Y&R Transcript Friday 6/20/14

Y&R Transcript Friday 6/20/14


Episode # 10438 ~ Nick's reluctance to trust Mariah worries Sharon; Devon opens up to Hilary; the crisis at the hospital takes a turn for the worst.

Provided By Suzanne

Mark: I did what you asked -- followed Willa after your meeting.

Victor: And what did she do?

Mark: Went straight to the airport. Took the first flight out. She didn't make contact with Ward, though.

Victor: Are you sure?

Nikki: Well, hello.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart. Hi, baby.

Nikki: Hi, darling.

Victor: Hi, my sweetheart.

Both: Mm.

Victor: I'm so glad you're back.

Nikki: It's wonderful to be back.

Victor: Let me get that. You know mark, don't you?

Nikki: Yes, yes. Of course. Thank you.

Victor: Let me get that for you.

Nikki: So, um... what was it you were just saying about Ian? Were you able to find proof that he's not Dylan's father?

Dylan: Ian... do you have a minute?

Ian: For my son? Always. What can I do for you?

Dylan: Well, you're always saying that your only interest is in helping people.

Ian: Huh.

Dylan: Is that true?

Ian: Well, it's been my life's work, you know -- showing people how to better themselves. I'm not quite the monster people make me out to be.

Dylan: Then prove it. Help Paul Williams. Save his life.

[Door opens]

Michael: Do you think he's listening? Your boss, I mean.

Father Todd: He's always listening, Michael.

Michael: I know that they just don't hand out miracles, but, you know, still, you'd think if prayers would be granted, you'd have the inside track.

Father Todd: And how do you know they haven't been?

Michael: Paul's not getting any better. No donor has been found. So if you have any in with the man upstairs, I'd say now's the time to use it.

Noah: My wallet. It was behind the bar, and now it's gone. So, where is it, Mariah?

Mariah: I don't know. I didn't take it.

Noah: Oh, so who did -- my dad?

Mariah: I don't know, honest! Why do you assume that I did this?

Abby: Because you're a thief.

Mariah: T t of this, Abby!

Abby: Like hell I will. You steal from my family, and you steal from me.

Sharon: What's going on?

Nick: Noah's wallet is missing.

Noah: No, it's not "missing." Mariah took it. All that talk about change -- it's total bull. She's just using you to get what she wants.

Hilary: Dinner was wonderful.

Neil: Yeah, it sure was. I love that place. Th things lately. But most of all... I love you. Mmm. That ring looks absolutely gorgeous on your finger.

Hilary: [Chuckles]

Neil: How's that feel? [Sighs] Like a dream. [Chuckles] I still can't believe we're getting married.

Neil: You will be the most beautiful bride. I can't wait to see you walk down that aisle.

Hilary: You know, I -- I think that we should, um... wait a while...

Neil: Mm?

Hilary: ...Before setting a date, you know? Give your kids some time to adjust.

Neil: Adjust? Lily already congratulated us.

Hilary: Yeah, under duress and through clenched teeth. And when Devon finds out -- ugh.

Neil: Hey, hey, hey. They're both adults now. We need to do what makes us happy in life. I think we should take our road to happiness this very minute. What do you say... we get married?

Hilary: [Exhales sharply]

Devon: Listen, the next time someone asks f discount, don't ask to see their I.D., 'Cause it's a little tacky. You know what I mean? If someone's really gonna try and save a couple bucks by lying about their age, I don't care about stuff like that, all right? Thank you.

Cane: Okay, so, I thought she was the manager.

Devon: She is the manager. Anandle that and needed a little distraction.

Cane: So you talked to Neil. He called and left a bunch of messages, but I haven't had time to call him back.

Cane: Yeah, well, I think you need to make time.

Devon: Why? What's going on?

Cane: Neil is getting married... to Hilary.

Devon: Neil and Hilary are getting married.

Cane: Uh-huh.

Devon: When'd you find this out?

Cane: He told us earlier today.

Devon: What did lily say?

Cane: Uh, well, she took it better than you are, but the difference is you're in love with Hilary.

Devon: I'm not in love with Hilary.

Cane: You said you're in love with Hilary.

Devon: I never said that.

Cane: You implied it.

Devon: I think you're reading too much into whatever it was I said -- up until a couple weeks ago, I was with Esmerelda.

Cane: Oh, you mean the pretty face that you were using to, uh, you know, help yourself get past the time until you had the courage to approach Hilary.

Devon: And look how good that turned out. I got to go to her room and hear her in bed with my dad.

Cane: Well, that's 'cause you waited too long. See, the question is, do you want to spend the rest of your life pining for your soon-to-be stepmother? 'Cause you know what they say? Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Leslie: I know I sound like a massive hypocrite.

Avery: You do.

Leslie: But I'm telling you, Neil is making a huge mistake.

Avery: Okay, you gave up the right to weigh in on this when you broke Neil's heart.

Leslie: Okay, I did not mean to hurt Neil. Hilary did! I mean -- okay, I knew we wouldn't be happy together in the long run, because we wanted different things. But, I mean, never in a million years did I dream it would be with her.

Avery: Are you having second thoughts about breaking up with Neil?

Leslie: No. I love Barton. But that doesn't mean I just all of a sudden stop caring about what happens to Neil. [Sighs] Okay. Rant over. Um, what's -- what's going on with Dylan?

Avery: Well, he's very upset that he can't be Paul's donor because of his medical issues and his war injuries.

Leslie: Oh. Poor Christine.

Avery: Yeah, she's a wreck. And Dylan really wanted to help Paul.

Leslie: Yeah, I mean, but being a living donor -- that is a major commitment.

Avery: And as much as I care about Paul... [Sighs] ...Part of me is really relieved that Dylan is not risking his life.

Ian: Why are you coming to me with this? I thought you said you were gonna be the big hero and save chief Williams all by yourself. What was it you said? You know, take these, uh, worthless genes that I passed down to you and make them count for something? So why aren't you?

Dylan: I can't be a living donor because of what happened during the war. I was wounded in Afghanistan. I had a splenectomy, and now the doctors are worried that the surgery -- that my body couldn't handle it.

Ian: Oh.

Dylan: But if you're a match, you could donate.

Ian: Why do you think I'd be a suitable candidate?

Dylan: Because my blood type is A.B.-Negative, the same as Paul's, which means there's a good chance yours is, too. Come on. At least get tested. It's a chance to finally do one decent thing in your life. You can save Paul.

Ian: Sorry, son. Afraid I can't help. Although I do wish the man luck.

Nikki: So, why did you shoo that investigator out of here so quickly? Was Ian's ex-wife telling the truth about him not being able to have children?

Victor: Baby, don't you get involved in this kind of thing. I don't want you to be upset.

Nikki: How can I be calm when we could be losing Paul at any second? If Dylan is his son, they both need to be told.

Victor: For your information, Willa did not contact Ian Ward, all right?

Nikki: So she must've been telling the truth, then, and wanted to get out of town before Ian found out.

Victor: Well, or she made it up. Whatever. Perhaps she just took the money I gave her and hightailed out of here before Ian Ward realized that she was spreading a lie.

Nikki: So, in other words, you gave her a big wad of cash in exchange for what? We still don't have any proof that Ian isn't Dylan's father.

Victor: I'll find the proof.

Nikki: How, Victor?

Victor: Darling, will you stop worrying about that? You're hardly home. You're already worried about that. Leave it up to me. I don't want you to be stressed.

Nikki: I know. I know.

Victor: Okay.

Mariah: How stupid would it be for me to steal the wallet of the guy Nick hired to babysit me?

Nick: Well, you've done a lot worse things for money.

Sharon: Okay, can we please stop throwing that in Mariah's face? She feels terrible about what she did to me.

Abby: The only thing she feels terrible about is getting caught. It totally screwed up her cash flow.

Mariah: So, because I've been accused of illegal activity before, I'm guilty. Do you know what they call that? A witch hunt.

Abby: Oh, and you're here flying around on your broom, wearing a little, black, pointy hat. I think we found our witch.

Sharon: I am paying Mariah's rent. Nick gave her a job here so that she could earn the money to pay me back. Uh, she has no reason to steal from anyone.

Noah: So it's just a big coincidence, then, that my wallet went missing while she was working behind the bar.

Mariah: You want to search me, go ahead. Knock yourself out.

Noah: There's plenty of places you could've hidden it already, all right? You know what? Let's call the cops. I want to report this.

Sharon: Wait. No, no, please. There -- there's got to be another explanation. Anyone could've taken the wallet.

Nick: Tonight, it was Noah's wallet. Tomorrow, it could be money from the register or another customer's purse. I need to get to the bottom of this to make sure it doesn't happen again. Look, if Mariah's completely innocent, she shouldn't have a problem talking to the police.

Neil: Okay, Hilary. Now, hear me out. I know a judge who owes me a favor. Matter of fact, I can have him expedite the license while he's on his way over to perform the ceremony.

Hilary: Okay, Neil, Neil, Neil [Chuckles] You were serious? You want to get married...now, like, as in, right this second?

Neil: Yeah, right this second. I know -- I know it sounds crazy, but why not?

Hilary: [Chuckles]

Neil: It's a perfect evening. Baby, it's a beautiful setting. And you know Paul and Christine? They got married under that gazebo...last Summer. All right? It was a beautiful wedding. It was spur-of-the-moment, just like this. They're still going strong. Tomorrow's not promised. All we have is today. Need you, Hilary. I want you by my side... as my wife.

Hilary: [Sighs]

Neil: Okay. I should know better. I understand.

Hilary: Oh, it --

Neil: I bet since you were a little girl, you dreamed about your wedding day. Getting married in this park probably isn't your dream. You want a big day with all the trimmings? Baby, I can give that to you. I promise. And I will.

Hilary: Neil... dreams change. And all I really need... is you.

Cane: Well, you need to go and tell Hilary how you feel about her before Neil makes this permanent.

Devon: So, what -- you saying I should go behind my father's back and try to steal his woman from him? How am I supposed to feel good about doing something like that?

Cane: Well, I didn't say it was gonna be fun. Look. What if lily's right? What if Neil is making a mistake?

Devon: [Sighs] Regardless of what lily says, what Neil does with his life is his business. And he seems pretty happy with Hilary.

Cane: Okay. Well, unless you want to spend the rest of your life wondering "what if?" You should go and find Hilary and let her know how you feel and see if she feels the same way.

Leslie: You look far, far away. Is it the Paul situation?

Avery: Uh... [Sighs] No, there's something that you should know. I took on a new client, temporarily, and I'm gonna get a lot of flak for it.

Leslie: Okay...? Who is it?

Avery: Austin Travers.

Leslie: The guy who kidnapped you? Avery!

Avery: Summer is very involved with him, and she asked for my help.

Leslie: Wait, no. But you're the victim, Avery. You shouldn't even be talking to this guy. Now, you know if this goes to trial --

Avery: Well, I've let the prosecutor know what's going on, what I'm doing.

Leslie: I know that your niece can be very persuasive, but is this something that you want to do?

Avery: Okay, Austin is young. He doesn't have any money. The public defender's office is a joke. How many times have you and I both said that place is mediocre? All I'm doing is I'm giving him some legal advice until he can find somebody to handle his case.

Leslie: I don't care if Clarence Darrow came back from the dead to defend this guy! Travers is guilty! End of story!

Avery: Well, I've made a career defending people that I believe in, so...

Leslie: Okay, there is a difference between their guilt and yours. That's what this is about, isn't it? You put the man who went on to kill Austin's mother back on the street, so this is -- this is your way of -- of trying to make things right.

Dylan: [Exhales deeply]

Avery: Hey.

Dylan: Hey.

Avery: What's wrong?

Dylan: Uh, I made the mistake of trying to appeal to Ian's sense of humanity.

Avery: What sense of humanity?

Dylan: Exactly.

Leslie: What were you, um, hoping he would do?

Dylan: Well, I wanted to see if he would get tested to see if he shared the same blood type that Paul and I do. If he did, he could donate and save Paul's life, but naturally, he refuses to lift a finger.

Avery: Okay, listen. Paul is on a transplant list. They can still find a match.

Dylan: No, stitch says that he doesn't have a lot of time. Paul needs a transplant today.

Leslie: Uh, I-I have somewhere that I-I need to be, okay? But, Avery, if you want to talk about the case some more --

Avery: Yeah, yeah. I'll call you.

Leslie: All right.

Avery: [Sighs]

Dylan: You must think I'm an idiot for talking to Ian. My father's proven over and over that he's only out for himself.

Avery: I think you're wonderful for trying to help Paul, especially if it means trying to be civil to someone that you despise.

Dylan: What if it's Paul's la shot?

Avery: [Sighs]

Dylan: There may not be anybody left to help him.

Michael: Your mother used to try and do this to me all the time. I'm just -- I'm not a churchgoer, Todd.

Father Todd: Oh, that's all right. God won't mind.

Michael: Well, maybe I do.

Father Todd: [Chuckles] Look, I'm not asking you to pray. Just take a moment to reflect. That helps, too. You're one of Paul's closest friends, and I know that he respects you a great deal.

Michael: Well, I'm not sure I deserve that respect.

Father Todd: Why not?

Michael: [Chuckles] I've made some mistakes over the years, Todd. So has my brother. So has my son... not to mention my mother and her screw-up of a husband.

Father Todd: [Chuckles]

Michael: If it weren't for Paul...we'd all probably be stuck behind bars.

Father Todd: Oh. Well... he's always been very compassionate. I remember, when we were kids, we used to go to church on Sundays. He would take his entire allowance. He'd put it in the offering basket that was meant for the poor -- every dime, everything he made doing his weekly chores. And -- and he'd walk around all week, nothing to spend. And occasionally, he'd mooch off one of us kids for a-a few bucks for a-an ice cream cone or a comic book. Uh, who could refuse that earnest, little face, hmm?

Michael: He was beat up a lot as a kid, was he?

Father Todd: [Chuckles]

Michael: Sounds about right. He's gone above and beyond so many times for us. How many times has he literally saved Lauren's life over the years?

Father Todd: A few.

Michael: Mm.

Father Todd: Mm.

Michael: Yeah. Kept him busy. I think it's unfair that Christine and Paul might not have their second chance. Did you know they're trying to have a child?

Father Todd: I did. Christine told me. I think it's wonderful.

Michael: Yeah, it will be. I think it's really unfair.

Father Todd: [Sighs]

Michael: He shouldn't be in that bed. He should -- he should be home with his wife. You tell me, priest. Why him? Why now?

Father Todd: Why not him?

Michael: [Scoffs] So, you're gonna get all metaphysical with me, are you? Well, listen, Todd. Your brother might die. He might die. You gonna be okay with your God then?

Father Todd: God works in mysterious ways. His job is to bring balance to the universe. Ours is to simply have faith in his plan.

Michael: [Sighs]

Neil: Hey, Hilary...

Hilary: Mm?

Neil: ...Are you really okay with this -- a simple ceremony in the park? 'Cause I don't want you to feel cheated out of anything.

Hilary: Yeah, no. I don't need all those fancy things, okay? Simple is fine... not to mention we won't have to worry about any guests standing up to object.

[Both chuckle]

Neil: Okay. You won't regret not being able to look back on your special day?

Hilary: Okay, it'll be what weddings should be about -- you and me and how we feel about each other... not the cake or the dress or the centerpieces.

Neil: That's why I love you. Okay. You know what I need to do?

Hilary: Mm?

Neil: I need to make sure that we can get that license, and we have someone to officiate, so I'm gonna call that judge, and I'm gonna get him to come over here --

Hilary: It is after hours, all right? The clerk's office is closed. Listen. Why don't we just wake up early tomorrow, and we can call him then? Or we can go to a justice of the peace, all right? I-I would still consider that pretty spontaneous.

Neil: Uh, yeah, I'll have to wait, but I'm telling you right now I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight.

Hilary: Who said anything about sleeping?

Neil: Oh, yeah. That's g about.

Hilary: Yeah, no. We need to spend the evening apart.

Neil: I can write my vows right from here, from my heart. That's what I'm gonna do.

Hilary: Yeah, that's good, for you. But I'm uent, okay? I need time to collect my thoughts and get them down on paper.

Yeah, of course, you do. I-I get that. All right. So, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna get a room at the club, and I'm gonna give you---- enough time, whatever you want, to prepare. And then the next time we see each other, baby... it's gonna be on our wedding day, here.

Hilary: [Chuckling] Yeah.

Neil: Yeah?

Hilary: Yeah.

Neil: Okay. This in the ladies' room trash.

Noah: That's my wallet.

Looks like someone cleaned it and tossed it.

Courtney: Thanks.

Mariah: You are welcome to search my purse. You won't find the cash or whatever else is missing.

Abby: No one wants to touch you or any of your skanky things.

That's very mature of you, Abby! Thank you! I'm sure these officers really appreciate your input.

Courtney: Okay. The next step is just to see if prints can get pulled off the wallet.

Mariah: Go ahead. You won't find mine. This is all a setup.

Courtney: Well, who would do that?

Mariah: I don' take your pick. Noah was hired by his dad to babysit me because he doesn't trust me, and Abby hates me because of Tyler.

Courtney: Well, then, why don't you start off by telling me exactly where you were when the wallet was stolen?

Mariah: I don't know when the wallet was stolen.

Noah: Come here. [Quietly] Did you set her up?

Abby: [Quietly] All I did was finish what you started. Nice move by leaving your wallet out like that to test Mariah.

Noah: A test she passed. You're the thief!

Abby: Oh, calm down. I will give you all of your stuff back once they haul Mariah off to jail. Now, I am gonna go get a soda and wait for your girlfriend to question me. You're welcome, by the way.

Sharon: Nick, I asked you not to involve the police, and yet you did.

Nick: Everything we know about Mariah proves she's a liar and a thief. Sharon, I don't want to see you hurt again.

Sharon: People change.

Nick: You need to stop acting like this is our chance to get our daughter back.

Sharon: I am not trying to replace Cassie.

Nick: Really? How come you are so determined to help her, then? Why'd you even have to bring her back here?

Sharon: Because Mariah needs help! She needs someone to lean on. She doesn't have any family.

Nick: Well, it's not gonna be us.

Victor: Well, the luggage is upstairs. It's time for you to settle in and unpack.

Nikki: [Sighs] Darling, I'm trying to be patient, but you're making it so difficult. How are you going to get the truth out of Ian?

Victor: Baby, will you stop worrying about this? I'll take care of Ian Ward.

Nikki: Victor...

Victor: What?

Nikki: ...Do you happen to remember why I left in the first place? You were doing things behind my back that you knew that I wouldn't approve of.

Victor: I don't want you to worry about this. I will take care of things.

[Doorbell rings]

Victor: Excuse me.

[Door opens]

Victor: Leslie.

Leslie: I, uh -- I stopped by the club to see Nikki, but --

Victor: Oh!

Nikki: Hi.

Victor: Please come in. There she is.

Leslie: I am so sorry to stop by so late, but I-I really need to speak with you.

Nikki: It -- it's fine.

Leslie: Okay.

Victor: I'll leave the two of you alone, okay?

Nikki: Thank you, darling. Please, come in.

Leslie: Okay.

Nikki: Um... you seem upset. Is everything all right?

Leslie: Um, well, first of all, I want you to know that I have dropped Ian as a client.

Nikki: Wise move.

Leslie: Now, while I was representing him, he, um -- he told me something in confidence, something that you should know.

Nikki: Wouldn't the attorney-client privilege prohibit you from telling me?

Leslie: I could be disbarred for even mentioning it, but I just -- I can't, in good conscience, keep this to myself any longer.

Nikki: Well, please, go ahead.

Leslie: Ian can't have children. He has known all along that Dylan isn't his son.

Nikki: Mm.

Leslie: You don't seem surprised.

Nikki: Uh, we had heard something about that, but, uh... you've just confirmed it for me. Actually, Paul is Dylan's father. And now he may die without ever knowing the truth.

Ian: Victor. Surprise.

Victor: So, all this time, you knew... that Dylan is not your son.

Ian: [Laughs] Not my son? What ever gave you that idea?

Victor: Your ex-wife told me that you were sterile.

Ian: [Laughing]

Victor: Isn't that s

Ian: That woman...

Victor: Yeah......

Ian: She'll say anything for the right price.

Victor: And so would you.

Nikki: I started to suspect that Ian was lying when I out that Dylan and Paul had the same blood type -- A.B.-Negative. It's very rare. Only 1% of the population has it. She confirmed it by telling us that Ian can't have children.

Leslie: Yeah, I -- actually, um, I just saw Dylan at crimson lights. He doesn't know about any of that.

Nikki: Oh, God, no. I already turned his life upside-down once. Gonna do it again without proof.

Leslie: Oh, well, now you -- now you have proof.

Nikki: How do you know Ian wasn't lying?

Leslie: Well, after he dropped this on me, I, um -- I did some digging just to make sure that it wasn't another one of his mind games. Turns out Ian was involved in a paternity suit.

Nikki: Let me guess -- some poor, misguided follower of his.

Leslie: Well, the woman named him as the father on her child's birth certificate and was suing him for support. The judge threw out the claim after Ian's doctor submitted documentation that proved that he couldn't have fathered that child, or any child. He was in an accident in his early teens which left him unable to, uh, have kids.

Nikki: Who's to say Ian didn't pay the doctor to say that?

Leslie: Yeah, but I spoke to the doctor myself, and his story, it, it checks out.

Nikki: So... that can only mean one thing.

Leslie: Dylan can be told. And Paul, too. He deserves to know he has a son, whether or not he can hear you.

Nikki: Yes.

Dylan: So, what was the case Leslie was talking about? I didn't know you were work already.

Avery: Uh, yeah. I was planning on taking a few days off, but then Summer needed my help.

Dylan: With what?

Avery: [Sighs] Austin's defense. Are you kidding me? The guy could've killed you, and now you're defending

Avery: I'm not defending him. I'm advising him until he can find a decent attorney.

Dylan: I don't want you anywhere near that nut job! Avery, you're taking this thing way too far.

Avery: Oh, I'm taking this way too far? You were gonna give a piece of your liver to Paul.

Dylan: And -- and I would still donate if I could. But, unfortunately, that decision was made for me. I may not be able to help Paul, but you can still make the right choice. Get away from Austin.

Avery: [Sighs]

Courtney: I don't think she did it. Was Mariah set up? If that's the case, you need to say something.

Sharon: You're not being the least bit fair.

Nick: To me, it's more important to keep the people you love safe.

Noah: Look, um, you know, maybe this is just a big misunderstanding.

Abby: Um, Noah, can I talk to you like now?

Noah: I've decided I'm not gonna press charges, okay? So let's just forget this ever happened.

Nick: You were all about calling the police. What changed?

Sharon: Mariah was right. You set her up, didn't you?

Sharon: Noah, how could you do this?

Noah: It was just supposed to be a test, all right? I-I left my wallet out to see if Mariah had really changed.

Sharon: Is this what you hoped would happen when you asked Noah to keep an eye on Mariah's every move?

Nick: I just asked him to keep an eye on her, not to frame her.

Noah: Don't blame dad. It wasn't his fault. This was me.

Sharon: Oh, really? So, then, how did, uh, your wallet end up in the ladies' room? Did you set that up, too?

Mariah: Oh, no. That was all Abby. She was behind the bar with Noah when the wallet went bye-bye.

Abby: I wish you would go bye-bye. Do you know all the spiteful, nasty things she's done to me?

Noah: All right, enough. This was our fault, not Mariah's, okay? I -- I'm sorry, mom, how -- how this all went down.

Sharon: Well, tell Mariah that, not me.

Mariah: No. Don't bother. I don't need this garbage. I can get a crappy job slinging drinks somewhere else. I quit.

Abby: [Clicks tongue] Darn.

Avery: You can't ask me not to take on a client. I'm an attorney. This is what I do.

Dylan: No, what you do is defend people you think are innocent. Austin is guilty.

Avery: You're not the first person to remind me of that.

Dylan: Look, I can still see him holding that gun on you. And my mind goes to the worst possible place -- that it could've been you instead of Paul.

Avery: How do you think that I felt when you wanted to have major surgery for Paul? You don't think that I thought about a doctor coming to me, telling me there were complications, telling me that we lost you? I've mourned you already.

Dylan: You don't have to be afraid. I'm not having the surgery.

Avery: You're not having the surgery because the doctors won't let you!

Dylan: If that's supposed to make it okay for you to go all-out for this guy --

Avery: I have to do this, Dylan -- I just do. You feel like you owe Paul something -- I owe Austin.

Dylan: You don't owe him anything. He kidnapped you, and he could've killed you!

Avery: My actions led to a chain of events that took Austin's mother from him, whether or not I meant to. Dylan, I have to make this right. I just do. I can't live with myself if I don't.

Ian: Dylan's paternity wouldn't even be an issue... if Nikki hadn't been a little more selective in the company that she kept.

Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Be careful, now, okay? I'm gonna make certain that you pay for every rotten thing you've ever done or said to her.

Ian: [Chuckles] I pay? Let's see. You already had me beaten up. You already messed with my business, my livelihood. What's next, Victor, huh? You gonna put out a contract on me?

Victor: You ain't seen nothing yet. Watch your back.

Michael: I just lit a candle in the chapel for you. I have no idea if it will do any good. But, uh... figured it can't hurt. At this point, I'd do just about anything to get you the hell out of this bed. Christine needs her husband back. I need my friend.

Nikki: [Voice breaking] Me, too.

Michael: Come here.

Nikki: [Crying] Oh, Michael.

Michael: I know.

Nikki: [Crying]

Michael: I know.

Nikki: [Sobs] Is there any change at all?

Michael: I wish I had some good news.

Nikki: [Sobs]

[Door opens]

Father Todd: I just spoke to Paul's doctor. Could you get Christine? I think she's down the hall in -- in one of the rooms. She's getting some rest.

Michael: Why?

Nikki: What's happening?

Michael: What did the doctor say?

Father Todd: Paul's condition is deteriorating. It may be time to deliver last rites.

Nikki: Oh, no. No.

[Crying] Paul, no.

Neil: Okay, so, look. I'm gonna be checking in tonight, so I'd appreciate it if you'd put a rush on it, okay? Can you do that? Thank you, my man.

Cane: So, is, uh, Hilary joining you?

Neil: Is Hilary joi-- no, actually, I'm spending the night here on my own, Mr. Nosy.

Cane: Why -- did she kick you out of your own place? [Laughing]

Neil: [Laughs sarcastically] It's our place now, and no. Everything is fantastic. I'm the one that suggested to Hilary that we spend the night apart. Make tomorrow even more special. You know what I mean?

Cane: What's happening tomorrow?

Neil: We're getting married.

Cane: [Chuckles] Really? Uh...so soon, huh?

Neil: No reason to wait. [Sighs] After I finish checking in, I'm gonna go find Devon.

Cane: Uh-huh.

Neil: I'm gonna tell him what's going on.

Cane: Okay, well, just so you know, uh, I've already told him you're getting married. I just haven't told him it was tomorrow.

Neil: I'll fill him in.

Cane: Good.

Neil: And listen to me closely, here. If anyone in this family tries to derail or stop this ceremony...unh-unh.

Devon: Hey. Thanks for meeting me. Cane told me that you and Neil are getting married.

Hilary: Is that why you're here -- so you can unload on me some more, tell me why I can't go through with the wedding?

Devon: You can't.

Hilary: [Sighing] Oh, because I'm not good enough for your father, right?

Devon: No. Because I know you'd be better with me.

Abby: Look, it's just as well that Mariah quit.

Sharon: Oh, be quiet, Abby. I don't want to hear it. What you did was beyond petty.

Abby: She locked me in a loft all night.

Sharon: But all you did was prove how insecure you are, being so resentful of Tyler's ex. I can't tell you how betrayed I feel.

Nick: Sharon --

Sharon: You know what? I told you how important it was to me to try to help this young girl, and you didn't do anything. You didn't give her a real chance. None of you did! I can't tell you how disappointed I am in all three of you.

Noah: [Sighs] I-I'm sorry I made such a mess.

Nick: That's all right, dude. I know you want to protect your mother.

Noah: What are you gonna do now?

Nick: I'm gonna fight for my family. There's no way I'm letting Mariah mess things up for Sharon and me.

Mariah: Ian. Thank God. I need to talk to you, or I am gonna explode.

Ian: Why? What's going on?

Mariah: I know that you told me to stick to Sharon, but it's kind of hard when the entire town hates your guts, you know?

Ian: I know you're tired of feeling like an outcast. I do understand that. But you -- you can't quit now, kiddo. You just have to be patient. Not everyone is against you.

Mariah: Oh, really? Well, who's on my side?

Ian: I am, for one! And that's all you really need.

Michael: Last rites?

Father Todd: Yeah, I'm afraid so.

Michael: I-I'll find Chris.

Father Todd: Yeah, I'll -- I'll try to get ahold of heather again.

Nikki: No. [Crying] Paul... you cannot go, not now... not when you have so much to live for. Listen to me. You and Christine are gonna have that baby. And even though heather is far away, she still needs her dad. We all do. We all need you so much... especially your firstborn son. Yes, Paul. Dylan... he's your son. Dylan is your son. [Crying] Oh, God, please.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Devon: You did feel the same things I was feeling, didn't you?

Sharon: Tell me everything you know about Mariah, please.

Nikki: You let me think that you were Dylan's father, and you knew all along that was impossible.

Avery: What?

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