Y&R Transcript Monday 8/4/14

Y&R Transcript Monday 8/4/14


Episode # 10469 ~ The Newmans learn the verdict in the case between Nikki & Ian; Gloria schemes to rescue Kevin; Stitch confronts Billy.

Provided By Suzanne

Nick: All right. Where are you headed now?

Victoria: Uh, home, I guess, where I will bounce back and forth between worrying about how the judge will rule in mom's case or which of the two men I just kicked out of my life is my baby's daddy.

Nick: You could do that. Or you could come swimming with me and faith.

Victoria: You are the most excellent brother, nick Newman.

Nick: So, no cannonball contest, then? You'd rather worry alone.

Victoria: Yeah. For now. But whether I decide between Billy or Ben, whatever happens there, it's good to know you have my back.

Nick: Always.

Mariah: Hi.

Nick: Hey. Uh, Victoria, this is Mariah.

Victoria: Yeah, I figured.

Nick: I guess you didn't see her the other day when you stopped by the underground.

Mariah: Do you want to see my Cassie impression? [Chuckles]

Victoria: Don't insult my niece by comparing yourself to her.

Ian: Dylan, I'm here to apologize.

Dylan: No, you aren't.

Ian: Do you doubt me?

Dylan: I doubt you're sorry for anything you've ever done.

Ian: No, I'm not apologizing for myself.

Dylan: Like I said.

Ian: I'm here to extend my sympathies for all of the harsh revelations you had to endure in court.

Dylan: Oh, you mean the way Nikki called you out for using her? No, I'm good with that.

Ian: Yeah, but you couldn't have been good with all those words of rejection that came directly from your own mother. Nicole's testimony, the passages from her journal -- they must have cut you right down to the bone. I mean, how could any mother admit to her own flesh and blood that he wasn't wanted?

Dylan: Are you done?

[Cell phone beeps]

Ian: No. Your mother is. Now we'll see who the real liar is. The judge's ruling is in.

Nikki: Yes, Michael, I am worried. We didn't expect the judge to take this long to make a decision. Isn't that a bad sign?

Michael: Well, it could go either way.

Nikki: I opened up my private diary, caused all that pain. If that was for nothing...

Michael: Don't get ahead of yourself, Nikki, okay?

Nikki: [Sighs] What do you think the judge is gonna do?

Michael: I'm not gonna venture any guesses at this point.

Nikki: What if the ruling goes against us?

Michael: We'll fight it.

Nikki: Oh, my God, and go through all of this again? [Sighs] I don't know how much fight I've got left.

Michael: Okay. I'll meet you at the courthouse. Bye.

Kevin: You're going to the courthouse? You're getting me released.

Michael: Uh, Kevin --

Kevin: Michael, you are the best -- getting my bail hearing moved up so quickly.

Michael: Kevin, I'm headed to court for Nikki's case.

Kevin: What about me and my case? You promised you were gonna help me.

Michael: And I'm trying to do that.

Kevin: You know how I am. I cannot spend another minute in that cell.

Victor: What's the matter, my sweetheart?

Nikki: Oh, Victor. The judge has made his ruling. We don't even have time to eat.

Victor: My love... [Smooches] I am absolutely certain he will rule in our favor, okay? So come on.

Nikki: Okay.

Barton: I don't appreciate your rude interruption.

Billy: Even if it will protect your hospital?

Barton: Whatever news you think you might have that might interest me, you can leave it with my office. That way, I can go back to toasting Dr. Rayburn's promotion.

Billy: [Chuckles] Promotion? No, I don't think so.

Barton: What is going on here?

Stitch: Dr. Shelby, this is what I was --

Billy: Victor, Nikki, please join us.

Nikki: What is this about?

Billy: Oh, I think that Victor would like to be one of the first to know the truth about the guy that he's been pushing on his daughter.

Stitch: Is this how you want to do this? What do you have to gain from this, Billy? You got Victoria. She doesn't want anything to do with me.

Victor: What is going on here?

Barton: Yes, that's what I'd like to know.

Billy: Well, what are you gonna do -- destroy it? The information's gonna come out.

Stitch: Sir... this is what I was gonna tell you about.

Victoria: I find it repulsive that you would use my niece's memory in such a sadistic way.

Mariah: It wasn't my idea, okay? It was your dad that came up with that whole twisted scam.

Victoria: I'm well aware of all that, but it wasn't my father's idea for you to ally yourself with Ian ward or to harass Abby and Tyler.

Nick: Vick, we're giving Mariah a chance here.

[Cell phones beep]

Mariah: What's going on?

Victoria: Is yours from Dylan, too?

Nick: Yeah. They're about to rule on Ian's case against mom.

Victoria: We should go.

Nick: Mom doesn't want us there.

Victoria: Well, not during the testimony, but that's done now. We should be there if -- we should be there if the worst happens.

Nick: Yeah, but --

Mariah: Well, Sharon's working, and you were planning on taking faith swimming, right?

Nick: Yeah, I promised her.

Mariah: Well, if you want, I can find something fun to do with faith while you're at the courthouse. You guys can do your swim thing tomorrow.

Victoria: You're gonna leave your little girl with her?

Ian: I want today's win to be beneficial to you, as well, Dylan.

Dylan: If you lose, it will be. That'd be the best news I've heard in a while.

Ian: [Chuckles] Oh, I'll win. And after the judge finds in my favor, to make up for everything you endured from all of the poor decisions your mother made, I'd like to share my monetary reward with you. I mean, after all, we're both Nikki's victims.

Dylan: I've told you before -- it'll be a cold day in hell before I ever take a dime from you.

Ian: But you will be there in attendance today at -- at the announcement?

Dylan: Oh, yeah. I'm gonna enjoy watching you go down in flames.

Michael: I have got to get to court.

Kevin: Michael, you cannot leave me here.

Michael: It is the Ian ward lawsuit. I have to be in the court for the decision.

Kevin: Well, at least do something before you go. Please. Otherwise, Henderson is gonna put me back in that incredibly shrinking cell and I will completely lose my mind.

Michael: I know how tough this is on you.

Kevin: What -- what are you thinking?

Michael: I've got to go, but I will do everything I can to expedite your release.

Kevin: Michael, please, will you call Christine? Call somebody.

Michael: Christine is out of town. The A.D.A. Is gonna be the one calling the shots on your arrest.

Kevin: I don't know how much longer I can last in that cell.

Michael: Breathe. Just breathe. Think about your future.

Kevin: What future?

Michael: Oh, come on. You must have some vision of what your future's gonna be like, what your life's gonna be like in a month, in years.

Kevin: All right, and when that doesn't work? Because, you know, right now, my vision isn't exactly clear.

Michael: Everything is going to work out. Be calm. I will have reinforcements come while I am away.

Kevin: Reinforcements?

Michael: And you might want to consider the consequences before you try breaking in to another hospital's databank and stealing medical files.

Billy: I wasn't gonna have you holding that over my head, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Victor: Wait a minute. Will someone tell me what's going on here?

Barton: Yes, what I'd like to know is how did you get access to hospital personnel files?

Billy: Well, that's not important. What matters is how stitch answered that question right there about whether or not he'd ever been convicted of a crime.

Victor: No, what matters is that you're trying to tarnish a good man's reputation. Dr. Shelby, ignore what this man has to say.

Billy: You're making a mistake.

Stitch: Okay, no, no, no. Look, this is my story. I'll tell it. The truth is I'm not who I say I am. I took someone else identity.

Billy: What, that's it? No, skip ahead to the good part where you tell everybody about how you killed your own father.

Victor: You did what?

Barton: Whatever is going on here, I plan on investigating these charges thoroughly.

Stitch: There's no need to investigate, Dr. Shelby. I did. I served time for killing my father.

Nikki: Stitch, it must have been in self-defense or there were some extenuating circumstances, right?

Victor: Sweetheart, I don't think you need this right now. We will talk about this.

Barton: In light of these developments --

Stitch: I know what needs to be done. I'll tender my resignation immediately.

Kevin: Harding, come on. Cut me a break.

Harding: Put him back into holding.

Kevin: No, no, no, no, no. No. No. You can put me in the interrogation room or -- look. Cuff me right here. I can breathe. Please.

Harding: You're not getting any special treatment, fisher. Lock him up.

Gloria: Not to worry, Kevin. Mommy's here.

Kevin: Mom? What the --

Gloria: Mommy's here to help my baby boy through this harrowing ordeal.

Kevin: How are you gonna do that?

Gloria: Easy. Are you eating? You look very thin.

Kevin: Mom, this is the way I look. What are you doing here?

Gloria: Your brother called me. And I should not have heard this from him. Why didn't you pick up the phone and let me know?

Kevin: You're the reinforcements?

Gloria: [Chuckles] Not Chloe. You know, I could strangle her for dumping you, driving you, once again, into a life of crime.

Kevin: Not helping.

Gloria: Well, let's hope your brother's on the case, getting his little brother released on some technicality or other.

Kevin: No. He's with another client, so I'm trapped in here.

Gloria: Okay. Well, not to worry. I will walk you through your terrible claustrophobia.

Kevin: How are you gonna do that? They're sending me back to holding.

Gloria: Oh, well, then, when you're in that deep, dark, dank cell, feeling the walls closing in on you...

Kevin: Mom!

Gloria: ...Just think of bright, blue, open skies, hmm? Tut, tut, tut! Sit. Sit. Excuse, but I have a few more things to say to my son, if you don't mind. I can't believe Michael walked out on you, deserting his family in our time of need.

Michael: Do not blame Michael, mom. I got myself into this.

Gloria: Oh. I guess someone, then -- someone is going to have to step up and save the day.

Kevin: How are you gonna do that?

Gloria: Mm. [Chuckles] Who's in charge around here?

Kevin: Detective Harding, but -- mom, no!

Gloria: Excuse me. Are you, um [Clears throat] Captain Harding?

Harding: Detective, ma'am, but yes, I'm Harding. How can I help you?

Gloria: Well, aren't you just the sweetest thing? I am in desperate need of... undercover work.

Billy: You know, if you need help clearing out your locker...

Stitch: Dr. Shelby, I know how bad this looks.

Barton: [Sighs] Do you?

Stitch: Yes, I do. But I swear to you, my past has never interfered with my practice in medicine. Being a doctor has always been more than a job to me. It's been... when everything I loved was lost, medicine was all I had. Being a great doctor -- it's what I live for. My record at memorial -- it's been spotless.

Barton: And you think this will make up for everything that you've done?

Stitch: I suppose I'm hoping you'll remember that, despite my deceit, I've helped people. I've saved lives. I'm truly sorry I won't be able to save more.

Barton: The hospital board will have to meet about this. The fraudulent way you obtained your medical license --

Stitch: Look, I understand I'm finished at the hospital.

Barton: Oh, there will be further ramifications -- not just at memorial, but most likely, legal ones, too. Just because you quit doesn't make it all right, Mr. Rayburn or whatever the hell your name is.

Victor: Just gather yourself, my sweetheart, okay? You want some water?

Nikki: No, thanks. I keep thinking about Victoria and this news about stitch -- how it's gonna upset her.

Victor: Sweetheart, dismiss all thoughts about this Ben Rayburn or stitch or whatever his name is, all right? Focus on the task at hand.

Nikki: Yeah.

Michael: Victor, Nikki.

Nikki: Oh, Dylan. I wasn't expecting to see you.

Dylan: I wanted to be here. Didn't expect all those reporters outside, though.

Nikki: Yeah.

Michael: Did you use the other entrance?

Victor: Thanks for the warning. I thought this was a closed trial.

Michael: It was supposed to be, but somehow, it got leaked.

Victor: Ian ward?

Michael: That's my guess.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Dylan: Try not to be nervous, okay?

Nikki: I can't help it. I mean, if Ian wins, he's gonna have more than enough money to get a good foothold in Genoa City, and then this will never end. He'll be lying in wait for any opportunity to hurt me and my family.

Victor: Sweetheart, I promise you, no matter what the judge decides, Ian ward will not beat us. All right?

Dylan: I mean, could it -- could it happen? Could Ian win?

Michael: Oh, I mean, it's possible.

Dylan: I mean, how could any judge in their right mind side with Ian after hearing Nikki's testimony?

Nikki: I am so sorry you had to hear all that.

Dylan: No, it's okay. It's okay. I'm fine.

Nikki: [Sighs] It really upsets me to think that we might have to pay Ian for disrupting our lives. And even worse, if the judge rules in his favor, that will just validate every horrible thing Ian has ever said about me.

Michael: All right. You're talking like we've already been defeated. Listen, we have a very, very strong chance of winning this case.

Nikki: Where's Paul?

Michael: He's not gonna make it.

Dylan: Is it 'cause of me? I know things got a little tense after the testimony.

Nikki: No. He's not upset with you. His issues are solely with me, my actions.

Dylan: All three of us are still trying to wrap our head around Paul being my father. We got a lot to work out.

Michael: Okay, listen, you're both making too much out of this. Christine took him away for a little "r" and "r". He probably didn't even get the message that the verdict was in.

Victor: Sweetheart, it doesn't make any difference if Paul is here or not, okay? Right now, your whole family is behind you. There.

Nikki: Oh, my God. Victoria, Nicholas, thank you both for being here.

Nick: Of course we'd be here.

Victoria: We're not going anywhere.

Nikki: All those reporters outside.

Nick: Yeah, we ignored them.

Nikki: Sweetheart, I just heard about stitch. It must be so upsetting.

Victoria: Mom, look, I don't want you worrying about that right now, okay?

Nikki: I-I know. Just tell me how you are.

Victoria: I'm okay. I'm dealing with it.

Nick: Victoria has backup.

Dylan: From both of us.

Victoria: Thank you.

Nikki: Well, it's nice to see my children getting along despite this horrible mess I've gotten you all into.

Victoria: Right now, let's just focus on defeating Ian, okay?

Gloria: Harding, ooh, what a very strong name. I suppose you've heard all about me from, um, Alex. Oh, I mean detective Chavez. He was hopelessly smitten with me, you know?

Harding: No, I didn't know that.

Gloria: I believe that I'm the reason he left town.

Harding: You?

Gloria: Yes. He was brokenhearted because he knew...that he couldn't have me.

Harding: Okay. Henderson, lock him up, please.

Gloria: No, no, no! No, please! You can't. He is my star witness. I am the victim of a horrible crime. And that is why I need a big, strong detective like you.

Harding: Ju-- wh-what crime, ma'am?

Gloria: Please call me Gloria. I mean, the whole thing is baffling. Do you know my brilliant son who has worked tirelessly to uphold the law finds himself arrested. Now, why is that?

Harding: Well, fisher here is, uh, accused of theft, cybercrime --

Gloria: [Laughs] Oh, please. That's a misunderstanding.

Harding: Well, I don't see how finding a stolen I.D. badge in his desk could be misunderstood.

Gloria: Really? Did it ever occur to you that the badge was found in his desk because Kevin solved the mystery of the missing I.D. himself?

Harding: No, ma'am. That -- that never occurred to me.

Gloria: Well, it should have been the first thing you thought of. Because of his investigative computer work, my son has brought down many a criminal in Genoa City. This town would fall apart without him.

Harding: Is that so?

Gloria: I would never lie to a fearless and very handsome detective like you. Harding.

Kevin: [Sighs] The holding cell would be a step up from this. [Sighs]

Faith: I blocked you.

Mariah: Oh, my gosh. You are way too good at this game. [Chuckles] So, what are your dad's favorite things?

Faith: Sports. He's always watching that on TV.

Mariah: Anything else?

Faith: I don't know. More sports. It's your turn.

Mariah: Well, I mean, there must be other things that he likes, right?

Faith: He likes playing wedding with me.

Mariah: What about music? Is there any music that he listens to or foods that he likes to eat?

Faith: Peach pie. He loves that.

Mariah: Nice. Well, uh, why aren't your mom and dad married anymore?

Faith: Daddy said people don't have to be married.

Mariah: Really?

Faith: Mm-hmm. I think he's scared to get married to mommy.

Mariah: Well, maybe there's a way that I could help your dad out.

Ian: I hope we can handle this as adults.

Dylan: You call this adult? Dragging us all through this joke of a trial?

Ian: You know, one of the biggest fans of Nicole's seems to be missing from the proceedings. Or is it possible that police chief Williams has finally deduced who the real guilty party really is?

Victoria: I think you should worry about your own fan club. My mother has more people behind her than you ever will.

Ian: Well, all I need at the moment is one person -- the judge. And I believe he felt my pain.

Victor: Let's not engage this pathetic scoundrel any longer.

Ian: That could be the grounds for another lawsuit, Victor, for slander.

All rise!

Judge Ramsey: [Clears throat] You may be seated. As you know, I have reached my decision. This lawsuit has been a series of malicious attacks and painful revelations, but what I find most disturbing is that a mother robbed a son of his father.

Stitch: So you just made up you're mind I'm just some cold-blooded killer, huh?

Billy: Can't argue with the facts.

Stitch: [Scoffs] You think it's just cut and dry like that, huh? Black and white?

Billy: You don't?

Stitch: I was a kid, Billy. This is ancient history. It has no bearing on the man that I am today. I've been good to Victoria, and always would have been.

Billy: I hope that you're not looking for some...medal of approval here.

Stitch: And what are you looking for? Victoria's love? You have completely tanked my life, and why? Why have you done that? To get back something you lost because of your own actions.

Billy: What about your actions?

Stitch: Yeah. Let's -- let's look at those. The patients that I've treated and healed, people from your own family, even -- even you. I mean, I even helped save your niece's life by finding out what pills she O.D.'D on.

Billy: You know, I-I don't care. I don't want a convicted murderer around my son.

Billy: There was that night last fall. I had been on a 16-hour shift, was about to go home, when they brought in this little girl -- hit and run.

Billy: Don't. Don't.

Stitch: Billy, I stayed all night. I did everything I could, took on every case at the E.R. So that the best doctors, the best nurses, all the resources in the hospital could be spent helping that little girl. No one asked me to. I just did it. And when I found out she didn't make it... I found a nice, quiet room up on the third floor, and I just broke down and cried. Just talking about it now, I'm kind of a mess. That's the kind of doctor I am, Billy. It's the kind of doctor I was.

Judge Ramsey: You, Mrs. Newman, should have made reasonable efforts to determine who, indeed, was the father of your child. Being young, being naive, um -- these are not excuses for such poor judgment. None of us would be here today if you had simply considered the fact that Mr. Williams and not Mr. Ward could have been the father of Mr. McAvoy.

Nikki: Your honor, I truly did believe that Ian was the father.

Judge Ramsey: You are not getting off any easier, Mr. Ward. I find your actions particularly repulsive, and you don't have the naiveté of youth to use as an excuse. You slept with a young girl, one of your cult, who you claim you tried to save. You had this affair behind your wife's back, and then, after entering this sexual relationship, you showed no concern whatsoever about the well-being of this young girl. And given the fact that you used medical proof of your sterility to avoid a paternity suit in another court of law, this court finds it absurd that you would now try to dismiss it so summarily in order to win this case. Therefore I find that the plaintiff acted, in this court's opinion, unethically. And I dismiss this case with prejudice, meaning, as your attorneys will inform you, this case cannot be brought back to court. I would offer you congratulations, Mrs. Newman, but I don't think there are any winners in this courtroom. [Bangs gavel]

Bailiff: All rise!

Nikki: Is it over?

Michael: Yes. Congratulations.

Nikki: [Chuckles] Thank you so much, Michael.

Michael: You're very welcome. Look, I have another client.

Victor: Come here, sweetheart. [Whispering indistinctly]

Nikki: [Chuckles]

Ian: So, what's our next move?

David: Well, you heard the judge. Now that's he's ruled with prejudice...

Ian: But there must be some way we can salvage something out of this.

David: Sorry, Mr. Ward, but there's nothing to be done in the matter.

Ian: [Sighs]

Nikki: Thank you so much for standing by me. It means the world to me.

Dylan: Of course. It was a clear case of right and wrong, and Ian was wrong.

Nikki: Well, I was wrong, too. All those things I wrote when I was younger --

Dylan: Oh, you know what? It's water under a bridge a million miles from here.

Nikki: But it had to have hurt you to hear them. I'm sorry I had to drudge up all that horrible stuff.

Dylan: I'm just glad this went well for you.

Victor: I think a celebration is in order. Why don't you all join us?

Nikki: This whole thing came up so suddenly. I totally forgot I have a meeting at the hospital for a charity event.

Victor: What, you can't miss it?

Nikki: No, I-I can't.

Victoria: In that case, would you like some company?

Nikki: Well, in my meeting?

Victoria: Well, I have a meeting at the hospital. I'm meeting my obstetrician. We can catch up on the way, if you want.

Nikki: Sure. That would be great.

Victoria: Good.

Nikki: Thank you, darling. You've been wonderful.

Victor: You're welcome.

Nick: Congratulations, Mom.

Nikki: I'll see you all later.

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: Oh, excuse me. Well, you didn't beat me, Ian. It's all over now. You lost. Come on, sweetheart.

Nick: Hey, thanks for letting us know that the judge's decision was happening today.

Dylan: I'm just, uh, glad the ruling came down in our favor.

Victor: But you still have some doubt.

Dylan: You got to wonder -- will Ian realize there's nothing left for him here?

Nick: Most smart guys would move on. You think he will?

Victor: Yeah, most smart guys would. But who the hell knows what that S.O.B. Is up to now.

Nick: [Pats arm]

Gloria: You really must let me touch your guns.

Harding: Ma'am, uh -- miss fisher, um --

Gloria: Unh-unh. Call me Gloria. Ooh! Strong. That's nice.

[Telephone rings]

Harding: I have to get that.

Gloria: Very nice. Yes! I think we have made significant progress.

Kevin: The only progress you've made is towards getting yourself thrown in jail.

Gloria: Shh!

Michael: Oh, I'm glad you're both here.

Kevin: Yeah, and soon, you're gonna have two clients instead of one. Do you know what she's been up to since you abandoned me?

Michael: Gloria's been working her magic.

Gloria: Yes. I still have that certain touch.

Kevin: Why would you call our mother and not another lawyer or a priest?

Michael: It looks to me like she's been helping out.

Gloria: Thank you, Michael.

Kevin: You're both insane. The only thing she's done is thrown herself at Harding.

Gloria: For a very worthy cause, angel.

Michael: I knew you'd do something outrageous.

[Both chuckle]

Michael: And hasn't she kept you out of your cell for a little while longer? She bought us time.

Gloria: Yes.

Kevin: That was the -- that was the plan?

Gloria: Mm-hmm.

Kevin: Huh.

Gloria: [Chuckles]

Kevin: All right. Fine. For once, mom's craziness actually helped.

Gloria: I think I'm offended by that. There is nothing crazy about my diversionary tactics.

Harding: Fisher, you're free to go.

Kevin: What? What do you mean?

Harding: Really get your hearing checked. You're free to go.

Kevin: I don't have to go back to the cell?

Michael: Uh, not at this point.

Gloria: Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr. Big, strong, handy, hearty man. My little boy has been released thanks to me.

Harding: Well, you can chalk that up to the A.D.A. buying Baldwin's argument. She's not gonna pursue a case against Kevin.

Gloria: Okay, the A.D.A. If you want to play it that way, that's the game we'll play. So long, smoothy. Remember me to Alex.

Nikki: Now that this lawsuit is over, I'm gonna be there for my daughter.

Victoria: You have been, Mom, this whole time.

Nikki: How can I help you with this situation with stitch?

Victoria: [Sighs] Well, there's not much anyone can do at this point.

Nikki: Do you know yet if he's the baby's father?

Victoria: I haven't taken the paternity test.

Nikki: Why not?

Victoria: Well, for now, I don't want to know whose child I'm carrying.

Nikki: Okay.

Victoria: I know you don't approve.

Nikki: Honey, I was just chastised in court for not identifying the father of my baby early on.

Victoria: [Sighs] Mom, that was a completely different situation. One of the men who might have been your child's father wasn't a convicted murderer.

Nikki: No, he was just a sociopath. At least stitch is likable.

Victoria: Gosh, my poor baby. What kind of a father have I given him...or her?

Nikki: Sweetheart, you have given your baby a wonderful life with a loving mother who can't wait to welcome them into her life.

Victoria: [Chuckles] Yeah. You know, you did that for Dylan.

Nikki: Well, Dylan was raised well, just not by me. And it cost him and Paul. Sweetheart, please learn from my mistakes.

Victoria: All right. I'm just waiting a little while before I confirm if the baby is Billy's or Ben's.

Nikki: Okay. I-I just have to say, though, I-I can't imagine that it would benefit you or the baby not knowing.

Victoria: Oh, mom. Please try to understand, okay?

Nikki: I do.

Victoria: Okay.

Nikki: I do. Whatever you decide, I will stand by you.

Victoria: Thank you. I appreciate it.

Nikki: Okay.

Victoria: Uh, mom...shouldn't you head off that way? Going to the board room, right?

Nikki: Yeah. [Chuckles] All right. Call me if you need anything.

Victoria: I will. I love you.

Nikki: I love you.

Nick: I'm home!

Mariah: Hi. I didn't, uh -- I didn't hear you come in.

Nick: Yeah. Uh-oh. Looks like you got roped into one of faith's art projects.

Mariah: Oh, yeah. [Chuckles] I didn't realize I'm all messy. I'm actually fixing you dinner -- um, you -- you and faith.

Nick: A home-cooked meal?

Mariah: Yes. And it's looking pretty tasty, might I add. [Chuckles]

Nick: Wow. You would do that for me? I mean, all I did was make you a sandwich.

Mariah: Yes, but you cut off the crusts.

Nick: Which does make it gourmet.

[Both chuckle]

Nick: Uh, honestly, Mariah, you do not have to do that for us.

Mariah: No, no. I wanted to do something to help out once. I mean, you guys have done so much more for me. But I want to hear about the lawsuit. What happened?

Nick: Ian lost. His case was thrown out completely.

Mariah: Well, congrats!

Nick: Oh!

Nick: Okay. There we go. All right, so, why are you so happy? I mean, my mom winning means your pal Ian lost.

Mariah: Well, Ian will bounce back. But I'm happy for you, nick. I know how important this was to you.

Nick: Yeah, justice was done. What -- what is that smell? Is that -- is that peach pie?

Mariah: Yeah, it is.

Nick: Peach pie's my favorite.

Mariah: No!

Nick: Yes.

Mariah: [Chuckles] What a coincidence -- it's mine, too.

Billy: Hey. I assume the news has made the rounds.

Dylan: Yeah, I heard.

Billy: Turns out I was right not to back off my investigation of stitch. The guy's a murderer.

Dylan: I'm still having a hard time believing that's true.

Billy: Want me to give you some proof? Or maybe you'd like to get it from his secret sister, Kelly. She can back up the whole story.

Dylan: I don't need to hear anymore about this.

Billy: Still defending your old buddy? Still on his side?

Dylan: [Sighs] No. And I'm not on yours, either.

Billy: So, what then? You're neutral?

Dylan: No, I'm standing on the only side that counts, and that's where you and stitch should be, too -- on Victoria's side -- hers and the baby's.

Billy: [Sighs]

Victoria: What are you doing? Is that all your stuff?

Stitch: Yeah. Yeah, I'm, um -- I'm done here.

Victoria: You're -- you're leaving the hospital?

Stitch: The truth is out. I lied about my name, my prison record. There's no way I can practice medicine now.

Victoria: Ever?

Stitch: For now, I've been asked to take a leave of absence.

Victoria: Oh. For how long?

Stitch: I won't know until my case goes before the hospital board. After that, I, uh...

Victoria: Ben...

Stitch: What is it, Vicki?

Victoria: I can't help feeling that you're holding something back -- that, I don't know, maybe that's just me wishing.

Stitch: For what?

Victoria: [Sighs] That I wasn't so wrong about you. I mean, with everything that's come out, what else is there?

Stitch: I made my choices, and I got to live with them.

Victor: May I have a word with you, Mr. Ward?

Ian: I'll just be a moment. What is it, Victor?

Victor: Don't you ever make the mistake of coming after my family again.

Nikki: My name is Nikki, and I'm an alcoholic.

David: Well, [Sighs] I, uh, thought we had a good shot going into this. Sorry we lost the case.

Ian: Oh, all is not lost.

Nikki: I even sat at that bar, the one where I had been staring at all the liquor bottles. I nearly ordered a drink. I let the stress get to me. I-I was just so nervous that... my resolve wavered. I didn't even want to tell my family that I was coming to this meeting. But fortunately, things have worked out in such a way that I shouldn't be so tempted again.

Ian: The lawsuit may have failed, but I still have one last weapon left in my arsenal, one that they'll never see coming. Nope.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Lily: Now if only I can get my dad to move on with a new woman.

Hilary: Shut up!

Austin: It's about my trial. A date's been set.

Mariah: Why did you have me if you never even wanted me, mom?

Nick: You told Sharon your mother was dead.

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