Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/22/14

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/22/14


Episode # 10460 ~ Victoria thinks about who would be the best father; Victor helps Phyllis.

Provided By Suzanne

Chelsea: By this time tomorrow, I will be Mrs. Adam Newman.

[Knock on door]

Kevin: Hi.

Chelsea: I thought you were in St. Louis.

Kevin: Was. Came right from the airport.

Chelsea: Well, you could have called.

Kevin: Not with news this big. I now know who stitch was before he was passing himself off as Ben Rayburn.

Victoria: That was a nice welcome home, Dr. Rayburn.

Stitch: Oh, I am so glad you're back.

Victoria: Me, too. [Sighs]

Stitch: Tired?

Victoria: Uh, yeah. I'm exhausted. So is Johnny.

Stitch: Yeah?

Victoria: I put him to sleep upstairs.

Stitch: All right. Well, then I won't stay long.

Victoria: No. Keep doing this, you could stay forever.

Stitch: [Chuckles] How's reed?

Victoria: Happy. Over the moon. Fishing, camping, hiking with all of his friends.

Stitch: Yeah. Wouldn't it be great if grown-ups had camp -- you know, just a few weeks out of the Summer, swimming, canoeing, writing letters home?

Victoria: I would sign up in a heartbeat.

Stitch: In a heartbeat?

Victoria: Mm-hmm. I did, however, get a little misty-eyed when I was saying goodbye to reed after the bus pulled away. I just can't believe how my little boy -- he's going away to sleep-away camp, you know? It was just yesterday I was swaddling him in a little blanket. Wow.

Stitch: Won't be long and you're bringing another little baby home.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. I have so much to do before then.

Stitch: Well, give me the list.

Victoria: Oh, no. Ben, no. That wasn't a hint or anything.

Stitch: Come on! No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, I am happy to help -- painting, crib assembly, trips to the doctor. I want to be here for you, Vicki. [Chuckles] Uh... what's wrong?

Victoria: I made an appointment to take the paternity test. So... after tomorrow, we'll know whose baby I'm carrying.

Victor: You've barely touched your meal, sweetheart.

Nikki: I guess I'm not very hungry.

Victor: You're distracted, aren't you?

Nikki: Well, I always am when my handsome husband is about to leave town.

Victor: I think you're worried... about this ridiculous lawsuit that Ian ward has filed against you.

Nikki: I'm not worried, really. I'm bothered. I'm bothered that my personal journal could end up being public record.

Victor: There are other tactics that I can use to make this go away.

Nikki: That journal is the only thing that will prove that I didn't intentionally mislead Ian about Dylan's paternity.

Victor: Are you afraid that you're gonna be embarrassed?

Nikki: I am gonna be embarrassed. I was so young and confused. The things that I --

Victor: Sweetheart, don't beat yourself up over this. You made the only choice you could have made under the circumstances. Remember, Dylan ended up in a very loving home.

Nikki: I know, and I am so grateful for that. But I can't stop wondering how different things could have been if I could have been in his life.

Victor: Stop wondering about that. You can't look back and say, "I wish I had done this and that." You did the only thing you could have done. Don't beat yourself up over this.

Abby: It's kind of strange, isn't it?

Kelly: My relationship with my brother? Isn't that always the case?

Abby: That you didn't tell anyone he was your brother.

Kelly: I told Jack.

Abby: Not until you had been seeing him for a while. Did you ever mention it to Billy?

Kelly: Why would I?

Abby: Because stitch is your family. You're living in the same town. Why wouldn't you bring it up?

Kelly: The obvious reasons.

Abby: Oh. You're afraid he's gonna spill something catastrophic about your past.

Kelly: Abby, I just meant that my brother and I haven't always been that close.

Abby: No. I'm betting on a deep, dark secret -- something that would paint you in a bad light.

Kelly: Or not.

Abby: It could be worse than everybody already knowing you're a homewrecker.

Traci: Abby!

Kelly: It's okay. It's nothing I haven't heard before.

Traci: I am still so very sorry. That is not something that you need to listen to when you are a guest in this house. Abby, that was rude.

Abby: I was just trying to get to know our guest a little bit better. It seems like there's a lot to learn about uncle Jack's new girlfriend.

Billy: Something troubling? Something about Summer? She's not pregnant, is she?

Jack: Oh, God. Please, no. No. Can you imagine what that would be like -- her trying to raise a child on her own after her husband's sent to prison?

Billy: That would be bad. Children need both parents, like this baby Victoria's carrying.

Jack: Victoria knows you're a wonderful father. If you are this child's father, you are going to play a role in this child's life.

Billy: I'm just more concerned about what will happen if stitch turns out to be the father. He's already got one son he hardly ever sees. What kind of guy doesn't fight for his kid to stay in the same country?

Jack: Maybe stitch couldn't fight.

Billy: Why -- why would you say that?

Nikki: Well, I don't want you to think I'm unhappy with our life.

Victor: You unhappy with me? That never crossed my mind.

Nikki: You know that I cherish the years we've had together, the family we've made. You, Nicholas, and Victoria mean everything to me.

Victor: But, sweetheart... what I don't like is that you're still bothered.

Nikki: I just wish that I could go back and make the correct assumptions about the pregnancy with Dylan. Then Ian ward wouldn't be part of our lives at all.

Victor: But, sweetheart, don't worry about what you did when you were young. Making mistakes is a privilege of youth, you know?

Nikki: It is difficult enough for me to even think about those days in the commune, much less relive them through my own words.

Victor: I don't like you to be bothered. I don't like you to be upset. That's all.

Nikki: I'll get past it.

Victor: Do me a favor. Call Michael Baldwin.

Nikki: No, Victor. I-I can't.

Victor: Then let me just deal with this the way I deal with it. Just get your journal back and then I'll take care of things.

Nikki: No, I don't like the sound of that. Let the law take care of this, Victor. I'll be fine. Now...promise me that this will be a short business trip.

Victor: If you need me, I'll stay.

Nikki: Well, I always need you, but it's not necessary. I'm going to go home and go to bed early.

Victor: Now, if you can't sleep or you worry all night, you call me, okay?

Nikki: Well, now, why would I worry when you've just convinced me there's no reason to? You go take care of business. Have a safe trip.

Victor: Okay, my sweetheart. So... I will stay overnight. I'll be back before the hearing.

Nikki: All right, darling.

Victor: Sweetheart, I don't want you to worry, all right?

Nikki: No, no. I'm fine.

Stitch: I want to be here for you, Vicki, regardless of the results of the paternity test, if that's what you want.

Victoria: I signed divorce papers, Ben, so even if Billy turns out to be the father, he and I are not getting back together.

Stitch: You sure about that?

Victoria: Yes, I'm sure. Do you doubt me?

Stitch: No. All right. Hey. Hey. All right.

Victoria: Because you should not doubt me.

Stitch: I was just kidding, all right? You don't have to prove anything to me.

Victoria: It's true, though. I need to stop looking backwards. I need to start moving forward. In fact, I think I should remove all remnants of Billy from this house -- every picture.

Stitch: No, no, no. Don't do that, okay? Johnny needs a picture of his dad around -- probably more than one.

Victoria: Yeah. Thanks. You're right.

Stitch: I hope Jenna keeps a picture of me around for max. I'd hate the little guy to think I completely disappeared.

Victoria: Does she still let you do video calls?

Stitch: Those calls are never long enough. I'm missing out on so much of my son's life. I am not gonna miss out on one minute more with another child.

Billy: What were you gonna say? Do you know why stitch lost custody of his son?

Kelly: Ben didn't lose custody of max.

Jack: Maybe we should get into this another time, okay?

Billy: He didn't even fight for custody. If that were my kid --

Kelly: Well, it's not, and the baby Victoria's carrying might not even be yours, either.

Billy: Didn't know that, Kelly. Thanks. Don't need the reminder.

Kelly: I think you do.

Jack: You know what? We should go in to dinner now.

Billy: You know what? It's okay, Jack. Kelly's got something she wants to say. Say it.

Kelly: Actually, I have something I want to ask you, Billy. How many times has Victoria begged you to drop this, and yet here you are, still prying into my brother's life?

Billy: Fine. Consider the subject dropped. But you should know that I haven't been prying. I haven't for some time.

Kelly: Thank you.

Billy: Anyway, we're supposed to be talking about you, bro. What's got you so wound up?

Jack: I care too much about my family to just remain silent.

Kelly: But is this the time or the place?

Summer: Um, do I have enough time to show Austin the rest of the house before dinner?

Kelly: Actually, that's why I came in here. Dinner is ready, and Traci asked me to tell you all to please go into the dining room.

Summer: Uh, Jack, you okay?

Jack: Yeah. Yeah. I'm great. Come on. Let's go.

Billy: Hey, hey, hey. What's going on with my brother? What -- what is it he can't keep quiet about?

Kelly: Well, Summer and his feelings about her wedding --

weddings to Austin.

Billy: Right. That must be killing Jack.

Kelly: Well, he's determined to be supportive, even if it looks like Summer could get her heart broken.

Billy: Yeah. Summer's been struggling to find her way ever since Phyllis' accident. I mean, it's hard when you lose a parent unexpectedly.

Chelsea: You know stitch's real identity? How did you dig that up?

Kevin: Well, it got a lot easier after I discovered that he and Kelly are related.

Chelsea: Her maiden name?

Kevin: Yeah. I found it when I searched for her wedding announcement.

Chelsea: Oh, smart!

Kevin: Thank you. It also led me to their hometown. So, I got off the phone with you, spent some time there, and came up with this.

Chelsea: "Chesterfield high." Ben Russell? That's stitch's real name?

Kevin: Yep.

Chelsea: Well, that's not much of a change. Why go from Ben Russell to Ben Rayburn?

Kevin: I thought the same thing, so then I did a search for "Ben Russell" and "chesterfield" and came up with this.

Chelsea: Oh, my God!

Nikki: Ian ward, leader of a spiritual group -- actually, it was a cult -- he is an evil, sick man and very dangerous. He would ask to have me brought to him over and over and over, the most degrading things. And no matter how much I fought... I already know the results. I am your mother. I was too ashamed. I-I just thought I could lock it away and never have to think about it again. He's your son, Paul. Dylan is your son.

Abby: I don't remember these family dinners being this quiet -- ever. The point is to catch up. Why isn't anyone talking?

Traci: I'm sure it's just because that we're all enjoying the lovely meal that Mrs. Martinez prepared for us.

Kelly: Yes, it is excellent.

Jack: She really outdid herself tonight.

Billy: It's great.

Summer: Yeah. It's really yummy.

Austin: Yeah, it's -- it's really good.

Abby: Now that we've exhausted that topic, on to the questions. So, Kelly, what were family dinners like for you and Ben growing up?

Jack: I'd like to know more about my new son-in-law.

Traci: Austin, tell us how you got into television production.

Austin: Well, my mother bought me a camera for my 10th birthday, and I think she was just trying to get me away from video games.

Kelly: And did she?

Austin: Definitely. From then on, I was hooked. And I've been lucky 'cause I've turned it into something that can pay my rent.

Abby: I guess now your career plans are on hold for the foreseeable future? Unless your production company wanted to do a reality show on inmates.

Summer: Abby, do you really have to bring that up right now?

Billy: Well, it's not like Abby to bite her tongue.

Abby: Like it's news that Austin might be going to prison.

Traci: Abby.

Abby: Can someone please make a list of things we can't talk about? I'm serious. I'm not saying anything that we don't all know. If your family can't be honest with you, then who will be?

Chelsea: Billy said he thought stitch was hiding something, but I never thought it was --

Kevin: Well, I probably could have stopped the search after we found out stitch was using a dead guy's name.

Chelsea: Yeah. That already proves that stitch is a liar.

Kevin: What did Billy say when you told him?

Chelsea: Um, well, I -- Billy doesn't know about the fake name because I never told him.

Kevin: Why not?

Chelsea: He told us to drop it, remember?

Kevin: Well, I know what he said, but I figured --

Chelsea: Well, that's why I didn't tell him, Kevin.

Kevin: I don't think that's why you didn't tell him.

Chelsea: Of course it is.

Kevin: Here's how the whole thing would play out. You tell Billy that stitch is up to no good. Billy tells that information to Victoria. Victoria breaks things off with stitch, leaving her free and clear to reconcile with Billy. And where would that leave you, Chelsea?

Chelsea: I'm sure you have a theory.

Kevin: Oh, I do. It would leave you all alone, that's where. And that's the last place you want to be, isn't it?

Victoria: I know it's very difficult being away from your own child every day.

Stitch: Yeah.

Victoria: You know, it kills me every time I have to say goodbye to reed at the end of a trip.

Stitch: How do you handle it?

Victoria: I just make sure that he knows that I love him. I'm sure you do the same for max, right?

Stitch: Yeah, I do. You know, there are times I get worried that he's gonna forget, you know, the things we used to do together, that he'll lose those memories.

Victoria: If this baby turns out to be yours, I'm not gonna be like Jenna. I'm not gonna prevent you from being a part of its life. I promise.

Stitch: You say that now, but, you know, there's no guarantee you'll feel that way a month or a year from now.

Victoria: I am not changing my mind, Ben. You're a good man. I have no doubts that you'll be a good father. Speaking of good, you told me that you had some exciting news in your text. So, what is it? Tell me.

Stitch: Dr. Shelby wants to submit me for chief resident.

Victoria: [Gasps] Are you kidding me?! That's big news!

Stitch: I know. It just means he's gonna throw my name in a hat with a bunch of others. It doesn't mean I'm, you know, guaranteed a job or anything.

Victoria: We need to celebrate! We should celebrate.

Stitch: Should we?

Victoria: Mom.

Nikki: Oh, I'm sorry.

Victoria: No, it's okay.

Nikki: Ohh.

Victoria: Mom?

Stitch: Whoa.

Victoria: Mom.

Nikki: I'm okay.

Victoria: What's wrong? What -- what's wrong?

Traci: Can I get anybody seconds?

Abby: I'm not being insulting.

Billy: Not intentionally.

Abby: Summer... you're a relatively new addition to this family, but you've always been a part of my family, my other family, and how many times have you watched me screw up?

Summer: A lot, I guess.

Abby: Yes, several times. And every single time, there was someone there trying to warn me, and I never listened to them. If I had, I would have avoided a world of hurt, and that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to keep you from getting hurt.

Summer: Abby, I --

Austin: Look, I love Summer. I'm not out to hurt her.

Traci: Of course not.

Austin: If this is about money, I have no intention of living off of Summer. After I've served my time, I'll go back to work, and I'll be the one to provide for my family.

Kelly: Well, I think it says a lot about you, Austin, that you're willing to be held accountable for your actions.

Abby: It'll be tough to get hired with a record.

Austin: I'll figure it out.

Summer: Jack, maybe you could offer Austin a job with Jabot.

Jack: Well, let's see how things go.

Austin: You know, that's actually okay, Mr. Abbott. I've always seen myself as more creative than corporate. I can't really picture myself in a suit and tie.

Billy: Me, either. But here I am, back in the uniform again.

Jack: Are you not happy at Jabot, Billy?

Billy: No, no. I mean, it's good for me to have some responsibility, some structure, especially with the baby on the way.

Austin: A baby? Your first?

Billy: Uh, no. No, um... I have two kids already -- had two. My -- my daughter, Delia -- she died in October. She was 7.

Austin: I'm so sorry. I had no idea.

Traci: Austin, of course you didn't. It's all right, really.

Billy: My sister's trying to make everybody feel better. But since Abby's got us all on the truth train tonight, I can be honest. Nothing's been all right since Delia died. Everything fell apart after that night.

Victoria: How are you feeling?

Nikki: I am really fine.

Victoria: You almost fainted.

Nikki: It's just -- it's just the stress of this damn lawsuit. That's all.

Stitch: Try to stay calm and call Dr. Costner if you experience any more symptoms.

Nikki: Yes, of course. I will.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Stitch: See you tomorrow?

Victoria: Yeah, after the appointment.

Stitch: Okay.

Nikki: Honey, I-I am so sorry. Obviously, you were in the middle of something.

Victoria: No. Ben was just telling me how he's being considered for chief resident.

Nikki: Oh, really?

Victoria: Yeah.

Nikki: Well, I'm not surprised. When Paul and Dylan were in the hospital, I got to see firsthand how dedicated he is to his patients.

Victoria: Yeah. Mom, is that why you're so rattled? Did something happen with Dylan or Paul?

Nikki: Oh, no, no. They're fine. They're fine. Life is just a little overwhelming right now. All right, I will tell you I have had a few M.S. flare-ups, but it is nothing to be concerned about.

Victoria: Mom...

Nikki: So, um... are you and stitch getting closer?

Victoria: I suppose.

Nikki: So, that means you're going ahead with this divorce?

Victoria: I can't trust Billy.

Nikki: And you can trust stitch?

Victoria: Absolutely. Yeah.

Nikki: It must be pretty jarring for Billy to know you're moving on.

Victoria: Billy's moving on, too. He's sleeping with Chelsea.

Chelsea: Billy and I are just friends.

Kevin: If that were true, you'd have given Billy the ammunition he needed to prove that stitch was a fraud.

Chelsea: Billy doesn't want to know all that --

Kevin: Billy wants his wife back. It's why you said you were helping him with the search in the first place -- so that Billy and Victoria could have the happy ending you didn't get to have with Adam. What's changed?

Chelsea: Everything. Everything's changed, Kevin. Two years ago today, I was standing in a kitchen in Kansas, vowing to love Adam till death do us part.

Kevin: It's your anniversary. I'm sorry.

Chelsea: In that moment, staring into Adam's eyes, I never could have thought that I would walk away from him and try to keep his child from him, but things had just gotten so bad between us. And then things got so good between us and we found our way back to one another, and we were so happy. And we had our son, and life seemed too good to be true. Turns out it was. I love him so much, but now he's gone. So, you're right, Kevin -- I don't want to be alone. And hanging out with Billy helps me to forget that this place can be so lonely without Adam in it.

Kevin: What's that?

Chelsea: It's a gift -- a gift Adam gave me on our wedding day, and I found it today, and I felt maybe it was a sign that he's still watching over me.

Kevin: Hmm. Well... you don't stop caring about somebody just because your relationship ends.

Chelsea: Like you and Chloe.

Kevin: I'm always gonna want to protect her... the same way Billy wants to protect Victoria. And that's why you have to share this information with him.

Chelsea: But, Kevin --

Kevin: Listen, stitch is not just spending time with Victoria. He's spending time with Johnny. Billy needs to know that he's dangerous.

Chelsea: Stitch would never hurt Johnny or Victoria.

Kevin: He's killed before. How do we know that he's not gonna do it again?

Victor: Hi, Dr. Burnett.

Dr. Burnett: Nice to see you.

Victor: Thank you for waiting for me. I have reached out to a Dr. Cutler in Switzerland. Are you familiar with him?

Dr. Burnett: I am aware of his experimental drug trial with coma patients.

Victor: Then you may have heard that he was able to reverse some comas in patients -- make them come out of it. All he needs now is to open a space in his trials for Phyllis, and he has agreed to do that, but he needs her medical records in order to proceed.

Dr. Burnett: He'll have it. Phyllis' family will be thrilled.

Victor: Well, that's very nice of you to say, but her family must not know anything about this.

Austin: Thank you for inviting us.

Traci: Thank you for joining us, and, Austin, welcome to the family.

Summer: Thank you for sticking up for my husband.

Jack: So, where are you two headed now?

Summer: We're gonna go get some coffee, maybe go on a little walk, and then just go home.

Traci: That sounds really nice. So, where is home now?

Austin: Oh, my place. It's about six blocks from the park.

Jack: You're not staying at your mother's penthouse?

Summer: No, not since we're married. It just feels kind of empty, and I don't really like it without mom being there. You get that, right?

Jack: I get it, but I'm not sure how good I feel about you staying at Austin's apartment downtown.

Billy: Yeah. How safe is that?

Abby: I heard there was a shooting in that building.

Summer: Um...no. It's fine. I-I'm not gonna stay at Mom's. We can't stay here, so Austin's is the only place for us to go.

Jack: Well, maybe there's something I can do about that.

Summer: What do you mean?

Jack: Don't worry about it. Just you guys drive safely. I love you.

Summer: I love you. Thank you.

Austin: Good night. Thanks for having us.

Jack: Good night.

Billy: Good night. Sorry. Didn't mean to bring down the mood.

Jack: No, you had some help -- from Abby.

Abby: I was just trying to get --

Traci: Okay, everybody. It's just -- it's fine. We have all been through a really rough year, and that's why I wanted to have this dinner tonight -- to remind each other that we will always stick together.

Abby: It's nice to have family around.

Traci: Mm-hmm.

Abby: Kelly, it must be nice having your brother in town.

Jack: Abby...

Kelly: Yes, actually. It's very nice to have Ben back in my life.

Abby: He's also in my sister's life. I was hoping that Billy and Victoria could work things out and get back together, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. So, who is this new woman in your life?

Nikki: Billy with Chelsea? Oh, my God. That must be upsetting.

Victoria: Billy and I are getting a divorce, so his sex life is no longer any of my business.

Nikki: Well, you may be about to have his baby.

Victoria: Yeah. I'll know by tomorrow. I made an appointment to take the paternity test.

Nikki: It's tomorrow?

Victoria: Yeah. Oh, mom. I can reschedule if you want for me to go to court with you.

Nikki: Oh, no, no, no, no. That is absolutely unnecessary, honey. I'm just glad that you're able to have the test. So, what outcome are you hoping for?

Victoria: Well... I think that Ben really wants this baby to be his, and I think he'd make a really good father.

Nikki: I sense a "but" coming.

Victoria: But... Billy and I tried for so long to conceive, and if I can give him this baby, maybe it would help him heal from Delia -- from her death -- and that would bring us full circle, mom.

Nikki: My darling, circles have so end, so what makes you think you and Billy will ever have one?

Jack: Hey, don't let what Abby said get to you. You have every right to move on with your life -- every right to want to be happy.

Billy: What a relief.

Jack: Hey, I'm talking to you.

Billy: Are you happy, Jack? Honestly, you don't seem it. I was talking to Kelly earlier --

Jack: What did she say?

Billy: She said that you were stressed about Summer's marriage and that -- when I mentioned Kelly just now, you got tensed up. What's going on with you two?

Jack: We're just learning a lot about each other right now.

Billy: Hey, hey, relax. It takes more than a few months to get to know a person. Just try to be honest along the way.

Jack: I'd like that.

Billy: All truth all the time, bro -- that's the only way. That is what ruined it for me and Vick. I broke her trust. Just don't make that mistake, Jack. Trust is hard to earn back.

Jack: Billy...

Billy: Yeah?

Jack: Thanks.

[Door opens, closes]

Summer: I cannot believe Abby.

Austin: She's just looking out for you.

Summer: Yeah, and my dad talking about your apartment?

Austin: He's worried about you.

Summer: Okay. And what about the whole "job at Jabot" thing?

Austin: It didn't bother me at all. I got to show your family who I really am tonight, and now that they know I'm not after your money, maybe they can relax.

Summer: You know that I don't care about what my family thinks about us, right?

Austin: Right.

Summer: I'm going to see my mom tomorrow.

Austin: You're worried about that?

Summer: No. I just really want you to go with me.

Austin: I can't leave the state while I'm on bail. Why don't you ask your dad?

Summer: No.

Austin: Okay, look -- you got to stop pushing your family away. You're gonna need them when I'm gone.

Summer: I don't really want you to talk about that, okay? I don't want you to talk about going to prison. I'm gonna miss you a lot.

Austin: Yeah, I'm gonna miss you, too. And I'm going to make the most of the time we have left together, starting right now.

Kelly: Thank you for not saying anything to Billy about what Ben did.

Jack: I fully intended to do just that.

Kelly: Why didn't you?

Jack: Because I know how much you've already been hurt, and I don't want to add to that. And...

Kelly: And?

Jack: And Billy said something to me about trust. Once you lose it, you never get it back, and I don't want you to ever regret opening up to me. We need to share with each other. We need to be able to trust each other. And I have to trust that you know how to handle your own brother.

Kelly: I'll see you tomorrow.

Traci: Jack? Did Kelly leave?

Jack: Yeah, she left, Billy left. Abby badgered 'em right out of here.

Abby: Totally justified badgering. Victoria is my sister. I have a vested interest in knowing who Billy is hooking up with. Did he give you a clue?

Jack: I didn't even ask.

Abby: Well, I know one thing -- she can't be better for him than Victoria.

Billy: Hey. Hey, Kevin. What are you doing here?

Kevin: Uh, ignoring your advice. I know you told me not to look into stitch's background --

Chelsea: Um, I'll fill Billy in. Thanks for stopping by, Kevin.

Kevin: I could stay.

Chelsea: Not necessary.

Kevin: You cannot keep this quiet.

Chelsea: I know what I have to do.

Billy: So, what was that all about? Did -- did Kevin find something else on stitch?

[Cell phone rings]

Stitch: Kelly, what's up?

Kelly: Where are you?

Stitch: Crimson lights. Why?

Kelly: I really, really need to see you.

Stitch: Did Jack ask more questions after I left?

Kelly: Of course, he asked me questions, Ben.

Stitch: What did you tell him?

Kelly: Everything.

Victoria: The lies, the cheating, the fact that we both have feelings for other people.

Nikki: Aren't you protesting a bit too much? Sounds to me like you still care very much for Billy.

Victoria: Mom, I will always love Billy. But we can't be together.

Nikki: Why not?

Victoria: [Sighs] Because we've tried how many times?

Nikki: That was before you had kids. Now you have Johnny and this new baby.

Victoria: Baby might be Ben's, mom.

Nikki: Or it could be Billy's. What if the tests prove that it's Billy's?

Victoria: That won't change anything.

Chelsea: I thought you didn't want to know what Kevin found on stitch.

Billy: Oh, I may have changed my mind -- again.

Chelsea: But if you want to get Victoria back --

Billy: I know. I need to let it go. But something weird happened at dinner.

Chelsea: Concerning stitch?

Billy: Kelly and Jack -- they were acting strange. Every time that Abby mentioned Kelly's family, she and Jack would tense up. There's something weird going on.

Chelsea: So, what -- if you found the secret, you'd run and tell Victoria? I mean, that would probably just make things worse.

Billy: Probably. But I didn't come here to harp on that.

Chelsea: Then why did you come?

Billy: To say good night.

Chelsea: There's this thing called a cell phone. What you do is you press this button --

Billy: Yeah, and if I had done that, then I wouldn't be able to do this. Good night.

Stitch: [Sighs]

Kelly: Hey.

Stitch: How could you do this again? You're my sister, Kel. I thought you regretted telling Jenna everything about everything that happened.

Kelly: I did. I-I do. I'm sorry. I know. I realize now it was not my place.

Stitch: But it was your place to tell Jack?

Kelly: I warned you that if he asked me outright that I would tell him everything, and he did.

Stitch: Come on. You couldn't just lie?

Kelly: No, I couldn't just lie. My relationship with dean fell apart because we couldn't talk to each other. We couldn't talk about our feelings. Now I finally have somebody good in my life, I am not gonna ruin it by lying to him!

Stitch: What about my life? You already blew up my marriage.

Kelly: Look, I hated you for years because of what you did. But I am trying to accept that you have paid for your crimes, okay? I am not trying to ruin your life now.

Stitch: You're not?

Kelly: No, I'm not. Trust me -- I am as surprised as you are by how protective I feel of you. I don't want to see you lose everything.

Stitch: I will, though, now that Jack knows the truth.

Kelly: You won't, because Jack had a chance to tell Billy tonight, and he didn't. So, you can go on living your life. I just hope you'll let me be a part of it.

Jack: We have no right to judge anyone that Billy's seeing. Victoria is filing for divorce. Billy's just trying to move on with his life.

Traci: And I can tell you from experience that's not so easy to do. The ink is barely dry on my own divorce papers, and the prospect of putting myself out there -- it's daunting.

Abby: You'll be fine, aunt Traci, with me as your wingwoman.

[Both laugh]

Traci: Ohh. Oh, look -- he's laughing! Jack, you're laughing! That's so nice! You deserve to be happy.

Jack: I am happy -- and blessed.

Abby: So, this thing with Kelly -- serious?

Jack: I think Kelly could be a part of my life for a very long time, yeah.

Dr. Burnett: Without the permission of the family, though, you...

Victor: Let me ask you something. Doctors do consult with one another, don't they?

Dr. Burnett: Of course. Sure.

Victor: Then there would be nothing wrong with you calling Dr. Cutler? Would there be anything wrong with that?

Dr. Burnett: But what you're suggesting isn't exactly ethical.

Victor: I mean, you obviously run, from what I've seen, an incredible medical institute here. But I also know, knowing something about hospitals, that you have to deal with the board of governors before you can make any purchase. Isn't that right?

Dr. Burnett: That's right.

Victor: So, what I'm suggesting is that I'm willing to make a sizeable endowment so that you could bypass the board of governors whenever you want to buy certain new technology. All right? So, here you go.

Dr. Burnett: What's this?

Victor: That is Dr. Cutler's number in Switzerland. Thank you, Dr. Burnett.

Dr. Burnett: You're welcome.

Victor: Baby, before you know it... we'll bring you back home.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Billy: In another few hours, we'll find out who the baby's father is.

Kevin: How about you, Stitch? Have you ever had to testify in court?

Michael: I think you're gonna be just fine.

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