Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/6/14
Episode # 10535 ~ Victoria reaches out to Billy; Michael opens up to Kevin; Summer receives shocking news.
Provided By Suzanne
Jack: [Sighs]
Phyllis: You know, Summer will always love --
Jack: I called and asked her to come over. She needs to know the truth about her paternity now, not later.
Phyllis: Of course. Maybe we should have Nick with us, too?
Jack: Nick has the rest of his life with her. I'd like some time with my -- with Summer. Besides, Nick has other problems.
[Door opens]
Sharon: Oh, thank God. When I got home, there was a note from Noah saying you asked him to keep faith overnight. She must be really confused. I can't imagine what Noah must think. Um... you weren't at the tack house, so I left you a bunch of messages.
Nick: I took a walk.
Sharon: All night?
Nick: Yeah. All night.
Sharon: But now you're home.
Nick: I came to get my things. This isn't my home. We have nothing left.
Michael: If you know the results of the biopsy, why don't you just tell -- yes, I understand. I'll be there. Thank you. It's called knocking.
Kevin: And I'm called your brother.
Michael: Is this your new thing? Barging in, looking at laptops?
Kevin: Yeah. So, listen, I brought you a present.
Michael: What? More baked goods with accusations?
Kevin: Stop talking for like two seconds. [Clears throat]
Lauren: [Chuckles]
Michael: You brought me my wife. Thank you.
Lauren: I am not alone.
Michael: Fenmore.
Fenmore: Hey, dad.
Michael: You're home. Oh! Wait, hold on. What's wrong? What happened?
Fenmore: Kevin called. He said I had to get back to G.C. Right away.
Lauren: Even though you'll be back in a few weeks for thanksgiving. Why now?
Kevin: Well, it had to be today. Otherwise it might be too late.
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: Hi.
Billy: Uh, no Johnny. I-I didn't blow a visitation, did I?
Victoria: No, no. He's -- he's with Hannah. Um...can I come in?
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, sure. What's up?
Victoria: Thanks. Uh... [Sighs] I just needed to talk to you. Is Chelsea home?
Billy: No. It's just me.
Victoria: Well, um, I came by for two reasons. First of all, I feel like I owe you an apology. I know that you had nothing to do with Ben's arrest. And I'm sorry that I assumed.
Billy: Well, it wouldn't have been the first time that I went after stitch, but it's like I told you before, I'm done.
Victoria: Right. And I know that now. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. But, you know, I'm still just trying to piece all this together. So...I have to ask. Did Chelsea have a part in this?
Billy: If it's not me, then it must be Chelsea, right?
Victoria: Well, because Chelsea's dad is Jeff, and he instigated the fraud charges, and I just thought maybe she put the idea into his idea, you know?
Billy: No, there's not a chance. And if she knew anything about this, she would rip Jeff apart, seriously.
Victoria: He's after money. He's suing the hospital.
Billy: Well, I will tell Chelsea, and she'll try and talk him down, at least give it her best shot.
Victoria: You seem really positive. Why do you even want to help Ben?
Billy: I don't. But clearly it's hurting you, and I'm not okay with that.
Kelly: Ben?
Stitch: Kelly, hey.
Kelly: Hey. Good morning. Uh, what's going on? You here for breakfast?
Stitch: I'm looking for mom. She's not in her room.
Kelly: I haven't seen her. Why do you need her?
Stitch: To talk as soon as possible. I made a decision. Some things are gonna change.
Kelly: Like what?
Stitch: Big things, and not just for me.
Phyllis: Still mad at me? That's stupid. Just -- never mind. You have every right to be about how things came out last night. I have this fury all the time that, uh, was taken from me because of what Sharon did to me and my family. I needed proof. Just blurting it out to you and Summer, I couldn't. I couldn't. I needed to hear Sharon say it first, admit what she did, Jack. Jack, I spent a year in silence. You know what? If I experience another hour of it, I think my head's gonna explode. Not that I am making this about me.
Summer: Hey. You, uh, you sounded a little weird on the phone. Are you okay?
Phyllis: Yeah. Perfect. Physically. Come here. Come here.
Summer: Something's wrong. What -- what -- what is it?
Jack: Summer...
Summer: Okay, now you're both scaring me. Just tell me what's wrong. Dad.
Victoria: You know, if you could just talk to Chelsea, maybe she could talk to Jeff about withdrawing the suit.
Billy: You know, she does have a heart, Vick. She will give Jeff the smackdown. That's -- that's their thing.
Victoria: Ben has a heart, too. Maybe people don't realize that because of what they've heard.
Billy: Yeah, the word "murder" does carry some baggage with it.
Victoria: I think he's paid for what he's done. Maybe he's paid more than he should have.
Billy: So you're saying that stitch got the wrong end after killing his own dad.
Victoria: I'm just saying that we don't know everything. Not yet.
Billy: Did he confess? What else is there?
Victoria: There's more after your thorough investigation.
Billy: Was I wrong, Victoria? Was the guy hiding something?
Victoria: Stop! Just... we'll stop.
Billy: On a dime. I'm fast like that.
Victoria: Yeah, you are. Besides, there's another reason that I came by. There's something else that I have to tell you.
Billy: Is it about the baby?
Victoria: No, it's about a child, but not this child. Billy, Jack just got some information that's gonna be really hard for him to deal with, and he's gonna need all of the love and support that he can get from us right now.
Kelly: Lives will change? Oh, Ben. You've been hopeful before. Is this about Victoria?
Stitch: It is, but everything else, too. Things are gonna be different this time, and I'm not talking just baby steps. I'm talking the whole nine yards.
Kelly: Good. I hope you're right.
Stitch: It's a brand-new world for me, Kel. At least it will be soon enough.
Kelly: Nice.
Stitch: Yeah.
Kelly: That's a good feeling, isn't it?
Stitch: It is.
Kelly: Hope.
Both: Yeah.
[Both chuckle]
Stitch: I guess that's a novel experience for the both of us, huh?
Kelly: Misery is pretty easy to get used to, isn't it? It wears you down. You know, Jack -- he gave me my hope back months ago. Tell you a little secret. I feel it again.
Stitch: So, the Phyllis situation, it's --
Kelly: Oh, everybody thinks that he and Phyllis are meant to be and I should just walk away, but you know what? I say too bad for them. I'm gonna stay and fight.
Stitch: You're tough, Kel. Tougher than anyone knows.
Kelly: Maybe it's genetic.
Stitch: Maybe it is. And I'm gearing up for a fight, too. And it won't be easy, that's for sure.
Kelly: Come on now. Maybe Victoria's ready to forgive.
Stitch: Maybe she is. But the thing is, in the back of my head, I know that when two people share a kid, that's the -- that's the biggest reason in the world to try and make it work.
Phyllis: Come on. Let's sit down. Want some iced tea? Are you hungry, baby?
Summer: Mom, you are not Suzy homemaker. Okay, if something is wrong, just tell me. Dad.
Jack: Don't.
Summer: Don't what?
Jack: Don't call me dad, all right?
Summer: But I thought you liked when I called you that.
Jack: I'm -- I'm -- I'm sorry. I love it. I love the sound of it.
Summer: Okay, then I don't understand. Did you and Nick get in another fight about me or -- you guys were getting along so well. Both my dads, I don't --
Jack: I'm not...
Summer: You're not what?
Jack: I'm not your father, Summer. There's been a mistake.
Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Wasn't a mistake. It was vicious, it was selfish, and it was sick.
Summer: I don't get what's going on. Just tell me what's happening.
Phyllis: Baby, um... Sharon changed the paternity test that Nick ran last year. She made the results say that Nick was not your biological father.
Summer: No, no, no. That does not make any sense. You and Nick came down to Chicago to tell me that --
Phyllis: It was a lie. It was a lie that Sharon created because she wanted to get her claws into Nick. It was never true. This -- this, here and now, this is -- this is the truth.
Summer: But if you're not my -- my dad, then...
Jack: Nick is your father. All this time, it was always him.
Sharon: Nick, you can't just go.
Nick: I can get my stuff now or later if you want.
Sharon: Not like this.
Nick: Then like what?
Sharon: We calm down. We talk.
Nick: And say what? Sharon, we lost Cassie together. We both know what it's like to have that hole carved in your heart because of one awful night, one terrible accident. But you did this to me on purpose. You took Summer from me. We've hurt each other a million different ways, but this...
Sharon: I know. I know. But I can explain.
Nick: Do it. Help me understand this.
Michael: You insisted that he come home now. You do know the boy's in college. He is busy.
Fenmore: There was no way I was gonna stay once I heard Kevin's message.
Lauren: Must have been urgent.
Michael: I doubt that.
Kevin: Well, only when you consider this urgent. Floor seats, reunion tour, fen's favorite band.
Fenmore: Oh, that is the exact definition of urgent.
Lauren: Yeah, so is your education!
Fenmore: There's no classes today. I brought my books, and I read on the plane.
Kevin: So it's all good. I don't have to sit alone in the arena like a dork, and you get to visit with your child. Why, yes, I am a hero.
Michael: You are an interfering pain in the ass.
Lauren: Michael.
Fenmore: What's going on with you guys?
Summer: No. There is -- there is no way. There is no way that someone ever --
Jack: It's true. Sharon admitted it last night.
Summer: Well, maybe it's all in her head. You can't take her word for it.
Phyllis: It's true. I've known about this for a long time. That's why I was running up the stairs. I was looking to tell Jack and everybody else, but Sharon couldn't let that happen.
Summer: W-w-w-- are you telling me that Sharon tried to kill you?
Jack: No, she is not saying that.
Phyllis: Tried to? Maybe not. Almost did? You betcha. I was calling Jack, and she grabbed for my phone, and... we know the rest.
Summer: No, no, no. The police gave me your phone. And the lipstick in the stair, that was not just Sharon's shade. That was Sharon's lipstick. All this time...
Jack: I know. I know.
Phyllis: She knew what she was doing to you and to me. That psycho turned everybody's life upside down.
Summer: I thought that... I thought that we were...
Jack: I did, too.
Sharon: If we could just sit down...
Nick: I don't want to sit down. I just want you to help me understand this.
Sharon: For most of my life, I've been in love with you. No matter what we did, what we said, who we were with -- for me in my heart, it was always you. And then I got sick. And this illness, this disorder made it so that I didn't know what was right anymore. I started seeing Cassie, and she was telling me that I needed to protect our bond, that in order for me to remain in your life or remain special to you, I needed to be the only mother of your children.
Nick: Cassie would never, ever...
Sharon: No, I know that. You're right. It was my illness. But it made sense to me to trust her. Cassie told us that we were gonna have another daughter one day, and she was right, so I believed her about this, too. She knew how much I needed you.
Nick: It wasn't Cassie. It was you. You let me think that Summer wasn't mine.
Sharon: And I felt so guilty and ashamed. And I wanted to tell you so badly. I...I just was afraid of losing you. And at the time, I was seeing Cassie everywhere. I was confused. And then I had the ECT. And after that treatment, all of those memories were gone.
Nick: All those nights we talked about us and our future and our family...
Sharon: When we were falling in love again, I had no idea of what I had done.
Nick: But you did it. It happened.
Sharon: Yes. I made a terrible mistake because of my illness. But our love, that was real. That was honest. And, Nick, if you could just see that, if you could just see that that wasn't me and I would do anything to take this back... Nick, please. Don't go. Stay. Stay and help me the way that you have before.
Nick: Help you? Because of your illness.
Sharon: I know I have to help myself. And I know what I've done. But that part is in the past, Nick. You and I have gone to bed together. We have woken up together. We've sworn that we would love each other forever many times since then. I am a very different person since the ECT. I'm not capable of doing horrible things like that anymore. And of course I have to be cautious. I-I need the right care. But I... I will do that. I have.
Nick: Yeah, you need to -- you need to be well for our kids' sake.
Sharon: And for you and for me and for us.
Nick: There is no us.
Sharon: There will always be an us, Nick. There will always be --
Nick: Sharon, you stole my child from me. How many times did you watch me cry because I didn't think Summer was mine? You let Summer fall apart because she thought her whole life was a lie. And you let people blame me because they thought I kept Summer from Jack.
Sharon: They forgave you.
Nick: For something I didn't do!
Sharon: But if they could forgive you for that, then you can forgive me for this.
Nick: You broke my daughter's heart. You took Noah and faith from her, her family. You made her feel things that she never should have felt. And what you did to Phyllis --
Sharon: I did not push Phyllis.
Nick: An entire year was gone. Summer had already lost me, and she was terrified that she lost her mother because of you.
Sharon: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Nick: Well, that doesn't cut it. Your tears do not make my daughter's pain go away.
Summer: I'm so sorry. You were so loving and so generous to me, and I'm not even --
Jack: No, no, no, no, no. Listen to me. I'm the first person that held you when you were born. I loved you ever since. I will love you till the day I die. Nothing will change that. Ever. While you've been with me, I've watched you blossom and grow... fall in love. And I could not be any prouder to call you my daughter.
Summer: I was so angry in the beginning, and I was so awful to you. I would not have been able to make it through this year without you.
Billy: But Jack loves Summer. I mean, finding out she was his daughter was like Christmas for him.
Victoria: Yeah, I know. He's gonna need you, which is why I thought I should tell you in person.
Billy: Even if it meant coming here?
Victoria: Yeah, well, you know, you definitely win the award for moving on by moving in with Chelsea.
Billy: I'm moving on? What about your, uh, tattooed ring?
Victoria: Yeah, um, this, well, it's just makeup, you know, but, um, after the baby's born, then...
Billy: Then away it goes.
Victoria: You know, they said they weren't gonna be able to completely remove the ring. It's gonna leave a mark.
Billy: Everything does, doesn't it? But then I guess it's not all bad, right? I mean, maybe someday you and I can have a conversation without this cloud of tension and guilt and regret.
Victoria: Yeah. I think the cloud is getting smaller, if that helps.
Billy: Yeah. [Chuckles] It does.
Kevin: No, that's fine. Michael's right.
Lauren: To snap at you like that?
Kevin: You know, ever since Chloe... since the divorce, I think I've been a little aggressively "here's some tickets, here's your kid, here's a little slice of joy left in the world."
Fenmore: But truth be told, I am something to be joyful about.
Lauren: Yes, you are.
Kevin: Yes, of course. But I think I can ease back on the "in your face" aspect, you know? Not be yukking it up all the time.
Michael: Exactly.
Lauren: But when we can't find something that makes us smile, it's a good thing, right? Like our son.
Fenmore: Exactly. The golden child returns.
[Cell phone rings]
Michael: Oh. Excuse me. Um, this is a meeting I have to get to.
Lauren: Now?
Michael: Yes. This was a wonderful surprise. I'm so glad you're home. I will see you later.
Lauren: Yeah. Of course.
Fenmore: I'll walk you out. I'll tell you about the classes I'm failing.
Lauren: What?!
Fenmore: I'm joking, I swear.
Michael: Come on.
Lauren: So, you lured fen from school. Do you really think that Michael and I are in so much trouble that we need to see our son to remember what's at stake?
Kevin: What? No, no, no. It was the concert. You and Michael are fine. I thought fen would --
Lauren: All right. Stop talking. Thank you.
Fenmore: So, you're okay?
Michael: Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?
Fenmore: You're a little jumpy.
Michael: I have a big verdict coming up. This case, this client -- I need it to go well.
Fenmore: Dad, it's you.
Michael: What?
Fenmore: It's a lock. You always win.
Michael: Huh. I wish that was true.
Fenmore: It is. You'll win this one, too.
Sharon: I will talk to Summer. I'll explain.
Nick: Yeah? What are you gonna say? That you're sorry you turned her life upside down? That you didn't give a damn who you hurt?
Sharon: I did care, Nick. I really did. It ate away at my heart and my soul all the time. But at the same time, I needed to know that you and I could find our way back together again, and we did. And you were there for me when I needed you. That's what kept me back from the edge. It was loving you and knowing that you love me. Our love for each other is what made me whole again. Us loving each other is what made our family whole again. The wedding, it was supposed to be for all of us!
Nick: Including my daughter you shoved right out of my life.
Sharon: I didn't know what I'd done. I didn't remember. You know how hard I tried. I went to therapy. I went to hypnosis. I even went to Victor for help because the thought of hurting you... you said that you would love me no matter what.
Nick: [Voice breaking] For anything but this. It was vicious and hateful.
Sharon: You love me. I know you do. Look me in the eye and tell me that you don't love me.
Summer: So, Sharon changed the paternity test.
Jack: Yeah. She confessed it all last night.
Summer: I just -- I just don't get it. She's been so nice to me this past year. I mean, she acted like a second --
Phyllis: Second what? Second mother? You listen to me. She is a manipulating bitch...
Jack: Phyllis.
Phyllis: ...Who knew what she was doing to you, to Nick, to Jack, to me. Maybe -- maybe she did forget. Maybe she got it zapped out of that blonde bubble she calls a brain. But it was no accident, and it was no mistake.
Jack: Your -- your mother is angry. We all are angry. But our focus is on you right now.
Summer: You guys are worried about me? You're just scared that I'm gonna go take pills or drive like a lunatic, but I promise I'm not who I was a year ago. I have Austin.
Phyllis: That's good, honey, but you need... all of us. And Austin.
Jack: And we will be here for you. This news does not change that.
Summer: Okay, but it's not all about me. What about you?
Jack: I will admit my heart is breaking. It has since last night. Summer, you're a gift. You filled a corner of my heart I didn't know was empty. And I will be forever grateful for that, and -- and I will miss you terribly.
Summer: No, no, no, no, no. I'm here. Mom -- mom's home, and she's gonna be here. I'm gonna be here all the time. We -- we can still be together. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Phyllis: Summer.
Jack: No, no, no. Let her -- let her go. She's got to work this through her own way.
Phyllis: [Sighs] Hey. Everything we said about being there for her, you know, that's all true for you, too, baby. If you want to talk --
Jack: No. Right now, I think I need to be alone.
Billy: Thank you for coming here to tell me about Summer in person.
Victoria: Yeah, well, it's hard news to deliver by phone.
Billy: Probably not easier to come here, either.
Victoria: You know, I've been really angry at you for the last few months. And then I just sort of aimed all of that at Ben. But now I-I don't have the time or energy for any of those feelings. And this baby's coming soon. [Chuckles] And I-I just don't want him or her born into that kind of negativity and bitterness, you know?
Billy: Yeah. Just sunshine and moonbeams, right?
Victoria: If you're gonna have that kind of peace, you got to be able to forgive.
Billy: Well, I've given you a pretty tall hurdle on the road to forgiveness.
Victoria: It's what people do. They make mistakes. Maybe if we can stop staring at the past, then we can start picturing the future.
Billy: [Chuckles] Yeah.
Stitch: Do you ever think about it? How dad died?
Kelly: What? The fire? Him dying like that? The fact that my own brother... no, Ben. No, I don't think about it. In fact, I try hard not to.
Stitch: Okay, but you -- you don't think about how it was, how things were for us?
Kelly: No! What? You mean like troubled home life? Sure. I mean, come on. It was obviously screwed up. Things wouldn't have turned out the way they did. Why talk about it? Why dig up the past? I mean, look, you and I, we're talking. It's nice, like a real brother and sister. I like it. I like having my brother back. So, if that means we leave the past where it is, okay, let's do that.
Stitch: So, if we're talking about the present again, does that mean we're talking about you?
Kelly: No. Talk about you. Look, I really -- I really care. I really hope that you and Victoria work things out.
Stitch: Same goes for you and Jack. Stand and fight.
Kelly: Thanks. [Chuckles] If I ran, it would really make me look like I was too scared or weak or like I didn't deserve to be happy, right? And I say why not me? [Chuckles] Why not you? Why not me and Jack? Why not you and Victoria? Either -- either you stand and fight for what you want or you curl up and die, right?
Michael: Hi.
Sharon: You can't tell me that you don't love me.
Nick: Sharon, falling in love with you again...was the easiest thing to do in the world. We both said it felt like we were coming home.
Sharon: We are home, Nick. This is our home! When you told me earlier that no matter what I had done, it wouldn't matter to you, that was very hard for me to believe! It took a leap of faith, but I took it. And now I'm asking you to trust me. We can get through this!
Nick: I don't want to get through it. Believe me when I say this. I can search my heart and soul for days. And there is nothing left in there for you anymore.
Sharon: Don't.
Nick: You killed it. You lied, and then you handed my daughter to another man and said, "she's yours." I don't love you anymore.
Sharon: Nick, don't -- don't say that.
Nick: I'll come back later for my stuff.
Sharon: Wait, what about... what about faith and Noah? Nick, we're a family!
Nick: We'll figure out... we'll figure out how to deal with them. When I think about what this is gonna do to faith...
Sharon: Nick, stop. I can't lose you.
Nick: You already did.
Fenmore: You late for something?
Lauren: Not yet. I have a meeting at Jabot in a little bit. But I hate losing time with you. I-I wish I could stay here longer.
Fenmore: I'll be back for turkey and stuffing in two weeks. Maybe hang out with Summer, get to know this husband of hers. It's weird, right? I mean, she just met the guy, and now she has a husband?
Lauren: Take it from me. Um, love is always weird. And this is coming from the voice of experience.
Kevin: Was that her?
Michael: Kevin.
Kevin: Was that her?
Michael: You followed me?
Kevin: Yes, I gave your wife and son a good excuse, and like a good, little techie, I tracked your phone's GPS. So, is that the woman you're willing to risk everything for? You're not answering me, so I'm going to assume that's a yes.
Michael: That woman was a receptionist.
Kevin: So, you came to her place of work to cheat on your wife?
Michael: I'm not having an affair, Kevin. I have cancer.
Stitch: Ma, uh, we need to talk. It's time for me to just get everything out there. Call me soon. Hey.
Victoria: Hi.
Stitch: Um, I'm ready.
Victoria: To tell the truth?
Stitch: Not now. Not like this, though.
Victoria: You're delaying again.
Stitch: No, no, no. All that -- all that's over. Tonight, dinner, just you and me. I'll tell you everything you need to know, if you're ready to listen.
Victoria: Yeah, I'm ready.
Stitch: I'll see you tonight, then.
Summer: Dad.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: You have cancer.
Michael: Which makes it my business, no one else's.
Kevin: What about your wife?
Lauren: Don't tell me that you and Jack aren't together.
Phyllis: Why would you think Jack and I aren't together?
Sharon: You came here to get your things?
Nick: I'd like to talk.
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