Y&R Transcript Wednesday 6/25/14
Episode # 10441 ~ Jack sees Stitch & Kelly share a moment; Summer promises to stand by Austin.
Provided By Suzanne
Chelsea: Thanks for watching Connor, mom. Okay, bye. All right. My mother is gone, so now you can tell me exactly what happened.
Billy: I already did. Victoria was so pissed that I went to Australia to check up on Stitch that she wants a divorce.
Chelsea: God. She doesn't overreact much, does she?
Billy: Not really. This is the last in a long line of my screw-ups.
Chelsea: You were doing her a favor. You were trying to find out if her boyfriend is hiding something.
Billy: Don't call him that.
Chelsea: Geez. Sorry. Talk about overreacting.
Billy: Look, the point is, that no matter how hard I try to change her mind, she is set on ending our marriage. What the hell am I gonna do?
Chelsea: Maybe you should do what she's asking.
Kelly: I don't understand why you feel so strongly about this. I mean, whatever happened to Billy in Australia is his business. His and Victoria's and Ben's. I-I thought we agreed to stay out of it.
Jack: I wish we could.
Kelly: Well, why can't we?
Jack: Because of what Billy learned from Stitch's ex-wife.
Kelly: Jenna said something about Ben?
Jack: No. About you.
Cane: All right.
Lily: Mm! This smells good. Is that mint?
Colin: Uh, look, let me prepare a fresh pot, because this one here is probably --
Jill: Ooh, ooh, ooh! Be careful!
Colin: Oh, my God.
Lily: It's okay. No harm done.
Jill: Well, to the Persian rug, there's a little bit of harm.
Cane: A good carpet cleaner will get it out. It's no problem. Don't worry about it.
Colin: I'm gonna get some paper towels.
Jill: Please. This carpet takes an expert. I just hope Katherine isn't watching. She paid a fortune for this rug.
Colin: Man. I got to get it right next time.
Summer: Finally.
Austin: Summer, you're back.
Summer: Hi. Yeah. Did you get through the night okay? You look really, really tired.
You should see how tired the chief looks after your friend put a bullet in him.
Summer: Yeah, well, that was an accident.
Tell it to the jury.
Summer: Okay, please can you just give us a little bit more time? Please?
Sit down.
Summer: Okay, I'm not leaving, okay? I'll always be here for you.
Neil: I think it's safe to skip ahead. After all, we just roped two perfectly innocent strangers into witnessing our vows. And unless they suddenly decided that Hilary and I would make a lousy husband and wife, there's no one here left to object. Right, Hilary? Devon.
Devon: I couldn't stay away.
Summer: Where's aunt Avery? You're not Austin's attorney.
Leslie: Well, I am now. Avery actually turned the case over to me.
Summer: She can't do that.
Leslie: Well, she agreed to advise Austin until she found a suitable defense attorney, and that's me.
Summer: No, no. She -- she owes him. She helped a man get off a murder charge, and then he went right back out and did the exact same thing --
Austin: Summer. Summer. I'm sure Leslie knows the story.
Leslie: Okay, I absolutely do, and as awful as Avery feels about what happened to your mother, the court just won't permit her to help you by getting you out of this.
Billy: Why would I agree to a divorce? You know how much I love Victoria.
Chelsea: I do. And I also see that every time you try to prove that to her, you end up pushing her further and further away.
Billy: But -- but how is ending our marriage supposed to bring us closer?
Chelsea: Billy, in all your years of gambling, didn't you ever hear the phrase "call her bluff"?
Billy: In all my years of gambling, I got pretty good at reading my opponent, and she wasn't bluffing, okay? I'm afraid that if I called her on it, she'd be drawing up divorce papers before I left the room.
Chelsea: Well, sometimes you have to be apart to remember the good things that you had.
Billy: What? Like "absence makes the heart grow fonder"?
Chelsea: Well, there is a reason that that expression has been around for so many years.
Billy: Yeah, well, so has "out of sight, out of mind."
Chelsea: Billy, sometimes when you've been so hurt and so disappointed by someone, that's all you can see at first. You're stuck in that. There's no today, there's no tomorrow. You're just stuck in the past. You can't imagine ever forgiving that person, let alone taking them back, but eventually... the pain starts to go away and the good memories start to come back. And before you know it, you're thinking maybe there's a future for you two after all.
Billy: You mean like you and Adam?
They're back from Australia. But I still haven't determined what their business was there.
Kelly: Ben's ex-wife mentioned me?
Jack: According to Billy, yeah.
Kelly: [Exhales] I wonder why my name came up.
Jack: Billy got the impression that she holds you responsible for Stitch's divorce.
Kelly: Did Jenna actually say that?
Jack: I told you all I know.
Kelly: [Exhales] I can only imagine what you must be thinking.
Jack: I'll tell you what I'm thinking. What I told Billy -- whatever happened between you and Stitch was a long time ago. You're allowed to have a past. As long as it's in the past.
Kelly: [Sighs]
Stitch: Okay, what are his vitals? And Dylan's? All right, thanks for the update. Bye. Uh, Paul and Dylan are hanging in.
Victoria: Oh, thank God.
Stitch: Yeah.
Victoria: I still don't understand how he got cleared to be the donor.
Stitch: [Scoffs] I don't know the whole story myself. All I know is it happened real fast. For some reason, dr. Shelby withdrew his objections.
Victoria: I'm sure that Dylan, um, made it impossible for him to refuse.
Stitch: Mac is very relentless when he wants something badly enough. [Scoffs] Maybe he threatened to do the surgery on himself.
Victoria: [Chuckles] I'm really worried about him. I know you must be, too. You know, not a lot of people share a bond like the two of you have.
Stitch: Yeah. [Sighs]
Victoria: Dylan has told me how easy you were to talk to.
Stitch: He was really going through it, between the hell of Afghanistan and trying to get over Avery. It was the least I could do is, you know, let him get it off his chest.
Victoria: That's really interesting. I mean, there you were putting yourself out for Dylan, and yet when it came to talking about yourself, you didn't really have a whole lot to say. I mean, that's kind of how Dylan described it.
Stitch: What you see is what you get. [Chuckles]
Victoria: I think there's probably a little bit more to you than that. So, just tell me something I don't already know about Ben Rayburn.
Devon: I had to come. 'Cause you're my father. And I heard that you're looking for a best man.
Neil: Well, all right. Thank you.
Devon: Yeah.
Neil: You're a good son. You don't know how much this means to me. It means a lot. I'm sure it means a lot to Hilary, as well.
Hilary: Yeah, of course.
Justice of the Peace: You can join our friends as a witness.
Neil: Come on. Right here. Right next to me. Come on. Okay.
Justice of the Peace: So, on with the show?
Neil: Yes, sir.
Justice of the Peace: Do you, Neil, take this woman to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love, comfort, honor, and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her as long as you both shall live?
Neil: I do.
Justice of the Peace: And do you, Hilary, take this man to be your wedded husband, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love, comfort, honor, and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him as long as you both shall live?
Neil: Hilary.
Hilary: [Sighs]
Stitch: There is not much to say. I'm not all that interesting.
Victoria: Oh, come on. Just, you know, one little tidbit.
Stitch: Okay, why is this so important to you? Is it because of Billy? Because he dug into my life? Has he got you doubting me?
Victoria: No! Not at all. You know, I'm just -- I'm curious. I mean, call me crazy, but I'd like to know something about the man that I'm -- that I'm sleeping with.
Stitch: Hey, I already told you I loved you. You know, doesn't that mean enough?
Victoria: Um, yeah, it means a lot, but I kind of need to know more.
Stitch: Okay. Um, you know, I've never told anybody this before, but when I was 5 years old, I stole a jelly doughnut from Becky Harris' lunchbox.
Victoria: Oh, Ben Rayburn!
[Both laugh]
Victoria: You're a very bad boy.
Stitch: Oh, so bad.
Victoria: But I guess if that's all there is, then I really don't ha anything to worry about.
Stitch: I am hoping that we have a very long time to get to know everything about each other, okay?
Victoria: Okay.
Jack: Look, I'm sorry I said at. You don't deserve the third degree.
Kelly: Jack... it's --
Summer: I'm sorry for barging in. I -- I'm -- I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were busy.
Kelly: No, it's okay. Why don't we do lunch another time, okay?
Jack: Yeah, I'd like that.
Kelly: Yeah, um... Summer, it's great to see you. You look -- you look well. I'm glad. Bye.
Jack: So, you wanted to speak with me?
Summer: Yeah, um, you've been saying for a while that you wanted to do things for me.
Jack: Yeah, that's the truth.
Summer: I'm here to take you up on that.
Jack: Great. Tell me how I can help.
Summer: Okay, well, Austin's still in jail, and he really needs to get out of there, but I don't have the kind of money to pay his bail, so I really wanted you to put up the cash instead.
Jack: Absolutely not.
Billy: Really? Really? You're comparing my relationship with Vicki to yours and Adam's? Because I am nothing like that -- out of respect for you, I will censor what I was gonna say, but you get the idea.
Chelsea: Believe me. I know you're different than Adam. My point is that we d broken up. I was pregnant with his baby, and I still thought we had moved on for good. However, we found r way back to each other. We made a family together. So can you and Victoria.
Billy: We're already a family, and I don't want to walk away from that so that she can move on with another guy in the hopes that sometime in the future s has some epiphany! I can't risk that!
Chelsea: Okay, fine! You know what? I'm really sorry I brought it up! I'm sorry I said anything! Forget it!
Billy: Hey! Hey, you know what? It's not fine! After all the time that you and I have spent together, I thought you knew me better than that.
Cane: Okay.
Jill: I'm gonna kill Esther.
Lily: Esther's not even here.
Jill: Yeah, exactly! And I'm on my hands and knees doing her job.
Cane: Oh, shame on her for taking a couple of hours off.
Lily: Okay, I'll take this to the kitchen.
Jill: No, no, no, no. We'll get it. And I'll take these, too.
Lily: Okay.
Jill: Oh, lord.
Colin: Well, uh, I'm sure you two have got to get home and pack for Paris.
Lily: Yeah, we have a lot of things to take care of. [Chuckles]
Colin: Then off with you.
Lily: [Chuckles]
Cane: Hey, um... you know, I'm enjoying this. We've got to that point where we can trust each other. Thank you.
Colin: You have a wonderful time.
Cane: Thank you.
Lily: Okay.
Jill: Bon voyage!
Lily: Au revoir!
Jill: Give me a kiss. Give me a kiss. All right. Have a great time.
Lily: Thank you.
Jill: Bye, sweetheart. Take care. Okay.
Cane: Au revoir!
Jill: Au revoir!
[Door opens]
Jill: Aww. Isn't that romantic, the kids jetting off to Paris?
Colin: Why don't we join them?
Jill: Hon, I don't really think they'd appreciate us tagging along.
Col: We won't be. I have brought a little of Paris to us.
Jill: Oh, you sneaky devil, slipping that in here without me seeing it.
Colin: Thought I'd surprise you.
Jill: You like to keep me on my toes, don't you?
Colin: Yeah, I thought I'd start there, work my way up. No point hurrying it.
Jill: [Chuckles] Why don't we move this over to the couch?
Colin: Okay. And, uh, I promise I will not be as sloppy as I was...with tea.
Jill: Good. I'm gonna hold you to that.
Colin: [Sighs] So...
Jill: What'll we drink to, darling?
Colin: Oh. Um...us. Of course.
Jill: Thank you.
Colin: As great as things are right now, I promise you they're gonna get a whole lot better.
[Glasses clink]
Jill: [Chuckles] Mm. Mm.
Colin: [Sighs]
Leslie: Um, well, I can't offer you any guarantees, but I think you'll make bail.
Austin: You do?
Leslie: Yeah. This is your first offense, and you're obviously not a flight risk since you turned yourself in.
Austin: I just figured I'd be here for the duration.
Leslie: Oh, no. Not if I can help it.
Austin: I-I did confess.
Leslie: Well, yeah. That was before you had representation. That won't stand up. I will mitigate the hell out of that. No one will even remember by the time I'm done. [Clears throat] We'll get you out of here. You, uh, you still think defense attorneys are evil?
Summer: Can you at least hear me out?
Jack: You have my answer.
Summer: Why won't you at least listen to me?!
Jack: Because he doesn't deserve my help! He doesn't deserve your help! Why are you defending this man?! He kidnapped your aunt! He shot Paul Williams!
Summer: Okay, I told you that that was an accident!
Jack: An accident that he pulled the trigger -- maybe. He didn't accidentally buy the gun.
Summer: Okay, well, if you would just look at it from Austin's point of view, maybe --
Jack: Any way I look at this, it's wrong, and it's wrong that he took you with him.
Summer: Okay, he didn't want to take me. I had to beg him!
Jack: What were you thinking?
Summer: I was thinking that I -- [Grumbles]
Jack: That what? That you're in love with him?
Summer: He needs my help.
Jack: Sweetheart, I know you're a grown young lady now. There's a lot you don't know. What you're feeling is not love.
Summer: Don't.
Jack: What you're --
Summer: You do not get to lecture me about love. You said that you love my mom, but you gave up on her.
Jack: Summer --
Summer: You know, it's fine. If you're not gonna help me, I'm -- I'm just gonna find somebody else.
Jack: [Sighs]
Kelly: All right.
Both: Oh!
Kelly: I am so sorry! Are you okay?
Lily: Yes, I'm fine. Are you okay? I'm sorry.
Kelly: No, I'm good. I'm just -- oh. The effects of multitasking. My -- my apologies.
Lily: No, it's fine.
Kelly: That one's mine.
Lily: Thank you. Okay.
Kelly: [Laughs]
Lily: Well, I hate to add to your load.
Kelly: No, no, no. What? That's why I'm here. Tell me. What can I do?
Lily: Well, cane and I are going to Paris.
Kelly: [Gasps] Ohh! Paris! Oh, I'm so jealous. In the best possible way. That's wonderful. When are you leaving?
Lily: Uh -- oh, hey.
Cane: Hey, I just confirmed the car service.
Kelly: Oh, wow! Right away? Well, great. Have a wonderful time. Don't worry about a thing.
Lily: Yes.
Kelly: Are those for me?
Lily: Yes. Don't hate me. I promise I will get you an amazing gift from Paris, I swear.
Kelly: Okay, I prefer gold to silver and Matisse to Monet.
Lily: Okay.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: Done. [Laughs] Thank you.
Kelly: Bye.
Cane: She was a good sport, huh?
Lily: Yeah. Uh, speaking of good sports, you were very easy-going with your dad today.
Cane: Does that bother you?
Lily: No, no. Not at all. I'm happy, especially considering...
Cane: Considering there's so much distance between you and your dad?
Lily: [Sighs] I really don't want to cut him out of my life, but... how can I accept that woman as his wife? It's like ugh!
Cane: Sweetheart, you'll work through this, okay?
Lily: All right. I'm done thinking about it.
Cane: Good.
Lily: It's over.
Cane: All right.
Lily: I swear tomorrow cannot come soon enough. Ooh, that reminds me. I have to call Cindy and confirm what time she'll be there.
[Keys jingle]
Cane: What's the matter?
Lily: My phone's gone.
Jill: Mm. This is delicious.
Colin: Come on. Drink up. I got plenty more where that came from.
Jill: You picked a really good year.
Colin: Hmm.
Jill: My compli-- [Yawns] My compliments to the sommelier.
Colin: What is this? It's lily's phone. She must have dropped it.
Jill: Oh, I'll call her at the club and tell her it's here.
Colin: No, no, no, no, no. They got plenty to do right now. I'll just head over there and drop it off.
Jill: Okay, honey, I'll join you.
Colin: No, baby, you stay here. Stay here and relax.
Jill: Okay. I am a little tired.
Colin: And I'll be back before you know it, all right?
Jill: Okay. All right, baby. Drive safe, okay? Mwah. Mm.
Colin: Listen to me. It's all set. Yes. Now listen, I've got a phone that I have lifted. I'm gonna drop that off. You come in, you take the necklace. You do not hurt my wife, understood? Good. The front door is unlocked.
Justice of the Peace: We're going to need an answer. Hilary, do you or don't you?
Hilary: Um...[Chuckles] Yes, I-I do. I take you, Neil, to be my husband... forsaking all others.
Justice of the Peace: Now that that's cleared up, it's time for the exchanging of the rings. Did you even have time to buy them?
Neil: Oh, yeah, I've got the rings right here.
Justice of the Peace: Would you place them on each other's fingers? "With this ring, I thee wed."
Neil: With this ring, I thee wed.
Hilary: With this ring... I thee wed.
Justice of the Peace: Then with the power vested in me by the state of Wisconsin, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Hilary: [Chuckles]
Justice of the Peace: You may kiss the bride.
Neil: Thank you.
[Light applause]
Justice of the Peace: Congratulations.
Hilary: [Laughs]
Neil: Thanks. All right. Thank you. Thank you so much for officiating. I appreciate that.
Justice of the Peace: My pleasure.
Neil: Everyone else, uh, especially thank you. Take a couple of hot dogs to go, all right? All right. Fix those up, would you? Couldn't have done it without you.
Justice of the Peace: My pleasure.
Neil: Right.
Devon: Well, dad... I wish you all the best. You know how much I want that for you.
Neil: Come here. Yeah.
Devon: And same to you. Be happy. All right? So I guess I should, uh... I'll leave you guys to celebrate.
Hilary: [Chuckles]
Neil: Mm-hmm?
Hilary: Mm-hmm.
Neil: Yeah.
Hilary: [Laughs]
Cane: I'll give you that updated schedule before I leave, okay? Miss me already?
Colin: [Chuckles] That goes without saying. Uh, I've, uh, I got lily's phone here.
Cane: Oh, you guys must have just missed each other.
Colin: What?
Cane: Well, she's on the way to your house.
Colin: Oh, no.
[Door opens, closes]
[Door opens]
Lily: [Gasps] Oh! [Stammers]
Jill: [Tiredly] What the hell?
[Door opens]
Lily: Oh, my God. [Breathing heavily] Oh, my God. Jill. Are you okay?
Jill: Is this a dream?
Lily: No, I wish it were. Here. Are you okay?
Jill: Yeah, I'm -- I'm okay.
I know you're anxious to get back, but not everything is in place yet.
Chelsea: You have the nerve to say that I don't know you? It's you who doesn't know me.
Billy: What?
Chelsea: How -- how can you stand there and accuse me of not having your best interests at heart? Have you forgotten about all the ways I've tried to help you get Victoria back, how I've given you a shoulder to lean on, how -- how I haven't judged you when everybody else in this town has been judging you?
Billy: No, I haven't forgotten, and you've been a great friend.
Chelsea: Then why are we arguing?!
Billy: I don't know!
Chelsea: [Chuckling] Geez.
Billy: Look, I'm -- I'm sorry for biting your head off. And I know that you mean well. But there's no way that I can agree to a divorce.
Chelsea: Fine. If you're not gonna listen to my advice -- my very wise advice --
Billy: Hmm.
Chelsea: Then we'll just have to keep looking for dirt on Stitch. And when we find it, we have to go back to the way things were before this friendship or alliance or whatever it is started. Agreed?
Billy: Agreed. But you're gonna miss me.
Chelsea: [Scoffs] Yeah, right.
Billy: Let's get to work.
Victoria: Hey, make sure you keep me posted on Dylan and Paul, okay?
Stitch: I will. I'll call you later.
Victoria: Okay. Hey, um... I just want you to know that I know I made the right choice.
[Both chuckle]
[Door closes]
Victoria: Hey. I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now, but there's something that I need you to know.
Billy: So, I told Jack about Jenna's reaction.
Chelsea: When we mentioned Kelly's name to her?
Billy: Yeah. I was hoping that it would motivate him to look into Kelly's past with Stitch. But those two are getting pretty tight.
Chelsea: In other words, we can't rely on him to follow through.
Billy: Which puts us back a square one.
Chelsea: Not necessarily.
Billy: What are you thinking?
Chelsea: Dean Andrews.
Billy: Kelly's ex?
Chelsea: If he ill lives in st. Louis, it shouldn't be hard to track down a number. Maybe he'll be willing to talk to us.
Billy: I don't know. That just feels wrong. The way we happened on their son's memorial site -- I mean, that kind of invasion of privacy is... I'd rather not go there.
Chelsea: You had no problem talking to Stitch's former wife, invading her privacy.
[Computer keys clacking]
Billy: That was different.
Chelsea: Do you want to get your wife back or not?
Billy: [Sighs]
Leslie: I know you weren't expecting me.
Victoria: What brings you by?
Leslie: Well, I'm covering for Avery, and I got the message you just left about wanting to move from separation to divorce.
Victoria: Oh.
Leslie: Is there a problem?
Victoria: No, I just figured that since Avery needs to be with Dylan right now that, um, you know, it might just take her a little while to get the paperwork going.
Leslie: Oh, no, I can g the ball rolling. Unless you've had second thoughts about it in the time it took me to get here.
Summer: That was really nice of Leslie to arrange for us to have some time together.
Austin: Yeah. Yeah, she's been great. Look, I know that you wanted Avery to defend me, but I understand why she can't.
Summer: I do, too. I was just really freaked out at first 'cause I'm really worried about you.
Austin: There is, uh, there's some good news.
Summer: Please tell me that Leslie thinks they're gonna drop the charges against you.
Austin: No, there's no chance of that, but Leslie's pretty sure I'll make bail.
Summer: Yeah, it'd be crazy if you didn't. You're not a professional criminal.
Austin: I just want to get out of here before...
Summer: Before what?
Austin: I shot a cop, Summer. There are people around here who want me in the hospital or worse.
Summer: Okay, that's t gonna happen, okay? Somehow, someway I'm gonna get the money to post your bond.
Austin: I'll pay you back. I swear.
Summer: I know. It's okay. Okay, and then once you're released, you'll stay with me during the trial, then after you're exonerated, we'll -- we can go and --
Austin: Whoa, you're getting way ahead of yourself.
Summer: Yeah, maybe I am, but I really believe that the jury's gonna find you not guilty. Okay, and then after that, we can...we can start a life together the way that we talked about. It's what you want, isn't it?
Austin: Yeah. More than anything.
Visit's over.
Summer: Look, I-I'm gonna come through for you, Austin, okay? For us. [Sighs] [Sighs]
Kelly: Hey.
Stitch: I needed to see you.
Kelly: Yeah, I got that much from your message. What's going on? I mean... did you talk to Victoria? Did you break things off with her? What's...Stitch: I changed my mind.
Kelly: What?
Stitch: I couldn't do it. I'm in love with her.
Kelly: Is she in love with you?
Stitch: She said she's divorcing Billy, if that tells me anything.
Kelly: Maybe that's just wishful thinking, you know?
Stitch: All I know is she said she wants me in her life. After that, I-I couldn't walk out of there. Not after everything I've been through. [Sniffles] Overseas, re at home, I've already lost so many people I love. Everything.
Kelly: Come here. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. [Sighs]
Neil: So...
Hilary: Mm-hmm?
Neil: What do you think?
Hilary: Hmm. Best hot dog I've ever eaten.
Neil: Yeah?
Hilary: Then again, everything tastes better when I'm with you.
Neil: Mm. I meant dessert, baby.
Hilary: Mm. I thought we already had dessert.
Neil: Oh, yeah, we did, but... you want a little...more... dessert?
Hilary: I do...love... dessert.
Neil: I love it more.
Hilary: [Chuckles]
Neil: And I love you.
Cane: There you are. Where you been?
Devon: [Slurring] Hey, man. I, um... I just went for a long, long walk after attending the wedding of the century.
Cane: [Sighs] I, uh... I don't understand why you would go and put yourself through that.
Devon: I just... you know, I wanted to see if Hilary was actually gonna go through with it. A part of me thought that if she saw me, that she'd put a stop to it.
Cane: I take it that she didn't.
Devon: What makes you think that? You know, I almost put a stop to the whole damn thing myself. Then I saw how happy Neil was.
Cane: And now they're Mr. And Mrs. Neil winters, huh?
Devon: Yeah, they are. They're probably on their honeymoon.
Cane: I'm sorry.
Devon: It's all right.
Cane: So I guess that's that, huh?
Devon: Yeah. That's that.
Colin: Jill? Lily!
Jill: Ah, the cavalry arrives. You're a little bit late, darling.
Colin: What do you mean?
Lily: Some maniac broke in and almost stole Jill's necklace.
Jill: But luckily lily showed up and scared him off.
Lily: Yeah, thank God I came back for my phone.
Colin: Yeah, which I have, by the way. Cane told me we crossed paths.
Lily: Oh, thank you.
Jill: You are just a lifesaver. She even called the police for me.
Colin: The police?
Jill: Yeah, they were just down the street. They came and they took our statements. Now they're out looking for the guy.
Colin: Oh. That's a relief.
Lily: Well, now that you're home, I'm gonna head off to the club and then go to the airport.
Jill: Thank you for rescuing me.
Lily: Of course. Feel better, okay? Bye, you guys.
Colin: Hey, you mind how you go out there.
Lily: Okay. Thanks.
Colin: I can't imagine how someone got in.
Jill: Yeah. But he did. And he went straight for my necklace. Isn't that interesting?
Colin: Well, anyone can see how valuable it is.
Jill: Yeah, but it's a house full of valuable things. He went for the one on my neck.
Colin: I'm just glad you're okay.
Jill: [Sighs]
Victoria: You know, I thought there might be some hope for Billy and me, but he's crossed a line again, and I just don't think he's ever gonna change.
Leslie: Um, you still didn't answer the question. Are you absolutely sure you're ready to end your marriage?
Victoria: Yeah. I'm sure. File the papers.
Billy: Mr. Andrews, hi. This is Wilbur O'Connor of the Chelsea school for the gifted. Your ex-wife Kelly, uh, she applied for a position with us, and she gave us the name Ben Rayburn as a reference, and we're having trouble locating him. I was wondering if you could help us in our search. I see. Yes, well, thank you for your time. He's never heard of Ben Rayburn, so I guess we were wrong about Stitch breaking up Kelly's marriage.
Chelsea: Huh. So Kelly must have met Stitch after her divorce.
Billy: Or maybe she knew him from before.
Stitch: I didn't expect that from you.
Kelly: Yeah, well, I didn't expect to do it.
Stitch: Why did you?
Kelly: Because as much as I hate what you've done, you're wrong when you say that you've lost everyone. You haven't lost me. I still love you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: You want to tell me what Ian Ward was doing here?
Abby: I didn't let her prey on my family. Now suddenly I'm this lying, scheming bitch?
Avery: [Sobbing] And I'm starting to get really worried.
Father Todd: You need to get back here right away.
Christine: Has something happened?
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