Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/9/14

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 7/9/14


Episode # 10451 ~ Nikki feels compelled to make things right with Paul; Devon considers his next move; Victoria confronts Billy & Chelsea.

Provided By Suzanne

Nikki: Well, do you want me to give it away? I mean, what would you do? I know you don't want kids or anything, but, I mean, I just wonder about that. What if that happened?

Paul: Like I said, I'm not ready to be a father, Nikki, but if it was you, I guess I'd be a father.

[Door opens]

Christine: Yes, I have all the updates from pending cases from the station. No, I do not have sauerkraut and spare ribs because it's still against doctors' orders, which I think we are all grateful for.

Paul: Thanks for trying.

Christine: What's going on? Are you in pain?

Paul: Oh, I'm just, uh... a little uncomfortable. It's manageable. I'm fine. I don't know. I just -- [Sighs] I just can't stop thinking about everything.

Christine: What's on your mind?

Paul: Between this bullet and all this news about Dylan... I mean, it changes everything I thought I knew. And I feel like I have to re-evaluate all my priorities and take a step back.

Christine: At work?

Paul: Yeah, at work... but everything.

Christine: Is this about us wanting to have a baby?

Nikki: Paul, there's something I have to ask. What if the same thing happened to me? What if I ended up pregnant, you know, like April? With you being the father and all, would you want me to have an abortion?

Paul: But if it was with you... I guess I'd be a father.

Nikki: Why? Why is that different?

Paul: Because I love you.

Nikki: Oh, Paul.

Victor: Were you dreaming?

Nikki: No, I'm not dreaming. I just can't seem to shut my mind off.

Hilary: I can't stand this. I hate being hated.

Devon: You don't deserve it.

Hilary: That's just it, Devon -- I do deserve it. I'm not a good person. You know why.

Devon: To hell with what anyone else says or thinks. You're a good person.

Hilary: Okay. I'm warm enough.

Devon: Well, you're still shivering like crazy.

Hilary: I got to go, okay? I got to go home.

Devon: You need to take off your clothes. I'll get you a room, and I'll have housekeeping take your stuff and dry it, okay?

Hilary: You don't have to do that.

Devon: Just say yes, please?

Hilary: Yes.

Devon: Thank you.

Hilary: Thank you.

Devon: Okay.

Lily: Oh, my God. It's not like she's gonna sue the athletic club because I accidentally nudged her into the pool. Why is he fawning all over her?

Chelsea: [Scoffs, sighs]

Stitch: Victoria, hey.

Victoria: Hi.

Stitch: What are you doing here?

Victoria: Uh, I came by to see Dylan. He looks wonderful. You're taking very good care of my brother.

Stitch: I am, but that's mostly to make him well enough to get him the hell out of here. He's driving me crazy. "Stitch, my I.V. Stitch, my pillow. Stitch, I need more pudding."

Victoria: Oh, no. He's not that bad, is he?

Stitch: Oh, yeah. He's worse. He is such a baby. Yeah. I tried to transfer him to pediatrics, but they wouldn't take him.

Victoria: Hmm.

Stitch: Hey, I'm getting ready to go on break. Want to grab something to eat?

Victoria: Yes, I'd love to, but I'm running a bunch of errands this morning, and, honestly, um... I-stopped by for another reason.

Stitch: What's that?

Victoria: Well, I was here seeing dr. Chiverton.

Stitch: Is the baby okay?

Victoria: Yeah. Yeah. Everything's fine. The appointment was about the paternity test.

Neil: Whoa, whoa! What is this? You two got sick of romance and la vie en rose already?

Cane: No, no, no. Paris was fantastic.

Lily: Yeah. It was amazing and wonderful, but we missed the kids.

Neil: Yeah, well, I understand that. Family trumps all -- even sunset over the seine. Good to have you back, lily.

Lily: Thanks.

Neil: Good to see you.

Cane: You too.

Neil: So, uh, has anybody seen Hilary?

Lily: Um, she was up here.

Cane: Yeah, but, um, she left.

Neil: Lily... did you give her a hard time again? How many times have we talked about this, okay? I'm sick and tired of this.

Lily: Well, we didn't argue, exactly.

Charlie: Mommy needs a time-out.

Neil: she needs a time-out, huh?

Mattie: She pushed Hilary into the pool.

Neil: She -- you what?

Devon: [Sighs] I'm so sorry about lily. She was completely out of line. It's not like her.

Hilary: Not like her? It's exactly like her. She's damn near a professional at making my life hell. Clearly, I drive her crazy.

Devon: Well, that's her problem. It's not yours.

Hilary: I'm the one who's drenched.

Devon: Listen, just go soak in the tub and put the jets on. I'll have housekeeping come get your wet stuff, and they'll bring it back good as new.

Hilary: You don't have to do this.

Devon: It's the same as I'd do for any guest.

Hilary: I'm not a guest. I don't live here anymore.

Devon: Well, you're a guest to me.

Hilary: Are you really doing this because your manager threw me in the pool? 'Cause I can't see you doing this for any other guest.

Devon: I'm doing this 'cause you're special. That's why.

Chelsea: Yeah, I know. Freaky, right? Benjamin Rayburn died in high school. I know. I didn't believe it, either, but there's no way it's just a coincidence. Itch is definitely hiding something. But, Kevin, you cannot tell Billy. I know he told you to look in to it, but this whole thing is just completely exploding in Billy's face, so just stop. Well, no, don't stop digging. Just stop telling Billy. You just tell me and I'll take care of things on my end. Oh, yeah? Well, sometimes it's good to have a hobby, so this one's yours. Okay, got to go. Bye. [Sighs] Mom, it's me. Hey. Uh, can you come over and watch Connor? There's something I need to do.

Stitch: The paternity test? What happened? Why are you so calm? I thought that was weeks from now. So, who's the father?

Victoria: Oh. Oh, God. I'm so sorry. It was just a discussion, not the test. I scheduled that for the next visit.

Stitch: Right. [Sighs] Okay. All right. Yeah.

Victoria: Yeah.

Stitch: When's your next appointment?

Victoria: It's when I get back from D.C. I'm gonna go see reed.

Stitch: Oh, of course. Well, I'm gonna miss you, but I'm glad you two get to be together.

Victoria: I'm sorry. I should have thought before I spoke. You really looked hopeful.

Stitch: As long as you and the baby are okay, I'm happy.

Victoria: And hopeful.

Stitch: Yeah. I'd love to be the father, but... no matter what, I love you.

Victor: You didn't have a nightmare, did you?

Nikki: No. No. It's more like a memory. It was a conversation I had with Paul 30 years ago. [Sighs] It made me feel so guilty.

Victor: Baby, you have nothing to feel guilty about -- not then nor now.

Nikki: I deprived him of his son. They could have both died without even being aware of each other.

Victor: Sweetheart, you and I have talked about this. You were young. You were taken advantage of. You made certain choices.

Nikki: Yes, it was a choice, which means there was another way to go, another path.

Victor: Don't talk about another path, okay? I can't stand that word.

Nikki: Trust me -- neither can I. This has nothing to do with Ian. It's about what I took from Paul. He has every reason to hate me.

Victor: What are you talking about? Has he said anything like that? Because if he has --

Nikki: No. No, darling. But he did have questions that I wouldn't answer. I at least owe him some honesty.

Victor: Well, why don't you talk about everything with him once he has healed?

Nikki: There's no more waiting. He's gonna get some answers from me now

Christine: You're just starting to scare me a little 'cause we were starting to build this life.

Paul: No, no. This life is a wonderful life. It's just that being stuck in this bed for so long has given me time to think and think a lot about... things that I hadn't realized before. Or maybe I have and I just didn't want to admit it. Christine, honestly, every time I walk up and down that hall dragging this whole contraption behind me, it's for us, for this life.

[Cell phone rings]

Christine: I'll get it. Hello?

Nikki: Christine, I was hoping to talk to Paul.

Christine: Uh, now's not a good time, Nikki.

Nikki: Is he sleeping? This is very important.

Paul: It's okay.

Christine: Uh, I'm sorry. My husband needs to rest now. 

Nikki: I can't believe that. Christine hung up on me.

Victor: Maybe Paul is resting.

Nikki: No, no, no. I heard his voice.

Victor: Well, don't you think it's a wife's prerogative to protect her husband, as much as I'm protective of you because of rising stress levels?

Nikki: This is not about being a wife. This is her making a point.

Victor: I thought you and Christine had sort of...talked about things.

Nikki: Yeah. She apologized. But that doesn't mean she's still not upset with me. And it doesn't mean that she's willing to accept Paul's new son.

Paul: Well, I'm gonna have to talk to Nikki at some point.

Christine: That's fine -- later. She can talk to you all she wants. But right now, I need to talk to you. I need to know what you're thinking, what this new perspective is.

Paul: [Sighs]

Christine: I'm your wife. I need to know what that means and if it means that suddenly now we're not hoping to have a baby.

Paul: Hope is one thing. Common sense is another. I'm not a kid anymore, Chris.

Christine: And thank God, right? We have life experience. We know how precious life can be.

Paul: And when our son or daughter is in little league, I'll be groaning out batting practice.

Christine: [Voice breaking] "Our son or daughter" -- look, just hearing you say that, you wanted this before just as much as I did.

Paul: I love the idea of having a child with you. I do. But, honestly, the reality of the situation --

Christine: Okay. Yeah, yeah. Let's talk about the reality. Is it the reality of our child and your age, or is it the reality that you already have a son with Nikki?

Neil: You shoved my wife in the pool?

Lily: No.

Neil: No?

Lily: Sort of. You know what? She's not a blushing little flower, okay? She can hold her own.

Neil: Not if she's ambushed poolside. That's the kind of example you set for your kids? That's how you behave?

Lily: Dad, look --

Neil: No. Don't say anything to me. Where is Hilary now?

Cane: She went home to get changed.

Lily: Devon whisked her away. He's a hero.

Neil: Devon? He's a good son, and he's got a lot of sense, unlike you. Grow up! Start acting like a mother -- and a daughter.

Both: Mommy's in bad trouble.

[Knock on door, door opens]

Devon: Hey. I'm just dropping off some --

Billy: Hey. Hi. Come in.

Victoria: Thanks. Uh, is now a bad time?

Billy: No. No, of course not. I was hoping to see you. Thank you for your birthday message, vic. That -- it meant a lot.

Victoria: Well, I realize that I'd forgotten when you and I spoke.

Billy: You mean when I told you about stitch and Kelly and you ripped me good? Yeah, birthday wasn't exactly the topic of conversation.

Victoria: Well, I just didn't want you to think I'd forgotten entirely, you know.

Billy: I appreciated the message -- a lot.

Victoria: So, how was your birthday? Did you do anything special?

Billy: Uh... [Chuckles]

Chelsea: Hi, stitch. I just came to check on Dylan. Is it just family, or can I go in?

Stitch: Well, he's doing well, but, yeah, family and close friends only.

Chelsea: Right. And, technically, I'm not either, I guess. Well, I'm glad he has you. I know it means a lot to him.

Stitch: Means a lot to me.

Chelsea: You guys have such history. It must be so amazing to have someone who knows you so well.

Stitch: Nobody knows me better than he does. That's a fact. [Chuckles] Right now he's so looped on sedatives, he's saying all sorts of stuff. Yeah, if you went in there, who knows what he'd tell you -- about me, my past, all the little dirty details that you tried to dig up in Australia. Mac might tell you everything. Go on, Chelsea. Give it a shot.

Chelsea: I was just making conversation.

Stitch: What are you up to? Billy's backed off of this witch hunt, and you're still out snooping around. Why are you still playing private detective? What's in this for you, Chelsea?

Billy: How'd I celebrate my birthday? Um... ...you know, the usual way -- just cake, candles, birthday wish.

Victoria: What did you wish for?

Billy: What I always wish for -- world peace.

Victoria: Thanks.

Billy: You know, you, um -- you know what I wish for, vic.

Victoria: Right. You know, I'm headed east with Johnny. We're gonna visit reed. I'm gonna spend a little time with him and wish him bon voyage before he takes off for sleep-away camp.

Billy: Man, that is freaky. Reed is getting so grown up. I'm gonna send him care packages at camp if that's okay.

Victoria: Um, candy and whoopee cushions?

Billy: Please. What kind of stepdad do you take me for?

Victoria: The best kind.

Billy: [Chuckles] Yeah, and, uh, firecrackers, too.

Victoria: [Chuckles]

Billy: So, how long till Johnny is sending us postcards of campfires and archery and coming home 6 inches taller and needing a haircut? And then after him... [Sighs]

Victoria: I also want to tell you that I stopped by and saw the doctor. The baby's fine.

Billy: Good.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Good. It's still amazing, isn't it? After all the tears and the doctors' visits and trying to make a baby, you did it, vic. You made a miracle.

Victoria: You know I'm gonna have the paternity test when we get back, right?

Billy: Oh.

Victoria: I mean, you want to know, don't you?

Billy: [Chuckles] Honestly, I do and I don't. You know, I mean, up till now, it's "maybes" and "could bes." But once we get the results back... everything changes.

Paul: Chris, Dylan is not a substitute for the baby we talked about.

Christine: I know that. Dylan's a grown man. The child that we have and Dylan are not the same at all. But I can't help thinking that your change of heart is because of him, that, suddenly, your void for a child is now filled.

Paul: No. These are two separate issues, I swear. Dylan has had a lot of upheaval in his life lately. I mean, he just found out that Nikki was his mother, and now this. Who knows what's gonna happen next? There's enough room in my heart for heather and Dylan and memories of Ricky and the child that we were talking about having, when and if that comes to pass.

Christine: I understand that there's room in your heart. I don't understand everything else.

Paul: [Breathes deeply] I was shot. I could have died very easily and left you a widow. I mean, hell -- who knows if my body's gonna reject this new liver?

Christine: Will you stop?

Paul: Listen, it's not fair to bring a new life into the world and not be there as a father.

Christine: I just keep thinking about this child, holding this baby, and your eyes looking from the baby to me.

Paul: Well, for me, it's your smile. You know, you're serious so much of the time. And then, out of nowhere, there it is -- a smile on your face. And it brightens up my whole life. It's like the world is covered in sunshine.

Christine: [Chuckles softly]

Paul: But I don't need to see your smile on the face of a baby. It's so beautiful on your face. It's wonderful.

Christine: You're such a good guy. You would have been such a good father to Dylan. [Sighs] If only Nikki had realized that you were his father.

Nikki: If I want to talk to Paul, what is Christine gonna do -- put a guard at the door? Paul deserves some answers for me about his son. At the very least, he deserves to talk to somebody who understands and isn't busy judging.

Victor: Christine is quite a bright lady. I'm sure she understands perfectly well what Paul needs right now, okay? I mean, what's the matter with you? You've been tossing and turning all night. You've been pushing yourself too hard.

Nikki: I can run my own life. That's not why I came home here -- for you to be my guardian.

Victor: What has gotten into you? I know what's gone on with you. I've seen you when you feel unobserved. Your hand is shaking, sweetheart. And I know you've had dizzy spells.

Nikki: I have a doctor, and I am following his instructions.

Victor: I don't give a damn about what doctor you have. I know you. I'm your husband. I know you better than anyone else. You've been pushing yourself too hard, sweetheart. I want you to rest. Paul isn't going anywhere. You aren't going anywhere. You can discuss all this later.

Nikki: All right, fine! I'll go have breakfast -- but only because I'm hungry, not because you said to!

Devon: I'm sorry. I was, uh, just dropping these off. I thought you were still in the bath. This is, uh, from the boutique.

Hilary: You really don't have to do this.

Devon: You keep saying that, but it's really okay.

Hilary: I mean... you have to stop doing things for me, okay? Because we both know that it's not because we're friends or you're the owner of the athletic club.

Devon: Listen to me. I say things and I do things when I'm around you, and afterwards, I shake my head and wonder why the hell didn't I just walk away, 'cause that's what I should do. But when I'm standing this close to you... my dad...is someone that I've tried really hard to be like. He's someone that does right by the people he loves, and he's always done right by me, despite any mistakes that I made in the past. And you're his wife. You're his wife. And I keep telling myself that over and over again, trying to accept it, but the feelings that I have for you -- I've tried to drink them away. I've yelled it out loud. I've even thrown money off the roof of this damn place. I've acted like a fool. And none of that stops how I feel about you. Nothing stops it.

Hilary: I'm sorry, Devon. But even you telling me this -- I shouldn't hear it, okay? I shouldn't know it.

Devon: I'm sorry, 'cause you do know, and my feelings for you -- they're not gonna go away.

[Knock on door]

Hilary: That's probably housekeeping. Uh, they probably have my stuff. I guess I won't need these after all.

[Knock on door]

Neil: Hey.

Lily: She just got a little wet, okay?

Cane: Tell me you know it's bigger than that.

Lily: Okay. Maybe I shouldn't have done it in front of the kids, yes, but besides that, she deserved it.

Cane: You know I love you more than anything else in this world, right? Right?

Lily: [Sighs]

Cane: You cannot go off the deep end every single time Hilary walks in the room.

Lily: Why can't I?

Cane: Because you can't.

Lily: Why can't I? Nobody has told me that yet. She first takes my dad's private journal and exploits his thoughts, she drugs you, she puts vodka in his orange juice, and because she tells me, "oh, I'm sorry -- I didn't mean it," I should just forget about it? I am not forgetting about it!

Cane: Because the person she damaged the most has forgiven her and he's fallen in love with her. You have to move on.

Lily: No. I will not let it go. And I will not let you or my dad shame me in doing anything. Am I the only one that can see that she's gonna hurt him again?

Cane: All right. So, maybe this marriage is doomed, but that is not our business.

Lily: Oh. So, you think it's doomed, too?

Cane: [Sighs]

Lily: Is that because she's vicious or because you know something else?

Devon: I just got Hilary a room.

Hilary: I just -- I just needed to change.

Neil: Okay, stop. No excuses, no cover stories here. This is really ugly. I mean, it's gotten totally out of control. I can't believe that my child would disrespect me that way.

Devon: Dad --

Hilary: Neil --

Neil: Hey, let me vent, okay? I have every right to be angry about this. Devon, why didn't you come to me and tell me? You know better. Hilary, I don't know what to say here. Lily was lay out of line for pushing you in the pool. You should have called me immediately.

Hilary: I-I just -- I didn't know what to say. You know, I don't want to come between you and your family. I-I should go change. Excuse me.

Devon: Dad, I'm sorry.

Neil: What are you so sorry about?

Billy: I mean, of course I want to know who the father is sooner rather than later, but right now I ride along on these slices of hope, you know? So, the test -- it's not too soon, is it? The last thing I want to do is risk you or the baby --

Victoria: Oh, no. It's a noninvasive procedure. It's perfectly safe. The results are accurate... so there would be no more wondering.

Billy: And if the baby's mine?

Victoria: I can't really think about what comes after that right now, Billy.

Billy: [Scoffs] Really? 'Cause I play that game every night, which is why I look like this and why I need a lot of that. So, I'm thinking about getting a place of my own, unless I end up with two rugrats to look after, in which case I might just stick around here. There's tons of space, and, uh, I could use the parenting backup.

Victoria: I'm sure that Jack would probably love that.

Billy: Meanwhile, I was wondering what you'd think about taking a leap for Johnny -- a big-boy bed.

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: Yeah. Yeah. It's a shock to the system, but the kid is getting huge.

Victoria: Yes, he is. He's growing -- every day, bigger.

Billy: Yeah. I don't want to miss a second of it.

Victoria: You shouldn't have to.

Billy: So, I was thinking trains for his room here, and, uh, dinosaurs, robots -- maybe a dinosaur robot who drives a train.

Victoria: [Chuckles] That's a good idea. Um...well, can you show me the room that you're thinking of? I'd like to see it.

Billy: Yeah. Yeah, of course. Come with me.

Victoria: Sure.

Chelsea: I'm digging up info on you? The world is out to get you? You know, there is medicine for this kind of paranoia, dr. Rayburn.

Stitch: I know what you're doing. I just want to know why.

Chelsea: Okay, you just need to lighten up. How are you the same guy that helped Dylan paint his loft?

Stitch: How are you the same woman we painted it for? You and Dylan's supposed son -- remember that scam? [Chuckles] I see through you, Chelsea. You may be able to fool other people by batting your eyelashes and smiling pretty, but I don't fall for such transparent tactics.

Chelsea: Oh. That's not what Victoria said.

Stitch: Hey, you listen.

Chelsea: Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. I take it back. Look, stitch, we don't have to be adversaries here. Maybe you have secrets. Everyone knows I have secrets. We don't have to dig it all up, okay? Let's just leave it alone. Truce?

Stitch: Sure.

Chelsea: Okay. I think I'll check on Dylan another time. Have a good day. Oh, uh, sorry. Totally random question -- is it true you and Kelly are from St. Louis?

Stitch: Oh, here we go.

Chelsea: No. No, no, no, no. Relax. Totally friendly. I used to know a guy there. He went to chesterfield high. Did you know any kids there?

Stitch: I have rounds to make.

Chelsea: Oh, sure. Yeah. Like I said, it was a total long shot. Never mind.

Neil: What is it that you think you're apologizing for?

Devon: I don't know. Maybe I've been messed up for a while. I thought my head was in the right place, and now everything's out of hand, and, dad, I don't want to hurt you.

Neil: All right. Listen. No, no.

Devon: No.

Neil: Listen. Listen to me. Whatever she's done, however she's been, that's on lily. It's not on you, okay? You can't control her. Even if she is your employee, you can't stop her.

Devon: This is about Hilary, okay?

Neil: I know, I know, I know, I know. Who showed up at my wedding, huh, and was my best man, even when the whole family was against me? You did. I know you've got your issues about Hilary, but I really believe that you two will be good friends one day. Hell, who knows? Maybe you'll even grow to love her. But in the meantime, you've had my back, boy, and I've had yours. We are family. I appreciate you, and I know that Hilary appreciates you, as well.

Victor: Sweetheart? Nikki?

Paul: Nikki didn't know. She was young and vulnerable. And you know Ian Ward -- how controlling and what a master manipulator he is.

Christine: And what -- she forgot she slept with you and never bothered to do the math?

Paul: If she thought I was the baby's father --

Christine: Yeah, that's just it. She didn't think. She robbed you of years with your son -- years that you can never get back, no matter how sorry she is.

Paul: I don't want to talk about this anymore. Can we just...not talk about Nikki and Dylan? I don't want you upset.

Christine: I'm not.

Paul: Right. Look, I'm not saying I don't want to have a baby. I'm just saying I think we need some time -- some time to think about it.

Christine: Of course we need time. It could be months before you're fully recovered.

Paul: Right.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Christine: [Sighs]

Paul: It's okay. Get it. Might be your office.

[Vibrating continues]

Christine: They can wait.

Paul: No, do your job, Chris. Come on. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here.

Christine: You do look tired.

Paul: I'll sleep.

Christine: I'll -- I'll sit here with you.

Paul: Go. I'm fine. We're fine.

Christine: If you need anything...

Paul: I will call you. I promise.

Christine: I love you so much. You know that, right?

Paul: I do know that, and I love you, too.

Christine: Okay. I'll talk to you later.

Paul: Okay.

Paul: Hey! Hi.

Nikki: Hey.

Paul: You just missed Chris.

Nikki: Yeah, I know. I was waiting for her to leave so you and I could talk in private.

Stitch: Look, some people have been snooping around, asking questions about me and Kelly. They may come to you next. No, I don't want you to worry. Just a heads up.

Hilary: Hey, you.

Neil: Hey. Whoa. Nice outfit. You okay?

Hilary: Yeah, good as new.

Neil: Honey, lily was so far out of line, I don't even have words for it.

Hilary: Okay. Then maybe we don't have to talk about it, since there's no words.

Neil: Do you know that Devon is the only one in the family who really gets it? I think you two will be good friends one day. Hell, I even told Devon that he'll grow to love you, but not as much as I do, of course.

Hilary: You know, Neil, I still want to go away. I still want a honeymoon -- just you and me and peace and quiet where no one can touch us.

Neil: Doesn't matter where we are. Nothing can or will touch us. We know who we are and what we have.

Cane: I didn't say Neil and Hilary's marriage is not going to work.

Lily: So, then, it will work?

Cane: You're driving me crazy with this, you know that? All right, look -- they're facing an uphill battle -- okay? -- For a lot of reasons. Say the whole thing happened too fast.

Lily: Exactly. Dad's on the rebound from Leslie. There's no way that he's actually in love with that woman. But for Hilary, what's her reason, besides financial security? There must be some other motive.

Cane: [Sighs heavily]

Lily: Oh, hey. You're back. You held Hilary's hand like some innocent victim.

Devon: I didn't hold her hand. And don't worry -- it's not gonna happen again.

Cane: What happened?

Devon: Nothing. And, listen, lily, as your employer, don't you ever do something like that again. Do you understand me?

Lily: Are you okay?

Devon: Yes. I'm fine. Just need to get out of town. The sooner, the better.

Nikki: When heather was born, you and I had a conversation. You remember that?

Paul: [Chuckles] You know, that's funny, 'cause I was just -- I was just thinking about that earlier today.

Nikki: Really?

Paul: It's all kind of foggy, though, you know?

Nikki: Yeah. Me, too. It was a long time ago.

Paul: But, uh, I do remember talking about April being pregnant and, uh, how I wasn't ready to be a father.

Nikki: And I asked you if it had been me that was pregnant what you would have wanted to do.

Paul: Well, I don't remember that, but, uh... I can imagine what the answer was.

Nikki: Well, here we are, years later... and you're asking me... if I knew the baby I was carrying was yours and not Ian's...

Paul: Yeah.

Nikki: ...What would we have done.

Paul: You told me that there's no point in looking back. I understand.

Nikki: I-I really took the easy way out on that, and you deserve better. Over the years, you have helped me and saved me and protected me. I had this tremendous gift I could have given you, and I didn't even realize it. And I should have realized it. I should have sensed it. I was just -- just young and dumb.

Paul: No, that wasn't it at all, Nikki. It's how you grew up and... all the things you saw.

Nikki: That's right. I mean, in my world, bad men did bad things to young women -- and not just my father. Ian was a big part of that. And I just was so desperate to get away from him. It didn't even occur to me that the baby could be yours. I just wanted to get rid of the guilt and the shame, and the baby was part of that, and... that's why I left him... in the church and I just tried to forget the whole thing. I was such a different person then.

Paul: You were wild and carefree. That's --

Nikki: Oh, and reckless. I was convinced that the sure way to a legitimate dancing career was stripping.

Paul: [Laughs]

Nikki: God, I did so many stupid mistakes. Oh, when I think about all of that, I just -- I was really, really lucky to have survived... lucky to meet Victor. He was my silver lining.

Paul: You know, if you came here to answer my question, you still haven't, Nikki. What would you have done?

Nikki: If I had known the baby I was carrying was yours and not Ian's, I certainly would not have left that baby in the church. I would never have let our baby go.

Billy: So, now is really not a good time at all.

Chelsea: Yeah, well, I don't need your laundry lying around my house. Your ankle a little chilly today?

Billy: I was looking for that. Thanks for coming by. Maybe we can get a cup of coffee later, like, you know, tomorrow.

Chelsea: Okay, are you trying to get rid of me, Billy Abbott? Look, I'm not here to ask you on a date. I don't expect anything from you. But we're both adults, and things like this happen, and I personally have no regrets that we slept together.

Victoria: What?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Paul: What the hell are you doing here?

Jack: We have to find some way to end this sham of a marriage.

Ian: You and I are victims of the same irresponsible woman, when all along, she knew --

Nikki: Get away from my son.

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