Y&R Transcript Thursday 7/24/14
Episode # 10462 ~ Nikki's trial becomes a nightmare; Summer goes to see Phyllis; Billy wants answers from Chelsea.
Provided By Suzanne
Nikki: I suppose I'm as ready as I'll ever be to have my entire life put under attack.
Paul: Well, give that Ian is the one doing the attacking, I don't think --
Michael: Well, the man has zero credibility.
Dylan: Less than zero. And it's not gonna change the opinion of anyone who cares about you.
Nick: And you have a lot of people who care about you.
Nikki: Oh, my God. Nicholas, you came! Oh!
Nick: I know you told me there's no reason for me and Vick to come, but honestly, there's nowhere I'd rather be. You need all the support you can get.
Nikki: Thank you so much. Thank you so much for coming. And all of you. Thank you for being here and supporting me. Believe me, I am acutely aware that all of your lives have been turned upside down because of me.
Avery: Hi. Traffic was terrible. I thought I was gonna be late.
Dylan: Oh, no, the fun hasn't started yet.
David: Michael? Judge Ramsey wants to see us in chambers.
Michael: On my way. Excuse me.
Nikki: I wonder what that's about.
Christine: Well, if I had to guess, Ian's attorney wants to file some sort of pretrial motion.
Nikki: Which tells me exactly nothing.
Christine: You asked.
Paul: Maybe you should have a seat? Can I get you anything? Like a bottle of water?
Nikki: No. No, thank you. I just want to get this thing started so it can be behind us. Ian wanted his day in court. We're here. Where the hell is he?
Ian: Victor. How lovely of you to be here for your wife considering, uh, how awkward it's going to be for her today -- her dubious past on full display. But then considering she was a stripper when you took her in, I guess it's nothing new, huh?
Victor: You never stop conniving, do you? You play your game. But you ain't gonna win.
Ian: It's no game, Victor. I was wronged, and I want what I deserve -- payback.
Victor: You'll get everything you deserve. And some more. Now, get lost.
Austin: How was your flight?
Summer: Oh, it was a little bumpy, but we got in early, so that's good. Uh, how'd your interview go?
Austin: Pretty well, I think. It's a short-term job, which is good with my trial coming up.
Summer: Yeah, way to find a silver lining.
Austin: Well, it's a cameraman gig. There's not too many of those around. I really hope I get it.
Summer: I'm sure you will. Who wouldn't want to work with my awesome husband?
Austin: Thanks. Anyway, I should let you go. I know you have a big day ahead.
Summer: Yeah, I do. Um, I'll talk to you later?
Austin: Can't wait.
Summer: Okay. Bye. Hey, mom.
Victoria: Okay. It won't be long now.
Stitch: Don't worry. I'm gonna get you to the hospital in plenty of time for your appointment. The paternity test is a blood draw. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
Victoria: Hmm. Well, thank you for volunteering to come with me very much. Not just for moral support. But I can't stop thinking about what my mom's going through -- a horrible man is putting her through in court.
Stitch: Hey, I'm gonna do my best to distract you from any thoughts of Ian ward.
Victoria: You're very good at it.
Stitch: Oh?
Victoria: Distracting me.
Stitch: I'm always happy to help in any way I can.
[Both chuckle]
[Cell phone rings]
Stitch: Oh. It's work. I got to take this.
Victoria: Yeah, take your time.
Stitch: Thanks. Rayburn speaking.
Jack: Well, look at you. You are positively glowing.
Victoria: Hello, Jack.
Jack: How's it going?
Victoria: Well, you know, just fine. Just getting excited to meet the new baby.
Jack: Yeah. So is Billy.
Victoria: Yeah. They're doing the lab work this afternoon to see who the father is.
Jack: And if Billy turns out to be the father?
Victoria: Jack, I know that Billy really wants this baby to be his and that that will mean we'll get back together.
Jack: But you don't see that happening.
Victoria: [Chuckles] You know what? We'll always have Johnny. And if this baby is Billy's, then, of course, he'll help to raise this baby. But things are over between us.
Jack: Victoria, I --
Victoria: No, listen, I am telling you this out of concern for Billy. I'm afraid that he's in denial about the divorce, and I really feel like he needs the support of his family.
Jack: You -- you and Billy have been apart before. You've always found your way back to each other. That should tell you something.
Victoria: Yeah, that we're people that don't know how to make tough decisions that rational people should make and that we need to realize that we do not belong together and that we need to move on.
Jack: Move on with whom, though? Ben Rayburn? What do you really know about this guy?
Billy: What's the deal with this yearbook? This is stitch, but they're calling him Ben Russell. Why would Kevin give you a book with a misprint?
Chelsea: It's not a misprint. Stitch is Ben Russell. That's what he's been hiding. Ben Rayburn -- the real Ben Rayburn -- died. Stitch stole his identity.
Nikki: You made it back from your trip on time.
Victor: I wouldn't miss this, okay?
Ian: Hey, Dylan, I'm glad to see you're doing so well. I was worried about you.
Dylan: Is that right?
Ian: I very much appreciate your being here today.
Avery: Let's take our seats.
Dylan: You know, you didn't give me a whole lot of choice, having your lawyer call me as a witness for you.
Ian: Well, you're as much a victim of Nikki's deceit as I was.
Nikki: My God, he just keeps lying and lying and lying.
Victor: He's a blowhard. I don't want you to get upset about it. Save it for the stand, all right?
Nick: No one wants to hear anything you have to say, Ian.
Ian: I just wanted to have a moment with the man I still like to think of as my son.
Dylan: I'm not your son.
Ian: Forgive me, Dylan. I don't want to cause you any undue stress while you're still recovering from your ordeal. Sorry. It looks like we're about to begin.
Avery: Don't let him rattle you. Just remember why you're here. Everything will be fine.
Nick: Mom, we'll be right here for you.
Nikki: Thank you, darling.
Paul: Good luck.
Nikki: I think I'm gonna need it.
Victor: Sweetheart. I know you're very worried about this, okay? But just remember that you have been through far worse and you've always managed. You'll get over this, all right?
Nikki: I suppose you're right.
Victor: I know I am.
Nikki: Michael, what happened in there? Why were you in chambers?
Michael: Well, opposing counsel attempted to bar your journal from being admitted into evidence on the grounds that they didn't have time to review it. But the judge didn't agree.
Nikki: I almost wish that he had. The idea of everybody hearing what's in that diary...
Michael: I know, I know. It's difficult.
Nikki: Then again, on the other hand, it might be the only way that I can win.
Victor: Sweetheart --
Nikki: I just dread how people are gonna react to what I wrote.
Victor: Darling, nothing you said in that diary is gonna change how people feel about you now. Nothing.
Nikki: You know, Dylan said the same thing.
Victor: Yes. And he's right.
Victoria: Jack, listen, I understand that you want me to give Billy another chance, but you have to accept the fact that we're not gonna make it this time. And you have to help him accept that fact, too. Nothing's gonna change, all right? So regardless of who the father is, I'm committed to a future with Ben.
Jack: Ben, who you've known for what -- five minutes? Victoria, there are things about this man you don't understand.
Victoria: Okay, listen, I have heard all of the crazy conspiracy theories, and I'm really not interested, Jack.
Jack: You've known me most of your life. Have you ever known me to be taken in by conspiracy theories or rumor or gossip?
Victoria: I guess not.
Jack: Good. This is not theorizing on my part. It's not conjecture on my part about what your new boyfriend might be. This is about what is.
Billy: When the hell did you find this out?
Chelsea: Not that long ago. Kevin and I weren't sure at first.
Billy: But you're sure now? And what? You -- you just weren't gonna tell me?
Chelsea: Well, you said you didn't want us to keep investigating stitch. You said you didn't want to know.
Billy: Okay, well, what else did you find out? Do you know why Rayburn or -- or Russell or whatever the hell this guy's name is, why he went this far to hide his past?
Chelsea: He did time for murder.
Billy: He's a killer? My wife is with a killer?! Oh...
David: You allege that the actions of Nicole Newman caused you emotional distress. Is that right?
Ian: Extreme emotional distress.
David: Ah. I stand corrected. How did Mrs. Newman injure you?
Michael: Objection.
Judge: Sustained.
David: I'll rephrase. Please describe for the court what brought about the extreme emotional distress you've suffered.
Ian: Well, when I learned I was a father, I left Indiana and everything that I had there to be with my son. I wanted to get to know him. And I was very eager to begin a new life here in Genoa City.
David: And what happened instead?
Ian: Well, the moment I arrived, I encountered nothing but hostility from everyone. Nicole Newman's family did everything they could to try and prevent me from having a relationship with Dylan McAvoy.
David: When you say they did everything they could...
Ian: They tried to get me to leave town. And when that failed, they sabotaged my business. But I stayed because my son meant that much to me. Over the time, I-I grew to love him. I've had many blessings in my life, but one that I've never had or never hoped to have was a child. A legacy. Nicole gave that to me. And for several months, she allowed me to experience a joy that I've never known before. And then without warning, she ripped it away from me.
Michael: Mr. Ward, in 2003, you were plaintiff in a paternity suit, were you not?
Ian: It was a baseless claim. The woman was just after money.
Michael: Baseless because you knew then that you were incapable of fathering a child. You presented evidence at trial that you were sterile. Isn't that correct?
Ian: The evidence was presented by my counsel.
Michael: Your honor, I would like to submit into evidence a transcript from those proceedings in which Mr. Ward testified personally under oath that he was incapable of procreating. Were you committing perjury?
David: Objection!
Judge: I'll allow it.
Ian: Certainly not. I was telling the truth as I knew it to be at the time.
Michael: When you were a teenager, you suffered an accident that left you permanently incapable of fathering children. That is correct?
Ian: That's what I was told.
Michael: By a licensed medical doctor?
Ian: Yes.
Michael: Therefore if you knew by the time you were 15 years of age that you were sterile, long before you met Nicole reed, and you had the same condition medically reconfirmed in order to refute another paternity claim, how could you possibly believe that Dylan McAvoy was your son?
Ian: I thought it was a miracle.
Michael: A bona fide miracle?
Ian: Yeah.
Michael: Like when some people see the face of a saint in a grilled cheese sandwich?
David: Objection!
Judge: Sustained.
Ian: You may find this amusing, Mr. Baldwin, but I'm a man of faith. Besides which people who believe they're infertile wind up having children anyway sometimes. It's not all that uncommon. And I thought maybe it could happen to me.
Michael: When the last woman who accused you of fathering her child seeking financial support, you responded by producing medical evidence to convince the court that there was no way that person could possibly had been you. No way, no how. And yet Nikki Newman, now a rich woman, makes the same claim and suddenly it's a miracle worthy of you pulling up stakes and traveling hundreds of miles to start a new life. Is that what you're asking the court to believe?
Ian: When Dylan went looking for me and found me, I was thrilled. Nikki and I had been together years earlier. She was always very special to me. And I'd always hoped that something beautiful would come out of our relationship.
Michael: Even though you were married to another woman at the time?
Ian: Yes. And when Dylan insisted that his mother told him that I was his natural father, of course I believed it. Why would the woman lie to her own son?
Michael: Your honor, I have nothing more for this witness.
Very well. You may step down, Mr. Ward.
Ian: Thank you.
Victor: Sweetheart, are you all right?
Nikki: Yeah.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Victor: Excuse me. I just received an urgent text.
Nikki: What's wrong?
Victor: It can wait. I don't have to leave now.
Nikki: No, no, darling. It's all right.
Victor: Are you sure?
Nikki: Yeah.
Victor: Okay.
Summer: When I asked the doctors how you were doing, they told me that your condition hadn't changed. My life has changed a lot, though. I actually wanted to come and tell you about it. A few months ago, I was really struggling. It seemed like everyone that I cared about was just making really horrible decisions. But then I met this really incredible guy. And it was like the entire world changed. Um, you know how I asked you once how you'd know if you're in love? And you told me that it's like being hit by lightning? That's what it's been like for Austin and me. It's like something out of a movie. We just really connected. And he actually lost his mom suddenly, too, so he really understands what I'm going through. Mom, for the first time in my life, I...really truly am in love. Um, I know this next part is gonna come as a shock, but... um... Austin and I got married. And I know that if you were there, you would have said all the same things that Jack said, that I'm too young, it's too fast, I'm in way over my head. But... Jack is actually at a place now where he's at least not fighting me and Austin. And it's taken all this time, but... I finally feel like Jack's my real dad.
David: So, when Nikki explained that you were adopted, did it come as a surprise?
Dylan: Yes.
David: What else did she say to you?
Dylan: That she was my mother.
David: And was there any mention of your biological father?
Dylan: Ian.
David: I'm sorry, Mr. McAvoy. I didn't catch that. Would you repeat your answer, please?
Dylan: She said it was Ian. Ian ward.
David: The plaintiff in this case?
Dylan: Yes.
David: That man over there sitting at my table.
Dylan: Yes!
David: You don't like Mr. Ward very much, do you?
Dylan: Oh, that's -- that's an understatement.
You may treat the witness as hostile, counsel.
David: Thank you, judge. You were very eager to meet your biological father. Isn't that right?
Dylan: Uh, I was a fool. If I'd known then what I know now --
David: And how did Mrs. Newman react when you told her you were gonna search for my client? She didn't want you to go, did she?
Dylan: No.
David: And why is that?
Dylan: Because she knew what he was capable of.
David: Or was it because she knew her lies would come out?
Michael: Objection!
David: Withdrawn.
Michael: Mr. McAvoy, why didn't Nikki want you to seek out Ian ward? What makes him such a reprehensible human being?
Dylan: Because of what he did to her. He forced himself on Nikki.
David: Objection! Hearsay.
Judge: Sustained.
Michael: Did your mother willfully deceive you about your paternity?
Dylan: No, she didn't.
Michael: Do you agree with the plaintiff's assertion, that, like him, you suffered emotionally from Nikki's actions?
Dylan: The only one making me suffer, making us all suffer, is that man sitting right there, Ian ward!
David: Objection!
Dylan: It's the truth! He's a vicious --
Michael: Thank you, Mr. McAvoy! I have no further questions! Thank you!
Judge: Mr. Sherman.
David: We rest, your honor.
Judge: Fine. After a brief recess, we will hear from the defense. Mr. McAvoy, step down.
Bailiff: All rise!
Jack: Victoria, there are still some things you don't know about the good Dr. Rayburn.
Kelly: Jack, hi. What a surprise. I didn't expect to see you here.
Victoria: Jack and I were just wrapping up. Have a good rest of your day.
Jack: J-just give some thought to what I said. I only want you to be happy.
Stitch: Hello, Jack. Kelly.
Kelly: Can I have a word with you, please?
Jack: Sure, um... take care of yourself and that baby.
Billy: Who did he kill?
Chelsea: Billy, I don't know all --
Billy: When I said that I didn't care about stitch's past anymore, I didn't know that that meant murder! That's not something you keep to yourself, Chelsea! But then I guess you and Kevin didn't see it that way.
Chelsea: You need to calm down. I'm not gonna talk to you when you're acting like this.
Billy: You know what? Just forget it. I'll go straight to the source, and he damn well better have some answers.
Chelsea: Billy, calm down for two seconds. Just chill out and -- hey!
Billy: What the hell is wrong with you?
Kevin: What?
Billy: I can't believe you two didn't tell me about this.
Kevin: What was that? Where is he going?
Chelsea: To protect his wife.
Dr. Burnett: Your granddaughter's here. She's asking about her mother.
Victor: Let me say it again. Under no circumstances do I want you to tell anything to Summer about this possible treatment for the reversal of coma, all right? Under no circumstances. I don't want her to get her hopes up only to have them dashed. We don't even know if she's a candidate.
Dr. Burnett: Understood.
Victor: As soon as you hear from Dr. Cutler in Switzerland, I want you to call me immediately. Is that clear?
Summer: You know, things haven't really been that easy for me and Jack. I've actually been giving him a hard time about a lot of things, some of which, in my opinion, I think he deserved. But I think I'm starting to understand him a little bit better. You know, the thing is, when you care about someone, you want everyone in your life to get along. And it is so important for me that they accept Austin. Because he's not going anywhere. No matter what anyone says. I wish he could have come today, but he couldn't. He had an interview. But I would give anything for you to be able to meet him. Mom, you would know instantly why we're so perfect for each other. Oh, I almost forgot. Speaking of perfect, it's from the wedding of the century. When you get better, we're gonna do it again, a third time, the right way -- with you there.
Chelsea: When I saw Billy standing there holding the yearbook, I knew it was all about to blow up. Everything we uncovered about stitch. I feel like I betrayed him.
Kevin: Well, you did.
Chelsea: [Sighs] I should have listened to you. I should have just told Billy all the stuff you figured out about stitch the second you figured it out.
Kevin: Well, there is more we could tell him if you think it would help.
Chelsea: More? What are you talking about?
Kevin: I just came from memorial. Got my hands on this I.D. Badge, was able to get into the hospital personnel records. And get this --
Chelsea: No, stop. I don't want to know. Billy knows enough already. He's already so pissed at me, he'll probably never speak to me again.
Kevin: I was worried this would happen. I warned you not to get too attached. You know that Victoria is his endgame.
Chelsea: I know that, Kevin. Trust me. And I'm still in love with Adam, okay?
Kevin: Is that, uh, the gift he gave you on your wedding day?
Chelsea: His mother's handkerchief.
Kevin: And you said you found it in Connor's room, right?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Kevin: And now you think it's some kind of sign that Adam is still trying to be involved in your life?
Chelsea: After today, I'm starting to think it's a sign from Adam telling me that getting involved with Billy was a huge mistake.
Jack: You really have something to say to me, or were you just trying to get me away from Victoria?
Kelly: From what I overheard, you were just about to tell her everything that I told you about Ben in confidence!
Jack: I swore I wouldn't do that for your sake, but Victoria is important to me. She's my family. I saw her pregnant, realized she's about to start a new life with this guy. And no, I can't pretend to be happy about that, particularly when I know things about him that she doesn't.
Billy: Your brother committed murder and you didn't bother to tell me?
Billy: You let that man get close to my wife, to my son?
Kelly: It's not what you think.
Billy: Oh, great. Well, why don't you tell me what it is, then? Set me straight on your brother, the murderer.
Kelly: You know what? I'm not gonna say anything more about it, and I am certainly not gonna discuss it here.
Billy: You're not blowing me off, Kelly. I've been looking all over the place for stitch, but nobody seems to know where he is. So I want to hear the whole story, and I want to hear it from you.
Kelly: Jack, would you please help me out here and make him understand?
Billy: Wait, wait, wait. What? You knew about this?
Jack: I found out last night.
Billy: This is what you couldn't tell me about? You're covering for her instead of telling me, your own brother, what I need to know to protect my family?
Jack: I apologize. You're right. I should have told you.
Billy: I don't want your apology, Jack. I want to know everything. Now. What did he do? Who did he kill?
Jack: Ask Ben yourself.
Kelly: Jack!
Jack: He's in the dining room with Victoria right now.
Kelly: I can't believe you. What did you just do?
Jack: He found out that much already. It's time for the truth to come out! My God.
Stitch: Jack seemed a little intense. What was all that about?
Victoria: Um, he was just being protective of Billy.
Stitch: You sure that's all it was?
Victoria: Oh, look at the time. We should get going. We're gonna be late.
Stitch: Yeah.
Victoria: Don't want to be late.
Billy: No, no, no. You're not going anywhere.
Stitch: Watch your hands.
Bailiff: All rise!
Victor: Sweetheart. Are you all right?
Nikki: Victor, my journal. I have to read it aloud to everybody in this room.
Victor: Okay, I'll, uh, I'll take care of it, okay?
Nikki: Thank you. Okay.
Judge: Counsels, please approach the bench.
Victor: [Smooches] May I talk to you for a moment?
Nick: Yeah.
Victor: Okay. [Sighs] Um... do you love your mother?
Nick: What the hell kind of question is that?
Victor: Yes or no. Do you love your mother?
Nick: Of course I do.
Victor: Then you need to leave, my boy.
Nick: What?
Victor: What she's about to do is so embarrassing to her that she would rather you not be there, okay?
Nick: I just want to be here for her. I want to support her.
Victor: She knows that, and she loves you for it, okay? Please understand.
All right. Let's resume. Mr. Baldwin.
Michael: The defense calls Nikki Newman.
Nikki: Well, until the blood-type issue came up, there was no doubt in my mind that Ian ward was the father of Dylan.
Michael: A fact you believed in unwaveringly from the moment you learned you were pregnant?
Nikki: Yes.
Michael: Your honor, I would like to submit this handwritten document into evidence. Counsel for the plaintiff, as you know, has been furnished with a copy.
Judge: Proceed.
Michael: Nikki, would you please describe what this notebook contains?
Nikki: Yes. That is a journal that I kept while I was a member of Ian's cult.
David: Objection!
Michael: Communal organization.
Nikki: Well, he called it new world. I called it hell on earth. And I wrote everything down that happened. It's all in there -- my thoughts, my feelings, every sick indignity that happened to me at the hands of Ian ward. "I thought I'd finally found a place where I could be happy and feel safe for once. Ian swore to me that I would. How stupid I was to believe that bastard. I was so excited when he sent for me today, to spend time with the master alone. He said it was an honor and that he chose me because he saw something special in me. But it wasn't long before I realized what Ian really wanted. I was forced to see Ian again tonight. Every time he visits, he calls me to his bed. And I know if I refuse or lie to sumiko and say that I'm not well, I'll be punished. And I feel sick. [Voice breaking] I know this is wrong. [Crying] And I don't want to have sex with him. But he -- he tells me that this is our fate... and the path that we're meant to walk together. Tonight, I told him this has to stop. But he wouldn't listen. He grabbed me by the arm and left a bruise. [Sobbing] And then he slapped me hard across the face. Then my lip started bleeding, and I-I couldn't stop crying. I tried to scream, and he said, 'go ahead.' No one would come to my rescue or believe anything bad that I would say about him because I was the servant and he was the master. Ian loves to remind me that I have nowhere else to go, that I was found sleeping on a bench with no one to turn to. He keeps talking like I'm his salvation, saying I'll carry on his work. I-I tried to fight him off, but he pinned me down, and I couldn't get away. And so the nightmare continues, again and again." [Sobbing] I'm sorry, Michael. I'm sorry, judge. [Sniffles]
Summer: [Sighs] He's so cute. Isn't that crazy how cute he is? Oh, I have so much to tell you, mom. Austin was my first. He walked out in his towel, and we were staying in this really cheap motel room. We were on our way to Canada, and... you know what? I'm gonna save that story, 'cause I think we need something to talk about next time. I'm just really, really happy that I got to talk to you today. I just wish I knew what you were thinking about Jack and Austin and everything else I told you. I just keep hoping and praying that someday, somehow you're gonna wake up and come back to us.
Michael: According to your journal, Ian ward forced himself on you numerous times.
David: Objection. My client is not on trial here, your honor, nor has he ever been formally accused of any crime in connection with the consensual sexual relations he had with the defendant either before or after the statute of limitations ran out.
Judge: Sustained.
Michael: Thinking back to that time, from your point of view, was the sex consensual?
Nikki: Absolutely not, and I told him that until I was blue in the face, and he wouldn't listen!
David: Your honor --
Judge: You have made your point, Mr. Baldwin. Please move on.
Michael: When Ian spoke to you about being chosen, what did you think he meant by that besides carrying on his work?
Nikki: I just assumed it meant that I would have his child, because he refused to use condoms or any other kind of birth control, and I thought that's how he's taking advantage of all the other female cult members.
David: Objection.
Judge: Yes. Sustained. Please testify to only what you yourself know personally from your own experience.
Nikki: Yes, Judge.
Michael: Nikki, if you had had any idea that your baby had not been fathered by Ian ward, but was, in fact, the product of a relationship between yourself and Paul Williams --
David: Objection! Leading the witness.
Judge: I want to see where this is going.
Michael: If you had known the baby was Paul's and not Ian's, what would you have done differently?
Nikki: Oh, my God. Everything. I mean, not knowing that the baby was Paul's and giving it away to strangers...is one of the biggest regrets of my life.
Chelsea: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to unload on you like that. You must think I'm nuts.
Kevin: No. Not at all. I'm just worried.
Chelsea: About me?
Kevin: Yeah. We talked about moving on, me from Chloe, you from Adam. But this whole thing with Billy --
Chelsea: It's -- it's dead in the water. I know. Believe me.
Kevin: I wonder if there's a part of you that thought, "why don't I find this wildly inappropriate guy who can be a placeholder until Adam comes back?" But, Chelsea, that's not happening. He's gone. You have to accept it, that your husband is not coming back.
Victoria: Whatever this is, I don't have time for it.
Billy: I was right all along. This guy isn't who he says he is.
Kelly: Billy, stop it.
Billy: The hell I will. Go ahead. Tell her how you changed who you were. Tell her how you stole a dead kid's identity. And then tell her why.
Victoria: This is crazy. I don't want to hear this.
Billy: Well, that's tough, 'cause you're going to. You -- start talking.
Jack: He means it, Ben.
Stitch: [Chuckles] Come on, Victoria.
Victoria: Wait. Ben. Is there anything to this?
Stitch: Victoria...
Victoria: Ben, tell me. What's going on?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Mariah: Who should I be hanging out with? Guys like you?
Nick: You could do a lot worse.
Mariah: [Chuckles] Really?
Jack: What's it gonna be, Ben? Are you gonna fill Victoria in or am I?
David: You caused them both emotional distress --
Dylan: That's enough! Leave her alone!
Judge: I said sit down! Bailiff!
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