. That's not the only reason that I took that Braille class. Devon, I got this new motivation now. And it's the best kind. I-I want to be able to read to my son. How about that?

Devon: I know Moses would love that.

Neil: Yes, he will. And the baby that I'm planning on having with Hilary.

[Glass shatters]

Neil: What was that?

Devon: It was me.

Stitch: [Sighs] I got news for you. Even if Victoria does stand me up, she's not gonna go running back to Billy. That ship sailed when they got divorced and he moved in with Chelsea.

Abby: Well, we'll see how fast things change when uncle Billy finds out that Vicki's baby is his.

Stitch: If he finds out. And even then, a kid won't make up for everything he's put her through.

Abby: [Chuckles] You keep telling yourself that. But deep down inside, you know those two belong together.

Stitch: Maybe in that adolescent romance-novel mind of yours.

Abby: Excuse me?

Stitch: Yeah. The real world isn't always pretty, tied up in a nice, little bow. Sometimes things can't be undone.

Abby: Oh, well, you ought to know. So, why ask my sister here, huh? Why even bother? Whatever you have to say, it's not gonna change anything.

Stitch: I'm hoping it does. And even if it doesn't, I need to talk to Victoria. It's long past time for the truth to come out.

Maureen: You are talking crazy!

Victoria: How could you do it to him? How could you let him plead guilty to a murder that he didn't commit?

Maureen: No, he did! He did!

Victoria: You want to keep sticking to that, go ahead. But it's not gonna do you any good.

Maureen: Are you calling Ben?

Victoria: Ben already knows the truth. That's why he wanted to have dinner tonight. He wanted to tell me. Now we're gonna tell the police.

Maureen: Don't!

Victoria: Give me a reason, then, and it better be good.

Christine: So, is that it? Have you decided that finding Dylan is enough for you, that you don't need to do the whole baby thing?

Paul: I got to tell you that, uh, having a grown kid has its real advantages. I mean, there are no crying jags or 3:00 A.M. Feedings and... but, you know, stop to think about it, I am up at all hours, and there are drunks in lockup that scream louder than any baby could.

Christine: So, what are you saying?

Paul: Well, it has been my privilege to get to know Dylan. I admire the kind of person he is. I mean, he's a man that -- that fights and stands up for the people he loves. It would be nice to take credit for that.

Christine: It is in his genes.

Paul: Even so, it would be special to play a real role in my son or daughter's life from the very beginning. I think it would feel like I'd be doing something... lasting. With the woman I love.

Christine: Are we back on board?

Paul: The sooner, the better.

[Knock on door]

Harding: I got that file you were looking f-- uh, I'll come back. I'll come back later.

Paul: No, no, no, no. Let me see that. Excellent work.

Christine: What's so important?

Paul: Information that might be helpful.

Christine: Helpful to whom?

Paul: Dylan.

Avery: I admit, Joe stayed longer in Genoa City than he said he would. And the fact -- thank you -- that he's targeting your business would indicate that he's striking back at you for breaking up our marriage.

Dylan: Could indicate?

Avery: Oh, could, possibly. What does it matter? We're not gonna let it happen.

Dylan: Yeah, he's not gonna stop at trying to ruin me. The guy wants you back.

Avery: Well, too bad. I'm already taken. Unless you need some convincing of that.

Dylan: I don't know. I mean, I don't wear $5,000 suits. I don't drive a fancy car. And I'm really not all that slick. But I respect the competition.

Avery: Oh, but there is no competition because you've already won.

Dylan: Mm-hmm.

Avery: Mnh-mnh.

Dylan: Mm-hmm.

Avery: Nope.

Dylan: Yeah.

Avery: Nope. You, um --

Dylan: What?

Avery: You have to go. I have a case to build.

Dylan: No --

Avery: And you have a coffee shop to run.

Dylan: Well, you just said I won. You can't kick a winner out. Is that legal?

Avery: Out! Go! Now! Okay. Historical landmarks. Historical...landmarks. [Sighs] [Sighing] Okay, as much as I would love to, I already told you you have to leave.

Joe: But I just got here.

Abby: You have e nerve to sit there and tell me it's time for the truth to come out? Stitch, how many versions of the truth can one person have, huh? Yeah, first you're this army medic back from the war. Then you turn up with this medical degree and a wife and a son. Ly wait, she's not your wife anymore. You're divorced. And you're not even allowed to see your kid. And as if that wasn't bad enough, we find out that the woman who helped break up Victoria and Billy is your sister? And we're finally ready to get past that, it comes out that you stole a dead man's identity and you murdered your father.

Stitch: Okay, okay. I may have misrepresented the truth, but that's over with now. I'm -- I'm -- I'm over that.

Abby: [Chuckles] Like Victoria's gonna really believe that.

Stitch: She will, when I explain it to her.

Abby: You may be an exceptional chemist, but how are you gonna make that formula work?

Stitch: It'll work because Victoria wants it to work. Because she knows in her heart that I'm the guy she thought I was. And I'm always gonna be there for her. That I won't cheat on her or give in temptation or push her away. That I'll treat her like she deserves to be treated. Telling her about my past is gonna cost me. I'm willing to pay the price because I love Victoria that much.

Abby: It won't be enough.

Stitch: [Scoffs] See, that -- that right there, that -- that's a sure sign that you don't know what love is. But thank God Victoria does.

Maureen: Aren't you tired of all this drama? You have to stay calm for the baby.

Victoria: This is not about me.

Maureen: It is! As long as you're carrying that child! Didn't you tell me that you have to avoid stress? You have to stay calm. That's your responsibility.

Victoria: What about your responsibility to your children? Where was that? Where was at when Ben took the fall for you? He was a teenager who needed his mother, and you turned your back on him?

Maureen: I never did!

Victoria: You should have said something, but you kept your mouth shut because all you care about is yourself!

Maureen: That's not true!

Victoria: Ben and Kelly mean nothing to you.

Maureen: They mean everything to me! That's why I did it! I killed their father to save them!

Hilary: I would appreciate it if you just stop with the riddles and tell me what you want from me.

Colin: Not from you.

For you. I feel I should, in some small way, be helping in, uh, caring for Neil.

Hilary: Why is that?

Colin: Well, we're connected. His daughter married my son. We share grandchildren. I just think I should be helping out in his recovery.

Hilary: Well, that's very generous of you, but Neil's got a very active support system around him.

Colin: Yeah, especially you, right? [Chuckles] He is so lucky having such a beautiful and attractive young woman as yourself caring for him. I mean, in terms of a well-being for a man, that's much more important than Devon's billions and what they could provide for him. Not that I've got anything against your stepson. Though... it does feel weird calling him that, especially as his age is much closer to yours than it is to Neil's. Guess it's true what they say about love. Age really doesn't make a difference.

Hilary: Well, if you don't mind, I really need to get back to work.

Colin: Yeah. Yes, of course. Well, don't forget what I said about helping out with Neil.

Hilary: Yeah, well, like I said, I've got all the help I need from Neil's family.

Colin: You know, the one good thing that came from this accident was that it helped mend the fences between you and lily. It brought everyone together, and Devon, of course. Well, you enjoy the rest of your day.

Neil: Be careful with that glass, son.

Let me get that for you.

Devon: Thank you.

Cane: You okay? Did you have an accident, Neil?

Neil: No, no. For once, it's not me. It's actually, uh, the owner of the club. He's the clumsy one. One mention of babies and Genoa City's most eligible bachelor loses his mind. Of course, the bachelor isn't so eligible anymore, is he? So, what do we get to meet her?

Cane: Yeah. When do we, uh, get to meet her? I was wondering that myself.

[Cell phone rings]

Devon: Excuse me, guys. Hey, I am, uh, at the club right now with my father. It's not the best time to talk.

Hilary: I thought you should know that I got a really weird visit from Colin just now.

Devon: What did he say?

Hilary: It's what he didn't say. He couldn't know about us, could he?

Devon: Oh, you know what? Let's, uh, let's talk later about it, okay? I'll give you a call.

Neil: That was her, wasn't it?

Stitch: I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or question your heart. It's just, you were doubting my love for Victoria, and I couldn't let that go.

Abby: You didn't have to be such a jerk about it.

Stitch: You're right. And I'm sorry. I just -- I just want you to understand --

Abby: I do. I... I get it. I might not like it and I might not trust it, but... I get it. And if you meant half of what you said, if -- if love like that really does exist... then Victoria's the luckiest woman in the world.

Victoria: You can't stop now, Maureen. You need to get this out. Why did Ben and Kelly need saving? What happened?

Maureen: They were still young when Richard lost his job. He was laid off, and he couldn't find work for a long time. Then one day, he stopped looking and decided I was the problem. He said everything was my fault. You know, the pushing him to have children, buying a house, taking on too many responsibilities. [Voice breaking] You know, after awhile, you hear that enough, and you start to believe it's true. When he started smacking me, I-I just stood there and took it.

Victoria: Oh, my God. Maureen.

Maureen: He -- he'd always been drinking at night, and then it became, over time, an "all day, every day" thing. That's when he started in on Ben.

Victoria: He hit Ben?

Maureen: I was so afraid Kelly was gonna be next. [Sighs]

Victoria: Is that why you sent her away to school?

Maureen: Yeah. [Sniffles] But Ben was home, and I-I couldn't protect him.

Victoria: Why didn't you call social services?

Maureen: [Scoffs] Richard said if I did, he'd kill us both, and... I believed him. He was out of control. My sweet boy. He would take that beating, and he'd never say a word. But once he started hearing me getting hit, he -- like, something changed for him, and -- and I knew he was not gonna let that continue. I was so afraid. I didn't know what he was gonna do.

Victoria: Is that why you... [Sighs]

Maureen: On the night... Richard was out in his workshop. And I went out there to tell him dinner was ready, and he didn't want to eat that early, so I paid the price for that. And I guess Ben must have heard me screaming, because he came out and put me outside, and -- and then I was so afraid that this was it, that one of them was gonna kill the other. I-I-I went running into the house to call the police, and then I saw Ben running out of the -- the work shed and... towards the woods. I...

Victoria: And his dad?

Maureen: Richard was so drunk, he just collapsed when Ben punched him. So Ben left him there to just sleep it off. He went out.

Victoria: But you didn't leave.

Maureen: No. There were... paint cans and cleaning supplies and some old -- bunch of old rags. Nothing that would take much effort to set off. And it was so easy. Just a flick of my hand and those flames shot up and the roof caught on fire, and I went out the door, and I did not look back! Until now.

Maureen: Thank you.

Victoria: I'm sorry for all the suffering you had to endure. I wish that somebody had been there for you to help you so you didn't feel that you had to do something like this.

Maureen: [Sighs] At least it's over.

Victoria: It's not over.

Maureen: What?

Victoria: Not only did you take your husband's life. You took Ben's life away from him.

Maureen: That was his choice!

Victoria: His choice?!

Maureen: I would have gone to prison for life! Ben was a minor! They'd just keep him for a short time! He confessed to protect me!

Victoria: He was not responsible for you! You should have stood up right away and taken responsibility!

Maureen: I was hospitalized in shock! By the time I recovered, it -- it was already too far down the road! Ben was serving his sentence, and there was no point in bringing it all back!

Victoria: No point?! He lost his wife and his son, the career that he loves, his entire identity! He lost it all! When is enough enough, Maureen?

Maureen: Victoria! Victoria!

Stitch: I stand by what I said. If she'll let me in, I'm gonna devote myself to Victoria. I'm gonna be a real partner to her. Look, this could be a second chance for the both of us. And I think she's as ready as I am to take it. That's why I think she's gonna show up here tonight.

Abby: We'll see.

Stitch: In the meantime, we're gonna be -- we're gonna be working together, so let's -- let's just table all the discussion of love and just stick to business, okay?

Abby: And why is that?

Stitch: Because I don't think you know anything about love, Abby.

Abby: I've been in love before, stitch.

Stitch: You say that, but come on. How can that be true?

Abby: I can't believe that you're saying that to me.

Stitch: Okay, I'm not trying to upset you. Please don't get mad, okay? It's just that, I can't -- I can't listen to you on this -- this topic anymore. Okay, you talk about love constantly. You make pronouncements. You -- you give advice, sometimes terrible advice.

Abby: I mean well.

Stitch: I know. I believe you. That's what's so sad. I believe you mean good things, but you're gonna hurt people you care about. If you knew what love is, you wouldn't do that.

Abby: You're just saying this because all of my advice to Victoria has been pro-Billy and anti-you.

Stitch: I'm saying it because I like you, Abby. [Scoffs] I do. Despite myself. And I can't stand hearing you be so wrong. Just, if we're gonna -- if you're gonna talk to me again about love, just... don't.

Harding: As far as I can tell, Joe Clark is Mr. Clean. Unless you hold it against the guy for being rich, ambitious, in a top tax bracket.

Paul: Well, it looks like he pays them, too. State and federal.

Christine: Any offshore accounts?

Harding: Nothing we can find. I mean, he -- he seems legit. He volunteers at a local boys club and he donates to the blood bank.

Christine: So, he's either one of the good guys or he's too good to be true.

Paul: Yeah. Just the same, keep digging. Find out who Clark's investors are and why they want to buy up property here.

Harding: Will do.

Paul: You know what, Harding? If he's staying at the athletic club, you might want to speak to the staff and, uh, find out what their impressions are.

Harding: I'll let you know.

Paul: All right.

Christine: You are certainly doing your due diligence on this.

Paul: Well, it's just a gut feeling, you know?

Christine: So, is that the chief of police talking or a father trying to protect his son?

Paul: Hmm. A little of both.

Christine: Hmm. A little is good.

Paul: Everything in moderation, huh?

Christine: Not everything.

Paul: Hmm.

[Knock on door]

Dylan: Hey, Paul, do you -- oh. Sorry.

Christine: It's -- we're getting used to it.

Paul: What's up?

Dylan: Uh, I need to talk to you about Joe Clark.

Avery: Most people make an appointment when they want to see a lawyer.

Joe: Well, I'm not looking to hire you.

Avery: Well, why are you here, Joe?

Joe: To advise you that you're wasting a lot of time and effort fighting your boyfriend's battle for him.

Avery: Dylan's fight is my fight, too. That's what happens when two people love each other and share everything together.

Joe: Well, isn't that sweet. But I'll advise you that the people I work for don't accept no for an answer.

Avery: Do you swear to me you had no idea that Dylan's business was part of this deal before you took the job?

Joe: Am I under oath, counselor?

Avery: Did you or didn't you know?

Joe: I told you, it was nothing personal.

Avery: That's not answering my question.

Joe: Okay, so the whole truth and nothing but the truth? What if it was? What if it was extremely personal?

[Knock on door]

Hilary: Oh.

Neil: Hey.

Hilary: Hey, Neil. Hi.

Neil: Am I interrupting something?

Hilary: No, no. I'm glad to see you. How did you -- how did you get here?

Neil: Well, they have this modern invention that's got four wheels. They call it a taxi. That's how I got here.

Hilary: Oh.

Neil: All right, you're not laughing, so that must mean that you're upset about something. What's up?

Hilary: It's just this deal that went south. Thought the dealer had come back to make a pest of himself.

Neil: Honey, honey, you listen to me. If he does come back, this cane right here, I'll give him the beatdown with it, all right? You just -- you need to tell me what his name is.

Hilary: No, it's not important.

Neil: All right, um, on a more serious note, though, I really would like to meet Devon's special lady, wouldn't you? And I think that we should invite them both over to the house for some dinner sooner rather than later. What do you think?

Hilary: Yeah.

Colin: Well, well, well. If it isn't Genoa City's favorite billionaire.

Devon: Hardly. How you doing, man?

Colin: You know, people flock to this place just to be in your company.

Devon: I don't think it's me. I just think people love the club.

Colin: Well, the club's all right. But it kind of is the center of the Genoa City universe. You know you can see, at any time, almost anyone doing anything to anybody.

Devon: Yeah. Whatever that means.

Colin: Well, I think you know what it means. We'll continue this conversation sometime later.

Cane: What did my father want?

Devon: Just had a business proposition for me. That's all.

Cane: Yeah? I hope, for your sake, you said no sale.

Devon: Yeah, no, I wouldn't shake hands with that guy without checking to make sure I still had my wallet on me. I'm not gonna do business with him.

Cane: It's wise of you. Shady business practices, all right? Just don't buy into them. Stay strong.

Devon: I will.

Abby: I know a thing or two about love.

Devon: What are you doing over here talking to yourself? You all right?

Abby: Hi.

Devon: Hey.

Abby: I'm -- I'm fine. Well, unless you ask a very opinionated former doctor with kind of a square head. [Chuckles]

Devon: I'm not sure what that means.

Abby: Hey, can I ask you a question?

Devon: Yeah.

Abby: You've been in love, right?

Devon: You know I have.

Abby: Well, what does it feel like? What am I missing?

Devon: Are you really asking me what love feels like?

Abby: Is that ridiculous?

Devon: No, it's not. [Chuckles] Uh...

Abby: I just -- I-I need an answer, some sort of point of reference.

Devon: Love is... is, um, dangerous. It can be dangerous, 'cause it can pick you up and whip you around like a rag doll, and you have no idea where you're gonna land. But if it's real, then you always know that someone's gonna be there to catch you.

Abby: Yeah. Wow. Um... yeah, I've never felt like that before. Is that how you felt with Roxy?

Devon: Yeah. It is. It is. I, uh... but where's this coming from, Abby?

Abby: Well, someone had the audacity to tell me that I shouldn't be giving out relationship advice because I have never been in love.

Devon: Well, that's not true.

Abby: Maybe it is. I mean, carmine -- not love. Chavez -- cute, but not love. And...Tyler.

Devon: That was real, right?

Abby: I don't know. The "whipped around like a rag doll" part, that was -- that was there, but I never knew if he was gonna be there to catch me.

Devon: And that's kind of the most important part.

Abby: Well, as much as I hate the idea of not giving out relationship advice to family and friends, I might need to find a new hobby.

[Both chuckle]

Abby: [Sighs]

Avery: You did come here to stake it to Dylan.

Joe: I came here to broker a real estate transaction. But then when I saw what was going on between you and Dylan, it became something more to me, all right? I couldn't just sit back and watch you give your life away to a glorified barista.

Avery: Okay, here we go. Here we go! Because somebody's not on the fast track to be a millionaire, they're somehow inferior to you, huh? Well, Dylan is so much more than that.

Joe: You know, I bet he is. And by me taking crimson light off of his hands, it will give him the opportunity to prove to you that he's worthy.

Avery: And who are you to judge who's worthy of me and who isn't?

Joe: Someone who still cares about you, Avery. Someone who wants the best for you.

Avery: [Scoffs] Where was this concern when we were still married, Joe? Were you thinking about what was best for me when you were at the office all night, when you ignored me, when you withheld affection from me the few times you were home?!

Joe: And that justifies you cheating on me?

Avery: I turned to someone who was good and kind and gave me the attention that you never did!

Joe: You gave up on us! You let that guy turn your head instead of hashing things out with me. All right, we could have gone to therapy, given this a true effort. But instead, you bailed on me, just like you bailed on nick Newman and just like you're gonna bail on Dylan when he lets you down.

Maureen: Please, Victoria, don't do this!

Victoria: I have to. Somebody needs to clear Ben's name.

Maureen: They're gonna put me away. My life will be over!

Victoria: Yeah, but Ben will be getting his life back! I think that's the least you can do as his mother! Aah! What are you doing?! Hey!

[Pounding on door, doorknob jiggles]

Victoria: Let me out!

Maureen: [Panting]

Dylan: Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to chase Christine out.

Paul: That's all right. We don't want to give the taxpayers any reason to question their public officials' work ethic, now would we? So, what's going on with Clark? And please don't tell me you took another swing at him.

Dylan: Actually, I'm letting Avery handle things.

Paul: Good.

Dylan: She's working on an angle that could actually legally block Joe from buying up half the warehouse district.

Paul: Well, if anybody can do that, Avery can.

Dylan: I'm counting on her.

Paul: And just so you know, Clark checks out. His business is on the up and up. Even though his motives may be suspect.

Dylan: Okay, uh, well, thank you for going the extra mile for me.

Paul: Yeah, well, that's just basic police work.

Dylan: Yeah, sure it is.

Paul: Let Avery know if she needs anything to call me. And, you, don't do anything stupid.

Dylan: When have I ever? Don't answer that.

Paul: I won't. Let Avery and the law fight Joe Clark.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Avery: I-I can't believe I just did that.

Joe: Well, passion like that tells me everything I need to know.

Avery: It tells you what? That you got under my skin, you pushed my buttons?

Joe: That you still have feelings for me.

Abby: Don't think I know about love, do you?

Harding: You talking to me?

Abby: Does it look like I'm talking to you?

Harding: If not me, who?

Abby: Listen, Starsky, is talking to oneself a crime?

Harding: Not in and of itself.

Abby: Oh, then I am not in the mood for your harassment, so you can go use your line on someone else.

Harding: My line?

Abby: Yes. I know how this works. I've dated a cop before. I know what you're up to.

Harding: Hey, princess, if I was using a line on you, we'd already be leaving together.

Abby: [Scoffs] Well, maybe that's why I don't know about love. 'Cause I keep meeting guys like you.

Harding: [Chuckles]

Stitch: Come on, Victoria. Pick up.

[Pounding on door]

Victoria: Maureen! Let me out! Open up! Maureen! If you won't do it for me, do it for the baby, Maureen! Come on! Let me out!

[Cell phone rings]

[Doorknob jiggling]

Victoria: Maureen! Please open up, Maureen! Maureen, open this door right now!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Summer: You knew what Sharon did?

Nick: There's not gonna be a wedding.

Faith: You said you would marry Mommy. You're a liar!

Jack: I told you I wanted to talk with you.

Phyllis: I agree. We need to talk about what I found.

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