Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/16/14

Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/16/14


Episode # 10520 ~ Victor comes home with interesting news; Paul's plan hits a snag; Nikki receives a shocking phone call.

Provided By Suzanne

Victor: Sweetheart? Nikki?! Hi, sweetheart. I'm home. I was hoping to see you. I love you. Nikki?!

Paul: Nikki, hi. Come on in.

Kevin: Hey. So, any new contact from Ian?

Dylan: Can you just give her a sec?

Nikki: Kevin?

Paul: Look, we brought Kevin in on the case because of his computer skills. There is no need to worry. It's still a very small core group that knows that Dylan's arrest was a setup.

Kevin: So, any contact from Ian?

Nikki: No, not since that last text he sent.

Kevin: We think he sent. We can't track to confirm.

Dylan: Look, Ian is still alive. He's obsessed with Nikki. That right there is enough to make sure that he's gonna take the bait.

Nikki: What if he doesn't? What if we were right and he's purposely setting you up to hurt me? And then he will intentionally stay away forever to make sure that you are convicted. Maybe we're all being outplayed.

[Knock on door]

Devon: It's probably room service.

Hilary: Mm. Are they bringing more champagne? Hmm?

Devon: I think they're coming to get the trays. But I'll get it.

Hilary: Mm. Don't you dare -- not when I have you right where I want you.

Devon: Yes, ma'am. Whatever you say.

Hilary: Neil.

Neil: Hey.

Hilary: Oh, my God.

Neil: Surprise, baby.

Victor: Thank you for coming. Please sit down.

Mariah: Yeah. Thank you for demanding that I come to see you. So, you're back. Do you have faith's DNA results from that fancy lab of yours?

Victor: I do, indeed.

Phyllis: I want to know right now. What else haven't you told me, Jack?

Jack: There's so much I haven't said -- over a year of days and nights, events, things no one ever saw coming.

Phyllis: Like these fabric and color swatches? Did I go into a coma and wake up in 1986?

Jack: That's not my strong suit. You know that.

Phyllis: Yeah, I know. But what I'm concerned about is... what I don't know.

Jack: Okay. You're right. It's time. You have to understand, life is complicated. Pick any other year of your life -- this is no different, red. There are things that will be hard to say... and even harder to hear.

Victor: So, your assumption was incorrect.

Mariah: Well, lucky you. Your granddaughter is your granddaughter.

Victor: But you led me to believe faith was not Nicholas' daughter. That's why I had the DNA test sent to that lab. Turns out she is Nicholas' daughter. So, there's no payout. I know that you're anxious to leave town.

Mariah: Well, if it means that faith isn't the latest casualty of this whacked-out family, then I can suffer without a paycheck.

Victor: So, if you're not that anxious to leave town, then... what makes you want to stay?

Mariah: I just know what it's like to be lied to my entire life, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I like faith. She's cute.

Victor: She's adorable. So, who in this whacked-out family is the reason for you wanting to stay?

Mariah: I'm not sure why you care, since you're the one person who wants to make sure that nick and Sharon never get married. And, lucky for you, you have a new secret weapon -- your own personal flamethrower.

Victor: Who's that?

Mariah: Phyllis -- large, in charge, and back in town.

Jack: Come here. So many things have changed in the last year. Kyle moved back to New York.

Phyllis: Great...for him. But you must have missed him.

Jack: Yeah. We're still in touch, but I do miss him. It's nice that Ashley's home.

Phyllis: Oh. Hooray.

Jack: Yeah, no. It's -- it's a good thing, if only for Abby's sake, and... this house is pretty busy these days. Billy's living here again.

Phyllis: What? He and Victoria...?

Jack: It's complicated.

Phyllis: Wow. I-I-I love the guy, sort of, but I can already see this one coming. He blew it, didn't he?

Jack: Phyllis, it's not that simple.

Phyllis: Well, can he fix it?

Jack: Divorce proceedings have already happened.

Phyllis: What was it -- gambling, women, booze?

Jack: Let's wait on the details, okay?

Phyllis: You don't want to talk about it because of you or because of me?

Jack: I don't want to talk about it because there are so many other things we need... to talk about. You start pulling at one thread, and...

Phyllis: Jack... I know what this is about. If there's something you think you can't tell me... you can.

Jack: Oh, God. I wish it was that easy.

Phyllis: You can. Do you want me to say it for you? 'Cause you're giving me all sorts of hints here, Jack. Is it the pills? You said you were clean and sober.

Jack: No. No, no. No. No. No. I-I'm not back on the pills. No.

Phyllis: But maybe you thought about it?

Jack: Oh, boy, did I think about it.

Phyllis: But you didn't cave because you kept your word to me. You are an amazing man, Jack Abbott.

Jack: Don't give me too much credit, okay? I had my moments... self-pity, loneliness. I -- waiting for you... week after week, months on end, going to that clinic and waiting for a sign that you'd come around, that things would be back to normal again -- it never happened. And so I shut down a little. A lot. And then things changed. Everything changed.

Paul: Nikki, Dylan isn't going down for murder. That's not gonna happen.

Nikki: And you know that how? My God. You still underestimate Ian, after all of the lies, after all the manipulations.

Avery: No, Nikki. We know exactly what we're dealing with, and I promise you Dylan will not pay for a crime he didn't commit.

Nikki: You can defend Dylan in court, but there's nothing you can do to force anybody to drop the charges.

Paul: Look, Nikki, Chris is in on the plan. You know that.

Nikki: For you. She's in on it for your sake, Paul, but she's made it very clear that she is not convinced that Dylan is innocent at all. In fact, if Ian doesn't come forward, I can see Christine just reluctantly letting the charges stand, reluctantly letting him go to prison!

Paul: Nikki, you are wrong. I don't know how else to say it.

Nikki: And when your wife sends our son to prison, is that what you're gonna say, too?

Dylan: I'm not the issue here. You're the one at risk. Your safety is on the line.

Avery: You know, it's not too late. We could abort this plan.

Paul: We're not gonna abort this plan, but the plan will not work unless everybody is working together!

Nikki: Or maybe the plan will not work at all!

Kevin: You guys! Do you even see it? This -- this guy, this villain, this evil mastermind is getting inside of your heads. He's sowing seeds of discord. You will not be able to vanquish him if you're fighting each other.

Dylan: Vanquish?

Kevin: Yeah, or "get rid of him." That works, too.

Paul: Look, yes -- Ian is obsessed with Nikki. But he also loves outsmarting the authorities. His ego is at play here.

Dylan: What about you? Any second thoughts? I mean, if the public finds out about this, they look at our connection -- your credibility is ruined.

Paul: Dylan, I can handle my career. And I can keep you out of jail and I can keep you out of harm's way. So let me do it, okay? Until Ian contacts Nikki, we wait.

Kevin: And then we vanquish his ass.

Neil: So, how nice is your suite? Did you get a room with a view?

Hilary: Uh, Neil, I-I didn't know, um -- why didn't you say --

Cane: That's why it's called a surprise.

Neil: Oh, baby, I couldn't stand being apart from you. Come here. Give me some sugar. Mmm. This dress is kind of thick. What -- are you wearing a robe?

Hilary: Yeah. Just, uh, I was about to jump in the shower.

Neil: Whoa. You hear that, Cane? Do the right thing. You better cover your innocent eyes, 'cause my sexy wife is half-naked. [Chuckles]

Hilary: Why didn't you call?

Neil: Well, because it wouldn't have been a surprise then. I needed to see you. Besides, cane offered to be my wingman.

Cane: Anything for you, buddy.

Neil: Yeah, back at you, cane. And I would do absolutely anything for you. True love, baby.

Cane: Hey. Uh, why don't we go downstairs, all right? We'll let Hilary get a shower, get dressed. She can come meet us, all right? Let's go to the restaurant.

Neil: Thanks, but you're officially off the clock as my wingman. I think I'm gonna spend some alone time with my wife. You go on ahead. Have a drink.

Hilary: Why don't you come in? I'll get you some -- some water.

Neil: No. No, thank you. I don't need any water. All I need is you. Is that a table?

Hilary: Yeah.

Cane: Neil was a man on a mission, and whatever it took he was gonna get to his wife.

Hilary: Thank you, cane -- for everything.

Neil: Yeah.

Cane: Well, I'm sure you guys would like to have some privacy. I guess you have a lot to catch up on, so I'll be going now. Thank you.

Neil: Thanks, cane!

Cane: You got it.

[Door slams]

Hilary: Here. Why don't you sit down?

Devon: Cane, I know.

Cane: No. No, you don't know. Me keeping my mouth shut in there wasn't done for you. It wasn't done for her. It was done for your father.

Hilary: Um, I could take that shower later.

Neil: No, no. Go ahead. Take -- take your shower if you need to. I could make that shower a whole lot hotter if you want me to wash your back.

Hilary: I'm already dressed. You know, I didn't even have to be here, Neil, in New York. You shouldn't have had to come like this.

Neil: A little adventure is really good for the soul.

Hilary: Did you -- did you arrange this with Jack to send me away? 'Cause -- because that conference -- it was nothing more than a meet-and-greet. I didn't need to be here.

Neil: You caught me. It was my idea, I have to admit. I did ask Jack to help me out, but that's because I needed some -- I needed some time to think, and I thought it'd be good for you for, you know, getting some time away from this guy here.

Hilary: So, now you had time to think, and now you're here.

Neil: Things haven't been right between us for a while -- not the way they should be. We need to change that, starting right away.

Phyllis: There was a reason everything changed.

Jack: I wasn't alone anymore. There was suddenly a light at the end of that awful tunnel.

Phyllis: It was really like that?

Jack: So much so.

Phyllis: Me coming back affected you like that? [Crying] I'm sorry. I didn't just go and suddenly become a crier. I -- you had me freaked out a little bit back there, Jack. I don't like the idea of you being off the wagon, especially without me as backup, but I should have known that you'd hang tough. The love of a good woman will do that for a guy.

Jack: Yeah.

Phyllis: And you know what? The same thing can happen for Billy, even if it's not Victoria, though it should be. Should I talk to Victoria? I mean, I could talk to her.

Jack: About Billy?

Phyllis: Yes. I mean, addiction sucks. But it doesn't mean they're doomed, even if they are divorced. I mean, look at us. We're excellent role models.

Jack: It wasn't gambling that ended things for Billy and Victoria.

Phyllis: Then it was a woman. Well, your brother's an idiot. Forget what I just said about being nice.

Jack: Things are never that simple, Phyllis.

Phyllis: He walked out on a woman who loves him... blew up his own life. Come on, Jack. If that isn't as stupid as hell, I don't know what is.

Paul: All right. Got 'em. Where's Avery?

Dylan: Jack's bringing home Phyllis today. She wanted to be there. Cards?

Paul: To pass the time.

Dylan: Excellent idea.

Kevin: I'm better at computer poker.

Dylan: You're better at computer everything, Kevin.

Nikki: Play this hand without me, okay?

Dylan: I know it feels like the walls are starting to close in... but it won't be much longer.

Nikki: Well, we don't know that. The longer we're in this room --

Kevin: Well, Nikki, police work requires a ridiculous amount of "hurry up and wait." You wait around so long, you could knit blankets for half of Wisconsin or write a novel. I don't know. Anyway, the longer we wait, the more likely it is that Ian will have bolted, and we're not gonna be able to nail him.

Paul: Hey!

Kevin: What?

Dylan: You need something to drink?

Nikki: What?

Dylan: Coffee? Maybe that's not a good idea. I'm sure they have some tea or some water.

Kevin: Why don't you send Harding out for some fancy bottled water from France? Can I be there when you tell him to go? Or, better yet, let me tell him.

[Cell phone rings]

Nikki: I don't know this number.

Kevin: Hold up. Hold up. Here. We're good to go.

Paul: All right. Go ahead. Pick up.

Nikki: Hello?

Ian: Ah, Nicole.

Nikki: Hello, Ian.

Ian: Lovely to hear your voice. Oh, Nicole, all those years ago, I knew that our connection would span a lifetime, and I was right.

Nikki: You're alive.

Ian: Did you ever doubt it?

[Chuckles] Or did you mourn my passing?

Nikki: I was beginning to wonder if you got my messages.

[Keyboard clacking]

Ian: I can still surprise you. That's good.

Nikki: I don't want to play any more games, Ian. I-I just want it to end.

Ian: Well, that sounds so final and so unrealistic.

Nikki: Just tell me what you want, okay?

Ian: Now? We have time, Nicole. And I'd prefer not to speak on a line where the police might be listening. [Chuckles, snorts] There's a disposable phone in your glove compartment.

Nikki: What? Y-you were in my car?

Ian: I'll use that line to speak with you again soon.

Paul: You did great, Nikki.

Nikki: Ohh.

Dylan: Come on. Have a seat.

Nikki: Ohh. Ohh.

Dylan: How'd the trace go?

Kevin: It didn't.

Dylan: What do you mean, it didn't?

Kevin: It didn't! That's the thing with burner phones. We need more advanced technology or maybe a warrant for a wire tap.

Paul: Yeah, but he put the phone in Nikki's car. That means he's close.

Nikki: He's so close. Oh, my God. He's alive. He's alive! That means that you're innocent!

Dylan: I know. That's great. But we have to get you far out of town, away from that son of a bitch.

Nikki: And risk losing him? No, no, no, no.

Dylan: We can -- we can take it from here.

Nikki: I'm the one that he wants, and I meant what I said. I am going to stay with this to the end.

Victor: I heard that Phyllis was out of her coma.

Mariah: Out of her coma and smack-dab into nick and Sharon's wedding. You should have been there. You'd have loved it.

Victor: What happened?

Mariah: Did you hear about the white dress?

Victor: Unh-unh.

Mariah: Phyllis is an evil genius. You guys are either best friends or mortal enemies.

Victor: So, how did nick and Sharon react?

Mariah: I don't remember. They said things. They did things.

Victor: Will this help you remember?

Mariah: Maybe I just can't remember.

Victor: [Chuckles] Have you... suddenly developed a sense of loyalty, or what?

Mariah: To nick and Sharon? Yeah, no. Look, I-I just can't remember what they said. All I know is that Sharon bolted out of the church like the nut that she is, and then later on, nick and Sharon went to visit Phyllis in the hospital.

Victor: Sharon went to visit Phyllis?

Mariah: Yes. It's all about the secret. It's all anybody talks about or thinks about. You guys all have that in common.

Victor: Now Nicholas wants to know, right?

Mariah: Only so that he can tell Sharon that it's no big deal and they can move on. You think it's gonna ruin this epic love affair of nick and Sharon, and he thinks that it's no big deal. You know, you two actually don't have that much in common. Maybe it's his DNA results you should be testing and not faith's.

Victor: Who says I haven't? He is my son. Trust me.

Mariah: I got to give you credit. You don't let anything get in your way. I guess that's why you're Victor Newman.

Jack: What happened with Billy --

Phyllis: And the tramp?

Jack: Billy was in a bad place, Phyllis, and he found someone who understood him.

Phyllis: You are making excuses for him.

Jack: I am saying that people don't make these decisions in a vacuum. Life sometimes overwhelms us. He didn't want to cause her pain. That's the last thing he wanted, especially since she was already in so much pain over -- over something else.

Phyllis: Which you don't want to tell me.

Jack: No, I don't -- not like this, summing up an entire year in one conversation. No. It's not fair to you. It's not fair to the people we're talking about. Trust me on this, okay?

Phyllis: I'm used to being ahead of the curve. I don't like not knowing. But... taking it all in bite-sized pieces, I guess, is a very good idea. All right. So, tell me the easy stuff -- okay? -- About you and Summer and the office.

Jack: Jabot doesn't even make the priority list.

Phyllis: Well, maybe not for you, but you know I need to keep busy. So, tell me -- who's been sitting in my chair at work?

Jack: That would be Billy.

Phyllis: Well, he couldn't keep my magazine going after he bought it, but I trust he hasn't ruined Jabot.

Jack: No, he's done a good job. It's been nice to have him around.

Phyllis: Good! Motivation to get up to speed and boot the competition out of my spot. I'm kidding. Sort of.

[Doorbell rings]

Jack: Let me get this.

Jack: Avery. Come on in.

Avery: Hello. Is she -- ah! You are up and about! You look wonderful.

Phyllis: Well, thank you, but my head is spinning so fast, I'm afraid it's gonna pop off.

Jack: I've been filling Phyllis in on what's happened in the last year.

Avery: Like what?

Phyllis: Like Billy cheating on Victoria. Wonderful decision-making, as usual, but, I mean, Jack didn't say. Do I know this tramp?

Jack: No. No, you don't know her.

Phyllis: But you do?

Phyllis: So, if you don't know her but I do, was she new to town, passing through, making friends with married men?

Jack: You just finished telling us both your head was spinning.

Phyllis: I know. I know. And it is. And I'm not stunned that Billy blew it. But I guess I can't exactly start throwing stones now.

Jack: We've all done things we're not proud of.

Phyllis: But, hey, my sister didn't go and marry my ex while I was out of it, so that's some news.

Avery: No. No, I did not.

Phyllis: Even though nick and Sharon were destined to be together, according to Avery. Gag! 5 bucks it was the usual with those two -- Sharon mentioned Cassie, and they fell into bed together.

Avery: [Sighs] You're enjoying this. [Clears throat]

Phyllis: Sharon copped to being completely psycho to my face. Now, that is the kind of honesty I can appreciate.

Avery: Wait a minute. You're complimenting Sharon?

Phyllis: I am just making a point for Jack that not everything has to be whitewashed.

Avery: You know what? I agree with that. And, uh, I want answers. I want to know why the clinic didn't call us when you woke up from your coma, how you made it all the way here without anyone letting us know.

Jack: Completely irresponsible. Hard to believe that's standard operating procedure. I've tried to call nurse Hathaway. This is a nurse who looked after you for months. She has been transferred.

Avery: All right. Well, you have your people on it, I'm on it, and we will get answers.

Phyllis: Good. I love answers... in small doses.

Avery: You really do look wonderful.

Phyllis: Hey, being at home agrees with me.

Avery: Yes.

Phyllis: Aww. You missed me.

Avery: Don't tease. I did miss you.

Phyllis: Don't go all soft on me.

Avery: I wouldn't dare.

Phyllis: Good. A lot has changed. But you know what? My kid, my sister, my fiancé are the constants in my life.

Mariah: Again Sharon tried to pump Phyllis for information, but she gave them nothing.

Victor: So they said.

Mariah: What, you think nick got the scoop and is holding out? No, no. No way. He wants to shut this whole secret thing down to Sharon. He's freaked because Sharon is freaked.

Victor: So, how is Sharon behaving?

Mariah: Well, she bolted from the wedding and she's tense about what Phyllis might know. I'm not gonna lie. If Phyllis had a secret of mine, I'd be scared, too.

Victor: And you don't scare easily, do you?

Mariah: I know when to duck and cover.

Victor: And you don't wallow in emotions, do you?

Mariah: Not likely.

Victor: Not even regarding the death of a man you considered your father?

Mariah: Are you seriously trying to find out if I cried over Ian? Please. Like I would ever get into that with you. But I wouldn't say no if you offered me gas money.

Victor: [Chuckles] So... you think this conversation was worthwhile as long as I paid you, right?

Mariah: Well, we didn't chat 'cause we're friends, did we? Later.

Victor: Later. [Sighs]

Dylan: Nikki, is that him?

Nikki: No, no. It's nothing important.

Dylan: The heavy lifting's done. You drew Ian out. You need to stay away from him.

Nick: What -- and risk losing him again? No way!

Paul: Look, Nik, you did your job. You took the call. You don't physically need to be in ward's sight line.

Nikki: What are you gonna do -- use a decoy?

Kevin: Tried it. Blew it. Do not recommend it again.

Dylan: Not helping.

Paul: You're shaking.

Nikki: Paul, I'm just upset. That's all. This man has tried to destroy my family. He has hurt the people that I love. When we talked about this before, you said that I wouldn't be in danger.

Paul: And you won't be.

Nikki: All right. Well, then, let's get this thing going -- now!

Kevin: I'd take yes for an answer, guys. What?! It's a good plan. She's a tough lady. Let's get it done.

Dylan: Ian is a loose cannon.

Paul: With one focus -- Nikki. We can protect her.

Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. One focus? Two focuses. Foci? Mariah -- the only other person that Ian cares about.

Paul: We have people watching Mariah.

Kevin: To protect her to nab Ian? 'Cause it's not the same thing.

Paul: Mariah is safe.

Nikki: And I will be, too. Now, look -- he's gonna be calling that phone that he put in my car. I have to be there to answer it.

Dylan: Okay, but if you sense that something is not right --

Nikki: Everything's gonna be all right. And it's gonna be over for all of us. I promise.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Paul: [Sighs]

Neil: I-I've been foolish -- I have -- indecisive, confusing to a fault. I-I push you away, and then I pull you back in and I tell you that I can't do without you in my life and then I push you out of my life again and tell you to get your own.

Hilary: Neil, your whole life has changed.

Neil: Yeah, but, baby, yours has, too. I-I was -- I was wrong... for asking you for that divorce. I -- that was disrespectful of me. Believe it or not, when I got thrown in jail that night and I was sitting there, embarrassed, I-I couldn't stop thinking about you, you know -- what a wonderful wife I have, how you deserve trust and respect and love. And so that means for me that, baby, I need to step up my game, you know, and no pity party here. We are gonna have a hell of a life together. And I-I really don't want to live it with anyone but you. Forgive me for pushing you away. I'm sorry about that. Please forgive me. I love you.

Cane: It's not enough for you to sneak off and get a room at the club anymore. I brought that man here 'cause he loves that woman. He wanted to come here. He wanted to be with his wife. What is wrong with you?

Devon: There's nothing wrong with me. I had to come and see her, all right?

Cane: No, you didn't have to come and see her. You didn't. You could have gone to the car show you lied about. You could have been a man. You could have been a son. You could have stayed away.

Devon: Cane, I love her, and she loves me, too.

Cane: [Sighs]

Devon: Cane... I'm in love with her. And I can't stop loving her. And believe me when I tell you that Neil is the last person on this planet that I want to hurt on purpose.

Cane: Okay. So, you think Neil's not gonna get hurt if he doesn't know about this? Is that what you think? Listen, we know about this -- you, me, and Hilary, okay? And now you got me lying to my wife and to that man, who is one of the few people who gave me a second chance when I didn't deserve one. But it's okay, isn't it, as long as you get what you want?

Devon: Do not say that because it's not true. I don't want this. I don't want any of this. I didn't want to want Hilary. I didn't want to fall in love with her. I didn't want to feel like nothing's right when she's not around me. I look at her -- I know I should walk away, but I can't do it.

Cane: No, you can walk away. You know what it is, though? You don't want to walk away. That's the problem here.

Devon: Cane, I came to New York because this is real for me. I am real when I'm with her.

Cane: The only real thing that is going on right now is on the other side of that door, between your father and his wife. Do you understand that?

Hilary: You're not the one who needs forgiven.

Neil: All this time away got you thinking, too, didn't it?

Hilary: It did. It has.

Neil: Well, I hope you thought about how much I love you, how good we have it, how good it can be.

Hilary: The way you describe me... it's as if I'm brave and strong.

Neil: Yeah. You are. You are very brave and strong, babe.

Hilary: I want to be... who you think I am. I... I want to be that wonderful woman.

Neil: You are. You are my wonderful woman.

Jack: Remembering?

Phyllis: Wondering, actually. A year... a year just...gone from my life. Maybe I'm not as tough as I thought I was.

Jack: You came back. That makes you a lot tougher than we ever gave you credit for.

Phyllis: I should have come back sooner. Leaving you alone all that time -- it must have been hard, being alone.

[Cell phone rings]

Jack: Sorry. Hathaway from the clinic. Maybe we will get some answers after all. Hello. This is Jack Abbott.

Kevin: Oh, good.

Mariah: What?

Kevin: I've been looking for you. You're not safe.

Mariah: Because you're looking for me?

Kevin: No, because Ian's alive. He's alive, he's close by, and, remember, he's the whack job who kidnapped and married you. It's the reckoning.

Mariah: Wait. How do you know? What happened? Are you sure?

Kevin: Yes! Come on!

Mariah: That's not really how this works.

Kevin: It is how it works.

Mariah: What the hell, Kevin?!

Nikki: Victor? Victor?!

[Cell phone rings]

Nikki: I'm here.

Ian: Yes, you are. Ready for me. [Chuckles] I have to admit, it tickles me to think our connection can't be broken.

Nikki: Yes. I do know you, Ian, so I assume this has something to do with money. How much do you want?

Ian: Oh, money is just a tool in our culture -- nothing more. You know me so well, Nicole. You know it's not just about the money.

Nikki: Meaning you want me to deliver it in person?

Ian: Yes. Oh, yes. That is key.

Nikki: All right. But after you have what you want, you have to let the police know that Dylan is not guilty of any murder, and if you can't do that... you won't see me or the money.

Ian: Of course, Nicole. You have my word. Anything for you.

Hilary: [Gasps]

Neil: Hey. Hey, I got you. I'm right here. I am right here, and I'm never letting you go. I love you.

Hilary: Why don't we let housekeeping come in, huh> They've been waiting for a while, and we can get out of here. We can go get something to eat.

Neil: Sure. Um, whatever you want is fine. Can you get my coat? Thanks. Where's my cane?

Hilary: I'm gonna grab your cane here.

Neil: Okay. Yep. So, baby, what are you in the mood for?

Hilary: Um...whatever you want. This is New York. There are so many different things that we can get. There's this amazing Chinese restaurant right down the street. We can go get that.

Neil: Oh, this'll be great. We're in the big apple together. You know this is lovers' city, right?

Cane: Hey! Hey, hey!

Neil: Oh, hey.

Cane: Hey, man. Are you guys heading out? I was just coming up to check on you.

Neil: Yeah. Well, you know what? We're gonna go grab a bite to eat. You were an excellent wingman, even better friend. Thank you. You have every right to use the car now.

Cane: Uh, actually, mate, I'm gonna head back to G.C.

Neil: Oh, really?

Cane: Yeah.

Neil: I hope Devon knows how you bailed him out, you know, while he's off at some stupid car show.

Cane: No, actually. I have to get back to Lily and the twins. I'm pretty certain Devon is very much aware of my dedication.

Neil: I'm sure he is. Hey...thanks again, really. Now my wife and I -- we're gonna go off and have the most fantastic meal we've ever had. Come on, baby. Take care.

Cane: You, too, mate.

Paul: Did he say anything else?

Nikki: Just the meeting location, and he hung up. Oh, God. You should have heard the glee in his voice.

Paul: Okay. Now we're going to hustle you to the athletic club and keep you under wraps until we have Ian in custody.

Nikki: Ohh. Thank God I never, ever have to see his face again, except in a courtroom.

Ian: [Chuckles]

Phyllis: So? My devoted nurse...

Jack: Said that there was a visitor to see you -- someone who was not on my approved list or Daniel's or Summer's.

Phyllis: Who?

Jack: Said he was brooding, tall, imposing.

Phyllis: Okay. That narrows it down, but still --

Jack: She also said he had a mustache.

Phyllis: Victor. Victor was at my side while I -- while I was in that bed? I mean, that -- that's -- that's creeping me out a little bit, I have to say.

Jack: What the hell was he trying to do? He wasn't trying to get brownie points with Summer, because no one was supposed to know anything about this.

Phyllis: No one knew he was there?

Jack: No. She said it was all very hush-hush.

Phyllis: Why?

[Doorbell rings]

Jack: I'm not sure we'll ever know why. Victor will certainly never volunteer an answer.

Jack: What can I do for you?

Victor: I'm here to see Phyllis.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Maureen: Are you gonna tell Victoria the truth so you can get back together?

Dylan: I'm going nuts in here, Paul! You got to get me out.

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