Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/31/14

Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/31/14


Episode # 10467 ~ Jill tries to reason with Billy; Avery agrees to help Victoria; Kevin ends up in trouble with Detective Harding.

Provided By Suzanne

Billy: I'm an ass.

Jack: You have your moments.

Billy: You kept me in the dark about stitch's past because Kelly asked you to. Jack: It's not that I chose her over you.

Billy: And then you defended yourself by claiming that you were in an impossible situation, and I came down on you pretty hard. But after thinking about it...

Jack: Not necessarily a specialty of yours.

Billy: Right. I can see your side of it, Jack. You made a promise to Kelly that you didn't want to break because...you're getting serious about her. And I shouldn't have been so hard on you. That kind of trust is what it's gonna take if you guys are gonna make it. It's the real reason that my marriage is broken. Victoria doesn't think she can trust me anymore.

Jack: Apology accepted.

[Cell phone rings]

Billy: Hey. It's me. You know the drill. Leave a message.

Chelsea: Okay, I get it. You don't want to talk to me. Kevin and I kept digging after you told us not to, and now everything's blown up. I guess this is my punishment. Fine. [Sighs] I just want to make sure you're okay. And I need to know what you did with that information I gave you on stitch.

Kelly: Ben. Hey. Um... listen, about what happened -- the way it all came out -- um, I'M...

Stitch: Sorry?

Dylan: I'm just having a hard time wrapping my mind around this.

Avery: That's not surprising.

Dylan: To think that I've known that guy for years and had no clue that he did time for killing his old man -- how is that -- how is that even possible?

Avery: Okay. As unsettling as this is, I understand why stitch didn't say anything.

Dylan: Seriously?

Avery: Yes. I have had clients that wanted to keep the past behind them. They didn't want to be identified for a mistake they made and paid for years ago.

Dylan: This isn't about lawyers and clients. This is about stitch, and he was my friend.

Avery: He is still your friend.

Dylan: What kind of friend deceives you like that for years? I confided in him, and he wasn't honest with me in return.

[Doorbell rings]

Victoria: Oh, hi, Avery. I'm sorry to drop by so early, but I could use some legal advice.

Dylan: What are you planning to do?

Lauren: Ahh. Oh, thank you. With what fen just dropped on us, I may just have to watch you eat.

Michael: Are you still in shock?

Lauren: I can't believe our baby is going to college in the fall -- in Arizona!

Michael: What's more difficult to believe -- that the baby's old enough to be in college or that the baby's headed so far west?

Lauren: You're not surprised by this at all?

Michael: I knew Fenmore was applying to a couple of out-of-state schools, and I knew that he had gotten on to a couple of waiting lists. [Sighs] I know what you mean. It's just starting to hit me. Fenmore's gonna be gone, just like that. You know, I'm delighted for him. On the other hand, change is good, and Fenmore leaving the nest could open up some very interesting possibilities for us.

Kelly: I've been thinking a lot about you, Ben, hoping that you're okay.

Stitch: Hell, no, I'm not okay. Not -- not that it's your fault. Billy was determined to find something to use against me. The guy must feel like he hit the mother lode.

Kelly: Listen, I don't think anyone involved is happy about any of this.

Stitch: You told me the truth would come out. You were right.

Kelly: And I'm so sorry that you're having to go through this again. I truly did not want it to be this way. But, listen, the good news is it is all out now, right? The worst is over.

Stitch: I wouldn't count on that.

Harding: Could you have misplaced it?

Barton: Look, I most certainly didn't misplace my badge.

Harding: Okay. You know that for a fact, right?

Barton: Yes, I do, because whoever stole my I.D. Used it to hack in to the hospital's computer.

Michael: Abandoned by Fenmore?

Lauren: I know. It sounds crazy.

Michael: Yeah, maybe a little, unless you have kids that are about to move 1,000 miles away.

Lauren: Well, there is one thing that I'm really happy about -- that our son gets to make a clean, fresh start.

Michael: Hell, I'm damn proud of Fenmore. No one would have blamed him for wanting to just kick back and reassess, but he took the initiative and started applying to schools. This is a huge opportunity for him.

Lauren: And for us. You know, we've been working so hard lately.

Michael: Yeah. We really haven't had a lot of time to spend with each other, have we?

Lauren: No, we have not. But with our nest emptying, I have a feeling that's about to change.

Michael: We will miss Fenmore.

Lauren: Oh, yes. We will miss him with all our heart.

Michael: But I have a feeling you're right.

Harding: Walk me through the timeline, doctor. When did you first notice your I.D. Missing?

Barton: At crimson lights, two days ago. At first I thought it was a simple theft or that I had left my I.D. In my desk drawer. It wasn't there or anywhere else I looked, so I asked I.T. To generate a new one, and, apparently, by then, the damage had already been done.

Harding: The hacking you mentioned?

Barton: Yeah. They informed me this morning that my old badge was used to access hospital personnel records.

Harding: Any employee in particular?

Barton: Look, the technicians are still investigating. I'm here because I want to make sure that whoever breached our system doesn't get away with it.

Billy: Let me guess -- Jack called, you came running.

Jill: Well, he's worried about you. Come on. And why wouldn't he be? I thought you'd given up trying to discredit Dr. Rayburn.

Billy: I told Chelsea to let it go. It wasn't getting me anywhere with Vicki. But she and Kevin are the ones who kept on digging. I just stumbled onto it by accident. But once I found out what he was capable of, what was I supposed to do?

Jill: Well, of course. You had to pursue it then, and, knowing what we know now, it's really good that you confronted him.

Billy: I'm not gonna apologize for protecting my wife and son from a guy who could kill his own father.

Jill: Darling, the way you're saying your wife and your son, it sounds like someday you think Victoria is gonna be grateful to you for discovering this.

Billy: So, what's wrong with that?

Jill: So, you don't think the marriage is beyond repair?

Billy: Okay, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't care what you or nick or anyone else thinks. I know what we share. As hurt and as angry as she is, the love is still there.

Jill: So, now that she knows the truth about this other man, you really believe that he is no longer an issue?

Stitch: After Jenna divorced me and moved to Australia, I couldn't imagine starting over. I figured that part of my life was done. Then suddenly, there was Victoria. I let myself believe that we could be happy together, that we could have this amazing future. You know, that's how I lost my wife and son... when the truth came out.

Kelly: Ben, Victoria just found out about all of this. She is still reeling. You're still the man that she fell in love with. It's possible, in time, that she could get past this, right? It doesn't have to be over.

Jack: Hi, sweetheart.

Kelly: Oh, hi.

Jack: I'm not sure what to call you.

Stitch: My name is Ben. My friends call me "stitch." But you can call me whatever you want.

Victoria: Hey. You know, I'm really glad you're here. I wanted to talk to you about Ben. You've known him since the war, right?

Dylan: Yeah. Yeah. We clicked right away.

Victoria: Did you know anything about his background?

Dylan: Well, stitch was the type of guy who didn't really talk much.

Victoria: Yeah. I think I remember you telling me that.

Dylan: Didn't matter, though. Everybody liked him... which might sound kind of strange.

Victoria: No. I get it.

Dylan: You know, when you're in a combat zone, you don't -- u don't really learn about a guy by how much they say, you know? It's what they do, how they respond to the pressure. And when I found out that he'd killed his old man, I was completely blindsided. I couldn't -- I couldn't reconcile a crime like that with a guy I spent all that time with overseas. But stitch is not a cold-blooded killer. And I got to believe that he's still a good guy.

Victoria: No. He's a good liar.

Dylan: I got to get to work.

Avery: Listen, you and Victoria are entitled to your opinions, but I still think there's more to this.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Avery: So, you said that you wanted some legal advice.

Victoria: I'm here to ask about my legal rights -- or should I say Ben and Billy's rights?

Avery: I take it this is about the baby?

Victoria: Neither one of them is trustworthy, and they've proven that, and I don't want them anywhere near this child. So, I decided to not take the DNA test to determine the paternity. And I want to know if they can compel me to do it.

Avery: In a word... yes.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: I'm pretty sure that Vicki's through with Dr. Deception, at least for now.

Jill: So, what makes you think that?

Billy: I overheard her telling her obstetrician that she doesn't want to have the paternity test.

Jill: At all?!

Billy: She said she doesn't care who the father is, that this is her child.

Jill: Well, the woman's hormones are all over the place. I mean, that's no solution. Obviously, she's not thinking clearly.

Billy: Well, it tells me a hell of a lot.

Jill: What?

Billy: She -- she went after stitch when she was in pain. She made up her mind that he was this perfect guy before she ever looked at him too closely.

Jill: So, once she gets over the shock of what he's done, you think that she'll turn back to you? Sweetheart, just be prepared, okay? Sometimes love isn't always enough.

Billy: Believe me, mom -- I know how badly I screwed up. And I know that there is a very good chance that Victoria is never gonna take me back. But if this baby is mine, I've still got a shot.

Victoria: After seeing what my mom's gone through with Ian, I know that eventually I'm gonna have to identify the father. But do I have to take the test now? I mean, the way that Billy and Ben have acted, what gives them the right to force me to do anything?

Avery: Okay, Victoria. You're not gonna like this, but...you chose to be sexually involved with two men. That usually leads to complications.

Victoria: I guess my mom was right when she said I rushed in to things with Ben to try to break things off with Billy. It's just that he hurt me so badly. When I asked Ben if he was hiding anything, like Billy said he was, he lied to my face, Avery. I can't trust him around this child.

Avery: Well, I think it's more you can't trust him around your heart.

Victoria: What are you doing? Are you defending him?

Avery: Ben did his time. He turned his entire life around. That's how the justice system is supposed to work. Now, too often, it doesn't.

Victoria: I left Billy because he betrayed me, and Billy betrayed me, and so, yes, I am looking out for my heart. But you know there's more to it than that. You know my history.

Avery: I understand.

Victoria: I have to protect this baby. And I can't be under this kind of stress. It's just not good for me. It's the main reason that I don't want to take his paternity test now. I want to have as much control over this situation as I possibly can, and if you can't help me with this, Avery, then I will find a lawyer who can.

Avery: I can help you. Speaking from my own experience, I know how dangerous stress can be to a pregnancy. I'll help you. I'll represent you. I will advocate for you and your child.

Victoria: Thank you.

Avery: Now, to answer your question, you aren't required to take a paternity test until the baby is born, and I will make damn sure that no one intimidates you to do it sooner.

Stitch: Hey. You got a minute? Obviously, Victoria isn't speaking to me.

Dylan: Yeah, Victoria's a wreck. She came to see Avery as I was heading out.

Stitch: I didn't realize they were friends. I'm hoping we still are.

Dylan: Help me understand.

Stitch: Look, I hated lying to you, Mac, and everyone else. What happened with my father -- it's a part of who I am, but it's not the only part. It doesn't define me as a person.

Dylan: You know, uh, I grew up believing that the people who raised me were my biological parents. But my mother lied to me and everybody else except for my aunt until the day she lied. And then Chelsea lied to me about Connor, and then Ian lied to me about being my father. It was lies on top of lies, and now you unload this lie, not because you wanted to but because you had to. You were my best friend. Why didn't you ever tell me the truth? I mean, you ask if we're still friends. I don't even know your real name. Clearly, I'm no judge of character.

Stitch: Yes. Actually, you are.

[Doorbell rings]

Chelsea: Oh.

Kevin: Yeah, it's me. Try not to look so crushed.

Chelsea: No, I'm not. It's just --

Kevin: You were just hoping I was some hunky stranger ready to whisk you away to some exotic location where we'd spend our days basking in the sun, spend our nights making sweet, sweet love.

Chelsea: Kevin --

Kevin: Or maybe you were just hoping I was Billy.

Chelsea: I -- what? What is it that you want me to say, Kevin?

Kevin: Uh, how 'bout "thanks," for starters, considering I committed multiple felonies to get into Ben Rayburn's personnel file?

Chelsea: You hacked into memorial's computer? Kevin: Well, I like to reserve the term "hacked" for something that isn't child's play. Aren't you at all curious what I found out?

Chelsea: Billy's not speaking to me. I have no use for it. So, I'm sorry you went to all that trouble, although I know you get such a rush when you pull it off.

Kevin: [Chuckles] Stitch murdered his dad, stole some dead kid's identity, and that's the least of his troubles. Too bad you're not interested in finding out what's in here, because if any of this came out, the guy's whole future would be toast -- toast. [Sighs]

Wyatt: There's no way you got released that soon.

Quinn: Released? I checked in voluntarily.

Wyatt: Mom, it hasn't even been that long. If you're trying to tell me that everything is fine --

Quinn: Relax. I'm still in treatment.

Wyatt: Huh.

Quinn: Hey, aren't you glad to see me?

Wyatt: Of course I am.

Quinn: I missed you.

Wyatt: You know, it's been n

Dylan: So, I was right. There is more to the story. What is it? What aren't you telling me?

Stitch: Just... trust your instincts, Mac. We -- we saved a lot of lives, did a lot of good.

Dylan: That's it? Th-that's it? That's all you're gonna give me?

Stitch: I had just put my past to rest. I was rebuilding my life after Jenna left. I am sick about the fact that it all came out again, sick about what it cost me, what it's going to cost me. Right now all I want to do is forget this ever happened.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Avery: Sorry to interrupt.

Dylan: It's fine.

Stitch: Dylan said you saw Victoria. How is she?

Avery: How do you think she is?

Avery: How are you?

Dylan: [Sighs] I know there's more to this than what he's saying. I just don't understand why he can't trust me enough to tell me.

Kelly: Ben alluded to this not being over.

Jack: You mean Victoria?

Kelly: No, I don't think that's what he was referring to. But since we're on the subject, um, I'm really hoping Victoria has it in her to give my brother another chance.

Jack: Forgive me if I don't share your sentiments. We are talking about my brother's wife.

Kelly: Right. Um... you know what? Maybe we should change the subject.

Jack: Good. Let's do. I've been wanting to talk about yesterday, when I told you I love you and you said you feel the same way.

Kelly: As long as you realize, Jack, I come with a lot of baggage.

Jack: Well, sugar, I own a whole line of luggage stores. Baggage is not gonna scare me.

Kelly: You need to understand, though, that loving me means inheriting all of my problems -- my past, my tragedies.

Jack: Sounds like you're giving me an out. I don't want one.

Kelly: Jack --

Jack: Relationships are easy at the beginning. When there's conflict, how two people handle it -- that's the real test. I love you. That means your problems are my problems now. That means I won't go running at the first sign of trouble. That's what I mean when I say, "I love you."

Kelly: Take me home?

Kevin: When Rayburn applied for his medical license, as well as his job at memorial, there was a question on the form -- "have you ever committed a felony?" I'll give you three guesses how he answered.

Chelsea: He lied. He said no.

Kevin: Bam! And I bet he lied to get into med school and the army.

Chelsea: Stitch's career -- his entire life --

Kevin: Never mind the good doctor losing his license. He committed fraud multiple times, on top of the original identity theft. Last time I checked, that sent you to prison -- not that I'm gonna say anything. This is a gift from me to you. Knowledge is power, grasshopper.

[Doorbell rings]

Victoria: I'm coming! Ohh. [Sighs] What do you want?

Billy: Just came by to see Johnny.

Victoria: Come in. So, I assume that you'll take this opportunity to gloat about Ben.

Billy: I'm not sorry that the truth came out, but I didn't come over with any agenda. I just want to play blocks with my kid. No matter what happens between us, I'm always gonna be there for our son.

Victoria: I really wish you would have let me know you were coming by. Ohh.

Billy: Vic, you okay?

Victoria: Huh? Yeah. I'm fine. I'm fine. It's perfectly normal. [Chuckles softly]

Billy: The baby's moving? May I?

Victoria: Look, Johnny is your son, so you can check on him anytime you like, but he's napping now, so next time when you're planning to stop by, would you call first so I can let you know the best time to visit?

Billy: Look, whatever else happens between us, I know that we're always gonna work together as parents, but this baby that you're carrying is going to need a father, too, even if you don't intend on finding out who it is.

Victoria: Wait a second. How could you --

Billy: I was at the hospital.

Victoria: [Chuckles] Are you stalking me now?

Billy: No. I happened to be there, and I overheard what you told the doctor.

Victoria: Oh, see? Well, how convenient.

Billy: I know that you're going through a lot right now. So am I. But there is one thing that I am clear on, and that is that I don't want Rayburn anywhere near our little boy. I'm sure that that is something we can both agree on.

Victoria: Look, Billy, you got what you wanted. The information that you found out on Ben has me completely terrified. So, I hope you're happy.

Billy: You're beautiful, Victoria. You're a beautiful mother.

Jill: All right, listen -- if we're opening this third boutique, we're really gonna need foot traffic -- either that or a captive audience the way we have here or the way we have at the Jabot building with our original one.

Lauren: No, that's a good point.

Jill: So, every time we open a new satellite, we are eroding the status of our flagship, and that's what's carried us for years with our main boutique. So, expanding this quickly is just gonna make our original boutique less and less of a destination.

Lauren: Yeah. Okay.

Jill: Yeah. Well, uh, Colin gave me some really interesting information on this subject. Also, he told me how to manage our finances completely. But since it's Colin, you know, I thought that I shouldn't just run with it.

Lauren: Whatever you want to do is fine by me.

Jill: Okay. I knew you weren't paying attention.

Lauren: Yes, I am.

Jill: You just gave Colin carte blanche to run our finances, little sis.

Lauren: What?!

Jill: [Laughing] Yes, you did.

Lauren: Oh, my God.

Jill: Okay. So, here. You have my attention. What has you so distracted?

Lauren: Fen has announced this morning that he's going to college at Arizona state and arts in the fall.

Jill: But that's terrific! Isn't that terrific?

Lauren: It's so far away.

Jill: You got to cut the apron strings sometime.

Lauren: Look, I know it's important for him to be independent. You know, all I can think about is everything that he has struggled with.

Jill: So, you're worried if he gets homesick or overwhelmed, he's gonna turn back to the drugs?

Lauren: God, I hope not. You know, it's a big step. I just want him to be ready. And Scotty was always self-sufficient, even when he was a little boy. Fen --

Jill: Fen, not so much.

Lauren: No. I know he's not a kid anymore, and this is an important part of growing up.

Jill: Mm-hmm. But he's still your baby.

Lauren: Yeah.

Jill: He'll always be your baby, the way my Billy's my baby.

Lauren: Yeah. How are Billy and Victoria?

Jill: Not good. Victoria is determined to go through with the divorce, and I can tell that Billy is still hopeful about getting her back. It's breaking my heart.

Lauren: Oh, that just sets him up for more heartbreak.

Jill: But you know what?

Lauren: Hmm?

Jill: Billy is a grown man, right? And he's capable of making his own choices.

Lauren: You're right. They're still our babies. And we will always, always worry about them.

Jill: Yeah.

Harding: Good of you to drop by.

Kevin: I was here.

Harding: Yeah, and then you left. Where'd you go?

Kevin: What, I'm not allowed to take a break?

Harding: You know, lately, you've been 90% breaks, 10% work. That doesn't fly around here, fish, especially not with the boss taking a lighter schedule so he can recover. We all have to put in the hours so he doesn't have to. You get what I'm saying?

Kevin: Who died and appointed you my keeper?

Harding: You know, there is an unwritten code around here that you don't seem to be able to read, but, then again, you're not a cop, are you? You're a criminal who just works here so he can stay out of prison.

Kevin: Is there a point to all this, or can I get back to work?

Harding: You know, if it were up to me, you wouldn't be here. But since it's not, the chief of surgery from memorial came in earlier today with a case that's right up your alley.

Kevin: Oh, yeah -- the computer thing. I heard.

Harding: Yeah. So, figure out who did the deed.

Kevin: It would be a waste of time.

Harding: Really? Why is that?

Kevin: Because the firewall at memorial is superweak. Anybody could get into it. The list of suspects would be enormous.

Harding: Well, if it's so simple, then why would someone go through the trouble of stealing Dr. Shelby's I.D. Badge?

Kevin: Must have been some dope looking for a shortcut. But you know what? If it'll get you out of my face, I'll look into it.

Michael: Hey.

Harding: Hi.

Michael: Hey. Um, Kevin, I'd like to speak to you for a minute. I got something to discuss with you. Got a second?

Kevin: Sorry. Detective smiley here says I can't take any more breaks.

Harding: [Chuckles] No, it's no problem, counselor. I'm just messing with him. Take all the time you need.

Michael: Come outside, please.

Harding: "Dr. Barton Shelby." Surprise, surprise.

Kelly: You know... when you said those words to me... yesterday... it scared me.

Jack: Why?

Kelly: I don't know. I guess I wasn't sure that I would ever hear them again. I've been standing on my own for so long, Jack... without anybody to count on.

Jack: You have me now.

Jack: So, you talked about... how difficult it all was for your brother. What about you? You didn't just lose your father -- your brother killed him. I don't think I can begin to understand what that must feel like... or how you ever begin to put your life back together after that.

Kelly: Well, um, I was in school when it happened, and it was a complete nightmare. [Chuckles] You know, when I got the call, I mean, I couldn't comprehend. I didn't understand how something like that could happen. I still don't. And I couldn't face Ben, so I just shut him out of my life... for years. I mean, it's only recently that I've been able to open the door a little and let him back in, even if I don't ever forgive him.

Jack: What about your mom?

Kelly: Mom? Ahh. Yeah. I don't think I've forgiven her, either.

Jack: For what?

Kelly: Well, she was on Ben's side right after it happened. I mean... my father was barely in the ground, and she was all, "let's save Ben! We've got to save Ben!" [Laughs] Wow. I sound terrible, don't I, like I've been walking around consumed by these grudges for all these years?

Jack: These are giant, all-consuming grudges.

Kelly: But it's not like that, Jack, I swear. I mean, I... I moved on, okay? I mean, I barely even thought about this for years. It wasn't until I saw Ben at crimson lights that... you know, I just -- I had to move on.

[Cell phone chimes]

Kelly: Oh, boy. [Chuckles] Somebody has lousy timing, huh? [Sighs] Sorry.

Jack: Is it work?

Kelly: Yeah. I think I forgot to tell somebody that I was taking off.

Jack: You know what? You go ahead and get that. I'll get us something to drink.

Kelly: Thank you.

Avery: If stitch is still hiding something, there has to be a reason.

Dylan: Yeah, that's what they all say.

Avery: [Sighs] Okay, listen to me -- I know that there are a lot of people in your life that have hurt you with these secrets, people you've loved unconditionally, and you must feel right now like they've all put something over on you somehow.

Dylan: You know, actually, it's humiliating, and it makes me question my own judgment.

Avery: I understand why you feel that way, but you can look at this from another angle.

Dylan: [Sighs] What do you mean?

Avery: Your adopted mother, penny -- she acted out of love. All she wanted was for you and your father to have a loving family, and that's what you had. You had a wonderful upbringing. I know. I was there. And Nikki has always had your best interests at heart, even when Ian ward didn't. And I think we can both forgive her for not realizing that Paul was your real father. Now, stitch -- whatever he's hiding, I don't know, but I would guess that it has nothing to do with you and your friendship. He concealed a crime and he paid for that crime and he came out of that terrible experience and he rebuilt his life, right? He became a soldier. He became a doctor. He became a man worthy of being your friend -- your best friend. So, can't you understand that maybe he wants to put this behind him and have a little peace?

Stitch: I had to see you.

Victoria: Ben...

Stitch: Look, there are a lot of people looking at me like they don't know who I am. And I can handle that. I don't care what anyone else thinks about me. Only you.

Chelsea: I see you got my messages.

Billy: You asked how I used the information you gave me on stitch. Well, I confronted him, exposed him as the lying murderer that he is, not that it did a lot of good for my marriage. I'm sure you can figure out why.

Chelsea: I understand you're still upset. But there's something else I need to tell you.

Billy: [Sighs]

Kevin: Arizona state? That's amazing!

Michael: It's about a million miles away.

Kevin: What -- what are you worried about? Fen is gonna --

Harding: Fisher.

Kevin: Harding, what? What is it now? Have you completely run out of people to harass? Why me?

Harding: This is why.

Michael: What is that?

Kevin: Dr. Barton Shelby's I.D. What does that have to do with me?

Harding: Well, wouldn't you know I found it in your desk? You're under arrest.

Jack: I love you. That means your problems are my problems now. That means I won't go running at the first sign of trouble. That's what I mean when I say, "I love you."

Kelly: Jack, where'd you go?! Hey! You were gone so long, I was starting to wonder if you fell in. Phyllis' perfume?

Jack: I brought a bottle home when she went off to the clinic -- little reminders of her here and there.

Kelly: Are you thinking of her?

Jack: It's complicated.

Kelly: No, it's not, Jack. You're feeling guilty, aren't you?

Jack: Yeah. To be honest, I am.

Billy: Like what -- more dirt on Rayburn? I mean, hasn't there been enough damage done already?

Chelsea: Well, I guess that would have to be your call.

Billy: What has come out so far has only made things worse for me and Vicki.

Chelsea: That's why I didn't come to you as soon as I knew. I mean, you said that you were gonna drop the search, and --

Billy: And?

Chelsea: And I'm lying. That's not why I withheld the information. I didn't tell you about stitch because I didn't want you getting back together with Victoria. I didn't want to lose you.

Victoria: You stood on the other side of that door and you told me that you didn't lie to me and that you didn't do anything wrong. And you know what? I believe that you would say that right now to my face if you thought it would fix things. How am I supposed to believe one word that comes out of your mouth? How do I believe one word that you say? Am I missing something?

Stitch: Yes.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kurtz: It's a fake.

Kevin: You cannot lock me up.

Harding: Look, you can bark all you want. The judge won't be able to hear you from your holding cell.

Jack: I don't think I have a choice. I think I have to leave you.

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