Y&R Transcript Monday 6/23/14

Y&R Transcript Monday 6/23/14


Episode # 10439 ~ Victor sees Ian & Mariah together; Nikki's confession shakes Dylan.

Provided By Suzanne

Nikki: No, Paul. You can't go now. Not when you have so much to live for. You and Christine... are gonna have that baby. And even though heather is so far away, she still needs her dad. We all need you, Paul. So much. Especially... your firstborn son. Dylan. He's your son, Paul. Dylan is your son. I didn't know it until now. But my son... is our son. Paul, Dylan is our son. [Gasps] Paul? Paul? Oh, my God.

Sharon: Mariah isn't answering.

Nick: And that's my fault?

Sharon: Well, you're the one who made Noah so anti-Mariah that he ends up setting her up to steal his wallet.

Nick: It was only a matter of time before she did something like this.

Sharon: I can't believe you're saying that. So, you hired her thinking that it was only a matter of time before she stole something or committed some crime?

Nick: I hired her because you wanted me to.

Sharon: Now I want you to go find her.

Nick: Me?

Sharon: You're the only one who could convince her to come back.

Nick: Even if I don't want her to come back?

Sharon: No joking. Not when she's out there. She's out there without a friend in the world.

Ian: Just be patient, Mariah. Everything will work out.

Mariah: How? When Sharon is the only one in this town that doesn't despise me.

Ian: Besides me, you mean.

Mariah: Yes, besides you, but how long can you stay in Genoa City for?

Ian: I admit I've made some enemies here, as well. People who really don't understand me. But I've always kept my eye on the ultimate goal.

Mariah: And what is the ultimate goal, Ian? How do I fit into it?

Cane: You do realize that lily won't be happy about this.

Neil: But I'm happy. Don't I deserve to be happy?

Cane: Yeah, of course you do. Just can you maybe just give her a little more time? I mean, she's having a very hard time coming to terms with your relationship with Hilary. She's your daughter, Neil, and she loves you.

Neil: Thanks for reminding me, but you should remind her that tomorrow. So, there's no chance you're gonna postpone this wedding?

Neil: At this point, even lily's objection isn't enough of a reason to postpone my wedding to Hilary.

Cane: Well, what if there's another reason?

Devon: Hilary, don't marry my father. 'Cause you'll be making a big mistake.

Hilary: Don't say that.

Devon: I should have said it a long time ago.

Hilary: I can't listen to this, okay?

Devon: I have feelings for you, Hilary. And they're not just gonna go away.

Hilary: Okay, just stop it.

Devon: No. Give me the chance to show you. Rather, give us the chance to see where it can go. It's not too late to do that.

Hilary: But it is too late, Devon. I'M...marrying your father. Tomorrow.

Leslie: Is that the Travers case?

Avery: Yes. And Dylan wasn't too thrilled to find out that I was representing the man who held me at gunpoint.

Leslie: A man who actually shot the chief of police, which you witnessed.

Avery: Yes, you're right. And Dylan's right. I'm trying to help this kid, and I may just be putting his whole defense in jeopardy.

Leslie: Maybe you should back away.

Avery: Okay, look. I acted on this case with my heart and not my head. Which is why, as my partner, I may need you to appear in court on Austin's behalf.

Leslie: I would, but that might not even be possible.

Avery: Okay, if it's your caseload --

Leslie: I have an ethics issue of my own. I shared information a client told me in confidence.

Avery: You what?

Nikki: Paul! Oh, my God, Paul! Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Paul? Paul?

Christine: Oh, my God. His eyes are open. Paul, honey! Honey, hang on! I'm here. Paul, your brother is here, too. Can you see us? Paul. Oh, my God.

Todd: Paul, we're all here. We're all here, little brother. Through this anointing, may the lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the holy spirit. May the lord who saves you from sin save you.

Nikki: [Sighs] Dylan, we need to talk.

Dylan: Paul is my father, not Ian Ward?

Nikki: Yes, Paul is your father.

Dylan: How do you -- how do you know?

Nikki: Ian couldn't have children.

Dylan: He told you that.

Nikki: I have confirmation. I have proof. I just found out. Ian let me go on believing a lie. He led me to believe --

Dylan: Do you know what this means?

Nikki: It means that I've caused more turmoil in your life, and that's the last --

Dylan: Paul could die because of what I did. I may have killed my own father.

Nikki: No, God, Dylan, don't think that way. That's not true.

Christine: When I saw him open his eyes, I thought... he was gonna be okay. I didn't think the last rites would be necessary.

Michael: Doctor.

Barton: I'm sorry, Mrs. Williams.

Christine: [Sobs]

Barton: There's nothing more we can do for your husband.

Dylan: Yes, there is.

Nikki: Dylan!

Dylan: I have the same blood type.

Nikki: No! No!

Christine: What about the testing?

Nikki: You were rejected as a donor.

Dylan: Because it could compromise my health, not Paul's.

Nikki: You can't.

Dylan: What if I want to do this?

Nikki: Oh, my God.

Barton: It's inadvisable.

Dylan: But not impossible.

Barton: Mr. McAvoy.

Dylan: Is that a recommendation or is that an order?

Nikki: Dylan, please.

Barton: Mr. McAvoy.

Dylan: Is it my choice?!

Avery: Leslie, what did you divulge?

Leslie: I'm really -- I'm not sure how much I should tell you.

Avery: Is this someone represented by our firm?

Leslie: Yes.

Avery: Well, then, as your partner, I'm the only one that you can legally disclose this confidential information to, so what happened?

Leslie: Okay, there's someone else who needs to know first.

Avery: No, you're telling me now, Leslie.

Leslie: Avery, a number of lives will be affected.

Avery: Mine won't. You're saying this involves me? Ian.

Leslie: Can we table this?

Avery: No, we can't. Ian has been taunting Dylan, telling him that he has information that Dylan needs to know. Is that what this is about? Is there something that Dylan needs to know about his father?

Leslie: Ian Ward is no one's father.

Mariah: Why is it so important to you that I stay here? You don't even want to be seen with me.

Ian: Now, that's for your own good. You know that. You're very important to me. That ultimate goal I was talking about is your happiness.

Mariah: You really think I could be happy here?

Ian: Yes, I know that you've led somewhat of a nomadic existence up until now. I feel partially responsible for that. You've been unable to build any permanent relationships.

Mariah: Except with you.

Ian: Yes, and that's very gratifying for me, but you deserve so much more. You deserve what everybody else has.

Mariah: It's too hard.

Ian: No, don't you give up. You don't let anyone tell you that you're not worthy, that you're somehow less. Do you want to leave that impression around here?

Mariah: No.

Ian: Hell, no!

Mariah: Hell, no.

Ian: That's my girl. All right, you go get some sleep now, okay? We'll talk more about this tomorrow. A little less publicly. And everything will seem better tomorrow, I promise. Okay?

Mariah: Okay.

Victor: [Sighs] You're playing with fire, girl. I warned you what it would mean to cross me. But you also remember what it means to be my ally. When you were useful to me, you profited handsomely.

Mariah: What are you getting at, Victor?

Victor: I think you know what I'm getting at. I'd prefer an ally. You hold onto that thought, okay?

Nick: What are we doing? What are we doing? Why are we doing this? We should be getting ready to go home -- to our home.

Sharon: Our home.

Nick: Yes.

Sharon: But you know what, Nick, I just can't stop thinking about her.

Nick: Well, I already apologized for being too quick to accuse Mariah, so...

Sharon: But you didn't apologize to Mariah.

Nick: Well, I would have, and Noah would have, too, if she would have stuck around and listened to us. But she didn't. So as far as I'm concerned, this is over.

Sharon: How could it be over? She's still out there somewhere upset.

Nick: Okay, we have had more than one argument about Mariah already, and I don't want to have anymore.

Sharon: Where are you going?

Nick: I refuse to let this woman get in between us.

Neil: So let me get this straight. There's another reason for postponing my wedding.

Cane: Neil, you're a man who has a lot of life experience. You had a very successful career, you had a very successful marriage, and you have grown kids. You're a man who's lived his life. You know what you want.

Neil: Yes, I have. And Hilary --

Cane: Is just discovering herself. When we worked together, we talked, all right? Basically she told me that she hasn't had a chance to live her life yet. She hasn't had a chance to actually fall in love.

Neil: Okay. This may sound very strange to you, but she is in love.

Cane: I don't doubt that. I really don't. But we've all been in love, right? Before we actually knew that that was the person we wanted to spend the rest of our life with.

Neil: Speaking for myself, I guess more than a few times.

Cane: So do you think it's fair to expect her to make a choice before she actually knows that there is a choice?

Devon: You're getting married tomorrow?

Hilary: Neil and I love each other. There's no reason to wait.

Devon: Did you not hear anything that I just said to you?

Hilary: That you have feelings for me. Yeah, I heard you. But you need to hear me now, Devon. I am marrying your father, a man that I trust, I admire. Someone who makes me feel special and secure. A man that would never betray me.

Devon: Well, there you go. That's what you're gonna get. You make it sound great. Where's the passion?

Hilary: How dare you?

Devon: What do you mean, how dare me? Don't stand here and make it seem like the feelings I have are one-sided, 'cause I know they're not.

Hilary: How could you possibly know that, huh?

Devon: When I was getting to know you and learning to forgive you, I don't care what you say, I could tell there was something there. And then you had to go and kiss Jack.

Hilary: And who were you kissing?

Devon: Esmerelda. I know that. I stupidly took my hurt and my jealousy into a non-relationship with her, and you and I have been at cross purposes ever since. Neither one of us are actually saying how we really feel about each other.

Hilary: You're wrong.

Devon: I'm not wrong. I'm admitting it, finally. You be honest now.

Hilary: Devon.

Devon: What? Say it. You did feel the same things I was feeling, didn't you?

Hilary: Yes.

Dylan: I can do this, can't I? I can be the donor.

Barton: No, you cannot. According to those tests, your war injuries put you at risk.

Dylan: Yeah, but what if I accept the risk?

Nikki: No, Dylan, no.

Barton: Mr. McAvoy, I strongly recommend --

Dylan: I know your recommendation, but there's no legal reason I can't go through with this, right?

Todd: I appreciate you wanting to help my brother, Dylan, but nobody is expecting you to make this kind of sacrifice.

Nikki: Please listen to what he's saying and listen to the doctor.

Barton: Take my recommendation or not. It's a moot point. I refuse to do the surgery.

Dylan: You have the right to refuse Paul the medical attention he needs?

Barton: Not at the risk of another patient.

Dylan: Aren't you morally and legally obligated to serve your patient?

Barton: Mr. McAvoy, I've answered your questions.

Dylan: And I'm gonna call my lawyer.

Nikki: Avery is gonna say the same thing that I am. You can't put yourself in danger, especially when we have no promise it will save Paul's life.

Christine: But it might. It might. It's his last chance.

Nikki: Christine.

Dylan: Michael, you're a lawyer.

Nikki: Michael, please.

Dylan: Please tell me what legal action I can take to make this happen.

Nikki: Tell him no.

Dylan: Just answer the question, please. What is the law?

Michael: I'm aware of precedent cases in which a person has overruled professional medical recommendations in a life or death situation.

Dylan: How?

Michael: By proving that he was a viable candidate. And was of sound mind when the decision was made to proceed.

Dylan: So you have to do this?

Nikki: No, you don't, Dylan.

Dylan: Yes, I do. I'm not just gonna let my father die.

Nikki: [Gasps]

Christine: Paul is his father?

Nikki: We shouldn't get into this right now.

Christine: What is Dylan talking about?

Nikki: It's a long story, Christine.

Christine: Well, I don't understand it.

Nikki: I was wrong about Ian Ward, even though I had every reason in the world to believe that he was Dylan's father. Paul is his father.

Christine: Paul is.

Dylan: We need to get this transplant done. And I'm volunteering.

Barton: It's too risky.

Christine: You were the one that said the transplant is his only chance.

Dylan: I want to do this.

Michael: Let Dylan and the doctor work this out, Christine.

Nikki: But you could die, Dylan! Father, please talk to them. Make them understand.

Todd: I suggest that we all stop for a moment and consider what Paul might want if he were able to speak for himself.

Nikki: I know that Paul would not allow this sacrifice. Especially if he knew Dylan was his son.

Christine: What about my life with Paul?

Michael: All right. How much time do we have to make a final decision?

Barton: None. If this is to be done, it needs to be done now.

Nikki: You can't do it, Dylan. You can't.

Avery: Well, certainly Ian Ward is no one's idea of a father.

Leslie: That's not what I meant, Avery. Ian --

Avery: He's behind you.

Leslie: [Sighs]

Ian: Ladies.

Avery: Dylan told me that he asked you to be tested to see if you were a match for Paul.

Ian: Regrettably, I was unable.

Avery: I think you mean "unwillingly."

Leslie: I-I need a refill.

Ian: [Chuckles] You fully recovered?

Avery: From?

Ian: Being held at gunpoint by that troubled young man.

Avery: You keep bringing that up.

Ian: Just reminding you that your past has a way of catching up.

Avery: And amazingly yours doesn't. Somehow all the horrible things you've done and the innocent people you've hurt, it doesn't affect you at all, does it?

Ian: Well, unlike some, I've learned from my experiences.

Avery: What have you learned, Ian?

Ian: Well, if I share that with you, it'll prevent you from making your own journey of self-discovery, Avery. But I will tell you this. What I do know will prove more valuable than anyone even imagined.

Mariah: [Sighs]

[Knock on door]

Nick: Doorknob's loose. You better get that fixed. Someone could break in here.

Mariah: Well, good thing there's nothing to take. What do you want, Nick?

Nick: I came to apologize to you. For jumping the gun and assuming you took Noah's wallet.

Mariah: Great! Bye.

Nick: I also want you to come back to the underground.

Mariah: No, you wouldn't, but I'm guessing Sharon would.

Nick: I'm doing this for Sharon.

Mariah: You must really love her.

Nick: I do. And for some reason, she needs you in her life right now. But there's gonna be a few rules.

Victor: Hi. Where's Nicholas?

Sharon: He went...somewhere. He'll probably be back soon.

Victor: So... how are you doing?

Sharon: Are you seriously asking me, like you care?

Victor: Well, I do care, yeah. You still trying to recover your memories?

Sharon: That explains it. You're wondering if I've remembered my dangerous secret, the one that supposedly will hurt Nick. No.

Victor: But you're working on it.

Sharon: No, I've set that aside and my anxiety over it. I'm just enjoying what Nick and I have right now, so I won't be asking for your help to put the pieces back together.

Victor: All right. As you wish.

Sharon: There is something I would like to ask you, however.

Victor: Really? What's that?

Sharon: Tell me everything you know about Mariah, please.

Ian: Take care, Avery. And try not to dwell too much on the fact that you put a killer back on the street. Could happen to anyone.

Nikki: Oh, Avery, thank God.

Ian: Nikki. You look all flushed.

Nikki: Shut up, you bastard. You let me think that you were Dylan's father, and you knew all along that was impossible.

Avery: What?

Nikki: I need your help. I need you --

Avery: Wait a minute. What did you just say?

Nikki: He is not Dylan's father. Paul Williams is.

Avery: Paul?

Nikki: Yes, and now that Dylan knows that, he is determined to save Paul's life.

Avery: Oh, my God. He's gonna have the surgery. He can't do that!

Nikki: That's right, and he won't listen to me. Please come. You can get through to him. I'm so glad that I found you.

Nick: What new rules?

Nick: One -- you're not gonna wait until you save up the entire amount to pay Sharon back. You're gonna give up a portion of your pay check until your debt is paid.

Mariah: That's gonna take awhile.

Nick: Two -- you will form a truce with Noah, however unpleasant that may be.

Mariah: Hey, he was the one who tried to --

Nick: Maybe if you stopped getting in everyone's face with all this attitude, you would stop provoking people. Three -- I'm gonna let you start working behind the bar so you can ring out.

Mariah: Really? You're gonna trust me with the till?

Nick: Let's be clear about something, Mariah. I in no way, shape, or form trust you, but this gesture will mean a lot to Sharon. And plus I think you'd be an idiot at this point to steal from me after you saw how quick I was to call the police.

Mariah: You make a good point. I was raking in the tips, and there are worse jobs, so... yes. I will come back.

Nick: One other thing.

Mariah: Oh, my God. Why is there one other thing with bosses?

Nick: After you've paid back Sharon, you will leave Genoa City.

Neil: Hey, cane. Give me a little credit on this, all right? Yeah, Hilary is very beautiful and she's young, but she's much more than that to me. Very mature, she's wise beyond her years. I respect her. She's very capable of making her own sound decisions.

Cane: You clearly understand what you're doing. I'm just -- [Sighs]

Neil: You're just trying to help.

Cane: I'm just trying to help, yeah.

Neil: Okay. That's fine. I appreciate that. But do us all a favor. Why don't you concentrate on helping lily cope with this. In the meantime, why don't you let Hilary and I focus on managing our own relationship without any more family interference. Got to go. Talk to you later.

Devon: I knew you felt the same way.

Hilary: Felt, Devon. Past tense. Before I got close to Neil.

Devon: And what happened to your feelings for me?

Hilary: Neil didn't have to learn to forgive me. He just forgave me.

Devon: Hilary.

Hilary: He didn't hide his feelings from me.

Devon: I asked you a question.

Hilary: Neil is offering me something that I never thought I would have. A life that my mother never knew.

Devon: Do you still have feelings for me?

Hilary: Whatever I felt for you ended the moment that I fell in love with Neil.

Devon: I don't believe that.

Hilary: What are you doing?

Devon: I didn't do it alone.

Hilary: How could you possibly think that we could be together, Devon? Do you have any idea what that would do to your father? He was devastated after Leslie. He's a new man now. A man that I love.

Devon: I know you care about him.

Hilary: I made promises to Neil. Okay? I'm not gonna go back on those promises.

Devon: Hilary.

Hilary: I won't. Whatever we said here today, whatever we did... we are never, ever gonna mention it. Okay, Neil deserves so much better than that, and I am determined to make him happy.

Devon: What about your happiness?


Devon: Hey.

Neil: Oh. Hey, I was just out for a walk, and...

Hilary: Neil.

Neil: ...And I thought you'd be -- hi. I thought you'd be home by now.

Devon: Yeah, I, uh, I held her up. I'm sorry.

Neil: Did you, now? Well, that's all right. Listen, I was gonna call you, Devon.

Devon: No, no, I already heard about the news. Your wedding day is tomorrow, right? Well, good luck with that.

Neil: Thanks. See you later. Hilary. What's going on? You seem upset.

Hilary: No. I'm not.

Neil: What did Devon say to you?

Hilary: You know, just that he doesn't think that we should get married.

Neil: We don't have to.

Hilary: What do you mean we don't have to?

Neil: Hilary, don't get me wrong. I see us as partners, you know? Mutual respect. Similar goals.

Hilary: What about passion?

Neil: What about passion? Of course there's passion. I'm very passionate about you. But by marrying me, you'd be forgoing a life that you haven't even lived yet. I've actually put a lot of pressure on you, and, baby, if you want to back out, I completely understand.

Victor: I know nothing about Mariah.

Sharon: Well, you may never admit this, but you did hire her to haunt me, and I know you would never employ anyone without vetting them first.

Victor: What have you learned about her?

Sharon: Just that she had a difficult childhood. She had an absent father and an uncaring mother.

Victor: Mm-hmm. She told you that?

Sharon: Did you hear something different?

Victor: You want to be rid of her?

Sharon: No, I don't want Mariah gone. There's something about the girl. And it's just the resemblance to Cassie. There's something about her that... I don't know. It really touches me.

Victor: So you're glad she's here.

Sharon: Well, I'm not about to thank you for putting me through the hell that I experienced, but I -- I get the sense that Mariah came into my life for a reason.

Victor: Yeah, you may be right about that.

Mariah: It's gonna take me a long time to pay Sharon back. Unless I get a big raise.

Nick: Don't push it.

Mariah: Fine. Fine. Years from now, when I'm all paid up, I'll hit the road.

Nick: There's one other thing.

Mariah: No, no, you already did your "one other thing" thing.

Nick: Sharon is a very loving and nurturing person. Do not take advantage of that.

Mariah: Okay.

Nick: And don't pretend like you care.

Mariah: Hey, I'm not pretending.

Nick: Sharon has had her heart broken numerous times. Don't cause her any more pain. All right. That should be a little safer.

Mariah: Thank you. You didn't have to do that for me.

Nick: I'm just trying to make sure that no one comes in here and steals the money you owe Sharon.

Todd: How you doing, Christine?

Christine: Um, I'm hopeful. Paul has a chance.

Todd: Yes, he does.

Christine: And that should be the only thing on my mind right now.

Todd: But it isn't?

Christine: This news that he has a son with Nikki -- [Sighs]

Todd: I think it's a blessing. It's a true blessing.

Christine: It's just -- it's a bit overwhelming. [Sighs] I'm having a hard time taking it in.

Todd: Why don't you just put that aside for a moment?

Christine: I want the rest of my life with him.

Todd: That hope you have for Paul, it's working. If I weren't in this line of work... I'd still have to say this is nothing short of a miracle.

Dylan: Thanks for going to bat for me.

Michael: I was just stating the law. Paul is a friend. So is Christine. But Nikki has a valid point.

Avery: Dylan.

Dylan: Hey, Avery. Look, I made a decision that --

Avery: I know everything. I know about Paul and Ian and what you're gonna do.

Dylan: Good. That saves me some explaining.

Avery: Okay, listen to me. I understand that you feel responsible for what happened to Paul and that you wanted to help him even before you knew that he was your father, but -- [Voice breaking] I'm begging you to think about you and me. I can't lose you again. Dylan, what do I have to do to convince you not to do this?

Cane: Are you all right?

Devon: I took your advice. I went and told Hilary how I feel about her.

Cane: What'd she say?

Devon: She has feelings for me, too.

Cane: She actually admitted that?

Devon: She didn't have to.

Cane: So who's gonna go and tell Neil?

Devon: No one's gonna tell Neil anything. 'Cause Hilary's gonna marry him anyway, so...

Cane: I'm sorry.

Devon: Someone had to get hurt, right?

Cane: Now it looks like all three of you will.

Hilary: You don't want to marry me anymore?

Neil: I do. You see? See right there? That's pavlovian. Conditioned response -- I'm with you and "I do" comes falling out of my mouth.

Hilary: Now, why would you say that?

Neil: I want to be fair to you.

Hilary: I love you. And our engagement was our promise to each other. And we are gonna fulfill those promises tomorrow when we say "I do" for real.

Neil: That's exactly what I wanted to hear. See, I was just trying to be considerate. Not sure what I would have done if you wanted out.

Hilary: I don't want out.

Neil: That's good. Good to hear. Because I love you so very much, and I can't wait to get married to you tomorrow.

Hilary: See? That's what I hoped you'd be saying tonight.

Neil: Okay, so what do you think? Do we break the rules? By seeing my beautiful bride the night before the wedding? Is that bad luck?

Hilary: Oh, more like perfect timing.

Neil: And everything is right as rain in our world again.

Ian: It was quite a burden I handed over to you. Giving you information that was so critically relevant to your friends. I apologize for that, Leslie.

Leslie: Really?

Ian: As you said, this news was bound to come out. Ironically, from another source, as well.

Leslie: And since that's the case...

Ian: You're a damn good lawyer. I owe my freedom to you. And I will always be in your debt.

Leslie: Thank you for that, Ian. And thank you for being so understanding. Sounds like you're not going to report my breach.

Ian: If we don't pay for our mistakes, Leslie, how will we ever learn from them?

[Cell phone rings]

Ian: [Chuckles] That's probably the bar association. I had a nice, long chat with someone there.

Nick: What can I do for you, dad?

Victor: I came to tell you that your mother has moved back to the mansion.

Nick: She moved home?

Victor: Where she belongs. And there's something else that she would like to tell all of you, but I'll leave that to her, okay?

Sharon: Where did you go?

Nick: I found Mariah, and she's going to come back to work.

Sharon: [Gasps] Thank you.

Nick: You're welcome.

Sharon: Are you ready to go home?

Nick: Yes.

Victor: So, Sharon has taken quite an interest in that girl.

Nick: Yes, she has. Thanks to you for bringing her into her life. In fact, into all our lives. Thank you.

Victor: You're not too happy with her, are you?

Nick: I don't trust her.

Victor: Nor should you.

Nick: Do you know something?

Victor: Not yet.

Sharon: Thank you for saying whatever you did to convince Mariah to forgive you.

Nick: I don't think I'm forgiven, but we did reach an agreement.

Sharon: I love you.

Nick: I love you, too. Let's go home so I can show you just how much I love you.

Sharon: I know how much.

Christine: Please, you can't back out now.

Avery: I didn't think so.

Barton: You ready?

Dylan: I survived before so I could come back to you. And I'm gonna come back to you again. I promise.

Barton: I need to take you to pre-op.

Avery: [Sobs]

Barton: Need to get you and Chief Williams prepped for surgery.

Dylan: Just one second.

Barton: Sure.

Nikki: [Crying] Good luck.

Avery: [Sniffles]

Dylan: It's gonna be okay.

Avery: [Sniffles]

Dylan: I love you.

I love you.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Stitch: I have to break things off with Victoria.

Hilary: I was hoping that I might be able to take the rest of the day off.

Jack: You're not feeling well?

Hilary: I'm getting married.

Neil: I could use a best man.

Devon: You want me to be your best man?

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