Y&R Transcript Friday 11/7/14

Y&R Transcript Friday 11/7/14


Episode # 10536 ~ Jack's secret is discovered; Lauren reconnects with Phyllis; Sharon fights to keep her family together.

Provided By Suzanne

Nick: So, Phyllis told you?

Summer: Yeah. Mom and Jack did.

Nick: How did that go?

Summer: When I first saw Jack's face, I thought mom must be sick again. He just looked -- he looked so sad and crushed. I never would have imagined that he'd tell me that the DNA test results had been messed with, that you really are my dad.

Nick: I am.

Summer: How could Sharon do something so awful to us? I mean, she's supposed to love you.

Nick: Sharon said she did it

because she loved me.

[Lock disengages]

Noah: [Sighs] Worse than I thought. I knew something was up when dad told me to come and take faith for the night.

Sharon: How is she?

Noah: Typical faith -- asking questions that I couldn't answer. So, what do I tell my little sister?

Sharon: What did nick say?

Noah: He didn't want to talk about it. What happened, mom? Why didn't you show up for your own wedding?

Sharon: My memory came back.

Noah: And...?

Sharon: I knew there was a reason that I repressed that memory. I-I knew that nick wouldn't understand.

Noah: Mom, I'm sure he understands.

Sharon: No, he doesn't. He said it's over. He moved out.

Noah: What is it that he couldn't understand?

Sharon: I made nick believe that he wasn't Summer's father.

Michael: [Breathing shakily]

Kevin: Hey. You can't just drop a bomb like that and walk away.

Michael: It just did. I walked all the way here from the hospital. Not even winded.

Kevin: So you're gonna just pretend this is another day at the office?

Michael: That'll work.

Kevin: Mike. Mike, we need to talk about this.

Michael: There's nothing to talk about.

Kevin: You have cancer.

Michael: That's right.

I have it, which makes it my business, no one else's.

Kevin: No one? Not even your brother? Okay. If that's how it's gonna -- what about your wife?

Michael: Let it go.

Kevin: You haven't told Lauren.

Lauren: Phyllis!

Phyllis: I missed you.

Lauren: Oh! Oh! You look so good.

Phyllis: Then why are you getting all misty?

Lauren: Because I'm so happy to see you. We thought that -- oh, never mind what we thought. Oh! You look so good. How are you feeling?

Phyllis: I'm feeling great, absolutely healed.

Lauren: Yeah?

Phyllis: I'm perfectly healthy, yes, thank you.

Lauren: I'm glad. And you're here at work?

Phyllis: Well, not yet. I will be soon. I was actually looking for Jack.

Kelly: It's kind of early to be hanging out at the bar... even if you're just slamming back club sodas. Jack? What are you doing here?

Jack: I needed to get out of the house. I needed some time alone.

Kelly: Well, if you wanted to be alone, you could have gone to the park or gone for a drive.

Jack: You're here.

Kelly: Come here.

Victoria: Hey, Abby. Are you ready for lunch?

Abby: Uh, sure.

Victoria: What's the matter? What has you so captivated?

Abby: No, it's just my uncle Jack. He walked out with Kelly, and it looked like he was headed towards the executioner.

Victoria: I guess he must be upset.

Abby: I wonder if there's something wrong.

Victoria: I hope not.

Abby: Wait, you're rooting for the woman who slept with your husband and broke up your marriage?

Victoria: I'm no fan of Kelly, but I care about Jack, and with everything that he's going through...

Abby: Wait, did something happen?

Victoria: Yeah, something happened. Jack just found out that... [Sighs] That Summer was never his daughter.

Lauren: Actually, I'm looking for Jack, too. We were supposed to have a meeting.

Phyllis: Oh, about your fashion line?

Lauren: No, my new boutique.

Phyllis: Hey, I heard about that. Congratulations.

Lauren: Thank you so much. You know, but I called him, and he's not here. I don't know what happened.

Phyllis: Oh, well, at least I'm not the only one he's avoiding.

Lauren: Don't tell me that you and Jack aren't together.

Phyllis: Of course we are. No. [Chuckles] Why would you think Jack and I aren't together?

Lauren: The way you said that Jack was avoiding you, I --

Phyllis: And you jumped to the fact that we're splitting up? Thank you very much.

Lauren: Yeah, I'm sorry. Sorry. It's just Jack -- wow. This must really be hard, you know, transitioning after a year of not being here. That can't be easy.

Phyllis: No. Well, it isn't, but the easy part is loving Jack and knowing he loves me.

Lauren: That's good.

Phyllis: Yeah. I mean, we're dealing with a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean a whole lot. There's...a lot I-I need to tell you, I'm sure.

Lauren: Okay, well, then do that. Come on. Sit down. Tell me everything.

Phyllis: You first.

Lauren: Oh. All right. Well, let's see. Oh, Michael started a new law practice with your sister.

Phyllis: Yes. I heard. Are they getting along?

Lauren: [Laughs] Yes. Absolutely.

Phyllis: Good, good.

Lauren: And then Fenmore's had a hugely successful event which I couldn't have put together without Kelly.

Phyllis: Kelly.

Lauren: Yeah. The event planner for the athletic club.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. It's just -- it's funny how her name keeps popping up in conversation. I was just talking to Jack about her.

Lauren: Oh, yeah? What did he say?

Phyllis: That Kelly was the woman who broke up Billy's marriage. What else should I know?

Kelly: How could Sharon have manipulated a DNA test?

Jack: I don't know the logistics. I just know the results.

Kelly: Well, just to be sure, you should probably --

Jack: I'm gonna take another DNA test. You bet. But...it all adds up.

Kelly: I know how much you adore Summer. And she feels the same way about you.

Jack: Oh, god, Summer has been so hurt by what Sharon's done. And Phyllis and nick and --

Kelly: And you.

Jack: Entire families have been turned upside down. Nick's kids, my -- oh, god. I got to tell Kyle.

Abby: Poor uncle Jack. I mean, we all knew that Sharon had a screw loose, but changing a DNA test? That's just cruel.

Victoria: I know. Especially after Jack managed to forgive her for past mistakes.

Abby: Right? I mean, even after their divorce, uncle Jack was nothing but nice to Sharon. I want to wring her neck.

Victoria: Well, get in line.

Abby: Our brother really dodged a bullet with this one. Nick and Sharon would be married right now if Phyllis hadn't come and blown this up. How's he doing?

Victoria: I don't know.

Abby: You haven't talked to him?

Victoria: I tried calling. He won't pick up. Besides, what are we supposed to say?

Abby: Well, we could ask him to return some of those wedding gifts.

Victoria: Abby...

Abby: I mean, he didn't do it last year when his wedding plans went up in flames. I bet nick has a warehouse someplace full of unopened wedding gifts.

Victoria: [Chuckles] Abby, focus.

Abby: Sorry. This is just a very confusing time for everyone. Oh, and I bet dad is lapping this up. The proof is in -- Victor Newman was right.

Victoria: Are you kidding me? Dad is thrilled. As far as he is concerned, everything is as it should be. Nick is done with Sharon and Summer is back where she belongs -- with the Newmans.

Summer: [Voice breaking] How was changing the DNA test supposed to prove that Sharon loves you?

Nick: Sharon thought that if she was the only mother of my children, it would somehow bring us closer together.

Summer: Wait, Sharon thought that I was in the way?

Nick: Oh, no. This has nothing to do with you.

Summer: No, Sharon -- Sharon wanted to get rid of me, like I wasn't even a person, like I was just some obstacle in the middle of you two.

Nick: Who cares what Sharon thought?

Summer: I care that somebody that I like, somebody that I trusted tried to erase me from your life like I was nothing. Why would she do that?

Nick: Okay, okay. Listen to me. I have stopped trying to figure out what Sharon was thinking.

Summer: But she --

Nick: Not because it's not important. It's just the more I try and make sense out of it, the angrier I get.

Summer: Yeah. I'm pretty angry with myself, too.

Nick: Oh, sweetheart, you did nothing wrong.

Summer: I-I practically adopted Sharon. I made her my stand-in mother at work, at my wedding. And she is the one responsible for what happened to mom. What can we do about that?

Nick: I wish there was something I could do.

Summer: Well, we can't press charges? She should pay for what happened to my mom.

Nick: That fall was an accident.

Summer: And mom does not say that.

Nick: Okay, well, it doesn't matter, because it would be your mother's word against Sharon's, and since Sharon was off her meds at the time --

Summer: She gets a free pass?! After she lied and tried to take me away from you?! Why doesn't she have to pay for that?!

Nick: Look, I lied, too.

Summer: What do you mean?

Nick: It'd be real easy to just blame all this on Sharon, but I'm the one who started this in the first place.

Summer: Dad, that was so long ago. What Sharon did was --

Nick: Is it any worse than what I did? I lied. I claimed you as my daughter without having any proof.

Summer: Dad...

Nick: If I'd just -- I didn't tell anyone that the original paternity test was corrupted. If I had done that, if I made a different choice --

Summer: No! You didn't know. How -- how could you have known?

Nick: Well, if I'd redone that test, then Sharon never could have used that. And she never could have hurt you.

Sharon: I know what I did to nick was horrible. But I was not thinking clearly. Otherwise, I would have realized all the pain I'd be causing by switching those results. I would have, Noah. Say something.

Noah: Why?

Sharon: I guess when I was sick, my mind kept going to the times when I was happiest, and the happiest I ever was was with nick. I-I loved being his wife and mother to his children and...I just wanted those happy times back. I wanted us to be a family again.

Noah: Summer was -- was a part of that family.

Sharon: I know. I know that now -- now that I'm stable.

Noah: God, mom, when you changed the test, it didn't just send Summer's life spiraling. It did that to dad, too. What about faith? One minute, she has a sister and the next she's hearing that Summer belongs to some other family. God, how could you do that? How could you tear our family apart?

Sharon: I was sick, Noah. I -- it was not me making those horrible decisions. It was my illness. [Voice breaking] I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. You have to believe me. You have to. I can't lose you, too.

Summer: This is what I don't want. I do not want you to blame yourself at all. Okay?

Nick: I'll try.

Summer: Okay, and I don't want you forgiving Sharon.

Nick: That's not gonna happen. I mean, I could never be with her again after what she's done. She -- she ruined everything.

Summer: She shredded your heart.

Nick: [Sighs] Yeah, she did. But you know what? Something positive came out of this.

Summer: What's that?

Nick: You are my kid.

Summer: Yeah, I'm pretty happy about that. [Sniffles] And I'm a little confused.

Nick: About what? Jack?

Summer: Yeah. You know, forget it. I mean, talking about him's probably a little weird.

Nick: No, come on. You know you can always talk to me about anything.

Summer: I don't know. I mean, it's just for a whole year, I-I thought that he was my dad, and now how am I supposed to just...

Nick: Hey. I don't expect you to cut Jack out of your life.

Summer: You don't? I mean, he was really good to me.

Nick: Yeah, no. I-I've been where he is. I lost you once, and it is the worst feeling ever. And if you love Jack and you want to keep a relationship with him, then do it.

Summer: Okay. I-I can do that. You know, I did learn to love him like a dad.

Nick: Yeah, of course. Jack's a good man. He's been like a father to me, so I understand.

Summer: Well, I-I never, never stopped thinking of you as my dad. Ever. I should have known.

Nick: Well, now we know, right? Now we know, and that's all that matters. And I am never, ever letting anyone take my Supergirl away from me again. And there's been something I've been dying to say to you...

Summer: What?

Nick: ...For a long time now. And with everything that you went through with the pills and meeting Austin and running off with him and getting married -- it wasn't my place to say at the time, but now that I'm your dad, I can say it.

Summer: Well, what is it?

Nick: You are so grounded.

Summer: [Laughs] Really?

Michael: I have not told my wife.

Kevin: Michael --

Michael: I don't want Lauren knowing anything about this diagnosis.

Kevin: She's your wife. You have to tell her.

Michael: I will, but not yet.

Kevin: She has a right to know.

Michael: And she'll know.

Kevin: When?

Michael: Listen, Kevin, all I know is that the biopsy indicated there were cancer cells in my prostate. I will have to take several more tests before they can determine stage or method of treatment. Why should I worry Lauren if I don't know all the facts?

Kevin: So that, for once, instead of you taking care of us, we can take care of you.

Michael: Take care of me after I've had a chance to process this.

Kevin: Michael --

Michael: You know, I need you to drop this, Kevin. I want you to forget that you ever heard the word "cancer." And if you could get out...

Kevin: I understand that this is making you uncomfortable.

Michael: Yet you're still here.

Kevin: And I'll be the first to admit I don't know a lot about this, but I know...

Michael: Look! I need you to drop this! I'm not talking about this!

Kevin: You have to talk to somebody. This is too much for you to handle on your own. Let it be me.

Lauren: I'm sure you'll, uh, cross paths with Kelly eventually.

Phyllis: Already have.

Lauren: Really? Where?

Phyllis: At the house.

Lauren: What did you think?

Phyllis: Honestly, a little surprised that Jack was so friendly with the woman who had an affair with his brother.

Lauren: People make mistakes and are forgiven.

Phyllis: That wasn't me judging the whole carmine thing too much. I'm sorry.

Lauren: Really? 'Cause I didn't get that from you at all.

Phyllis: Oh, stop it. I'm sorry.

Lauren: You're bad, and I've missed you so much!

Phyllis: How are you and Michael? Tell me.

Lauren: How much did he tell you when he was visiting you in the hospital?

Phyllis: Well, he said you were empty nesters now that fen's at college.

Lauren: Yeah. Yeah, it was quite an adjustment. I mean, it feels like yesterday you and I were pregnant with fen and Summer. I -- and you were painting my toenails for me -- remember?

Phyllis: Yes, yes. That was just, like, five minutes ago.

Lauren: Honey, how are our babies old enough to be in college?

Phyllis: Yeah, or married?

Lauren: Yeah.

Phyllis: How about that?

Lauren: Yeah. What did you think of Summer's husband?

Phyllis: Well, he's just as cute as a basket full of puppies. But, you know, the jury's still out on him.

Lauren: That must have been quite a surprise.

Phyllis: That and nick and Sharon being back together. I mean, I think everyone ended up with the wrong person while I was away.

Jack: No, she heard it from me. Telling Summer I wasn't her father was not an easy task, let me tell you. Yeah, you're right. Everything would be different. You and Summer might be together. Phyllis wouldn't have been on those stairs at all. She would have been with us this whole time. No, no, no, no. I'm -- I'm fine. Don't change your plans. You're needed in New York. I got people here to look out for me. [Voice breaking] Just get here when you can, okay? I'm fine. I swear. I love you, too, son.

Abby: How do you think Summer will take it? She kind of lost it last year when Phyllis got sick.

Victoria: [Sighs] I don't know. She's our niece, so whatever happens, we have to help see her through it.

Abby: Well, I think this whole situation is a perfect example of why you need to get that paternity test done fast.

Victoria: You're turning this around on me? You're making about the baby?

Abby: The longer you wait, the harder it will be on everyone, including my future niece or nephew.

Victoria: Okay. I'm gonna have the test after the baby's born. I won't keep Billy and Ben waiting.

Abby: [Sighs] Well, I'm sure stitch wouldn't mind waiting.

Victoria: What is that supposed to mean?

Abby: Because he's into you, Victoria, and he will do anything to stay in your orbit. The possibility that he's this baby's father keeps him around. And once the test is done, things could change.

Victoria: I just made a date with Ben.

Abby: Ah. So will it just be the two of you, or will his parole officer be joining you?

Victoria: I don't know, Abby. He says he has something to tell me, something that's important, that might change everything, apparently.

Abby: Hmm. Of course he does. He will say anything to stay in your life.

Victoria: It's not like that.

Abby: It's not? Really? I mean, how many times has he told you there's -- there's something important that you just have to know? A million times?

Victoria: I-I don't know.

Abby: Yes. And has he ever actually told you this something big?

Victoria: Not yet.

Abby: Not ever, Victoria. Stitch is just trying to keep you guessing so you don't pull away from him completely.

Victoria: Abby, it feels different this time. It feels definitive.

Abby: What could he possibly say that could change things?

Victoria: I don't know. Okay? I don't know. I'm just trying to give one of the baby's possible fathers the benefit of the doubt.

Abby: You know, it's not too late to reconcile with uncle Billy.

Victoria: Yes, it is! Would you stop saying that? It is too late. It's completely and irrevocably and absolutely too late. How is a couple supposed to reconcile when he's in love with another woman, anyway?

Kelly: Oh.

Jack: I can't.

Kelly: Oh, it's okay. I locked the door. Nobody can come in.

Jack: Kelly...

Kelly: If you're uncomfortable, we can go to my room.

Jack: I can't turn to you just because I'm in a dark place right now.

Kelly: Of course you can, darling. That's what people who love each other do. They turn to each other in times of need.

Jack: Right now, I should be talking to Phyllis.

Sharon: Thank you.

Noah: Yeah.

Sharon: Thank you for hearing me out. I wish your father had stayed.

Noah: Do you have any idea how hard this has been on him -- I mean, how guilty he's felt for cheating Jack out of being a father to Summer?

Sharon: Of course I do. But I didn't consider that then. I couldn't. I wasn't thinking rationally. I was --

Noah: I know.

Sharon: I was seeing Cassie everywhere.

Noah: I know, mom.

Sharon: Noah, I regretted changing those results more than you could possibly know. That's why I repressed the memory. I was ashamed of my actions, and I was tortured by the secret I was keeping.

Noah: But it wasn't a secret, was it?

Sharon: What do you mean?

Noah: Phyllis knew the truth. She knew the truth, and you knew it. [Chuckles] And that's -- that's why you ran out of the church. Because you were afraid that she was going to expose your lie. God, mom, I don't -- was it all a lie? I mean, have you just been faking this whole memory-loss thing as a way to hang on to dad?

Michael: I don't want pity.

Kevin: I don't pity you.

Michael: That's exactly what I see in your eyes right now. And it's exactly what I'll see in Lauren's eyes when she hears. And people will say, "how sad" and what a bad break I've gotten. And then, like you, they will ask to do whatever they can to lighten my burden.

Kevin: Why is having a support system such an awful thing?

Michael: Because with every sorrowful glance and every encouraging word, I will be reminded of the black, cancerous cloud hanging over my life.

Kevin: So, how long are you gonna just pretend that everything is fine?

Michael: I'm not pretending. Everything is fine.

Kevin: Yeah, except for the whole cancer thing.

Michael: Oh. I'll manage it.

Kevin: Michael, it was not hard for me to realize that something was wrong. Lauren is gonna realize that something is wrong. Why not just be honest with her?

Michael: Because I'm scared.

Michael: For the first time in years, everything's good. Lauren and I are really together again. We're making plans. I want us to live our lives without having every moment consumed by some disease.

Kevin: Maybe it's not gonna be that way.

Michael: I can't risk it. Am I wrong to want my wife to treat me... like the man she married?

Kevin: Do you honestly think that a cancer diagnosis is gonna change the way she feels about you, the way she treats you, or the way she loves you? No way.

Michael: [Sighs]

Lauren: Is everything okay?

Victoria: Welcome back to the family. Not that I ever stopped considering you my niece.

Summer: Thank you, aunt Vicki. I'll see you later.

Victoria: Yeah.

Summer: Bye, dad.

Nick: Bye, sweetheart.

Summer: Bye.

Nick: [Smooches]

Summer: Bye.

Nick: Vick.

Victoria: Uh, hi. I know you're probably not up for company right now, but I couldn't let you screen my calls indefinitely. And don't worry. I didn't drop by to say, "I told you so."

Nick: So, what brings you by?

Victoria: I just want to know if there's anything I can do.

Nick: Well, can you make it so the last year never happened?

Victoria: No. Would you settle for a hug instead?

Nick: Yeah.

Sharon: You think I was faking the memory loss?

Noah: I don't know. I don't know -- I don't know what to think, mom. I don't know what to believe. So help me. What am I missing?

Sharon: I wasn't lying about repressing that memory. Since the procedure, since my ECT, a lot of my past was lost to me.

Noah: For how long?

Sharon: Fragments would come back. They didn't make sense. It wasn't until I saw Phyllis that the pieces started fitting together and they seemed real.

Noah: Wait, wait. Let's just go back, okay? Before ECT, when you were in therapy and you knew, why didn't you just tell dad then? You let him keep on thinking that Summer was Jack's daughter.

Sharon: I didn't know how to tell him.

Noah: You didn't want to tell him.

Sharon: I didn't think he would understand.

Noah: There it is.

Sharon: Again, at that time, I was very sick. Noah, you have no idea what it's like to be so desperately alone. I do. That torture -- that is what kept me from telling nick the truth.

Noah: You ended up alone anyway.

Jack: Phyllis was manipulated, too.

Kelly: Really? Then why aren't you and Phyllis comforting each other right now?

Jack: Yeah.

Kelly: I heard you say something when you were on the phone. You said that Phyllis never would have had her accident if you all knew that Summer wasn't your daughter. I-I don't understand. What does one thing have to do with the other?

Jack: Phyllis knew what Sharon had done before the accident. That's what they were doing on the stairwell. Sharon was trying to stop Phyllis from telling anyone else.

Kelly: And that's why Phyllis took Sharon back to relive the scene of the crime?

Jack: She wanted Sharon to confess in front of me, in front of nick, and... and Victor beat her to it. And he just reveled in sharing the news.

Kelly: So all this time, Phyllis knew about Sharon's lie and... she didn't tell you?

Jack: Oh, she wanted Sharon --

Kelly: But she -- she waited to tell you? Jack, I mean, don't you see? Even one day of letting you think that Summer was your daughter when she wasn't -- I mean, that's...too much. That's unforgivable.

Phyllis: Sales up. That's good. That's good for you, Jack. That's good.

Phyllis: The sooner you unpawn the ring, the sooner we can make that dream of yours a reality.

Jack: We will talk about our future once you're out of the hospital.

Phyllis: We will have a future together, that is, if you still want to marry me.

Jack: I never stopped loving you, red.

Phyllis: I'm home, Jack. What are you waiting for?

Victoria: So, where do things stand with Sharon?

Nick: [Sighs] I moved out. I don't want anything to do with her.

Victoria: Well, you have faith. So you can't be done with Sharon any more than I'm done with Billy while we're raising Johnny and if this baby is his. You're gonna have to figure out a way to co-parent.

Nick: We've been sharing custody of faith...pretty much ever since she was born. That's nothing new.

Victoria: Yes, but Sharon's never done anything this hurtful to you before.

Nick: [Sighs] How do you plan on co-parenting if stitch turns out to be the father? I mean, he did something worse than Sharon.

Victoria: Ben says there's more to the story.

Nick: Yeah? What is it?

Victoria: I don't know. [Sighs] Abby says he's just telling me that to keep me on the hook.

Nick: What do you think about that?

Victoria: I think that he needs to tell me whatever it is, and then maybe that would change things.

Nick: But you don't want to go there?

Victoria: [Chuckles] I just can't deal with any more shocks right now.

Michael: Everything's fine, right, Kevin?

Kevin: Everything is gonna be fine.

Michael: So, what's your afternoon look like?

Lauren: What are you offering?

Michael: Mm, I was thinking of playing hooky, spending the day with our son. I figure since Fenmore's in town, we should get some quality time in.

Lauren: Well, I would love that, except that fen is seeing friends before the concert. It was awfully nice of Kevin to get those tickets, don't you think?

Michael: Yes. Kevin is very helpful.

Lauren: And we both know that he had an ulterior motive. So why don't we talk about what's really going on?

Michael: What's that?

Lauren: Oh, Michael. Don't play me. Remember what our therapist said when we were in marriage counseling? Honest communication is the key.

Michael: [Sighs] I know that I've been tired and tense lately. The truth is...

Lauren: What? What is it?

Michael: I think the problem that we had -- that I had -- affected me more than I let on. I have a confession to make.

Lauren: No, you don't. I know about the doctor's appointment.

Abby: Hey.

Summer: Hi.

Abby: How's my niece holding up?

Summer: Um...it's been difficult. You know, I just got to thinking of the Abbotts as my family, and now they're not. You're the only one I'm really related to.

Abby: Look, you may not be an Abbott by blood, but you are still loved by each and every member of our family.

Summer: Really?

Abby: And you are still expected at family dinners. My uncle Jack would want you there.

Summer: Thank you for saying that.

Abby: Okay. I am gonna leave you in the good hands of your brother. Bye.

Summer: Bye.

Abby: Bye, Noah.

Noah: Bye, Abby.

Summer: So, you heard.

Noah: I don't know what to say. I am so sorry this is happening to you. Again.

Summer: No, don't be sorry. It's not your fault that your mom is sneaky and cruel.

Sharon: You came here to get your things?

Nick: I'd like to talk.

Sharon: I was hoping once you had a chance to calm down, I-I didn't expect it to happen this soon, but I knew you would change your mind about moving out.

Nick: I didn't change my mind. There's something I need to do, and I'm gonna do it tonight.

Michael: You know about my appointment?

Lauren: Don't worry about it. Your doctor didn't break confidentiality. I figured it out when I found a pill in the sink.

Michael: A pill?

Lauren: Yeah. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, I am so glad that you are willing to do whatever to make us feel connected.

Michael: Well...I don't need the pills all the time. It's just when I'm tired.

Lauren: Oh, you don't have to explain anything. All I know is our problem is solved.

Michael: [Chuckles] [Sighs]

Noah: She was off her medication when she made that switch and --

Summer: Noah. If you're gonna defend your mom right now, then I'm just gonna leave.

Noah: I'm sorry. I've just been defending her behavior for so long, it just comes automatically.

Summer: Yeah, well, that's because you're a good son and an even better brother.

Noah: I'm glad it's official again.

Summer: Me, too.

Noah: Come here. I love you.

Summer: I love you.

[Cell phone rings]

Summer: You know what? It must be Austin. Hold on a second. Hey, Kyle. Hi, uh, it's really nice of you to call to see how I'm doing.

Sharon: Nick, before you say whatever you came here to say, I just want to remind you of the promise you made me. You swore that there was nothing I could ever do that would make you stop loving me.

Nick: Sharon --

Sharon: I warned you that my secret could hurt you and that you shouldn't marry me until my memories resurfaced. I wanted you to know the truth, nick. You're the one who said it didn't matter.

Nick: You stole my child. You tell me. What am I supposed to do with that? How am I supposed to feel? It is not just what you did to me. It's what you did to Summer.

Sharon: Nick, please --

Nick: Look, I came here to talk to you about faith.

Sharon: Faith. Why?

Nick: If she were a bit older, I'd have no problem telling her exactly what you did. But she's still just a little girl. And you're her mother and she's always gonna love you and you can see her whenever you want, but she is gonna live with me. So I'm gonna pick her up today after school. Have her bags packed.

Jack: Oh, believe me, I was furious with Phyllis when I realized she was more interested in getting a confession out of Sharon than sharing the truth with me.

Kelly: Yeah, so, good. It was very wrong of her.

Jack: Yeah. Be that as it may, I can't let my own anger blind me to what Phyllis was dealing with. She's -- everything she lost, everything she'd been through, of course she wanted to go after the person responsible.

Kelly: Why did she wait, Jack?

Jack: She wasn't 100% sure whether what she was remembering was real or imagined.

Kelly: She still lied to you.

Jack: She wasn't completely honest.

Kelly: Is there a difference?

Jack: I have been telling myself there isn't, that I didn't lie to Phyllis about you and me and our relationship, but I haven't been completely honest, either. And the time has come that I have to be.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: He killed his father.

Nikki: Maybe he didn't.

Maureen: Please tell me that you haven't told Victoria the truth about how your father died.

Stitch: No, I haven't, but I'm planning to.

Phyllis: Why is this picture of Kelly Andrews in Jack's desk?

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