Y&R Transcript Monday 9/22/14

Y&R Transcript Monday 9/22/14


Episode # 10502 ~ Mariah has a proposal for Victor; Paul helps Dylan; Phyllis makes a move.

Provided By Suzanne

Austin: I know how much it helps you to be around your mom.

Summer: Yeah, it does, especially with everyone moving on with their lives. I just want to reconnect, you know? I just want to look at her and hold her hand.

Austin: You gonna go tonight?

Summer: Yeah, as soon as possible, so we should probably start getting ready.

Austin: "We"?

Summer: Yeah, you're coming with me, aren't you?

Austin: I wish I could, but I'm due at work, and I-I can't blow it off.

Summer: Okay, I-I'd really like the company.

Austin: I know, and if it was six months from now, I'd feel a lot more comfortable taking time off, but...

Summer: Are you sure there's nothing that I can do to change your mind?

Austin: [Chuckles]

Dr. Cutler: So, you're telling me no one saw anything?

Somehow, Phyllis managed to slip by us.

Dr. Cutler: Slipped by you? I don't want excuses. I want her found now.

Phyllis: [Exhales deeply] [Sighs]

Avery: I'm gonna push for a clause releasing Devon of all liability in the event of...

Both: Employee malfeasance.

Michael: Ah!

Avery: Great minds.

Michael: Mm. Since we seem to know what the other is thinking about this, there's no reason to discuss the rest of it, huh?

Avery: Yeah, we can communicate telepathically. Ooh, like the betazoids in "star trek."

Michael: That is the nerdiest thing I've ever heard.

Avery: [Laughs]

Michael: It is.

Avery: Sorry.

Lauren: Ohh. It's very happy over here. Must mean you're making progress on Devon's behalf. Or was Jill right, and you two really are having an affair?

Avery: Oh, she's figured us out, Michael.

Michael: Well, the only woman I am having an affair with is my very beautiful wife, and I intend to finish work soon so that she and I can have a romantic evening all...

Lauren: Hi.

Michael: ...To ourselves.

Christine: Bad news?

Paul: Whoa. Hi. I didn't see you there.

Christine: You seem pretty intent on whatever it is you're reading.

Paul: Forensics found traces of blood on the jacket we recovered.

Christine: And?

Paul: It's a DNA match to Ian ward.

Christine: Oh. So, any more indications on how he was wounded or by whom?

Paul: No, nothing yet.

Christine: Do you still think Dylan had something to do with it?

[Knock on door]

Paul: Uh, come in.

Nikki: Oh, I'm sorry to bother you.

Paul: Oh, not a bother at all. Come on.

Nikki: Hi, Christine.

Christine: Nikki.

Nikki: Um, would you mind if I had a word alone with Paul for a minute?

Dylan: Well, if it isn't the former Mr. And Mrs. Crimson lights.

Nick: Soon to be the forever Mr. And Mrs. Nicholas Newman.

Dylan: Wow. Congratulations.

Sharon: Thank you. Thanks so much.

Dylan: He finally wore you down, huh?

Sharon: Yeah. I should have said yes a long time ago.

Nick: Well, the point is, it's gonna happen. We're gonna be married, and I couldn't have done it without you.

Victor: You don't know Sharon's secret. You're bluffing.

Mariah: Would I really waste your time knowing what I know about you?

Victor: Mm-hmm. So, what is she hiding?

Mariah: No, no, no. See, that's not how this works. See, I was raised to believe that when you give something, you get something in return.

Victor: [Chuckles] How much?

Mariah: Enough to get the hell out of this town and start a new life.

Victor: Are you kidding me? That's too big of an investment.

Mariah: It's worth it. Trust me. What Sharon has done is far worse than I could have imagined, and it's gonna send nick running away from her as fast as possible.

Michael: We're almost finished here, right?

Avery: Uh, I'm not, but you are. Thank you.

Michael: Those are my files.

Avery: Exactly.

Michael: I owe you one.

Avery: And I plan to collect. Have a lovely evening, you two.

Lauren: Thank you.

Avery: Bye.

Lauren: That was very sweet of her to take over for you.

Michael: Yeah, well, everybody loves a romance.

Lauren: I guess they do, but, you know, honey, I'm fine just being here, having a nice meal with you.

Michael: Well, we can do that anytime. I have much bigger plans in store for us.

Lauren: Are you sure?

Michael: Yes.

Lauren: I just don't want you to feel pressured.

Michael: No, no, no, listen. Everything's gonna be fine. I'm feeling very well-rested and much more myself.

Lauren: You are?

Michael: Yes. I would have shown you last night if you hadn't gotten home from work so late. But we'll make up for it tonight and well into the morning.

Lauren: That sounds wonderful.

Michael: It is. Let's go home right now.

Lauren: Oh, honey, actually, I have some boutique business that I cannot get out of.

Michael: [Sighs] All right. I will go to the police station and pick up a case file, and then I will meet you at home in about, what -- say an hour?

Lauren: 45 minutes. And I promise not to be late.

Michael: Okay. [Groans]

Christine: If this is about Ian ward's investigation, I am just as much a part of it as Paul is, so whatever you have to say to him, you can say in front of me.

Nikki: Well, I'm not here about the investigation, per se.

Christine: Then what, per se?

Paul: Chris.

Nikki: I would like to have a few words alone with Paul about our son. So if you could please just give us a few minutes...?

Christine: As far as I'm concerned, you can have the whole day. I'll be at the club if you need me.

Paul: Okay. I...

Nikki: I'm sorry about that.

Paul: Oh, it's not your fault. Here. Have a seat. You made a, uh, perfectly reasonable...request. I, uh -- excuse me. It's just that, uh, Chris unfortunately doesn't see it that way.

Nikki: Yeah, I know she is very sensitive about the fact that you and I share a child.

Paul: It's, uh, an adjustment. That's for sure. One she'll get used to. She has to. I mean, Dylan isn't going anywhere.

Nikki: Well, I certainly hope not.

Paul: Why do you say it like that?

Nikki: That's just it. I haven't heard from him since the night the two of you took out of the club. What was that about?

Paul: Uh, I just brought him in for some, uh, routine questioning, that's all.

Nikki: Routine? Paul, there is nothing routine about taking off from your own surprise party.

Paul: Well, the fact is, I felt that Dylan could help me interpret some -- some evidence that recently came to light about Ian, and I didn't want to sit on it.

Nikki: What evidence?

Paul: Come on. You know I can't tell you that.

Nikki: All right, well, what

can you tell me?

Paul: What I can tell you is that I'm doing everything I possibly can to get to the bottom of Ian's disappearance so I can lock him up, and we can all rest easy.

Nikki: [Sighs] God. I haven't rested easy in so long, I don't even remember what that's like.

Paul: Well, I could certainly understand the toll that it must take on you.

Nikki: It has been very difficult. I don't think I could take one more ounce of stress.

Paul: [Sighs]

Mariah: That's what you want, isn't it -- to break nick and Sharon up?

Victor: It's what you want. I want to protect my son.

Mariah: Fine, then pay me already, and let's get on with things.

Victor: You'll have more money than you know what to do with after you tell me what Sharon is hiding.

Mariah: How do I know that you're gonna make good on that?

Victor: You either trust me, or you'll walk out of here without a penny. Your choice.

Mariah: Sharon has lied to you and everyone else about your granddaughter and who her real father is.

Paul: I don't want you to worry about anything, Nikki.

Nikki: So, Dylan's not in any trouble?

Paul: No. He answered my questions, and I sent him on his way.

Nikki: [Sighs] That's a relief. Thank you.

Paul: Oh, sure.

Nikki: All right. I know how busy you are. I won't take up any more of your time.

Paul: You take care, all right?

Nikki: You, too.

Paul: All right. Will do. Dawkins, get in here, will you? You know that lead you got from Ian ward's insurance company yesterday -- the call for the beneficiary? Did they happen to tell you what number the beneficiary called from?

Dawkins: You thinking it wasn't Dylan McAvoy who made the call?

Paul: I'm just trying to gather all the facts. Find out, will you? Oh, and, uh, when you get that information, give it to me directly. I will be handling this case personally. Shut the door on the way out. Thanks.

[Door closes]

Paul: [Sighs]

[Plastic bag crinkles]

Paul: [Sighs]

Dylan: No, I can't take any credit for this.

Nick: Man, you closed the place down early for us, gave us exclusive access to it.

Dylan: So what?

Nick: Well, if you hadn't done that, this beautiful woman -- she may not have agreed to marry me.

Dylan: Right, because crimson lights is so magical.

Sharon: Well, it is to us. It's where we fell in love. So, you can downplay your involvement if you want to, but nick and I really do appreciate it, and personally, just knowing that the two of you worked together to make that happen just makes it all that much more meaningful to me.

Nick: I think I'm gonna cry.

Dylan: Yeah, I got something in my eye, too.

Sharon: You two.

Dylan: I mean, it's just so touching.

Nick: It's beautiful.

Sharon: Smart aleck. You'd better stay in town the next few weeks, because we are planning on doing this sooner than later.

Dylan: I wouldn't miss it.

Sharon: Okay.

Avery: Wouldn't miss what?

Dylan: Hey. Uh, nick and Sharon have some big news.

Nick: Uh, yeah, Sharon and I are getting married.

Avery: Oh. That's -- congratulations.

Nick: Thank you.

Sharon: Yeah. But, uh, we're never gonna make it to the altar if I don't get out of here. I got to find myself a bridesmaid.

Summer: I have some pull with the boss, and I could probably convince him to give you some time off, especially if I tell him that you're going with me to see my mom.

Austin: Yeah, I just --I don't feel right about it.

Summer: About going to see my mom?

Austin: No. No, no, no. Just cutting out of work. Nick really took a leap when he gave me this job, and I want to show him that he was right to have faith in me.

Summer: He already knows that.

Austin: Ah, he tolerates me. And I can do a lot better than that, and the only way I can is by showing up on time when I'm supposed to and busting my butt.

Summer: I will admit you have a point, and it is more important in the long run that you get along with my dad.

Austin: I'm glad you understand.

Summer: Yes, I do understand. And I'm a big girl. I can go to mom's clinic by myself. I'm just gonna call them, let them know that I'm coming.

Austin: Okay.

Summer: Okay.

Dr. Cutler: Did you find Phyllis?

No, but her daughter's on the phone, and she says she wants to visit.

Dr. Cutler: Give me the phone. Hello. This is doctor... Penn. I've taken over your mother's case while dr. Burnett's on vacation. I understand you're thinking of coming to see us.

Summer: Yeah, I -- it's just been awhile since I've seen my mom, and I'm really starting to miss her.

Dr. Cutler: That's perfectly natural. Unfortunately, there's been no change in your mother's condition.

Summer: I understand that. It's just, in the past, it's made me feel better when I get to see her.

Dr. Cutler: Certainly, ms. Travers, but an immediate visit might be difficult. We could accommodate you more easily a few days from now.

Summer: Dr. Penn, is there a reason why you don't want me to come see my mom?

Mariah: It's pretty unbelievable, right?

Victor: Sit down. How'd you come by this information?

Mariah: Sharon talks in her sleep. But you already knew that, didn't you?

Victor: Go on.

Mariah: She was on the couch, probably having a nightmare, whining for nick not to hate her. I guess she has a conscience when she's asleep.

Victor: What else?

Mariah: She was saying how she was so, so sorry that she lied to nick about being her father.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: And then she added, "you're not her father." No wonder Sharon has been so haunted by this secret, but it's out now. Faith is not nick's daughter.

Avery: Sharon seems thrilled about the engagement. [Clears throat]

Nick: Yeah, we -- we both are, and faith is -- wow. She's already going through wedding magazines trying to find her flower-girl dress.

Avery: Well, this is a dream come true for her.

Dylan: Uh, looks like Harper could use my help. Excuse me.

Nick: You okay?

Avery: Yeah, I was just thinking about faith this time last year and how miserable she was that you and I were getting married.

Nick: It was about a year ago, wasn't it?

Avery: I'm so sorry I hurt you like that.

Nick: Oh, come on. It's over and done with.

Avery: No, I could have handled it better. I was just so confused.

Nick: Well, look how far you've come. I think things are the way they're supposed to be. We finally got it right. We're both where we were meant to be.

Victor: It makes sense. There were some questions as to faith's paternity. A number of candidates come to mind.

Mariah: Wow. My new mom got around.

Victor: Yeah. Billy boy Abbott, Nicholas. Those are just a few.

Mariah: She called me a tramp.

Victor: But you know the DNA sample said that Nicholas was, indeed, faith's father. Although knowing Sharon, she could have manipulated the results.

Mariah: I can see why she was so freaked about her secret getting back to nick.

Victor: Yeah. Big problem will be if nick finds out that he's not faith's father. After what he has gone through in regard to Summer, it'll hit him hard -- very hard.

Mariah: I tried to save him from her, but it's none of my business now.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: Check, please.

Victor: "Check, please"? You got to corroborate your allegations, my dear.

Mariah: But Sharon said --

Victor: I don't give a damn what Sharon rambled while she was sleeping.

Mariah: You're just gonna leave me out in the cold like that?

Victor: I thought you were a tough girl. Indian Summer. You'll survive.

Mariah: Look, I gave you a very promising lead. I deserve some sort of reward.

Victor: You have a lot of guts, don't you? Hmm? You're resilient. I like that. Here.

Summer: What are you keeping from me?

Dr. Cutler: Nothing. Nothing at all.

Summer: Then why are you trying to talk me out of coming there?

Dr. Cutler: I'm trying to do what's best for my patient. We've found that sustained isolation may be more effective in situations like your mother's.

S Summer: I don't care what you've found. I'm coming down there to see my mom, so please inform your staff that I'm flying down there tonight.

Dr. Cutler: But --

Summer: Thank you. [Sighs] These doctors -- they think that they know everything.

Austin: What happened?

Summer: Nothing. It's not important.

Austin: Okay. All right, well, I'm gonna get to work then.

Summer: Okay.

Austin: Okay.

[Doorbell rings]

Austin: Call me, okay? Tell me before you leave for the clinic.

Summer: Yeah, I will.

Austin: Okay.

Both: Hi.

Austin: And, uh -- and bye. I'm actually going to pour drinks for your fiancé. Congrats, by the way.

Sharon: Thank you.

Austin: You're welcome.

Summer: Congratulations. It's really great news.

Sharon: Thank you.

Summer: Um, dad -- dad's really excited.

Sharon: But you're not?

Summer: No, I-I am. Uh, it's just, um...

Sharon: What?

Summer: [Sighs] It doesn't stop, does it? No matter what happens, the rest of the world just keeps moving on.

Sharon: Are you talking about your mom?

Summer: I-I know that she and dad are divorced, and it's not like they would ever get back together if she woke up, but...

Sharon: It's still sad the way things worked out.

Summer: Do you hate me?

Sharon: No. I think anyone in your position would have mixed emotions.

Summer: Yeah, I think I'm gonna go fly down there to see her -- just tell her everything. Um, I'm hoping in some way that she'll understand.

Sharon: And then?

Summer: And then...?

Sharon: And then will you be able to move forward, too? Your mom and I -- we never saw eye to eye about anything, but there's one thing I know we would agree on, and that's you need to live your life to the fullest. You know, Phyllis took life head on, never looked back. And I think she -- she would want the same for you.

Summer: Yeah, she would.

Sharon: Which, um, brings me to, uh -- there's something I wanted to ask you. Um, and feel free, please, to say no if you don't think that now is the right time for you, but, um, would you be my bridesmaid?

Summer: Me?

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Summer: W-what about Mariah?

Sharon: Well, I-I hope that Mariah will stand up for me, too, but, unfortunately, right now, she and I are not in the best place. But either way, nick and I would love for you to be a part of our wedding.

Summer: I-I would love to.

Sharon: Yay!

[Both chuckle]

Summer: You know, I-I know that you and mom were never exactly close, but I think that she would be really happy that you've been looking out for me.

[Vehicle approaches]

Hey, there. Hop in.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart. I didn't see you come in.

Nikki: Apparently. I'm gonna take a wild guess that you're not here collecting for charity.

Mariah: Would you believe me if I said that I was? I didn't think so.

Nikki: I would like to believe you. In fact, when I heard that you were Cassie's twin, I hoped that you would want to be a part of our family. I still do.

Mariah: I really think your husband would have a problem with that.

Victor: You've got that right.

Nikki: All right, well, whatever has gone on between the two of you, I would just like to say that I would be supportive if you ever wanted to turn your life around.

Mariah: I've been privy to the Newmans' support. Thank you, but no, thanks.

Nikki: I see. Well, if that's going to be your attitude, I obviously witnessed some sort of payoff just now, and I would like an explanation.

Victor: Mariah, would you kindly leave the premises?

Mariah: I can't think of anything I'd like to do more.

Victor: All righty.

[Door closes]

Nikki: What did I walk in on here?

Victor: You've got to trust me when I tell you I have only the best interests of our family at heart.

Nikki: Trust you? After you and Mariah sent Sharon into electroshock therapy? What are you using that poor girl for now?

Dr. Cutler: Anything?

No sign of Phyllis anywhere. We need to alert the staff --

Dr. Cutler: No, absolutely not.

But --

Dr. Cutler: Search every bed, every bathroom, every closet. She has to be here.

Summer: Hi. Um, I'm really glad that I tracked you down. I was wondering, would you like to go on a trip with me?

Avery: [Sighs] Where and when?

Summer: To see mom.

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Summer: Tonight.

Avery: Oh, like 10-minutes' notice? Um, okay, that's gonna be a little bit of a problem. I just have a lot on my plate with this new partnership.

Summer: Yeah, you know, I-I'm sorry. Yeah, it's --

Avery: No, no, no. Wait, wait. I can reschedule my whole week if you just give me, like, a couple days, unless there's a reason that you're going now.

Summer: No, it's just one of those things that came over me. You know, but I -- it's fine. I can go alone.

Avery: Well, I'd really like to go with you.

Summer: I know. I'm my mother's daughter. When I get an idea, I need to jump on it, so...it's fine. I'll just tell her that you said hi.

Avery: Oh.

Summer: Bye.

Avery: Bye.

Dylan: Is everything all right?

Avery: I'm not sure. That's a lot of change for someone her age.

Dylan: Change is hard at any age. Did you and nick get to talk about what you needed to talk about?

Avery: Oh. I just -- I wished him well and told him that I hoped that he and Sharon are very happy.

Dylan: Is that what you hope?

Avery: Yeah. I mean, okay, I'm a bit concerned that she's going to hurt him or disappoint him. She hasn't been very reliable in the past.

Dylan: They seem to have worked things out. I mean, she seems to have her troubles under control.

Avery: Well, maybe.

Dylan: "Maybe"?

Avery: All I'm saying is that I think nick deserves to be with someone who is as special and wonderful as he is.

Dylan: Is that what you're saying...or are you bothered that nick's getting married?

Lauren: Hey, Chris. What brings you here?

Christine: Uh, I couldn't stay at work a minute longer.

Lauren: Uh-oh. That sounds like an emergency cocktail, right?

Christine: Yes.

Lauren: Let's go. Can we have two cosmos, please?

Christine: Thank you.

Lauren: Thank you. Okay, tell me everything. What's going on? Is it that, uh, assistant D.A. That's screwing up again?

Christine: Uh... a little closer to home.

Lauren: You and Paul?

Christine: Oh, you -- don't get me wrong. Things are solid between us. Or they would be, if Nikki didn't keep running to Paul every time she had a hangnail.

Lauren: Oh, dear.

Christine: Maybe not every time, but wouldn't you lean on your own husband at a time like this?

Lauren: Well, you would think, but do I need to state the obvious?

Christine: Which is?

Lauren: Okay, I will. [Chuckles] And that is that Paul loves you. He is devoted to you, and he shares a son with Nikki, but he shares his life with you. You're very lucky. [Coughs]

Christine: Thank you.

Lauren: Thank you.

Christine: Is -- is something wrong with you and Michael?

Lauren: Um, I know I said at Paul's party that, um, everything was fine, but that wasn't exactly the truth at the time.

Christine: But it is now?

Lauren: Michael has some plans for us tonight that actually sound promising. So, I'm really hoping that we're through the worst.

Paul: So, CSI found ward's keys at the quarry.

Dawkins: 20 yards from where his jacket was found.

Paul: All right. Well, let me know if the lab comes up with anything on those keys besides mud. Got it? Dawkins?

Dawkins: Damn mud's still there from the search yesterday.

Avery: Looks like I need a new doormat.

Michael: Yeah, those are muddy.

Avery: Yeah. What has Dylan gotten himself into?

Paul: Yeah, look, forget about that now, okay? I want you to get a team together and have them drag the lake at the quarry. And let's see if we can find a body to go with the jacket and the keys. I suppose you heard all that?

Michael: Hard not to.

Paul: Follow me. I trust you can keep this information to yourself?

Michael: That is the least of your worries.

Paul: Why do you say that?

Michael: The reddish mud your police officer was complaining about -- I saw the same mud on Dylan's shoes yesterday.

Paul: I saw it, too.

Michael: Hmm...so, what are you gonna do about it?

Victor: Let's get something straight, okay? I am not the villain here. The sooner you understand that, the better off we'll all be.

Nikki: Who will be better off? Certainly not Sharon and Nicholas. Obviously, you and Mariah are planning something to do with their wedding. What are you gonna do? Sabotage it?

Victor: I intend to do no such thing.

Nikki: Haven't you learned yet to stop interfering in your children's lives?

Victor: You will find out that, in the end, it'll all turn out, okay? You understand that I do what I have to do.

Nikki: No, Victor. You're already wrong right there. I will never understand how your mind works. I have a charity meeting to go to.

Victor: You have a good time.

[Door slams]

Avery: You can't possibly be serious. Why would I be upset that nick is engaged?

Dylan: I-I don't know. You tell me.

Avery: There's nothing to tell.

Dylan: What -- with everything that's going on? Are you seriously telling me that when you just heard nick and Sharon were getting married, you didn't feel a little weird?

Avery: [Sighs]

Dylan: Why is it that when it comes to us getting married, you've resisted the idea?

Avery: What are you talking about?

Dylan: The day you thought I was proposing, you couldn't have been more relieved when you realized you were mistaken.

Avery: Yes, because -- because we weren't ready to talk about marriage.

Dylan: [Inhales deeply] [Sighs]

Avery: But a lot has happened since then. I sat by your hospital bed terrified that I was gonna lose you and willing you to wake up so we could have a life together, a life that I want. That's all I want.

Dylan: That's all I want, too. But before I can take that step, I have to be sure that I'm the man you deserve.

Michael: I know this has to be taking a toll on you, Paul, but if Dylan is involved in Ian's disappearance, you're gonna have to step up.

Paul: You know, you're not telling me anything I haven't thought of already... which is why I had the mud on Dylan's boots tested.

Michael: Did you? And?

Paul: And it wasn't from the area where the evidence turned up.

Michael: Hmm. So Dylan's off the hook. Thank God for that, huh?

Paul: Yeah, thank God.

Austin: Crazy busy the last couple of days, huh? Yeah, well, it's, uh -- you know, it's better than being bored, I guess, right? Okay, well, if you're not gonna talk, at least try this. It's the first time I ever made it.

Mariah: It looks like pea soup.

Austin: Well, I'm willing to bet it tastes better, and the name's the best part.

Mariah: What? "The exorcist"?

Austin: The "I didn't rat you out-tini."

Mariah: [Chuckles]

Austin: I didn't. You know, I didn't tell anyone that, um, that guy drugged you into marrying him, okay? I wouldn't do that. I just -- I told Summer and Abby to just take it easy on you.

Mariah: Really?

Austin: I swear.

Mariah: I'm sorry that I lost it on you.

Austin: It's okay. You were having a lousy honeymoon.

Mariah: [Chuckles] Well, hopefully, it will be annulled into oblivion soon.

Austin: Well, all the more reason to drink up.

Mariah: Oh, no, no, no. See, I made up with you, but there is no way that that is touching my lips.

Austin: It's gonna be good.

Mariah: No, no, no. No, I'm not being your guinea pig. [Gasps] Oh, my God! No, I'm so sorry.

Austin: That's the way to go. [Chuckles]

Mariah: That just happened.

Austin: Yeah, it's okay.

Sharon: You should have seen the look on Summer's face. She was so excited when I asked her to be my bridesmaid.

Nick: She hasn't had a lot to be happy about lately, so I'm glad we could give her something to look forward to.

[Knock on door]

Sharon: Oh, I'll get it. Stay there. Uh, nick, it's for you.

Victor: I'm here to see both of you.

Nick: Uh, dad, if you're here to give us a hard time about getting married, unh-unh.

Victor: No, no, no, no, no. I'm here to propose a toast... to both of you.

Michael: Yes, your honor. I will pick that up tomorrow. Thank you. All right. Bye.

Christine: Hey, hey. Look who I found.

Lauren: Hi!

Michael: Hey, honey.

Lauren: I finished with the boutique [Smooches] And thought I would come over here and wait for you.

Michael: Oh. Well, I was just about to leave. Um, give me a quick second to wrap things up, and we're out of here.

Lauren: Okay.

Michael: Okay.

Lauren: All right, I'll be waiting.

Michael: Mm-hmm! [Groans] [Exhales deeply] All right! Ready to go.

Lauren: Oh, excellent.

Christine: Have fun, you two.

Lauren: We will. See you later.

Christine: Okay. Oh.

[Knock on door]

Christine: Hmm. Hey, sergeant, have you seen Paul?

Sergeant: Uh, he went to the athletic club to find you.

Christine: Oh.

Sergeant: And just like you ordered, one club soda for you and a vodka tonic for your friend.

Nikki: She's on her way. Thank you.

Sergeant: Sure.

Victor: May I propose a toast? As you prepare for your future, may you be guided by your past. And may the bond of your children always be with you.

Nick: Well, I guess that's better than "here's to those who wish us well, and all the rest can go to hell."

Victor: Yep. Much better. Cheers.

[Glasses clink]

Victor: Ahh.

Nick: Mmm.

Victor: Ahh, it's good.

Nick: Yes.

Victor: Now, I would love to see my grandchild before I go. Is she around?

Nick: Faith's on a playdate.

Victor: Oh. Is that her backpack?

Sharon: Uh, yes. It's a wonder I let her go on playdates when she leaves her things laying around everywhere. Uh, I can imagine what her room must look like. You know what? I should go upstairs and clean it before I get inundated with wedding errands.

Victor: All right, you do that.

Sharon: Thank you so much for the champagne.

Victor: You're quite welcome. I thank you.

Nick: All right. Let's have it. What are you up to?

Victor: What do you mean what am I up to?

Nick: Dad, there's not a word that comes out of your mouth that doesn't have some underlying meaning.

Victor: Son, the underlying meaning in my words have to do with my love for my family.

Nick: Well, your definition of love and mine's a little different.

Victor: I honestly don't think so. The way I see you interact with your family, I, uh -- I think our definitions of love are pretty similar.

Nick: Well, I can't argue with you on that. My life is pretty good right now.

Victor: [Exhales sharply] Man.

Nick: What's wrong?

Victor: [Groans] This champagne gives me the worst headache. [Groans] Have you got some aspirin?

Nick: Uh, yeah. I'll be back.

Victor: Whoa. Sorry.

Nick: Oh, it's okay.

Austin: You did that on purpose.

Mariah: I did not!

Austin: Yeah, you did.

Mariah: No, I swear.

Summer: It looks like someone needs a new shirt.

Austin: Oh. [Scoffs] Hey, babe.

Summer: Hi.

Austin: Hi. Did you come to say goodbye?

Summer: No, I actually decided to hold off for a few days on seeing my mom until aunt Avery could come with me.

Austin: I think that's a good idea.

Mariah: Yeah. Why rush, right? Your mom's not going anywhere.

You're awfully quiet. Where are you going?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Christine: What do you think you're doing?

Nikki: Don't drink that.

Jack: Vodka?

Victor: This is Victor Newman. Has Phyllis made any additional progress?

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