Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/19/14
Episode # 10480 ~ Sharon & Mariah have a big argument; Nick gets an enlightening blast from the past.
Provided By Suzanne
Mariah: I've got a surprise for you!
[Knock on door]
Nick: Thank god you're here.
Grace: You call, I come running.
Nick: Uh... it is good to see you, grace.
Grace: You, too, handsome. My god, it's been a long time -- too long. Never thought we'd be doing this again.
Nick: Okay, listen. This is, uh -- this is not a booty call, okay? I need some information.
Grace: What? Oh. This old thing? No, I just kind of throw it on. I mean, after the stress of dropping everything and rushing here to see you, I just figured I'D...put on something comfortable.
Nick: Yeah. Okay. This is -- this is not the kind of comfort that I'm interested in.
Sharon: What the hell?
Mariah: Sharon, I'm -- s-- I was expecting this guy from the club. I-I met him the other night.
Sharon: Some guy?
Mariah: Yeah. He would, like, not stop flirting with me.
Nick: Hey, look at that! She's home a day early!
Sharon: What is going on here?
Mariah: So, um, anyway, we went back to his house after my shift ended.
Sharon: Stop it, Mariah.
Mariah: No. I'm so sorry. I thought that we would be alone.
Sharon: There was no guy from the club. You were going to try to seduce nick.
Michael: Lauren! Honey?! It's me! I got your text! Lauren?!
[Door opens]
Lauren: [Gasps] Oh, no.
Michael: What? What happened?
Lauren: No, no, no, no, no, no, no! I was supposed to get here first! I was supposed to set the scene! Ahh! So much for a romantic surprise.
Michael: Yeah. Well, I was plenty surprised when I received your text in the middle of my meeting with judge palmer.
Lauren: Yes. Well, I'm supposed to get here way before you and...
Michael: Come here. Closer. Closer. Yeah.
Chelsea: What are you doing here? We just left each other.
Billy: Jack called -- said that Neil's out of commission. He wants me to handle the production meeting.
Chelsea: Out of commission? What does that mean?
Billy: I don't know. He didn't give me any details. He just said go debrief with you before the meeting, which is a lot like asking Johnny Depp to go to work on an oil rig.
Chelsea: You're comparing yourself to Johnny Depp?
Billy: [Chuckles] No. I'm just saying --
Chelsea: I know what you meant. You feel a little out of your element?
Billy: Right. I mean, r&d, I can fake my way through an intelligent conversation. Ladies' fashions -- not so much.
Chelsea: Hmm. Is this the same Billy Abbott who tried to grab my sketch pad earlier and told me designing is easy, it's a piece of cake?
Billy: Yeah. That rings a bell. I tell you what -- you can tell me how wrong I was after the meeting, but for right now, you've got about 15 minutes to tell me everything you know about fashion.
Stitch: My ID, my pager, and what's left of my pride.
Rob: You no longer have access to any hospital records, support staff, library, or laboratory facilities. Is that understood?
Stitch: Oh, yeah. It was all made very clear by the hospital board when they kicked me out of my residency program, so...
Rob: You know, my son just made first team all-state. If it weren't for you, he may not be walking, let alone playing shortstop and batting .454.
Stitch: Thanks, rob. Victoria, what is it? What's wrong?
Victoria: I'm so scared. The baby -- there's something wrong.
Lauren: Oh, I wanted the whole place set up so when you walked through the door, you just walked into that fantasy realm, and -- ugh! -- It's ruined because that vendor from New York wouldn't shut up.
Michael: Sounds like opposing counsel in my case today...Lauren: Yeah?
Michael: ...After the fourth time I objected on grounds of irrelevance.
Lauren: Oh, tell me about it. Tell me about it. I wanted to spend the whole morning listening to the blow-by-blow account of this woman's Yosemite vacation? Really? What do the hiking trails have anything to do with the menswear line that she was trying to sell me? I have no idea. So, instead of being here with you and fantasizing, I was fantasizing about strangling her! [Chuckles]
Michael: What are we doing?
Lauren: We're talking.
Michael: Mm-hmm. Right. And how's that working for you?
Lauren: Oh. Not very well, counselor.
Michael: Mm-hmm. My beautiful wife arranged a romantic midday rendezvous, and here we are, rattling on about what's going on out there...
Lauren: Ohh.
Michael: ...When we should be experiencing what's going on inside here, or what should be going on.
Lauren: Mmm.
Michael: No, no, no, no. No.
Lauren: No?
Michael: Let me. Let me.
Victoria: I called dr. Chiverton on the way over here -- Abby, too. They should be here soon.
Stitch: Okay. I'm not gonna leave you, all right? I'm gonna stay right here with you, Victoria, okay? How did this happen? Tell me how it all started.
Victoria: I felt a twinge at first, and then -- and then it got worse.
Stitch: Any bleeding?
Victoria: Spotting. That's bad, right?
Stitch: Not necessarily. Look, how long did dr. Chiverton say she'd be?
Victoria: I don't know where she was calling from, but she said that she would be here soon. Aah!
Stitch: Okay. Okay. I'm gonna -- I'm gonna pa-- my pager. Um...look, uh, what is it? Is it a sharp pain, dull pain?
Victoria: It's more like a cramp.
Stitch: Okay. We can deal with that, right? Look, the main thing is just try to stay as calm as possible.
Victoria: Okay.
Stitch: All right? I want you to lean back and just take some deep breaths.
Victoria: Okay.
Stitch: All right? Okay?
Abby: Get away from her -- now.
Grace: You used to be fun.
Nick: I used to be a lot of things. But I grew up, and I left a lot of that behind me.
Grace: Ohh. Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
[Thunder rumbles]
Grace: I don't know why we didn't think of this before.
Nick: Too wrapped up in our presentation.
Grace: Ugh. This feels so good. I could soak in a tub of this.
Nick: Sorry. No tubs here.
Grace: It's nice, huh?
Nick: Yeah. Yeah, it is... although nothing's gonna help with this heat.
Grace: Oh, nick... rub this all over your body. It feels so wonderful.
[Thunder rumbles]
Grace: Mimosa?
Nick: Maybe next time.
Grace: Mm-hmm. No time like the present.
Nick: Look, uh, grace, I really appreciate the, uh...
Grace: Hospitality?
Nick: Sharon and I are back together, and we intend to make it work this time.
Grace: How's my, um, former best friend? Hmm? I mean, it's just so hard to keep up with her. She's married to you, then your brother and then your father. Now she's back with you, huh? You know that's a Newman trifecta, isn't it? She does keep herself busy.
Nick: Sharon's doing very well. She hit a rough patch, but she's doing a lot better now.
Grace: Mm-hmm.
Nick: And so are our kids, which is why I called you here in the first place. It's about Cassie.
Grace: Cassie? That was a terrible tragedy. I, uh, never really got to tell you in person how sorry I was.
Nick: Thanks. We got your note. You loved her, too. Sharon and I both know that.
Grace: I truly did.
Nick: You were the one who tracked Cassie down after Sharon gave her up for adoption. You found her with Alice in that run-down house, and her mother was there, and it was in Madison.
Grace: Millie?
Nick: Yeah, Millie.
Grace: My god. It's been years since I thought of those two. Okay, I get the feeling you didn't just send a jet to bring me into town to reminisce.
Nick: No, I didn't.
Grace: So...what's this really about? I mean, why this sudden urge to bring up painful memories?
Sharon: Why don't you cover yourself up?
Mariah: Sharon, I swear to you --
Sharon: I don't want to hear it.
Mariah: No, this guy -- his name is Dave. I thought that you and nick would be gone for the day.
Sharon: Oh, stop lying! You thought that I would be gone for the day. When you came in and you heard someone in the kitchen, you assumed that that was nick!
Mariah: You've got it all wrong.
Sharon: After I bailed you out of jail, I take you in. I bought you clothes. I defended you. This is how you repay me -- by plotting behind my back to try to seduce nick? And please don't insult my intelligence telling me that's not what you were doing.
Mariah: Fine. You're right, and it's been going on a lot longer than you realize.
Sharon: No. Nothing has been going on, except maybe in fantasies. Do you really think that nick would cheat on me with you? My god! You look like his daughter!
Mariah: But I'm not his daughter, and you don't deserve him! Nick is way better off with me!
Michael: This...is as wonderful as it was unexpected, even without whatever it is you brought in those bags.
Lauren: Ah, that'll keep. That'll keep. I'm gonna make it my mission in life to continue surprising you and showing you how much I love you.
Michael: That goes double for me. Look, as crazy as our lives get, we have to make sure that we carve out time for each other.
Lauren: Amen to that.
Michael: Amen?
Lauren: Amen.
Michael: Yeah? Come here, Mrs. Baldwin.
Lauren: I'm sure we're just -- we're just out of practice. That's all.
Michael: Yeah.
Lauren: That's all.
Michael: I think we're just both a little anxious. Uh...
Lauren: Yeah. Yeah.
Michael: I want every moment of time we spend together to be perfect -- perfect. Um...all right. This is a marathon.
Lauren: That's right.
Michael: It's not a sprint. Okay. So, ready? Ready? Slowly. Slowly. Wait for it. Waiting for it. Wow. Mmm.
Chelsea: No two designers have the same process.
Billy: Okay. Well, obviously, I'm interested in you -- I mean, your process, how you work.
Chelsea: Uh, well, I start with ideas, but in order to get those ideas, something has to spark me.
Billy: Okay. Like what?
Chelsea: Like accessories. For example, if I find a great belt, automatically, I start to think of what kind of dress or jacket that could work with. Um, hats -- hats get me going. Or a certain swatch or fabric or sample that gets me excited. Oh, and lace -- sometimes a new piece of lace can inspire a whole new line.
Billy: So, it's like you said in the park -- I mean, just being outside can help?
Chelsea: Yes, nature. Nature is very inspiring.
Billy: It seemed like it was holding out on you the other day when I walked through. You were still kind of blocked. It's a good thing I did, or it might have been permanent.
Chelsea: Oh, yes. It was magical. Thank god for you, Billy Abbott. All the women of the world would be walking around naked if it weren't for you.
Billy: I don't want to be responsible for that.
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Billy: Damn! What was I thinking?
Chelsea: And laughter -- laughing helps.
Billy: Yeah.
Chelsea: Takes me out of my own head.
Billy: Right. So, okay. Um, inspiration turns into an idea. Then what?
Chelsea: A sketch. If I like my sketch, I make a refined drawing, and then I usually drape it over here on the form. This actually has a lot of toile, which is good for --
Billy: Toile?
Chelsea: Toile, yeah. It's like muslin -- a basic fabric.
Billy: Oh.
Chelsea: So, this is...
Billy: And then what happens?
Chelsea: Then, um, I bring it to a professional pattern-maker. He refines a little more, and then we bring it to a manufacturer. Here are the designs that are gonna be discussed in the meeting today, if you want to look them over.
Billy: Beautiful.
Victoria: Ben was here when I got here, Abby. I was grateful to see a familiar face.
Abby: Even though he has been the one stressing you out? What are you even doing here, anyway? You're no longer on staff, right?
Victoria: Don't do this now, Abby. I'm glad Ben's here.
Abby: Thank you. I've got it from here.
Dr. Chiverton: Victoria, I got here as fast as I could. Let's get you into an exam room.
Victoria: Thank you.
Dr. Chiverton: Now, tell me what's happening. You said on the phone you had some cramping.
Victoria: This is exactly how I felt before... when I lost the baby.
Billy: These are great sketches. I mean, even a walking fashion disaster like me can see how talented you are.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Billy: So, about this meeting -- how do I contribute, other than just taking notes to help out Neil?
Chelsea: That's easy -- don't talk.
Billy: Yeah. Uh, keeping my mouth shut has never been my strong suit... as our doctor friend found out the hard way.
Chelsea: Do you regret it -- telling stitch's boss about all of his lies, potentially ruining his career?
Billy: I'm not the one who told dr. Shelby. Stitch gave him the file himself.
Chelsea: Billy, you showed up with that information in hand. Stitch just beat you to it. I'm just asking, if you could do it over again, would you do things differently?
Billy: No, because I realize why stitch's ex didn't want that guy anywhere near their son. She didn't want that hanging over his head, just like it's going to be hanging over Victoria's child if it turns out to be Rayburn's instead of mine.
Abby: You didn't answer my question before. If you got fired, then why are you still here?
Stitch: Hmm. You know, I think we reached our limit of sharing earlier at the club, so why don't we just wait for Victoria and not talk, okay?
Abby: Well, you were certainly acting like a doctor when I walked in. Do you think it's wise to be practicing medicine without a license?
Stitch: Until the state medical licensing board meets on my case, my status remains the same. I may not have a job at this particular hospital, but I am still a licensed physician, Abby. And I was acting like someone who loves Victoria and is concerned about her and her baby. I'm not gonna stop loving them, no matter what happens.
Victoria: It wasn't just cramps. There was spotting.
Dr. Chiverton: How heavy?
Victoria: There shouldn't be any, correct?
Dr. Chiverton: You were right to call as quickly as you did.
Victoria: I'm just so scared because it was so similar to... [Sighs]
Grace: You said her name's Mariah.
Nick: Startling, isn't it?
Grace: It's more like eerie. I mean... [Sighs] How old was Cassie when... you know.
Nick: She was 14.
Grace: [Sighs] My god. This is exactly how I would have pictured if she -- you know, if she had grown up, if she'd become a young woman.
Nick: Grace, sometimes when I'm with Mariah, I swear I feel like my daughter is sitting right in front of me. It's no wonder Sharon's so invested in her.
Grace: She's not the only one.
Nick: It's not just the way she looks, too. I mean, it's the way she acts and the way she talks and her mannerisms. The other day, Mariah was -- she was happy, and she gave me a high five, just the way that Cassie did a million times.
Grace: Yeah, but, like you said, Victor paid her to play that part.
Nick: I tried to stay objective when it came to this girl because I knew there was more to her than she was telling us, so I gave her a job and I moved her in with us so I could keep an eye on her, learn more about her, and this creep Ian, who supposedly raised her.
Grace: Still, like, I mean, having her around all the time like that must be like living with a ghost.
Nick: There's too many things that don't add up where this girl is concerned -- too many unanswered questions, too many coincidences.
Grace: But why am I here, though? I mean, why are you telling me all this? How -- how can I help?
Nick: Because I need you to tell me everything you remember about the day Cassie was born, and I mean everything. Don't leave anything out.
Sharon: You poor, delusional thing. Actually, you believe that you could seduce nick away from me? But, hey, the signs were all there, weren't they? You've been doing everything you can to be alone with nick. You do everything around here so you can be helpful to him. Oh, my god! You baked him a peach pie. And every single insignificant thing nick ever did gave you attention. He thanked you. He cut you a break. You've inflated that in your mind. Let me give you a clue, Mariah. Nick has only been putting up with you here for my sake because I wanted to help you!
Mariah: Putting up with me? You have got to be kidding me. I see the way that nick k is with you -- the way that he holds your hand, protects you from Victor, like you're some helpless invalid. But we both know that that is an act. You poured your heart out to me
the cemetery about this horrible thing that you're hiding from nick! You're like a loaded weapon, ready to go off, ready to ruin nick's life!
Sharon: Stop it!
Mariah: And -- and you know what? I bet that you remember whatever horrible thing that you did and you're just pretending that you can't because you know that your worst fear would be realized if nick dumped you. You may look at me like I am your precious little girl, but that is not the way that nick looks at me. He wants me, and if he had been the one who had walked in before --
Sharon: Don't you dare.
Michael: Ohh. Aah! I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong.
Lauren: Don't apologize. [Chuckles] You did nothing wrong. It happens.
Michael: All right. Not helping. Not helping.
Lauren: Listen, you just came from a grueling morning in court. I asked you to come here, and... [Sighs] There's no case to win here. There's no pressure. I just -- just wanted to spend some time with you, that's all. There's no successful outcome to be achieved.
Michael: I just --
Lauren: I know.
Michael: I love you.
Lauren: I know that, too. And there are so many ways to show that. It's just about being together.
Michael: You're right. You're amazing. You're hot.
Lauren: [Laughs]
Michael: I did mention that you were hot, right? Very hot.
Sharon: You know... you don't deserve to look like Cassie. You had convinced me that you felt terrible about what you had done to me -- pretending to be my little girl, pushing me to the brink! I know that you had no one growing up except for Ian ward, who is a horrible man, and I know that your mother was absent -- so much so, she might as well have been dead -- and I know you're starving for love.
Mariah: You don't know me, so shut up! Everything that you think about me -- it's all in your head! I didn't have to drive you insane. You were there long before I came into the picture. I told you I'm not your beloved Cassie. I'm nothing like her!
Sharon: And that is painfully clear to me! Cassie would have grown up to be a kind, a generous young lady, not somebody who uses her misfortune for being a thief or a liar or a tramp.
Grace: What is the deal with this ward guy? I mean, you keep mentioning him.
Nick: Ian's a real operator. He came to Genoa City, tried to extort money from my family. His connection to Mariah has raised a bunch of red flags.
Grace: Once he came back? I mean, was he originally from here?
Nick: No -- Idaho, and, before that, who knows?
Grace: But he lived here once?
Nick: Ian used to run this cult. It was called new world, and when my mom was a teenager, she was mixed up in it for a little while. It's a long story. But now he's this self-proclaimed self-help guru, and he's as slick as they come and all bad news, except when it comes to Mariah. Mariah really looks up to the guy. She treats him like he's this father figure, and Ian is extremely protective of her. And now Mariah's mother is involved, which there's a story there, too, because Mariah told us that her mother was dead, and now she's alive, and it's just more lies and more questions.
Grace: Nick, what -- okay. What are you looking for? I mean, what do you think this girl his hiding? Who do you think she really is?
Nick: Grace, I know you were there when Cassie was born. You were Sharon's best friend. She relied on you. You were the person she trusted the most.
Grace: Oh, come on. We were 16. That was eons ago.
Nick: Well, I need you to think back. Focus on that day. Is there anything about the whole experience that you remember of Sharon giving birth to Cassie?
Grace: Okay, I-I'll -- I'll try, yeah.
Nick: Where was it? Was it in a hospital?
Grace: Well, yeah. Of course.
Nick: Okay. So, if it was in a hospital, there had to be a doctor. Do you remember his name or anything about him?
Grace: Of the doctor, no, but... oh, my god. There was this nurse, this -- she was, like, this new-agey chick. And she had the spookiest green eyes, and she was --
Nick: Do you remember what her name was?
Grace: Oh, my god. Yeah. I mean, after all these years, the name stuck with me. Helen. Her name was Helen.
Nick: That's Mariah's mother. She was there when Cassie was born?
Billy: I told her that I would love the child, no matter whose it was -- that I would help to raise it. But, after a while, I admitted that I wasn't sure.
Chelsea: I couldn't have asked for better parents for Johnny than you and Victoria. I mean, you've given him such a loving and stable home, and so, of course, for his sake, I want you to be able to work things out with her. I want you to keep your marriage intact.
Billy: Listen, I want you to know that no matter what happens, Johnny will always be loved and cared for.
Chelsea: I know that. Your commitment to Johnny has never wavered through any of this.
Billy: As hard as I have worked on this marriage and I want to hold it together, the idea of raising stitch's kid -- it means he's gonna be a part of our family forever, a constant reminder -- a constant threat, really, 'cause he's never gonna stop pursuing Victoria.
Chelsea: I think she's always been a little threatened by me.
Billy: She was insecure because of the adoption and how I screwed that up with Lucy. She knows that you were never out to break up our marriage. Eventually, she realized that you just wanted what was best for Johnny -- for him to be raised in a loving, stable home with two parents.
Chelsea: So, where did you leave things with Victoria when you said you weren't sure?
Billy: I couldn't keep pretending that I'm this selfless, noble guy. The truth is that I've known all along I couldn't do it. I can't raise that man's child.
Abby: If I were you, I would reinvent myself... create a whole new background, somewhere far away. It's not difficult. I've done it myself several times -- not the fraudulent part but the "reinvent" part. Do you really want to go through this? Do you really want to be known as the guy who broke up a marriage? Let Billy and Victoria have the happiness that you and your wife and kid couldn't. I mean, you're still young, fit, somewhat good-looking. You could find someone new.
Stitch: [Scoffs]
[Door opens]
Stitch: How's Victoria?
Abby: Is the baby okay?
Dr. Chiverton: I'll let her tell you herself while I get her paperwork started.
Abby: What paperwork?
Victoria: [Sniffles]
Abby: Oh, sweetie.
Victoria: I'm so sorry. I'm so emotional. I can't help it. I'm just so relieved.
Stitch: Then it's good news?
Victoria: Yes. I'm fine. The baby's fine. Cramping stopped.
Abby: Oh, thank god.
Victoria: No. But because of my history, dr. Chiverton wants to hook me up to a fetal monitor and, you know, keep me here for observation.
Abby: Oh. You're being admitted?
Victoria: Oh, yeah -- at least until tomorrow, just to make sure everything's okay. I'm fine.
Abby: It will be, sis. I know.
Victoria: Thank you.
[Door closes]
Nick: Is there anything else you can tell me about this nurse?
Grace: Well, for one thing, I remember thinking she was a real control freak.
Nick: How do you mean?
Grace: Helen wouldn't even let us stay with Sharon. I mean, when it came time to go into the delivery room, she yelled at us to stay out.
Nick: "Us"?
Grace: Well, Doris and me. I was there with Sharon's mom.
Nick: So, you weren't actually in the room when Sharon gave birth?
Grace: Well, I-I guess they -- they didn't want us bonding with the baby -- I mean, even Sharon. She was giving it up for adoption. Look, I don't know. The whole thing was just so odd. It was almost as if they just couldn't get it over fast enough. They wouldn't even let Doris and me see the baby or even tell us if it was a boy or girl.
Nick: All right. Is there anything else you can remember -- anything at all?
Grace: No. I-I -- god. I really don't, nick. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more he.
Nick: No, no, no. Grace, you were a huge help. Thank you.
Mariah: Even if you do manage to get nick to marry you, it's not going to be long before he regrets it. He is only with you because he feels sorry for you! All you're gonna do is make him miserable, but do you care about that?! No! You'd rather destroy him than see him happy! All the stuff that I am saying -- you know it's true. Deep down, you know it. But you are in such denial that it's actually shocking to you to hear it said out loud! You've got blinders on!
Sharon: Well, not anymore!
Mariah: This whole kindness thing -- it's an act. You don't care about anybody except yourself. You're nothing but a selfish bitch!
Sharon: You get out of my house...right now! I don't ever want to see you again!
Mariah: Works for me.
Michael: Oh, did I tell you I got a text from Fenmore?
Lauren: You did?
Michael: Mm-hmm.
Lauren: How's he doing? How's school?
Michael: I have never heard him sound so excited or focused, maybe ever.
Lauren: His decision to go to Arizona was the best one yet, right?
Michael: You have to go back to the salt mines?
Lauren: Oh, yes, unfortunately.
Michael: Ohh. Me, too.
Lauren: This was really nice.
Michael: Mmm.
Chelsea: Billy, you can't know for sure how you're gonna handle any of this until the baby arrives.
Billy: You know what? I shouldn't have brought it up. We have a meeting to get to.
Chelsea: Okay, boss.
Billy: Boss? I like the sound of that.
Chelsea: Ohh. Well, don't get used to it.
Billy: Got the title for, what, 60 minutes?
Chelsea: Well, you can do a lot of damage in 60 minutes, but don't worry -- I will make you look competent.
[Cell phone ringing]
Billy: What the hell?
Chelsea: What? Who is it?
Billy: Rayburn? What's up?
Stitch: I'm at the hospital. Victoria had a bit of a scare.
Billy: What kind of scare? With the baby?
Stitch: She had some twinges, but, uh, she was checked out, and everything's okay with her and the baby.
Billy: And you're sure?
Stitch: Yeah, I'm sure. Dr. Chiverton's gonna keep her overnight for observation. I thought maybe she'd appreciate your support.
Billy: Yeah. Hey, um... thanks for calling.
[Cell phone vibrating]
Nick: Hey, Sharon. It's me. Uh, sorry I missed you. Listen, I'm not gonna be home tonight and maybe not tomorrow. I have to go out of town and take care of something. I'm sorry, but it can't wait.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Avery: You're angry at me for supporting Austin?
Dylan: Yes, I am.
Neil: I appreciate that. It's not a marathon.
Victor: You're gonna have the medical authorization for Phyllis' treatment very soon.
Jack: I should have known you'd pull something like this.
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