Y&R Transcript Monday 7/21/14

Y&R Transcript Monday 7/21/14


Episode # 10459 ~ Billy & Chelsea's evening takes a turn; Abby & Traci hold a family dinner; Summer & Austin disagree about their future.

Provided By Suzanne

Abby: Ohh! Beautiful! [Gasps] You have the touch. That's fabulous.

Traci: Oh, thank you. Yes. I can order a floral arrangement like a pro.

[Both laugh]

Abby: No, I mean it. You always have a way of making things look beautiful and welcoming. It was one of those things that I was so used to as a kid, I didn't even notice. But now, seeing you in action -- you have a gift.

Traci: Well, thank you, sweetie. I want tonight to be special. I want our family to remember that we are always there for each other, no matter what.

Abby: No matter what and no matter who?

Summer: Here.

Austin: Oh, thank you.

Summer: So, do you think we scandalized anyone?

Austin: No one really around to scandalize, but, uh, we could go back in the pool and try it all over again.

Summer: No, no. We don't have time. We just have enough time to get ready for dinner.

Austin: Or we could skip dinner --

Summer: Okay, it's gonna be painless, I swear. Okay? We're just gonna sit around the table, talk about how great the food is, and then we're gonna go home. It's done. Boom. Over. My aunt Traci is, like, the nicest person ever, and my cousin Abby, she --

Austin: The one who can't stand me?

Summer: She can talk enough for everyone. I mean, just us showing up together -- it's gonna prove to them that we're a real couple, okay?

Austin: Which they don't want us to be.

Summer: They're trying -- okay? -- Or else they wouldn't have invited us. Okay? The first time that I sat around that table was the first time that I felt like I was part of the Abbott family. I think my only job was to get orange juice, and I nailed it.

Austin: I don't think I'm gonna be feeling like part of the Abbott family anytime soon.

Summer: We're married, okay? Like, "vows and rings and eternal love" marriage. And the Abbotts are officially now your family, too. So, no, you're not gonna feel like part of the group right away, but maybe by the time we have our first baby, you will.

Austin: Oh. [Chuckles] Baby?

Abby: How formal are we going for with the seating? Couples across the table instead of side by side? Huh? Not that I want Summer and Austin even in the same room. Could we put him in the pool house? Would that be rude?

Traci: Stop. We are not going to split those kids up, at the table or anyplace else, although it might be a good idea to put Austin by Billy and not Jack.

Abby: Well, I wish I could put Victoria next to Billy.

Traci: He wishes the same thing. But Billy is who he is and does what he does, and right now, he's having to learn to live with the results.

Chelsea: Oh, my God!

Stitch: Seriously? This is how you recover from major surgery?

Dylan: What are you, a doctor?

Stitch: [Chuckles] I'm not kidding, man. You shouldn't be here.

Dylan: Don't worry. I'm gonna take it easy. Are you gonna order some coffee, or are you gonna keep playing mother hen?

Stitch: I should order for every resident at memorial -- frothing drinks with foam and stuff.

Dylan: You should do it.

Stitch: Yeah, get cocky with your recovery.

Dylan: You do that, 'cause you know what? I need the income. I have to pay my medical bills. 200 bucks in aspirin, stitch?! Are you kidding me?!

Stitch: It's good aspirin. What do you want?

Avery: What is wrong with you? You're working? And what is wrong with you for encouraging him?

Dylan: "A," hello. "B," I love you. And, "c," if stitch tells me to pack it up and go home, I will do that because I trust this guy with my life.

Jack: Please, Kelly, trust me. Tell me what happened.

Kelly: My brother... is a murderer.

Jack: Well, things happen in combat. Things happen in the operating room. Murder's a different thing. Murder is --

Kelly: No, Jack. It was one man, one night. It wasn't an accident or self-defense. My brother killed a man.

Jack: Oh, my God.

Kelly: See? I told you my saying it wasn't gonna make it any better. You knowing doesn't make it go away. It's just horrible, and there's no way to fix it.

Jack: But you were brave enough to tell me this much. Now you have to tell me the rest.

Kelly: Ohh. Isn't that enough?

Jack: The worst part is over.

Kelly: No, it's not... 'cause now I have to tell you who he killed, and that is the worst part of all.

Traci: Well, that will be perfect, and I would like to go on record right now predicting a happy and healing family dinner.

Abby: Mm.

Traci: [Laughs] We'll see.

Abby: Yeah. [Chuckles] [Sighs]

Summer: What, you thought...? No, no, no, no. I'm not -- I'm not pregnant. No. I meant, you know, later, years from now.

Austin: Even still, I mean, years from now, kids?

Summer: Yeah. I mean, I know six is insane, but it's kind of what I always wanted. But three -- three is okay.

Austin: Three?

Summer: Yeah, you know, like two years apart -- you know, like the double stroller. Aw, I think it's so cute!

Austin: Double stroller?

Summer: Uh-huh.

Austin: Maybe even a minivan?

Summer: No, not a minivan. Just like a three-row S.U.V. Is cool.

Austin: You've thought about this, like, a lot.

Summer: No, not...a lot -- like, just enough. Why? You never thought about having kids?

Austin: God, no. That came out wrong. Um...what I meant was...

Summer: Yeah?

Austin: I just never really thought about, you know, being a dad, changing diapers. I mean, before my mom passed, I was always about going to film school, being a director, going to New York or Hollywood.

Summer: Swimming pools and gorgeous girls. I can see it now.

Austin: I have the swimming pool and the only gorgeous girl I'll ever need.

Traci: All right. Where would you like to sit, Abby? Abby? Abby.

Abby: Uh...Tyler changed his FacePlace status to "single."

Traci: Ohh. The modern etiquette of romance and all of your personal details on blast, as they say. I'm so sorry, sweetie.

Abby: No, it's -- it's fine. He's just stating a fact. He is single. I am single. We were together, and now we are both single.

Traci: Well, it's not really a curse being single, you know? I mean, it's just a reality. It's just a simple fact of life.

Abby: Oh, my God. He was tagged in a bar with a bunch of hot women. How pathetic. Yeah, Tyler, we know hot women flock to you, and stalkers like Mariah. Congratulations.

Traci: Okay. I think maybe that's enough for today. This is not doing you any good. Tonight is about celebrating the people that support you. This is not about obsessing over people who have failed you in some way, right? That's on them, not on us, okay?

Abby: You're right. I'm gonna go check on Mrs. Martinez and the food. And, hey, I'm not eating my feelings away. I am simply checking on the food.

Traci: I understand, okay? [Laughs] [Sighs] No, that's silly.

Abby: Aunt Traci, what about the, uh -- were you about to check Steve's FacePlace account?

Traci: [Sighs] Well, um, I have to admit I didn't even think about a status change until just now, and I was a little curious.

Abby: Yeah, but you didn't do it. You didn't check it. You're so much more brave and stronger than I am.

Traci: [Laughs] No, I'm just older and a little more tired.

Abby: You are the smartest woman that I know. I think everyone just focuses on how nice you are. You are the sweetest -- you're like a warm hug that makes everybody feel better. But you're tough, too. And you've been through things that would crush most people. And I know that I will never be as good as you, but I hope one day I can be as strong.

Traci: That's so sweet. [Sniffles] What a lovely thing to say.

Abby: I mean it.

Traci: I have something else lovely that I recently heard. I would like to share with you. Men are a luxury, not a necessity.

Abby: That is brilliant. Where did you hear that?

Traci: Uh, Cher.

[Both laugh]

Abby: Okay. Even better. Yeah, that cuts right to the heart of it. Men aren't a necessity. I mean, we don't need them. We're not gonna collapse in a heap without them.

Traci: No, my darling. We certainly are not. [Sighs]

Kelly: After all of that, uh... to find out that we were both in the same town, trying to stay out of each other's lives -- I mean, I hated him.

Jack: That's understandable.

Kelly: I just didn't understand how he had a right to go on with his life. I was just so angry at -- at him and at myself for knowing him, worse for being related. You know, all the times that I said I've got to get out of town, you know, part of it was because of all the stupid mistakes that I had made, but also, part of it was because I just didn't want to see his face -- you know, watch him smile and get on with his life.

Jack: Thank you. Thank you for telling me all this.

Kelly: But, Jack, do you think maybe that you see me differently now that you know what my brother's done?

Jack: No, no, no, no, no. I look at you, and I see you. I look at stitch... Billy was right! It wasn't jealousy. It wasn't paranoia. Stitch was keeping a secret.

Kelly: Yes, I know. We both know. And I'm so sorry, Jack. I'm so sorry. I never meant to shut you out.

Jack: I've got to find Billy. I got to tell him this.

Kelly: No, no, no, no, no. You can't do that. You cannot say a word.

Billy: Chelsea, call 911.

Sorry. Sorry. Maintenance. I didn't know you guys were -- I'm sorry.

Billy: Yeah, sure, you are, jackass.

I came to check on the mold a couple months back. I guess it was your mom here with a baby. Cute kid.

Chelsea: Uh, y-yeah. I-I guess. Okay.

Billy: "Okay"? That's it?

Chelsea: Well, what do you want me to say?

Billy: I don't know. How 'bout "what the hell are you doing just walking in like that?"

Chelsea: He's right. I mean, you can't just come in here.

I thought the super said you were out.

Billy: Well, clearly, the super was wrong.

I came to see if you have that same buzz other residents have complained about. I can come back later.

Billy: Yeah, and next time, wait for somebody to answer the door.

Chelsea: And there was a buzzing. There was some buzzing in my son's room, but I haven't heard it recently.

Maybe I should check it out. Things like that can pop back up at the worst time.

Avery: I didn't mean to go off on you guys.

Dylan: Yes, you did.

Avery: You're right. I did.

Stitch: I get it. You're in love. Whatever it takes to keep that person safe -- you do what you got to do.

Dylan: What do you need me to do -- bench-press the espresso machine to let you know that I'm okay?

Stitch: Yeah. Hey, you have my word, Avery -- he's doing okay. Plus, keeping him cooped up at home might make him a little nutty, like a wolf caught in a trap, gnawing off his own foot.

Avery: That's very reassuring, stitch. Thank you. But I would like to shove you in a car and take you home.

Dylan: No. I'm okay.

Barton: McAvoy. You look well.

Dylan: Thank you. Is that your professional opinion?

Barton: If it helps, sure.

Dylan: Yeah, it does help. Professional opinion.

Avery: Yeah, I heard the first time.

Barton: Dr. Rayburn, you have a moment?

Stitch: Sure. Of course.

Barton: Privately, please. Excuse us.

Stitch: Dr. Shelby. What can I do for you?

Barton: I've heard some rumors about you. I need to find out if they're true.

Jack: You don't want me to tell Billy that your brother is a murderer? He's alone with Victoria all the time, with Johnny. Who knows what stitch would do?

Kelly: No, I swear to you, Jack, Billy's family is not in danger, okay? Nobody is. Ben is not the same man that he was. Look, I'll never understand what he did or why he did it, but my brother is different now.

Jack: How do you know that? You just finished telling me he would lie about his name. A short while ago, you didn't want to be in the same room with him. Now you're defending him?

Kelly: Well, I missed him. I missed him, okay? I hated what he did. I hated who he was. But it's different now.

Jack: Because you forgive him?

Kelly: No, I don't forgive him. I will never forgive him. But having my brother in my life -- it matters to me. Look, I mean, he's paid for what he's done. He has served his time. The life that he has built -- I mean, it's a good life doing good things. It's more than anybody could have hoped for.

Jack: Even if that's true...

Kelly: It is!

Jack: ...It doesn't mean Billy doesn't deserve to know.

Kelly: Jack, do you remember when I first came to town and I told you that I'd lost everything -- I'd lost my son, my marriage, myself? I also lost my brother. Please don't make me lose my brother again over this.

Jack: So, that's it? I'm just supposed to keep this secret from the people I love? I'm not sure I can do this.

Kelly: I understand how hard it is to keep a secret. That's why you asked me to share it with you, and so I did. And I trusted you. And now that I have, please trust me. Keep the secret and don't make me lose my brother over it.

Jack: Kelly, I know you're trying to protect your brother. Billy is my brother.

Chelsea: It's the nursery. You'll see it on the left.

I remember. Thanks.

Billy: [Sighs] What kind of idiot walks in without knocking? Hey. Hey, it's okay. He's not an ax murderer, or at least I think he's not, especially since when the hot young couple is just about to have sex, that's usually when they get skewered, and we didn't, so we're good.

Chelsea: I didn't think he was a murderer.

Billy: What, then?

Chelsea: It doesn't matter.

Billy: Come on, Chels.

Chelsea: I know how it sounds -- all right, okay? -- Before you say anything, but... [Sighs] When I heard a sound and I looked up and saw a man standing there, before I saw his face, my first thought was... "Adam's home."

Avery: I got that.

Dylan: Wait. What?

Avery: Yeah.

Dylan: Is that why you went to law school -- to wipe down countertops?

Avery: Well, if it'll get you to set down or, better yet, lie down...

Dylan: Nah, I did too much of that after Afghanistan. Avery, I can handle this, plus I got two doctors out on the patio in case I pass out.

Avery: That is not funny. Why do you do that?

Dylan: Ow!

Avery: Oh, my God. I'm s--

Dylan: No, I'm just kidding.

Avery: That's not funny, either.

Dylan: Okay. How 'bout if I promise to stop trying to be funny if you stop trying to make me go home?

Leslie: Oh, there you are. Um, I have news. Oh, sorry I'm -- I'm interrupting. You look well, Dylan.

Dylan: Thank you. I feel good.

Leslie: Uh, can we speak in private?

Avery: Yeah, of course, if we need to.

Dylan: Uh, is something up? 'Cause usually you guys just talk business as if I'm not here, unless -- unless it's confidential.

Avery: Is it?

Leslie: Um...no. No. It will be public record soon, so.

Avery: Go on.

Leslie: The judge is not allowing a change of venue for Austin's trial. He'll be tried here in Genoa City.

Dylan: Well, that's -- that's good.

Leslie: Yeah. Well, given Christine's relationship with the victim, she'll have to recuse herself.

Dylan: Who's gonna handle the case for the prosecution?

Leslie: One of her junior ADAs.

Dylan: Mm, that's just great. A guy shoots a cop, and some kid out of law school is gonna try to convict him.

Avery: Okay. There are plenty of good lawyer in the DA's office.

Dylan: Yeah, but they're not Christine. She's invested in the case. She would have done everything in her power to send Austin to prison. Now it's gonna be easier for him to get a pass.

Stitch: Whatever you've heard about me --

Barton: Insightful, attentive, intuitive -- those are the things I've heard about you. So, I ask you, is it true?

Stitch: [Chuckles] Who said that?

Barton: Your direct supervisors, nursing staff, other residents... me.

Stitch: Yeah. I hope it's true. [Chuckles]

Barton: You looked worried there for a minute. Anything I should know?

Stitch: I might have swiped a power bar or two from the residents' lounge. [Chuckles] Honestly, uh... being a doctor means the world to me. There was a time when I didn't think it would happen, but making a person on a good day, saving a life on a great one -- I can't imagine doing anything else with my life.

Barton: Good. How'd you like to be chief resident?

Stitch: [Scoffs]

Kelly: Jack, I have lost so much, but so has Ben. To shred everything that he's done, everything that he's made of his life --

Jack: All based on lies. I'm not trying to hurt your brother. I'm not passing judgment, handing out punishment. Victoria has been a part of my family life for years, first as my stepdaughter, then as my sister-in-law. How can I know and not tell her?

Kelly: Ben loves Victoria. She has given him a kind of peace that has been missing in his life -- happiness and hope and someone to care for. What about Jenna and max? I mean, they were safe with him.

Jack: As soon as Jenna found out the truth, she left him -- moved halfway across the world. Shouldn't Victoria be allowed to make the same decision?

[Cell phone rings]

Jack: Trace, I know. I'm running a little late.

Traci: Jack, come home already!

Abby: Let's get this party started!

Traci: Yeah! This isn't just a normal family dinner. Come on! Hurry up!

Jack: Of course. I'm on my way. We have to get to dinner. We're late.

Kelly: I have to know what you're gonna do, Jack.

Jack: I don't know. Right now, I'm gonna go have dinner.

Kelly: And after that?

Jack: After that, I don't know. I don't know what to do with any of this information. I do know one thing -- it changes everything.

Billy: Yes. Party started. I hear you, Abby. I'm coming. What did I just say? Would you stop talking? Thank you. Bye. Hey, guess what.

Chelsea: You have to leave.

Billy: Abbott family dinner -- not that I wouldn't rather stay here.

Chelsea: Just make sure you take both your socks this time.

Billy: If I left one behind, could I come back and get it later -- maybe bring you some dessert?

Chelsea: Nah, you can ply me with sweets some other time.

Billy: I look forward to it. [Sighs]

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Billy: Oh. Wait a second. Do you want me to wait until this guy's gone? You know, I'll just call Abby.

Chelsea: No, no. No, no. It's fine. Besides, Abby will kill you.

Billy: That I can take. You're sure you're cool with him being here?

Chelsea: I'm good. I promise. And, by the way, I'm not delusional. That thing about Adam -- that was just a weird moment of me forgetting about the past few months. Trust me -- I know Adam's never coming home.

Chelsea: Did you find anything?

Wiring is solid. Nothing out of the ordinary. We're still checking our other units. If we find a glitch, I'll need to follow up here.

Chelsea: Okay, sure. Just make sure you knock next time. Don't use the key and just come in.

Yeah, sorry about that. Like I said --

Chelsea: The super. I know.

My apologies again if I blew your evening. You changed things up since I was here -- moved stuff around.

Chelsea: Yeah. Sometimes change is good.

Austin: [Sighs]

Summer: And somehow we still haven't changed for dinner.

Austin: Well, we're still on our honeymoon. I'm pretty sure that clothes are forbidden. We're only allowed swimwear, a pool, and a bed.

Summer: Mm. Yeah -- plus going to my dad's house for dinner.

Austin: That's a mood-killer.

Summer: I'm sorry. Okay? We're gonna have a real honeymoon someday, I promise.

Austin: Yeah, maybe backpack through Costa Rica, hike the Inca trail.

Summer: Backpacking and hiking?

Austin: That doesn't sound fun?

Summer: It just sounds... dirty. I'm sorry to sound like Abby, but I would like to wash my hair more than once a week, you know? You're an adventure guy?

Austin: You're a hotel girl?

Summer: Look at how much we're learning about each other. We're on our own adventure with no backpacks needed.

Austin: What? Come on. You were the girl who was gonna run off to Canada with me.

Summer: Yeah, and I'm pretty sure that they have showers there.

Austin: And I'm pretty sure that I could join you.

Summer: Mm. And, somehow, our different versions of a honeymoon don't seem to matter anymore.

Austin: Hmm. Good news, bad news, 'cause it doesn't really matter. I'm gonna be in prison anyway.

Summer: Don't. Stop. Don't say that. Leslie is fighting for you, and she's gonna make sure that everyone understands why you did what you did.

Austin: What if she can't? Or what if they don't care and they just lock me up anyway?

Summer: Then I'll wait for you. And we can compromise by hiking in between 5-star hotels.

Austin: Summer, you have a life.

Summer: Yeah, and it's with you. Okay? When you find your soul mate, that's all that matters. Okay?

Austin: Yeah.

Abby: I've arranged one family dinner, and, suddenly, no one can tell time, once again abandoned by men. I'm sorry. I didn't mean you. I meant me. And it's not like I'm pining. I mean... don't listen to me about anything.

Traci: Abby, it's gonna be all right. I know you're scared. But there's going to be another man -- probably a few. Some of them will make you laugh. Some of them will make you crazy.

[Both chuckle]

Traci: And one of them will be the one.

Abby: But we agreed -- men aren't a necessity.

Traci: No! Of course they're not a necessity, but they're certainly nice to have around, you know? Someone to lean against on the sofa when you're watching a movie, somebody who brings you an iced tea before you even know that you're thirsty.

Abby: Aunt Traci...

Traci: Abby, you're going to find a man who fits, and you'll know it because it will feel right, just like you knew when things were not right with Tyler.

Abby: I think you're giving me too much credit. I mean, I thought Tyler was the perfect guy for me, and I walked away. So, I either screwed up leaving him or picking him at all. How can I be trusted with any romantic decisions?

Traci: No. No. Just because a relationship ended doesn't mean you screwed it up. It means it ended. You know, I hate that, when they say that a marriage failed. It just doesn't work anymore, you know? It doesn't mean that it wasn't good and real while it lasted. Abby, you're so much stronger now and so much more mature. You're a wonderful, wonderful young lady -- even more wonderful than when you met Tyler.

Abby: But I was happy. And I want to be happy again.

Traci: You will be, I promise.

Abby: And you will, too.

Traci: Oh, sweetie.

[Doorbell rings]

Abby: Ohh. How formal -- ringing the doorbell. It's kind of cute.

Traci: [Laughs]

Abby: [Sighs]

Abby: Hi. My uncle Jack's not here. I'll tell him you stopped by.

Jack: I was getting the mail. Please, Kelly, come in to my home.

Traci: Kelly, hello. It's so great to see you. I'm so glad you could join us.

Kelly: Thank you. Thank you so much. So -- so am I.

Abby: Aunt Traci, can we talk about the canapés, please?

Traci: Um...

Abby: You invited her?

Traci: Um...

Abby: Kelly shouldn't be here. Billy's coming.

Traci: Billy is a grown man, and so is Jack. Honey, I didn't invite her, but Jack can have anyone he wants to to dinner.

Abby: Family dinner, "family" being the key word.

Traci: Okay. Maybe your uncle Jack is making a statement, then, about who he considers to be family. Now, you -- behave yourself. I mean it. Um, can I get you anything to drink?

Kelly: Oh, uh, water would be fine. Thank you. Everything looks lovely.

Traci: Oh, thank you. Just wait till you taste dinner. Mrs. Martinez is an absolute genius. So, you guys just relax. Abby and I will take care of all of the details.

Jack: Thanks, trace.

Traci: Okay.

Kelly: [Sighs] I don't know -- I don't know how you expect me to act normal when my brother's future is at risk.

Jack: I'm a little more concerned that my sister-in-law's safety has been at risk all this time.

Kelly: I told you that you wouldn't be able to deal with it, but you begged me to trust you.

Jack: Yeah, I did. But the news you told me was a little more than I expected, and I don't have any answers right now -- no easy answers. I'm sorry.

[Door opens]

Kelly: If that's Billy --

Jack: Ohh. I wish it were.

Kelly: She needs your support, Jack.

Jack: Hey, there! Look at you! You've been out by the pool, haven't you?

Summer: Hello.

Jack: Hi.

Summer: Hi.

Austin: It's pretty great at the athletic club. It's nice to see you again, sir.

Jack: I didn't realize you'd be joining us.

Summer: It's a family dinner, and Traci invited me and my husband.

Abby: Of course she did.

Traci: Austin, we're so glad that you could come, and I know that there are kind of a lot of Abbotts all in one place, but don't worry -- you'll get used to us. [Chuckles]

Austin: Maybe I shouldn't be here. I could just go --

Summer: Uh, dad, aunt Traci, Abby, Kelly, thank you for tonight -- inviting me and my husband to dinner. You know, it's kind of funny. Austin's kind of replaced me as the newest member of the Abbott family, and I'm just really glad that he could be here to see why I love you guys so much.

Avery: There's no way stitch would sign off on you getting this upset.

Dylan: All right. I'm calm now.

Avery: No, you're not.

Dylan: All I'm saying is it just seems like everyone wants to give this Austin kid a free pass for what he did. I get it -- he misses his mom. You know what? We all miss somebody. We don't shoot the chief of police because of it.

Leslie: It wasn't intentional.

Dylan: So, the bullets just hopped in the gun themselves? Doesn't that matter?

Leslie: Intent matters. State of mind matters, as does remorse.

Dylan: So, if someone can shoot the chief of police and say, "hey, my bad," and you're gonna try to give him a free pass? Is that what you're saying?

Leslie: Okay. For the record, I took this case because my partner asked me to, but I guess that's beside the point. Everyone has right to legal counsel. I mean, you know how the world works, and for you to pretend you don't, I really don't buy it. You have a personal stake in this. I totally get that. But I really think that it's time for you to stop attacking me for being good at what I do.

Avery: Okay. I understand, Dylan, why you're upset, and you see Austin behind bars as justice. But the law makes allowances that you might not be willing to make -- for me, for Paul. And Leslie is just doing her job.

Dylan: You know what? I guess it's just easy to hide behind the whole lawyer thing, like how you knew Ian wasn't my father and didn't tell a soul until Paul almost died.

Leslie: That fell under attorney-client privilege.

Avery: Which she broke for Paul's sake. She put her entire career on the line.

Dylan: Yeah, just like you when Nikki told you I was her son. You know, I guess attorneys get to keep all the secrets, no matter what else everyone else deserves to know.

Leslie: You know what? I wanted to give you an update, and now I have, so...

Avery: Thank you.

Leslie: You know, I'm not about to stop working for a client because it offends you. Now that we know where each other stands, I mean, we don't need to do this again.

Dylan: [Sighs] I'm sorry.

Avery: [Sighs] You need to let the law take care of Austin and let me take care of you and stop blaming Leslie for the nature of defense law. It's not fair, especially -- I did ask her to take on this case.

Dylan: I'm not mad at Leslie, and I'm not mad at you. I'm just mad at myself.

Traci: Okay, Austin. We have some with meat and some without, but don't worry -- as soon as we know what they are, we'll have all your favorite foods.

Summer: Yes, that's next on the list of things I have to ask him -- his favorite foods.

Austin: Yeah, right after favorite color.

Summer: Yes, and flower.

Austin: Wow.

Summer: [Laughs] Yes. Uh, do you want a tour of the house?

Austin: Uh, yeah. That'd be great.

Summer: Okay.

Traci: That's a great idea, Summer. Don't forget the pool and the garden.

Summer: Okay.

Traci: Okay.

Summer: We can do this, okay?

Austin: Yeah.

Jack: You're a terrific aunt. You know that?

Traci: Every member of this family has made their mistakes. I think that we're the last who should judge so harshly.

Jack: Can I still judge Steve harshly for not working harder at keeping your marriage together?

Traci: No! We are not gonna be talking about that this evening, either. Instead, we are going to be cheerful and welcoming, and we want to make sure that Kelly and Austin know we're so happy that you've joined us. And if that was too subtle, be nice to your son-in-law.

Abby: Does he still count as a son-in-law if he goes to prison?

Kelly: Well, if he owns what he did, admits it, and regrets it, goes on to make a good life as a good person, then I don't think it's fair to judge him anymore.

Abby: We're not talking jaywalker. We're talking about a would-be killer.

Traci: Um... listen, I think I could use another cocktail.

Kelly: Oh, I think I'll join you.

Traci: Please. Right this way.

Kelly: Thank you.

Abby: I guess we could use another place setting.

Jack: Abby... [Sighs]

Billy: Hey. Sorry I'm late. What did I miss?

Jack: [Sighs]

You know your wife. That handkerchief is doing the trick. It should remind her of your original wedding anniversary, just like you said. And I say that kills the mood for her and Billy Abbott.

Avery: Dylan, please don't go backwards. Please don't blame yourself for what happened to Paul. You went to save me, and you saved Paul's life.

Dylan: I don't want to go backwards. Look, I'm just saying that [Sighs] I didn't turn out to be an architect like I wanted or someone who changes the world, like I'd hoped when I joined the military. You know, nothing is what I thought it would be, least of all me. But I've been through so much. And you are the only constant in my life.

Leslie: Congratulations.

Stitch: I'm not chief resident yet, so...

Leslie: Uh, well, you know what they say -- it's an honor to even be nominated.

Barton: Well, it's also better to get the job. Well, I like your chances. Coffee to celebrate. I'll get the round.

Leslie: Don't bother Dylan just now. He's got a lot going on.

Stitch: What happened? Is he okay?

Leslie: Oh, he's fine and healthy and furious with me for keeping something from him. You know, but I guess that's how secrets work. Normally, the last to know is very angry.

Kelly: Excuse me. I'll just go find Jack.

Abby: Kelly, wait. Uh, I wanted to ask you a question. So, wow -- stitch is your brother.

Kelly: Is that a question?

Abby: No, but it's not the kind of thing people usually lie about. So, why did you? Why the big secret?

Billy: Come on, Jack. How bad can one dinner be?

Jack: It's not dinner, Billy.

Billy: Okay. So, what's wrong?

Jack: I got some news -- nothing I ever expected.

Billy: Right. So, we'll deal with it together. Tell me what you heard.

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