Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/15/14

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 7/15/14


Episode # 10455 ~ Devon & Hilary get busted; Victor wonders why Mariah is at Nick & Sharon's house.

Provided By Suzanne

Proofread By Akpene

Summer: Austin's out on bail. You can't just walk in here --

Harding: Can you step aside, please?

Summer: No.

Austin: Summer, it will be all right. Just get Leslie to straighten things out.

Summer: No, this is wrong.

Sharon: Noah and Courtney went to the station to find out what's going on.

Nick: That's good.

Harding: We know what's going on. He shot a cop, he thought he'd get away with it, he won't.

Jack: On what charge is Austin being re-arrested?

Harding: Like I said, he violated the terms of his bail.

Nick: Committing what crime?

Harding: Fraud.

Nick: What kind of fraud?

Summer: That's not true.

Sharon: How is that possible?

Harding: Well, considering that we're in a church and you're dressed for a wedding, I'm guessing you did.

Summer: Jack, please, do something.

Harding: Oh, he already did. Mr. Abbott's the one who tipped off the D.A. about this bogus wedding and how, it's just a sham so that you don't have to testify against your new supposed husband.

Jack: But -- but I thought --

Harding: Well, you thought we were gonna drag your daughter out of here.

Nick: What?!

Jack: I talked to Christine on the phone.

Harding: It's all been taken care of. There will be no charges against Summer.

Summer: Yeah, and there should be no charges against Austin either.

Harding: Mr. Abbott, this is your lucky day. You wanted your daughter away from this punk. You're getting your wish. Now, if you'll step aside...

Mariah: Hello?

[Knock at door]

Mariah: You don't look surprised to see me.

Victor: I'm not.

Mariah: Are you having me watched?

Victor: Nicholas told me that he'd given you the key to his house. This house is on my property, so I'm obviously aware that you're here.

Mariah: What do you want?

Victor: What do I want? To talk to my son.

Mariah: Nobody else is here.

Victor: Well, I'll wait him until he comes back.

Mariah: Great. Knock yourself out.

Victor: Hold it just one minute, will you? While I'm waiting, you and I should discuss a few things.

Neil: You want to answer why you keep dancing around like this?

Cane: I didn't know that's what I was doing.

Neil: Yeah, that's exactly what you're doing when it comes to discussions about my wife. You keep vacillating. One minute, you're supporting my choices, the next you're questioning them.

Cane: Listen, that is not my intention.

Neil: I'm your father-in-law. We're family. If you've got something to say, just come out and say it.

Cane: Are you sure this is what Hilary really wants?

Neil: I just told you. Hilary's dream is to have a house like this.

Cane: I'm not talking about the house.

Hilary: Please. Don't go.

Devon: Why not?

Hilary: Genoa City's your home. You belong here.

Devon: Okay. Are these your clothes or not?

Hilary: No. Tell me why you're really going.

Devon: 'Cause there's got to be more to life than this. That's why.

Hilary: How can you say that when you have so much?

Devon: Why does it always come back to the money?

Hilary: That's not what I'm talking about.

Devon: I can afford to go and see the world, so why not do that?

Hilary: Globetrotting and slacking off -- that's your goal in life?

Devon: Well, why not? I mean, really. Nothing and no one is tying me down here.

Hilary: It's so sudden. You're taking off so soon. You're making this huge decision. Why?

Devon: I just have to go.

Hilary: Be honest. Okay, if it has nothing to do with me, then just tell me --

Devon: All right, fine. It has everything to do with you.

Hilary: But you just said that --

Devon: I know what I said. You want me to be honest. This is me being honest.

Hilary: [Sighs]

Devon: Why don't you be honest with me now too and tell me why you really want me to stay?

Neil: What exactly is it that you think that my wife wants that I'm not giving to her?

Cane: Look, you move too fast, you get too settled --

Neil: If Hilary and I didn't want to settle down, we'd be living together instead of being married.

Cane: Do you think that Hilary's ready for this kind of responsibility?

Neil: [Scoffs] What are you saying?

Cane: Well, you might be, but is she? I mean, she has a career she wants to pursue.

Neil: Do you really think that I'm gonna lock her away in this house and throw away the key?

Cane: No, I'm not saying that. I just don't understand why you have this need to move so fast.

Neil: You think that I'm overcompensating because Hilary's younger than I am.

Cane: No, I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that.

Neil: Okay, because this house -- it isn't about me. It's about Hilary's longing for stability, for a place that's not mine or hers but ours.

Cane: But then why didn't you feel the need to include her in selecting the house?

Neil: Because it's my gift to her. Not just a house -- a home. A home that she's never had before. And as much as this house is gonna make her happy, man, it's gonna make me happier to be able to give it to her.

Cane: So, you're assuming that this is what she wants without discussing it with her?

Neil: I appreciate the advice, but I really didn't ask you for it.

Cane: All right, listen, I don't mean to intrude. I really don't, okay?

Neil: And for the record, I know exactly what I'm doing here. I have chosen Hilary to be my wife. There is everything right with planning for our future together.

Lily: Wow. I swear there's no escaping her. When I'm not seeing Hilary, I'm hearing about her.

Neil: Okay, have you seen Hilary in the club anywhere?

Lily: No, I haven't seen her, not since she left with Devon.

Hilary: I want you to stay because a lot of people here -- they depend on you.

Devon: People? Plural?

Hilary: Yes.

Devon: Like who?

Hilary: Like...

Devon: You must be talking about the club. But don't worry, 'cause I'm very confident that the club will thrive in my absence, and I think that Lily and Cane will do just fine without me being here.

Hilary: I'm not talking about the club.

Devon: Okay. Who are you talking about, then?

Hilary: Your family. You know, your father, for one. Your sister, your nieces, your nephews, your baby brother Moses.

Devon: That's a long list. And someone's missing.

Hilary: You know, when I did all that research on Neil's family, I read about you, about how you got into all of this trouble when you were a teenager.

Devon: And then Neil and Dru took me in. My dad is good at that -- making a home and making you feel wanted.

Hilary: You have a life now full of a long list of people... who love you.

Devon: I'm not leaving forever.

Hilary: Really? It's just gonna be like a few weeks?

Devon: It's gonna be for however long it takes to get over you.

Hilary: Don't say that.

Devon: Because right now, it is killing me to know that you chose the wrong guy.

Hilary: Don't.

Devon: And it's killing me that I feel the way I do about my father's wife.

Hilary: Please, Devon.

Devon: And it's killing me to stand in this room with you right now knowing that you have feelings for me, too.

Hilary: [Sighs]

Devon: Why am I gonna stay here and torture myself when nothing's gonna change?

Hilary: Maybe it will.

Victor: I'd like you to answer some questions.

Mariah: What do you want to know?

Victor: How did you come to share a house with my son and with Sharon when not too long ago you tried to gaslight her?

Mariah: Sharon took an interest in me.

Victor: Oh, yeah? Then she invited you to be a house guest?

Mariah: The place that I was staying -- let's just say my circumstances changed.

Victor: Uh-huh. And Nicholas approved of this?

Mariah: I was surprised, but Nick didn't completely hate the idea of me moving in here.

Victor: Really?

Mariah: It's funny how things work sometimes. I got a job and a sweet setup. Sharon got Nick. And you... oh, that's right. You never did get that secret that you were looking for -- the one that Sharon was hiding from Nick, the one that was gonna hurt him?

Victor: Yes, and I tried to get you to unearth it. Paid you a lot of money to do that, but you didn't.

Mariah: Things work out that way sometimes. Hey, the last time that I ran in to you...

Victor: Mm-hmm?

Mariah: ...You said something about paying me if I was still useful to you.

Victor: Did I do that?

Mariah: And now, here I am. I'm getting closer to Sharon. I'm living under her roof. I might be in a position to finish the job you initially hired me for.

Harding: Hands behind your back, Travers.

Austin: Summer, I'll be fine.

Summer: No.

Jack: This isn't necessary, detective.

Harding: You don't want to interfere, Mr. Abbott.

Jack: This is a mistake that I set in motion. I was an overactive parent trying to keep his daughter a child, and I overcompensated. Look, this is not fraud. There is no false pretense here. These two are getting married because they love each other.

Summer: Yes, we do.

Austin: It's the truth.

Jack: The only reason for this marriage is to commit themselves to each other before his trial and eventual incarceration.

Harding: Come on. You know how many times I've seen this before?

Jack: Seen what, exactly?

Harding: This. A father who ticked off his daughter something fierce and now will say anything he has to get back on her good side.

Nick: Jack is telling the truth. Summer and Austin just swore their love to each other. I was a witness.

Sharon: So was I.

Kelly: I was, too.

Faith: Me, too.

Jack: Obviously we're getting nowhere with the detective. Go ahead. Do what you have to do. Take him in.

Sharon: Nick, you can't let him do this. You have to stop him.

Summer: Jack, what are you saying?

Jack: I'm just saying it's up to the detective. If he wants to end up with egg on his face, that's his business.

Harding: What for? Righteous arrest?

Jack: It is not a righteous arrest. There is no fraud here. When you get to the station house, the D.A will confirm you have no cause to revoke his bail.

Nick: We can get the D.A. on the phone right now.

Jack: Or you can make it real easy on yourself and walk out alone and allow us to finish blessing this marriage. It's your choice.

Harding: [Chuckles] Well, it looks like I'm not gonna be taking Travers in.

Summer: Oh!

Harding: Not yet. You folks have a nice day.

Summer: Thank you, everybody, for speaking up.

Sharon: We were only speaking the truth. Anyone with eyes can see how much you love Austin.

Austin: Thanks. Not just for putting the brakes on that detective, but for being here for Summer. I know how much it means to her.

Jack: I love my daughter. I want her to always know I'm there for her, no matter what. That way she'll know where to turn when you break her heart.

Kelly: Jack, maybe we should go.

Faith: Is there wedding cake?

Summer: [Chuckles] I'm afraid not.

Nick: Come on. Let's get you some cake on the way home.

Summer: Um, thank you for being here. And you, too, Jack. I feel really lucky. You know, not every girl gets to walk down the aisle on the arms of two men who love her as much as you guys do.

Victor: I really don't want to be in league with you again, Mariah. Last time we tried that, you nearly cost me my relationship with my son.

Mariah: I didn't want to work with you again, anyway.

Victor: All right.

Mariah: I got a good thing going here. Why mess it up?

Victor: Yeah. However, if some information comes your way, you know...

Mariah: That's probably not going to happen.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Mariah: So I guess if you want to unearth Sharon's dangerous secret, you're gonna have to wait for that Phyllis chick to come out of her coma.

Victor: Yeah. You think you're a very smart girl, don't you? Interesting. Let me ask you something. What does Ian Ward think about your living arrangements? I know you're associating with that degenerate.

Mariah: You don't know Ian the way that I know him.

Victor: [Chuckling] Thank God I don't.

Mariah: He is a good man. I would have left town owing Sharon a fortune if he hadn't convinced me to stay.

Victor: Oh, my goodness. That warms the cockles of my heart.

Mariah: Ian wants what's best for me.

Victor: Oh.

Mariah: He completely approves of my relationship with Sharon, and he thinks that me staying here is a great idea.

Victor: Wow. He does, does he?

Cane: Where did Hilary and Devon go?

Lily: Uh, well, somehow, the laundry room misplaced her clothes after she slipped into the pool.

Neil: Is that a fact? 'Cause I know the word "slipped" is inaccurate. I'm guessing that "misplaced" is as well.

Cane: And...?

Lily: And they went to go look for the clothes themselves.

Neil: Right, see? Now, Devon, he's the only helpful one in the family. Matter of fact, I'm happy that she was busy, because I didn't want her to see these pictures of the house and ruin my surprise.

Cane: Um, I'm gonna let you guys talk. I have some things I have to deal with.

Neil: Okay.

Cane: All right? I'll talk to you later.

Lily: What house?

Neil: Do you really want to know?

Lily: Well, since you're gonna be living in it with her, no, I don't.

Neil: Lily, your resentment towards Hilary -- it casts a dark cloud over our lives. I wish it wasn't this way. I miss my daughter.

Lily: Dad, I miss you, too. And I wish it didn't have to be this way, either, but I am not gonna change my opinion of her.

Neil: Breaks my heart that you and Hilary can't be close.

Lily: How can we be when I know that she's gonna break your heart even worse?

Devon: Hilary, are you saying that you're ready to admit that you made a mistake?

Hilary: No. I'm saying that your infatuation will wear off.

Devon: You really think it's that easy?

Hilary: You'll get over this, Devon, especially since there wasn't a "this" to get over.

Devon: Hilary.

Hilary: I got to get out of here.

Devon: Listen, you admit it. You admit it -- that you have feelings for me.

Hilary: Had, Devon. Past tense.

Devon: And what about right now? You don't feel a damn thing for me?

Hilary: I'm married to your father.

Devon: That's not an answer, though.

Hilary: Okay, I can't breathe in here.

Devon: Hilary, do you have feelings for me or not?

Hilary: I got to get out of here.

Neil: I'm sorry. I can't do this with you, Lily.

Lily: What? You can't even talk to me anymore?

Neil: No, I can't stand here and listen to you continue to bash the person I love. I got to go.

Lily: Okay, wait. Dad, stop. Stop. Since we both miss each other, why don't we just try to have a nice father/daughter conversation? And I promise I won't mention you-know-who if you don't mention her name.

Neil: That's not ideal. You're asking me not to talk about a big part of my life.

Lily: Dad, come on.

Neil: I'll try. It's a start. [Sighs] All right, um... oh. How are my babies, the twins, doing in day camp?

Lily: They're good. You know Mattie is swimming like a fish and Charlie's doing really well in baseball.

Neil: See? That's because they take after me. That's good news.

Lily: [Chuckles] Yeah, it's good.

Neil: Okay. There's another family issue that I need to discuss with you.

Lily: Yeah, whatever -- what is it?

Neil: I'm very concerned about Devon. Do you know what's going on with him?


Devon: Hello?

Hilary: Okay.

Devon: I'm sorry.

Hilary: No, it's fine. It's me.

Devon: No, I started it, so...

Hilary: We both did. You're right, Devon. I was wrong to tell you not to go, okay? You need to go. You need to leave before...

Jack: She's not worried. She's in love. No, I'm the one who's sick with worry about what Summer's doing.

Kelly: And in spite of that, you gave her your blessing.

Jack: I walked in, and I saw her on Nick's arm, and all of these emotions flooded through me at once.

Kelly: [Chuckles] None of which, I'm sure, was a burning desire to see her get married.

Jack: Not a one, and yet I aided and abetted. I walked her right into the arms of the man who kidnapped her aunt and shot the chief of police.

Kelly: [Laughs] Yes.

Jack: A man who, in all likelihood, will spend the best years of Summer's life in prison, and what does that look mean?

Kelly: I am just so proud of you.

Jack: Proud of the idiotic things I did today? It's a long list topped by my almost getting my daughter arrested.

Kelly: Oh, yes. That was stellar. Go move, sir.

Jack: Thank you. So, tell me, Miss Andrews, of all your choices, which of my bonehead moves swelled you with pride?

Kelly: The fact that, despite all of your worrying, you gave your daughter the thing that she needed the most today.

Jack: Fright, panic, alarm?

Kelly: Your unconditional love.

Jack: One of the hardest things I've ever done -- watching the two of them plan a future they probably will never live while every cell in my body wanted to let that detective take him off to the slammer.

Kelly: Yeah, but you stood beside Summer. You fought for her husband with her. And in doing so, you fought for her -- you know, for her happiness -- making you, Mr. Abbott, the best dad ever.

Jack: Mm.

Kelly: Hmm.

Jack: I'm proud of you, too.

Kelly: Me?

Jack: You gave me great advice and you stood by me when I needed it the most.

Kelly: Oh. [Chuckles] Well, you made all of the decisions. So, congratulations, Jack. And not just for the wedding.

Jack: You're talking about the other thing that happened today.

Kelly: Uh, yeah.

Jack: It was a little more than a year ago I found out that Summer was my daughter. Today, I became her father.

Faith: Grandpa!

Victor: Hi, sweetheart. There you are. My goodness, how nice to see you.

Faith: You missed me being a flower girl at Summer's wedding.

Victor: You were a flower girl? At what wedding?

Nick: Uh, Faith, why don't you go upstairs and, uh, change your clothes, okay?

Faith: Okay. Mariah, here's cake for you. Share with grandpa, okay?

Mariah: Uh, yeah. Sure, if he wants.

Sharon: Victor, what are you doing here?

Victor: I'm here to talk to Nicholas. What wedding was she a flower girl at?

Nick: You know what? Faith is gonna be down here any minute. Let's go outside and talk.

Victor: All right.

Sharon: Are you all right?

Mariah: Yes. Everything's cool.

Sharon: Well, after the way Victor used you, it couldn't have been very pleasant to see him again.

Mariah: Oh, please. I'm not scared of Mr. Newman. But, uh, heads up -- he's still interested in that secret that you were keeping.

Sharon: Hmm. Well, that makes two of us, and something happened today that made me feel like I'm getting a lot closer.

Victor: How could Jack Abbott have allowed Summer to marry that punk? Why didn't you stop it?

Nick: I didn't have the right to, dad. I'm not trying to control my children's lives, just like I can't decide who they fall in love with.

Victor: Son, this has nothing to do with love. You're talking about a criminal who shot Paul Williams, for heaven's sake, who just got out of the hospital.

Nick: Yeah, I know, but it's done. Now, do you want to keep arguing about it or do you want to tell me why you're here?

Victor: I can't believe what the hell is going on. Anyway, I'm here because I wanted to know from you if you'd learned anything...from Mariah about Ian Ward.

Nick: Not much, but it's obvious Ian and Mariah have some kind of relationship.

Victor: Oh, yeah. She just tells me that Ian Ward is rather happy about her new living arrangements.

Nick: Why would Ian care?

Victor: I don't know. I guess he has a vested interest in Mariah getting close to Sharon.

Mariah: What do you remember?

Sharon: Well, nothing concrete. It was just a series of confusing thoughts and images.

Mariah: What about?

Sharon: Well, I had this vague feeling brought on by a tube of lipstick, of all things.

Mariah: That's random.

Sharon: Yeah. And so was the other one. At Summer's wedding, just seeing her standing there with Jack and Nick brought on another one.

Mariah: Another...what? What kind of feeling?

Sharon: I know this doesn't make any sense, but I felt guilt.

Summer: Hey, husband.

Austin: Hi, wife. I just spoke with Leslie.

Summer: And they can't re-arrest you?

Austin: Right. Detective Harding's just blowing smoke. They can't revoke my bail. But how did you know that? Did you get it from a higher power?

Summer: [Chuckles] No, Noah texted me, and Courtney basically told him the same thing. I'm just really relieved.

Austin: Yeah. Me, too. But Summer, we both know I'm on borrowed time.

Summer: That's...actually what I was praying about. Somehow, some way that you'll stay free. That a judge will understand the circumstances and realize that you're more important to society when you aren't behind bars.

Austin: That would take a miracle.

Summer: Yeah, and we've come to the right place.

Austin: [Chuckles]

Summer: I'm actually waiting on another miracle that hasn't happened yet. You know, today, the part where we exchanged vows -- that was so amazing. And it was great having Jack and Nick here. It's just... someone was missing.

Jack: Alas, there was no wedding cake to be found, so I found these cookies in the vending machine-- [Sniffs] Oh.

Kelly: Yeah.

Jack: That particular perfume was --

Kelly: Right. Named for Phyllis. I know. It doesn't bother me. I'm sure you've been thinking about her a little bit more than usual today.

Jack: She should have been here for our daughter's big day. Though, frankly, if she were here, their probably wouldn't have been any wedding. [Chuckles]

Kelly: What, you think she would have stopped it?

Jack: Let's just say Phyllis went to great extremes to make sure that Summer stayed away from the wrong guy in the past.

Kelly: Well, it would have made sense if she was as concerned as you've been, but Summer is an adult.

Jack: Summer's making a big mistake.

Kelly: Adults make mistakes. You know, that's how we learn. You just have to hope that you don't get so far off that you can't get back.

Devon: I wish things didn't have to be this way.

Hilary: There isn't any other way. Hey. Just, um...came to find my clothes.

Cane: Did you find them?

Hilary: Um...

Cane: Or did you find something else? I know what's going on between you and Devon.

Neil: Devon showed up at the celebration that Jack had for me and Hilary --

Lily: And how 'bout those Cubs?

Neil: All right, would you just listen to me for a second? Let me tell you this. Devon showed up at that celebration -- he was half drunk. He'd been drinking during the day.

Lily: Is there a problem with that?

Neil: Well, it is when you add to it that he was overly emotional. I mean, do you think that his breakup with Esmerelda was harder than we think?

Lily: Maybe. Cane said that he has been acting a little different lately.

Neil: What do we do about this?

Lily: Well, it did occur to me when I saw Devon talking to Abby, who is single, that maybe he just needs the right woman. And I think maybe I can help steer him in the right direction.

Devon: Forget it, Lily.

Lily: What would one date hurt?

Devon: I don't want you going to that much trouble for me, especially when I'm not gonna be here to enjoy it. I told you that I'm leaving town.

Lily: Well, I didn't think you were being serious.

Devon: I'm very serious. I think the sooner that I get out of Genoa City, the better.

Neil: Hey. I know what's going on, son. And I think leaving town right now -- that would be a bad idea.

Hilary: There's nothing going on between Devon and me. Okay. Maybe there was something that we needed to get out of our systems, but now that we have, seriously –

Cane: I'm not asking for explanations, and I don't want excuses. All I want is honesty. If you have romantic feelings for Devon, you have to let Neil go.

Hilary: I love Neil, Cane. And there's no issue with Devon. He's going away.

Cane: Whether he is in the next room or a million miles away, you will not be happy with Neil if your heart belongs to his son.

Jack: I'm sure I could rustle us up a glass of milk to go with the cookies.

Kelly: No. I don't need milk.

Jack: I don't need milk, either. You know what I do need? I have pictures of everyone in my life in this room, and I don't have a good picture of you.

Kelly: Oh, Jack, no.

Jack: Say "cookie."

Kelly: [Laughs] Can I at least go touch up my makeup?

Jack: Nope. Oh. Got it.

Kelly: [Laughs] Eating.

Jack: Perfect. This will remind me of you when you're not around.

Kelly: Oh, were you planning to forget me?

Jack: Never.

Kelly: Or get rid of me?

Jack: Not a chance.

Mariah: Why would you feel guilty?

Sharon: You know, my psychiatrist probably wouldn't want me to self-analyze.

Mariah: Right. Sorry.

Sharon: I really think it was just as simple as me seeing Phyllis' daughter getting married and happy and there with family while Phyllis can't be, so... guilt.

Nick: Why would Ian want Mariah to be close to Sharon?

Victor: He suggested that he had information that would be important to her family. I thought it had to do with Dylan McAvoy's paternity, but it may be about something else.

Nick: What else could it be?

Victor: I have no clue. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know.

Neil: You know, it sounds like you're not satisfied with your life at the moment.

Devon: I'm not at all.

Lily: Because of the inheritance?

Devon: Mainly.

Neil: So, what is it? Are you feeling like you have no direction?

Devon: Yeah.

Neil: You know, you had a very similar situation last year when tucker left town. Remember that? And you considered leaving town then, too.

Devon: I remember that. That's true.

Neil: This is classic, you know, because packing up and leaving town -- that's exactly what we call, in the program, pulling a geographic.

Lily: What is that?

Neil: It's when you physically move somewhere else to make a fresh start. All you're doing with that is running from your problems. You're running away from -- from people and obligations. It doesn't work. You know, you can't just run away and avoid the problem.

Devon: Sometimes facing the problem and staying doesn't fix it, either.

Lily: Look, Devon, Dad is right. You know, even if you move away, you're still not gonna be happy.

Neil: Yeah.

Lily: And you're gonna leave a lot of people here unhappy.

Neil: Yeah, you should listen to her, because whatever you're going through, whatever you're facing right now, you can and you will get through it.

Devon: I really don't think it's that easy.

Neil: Do you or do you not have unfinished business here?

Devon: I absolutely have unfinished business here.

Neil: Good. Then be a man, face it, and finish your business. 'Cause if you don't, you may just make a decision that you're gonna regret, son.

Devon: Okay. Maybe this particular unfinished business -- I should see it through.

Cane: The last thing I want to do is get involved in the middle of this, 'cause Neil and Devon are my family. Okay?

Hilary: And you care about them so much. I know. God, you must think I am a horrible person.

Cane: I don't think you're a horrible person. I don't. I understand you.

Hilary: Even after everything I did to you and Lily?

Cane: Look, someone is gonna get hurt here. That is unavoidable. But what you can do right now is limit the damage. Do you understand me?

Hilary: I love my husband, Cane.

Cane: I believe you, but there's many different kinds of love. There's the love a parent has for a child, there's love between friends --

Hilary: And there is love that two people have when they're married, and that's what Neil and I have.

Cane: So, you and Neil have that passion and that fire, do you? That fire that can flicker but it's always there -- you have that love?

Hilary: Yes.

Cane: You have that love for Neil? Or do you have that love for Devon?

Austin: [Smooches]

Summer: You must be missing people, too. I mean, you had no family here at all.

Austin: Sure I did. I had you. You're my family now. Besides, my mother is really gone.

Summer: Do you want to hear something crazy?

Austin: What?

Summer: Today, I kind of felt like my mom was watching over me.

Austin: Nah, that's not crazy at all.

Summer: I'm just never gonna stop hoping and believing that she'll wake up. And when she does --

Austin: Do you think she'd be okay with all this? You marrying someone like me? [Chuckles]

Summer: I think that my mom would be really glad that her daughter found someone special to love. And if that isn't enough for her to come back to us, then I don't know what is.

Jack: I am loving getting to know you.

Kelly: That goes both ways. And there's still so much for us to...learn about each other.

Jack: Yeah. And I want to take the time to do that. 'Cause the more I know, the more I like.

Mariah: All right. I will just meet you in the car. See you.

Nick: Okay, sounds good.

Sharon: Bye. Um, are you giving Mariah a ride to work?

Nick: Yeah. Um, are you sure you're okay? You've seemed unsettled all day.

Sharon: I'm fine.

Nick: Yeah?

Sharon: Mwah!

Nick: All right. I'll see you later.

Sharon: Okay.

[Door opens, closes]

Sharon: Stairwell.

Jack: Connie, would you kindly find me the number for Dr. Hans Cutler? Okay? Thank you. "Awakening Hope."

Next, on "The Young and the Restless"...

Sharon: Mariah's not here.

Ian: I came to see you. We got off on the wrong foot.

Christine: I am so tired of hearing about poor saint Nikki! She is not an innocent victim.

Michael: If you have any proof that Ian forced you...

Nikki: My God, I do.

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