Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/29/14
Episode # 10529 ~ Kelly gives Jack an ultimatum, while Lily wonders what Hilary is hiding.
Provided By Suzanne
Summer: Hey. What's up?
Nick: Hey. Just, uh, putting together some Halloween drinks.
Summer: Well, the place looks amazing.
Nick: Good. Well, sit down. I need your opinion on something.
Summer: Okay.
Nick: So check these out. I've got piÑa-ghoulata. Huh?
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Nick: Got morgue-a-rita. See what I did there?
Summer: Yeah.
Nick: Yeah. Clever, right? And I've got everybody's favorite, bloodthirsty Mary.
Summer: Oh.
Nick: What do you think?
Summer: Let me see --
Nick: No! No, no, no, no. Not for a couple years. Just tell me what you think about the names.
Summer: Oh. I think they're pretty cheesy.
Nick: What?! "Morgue-a-rita"? That is -- it's genius. It's inspired.
Summer: [Laughs] No. It's terrible, like most of your jokes are.
Nick: You know, you used to think that everything that came out of my mouth was hysterical.
Summer: Oh, yeah, that was when I was 5.
Nick: So what happened?
Summer: I don't know. It's this weird thing that happens to kids. I grew up.
Nick: Yeah, that kind of sucks. Except for the part about you turning into an amazing, beautiful, smart young woman.
Summer: Yeah, I wish mom thought that. She's convinced that I ruined my life by being with Austin.
Nick: She's just gonna need some time, all right? You grew up while she was gone. It's gonna take some getting used to the fact that you are not a kid anymore.
Summer: Well, even if she does, she's never gonna accept my marriage.
Phyllis: I don't get it. Two dads. How could either one of them be okay with this?
Avery: We were all concerned about Summer marrying Austin.
Phyllis: But no one stopped her. What in the hell is the matter with nick and Jack? How could they let Summer marry a man who kidnapped you? Nearly killed Paul?
Avery: Okay, they were legally married before any of us knew about it. That wedding was a formality. They had gone down to city hall a few days before, exchanged vows in front of a justice of the peace. There was nothing any of us could do about it.
Phyllis: Nothing? How about get an annulment?
Avery: Well, in the eyes of the law, Summer is an adult, so we had to accept she was married.
Phyllis: So that's it? Everyone just forgave and forgot what Austin did?
Avery: Well, I can't speak for everyone.
Phyllis: Okay. Then how about you? You've gotten over what he did?
Avery: [Sighs] You know, I'm trying. For Summer.
Phyllis: [Scoffs] Well, you are a better person than I am. I wouldn't be able to forgive someone who hurt me that easily. And I'd never forget.
Cane: Okay, so we have 300 reservations for Saturday, so I've hired two more bartenders. What time are the orange and black linens coming? Sweetheart.
Lily: What?
Cane: The linens for Saturday. What time are they coming?
Lily: Oh, um, they will be here at 10:00 -- no, 11:00. Sorry.
Cane: Okay, all right. What's going on with you? Your mind is somewhere else. It's been there all morning.
Lily: No, it's not.
Cane: Yeah, it has. You put Mattie's ballet tutu in Charlie's backpack, so what is going on? What's on your mind?
Lily: Okay, um... Hilary is hiding something from dad. Something huge.
Cane: Why would you say that?
Lily: Okay, you're gonna think I'm crazy, 'cause Devon thought I was crazy, but as a woman, I just -- I know the signs, and she has all of them.
Cane: What are you talking about?
Lily: Hilary is pregnant.
Neil: What did I just hear? What was that?
Lily: Dad.
Neil: Hilary? She -- she's pregnant?
Jack: I cannot tell you how impressed I am by what you did in New York. You should be very proud of what you pulled off. We've been trying to get a foothold in south America for some time now. You opened some very important doors for us at that convention.
Hilary: Come on, Jack. You and I both know the only reason you sent me to New York was because Neil asked you to.
Jack: He thought you needed some time away. I hope you took full advantage of that, that you were able to get some perspective.
Hilary: Uh, yeah, you know, everything went great in New York, but I'm glad to be home.
Jack: Hilary, if you ever want to talk to me about anything --
Kelly: Jack, we have to talk.
Jack: Kelly.
Kelly: You have to choose. Either you want to be with Phyllis or you want to be with me. What's it gonna be?
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Phyllis: Why isn't anyone as upset about this as I am?
Avery: Jack and nick were furious when they found out that Summer married Austin.
Phyllis: Not furious enough to do anything about it.
Avery: They put aside their anger because they didn't want Summer shedding them out of her life.
Phyllis: Oh. They folded out of fear.
Avery: No, they went along with the marriage because they didn't want to lose their daughter, and you know what? They're glad they did, because once they got to know Austin, they --
Phyllis: Ohh. They realized for a criminal he wasn't such a bad guy?
Avery: There's a lot you don't know about Summer's husband.
Phyllis: I know he kidnapped you and shot the chief of police.
Avery: He was grieving the death of his mother.
Phyllis: Light a candle. Go to therapy. Don't try to take someone else's life.
Avery: Austin never meant to hurt anyone. And if Dylan hadn't shown up to rescue me, Paul probably wouldn't have been shot.
Phyllis: You're blaming Dylan for Paul almost dying?
Avery: No, Dylan saved Paul's life.
Phyllis: What?
Avery: He felt responsible for what happened, and when he found out Paul was his father --
Phyllis: Whoa. Paul is Dylan's father?
Avery: Ooh. Brace yourself for this. Paul and Nikki are Dylan's biological parents.
Phyllis: Nikki Newman.
Avery: Mm-hmm. Nikki gave him up when he was born. Dylan never knew he was adopted.
Phyllis: Dylan is Nikki's son? Wow. The hits just keep coming. Wait a minute. That means...
Avery: Dylan and nick are brothers.
Phyllis: Holy crap! I really have missed a lot.
Avery: You have no idea.
Hilary: I'm just gonna get started on these expense reports.
Jack: Thank you, Hilary.
Kelly: Sorry. The door was open.
Jack: You said you wanted to talk.
Kelly: Look, the last time that you saw me, you told me that you loved me, and then --
Jack: And then I told Phyllis that you were Billy's friend.
Kelly: I was not one of my finer moments, surely, or yours.
Jack: No. I didn't mean to hurt you. I had no idea Phyllis was gonna walk in at that minute and...it just seemed like the wrong time to tell her.
Kelly: There's not gonna be a right time, Jack.
Jack: You're right. It's going to be rough, no matter when she finds out.
Kelly: But she needs to find out from you. She needs to hear the truth from you. You understand that, right? Not from somebody else.
Jack: Yeah, Billy almost told her. Thank God I stopped him.
Kelly: You might not be so lucky next time.
Jack: Do you understand? I have to decide how as well as when to tell her.
Kelly: I definitely understand, but I -- I can't do this anymore. Phyllis is not some picture on your mantle or a memory. She is a real, live human being now, standing in your living room, sleeping in your bed.
Jack: I have been sleeping in the guest room.
Kelly: Well, be that as it may, I think that might just be another way for you to avoid being honest. I understand not dealing with this situation would be easier for you... but it's -- it's killing me. I mean, come on. How do you think I felt standing there, watching you pretend not to have any feelings for me? When Phyllis was standing right there -- how do you think I felt? You were pretending... weren't you?
Hilary: Devon.
Devon: Hey. I need to talk to you.
Hilary: We agreed not to see each other.
Devon: I know we did. I just need to ask you a question.
Hilary: You already know the answer. Okay, yes. I love you. But it doesn't make a difference.
Devon: It does if you're carrying my child.
Hilary: What?
Devon: Are you pregnant?
Neil: Somebody want to tell me what's going on? Hilary's pregnant? Is that what you said?
Cane: Guys, listen. This is how rumors start. You are aware of this.
Neil: So then she's not pregnant?
Lily: Well, she could be.
Neil: I don't understand.
Lily: Remember the other day we were having lunch and she just ran out?
Neil: Yeah, you told me that she was, I don't know, upset about something.
Lily: Yeah, but she got upset over nothing, and then she didn't even have one bite of her food, probably because she's nauseous, which is classic pregnancy signs.
Cane: Yeah, or she could have been jet lagged or had a stomach bug, all right?
Neil: Yeah, that's quite possible. She did mention that she wanted to start a family when we first got married.
Lily: So maybe she planned this.
Cane: Guys, we don't even know if she's pregnant.
Neil: But, you know, also, I kept her at bay when she said that, you know? I just -- I thought it wasn't the right time to be bringing children into our relationship.
Lily: And now?
Neil: And now, since my accident, I must say, I believe that life is too short. You got to go for things, you know?
Lily: You know, I bet Moses would love having a little brother or sister.
Cane: Hey, he's got Mattie and Charlie.
Lily: Yeah, but it's different. You want a sibling that you're close to.
Cane: It's not different.
Neil: No, no, that's true. Malcolm and I, we've had our differences, but, you know something? He always has my back. And that's exactly what I want for my little boy, Moses -- someone who's got his back, too.
Lily: And you know what? He would be an amazing big brother.
Neil: Right?
Lily: Yeah.
Neil: And Hilary -- she's gonna make an amazing mother.
Lily: You know, I never thought I would say this, but I think that you two having a baby is exactly what you need.
Cane: All right, you can't have a baby with Hilary!
Cane: Okay, maybe that didn't come out the way it was supposed to have.
Neil: Yeah, maybe it didn't. I sure hope not.
Lily: You keep telling me that I should accept that dad chose Hilary, and here I am doing that, and now you're against them building a life together?
Cane: No, I didn't say that.
Neil: So what are you saying?
Cane: I'm saying that now might not be the best time to start a family.
Neil: Really? Is that what you think? Well, that's not really any of your concern, but do you want to explain that?
Cane: A couple weeks ago, you wanted to ask Hilary to divorce you.
Neil: I made a mistake.
Cane: Right.
Neil: And then that, you know, we're together now, and it's gonna stay that way.
Cane: And I'm glad you're together now. I understand that. But maybe you should take the time to get used to your condition before you start adding a baby to the mix.
Lily: Are you worried that it's gonna be too much for Hilary?
Cane: I'm worried it's gonna be too much for both of them.
Neil: Thanks, cane, for your concern. But when I pushed Hilary out of my life, it made me realize something. Just the thought of losing her made me never want to live without her again.
Hilary: Who told you I was pregnant?
Devon: Hilary, just please tell me if the baby's mine.
Hilary: There is no baby.
Devon: What?
Hilary: I'm not pregnant.
Devon: Oh. I'm sorry. Just 'cause lily thought that when you ran off from lunch the other day, and then...it got me thinking about us and...
Hilary: Yeah. We talked about all of this in New York.
Devon: I know, I know. We talked about a lot of things. But we also talked about a lot of good things, too.
Hilary: Devon, can you just not go there right --
Devon: Why? It feels really good to remember everything we talked about, like traveling and like settling down somewhere where no one knows us, where we don't have to pretend we don't love each other.
Hilary: That's a fantasy. The reality is I'm still married to Neil.
Devon: You know that we can make a new reality, right? Be anything you want.
Hilary: I could come up with a million scenarios where we end up together. Each one more romantic and wonderful than the last.
Devon: Then why don't you pick one?
Hilary: How can I? In every one, Neil ends up hurt. That's why we said goodbye in New York.
Devon: No, I -- I think I can say goodbye to you a million times and it still wouldn't make me believe that what we dreamed about couldn't be real.
Nick: All right, here we go. One special non-alcoholic drink for my Supergirl.
Summer: Yeah, that's not gonna help.
Nick: Come on. It can't be that bad.
Summer: You did not see the way that mom flipped out when she heard that Austin kidnapped aunt Avery and accidentally shot Paul Williams.
Nick: Well, you had to know she wasn't gonna be thrilled about that.
Summer: No, but she threatened to have my marriage annulled.
Nick: Yeah, that definitely sounds like your mother.
Summer: Yeah, when Jack was trying to calm her down, all she kept screaming was that I'd ruined my life.
Nick: You can't blame her for being concerned.
Summer: Marrying Austin has not ruined my life. It has only made me happier. The only thing that could have made me any happier was having mom back. And now that mom is back, I --
Nick: Things haven't turned out the way you were hoping?
Summer: It's -- she's just so disappointed with all the decisions that I've made. Kind of feels like I let her down while she was in the coma.
Nick: [Sighs] I'm sure she doesn't feel like that. All right, now maybe you're forgetting, but I wasn't happy when I found out you were with Austin, either.
Summer: Mm.
Nick: I didn't know what the hell you were thinking trying to leave the country with a fugitive.
Summer: I was thinking that I didn't want to be separated from the person that I love. And I still don't. I cannot imagine my life without Austin. I've experienced life without mom, and I don't want to go through something like that ever again.
Nick: Summer, your mom's not gonna write you off just 'cause she's not happy with the guy you're with.
Summer: Do you remember all the grief that she gave Daniel for the girls in his life? That's part of the reason why he and heather let town.
Nick: Your mom loves you too much to let Austin come between you.
Summer: [Sighs] Yeah, maybe if I hadn't lied to her. I should have just told her the truth from the beginning. Lying just made things so much worse.
Nick: Yeah. It always does.
Phyllis: I thought Sharon was the one who'd broken up you and nick? It was his own brother.
Avery: No, it wasn't Dylan's fault.
Phyllis: You said you left nick at the altar.
Avery: Yes, but... [Sighs]
Phyllis: You were with Dylan. Weren't you? And that's why you didn't show up. Okay, talk about adding insult to injury. That fall out must have been epic.
Avery: It was painful -- for all of us.
Phyllis: What a terrible year for nick. His fiancée dumps him for a brother he never knew he had. Talk about a double whammy.
Avery: Well, it wasn't an easy time for Dylan, either. Everything he thought he knew about himself was a lie. And he didn't want anything to do with the Newmans at first.
Phyllis: Now they're a regular Brady bunch?
Avery: Well, they've gotten closer because of Nikki. She really worked hard to get the Newmans to accept Dylan, and she persuaded Dylan to give them a chance.
Phyllis: So they're one big, happy family. But that makes for some pretty damn interesting dinner conversation. "Hey, nick. You wouldn't believe what Avery and I did last night. Oh, wait. Maybe you would."
Avery: It isn't like that.
Phyllis: Too bad.
Avery: It may seem to you like the wrong people are together, but trust me -- a lot happened while you were away.
Phyllis: Most of it is really messed up.
Avery: Phyllis, whether you like it or not, everyone is with the person that they should be with, and you have to accept that.
Phyllis: I will never accept that nick belongs to Sharon, no.
Avery: You don't have a choice.
Phyllis: You want to bet?
Hilary: Devon, you have to stop this.
Devon: Hilary, we've both tried to stop. I know I have. But every time that I see a couple in the park holding hands or having dinner at my club, I think about you. And us. And being happy together.
Hilary: I dream about what may have been, too, but... we can't keep pretending.
Devon: That's what we're doing. This is pretending. I can't deny how I feel about you, how much I love you. I don't want to.
Hilary: Okay, it would kill Neil if he found out about us.
Devon: I know it would.
Hilary: So we'll... stay away from each other.
Devon: We don't have to do that. If we can come to a compromise.
Hilary: What kind of compromise?
Devon: We don't tell Neil. But we don't stop seeing each other.
Hilary: Have an affair. Behind his back. [Scoffs]
Devon: Hilary, I don't know any other way we can be together. I'm willing to do that if you are.
Kelly: It's awfully quiet in here, Jack.
Jack: I saw Phyllis in the back of that church and my whole world split in two. I know that sound selfish. I wasn't thinking of me. I was thinking there is a woman I love deeply in both those worlds. And I knew at that moment I was going to hurt someone.
Kelly: Is it gonna be me?
Jack: Kelly, I told you my feelings for you have not changed at all.
Kelly: What about your feelings for Phyllis?
Jack: Phyllis will always have a place in my heart.
Kelly: That's not the same as a place in your life, Jack.
Jack: No, you're right. It's not.
Kelly: And that's what I want. I want a place in your life. I want to be the person that you share your life with. What do you want?
Summer: That paternity stuff is ancient history.
Nick: Yeah, well, what I did wasn't fair to you or to Phyllis and it certainly wasn't to Jack.
Summer: He cannot criticize you for lying. He's doing the exact same thing to mom.
Nick: So he still hasn't told her about his relationship with Kelly?
Summer: No. I was gonna be the one to tell her, but now that Kelly's moved out of Jack's house, I figured there wasn't any...point. No, that's a lie. I'm a coward. I'm just as bad as Jack not telling mom.
Nick: That's not your job.
Summer: I have the information and I'm not telling mom. That's bad.
Nick: No, it's -- look, you're a kid who wants to see her parents together. What kid doesn't? I mean, look at faith. She is so excited that Sharon and I are getting married again.
Summer: Yeah, she's 7.
Nick: What about Noah? He's happy for us.
Summer: Mm. So you and Sharon rescheduled the wedding?
Nick: Yep. We're going smaller this time. No wedding invitations. No big party.
Summer: Mm. That way no one can interrupt?
Nick: That is the plan.
[Both chuckle]
Nick: It sure would mean a lot to me if, you know, if you could be there.
Summer: Well, that's really sweet, but...given how mom feels, I probably shouldn't.
Nick: Yeah, I understand.
Summer: But I wish you and Sharon the best. Like you said, kids just want to see their parents happy.
Nick: Thanks, Supergirl.
Avery: Phyllis, nick and Sharon do not need you causing trouble for them. They've been through enough this past year.
Phyllis: Like Sharon torching nick's childhood home?
Avery: Coming to terms with Sharon's disorder is just one of the things that they've had to deal with, and believe it or not it's brought them both closer.
Phyllis: Avery, 100 years ago, they would have locked her up and thrown away the key. It kind of makes me wish I had a time machine right now.
Avery: Well, nick took a more compassionate route than that and helped Sharon get her life back together, and in the process, they realized that their love had never died.
Phyllis: Are you listening to yourself at all? Because you're sounding like one of those romance novels mom used to read.
Avery: Well, maybe I'm just a fan of true love.
Phyllis: And that's what you think nick has found with Sharon?
Avery: I think they're happy together, Phyllis. And so are Summer and Austin.
Phyllis: And you and Dylan?
Avery: Yes. And I think once you get over the shock of all the changes that happened when you were away, you will see it's obvious. We're all exactly where we should be.
Phyllis: The only thing that is obvious is that I'm the one person around here who is seeing things clearly.
Hilary: Even if I wanted to do this, you're forgetting something.
Devon: What?
Hilary: Our affair isn't a secret anymore. Cane saw us together. I'm surprised he hasn't said anything already.
Devon: Cane doesn't want to hurt Neil anymore than you and I do.
Hilary: What if he tells lily?
Devon: He's not gonna tell lily because he knows that that would destroy our family.
Lily: He already told you how much he hated lying to lily.
Devon: He's not gonna have to lie to her if he thinks that we're not seeing each other.
Hilary: He's not gonna believe that.
Devon: Then -- damn it, Hilary. We have to make him believe it. 'Cause I can't live with the alternative.
Hilary: Cane's not gonna buy this.
Devon: Cane wants to believe that you and I aren't involved. We just have to convince him of that, all right?
Hilary: It would be easier if that was true.
Devon: Not for me. And I don't believe it would be for you, either.
Lily: I really hope that you're not mad at me about my suspicions of Hilary being pregnant.
Neil: Well, come on. You were excited about the possibilities. I mean, that's nice.
Lily: I know, but it's not how you should have found out that you might be a father again.
Neil: Well, did you really expect me to show up here like I did just now, right?
Lily: Yeah, speaking of which, you're starting to get around on your own really well. I'm so proud of you.
Neil: [Sighs] Thank you. Yeah, it would have happened a lot sooner if I hadn't been so stubborn.
Lily: I'm just glad that you are done pushing away the people who love you and who want to help you.
Neil: You know, I'm grateful. To have all of you in my life. And you know what I'm especially grateful for is that you and Hilary are becoming friends.
Lily: Whoa. Whoa. [Laughs]
Neil: What?
Lily: I don't know. "Friends" is a strong word. And she might not want to be my friend after she finds out that I just spilled the beans on her being pregnant. She probably had some really cute way of telling you, too, and I just completely ruined it.
Neil: Well, maybe you -- maybe you haven't ruined anything.
Lily: What do you mean?
Neil: Honey, maybe Hilary can still have her special moment, you know? But I am gonna need...your help. [Chuckles]
Nick: Your mom can kick and scream all she wants about your marriage to Austin, but if two people are meant to be together, nothing is gonna keep them apart.
Summer: Like you and Sharon?
Nick: There were times, yeah, when I felt like the whole world was against us.
Summer: But you didn't listen?
Nick: It didn't matter. We were gonna be together no matter what.
Summer: That's exactly how I feel about Austin. It feels like loving him is out of my control.
Nick: Well, there you go. Your mom is just gonna have to accept that.
Summer: You know... it might help if you put in a good word for Austin. You know, tell my mom how responsible he is and how trustworthy he is.
Nick: Yeah, I don't think being employee of the month is gonna change your mom's opinion about Austin. She needs to hear from someone else that he's more than just some terrible mistake you made. Maybe from your aunt Avery.
Summer: Maybe, but I still think that a good word from you would carry a lot of weight. She really trusts your opinion.
Nick: I'm not so sure about that.
Summer: No, she does. When she and Jack were arguing about what was best for me, she said that she was gonna go to you and get your advice.
Nick: Really?
Summer: Mm-hmm. It's like she still considers you my dad. I hope you don't mind.
Nick: Uh, no. Not at all.
Summer: Okay, so you'll talk to her?
Nick: [Chuckles] Um, okay. No problem.
Summer: Great! Let's go!
Nick: What? Now?
Summer: Come on! Please, please, please, please?
Nick: Yeah, okay. Let's go.
Summer: Whoo! Okay. Thank you.
Nick: Sure.
Jack: What do I want? I want for no one to get hurt.
Kelly: Well, the best way to do that is to be honest. Not telling Phyllis about me and asking me to keep our relationship a secret? That's not fair, Jack. That's not fair to anyone.
Jack: I just need to find the right time. It won't be that much longer.
Kelly: I'm sorry. I can't do it for one more minute. Even if you don't choose me, you have to make a choice. Not next week. Not tomorrow. Now. Who do you want to be with? What do you want? Do you want to be with Phyllis? Or do you want to be with me? Come on, Jack. Tell me! Tell --
[Knock on door]
Kelly: [Gasps]
Kelly: Um...
Avery: I'm sorry. I knocked. I guess you didn't hear.
Jack: Well, we were just --
Kelly: I think Avery knows what we were doing.
Jack: What can I do for you?
Avery: I wanted to speak to you... about Phyllis.
Kelly: We can finish this later, okay?
Jack: You okay?
Kelly: I am now.
Avery: [Clears throat] I just came from seeing Phyllis. Jack, you have got to tell her about Kelly.
Jack: It is not that simple, Avery.
Avery: Believe it or not, I've been in this situation more than once, and in the end, you have to choose.
Jack: And break someone's heart.
Avery: Yes, that unfortunately is unavoidable, Jack, but the later you wait to tell Phyllis the truth about Kelly, the more hurt she's gonna be.
Jack: [Sighs]
[Door opens]
Summer: Mom?
Phyllis: Summer.
Summer: Hi. Um, I brought a visitor.
Phyllis: I can see that.
Nick: Hope you don't mind.
Phyllis: Of course I don't mind.
Summer: I thought that we could all three have a family talk. You know, like old times. Even though we're not technically a family anymore.
Nick: Hey! We may not be blood, but we're always gonna be a family. I always want you to be happy.
Summer: And I am. I -- I really am. I'm so happy with Austin.
Nick: I never thought that was gonna be possible, but...
Phyllis: Okay. Stop. I know what the two of you are doing.
Summer: We're just talking.
Phyllis: No. You're putting on a show. You may as well get some puppets and sing some songs while you're at it.
Summer: Mom!
Phyllis: You are using nick to convince me to accept this sham of a marriage. All right, it's not gonna work.
Summer: A year in a coma and you still as stubborn as ever.
Nick: Hey, uh... why don't you let me and your mom talk alone.
Summer: Are you kicking me out so that the grownups can talk like you do to faith?
Nick: No. Yes, so why don't you go play with miss patsy or those puppets your mom was talking about?
Summer: [Scoffs] You are the worst!
Nick: You're welcome. See, I thought you just said, "thank you so much for helping me with this issue."
Summer: No, no. I clearly said, "you are the worst."
Nick: Well, you're always gonna be my Supergirl, so...
Summer: Yeah, and you're always gonna be the worst. [Sweetly] But I still love you.
Nick: [Sighs]
Cane: Hey. So I just spent the last hour listening to Neil talk about his future with Hilary that he may not have now because of you.
Devon: I know where this is going. Hilary is not pregnant.
Cane: How do you know that?
Devon: 'Cause I just saw her.
Cane: Why would you do that? You're not supposed to see her anymore.
Devon: I understand. I'm not gonna see her again.
Cane: Okay, you said that before.
Devon: And I mean it this time. I've made the decision that it's over with her.
Cane: So you expect me to believe you're just gonna stop loving her. Is that right?
Devon: No, of course I'm not gonna stop loving her. But you're right that all this needs to stop. I'm not gonna keep doing it to her or Neil, all right? I'm gonna keep my distance from her. I swear to you.
Cane: Okay, you better be, all right? 'Cause I'm done covering for you. Next time I'm gonna tell Neil and tell him everything that's happened between you and Hilary. Are we clear on this?
Devon: Yeah.
Cane: All right.
Neil: Hilary!
[Cane tapping]
Neil: Is that you?
Hilary: Yeah, it's me.
Neil: Oh, yeah. There she is. My beautiful lady. Hi.
Hilary: Hey. What's -- what's all this?
Neil: Welcome home. This? Oh, yeah. This. You, uh...you like this?
Hilary: Yeah, it's -- it's beautiful. But you shouldn't have gone through all this trouble.
Neil: Nothing's too much trouble... for the mother of my child.
Neil: Let me help you with your jacket. Now, I do know what you're thinking right now.
Hilary: You do?
Neil: I should have waited for you to tell me about the baby.
Hilary: Neil --
Neil: But I couldn't help it, you know? My mind started racing a million miles an hour. I started thinking about, you know, a nursery. Pink for a girl and blue for a boy, and if it's a girl, how beautiful she's gonna be. Just like her mama.
Hilary: Neil, there's -- there's been a misunderstanding.
Neil: What kind of misunderstanding?
Hilary: There's no baby.
Neil: What do you mean there's no baby?
Hilary: I'm not pregnant.
Neil: Of course you're p-- I mean... well, lily said you're -- are you sure?
Hilary: [Chuckles] Yeah. I'm sure. I'm so sorry, Neil.
Neil: No, no, no, no, no, no. Honey, I'm -- I'm sorry. I really am. I shouldn't have -- I shouldn't have assumed anything.
Hilary: No, no, it's okay.
Neil: I know. It is okay because... I want to give you that family that you want. And you know what? How about... we start right now? Tonight. Hmm?
Hilary: [Chuckles]
Kelly: Drinks are on me.
Lily: [Laughs] I think it's a little too early for that.
Kelly: All right, you're right. Lunch is on me.
Lily: Why are you in such a generous mood?
Kelly: [Sighs] I finally met Phyllis.
Lily: Wow, and that put a smile on your face?
Kelly: No. Actually, it made me feel lousy. Especially the part when Jack introduced me as Billy's mistress.
Lily: Ouch.
Kelly: Yeah. That one hurt. I sulked about that for a few days until I decided to take some action.
Lily: Okay? What did you do?
Kelly: I walked into Jack's office and I said, "you have to make a decision. It's Phyllis or me."
Lily: What did he say?
Kelly: He didn't answer me with words.
Lily: [Gasps] In his office? That's dirty!
[Both laugh]
Kelly: Let's just say what he and Phyllis had...is in the past.
Avery: When I walked in, it looked like you already made your choice.
Jack: We let our emotions get ahead of us.
Kelly: I understand that, Jack, but you can't keep lying to Phyllis.
Jack: I know that. I was going to tell her. Then she found out about Summer's marriage, and telling her then seemed like piling on.
Avery: Well, I can only imagine what moment was like.
Jack: She was so wound up there was no calming her down.
Avery: Okay, well, that's not the only marriage she's wound up about.
Jack: Nick and Sharon?
Avery: She's determined to stop it.
Jack: Wait, you don't think she's gonna do something, do you?
Avery: She's back, Jack. And she's worked up a head of steam and God help anyone who gets in her way.
Phyllis: How could you let her make such a colossal mistake?
Nick: Summer doesn't think marrying Austin was a mistake.
Phyllis: She's 19. She's incapable of thinking clearly. But Jack, Avery, you -- you were supposed to be reasonably intelligent adults. You gave Summer away to that felon. Nick, how could you do that?
Nick: Summer asked me to walk her down the aisle. That is a moment all dads dream about. Now, I know I'm not her dad, but I raised that girl. We raised her together. Phyllis, she's a grownup. She can make her own decisions. She's free to do that.
Phyllis: Well, I'm not gonna stand by and watch her ruin her life... any more than I'm gonna stand by and watch you ruin yours.
Nick: Okay. You and Summer -- that's your business. But I'm marrying Sharon tomorrow.
Phyllis: Tomorrow?
Nick: And this time there isn't anything you can do to stop it.
Phyllis: Don't be so sure.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Stitch: You wouldn't be wearing that new fragrance, now, would you?
Ashley: You wouldn't have the sudden urge to kiss me, would you?
Jill: You are up to something, Colin. Now, what is it? And don't you lie to me.
Dylan: The reason I didn't get my lease -- he's selling the building. I got two months to clear out.
Cane: Everything's going according to plan.
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