Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/14/14

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/14/14


Episode # 10518 ~ Ashley's announcement catches her family off guard; Billy makes a confession to Chelsea; friends and family remember Delia.

Provided By Suzanne

Jack: [Sighs] Come on. Come on. Voicemail again.

Traci: [Sighs] Billy. He's probably got his phone turned off.

Abby: He really shouldn't be out there alone.

Traci: Well, wherever he is and whoever he is with, there's no escaping what today is.

Abby: I can't believe it's been a whole year since Delia died.

Jack: It feels like yesterday.

Traci: You know, it was all so fresh -- that first anniversary after I lost colleen. It felt like I was reliving every single detail of her last day. But now, as the years have gone by, there are some details that have sort of slipped away, and, honestly, I don't know what's worse -- the pain of remembering or the fear I'll forget.

[Door opens]

Abby: Oh, uncle Billy.

Ashley: Hey.

Abby: Mom!

Traci: Hi.

Ashley: Yeah, sorry. It's just me.

Abby: Oh, I didn't know you'd be back so soon.

Ashley: Well, I had to come. Hi, honey.

Jack: Wow. Billy will be so glad you're here for him.

Ashley: Yeah, thanks. He's not the only person I needed to be here for.

Victoria: Billy? Billy? Are you all right?

Billy: Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. I was just thinking about the fact that it was a year ago today that we had that perfect morning. You remember? Dee was so excited about being in "the wizard of oz" that she practically flew down the stairs, inhaled her breakfast, and then hustled me off to the car to take her to school.

Victoria: Yeah. I remember. You left at, like, what, 6:30?

Billy: Yeah. The doors weren't even open yet. And her play wasn't until 7:00 that night. The whole way there, she kept... saying her lines over and over and cackling like a witch.

[Both chuckle]

Billy: Ohh. The house just seems so quiet now.

Victoria: I'm sorry. I hope it's okay I asked my mom to watch Johnny, you know, at the ceremony this morning. I just thought it would be easier for you.

Billy: I thought it was really sweet, what the principal was saying -- the dedication of the garden for Delia. [Chuckles] She got so choked up, she could barely finish the speech.

Victoria: Yeah. I could barely get through it myself.

Billy: And then afterwards, all the kids -- they, uh, all jumped in and started playing, and I-I kept picturing Delia jumping in there with them. [Sighs] God, Vick. I'd give anything to talk to her one more time, you know, just to -- to hold her hand. [Sighs]

Victoria: Look, I know it's not... the same thing that you're talking about, but... this might help. It's from Delia.

Esther: [Voice breaking] They do such a nice job at the cemetery taking care of all the graves, don't you think?

Jill: Yeah, I didn't notice.

Esther: I mean, the grass is so green. It's almost like emeralds. I wonder if they put something special in the soil or if it's from all the tears that fall.

Jill: Yeah. I think it's probably the million-dollar sprinkler system, Esther.

Esther: The flowers you left for Delia were so beautiful. I just know she's up there smiling right now.

Jill: That makes one of us.

Esther: I just know that she loved the little pony that I left for her, 'cause Pinkerton needed a best friend.

Jill: Oh, my God! That little stuffed animal has been under the ground for over a year! It's disintegrated! Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know why I said that. Oh, what a horrible thing to say.

Esther: [Sobbing] [Crying] I miss her so much.

Chelsea: Tomorrow's too late. I need them delivered today. As soon as possible. The card? "She'll never be forgotten."

Chloe: I couldn't stay away, baby... not today.

Kelly: It was sloppy, and it will not be tolerated, so don't make that mistake again! [Sighs]

Stitch: Tough day, huh?

Kelly: You know, I just wish people would learn to do their jobs.

Stitch: Why are you yelling at your staff? That's not like you.

Kelly: Ben, I realize that what I do doesn't seem very complicated to you, but there are a lot of moving parts, and I am responsible for these people!

Stitch: Hey. Why don't you tell me what's bothering you? Is it Jack?

Kelly: No! Well, yes, of course it's on my mind, but -- [Sighs] [Sighs] Today is the first anniversary of Delia's death.

Stitch: I should have figured something was up. I saw Victoria after I spoke to you yesterday, and she was -- well, let's just say it was more confusing than usual. Maybe I should go over there -- see how she's doing.

Kelly: I think we should both keep our distance.

Ashley: I was completely stunned that Phyllis was home.

Jack: The miracle we'd all been hoping for.

Abby: Mm, except for Kelly.

Ashley: How are you dealing with that?

Jack: I'm not -- not right now, anyway.

Traci: Phyllis' doctors have warned us that she should not be overwhelmed, so I think he's just concerned it might set her back.

Ashley: Oh, my God. So, you mean you haven't told her yet?

Jack: To Phyllis, things are exactly the way they were a year ago, and she wants to keep things the way they were -- pick up right where we left off.

Ashley: And what do you want?

Jack: I don't know. I don't know. I'm still sorting through the whole thing. In the meantime, Kelly has packed her bags and moved out.

Abby: Oh, shucks.

Ashley: Is that how you talk to your uncle?

Jack: Yeah, that's exactly how she talks to me, only we're gonna drop this subject. Today is not about me. Today we focus on Billy and getting him through this.

Esther: Nothing like a good cry.

Jill: Yeah. Yeah. I feel better.

Esther: Where are you going now -- be with Billy?

Jill: Yeah. We're supposed to go over to the Abbott house. What about you? Have you talked to Chloe?

Esther: I left her a message. I offered to go to California to spend this time with her, but she turned me down.

Jill: Oh, Esther, I'm so sorry. I know how much you wanted to be with her. But listen -- she's got great doctors there, right? And they're giving her the help she needs.

Esther: She's finally accepting the help. I just wish we hadn't --

Jill: Listen, you don't lose a child without everything in your life changing.

Chloe: I had to come here -- let you know that I'll always remember. I think about you every second of every day. I think about those eyes and how they twinkled when you giggled. [Chuckles] Oh, that sound. Ohh, that sound. You had the biggest heart out of anyone I've ever known. And you were wiser than all of them, too. [Chuckles] Such an old soul. My little old soul. I know that you're worried about Mommy, but... I want you to rest easy now, because Mommy's gonna be okay.

Kevin: Chloe? You're home.

Chloe: Kevin, no. Don't.

Billy: What's in here?

Victoria: Actually, I don't know. Mrs. Britner gave it to me before we left. She said that she found it recently and that she thought we might like to have it.

Billy: It's one of her school assignments.

Victoria: Oh, you know what? I remember this one. I remember it. She told me that it was one of the best things that she'd ever done in class.

Billy: "'What I know for sure.' It's fun to dress up, and chocolate cakes with lots of pink frosting are the best."

[Both chuckle]

Billy: That's my Dee Dee. "You can never have enough animals or tea parties. My mommy is beautiful..."

Victoria: Ohh.

Billy: "...And always gives me big hugs. And my daddy --" "my daddy is --"

Victoria: "My daddy is handsome, and he will always make me laugh. My family loves me... and when you're scared or sad, if you remember what makes you smile..." [Crying] "...Then you smile again." [Crying]

Ashley: Oh. No offense -- we were hoping you were Billy.

Jill: Billy isn't here?

Traci: Well, he left here early this morning, and we really haven't heard anything since.

Jill: Maybe we should start calling around -- find out if somebody knows where he is.

Jack: Let's hold off on that for right now. No reason to panic just yet.

Traci: I'm sure he'll be home any minute.

Jill: Good, good, because... you know that news we were hoping to share? It's happened.

Chelsea: Once there was a little girl who brought so much joy to everybody that she knew. And her parents had such big hearts that [Sniffles] Once she was gone, they decided to share a part of her with you. Her name was Delia.

Victoria: We didn't finish it.

Billy: Yeah. Uh... another time, another day, okay?

Victoria: Was I wrong to give it to you? I'm sorry. I-I-I just thought it would help, but... maybe it was just too much.

Billy: No. No. It was, um... it was perfect. Thank you. I'm gonna head on out, okay?

Victoria: Yeah, okay. Sure. Um...whatever you need to do. But, uh [Sniffles] Listen, if you need anything, I mean... and just let me know when you want to see Johnny, of course.

Billy: Yeah, I will. Listen, Vick, um... I'm sorry.

Victoria: Wh-what for?

Billy: For everything. I mean, this whole last year, I-I didn't handle it the way that I should have. And I still don't know what the right way would have been. You know me. I'm the kind of guy who needs guidance. But, um... but I handled it all wrong.

Victoria: You know what? Tomorrow... this year is gonna be over, and a new one will begin, and... you don't owe me any more apologies. I'm good. [Crying]

Billy: Well, hey, kid. What -- what are you doing here?

Delia: I've come to help you, daddy.

Billy: [Sighs]

Kevin: I didn't mean to, uh, get -- sorry. It's great to see you.

Chloe: How are you?

Kevin: I'm good. Yeah. Better now, and, uh... how are you? Your mom said you've been making a lot of progress.

Chloe: I have. Well, that's what they say. [Chuckles]

Kevin: So, are you staying with your mom?

Chloe: I'm not staying.

Kevin: Oh.

Chloe: I just got a 24-hour pass, and I just wanted to slip in and out without anyone knowing I was in town.

Kevin: Oops.

[Both chuckle]

Chloe: So, you won't tell anyone, will you? I just don't want my mom and everybody knowing. You know, this was for Delia, not for anybody else.

Kevin: Yeah, okay.

Chelsea: I didn't know what to find when I got here. I half expected everything would be gone.

Kevin: [Scoffs] People have not forgotten about Delia. If anything, the memorial's grown bigger.

Chloe: She had that effect on people.

Kevin: Yeah. That she did.

Chloe: [Chuckles softly] She loved you so much, Kevin.

Kevin: She loved the two of us together. Kind of makes you wonder. Maybe the two of us running in to each other here -- maybe it's not a coincidence.

Chloe: You could be right. I don't think Delia would have liked the way that I treated you, especially the way that... I sent those divorce papers out of the blue. I am not proud of that, either. I think that there are some things that you deserve to hear. I want you to know that you couldn't have been more supportive after Dee Dee. No one fought harder for me to get well. You did everything possible. You held me at night, you made me eat, and you stood there and you took it while I railed at you for caring about me. And I hate that I did that.

Kevin: You don't have to apologize.

Chloe: Yes, I do. I really do, because I was in a really bad place, and you were just trying to do whatever you possibly could to make sure that I was okay. And I needed a professional, and I needed to get away from here. That's why I left.

Kevin: I could have gone.

Chloe: No, you couldn't have, because it would have just made everything worse, and then I would have felt obliged to take care of you and I would have resented you for it.

Kevin: So, you don't resent me now?

Chloe: Kevin, I love you... but not in the way that you want.

Kevin: You know, when you got on the plane, you led me to believe that -- Chloe, I thought there was still a chance for us.

Chloe: I should have told you then. I just didn't want to disappoint you. I-I didn't know how to deal with it.

Kevin: And then after you'd been in therapy for a while and you could deal with it, you couldn't pick up a phone once to call me and tell me not to hold out hope?

Chloe: It's not something you really want to talk about over the phone.

Kevin: Yeah, maybe, but still. Why do I get the feeling that there's another reason you've been avoiding me?

Abby: Uncle Billy was supposed to be home for lunch, and don't bother telling me I shouldn't be worried.

Jack: I won't. I'm starting to worry myself.

Billy: [Sighs]

Delia: Why are you so nervous?

Billy: Oh, it's -- it's not nerves, Dee. I just -- I just don't want everybody making a fuss over me.

Delia: But they're your family. That's what keeps you strong. That's what you always told me.

Billy: You're so wise. How'd you get to be so smart? [Chuckles]

Traci: And who are you calling?

Jill: Victoria. She must know where he is. Oh, thank God!

Jack: Hey!

Billy: Well, hey. Well, look at this. You gathered the whole posse.

Jack: You ever check your voicemail?

Billy: I'm -- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak everybody out.

Ashley: Come here, Billy.

Billy: Hey, ash. I hope you didn't come all this way just for me.

Ashley: Of course I did. Of course I did. You're worth it, too.

Abby: Hey. Where were you? We expected you a while ago.

Billy: The ceremony at Delia's just -- it lasted a little longer than we expected.

Traci: Billy, these beautiful flowers came for you.

Billy: Oh, that's great. You know, I'm gonna check those out later. I'm gonna head upstairs and change.

Jill: No, no. No. No. Before you do... we have some news to share.

Billy: Okay. Good news, I hope.

Jack: Jill and I have been shepherding a little program to add to the Delia project.

Jill: Yeah, and it's been in the works for a while, but now, thanks to a generous donation from Victor and Nikki, we finally reached our goal.

Billy: The black knight is involved?

Jack: I'd go to Vlad the impaler for money if I thought I'd get this off the ground.

Abby: Okay. I'm gonna ignore all the cracks about my dad because I cannot wait to hear what you guys dreamed up.

Jill: Here it is. It's a children's theater.

Jack: A place where kids of all ages and backgrounds can take the stage and become stars.

Jill: Because Delia wanted to be an actress -- that was her dream -- and now maybe she can help some other little girl become the next Meryl Streep.

Billy: That is, uh -- wow. That's an amazing idea. I mean, um... [Voice breaking] Delia would love it.

Ashley: Billy?

Billy: I'm -- I'm okay.

Jill: Of course you are. Of course you are.

Billy: [Sighs]

Jack: Hey, look -- we're here to help you. Let us help. Tell us how.

Billy: I appreciate everybody's effort -- I really do -- but, um... I've had plenty of help today, so... [Sighs]

Kelly: Victoria.

Victoria: Do you have a minute? I'd like a word with you. Does that surprise you?

Kelly: Uh, yeah, it does -- today of all days.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. Today has brought up a lot of memories. But it's also made me realize that I need to speak to you.

Kelly: Listen, first anniversaries -- emotions run high. Whatever it is that you have to say, maybe it would be better if you did it on another day.

Victoria: No. No, this is exactly the right time.

Kelly: I'd rather not get into anything with you.

Victoria: That's not my intention at all -- quite the opposite. I was trying to look for a way to honor Dee Dee today. And, uh... it came to me earlier, when I came across a composition that she had written in school. And it was almost as if she had taken me by the arms and shook me and said... "stop wasting your life being so angry and frustrated. Life is just too short."

Kelly: Yeah, it really is.

Victoria: And I think we've all suffered enough. I really do. All of the anger and the blame... I honestly think we all need to let it go.

Billy: I spent the whole night staring at the ceiling. I was running memories of Delia in my head, you know, like -- like watching movies in the dark. And every once in a while, I'd roll over and I'd -- I'd look out the window to see if there was any sunlight peeking through, because I was dreading that damn sunrise, 'cause it meant that this day was finally here, you know? But then it happened. The sun came up, like it always does, and, uh... the world didn't come to an end, so -- so I got up. I got in the shower. I got dressed. I even made it through Delia's ceremony at school.

Jill: That's wonderful.

Ashley: You're doing great, Billy.

Traci: Billy, trust me -- there's no right or wrong way to get through this day. The feelings sort of creep up on you before you even expect it, and the best I can tell you is just be in it 100%. Take it for what it is and be kind to yourself.

Billy: I want that to be my legacy to Delia. I, um -- I want her to be proud. Uh... all day today, I feel like she's sort of been with me, and I just want to be the kind of man that she believed that I could be.

Jack: We all know that you can do that.

Billy: Yeah. I know it, too. She reminded me of that today. Um, look, I just remembered something else I need to do, but... I want to leave this with you guys. You should read it. You'll be glad you did.

Chloe: I already told you why I've been avoiding you.

Kevin: No. I think there's more to it.

Chloe: Like what? Like I've been sleeping with my doctor?

Kevin: Are you?

Chloe: Kevin.

Kevin: What? Maybe you're not doing as well as you say you are. Maybe that's why you've been hiding.

Chloe: I haven't been hiding. I've been in the hospital.

Kevin: Just before you left, you were going on about having another baby with Billy so that you could re-create Delia, and that was after you'd kidnapped Connor to be her replacement. Issues like that, Chloe -- they take a long time to work through.

Chloe: Yeah, it does. It does, and that's why I have been moving forward and using all of my energy to heal, and I'm sorry that I had to cut you out of my life in order to do that.

Kevin: So, what about after? What about when you're done with your therapy?

Chloe: No.

Kevin: But you don't know --

Chloe: No, I am going to start over, and it's not gonna be in Genoa City and it's not gonna be with you.

Kevin: So, after everything that we've been through, after all of our years together, you're saying this is it?

Chloe: It has to be. I didn't mean to hurt you, Kevin. I just have nothing left to give you. Goodbye.

Kelly: You know, that really means a lot to me -- your willingness to put everything behind us.

Victoria: I mean, I don't think that we're ever gonna be friends.

Kelly: [Laughing] No. I realize that would be asking a lot.

Victoria: It's just that this baby's gonna be coming fairly soon, and you might end up being family, and, you know, I just don't want there to be any lingering negativity and all that.

Kelly: Well, thank you for that. That really means a lot, especially right now. It's nice to have the extra burden off my plate.

Victoria: So, I-I heard that Phyllis is back.

Kelly: Yeah. Yeah, just when Jack and I had taken the next step. Life's not short on complications, is it?

Victoria: No, it's not.

Stitch: I finished my workout. Hey, Victoria.

Victoria: Hi.

Kelly: Well, yeah. I got to get back to work. Um...thanks for the talk. See ya, Ben.

Stitch: So, I, uh, overheard what you said. I could tell she appreciated you trying to make peace. I can't imagine that was easy for you.

Victoria: Well, you know, it's easier than living in the past. I'm just tired of it dictating my life.

Stitch: So, that kiss yesterday that you gave me -- was that you moving forward or saying goodbye?

Victoria: I know that I've been, um, you know, giving you mixed signals since I found out what you did to your dad. I realize I shouldn't do that to you anymore.

Jack: Wow. Out of the mouths of babes.

Jill: She wasn't a babe. She was wise beyond her years.

Ashley: I love that line. "A mani is nothing without a pedi..."

Both: "Especially when you can get both for a dollar more."

Traci: [Laughs]

Jack: I think that came along at exactly the right time.

Traci: Delia is definitely looking over us.

Abby: Over us and uncle Billy.

Ashley: Now that Billy's feeling stronger, I wonder what the future has in store for him.

Abby: Well, he's gonna get back together with Victoria, no matter who the baby's father turns out to be.

Traci: I think Chelsea might have something to say about that.

Jill: Chelsea? Please. Her relationship with Billy is just a fling. I mean, he's in love with Victoria. Chelsea's not in the same league as Victoria.

Jack: Actually, I've spent a little time with Chelsea, and there's more to her than you think.

Abby: She's a con artist, uncle Jack.

Jack: Was a con artist.

Jill: Do people like that ever really change?

Jack: You might want to ask yourself the same question, Jill.

Ashley: Okay, let's not do this -- not today, please.

Jack: Look, my point is Billy has turned to her time and again for friendship, and she's been there for him.

Jill: Are you actually saying you want to see him with that woman?

Jack: No. I am saying I want Billy with the best woman for him, whoever that may be.

Delia: I just want you to be happy.

Billy: [Chuckles softly] Well, I'm working on it, kid. How about we just go with happy thoughts the rest of the day, okay?

Delia: Like Halloween.

Billy: Yeah.

Delia: What are you gonna be?

Billy: Uh, gosh. I-I haven't given it much thought.

Delia: Daddy.

Billy: I know. I know. It's our favorite. What do you think I should be?

Delia: A zombie pirate or a werewolf astronaut.

Billy: Wow. Those are great ideas. What about you? How 'bout, um, a Frankenstein ballerina or, like, a giant spider on roller skates?

Delia: No. I just want to be your little girl.

Billy: That sounds perfect.

Delia: Happy thoughts, daddy.

Billy: Yeah. Happy thoughts, Dee. [Sighs]

Delia: "My name is Cordelia Katherine valentine Abbott, and there's lots of stuff I know for sure."

Jill: Jack... could you make a copy of that for me?

Jack: Yeah, you bet.

Jill: And maybe you'd better make a copy for Esther, too. You know, that ninny could learn a lot from her granddaughter.

Jack: Yeah, I think we all could.

Jill: Boy. That came just in time for Billy, didn't it?

Jack: I think Billy's gonna be all right.

Jill: How 'bout you?

Jack: Me?

Jill: You have quite a conundrum on your hands, don't you -- Phyllis, Kelly, Kelly, Phyllis?

Jack: I am not going to talk about that today, especially with you.

Delia: "You have to listen to the truth, even when it's hard."

Jill: Meaning you haven't made up your mind yet.

Jack: I don't want to hurt either one of them.

Jill: My friend, somebody always gets hurt in these situations, okay? And the longer you take to make up your mind, the worse it's gonna be.

Delia: "'There's no place like home.' Dorothy said that in my favorite story, and she's right."

Traci: So...how long do we get you before you have to go back to New York?

Ashley: Longer than you think.

Abby: What does that mean?

Ashley: My ticket was one-way. I'm home for good.

Abby: Yay! Ohh!

Traci: That's fantastic.

Jack: Hey. Did I hear that right?

Ashley: Yeah, you did. The Abbotts are back together again.

Abby: Yes!

Ashley: Yay!

Traci: [Chuckles]

Delia: "Everyone tells you to make good choices, but that's not as easy as they want you to think." "So, if you're having trouble, do your best and believe everything will be okay."

Chloe: Dee Dee, I've missed you so much. But that horrible emptiness... is finally gonna be filled.

Delia: "If you're mad at someone, don't stay that way, because you're wasting time when you could be happy."

Stitch: Victoria, wait.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Stitch: What exactly are you saying?

Victoria: I am saying that I care about you. And even though I may not be there yet [Sighs] I-I really want to forgive you.

Stitch: Well, that's a start.

Delia: "Each day is different, which means even if you're having the worst day, you can have a better one tomorrow."

Chelsea: Are you alone?

Billy: Uh, no. No. I've been spending the day with this amazing little girl.

Chelsea: Good. I was worried about you.

Billy: Thank you for the flowers. They were from you, weren't they? I didn't get a chance to read the card yet.

Chelsea: Then how did you know they were from me?

Billy: I figured you were trying to stay away because of Adam but that you wanted me to know you were still thinking about me.

Chelsea: It was hard not to go to you today, Billy. I'm -- I'm so sorry.

Billy: [Sighs] Listen, um... the past few months, having you by my side -- you've been the most incredible friend, and yesterday when I told you that I wanted to have you in my life, I said that because... because I love you, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Billy...

Billy: Now, um, let's get out of here, 'cause I got a Halloween costume to work on.

Chelsea: What?

Billy: Happy thoughts.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Joe: You know that real-estate deal I was telling you about?

Cane: Yeah.

Joe: I need to ask you a favor.

Nick: The wedding is on hold indefinitely.

Avery: Why?

Nick: Because of your sister.

Summer: Um, it means that Austin -- we're engaged.

Phyllis: You're what?!

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