Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/8/14
Episode # 10514 ~ Dylan & Paul clash over Ian's case, reality sets in for Phyllis, & Joe Clark surprises Avery by deciding to stay in Genoa City.
Provided By Suzanne
Sharon: I don't know what you want me to say.
Nick: I want you to talk to me. You said you ran out of the church because you were afraid you'd been hallucinating.
Sharon: Well, now I know it was really Phyllis I saw.
Nick: Now Phyllis is out of her coma, and it's obviously thrown you.
Sharon: Like you said, everyone there was stunned. I mean, the last thing we knew, she was unconscious. And then suddenly, there she was.
Nick: And you haven't been the same since.
Sharon: Just seeing her...
Nick: What? Did seeing Phyllis trigger something? Do you remember what the secret is?
Sharon: No. But I need to know if Phyllis does.
Kelly: Please tell me we don't have to move for the rest of the day.
Jack: No, you'll get no argument from me. Besides, we have to create as many memories in this old bed as we can.
Kelly: [Chuckles]
Jack: Once you start redecorating, starting with this room, well, in no time, this place will be yours. Hey, hey, hey. Where do you think you're going?
Phyllis: I told you, I want to go home, Jack -- home with you. You're not well enough to leave this hospital. You're still woozy from the sedative they gave you.
Phyllis: So? I'll sleep all night in our bed, not here. I don't want to spend another night in a hospital.
Jack: I understand that, but... I think it's better that you stay here tonight.
Phyllis: Why?
Jack: Because you've been through a horrific experience. Last couple of days must have been harrowing.
Phyllis: I'm okay now.
Jack: I want to hear that from the doctor before I check you out of here.
Phyllis: What's going on, Jack? Why won't you take me home?
Lily: No, they didn't say anything about rescheduling. Yeah, I'm so sorry to cancel last-minute. Okay. Thank you. Bye. Okay. That takes care of the musicians.
Cane: All right. And the chef put dinner on hold.
Lily: God. This is so sad about Nick and Sharon's wedding.
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: I mean, I'm happy for Phyllis and our family, but...
Cane: Well, it's a miracle she came out of the coma, but at least she's made her way back to Genoa City.
Lily: Yeah, but it is gonna change a lot of lives.
Cane: Yeah, and not all for the good.
Lily: That's what happens when someone that you love comes back into your life.
Joe: Yeah, it's me. No, no, still in Genoa City. Yeah, I've decided to wait on the proposal. No, it's too soon. Look, I need to pave the way, you know? Talk to the business owners about getting excited on selling. Trust me on this one. Yeah, I expect my trip here to be very worthwhile.
Avery: Remind dr. Burnett that Phyllis' sister is an attorney.
Summer: Mom!
Austin: Hey, it's okay. You fell asleep.
Summer: I need to go check on my mom.
Austin: Jack's with her. Everything's okay.
Summer: You're right. Everything is finally okay. [Sighs] Aunt Avery, did you get any more information on why the clinic didn't notify us when mom woke up or how she managed to get here on her own, anything?
Avery: I can't get a straight answer, but someone will be held accountable for this.
Courtney: What's going on in there?
Harding: Chief's interrogating Dylan McAvoy.
Courtney: About Ian ward's murder?
Harding: Trying to get a confession out of his own son.
Courtney: That's gonna suck.
Harding: You'd think.
Paul: Well, I see where this is headed. I will call you two, and... raise you three?
Dylan: Come on. That's messed up. It's too rich for my blood.
Paul: Oh, there we go.
Dylan: We got some time before the news comes out.
Paul: Yeah, little bit. When it does, I hope that Ian ward sees that ad that Nikki placed.
Dylan: And it lures that snake out from underneath his rock.
Paul: Look, I know you're worried about this. But Nikki's the best shot we have.
Dylan: I know. I just hate getting Nikki involved in this.
Paul: I told you, she's not in any danger.
Dylan: What if this plan blows up in our faces? Your reputation could be ruined.
Paul: I like my odds. Come on. Deal.
Dylan: [Chuckles] You know, speaking of odds, how have you managed to win every single hand? You got some cards up your sleeve, chief?
Paul: Oh...
Dylan: Chief.
Paul: I like playing on the right side of the rules.
Dylan: Even now, when you're bending them?
Paul: Especially now.
Avery: You tell the doctor to call me ASAP. I want answers.
Joe: Avery?
Avery: Can I please get a coffee? Thank you.
Joe: Avery, you okay?
Avery: Joe. You're still in town.
Joe: Yeah, I saw you walk in. Seemed upset.
Avery: Uh, I'm fine.
Joe: You used to be a better liar. But if you don't want to talk to me about what's bothering you...
Avery: No, I -- I, uh... I'm sorry. I'm just a little shell-shocked right now. My sister suddenly showed up in town.
Joe: Thought you said she was in a coma.
Avery: She was. She woke up, and -- and -- and she's back in Genoa City.
Joe: That's good, right?
Avery: Yes! It's good. It's -- it's wonderful news. And it's also very overwhelming.
Joe: Yeah, I'm sure it is. Sister just randomly shows up the same week your boyfriend gets booked and charged for murder. You didn't mention that the last time we spoke.
Dylan: I don't know how much more of this waiting I can take.
Paul: Where you gonna take it? Because I'm not gonna let you get convicted for a murder you didn't commit.
Dylan: Why are you willing to risk so much for me?
Paul: [Chuckles] Because you're innocent?
Dylan: That's it?
Paul: Yeah, and I want to nail Ian ward.
Dylan: You know, if we're gonna pull off something like this together, don't you think you should just be honest with me?
Paul: I am, Dylan.
Dylan: When I learned that Nikki was my biological mother, I also found out that I had a brother and sister. But Nick and Victoria aren't my only siblings.
Paul: Right. We're gonna play --
Dylan: I'll never get to know Ricky. And right now, heather... she's just a name, but I do have something in common with them. None of us got to know you until we got older.
Paul: All right, I'm gonna --
Dylan: Is that why you were willing to risk everything? To make up for all the time you lost with your kids?
[Knock on door]
Paul: Uh, hold on a second. Yeah, what is it, Harding?
Harding: You need me to take over, chief?
Paul: No, that's all right. I'll handle it. Anything else?
Harding: No. I'll be outside if you need me.
[Door closes]
Dylan: I think he knows something's up.
Paul: It's all right. I'll deal with him.
Dylan: Well, he can't wait to get his hands on this recorder.
Paul: Well, I'll just make sure that it's accidentally erased before he hears anything.
Dylan: Getting awfully close to being on the wrong side of the law.
Paul: All right, five-card draw?
Dylan: So, let me ask you this question -- if I was just a guy who owned a coffee house... that wasn't your son... would you still risk everything?
Paul: Guess we'll never know.
Summer: I just wish that there was something that I could do for my mom.
Austin: But you're here for her.
Summer: I know. I just wish there was something, just... that's it.
Austin: What?
Summer: I just thought of something that's gonna make my mom feel a thousand times better. I have to go.
Austin: I'll go with you.
Summer: No, just stay here and call me if anything changes, okay?
Austin: But where are you --
Summer: Bye. Bye.
Nick: All right, you got to stop this. This secret is running your life. You think about it all day when you're awake, you have nightmares about it when you're asleep. Now you're afraid Phyllis is gonna use it to hurt us?
Sharon: Nick, I know Phyllis has been in a coma for over a year or whatever, but she is still Phyllis. She will use anything she has against me if she can.
Nick: Okay. I want you to do me a favor.
Sharon: What?
Nick: I want you to think about finishing what we started in that church.
Sharon: Okay, I'll try.
Nick: All right, good. I want you to stay here and rest. Think about it. I'll be back soon.
Sharon: Where are you going?
Nick: I'm gonna go see Phyllis.
Sharon: What? Nick, no!
Phyllis: Why are you trying to keep me here?
Jack: Wait. I will get you out of here as soon as the doctor says you're okay.
Phyllis: I'm fine.
Jack: You're not fine. You've been through a terrible experience, and you're very weak right now.
Phyllis: I'm not weak.
Jack: No, I know you don't like that word. Listen to me. Until you can stand on your own two feet, I'm gonna do what I think is best for you.
Phyllis: What is best is that I leave this place.
Jack: No, no, no. What's best for you is to lie back down.
Phyllis: I have things to do. I have people to talk to. So much has happened, Jack.
Jack: I know a lot has happened. I don't even know how you got here from Georgia.
Phyllis: There's been too much pain.
Jack: I know that. It's gonna take some time. Once you get your bearings, once you get your strength back, you can forget all --
Phyllis: I don't want to forget. I have to tell you what happened.
Jack: What do you mean? What -- what do you have to tell me?
Avery: I didn't say anything about Dylan being in jail because he's innocent.
Joe: Well, that's not what the papers seem to say.
Avery: Well, don't believe everything that you read, Joe.
Joe: I'm not looking to start a fight.
Avery: What are you doing here? I thought this was a quick business trip.
Joe: These real-estate deals take time. Little bit longer than I expected. I'll be heading back to Chicago shortly.
Avery: So, what? In the meantime, you're just catching up on the local gossip or just what pertains to me?
Joe: I was worried about you. That's all.
Avery: Look, I appreciate your concern, but it's not necessary. The truth is gonna come out, and Dylan will be cleared.
Joe: Well, with you by his side, he can't lose.
Avery: I should go. Have a safe trip back to Chicago.
Joe: I'll be here for a few more days, so... if you need a friend, feel free to call.
Avery: Thank you. I don't think that's gonna happen.
[Cell phone rings]
Kelly: [Sighs] Hey, lily.
Lily: Hey, just calling to see how you're doing.
Kelly: [Chuckles] I'm fine.
Lily: Where are you?
Kelly: I'm, um... at Jack's house.
Jack: Is he there?
Kelly: No, he's still at the hospital with Phyllis.
Lily: Do you want me to come over?
Kelly: No, I'm fine. I should... should get used to being alone.
Lily: Kelly, I'm so sorry.
Kelly: Don't be. This is, uh... really wonderful. I'm so happy for...Jack and Summer. I mean, it's really amazing. Phyllis recovering like this, it's what everybody...wanted.
Lily: Yeah, I know. But you...
Kelly: Oh, really, don't worry about me. I'm fine.
Lily: Okay. Well, let me know if you need anything, all right?
Kelly: You bet.
Lily: Okay. Bye. She's lying. This is absolutely killing her.
Cane: Oh, it's got to be hard on Jack, too.
Lily: Yeah. I remember how I felt when I thought I lost you and then realized I hadn't.
Cane: If I remember correctly, you wanted to strangle me.
[Both laugh]
Lily: Okay. But after that.
Cane: Oh, okay.
Lily: I never wanted to let you go.
Sharon: Why are you so insistent on seeing Phyllis? She has her family.
Nick: Sharon, I still care about her. She is Summer's mother, and the last time I saw her, she was lying unconscious on a church floor.
Sharon: Okay. Well, I feel bad about that. But today's our wedding day, Nick. And even though we didn't end up getting married, I thought we'd at least spend the day together.
Nick: When I get home, we'll spend the rest of the night together. And after that, we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together. So stay here and take a rest, okay? I'll be back before you know it.
Phyllis: I can't be sure.
Jack: Well, you can't be sure about what?
Phyllis: What's real... and what's not. I was out of it for so long.
Jack: It's gonna take some time to sort through it all.
Phyllis: Some of it's so clear. And other things are... fuzzy.
Jack: I can't begin to imagine what that would feel like...losing a year of your life, trying to get it back. But, Phyllis, I -- I know you want to pick up where you left off. And that may not be possible.
Phyllis: Why?
Jack: A lot's changed in the last year.
Phyllis: Like what?
Jack: You know, we -- we don't need to talk about this right now. Right now, you need to rest.
Phyllis: No. I need to know things.
Jack: Okay. What do you need to know?
Phyllis: Nick and Sharon... they were about to get married.
Jack: That's one of the changes I was talking about. And there are others... other people, other... people you'd never imagine would be friends, much less lovers. They're together now.
Phyllis: Who? Please, Jack. Tell me.
Avery: Something happened at Nick and Sharon's wedding.
Dylan: What?
Avery: There was no wedding.
Dylan: What -- what do you mean? Victor stopped it?
Avery: No. Phyllis.
Dylan: Phyllis? I don't understand.
Avery: She just showed up at the church, right in the middle of the ceremony.
Paul: What?
Avery: Well, to say that we're all shocked is an understatement. We thought that she was still in Georgia at the clinic, still in a coma.
Paul: How did she get to Genoa City?
Avery: We're trying to figure that out. It appears that she made it here on her own.
Paul: Did you talk to anyone from the clinic?
Avery: They're giving me the run-around, Paul, and I was hoping that you could help me get some answers.
Paul: All right. I'll see what I can find out.
Avery: Thank you.
Dylan: I hate being locked up.
Avery: It's not gonna be much longer.
Dylan: Look, I know this is the best way to smoke Ian out, but it feels like the walls are closing in on me, and I just get frustrated because I can't help you or Nikki. As long as I'm in here, I can't do a damn thing for anybody.
Avery: That's not true. There's something you can do for me now. [Sniffles]
[Door opens]
Kelly: Summer, hi.
Summer: Hi.
Kelly: I, uh, thought you were at the hospital.
Summer: Yeah, I was. I just -- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to barge in like that.
Kelly: No, no. No, it's -- it's fine. Um, how's your mom?
Summer: She's good. Um... yeah, the doctor said that her brain activity looks normal and that...once she gets some rest, that she should be doing okay.
Kelly: Oh, that is just wonderful.
Summer: Yeah. [Chuckles] After she opened her eyes, she spoke. Hearing her voice for the first time in so long, I just wanted to go on talking for forever. Pretty soon, I'm gonna just want her to shut up.
Kelly: I'm surprised you left.
Summer: Yeah, Jack is at the hospital with her. He's barely left her side since she collapsed at the church.
Kelly: Summer, I want you to know that I'm really happy for both of you, okay? And for Phyllis.
Summer: Kelly, I... I know that this is really hard for you, and I don't want to make it any harder, but... I have to think of my mom right now.
Kelly: Of course, you do. You should be.
Summer: Well, I know that she's not gonna be happy wearing that gross hospital gown, so I just came to get a few of her things. She really likes that peach silk robe that Jack gave her, so I'm just gonna go grab it. I think I saw it in her closet.
Kelly: Summer, it's not there.
Summer: Did you put it in a drawer?
Kelly: Sweetie, um... Jack and I... were starting to make this... our home. We never thought...
Summer: Where are my mom's things?
Kelly: We put them in storage.
Phyllis: Besides Nick and Sharon reconciling, what else has happened since my accident?
Jack: Oh, God. So much. Y-you know what? You -- you're not ready to hear this right now. You need rest.
Phyllis: I need to, Jack. I need to get my life back.
Jack: Okay. Where to start? Um... the athletic club is under new management. New menu, new decor, there's a pool and a bar on the rooftop. There's a great new Thai restaurant downtown.
Phyllis: Jack... we worked at restless style, Jabot... I've seen you charm a client to keep from mentioning the cost. What's the cost here, Jack?
Jack: Phyllis, you have to understand something.
Phyllis: Just tell me.
Jack: Okay.
[Door opens]
Nick: You just always got to be the center of attention, don't you?
Phyllis: Some things never change.
Nick: It's nice to see you. That seems grossly inadequate.
Phyllis: It is. But I'm glad to see you, too. In fact, I've been wanting to speak with you.
Nick: Here I am.
Phyllis: Alone.
Nick: Sharon, I take you to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, to love and to cherish, forsaking all others for as long as we both shall live. With this ring... Phyllis?
Sharon: Finish, Nick. Put the ring on my finger and finish what you were saying.
Nick: How --
Sharon: "I thee wed"! Say it! Nick? Nick, no. No-o-o-o!
Jack: You and Nick are gonna have plenty of time to catch up. Right now, you need some rest.
Phyllis: I am the best judge of what I should and shouldn't be doing, okay?
Nick: I see being out of commission for a year hasn't taken away any of the fire.
Jack: She's been through a lot, Nick. Take it slow.
Nick: Yeah. Talk about sports, the weather...
Jack: I'll be back.
Nick: All right. What should we talk about? The packers? Polar vortex?
Phyllis: You.
Nick: Ooh. One of my favorite subjects.
Phyllis: Sorry I interrupted your wedding.
Nick: No, you're not.
Courtney: I may have some answers on how Phyllis got here.
Jack: Tell us what you know.
Courtney: I talked to a friend of mine who works at state police. He said a trooper went out to arrest Phyllis for assaulting a man who offered her a ride on the highway.
Jack: What?
Courtney: They said that Phyllis just kept insisting that she was defending herself.
Jack: Has an arrest warrant been issued against her?
Courtney: When he found out who Phyllis was and that she was threatening to press charges against him, he just dropped the whole thing.
Jack: That must've been what she was trying to tell me. No wonder she was so upset.
Courtney: For as weak as she was, she was able to hold off the creep.
Austin: She must've really wanted to get home to you, Mr. Abbott.
Summer: You put my mom's things in storage?
Kelly: Well, Jack decided to.
Summer: This is my mom's home. This was my mom's home.
Kelly: I understand. We weren't trying to hurt anybody.
Summer: How do you think she's gonna feel when she finds out what you did? That...wasn't the only change that you were planning on making around here, was it?
Kelly: Jack and I had no idea Phyllis was gonna just show up like this.
Summer: I tried to tell all of you. I told all of you that my mom was coming back, but no one believed me. Everyone gave up on her, including Jack.
Kelly: The doctors said that there was no hope.
Summer: The doctors were wrong.
Kelly: Summer, listen to me. I understand, okay? I -- I know what it's like to lose a parent, and I would give anything to have my dad back.
Summer: Kelly, look, I get that this is really hard for you. You love Jack, and Jack really cares about you, but he and my mom have loved each other since before I was born. And I don't want to see you hurt. You've been so supportive of Austin and me, and you were really good for Jack when my mom was sick, but... now my mom is home. And you just have to understand that things are gonna be different now. I'm sorry.
Kelly: [Sniffles] Aah!
Avery: I know I agreed to go along with this plan to flush out Ian, but what if something goes wrong?
Dylan: You know what? Let's just wait and see what happens before we decide it's gonna fail.
Avery: Dylan, I'm worried.
Dylan: Let's just talk about something else. What about Phyllis?
Avery: I can't tell you what it felt like to see her standing in that church. I didn't think she was ever gonna wake up again.
Dylan: Your sister is a strong woman.
Avery: Yes. I should've known she would fight to get back to us.
[Both laugh]
Dylan: That's the Phyllis I remember -- determined.
Avery: Yes. It was inspiring how she fought to get back here. It makes me want to fight just as hard for you.
Dylan: Though there are times I wonder why you haven't given up on me.
Avery: Dylan, you're innocent.
Dylan: I'm not talking about this. I have been a lost cause more than once. And you've always been there for me.
Avery: Well, I've been there, but you fought your way back, just like Phyllis.
Dylan: I came back to you.
Avery: I'm glad you did.
Cane: Joe. How you doing, buddy?
Joe: I'm good, man.
Cane: What -- what are you doing here?
Joe: This must be your lovely wife.
Cane: Yeah. Lily, this is Joe Clark. Joe Clark, this is my wife lily. I met Joe I Chicago when I was doing a commercial real-estate deal when I was running chancellor.
Lily: Nice to meet you.
Joe: Wow. He wasn't exaggerating when he said how beautiful you are.
Lily: Aww! I like him.
Cane: Yeah, but you need to watch out for him 'cause he's quite the charmer.
Lily: Mm.
Cane: I still haven't figured out how you managed to get that group to reach that consensus.
Joe: Well, like you said, it must've been my charm.
Lily: [Chuckles]
Cane: And also, uh... modesty is not one of his greater suits.
Lily: [Chuckles]
Cane: So, what are you doing here in Genoa City?
Joe: Looking at a couple of real-estate investment properties for my firm, and, in fact, I might put an offer in on this place.
Cane: Well, you can't 'cause we have a new proprietor, and I don't think he wants to sell.
Lily: Yeah, he's my brother. He's not gonna sell, which is great, because otherwise, we wouldn't have a job.
Cane: This is true, 'cause lily and I manage the place.
Joe: Hmm.
Cane: Oh. Also, when he goes "hmm," you need to watch out.
Joe: No, no, I was just thinking, a lot to learn about your city. Gets more and more interesting b the day.
Jack: Well, thanks for filling us in, Courtney.
Courtney: Yeah, I just wish I could tell you more on how Phyllis was able to leave that hospital on her own.
Austin: Well, Avery told Summer that she was gonna find out about that.
Jack: Where is Summer?
Austin: She said she had to go do something for her mom.
Jack: Unstoppable. Just like Phyllis.
Austin: I keep hearing about what a force Phyllis is. I -- I guess I'm about to find out for myself.
Courtney: Does she know that you and Summer are married?
Austin: Well, we stopped by the clinic when she was in a coma, and Summer told her I was her husband, but I don't know if she actually heard us.
Courtney: Yeah. And I'd be prepared for the wrath of Phyllis. Isn't that right, Mr. Abbott?
Jack: Yeah, yeah. Um, listen, I, uh -- I have to take off. Tell Summer I'll be in touch.
Austin: Sure.
[Cell phone ringing]
Phyllis: You make it sound like I came to the church to cause trouble.
Nick: Well, you didn't show up in that dress to pray.
Phyllis: [Laughs] I needed to make an entrance as dramatic as the exit I made last year.
Nick: Do you remember anything about what happened?
Phyllis: Bits and pieces. But the blanks in between is what I need filled in. For some reason, Jack was not so eager to help me.
Nick: Is that why you wanted to talk to me?
Phyllis: I have these memories. Or at least I think they're memories. And I'm not so sure if they aren't something I dreamed or imagined. I need to know.
Nick: What? What do you need to know?
Phyllis: It's about Sharon and you.
Nick: So you want to know how we ended up together after all the stuff she pulled? [Breathes deeply] Honestly, I wonder that myself sometimes. But I realized that my feelings for her never... they never went away. Yeah, we have some stuff to work out, which is one of the reasons why I came to see you. Because there's something I need to ask you, about Sharon.
Lily: So now that you know that my brother isn't selling, will you be going back to Chicago?
Joe: Actually looking at a few other real-estate deals here in Genoa City.
Cane: Does that mean you'll be staying longer?
Joe: Well, Chicago can do without me for a while.
Cane: That's great. You have to be our guest here at the hotel.
Joe: No, I couldn't impose.
Cane: You're not imposing. I would love you to stick around.
Joe: Me too. Wow. This town has a lot of possibilities.
Harding: Chief. What's going on in there?
Paul: I'm interrogating a suspect.
Harding: You trust McAvoy, but you don't trust me?
Paul: Harding, I don't --
Harding: I know I'm not your son... but I'll always have your back. Whatever it is you're doing, if you want my help, all you got to do is ask.
Paul: I might be able to use someone I can trust.
Harding: That'll be me.
Paul: You'll do this for Dylan?
Harding: I'll do it for you.
Paul: Yeah.
Dylan: Please don't tell me Avery has to go.
Paul: Well, if we don't want this charade to blow up in our faces, we have to make it look real.
Avery: Paul's right. Nikki's ad will be out tomorrow. Hopefully, this will all be over soon. You'll keep me posted?
Paul: I will.
Avery: I love you.
Dylan: I love you, too. Watch your step.
Paul: Okay. Ready to go again?
Dylan: Ah. I don't do well when we're up against each other.
Paul: Well, then it's a good thing we're on the same side.
Summer: Hey.
Austin: Hey.
Summer: Any word on my mom?
Austin: Um, I think she's still sleeping. Jack left a little while ago.
Summer: Probably went home.
Austin: Uh...where did you go?
Summer: I went to Jack's house, and I ran into Kelly.
Austin: What happened?
Summer: I just went to go get some of my mom's clothes, and everything was gone. Jack and Kelly put all of my mom's stuff into storage.
Austin: Summer, I'm sorry.
Summer: It's okay. I can't think about that right now. I'm just gonna go to Fenmore's.
Austin: Wait. You want to go shopping?
Summer: No, I -- I have to get my mom some new clothes. Okay.
Jack: Hello? Kelly --
Phyllis: What is it that you want to know about Sharon?
Nick: Are you sure you're up for this?
Phyllis: Yes. Tell me.
Nick: Okay. Sharon thinks that you --
No more visitors.
Nick: Well, I -- I could use just a couple more minutes.
Mrs. Newman needs to rest.
Nick: If I could just have a couple, then I'll be --
You can come back tomorrow. She'll be asleep soon, anyway.
Nick: Okay. We'll, uh, finish this later.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Jack: Kelly, what's going on? What are you doing?
Billy: If Adam were to return to the land of the living and walk through that door, what would you do?
Lily: I happen to know that you borrowed a suite in the middle of the day.
Devon: Why don't you just mind your own business?
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