Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/5/14

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/5/14


Episode # 10470 ~ Devon talks to Abby; Nick catches Mariah in a lie; Austin's news shakes Summer.

Provided By Suzanne

Devon: Yeah, well, I don't know the first thing about caviar. Which is the good kind? Beluga it is. Thank you.

Lily: Hey, what's going on?

Devon: Is there a problem?

Lily: Well, you tell me. Because the rooftop deck is closed, and the guests are upset. And, I mean, is there some private party going on?

Devon: Yeah, there is.

Lily: Whose?

Devon: It's mine. I had the rooftop deck closed for my date with Abby.

Cane: Hey.

Neil: Whoa, look who it is. Morning.

Cane: Hey.

Neil: Where are the kiddos?

Cane: I just dropped them at the sitter.

Neil: Well, do me a favor -- tell them I said hi when you see them, okay?

Cane: Will do.

Neil: Yeah.

Cane: Listen, I got to go. See you later.

Neil: Hey, you know I bought that property on the lake. I met with the architect, fixing it all up. Man, I got me some plans on that one.

Cane: That's good, man. I'm happy for you. Anyway, listen, I'll -- I'll see you later. I got to go.

Neil: Wait a minute, that's it?

Cane: What do you want me to say?

Neil: I don't know. How about, uh...how about "congratulations"? I mean, you were mister opinions the day I told you that I was thinking about buying the place. And then, ever since I started this relationship with Hilary, you've been nothing but opinion, and now, all of a sudden... you got nothing to say?

Summer: Hey. Uh, where have you been? I woke up and you were already gone.

Austin: Um...didn't you see my note?

Summer: Yeah, but all it said was that you'd gone out shopping, and hardly any stores are open yet.

Austin: True. But the right one was. I got us some food for breakfast.

Summer: Okay. Well, you couldn't have been out shopping this entire time.

Austin: No, you're right. I had, uh, something really important to take care of first.

Mariah: Oh! I'm -- I'm sorry. I didn't know anybody was home.

Nick: That's all right. It's no big deal.

Nick: Hey, look at that -- she's home a day early.

Sharon: What is going on here?

Mariah: I wouldn't be dressed like this, except I thought I was home alone, and I was doing laundry because everything I have is dirty.

Sharon: Oh. Well, why don't you just grab something out of my closet for now? At least a robe. And then, I will treat you to a new outfit.

Mariah: Really? Why?

Sharon: 'Cause I want to.

Mariah: Are you serious?

Sharon: When I was growing up in Madison, we were pretty strapped, and I hated having to wear the same thing over and over again.

Mariah: Wow. Thank you so much. Okay, I'm -- I'm gonna go change.

Sharon: Oh, Mariah, hold on a sec. Now that I'm back from my business trip, I was hoping we could sit down, chat, you know, about those memories I wanted to go over?

Mariah: Uh...well... I-I have work today. And my boss over there is giving me a lot of extra shifts. But even if we did find the time, I've been thinking about it.

Sharon: Oh. And?

Mariah: I honestly am not sure that there's anything that I haven't already told you. So I don't know how much help I would be. Sorry. Well, I'm gonna go change.

Nick: Try not to look so disappointed.

Sharon: You know what? I think getting away, focusing on work, gave me a new perspective.

Nick: I'm glad to hear that.

Sharon: Mm-hmm. You were right -- I was putting too much pressure on myself trying to force my memories to come back. If Mariah can't help me, I'll just find some other way.

Nick: Like what?

Sharon: I don't know. I'll figure it out. I know you've been concerned about me.

Nick: Yeah, a little.

Sharon: Nick, I don't want either of us to be stressing. Everything is so perfect right now. We have so much to be thankful for.

Summer: Okay. So, when are you gonna tell me what all this tropical stuff is about?

Austin: Oh, well, since I can't leave the state, welcome to our honeymoon.

Summer: [Chuckles] Seriously?

Austin: Yeah. Do you remember, we were talking about where we should go, and I said we should go backpacking through Costa Rica?

Summer: Mm-hmm. And I said that I wanted to stay at a fancy hotel and do the spa thing.

Austin: Right. So, compromise -- Hawaii. Aloha, beautiful.

Summer: Okay. Well, aloha. Mmm, I can smell the plumeria.

Austin: [Sniffs] Mmm.

Summer: [Giggles]

Austin: Oh, come here.

Summer: Yes?

Austin: Wait, do you hear that?

Summer: What?

Austin: Listen, listen.

Summer: Oh, it's the ocean outside of our window! [Laughs]

Austin: That's right. And that's not all. I have pineapple juice in coconut shells.

Summer: Oh, okay. And a coral necklace for your bride?

Austin: The jewelry stores don't open till noon. But I was thinking that you might like, in the meantime...

Summer: Mm-hmm?

Austin: ...A massage on the beach underneath the palm trees.

Summer: You thought of everything. Come here.

Neil: Cane...

Cane: [Sighs]

Neil: I know you too well, man. You always have something to say.

Cane: And I've already said everything I have to say about the subject of you and Hilary. And you didn't listen to me then, when I said you guys you were moving too fast, so why you gonna bother listening to me now?

Neil: Right, so, in other words, you still think I'm making a mistake buying this house.

Cane: All right, listen. This has nothing to do with buying the house, and everything to do with the fact, is Hilary ready for the next step?

Neil: She's my wife.

Cane: I know she's your wife. Which means that I've no business discussing this, and I'm sorry.

Neil: You know, it's a shame you didn't realize this earlier, man. You could've saved us both a lot of aggravation. It's clear to me that you don't know this girl like I know her. She's very sweet, she's very loving.

Cane: Listen, you know that everything I'm saying is coming from a good place. You know that, right? 'Cause I just want you to be happy. All right? You know what Hilary wants, you know what Hilary needs. Okay? So, if buying this house is what's best for both of you, then I'll help you in any way I can. 'Cause you know what? Maybe it just might work.

Neil: [Scoffs] "Maybe it just might work." What -- what exactly are you saying to me?

Lily: Devon, that's so good. So, tell me everything. Tell me all the details. What happened?

Devon: Nothing. It's just -- it's gonna be low-key, but nice.

Lily: Yeah, the whole rooftop to yourself? That's really nice.

Devon: Yeah, well, Abby wanted to just have a brunch so there'd be no pressure on us, but I still wanted to make it special for her, you know?

Lily: Aww. I'm really happy. I'm glad you didn't waste any time. Because you will never get anywhere in life if you don't put yourself out there. It's gonna be really, really good for you and Abby.

Abby: Ooh, I love things that are good for me. Except cauliflower. What are we talking about? What's good for me?

Lily: Oh, your date with Devon.

Devon: You look beautiful.

Abby: Thank you. You don't clean up so bad yourself.

Devon: Thank you.

Abby: So, is our table ready?

Devon: It is ready, yes, but it's not down here. I have a surprise for you upstairs.

Abby: I love surprises.

Devon: I know you do.

Abby: Lead the way.

Devon: All right, let's go.

Lily: Have fun, you guys.

Lily: What are you doing here?

Hilary: I'm waiting for Neil and Sharon. Better here than at the pool. I don't want to be pushed in today.

Lily: Well, as much as I would love to see you fall in again...

Hilary: You mean pushing me in?

Lily: Uh, that's not how I remember it. But that doesn't matter, 'cause my brother closed the entire rooftop for his date with Abby Newman. Now if only I could get my dad to move on with a new woman.

Hilary: Shut up!

Lily: [Gasps]

Devon: Now, what is a brunch without a little bit of champagne?

Abby: Well, it looks like you went all-out.

Devon: Well, look at you. I think my date was more than worth it.

Abby: It is really lovely up here, having this whole place to ourselves. It's quiet, but not spooky quiet.

Devon: Right.

Abby: It's -- it's peaceful.

Devon: Yeah.

Abby: Yeah.

Devon: Here's to new, peaceful beginnings.

Abby: Cheers.

Devon: Cheers.

Cane: You know, Neil, I'm kind of getting tired of getting stuck in the middle of this thing between your wife and my wife. You say you know what she needs, so in that case, it shouldn't even matter if I have concerns.

Neil: I can understand why you'd question my decisions. Hilary and I did rush to the altar. I can freely admit that I don't know her too well. But I can tell you this -- I understand her, who she is, when other people can't.

Cane: What does that even mean?

Neil: Sometimes, Hilary can be very loving and attentive. Other times, she withdraws. And that's because of her past. She was the child of an alcoholic. You know, her life was very unstable. And no matter how successful she is, doesn't matter how good life gets, she doesn't know how to draw that happiness in. You know, she puts up these walls. And I'm telling you right now, I'm gonna help her take those walls down by giving her this house. By making her feel safe and secure. I'm gonna show her what true happiness is all about. And I'm gonna show her that one day at a time, as we build our future together. You hear me?

Cane: Well, in that case, my friend, I hope this marriage turns out to be everything you could want. I got to go. Talk to you later.

Lily: Are you kidding me? You are such a bitch.

Hilary: I'm the bitch?

Lily: Yeah, you are.

Hilary: I have been holding back for a long, long time. You know, you got exactly what you deserved. After all the garbage you pulled on me, I don't think anybody would blame me for, oops, spilling my drink.

Lily: You better listen to me. You are gonna regret this.

Hilary: I'm sure I won't. But you better toddle off and clean up. The manager of such a fine establishment shouldn't walk around looking like she drooled on herself.

Lily: Oh, sorry.

Mariah: Oh, sorry. Uh, looks like you need a new dress, too.

Lily: Um...I'm sorry. Every time I look at you it just freaks me out. You look exactly like Cassie. It's just it's... it's so wrong.

Nick: You know, I'm really glad you're gonna be looking for new ways to bring your memory back.

Sharon: Besides Mariah, you mean.

Nick: I just think you should attempt to keep a little emotional distance from our houseguest. And when I see you giving her cash for new clothes... I'm starting to get worried you're getting too attached to her. Sharon, she should be paying you back.

Sharon: She is.

Nick: Yeah, a few dollars a week.

Sharon: Well, I mean, it's what she can afford. You know, me offering to buy her that outfit was no big deal. I've been in her shoes before. Everyone deserves a treat now and then.

Nick: Uh-huh.

Sharon: You said yourself to me, last night on the phone, that she has been working really hard. She even made you and faith dinner.

Nick: Yes. I had no idea that girl could cook.

Sharon: By the way, how did that peach pie turn out?

Nick: What peach pie?

Sharon: The one that she made for you.

Nick: Uh...

Sharon: Don't tell me it's all gone?

Nick: I may have saved you one piece. But peach pie happens to be Mariah's favorite, too, so...

Sharon: I get it. Okay.

Nick: And everyone deserves a treat once in a while, right?

Sharon: [Laughs] I think it's really great how she's trying to make up for everything that happened.

Nick: Seems to be. You sound surprised.

Nick: Well, I can't forget that she is connected to Ian. Even though the judge threw out his lawsuit, he's not the kind of guy that's just gonna slither away. I bet he tries to find a new way to get back at my mom. Or at my family.

Sharon: You think that he'll try to use Mariah?

Nick: He might.

Sharon: Doesn't mean she's gonna help him.

Nick: You really think the girl's changed that much?

Sharon: Obviously you don't. I don't think that she would turn on us again. Not after everything we've done for her.

Nick: [Sighs] Well, let's hope you're right.

Austin: I know what we're missing.

Summer: What?

Austin: Hawaiian music. Here, I'll download some and we can dance.

Summer: Okay.

Austin: Or, well, you can dance. I'll just play along on my ukulele.

Summer: You can play the ukulele?

Austin: No. Not at all. But I did buy one, and that's got to count for something. I'll just, you know, pretend to strum along.

Summer: Oh, yeah, air-ukulele. That's so hot. I love it.

Austin: Okay.

Summer: [Laughs]

Austin: Well, I'll go download some hula music, and we will, uh, we'll --

Summer: Oh, no, no, no. Wait! No, no. Don't -- don't go. We can do that later. Right now, I am perfectly happy with relaxing on the beach with my tropical juice and taro chips.

Austin: Okay. But later, there will be dancing.

Summer: [Laughing] Okay.

Austin: Oh! You know what? I-I should've gotten one of those machines, you know, that you can, uh, filter through the -- the ocean waves and it plays it through the speakers?

Summer: Wow. You are so into this. It's really surprising.

Austin: Well, good. That was the intention.

Summer: Oh, yeah, no, I mean, don't get me wrong. I think it's amazing, and I think it's so sweet that you did all of this. It's just... I don't know, usually you're kind of mellow.

Austin: And a touch cynical?

Summer: A touch, yeah. But, I don't know, today just feels like you're trying to cram every single possible honeymoon activity into, like, 24 hours.

Austin: I just don't want us to miss out on anything.

Summer: Okay, but why today?

Austin: Why not?

Summer: That's no answer.

Austin: It's the only answer. You know, "no day but today." I saw this musical once --

Summer: Austin, please don't. All right? This -- this isn't like you. I feel like there's something that you're not telling me, and the more and more that you're talking, I feel like you're hiding something. What is it?

Austin: [Sighs] Okay. The reason that I was up and out so early is, Leslie messaged me and she wanted to meet.

Summer: Why?

Austin: It's about my trial. The date's been set.

Summer: Okay, when? October? September? When -- when is it?

Austin: It's next week.

Summer: No, your trial can't be starting. It's too soon.

Austin: I know. That's what I thought when Leslie told me.

Summer: I thought that we had a month or so. This can't be happening.

Austin: I know. I-it's like, I knew this day was coming, but I didn't think it would be so fast.

Summer: Okay, no, it's not right, okay? We need more time. Leslie has to have them push back your date.

Austin: She can't, Summer.

Summer: Okay, she has to.

Austin: Look, the way she explained it, it's a high-profile case. I shot the chief of police. They're out for blood. Okay? Even if she filed motions all day long, they would just get ignored. There's nothing we can do. Look, that's why I wanted to wait -- tell you later. Because then we could have one perfect day together.

Summer: I-I thought that we had a month or so. But this is it. This is...really it. They're gonna try to take you away from me and lock you up for a really long time. What are we gonna do?

Mariah: I don't need attitude from some stranger that I served drinks to once.

Lily: Well, I'm lily Ashby, and Abby's a very good friend of mine.

Mariah: Lucky you.

Lily: She told me all about you.

Mariah: That doesn't mean you need to be staring at me like you've seen a ghost.

Lily: Well, I feel like I am.

Mariah: What, were you and Cassie good friends or something?

Lily: Actually, yeah, we were good friends. She was a couple years younger than me, but she was a really --

Mariah: Really good kid. I know. I've heard. Over and over and over again. And I am nothing like her. The girl was a real saint, I get it.

Lily: How dare you talk about her like you knew her? You have no idea what losing her was like. We were at a party, and I was one of the last people to see her before she got in that car with Daniel. And her dying was really hard for a lot of us. It sent my life in a completely different direction. All of us. And we were hurt and angry and confused. And that's why I don't know how nick and Sharon can look at you and handle it when you look exactly like their daughter.

Mariah: Because they have the good sense to understand that I am not their daughter.

Nick: Our daughter asked, once again, when mommy and daddy were going to be married.

Sharon: Wow. She's a little obsessed with that lately, don't you think?

Nick: Yeah. Yeah. I think I handled it.

Sharon: No, I'm sure you did. But I just wanted to know what you said to her, you know, all dressed up in her little veil, holding a bouquet.

Nick: It was pretty cute. [Chuckles] Uh, I just told her that, uh, you know, two people can be together and love each other, and they don't have to be married. And that mommy and daddy are very happy with the way things are right now. Although...

Sharon: Although...?

Nick: You know, I'm not -- I'm not pushing you or anything, but if you ever decide that you want to walk down that aisle with me again...you know... I might be persuaded to say "I do."

Sharon: Hmm. As much as I...want to... walk up those stairs with you, I have a meeting.

Nick: Oh, well, I have to go to work anyway.

Sharon: Oh, okay. To be continued.

Nick: Yeah, if you play your cards right.

Sharon: [Laughs]

Summer: You know, I thought that I could ignore the trouble that you're in, but... guess we can't anymore. Let's go.

Austin: What?

Summer: Let's leave, okay? Let's just -- let's go someplace where they can't find us.

Austin: We tried that.

Summer: No, we ran off to Canada without a plan or knowing what we were doing, like a couple of dumb kids.

Austin: But we're much older and wiser now.

Summer: Yes, we are. We're married, aren't we? Okay, we've gotten through all the problems so far, and if we just slow down and think about it, we can actually come up with a plan and we can get away from this.

Austin: So, you want to go on the run? Live life on the road?

Summer: Yes. Yeah, we can -- we can settle down, you know, on an actual beach. Not just one in the apartment.

Austin: I thought you liked this.

Summer: No, I do. I love it. Okay, but when you stop and think about it, reality starts to seep into our fantasy. Okay, come on, if we leave tonight we can be in Mexico.

Austin: Mexico? Do you speak Spanish?

Summer: Poquito.

Austin: También. I don't think poquito is gonna cut it, though.

Summer: Okay, well, we can learn. We can learn. We can't let little things like language barriers stop us. Okay? We can -- we can go anywhere. We can be in brazil or Thailand or even Madagascar. Come on. How does that sound?

Austin: It all sounds great to me.

Summer: Okay. Oh, you know, or we can go to, like, a little island off the Caribbean.

Austin: Oh. Okay. That sounds good. Tell me more.

Summer: Okay.

Austin: Where would we work?

Summer: Okay, we can, um... we can open up like a beachside café. Like a little bar-and-grill type. And we can serve fresh seafood.

Austin: Are you gonna cook?

Summer: Right. Bad idea. Okay. Um... we could...we could open up, like, a dive shop, okay? And we can lead tourists on snorkels all around the island, and I could lead the dives, and then you could -- you could take underwater photos. It'd be perfect.

Austin: That is perfect. I like it. Do you snorkel?

Summer: Poquito? But, come on, look, all the little details will work themselves out. But I -- I think we should go. I really want to go. I want to go away with you.

Austin: Just rush off without a plan?

Summer: Yes. Please, okay? Let's leave tonight.

Austin: But you said we shouldn't do that. That we're older and wiser now. Not a couple of dumb kids.

Summer: Yeah, maybe we're not as grown-up as I thought we were.

Austin: Probably not. But, look, I know that the most adult thing I can do is to stay. Go to trial, take responsibility for what I did.

Nick: Hey.

Mariah: Hey, boss.

Nick: Um, how's the inventory looking?

Mariah: We are a little low on rum.

Nick: All right. We got a case in the back -- I'll get it for you.

Mariah: Thanks.

Nick: So, when Sharon got home from Chicago earlier and you, uh, backed away from helping her piece together her memories -- thank you.

Mariah: No problem.

Nick: I just think if she tries to fill in the blanks before she's ready, it just might confuse things more than they are already.

Mariah: Yeah, that makes sense. I was happy to help. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Nick: Yes, there is. Here we go. Put the shirt on.

Mariah: What? No, this is the dress I just bought with the money Sharon gave me. It's nice, huh? [Giggles] I thought that I could get more tips wearing this than the logo t-shirt.

Nick: You'll get more tips with better service. You don't need to use your body, Mariah. There's so much more to you than that. So put the shirt on.

Devon: So, after the bill for all the damage comes, the producer says to the hotel manager, in the same dry tone of voice --

Abby: Wait, hold on a second. Let me catch my breath a little.

Devon: It's bad rockstar behavior. It gets you every time.

[Both laugh]

May I bring you anything else?

Devon: Um...what do you want, Abby? Just name it, it's yours.

Abby: No, I-I'm good, thank you.

Devon: You sure?

Abby: Yeah.

Devon: I'm -- I'm good for right now, too. But we can have dessert soon. Thanks.

Abby: Dessert -- one of my favorite words.

Devon: Yeah? I hope you like cherries flambé, is what it is.

Abby: What's not to like? Everything has been delicious. The caviar was amazing. The lobster omelet -- so good. Everything has been really great.

Devon: I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.

Abby: I am, yeah. I have to tell you, you really didn't have to be so fancy. I would've been fine with just scrambled eggs and -- and bacon.

Devon: I know, I know. But I-I also know you're accustomed to the good stuff. You know, it's... what's the point of having money if you can't enjoy it?

Abby: True.

Devon: Yeah?

Abby: Yeah.

Devon: I think next time, we should step it up, do something really fun together.

Abby: Well, like what?

Devon: Like, uh, we can get out of this one-horse town, for starters. I read about this restaurant, actually, that opened up in Miami that I really want to try out. We could fly down there, hit the beach, get a bite to eat.

Abby: Florida in august?

Devon: It's gonna be really hot.

Abby: Really hot, yeah.

Devon: Didn't think about that at all. [Laughs] What could we do? We can, um... we can go to New York later on this month. We can do the whole theater scene, do some shopping.

Abby: Yeah.

Devon: U.S. Open's gonna be going on then. We can hit that up. What do you think?

Abby: [Sighs]

Sharon: Hi, Hilary. Everything okay?

Hilary: Yeah, everything is, um, terrific. So, yeah, help yourself to some coffee. Um, so, how was your trip?

Sharon: Uh, thanks. My trip to Chicago went really well. I can't wait to tell you and Neil about it.

Hilary: I am excited to hear. I don't know where Neil is, but he should be here any minute.

Sharon: Well, that's okay. I don't mind having some girl time. How's married life?

Hilary: Oh, it's the best. You know, Neil is incredible. He is the type of husband every woman dreams of -- you know, thoughtful, loving. Oh, I just...can't believe how lucky I am. Right now, my life is pretty perfect.

Sharon: Liar.

Devon: Abby, I'm sorry. What did I say? Is it --

Abby: Nothing. Nothing. It's just, um... never mind. You're fine. Um, me, on the other hand... some first date I turned out to be.

Devon: No, I... I've had worse first dates.

Abby: [Scoffs] Really?

Devon: Yeah.

Abby: You're not gonna run out and take a phone call and never come back?

Devon: No, not at all. All right? If we can't shed a few tears in front of each other by now...

Abby: Then who can we shamelessly emote with?

Devon: Exactly. What's going on?

Abby: Tyler, um, had gotten us tickets to the U.S. Open last year.

Devon: Oh, right.

Abby: And I've been trying really hard to forget about him, and I thought I was doing a good job, but... obviously not.

Devon: I apologize for that. I will never bring up tennis again. I completely understand.

Abby: I'm sure you do. I'm sure you've been thinking a lot about Esmerelda.

Devon: Esmerelda?

Abby: Yeah, she's who you've been trying to get over, right? Oh, there's someone else.

Hilary: Did you just call me A...

Sharon: A liar, yes.

Hilary: [Scoffs] May I ask why?

Sharon: Because I happen to know that you and Neil took a lot of flack for your relationship, especially from the kids.

Hilary: Yeah.

Sharon: And I know firsthand how much stress that can cause, even to the strongest couple. So...you telling me that everything's perfect? Look, you don't have anything to prove to me, all right? I have seen firsthand how great you and Neil are together.

Hilary: Do I hear a "but" coming?

Sharon: No. But...

[Both laugh]

Sharon: ...No marriage is ever perfect, at least not all the time. It takes a lot of work. It's worth it.

Hilary: Well, you seem happy now that you're back with nick.

Sharon: I am.

Hilary: Mm-hmm. So, you believe in marriage, so why aren't you two married?

Sharon: Good question.

Neil: Ah, there you are. Sorry I am late.

Hilary: Hey.

Neil: Hi, Sharon.

Sharon: No problem. We were just catching up.

Hilary: What kept you?

Neil: What kept me? Well, I'm a busy man, and a busy man has a lot of things to take care of. You know what I mean?

Hilary: Mm. Seems like you got a lot of things up your sleeve.

Neil: Well, maybe I do and maybe I don't. But, uh, if I did, it would be something fabulous.

Sharon: Oh, I like the sound of that, Hilary.

Hilary: Did you change your mind about our honeymoon? Are you planning some elaborate trip?

Neil: Now, what fun would that be if I told you what the surprise is, right?

Hilary: Neil, just don't go overboard, okay? I don't deserve it.

Cane: Wow, someone's not happy, huh?

Lily: No, I'm not happy. Because Hilary decided to be extra classy and throw her drink on me. She ruined my new dress. I had to go to the boutique, buy something I don't really need, just so I could get through the work day. I swear, she is so self-righteous when she has no damn right to be.

Cane: It never ends.

Lily: No, you know what? It's gonna end. Because one of these days, I'm gonna find something on that witch that's gonna make my dad leave her forever.

Cane: I don't want to hear it, okay? I don't want to hear it.

Summer: We can't run away. I'm just really scared.

Austin: Yeah, me too. And I really hate that I'm hurting you.

Summer: You're not, okay? It's the people that are in charge of your trial. It's the people that want to see you in jail.

Austin: Let's not think about that. Let's not waste time...thinking about what happens next.

Summer: And do what instead?

Austin: I want to live in the moment -- every moment until the trial starts. You know? Have our honeymoon, go on picnics. I want us to do as many fun things as we can in the time we have left together. I want us to create the best, happiest memories two people ever had.

Summer: I want that, too.

[Cell phone rings]

Mariah: Hello? What do you want? Well, have you talked to Ian? You can usually get money out of him. Well, that's too bad. I can't help you. I have a debt to pay off. Why did you have me if you never even wanted me, mom?

Nick: Hey. You told Sharon your mother was dead.

Summer: Whatever happens, we always have each other.

Austin: I know.

Summer: Let's go to Hawaii for real.

Austin: I'm not running, Summer. I have to face this.

Summer: No, I don't mean now. I mean after the trial, or whenever.

Austin: By "whenever," you mean when I get out prison?

Summer: What I mean is that I want to go somewhere where it's just the two of us. And we don't have to worry about trials or lawyers or jail. That's what I want. And whenever that is, it's okay with me. As long as we have each other. We need something to look forward to, and I think that Hawaii should be that.

Austin: Yeah.

Lily: Oh, so you're yelling at me now? What's that all about

Cane: I did not yell at you.

Lily: You did yell at me.

Cane: I did not yell at you.

Lily: I know that you don't want my dad and Hilary together any more than I do.

Cane: I just want you to stop it, okay? You said before you had come to terms with Hilary and Neil's relationship and made peace with it. You haven't. All you've done is get worse.

Lily: I cannot make peace with it. I tried, but I can't. It kills me that my dad married someone who I know is gonna break his heart. She doesn't love him the way that he needs to be loved. She has daddy issues, and this is not gonna turn out well for him. You and I both know that. What's that look? What, do you know something? Do you know something?

Cane: I know that if you keep pushing, you're gonna hurt your dad in ways that he will not be able to come back from, and you are gonna feel very sorry about it. That's what I know. You and I have our own relationship to worry about. We have our own marriage and our own kids, and we have a business to run. Maybe you like all this drama. I don't.

Abby: Okay, so this is me being a friend. A nosy friend, but a friend. If you're interested in someone else, then why did you take me out on a date? And trust me, you are not gonna offend me. I just turned into an idiot in front of you about my ex. I did.

Devon: No, you didn't. Um...okay, I'll tell you truth. I, um...I fell for someone really hard. But we can't be together, and that's pretty much the end of the story.

Abby: Well, why can't you be together? I mean, sometimes things seem to be impossible, and it turns out not to be.

Devon: Yeah. This one's impossible.

Abby: Boyfriend?

Devon: She's married.

Abby: Devon.

Devon: It's to a really great guy. He really is. So nothing can come of it.

Abby: Well, you can't help who you fall for.

Devon: No, you can't.

Abby: No.

Devon: Hey, listen, I owed it to you to be honest, but I'd really appreciate it if it stayed between us.

Abby: My lips are zipped.

Devon: Thank you. I'm trying really, really hard to move on and start fresh.

Abby: I know how difficult this must be for you. But trust me, you are doing the right thing. Getting in the middle of a marriage is always a guaranteed disaster.

Devon: Yeah.

Neil: Baby, I love to spoil you. And you deserve everything you get, and then some. Especially whatever it is that I give you that makes you happy.

Sharon: Aww, that sounds so sweet.

Hilary: I just wish you would tell me what you're planning. Okay, I'm just -- I'm not up for an elaborate surprise.

Neil: Hey, hey, hey. You will like this one. I promise.

Hilary: Neil...

Neil: I'm not gonna tell you what the secret is until the time is right. Not a minute before. Some secrets are worth holding onto.

Nick: Talk about cold. Why would you lie about your mother like that? Did you think you would get more sympathy from Sharon if you were a poor orphan? So much for building trust.

Mariah: Nick, I swear, everything I told you about my mother abandoning me and leaving me with Ian, that's all true.

Nick: Except for the part about her being dead.

Mariah: The woman was in and out of my life for weeks or months at a time. Sometimes, like now, a year would go by without even a word. And whenever I needed help, she either didn't return my calls or said that there was nothing she could do for me. She never loved me. The only person Helen Copeland ever cared about is herself. So you can believe whatever you want. But when I told you that my mom died a long time ago, it's because she was dead to me.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Stitch: You're a selfish jerk.

Billy: Lying murderer trumps that.

Kevin: You just made me drop my -- holy...

Mariah: Oh, no. Don't say it. I'm so sick of hearing it.

Victor: My intention wasn't to hurt you.

Sharon: Then stay out of my life.

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