Y&R Transcript Monday 6/16/14

Y&R Transcript Monday 6/16/14


Episode # 10434 ~ Jack delivers troubling news to Victoria; Nikki remembers her past with Paul.

Provided By Suzanne

Chelsea: Yeah, we can start by getting some background information on you.

Jenna: Actually, um, I'm not sure I'm a good candidate for this. I just moved to Australia a couple months ago.

Billy: Well, yeah, I think we'd love to hear your story. I mean, there's been a number of long-timers, but someone who just recently made the decision -- I'd be interested in why you chose to come here.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Jenna: You know, I'm not really comfortable being on camera.

Billy: We don't have to show your face. We don't even have to use your name.

Chelsea: You can be completely anonymous. No one will ever even know you spoke to us.

Stitch: Paul needs a liver transplant, and we're not having much luck finding a donor.

Nikki: Oh, dear God.

Dylan: Paul has siblings, though, right? That should help.

Stitch: Can't reach his brother and his sister is non compos, so she can't give consent.

Nikki: You could test me. Test Victor. I'm gonna call Nicholas. I'm gonna call everybody I can think of.

Avery: I'm sure everybody at the GCPD is gonna want to be tested.

Nikki: Yes!

Stitch: That'd be good, but Paul's blood type is what's giving us the trouble. It's very rare -- AB negative.

Nikki: Oh.

Dylan: Stitch, um... I'm AB negative.

Nikki: What?

Avery: You are?

Stitch: You could be a donor.

Nikki: My God! Dylan, you could save Paul's life.

Dylan: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go.

Avery: Whoa. Are you sure you're AB negative?

Dylan: I had it on everything when I was deployed. It was on my dog tags.

Nikki: It's unbelievable. We have had a compatible donor right here the whole time.

Dylan: Stitch, what do we need to do? Draw my blood? Run some tests? What?

Nikki: I can't wait to tell Christine.

Stitch: Okay, everybody slow down a minute. You may be a match, but that doesn't mean you're a suitable donor. There's still a whole process we have to go through to make sure this can happen.

Dylan: Is there time for that?

Avery: The hospital will insist we take the time.

Stitch: She's right.

Avery: For your sake and for Paul's.

Stitch: She's right.

Dylan: Let's get started.

Victoria: Ben, if Dylan is able to undergo surgery...

Stitch: He's Paul's best chance to pull through. Come on.

Leslie: How's Paul?

Avery: He's in critical condition. He needs a liver transplant.

Leslie: Have they found a donor?

Avery: Possibly.

Nikki: Yes.

Avery: Dylan might be able to donate a part of his liver. They're running some tests now.

Leslie: Well, I hope it works out.

Nikki: Oh, well, it will.

Victoria: Mom. Why don't we sit down? I'll get you some water. Come on.

Leslie: Some day, huh?

Avery: Yeah.

Leslie: I mean, I can't believe your cameraman was that unhinged. You'd think the producer would have done some type of background check on the guy.

Avery: Marcus had no way of knowing Austin and I had a connection.

Leslie: You knew Austin before he came to work for the show?

Avery: He knew me. His mother was shot and killed in a convenience store robbery by a man named Boz foreman, who, years before, had been accused of a similar crime. I got Boz acquitted the first time around.

Leslie: Oh. And he blames you for his mother's death.

Avery: He wanted me to confess my guilt and confess on camera, and then Dylan and Paul showed up, and now we're all here.

Leslie: Well, I'm just glad you're okay.

Avery: Yeah, I'm okay, but Paul is in there fighting for his life, and Summer -- I have no idea where she is.

Summer: That was...

Austin: Not how you imagined your first time?

Summer: It was exactly how I imagined it.

Austin: In a crummy motel on the run from the police? Yeah, that's most girls' fantasy.

Summer: No, it wasn't the place or the circumstance that made it special.

Austin: You're pretty amazing, too.

Summer: I just want to be like this with you forever.

Austin: About that.

Summer: I'm going to Canada with you.

Austin: You have a family and a life in Genoa City.

Summer: I don't have anything without you.

Austin: You're just not thinking clearly.

Summer: Yes, I am. I've lost a lot, and I don't want to lose you.

Jack: Yes, I know this is the third message I've left. Tell detective Harding it's urgent. You know what? Never mind. I'll tell him myself. I can't get Harding on the phone. I'm gonna go to the police station right now to tell him we both think that Summer and Austin are headed to Canada.

Nick: That's a good call. Dad's got a whole team of investigators looking for them.

Jack: Keep me apprised, all right?

Nick: You do the same.

Sharon: Jack.

Jack: Hi.

Sharon: Is there a lead on Summer?

Nick: Well, we think we know where they're headed, so Jack went to the police station to let them know.

Sharon: How are you holding up?

Nick: I'm doing about as well as any father could whose daughter just took off with a criminal.

Sharon: Nick.

Nick: If anything happens to her... You try to raise your kids to make good decisions. You convince yourself that they will, but...

Sharon: Nick, this isn't like what happened with Cassie. Summer's...an adult.

Nick: I know. She's all grown up now. But to me she's always gonna be that little girl who needs me to look under her bed and chase away the bad guys. And now she's out there with a real bad guy.

Sharon: But she texted you, so she said she's okay.

Nick: Yeah, well, I'm not gonna believe that until I get to see it with my own eyes.

Sharon: I hope Summer knows how lucky she is to have a dad like you.

Nick: But I'm not her dad. Jack is. And the ironic thing is I'm the biggest bad guy of all.

Sharon: That's not true.

Nick: It is true. If I hadn't lied about that paternity test, Summer's life wouldn't have been turned upside down last year.

Sharon: You never meant to hurt her.

Nick: I did hurt her. I hurt her bad, and I need to face that. It caused Summer's life to spiral out of control. I'm the reason things turned out the way they have.

Sharon: No. You're not.

Ian: Mariah. I didn't know you were back in town.

Mariah: Hey. Yeah. Hi. Did you hear about my little side trip to Portland?

Ian: Yes. Yes, but I didn't realize you were back in Genoa City.

Mariah: Well, Sharon insisted, after she paid a boat load for my legal problems to disappear.

Ian: Very generous of her. Surprising even. Considering how the two of you met.

Mariah: [Chuckles] Yeah, I don't get it, either, but I'm not asking any questions.

Ian: [Chuckles] Very wise. And, um... steering clear of me might be a good idea, too.

Mariah: Why? It's not like you could ruin my reputation.

Ian: I just don't want anybody to get the wrong idea. Especially that new guardian angel of yours.

Mariah: [Chuckles] Sharon kind of has taken me under her wing.

Ian: Uh-huh.

Mariah: She bailed me out of jail, she flew me back here. And she even got Nick to give me a job.

Ian: Wow. You might be able to get a lot more out of her than that.

Mariah: [Chuckles]

Avery: Here I was giving you a hard time for representing Ian when I helped free a killer.

Leslie: You are not responsible for him killing Austin's mother.

Avery: I thought I did the right thing. I thought Boz foreman was innocent. The evidence wasn't there.

Leslie: Stop. Avery, stop. You cannot think like that. You did the right thing. You're a good lawyer. You did your job. You can't be held accountable for other people's actions, okay? And don't let Boz foreman make you think otherwise. Okay, I have to get to this deposition. You okay?

Avery: Mm-hmm.

Leslie: Call me.

Avery: Okay.

Leslie: Okay?

Avery: Yep.

Leslie: If you need anything.

Avery: I will.

Leslie: Okay.

Victoria: Why don't you let me take you home? I'll ask Avery to call us if there's any change in Paul's condition.

Nikki: No, honey. I want to wait and hear what the doctors say about Dylan being a donor.

Victoria: I can't imagine that they won't let him. He and Paul have the same blood type.

Nikki: Yeah, but you heard what Ben said. Apparently there's more to it.

Victoria: You know what you always tell me. Picture the outcome that you want. See it in your mind. Now tell me... what do you see?

Nikki: Dylan saves Paul's life. And we all live happily ever after. [Chuckles]

Victoria: Okay, you just keep thinking that that's gonna happen and it will.

Nikki: I know that it will.

Stitch: Okay, lab will be ready for you in a few minutes. After they draw your blood, you'll undergo physical and psychological exams.

Dylan: Psychological?

Stitch: There's a lot that goes into being an organ donor, man.

Dylan: Okay, if I pass all the tests, how soon can you do the surgery?

Stitch: You seem awfully eager to go under the knife.

Dylan: You said yourself the clock's ticking for Paul.

Stitch: You sure that's the only reason you're so pumped to do this?

Dylan: Why else?

Stitch: Come on, Mac. This is me. What has gotten you so hot that you're willing to give a piece of your liver for a guy you barely know?

Dylan: I'm trying to save his life.

Stitch: Like you couldn't save sully's?

Dylan: This has nothing to do with sully.

Stitch: Okay, you're telling me you're not feeling the same kind of guilt about Paul that you felt when sully got shot?

Dylan: I thought the shrink was gonna analyze me.

Stitch: Mac, what happened to sully wasn't your fault.

Dylan: How would you know? You weren't there.

Stitch: You're right. I wasn't. But I know you. And I know you would have done anything in your power you could have to save sully.

Dylan: But I didn't. And now I have a chance to save Paul. And I'm gonna do it.

Harding: Mr. Abbott, I was just calling you.

Jack: With news about my daughter, I hope.

Harding: We found her car in a bus station downtown.

Jack: Any sign of Summer or Austin?

Harding: No one remembers seeing them, but we're pulling security footage right now. We're trying to figure out which way they're headed.

Jack: Okay, Nick and I both think they're headed to Canada.

Harding: Why?

Jack: Call it a parental hunch. You need to contact the border patrol, alert the state police, tell them to check every transfer station from here to lake superior.

Harding: I know how to do my job.

Jack: Do you also know my family owns a cabin? Have any of your people checked there? If you don't have enough personnel, let me know.

Harding: Slow down. Okay?

Jack: Slow down? My daughter is on her way out of the country with a fugitive, and you and the other authorities in Wisconsin don't seem to have done much about that!

Harding: We have an APB out on Travers and your daughter. We checked your cabin hours ago. There was no sign of them. The border patrol has been alerted, and every local P.D. From here to Canada is on the lookout for them.

Jack: Apparently that's not enough.

Harding: You listen to me. I want Travers as bad as you do. He shot my chief with me 10 feet away. I am doing everything in my power. And I'm gonna get him.

Austin: Okay, if you're serious about coming with me, we got to get going.

Summer: Okay, just give me five minutes to get showered and dressed.

Austin: Five?

Summer: Okay, maybe 10? [Laughs] Well, at least we don't have to pack.

Austin: Okay, the sooner we get on the road, the better.

Summer: Okay, yeah, no, I promise I'll be quick.

Austin: Okay.

[Door closes]

The search continues for the man who allegedly shot Genoa City police chief Paul Williams, who's in critical condition and reportedly fighting for his life. The suspect, Austin Travers, may be with Summer Newman, daughter of cosmetics mogul Jack Abbott. Both are --

Nick: Here. You can make all the excuses you want. But I let Summer think she was my daughter, even though I knew all along there was a good chance that Jack was her father. I cheated both of them by not running that second test. When the truth came out, Summer's life -- she completely lost her sense of self. She didn't know who she was or where she belonged. It is the reason she ended up in the hospital.

Sharon: You can't blame yourself that she took those energy pills.

Nick: I have to accept responsibility for this. I tried to blame Jack. I tried to put this on him because he started dating and he basically gave up on Phyllis, but this is not on Jack. It's on me. I'm the reason. It's me. I'm the reason Summer's life turned upside down. It's the reason I lost my daughter.

Sharon: Nick, don't do this to yourself.

Nick: When I think about the great life that you and I had, then I think about the great life that Jack and Phyllis could have had with Summer.

Sharon: Maybe I can help you. You're always there for me. Let me be there for you.

Nick: You are.

Sharon: No, but I mean all the time. When you go to sleep every night, when you wake up every morning.

Nick: What are you talking about?

Sharon: Move in with me.

Mariah: I don't know. It doesn't feel right.

Ian: Eh?

Mariah: Using Sharon the way that you're suggesting. She's already done way more for me than I deserve.

Ian: Well, it's not a one-way street. I mean, letting her help you helps her, too.

Mariah: How?

Ian: It's healing for her. I mean, she's obviously still grieving over the loss of her daughter. I mean, look how easy it was for you to make her think that she was seeing Cassie. She's desperately trying to recapture that -- that special connection that only exists between a mother and her child.

Mariah: [Scoffs] Yeah, like that exists.

Ian: Hey. Don't let your feelings for your mother prevent you from having a relationship with Sharon.

Mariah: Who says I want one?

Ian: You look me in the eye and tell me you don't. Hmm?

Mariah: I guess -- I guess it's kind of nice feeling cared about for a change.

Ian: [Chuckles] Right. Okay. Getting closer to Sharon could be good for both of you.

Mariah: I'll think about it.

Ian: Good. And remember this. If things don't work out, you'll always have a place in my family.

Mariah: [Sighs]

Ian: [Chuckles]

Chelsea: So, now that you know this will be completely anonymous, let's get started.

Jenna: Um, I'd still like to know a little bit more about your documentary before I commit to being a part of it.

Billy: Oh, yeah, of course. Joan, will you fill Jen in on what we're doing? She pitches it a lot better than I do. And while we're doing that, I will check in with our local office and make sure our crew is lined up. Do you have a phone I can use? My cell phone service sucks.

Jenna: Uh, there's one in the kitchen. Just through there.

Billy: Great. Thanks. Make sure you tell her all about the awards we've won, huh?

Chelsea: You know I will. [Sighs] So... as you know, Liam and I are creating this documentary about expats that have moved to Australia and currently live there. We're interested in exploring the physical and emotional toll that has on individuals and their families. So, let's get started. According to our records, you have a son?

Jenna: Max.

Chelsea: Max. Okay. Max -- and how old is max?

Jenna: He's six.

Chelsea: Six. Wow. Oh, he must have been so excited to move to the land of koalas and kangaroos. [Chuckles]

Jenna: It was an adjustment for him.

Chelsea: Oh, okay, but he's happy here?

Jenna: He's very happy. Yeah, and, in fact, I just remembered I have to pick him up from school.

Chelsea: Now?

Jenna: Yes, I am sorry. He has a half day. I forgot. I just need to, um, grab my jacket and purse in the kitchen.

Chelsea: Wait. Just be one second.

Chelsea: If you could just give me a few more minutes, I just have a couple more questions.

Jenna: I really like to be there when school lets out.

Chelsea: I understand. Completely. Actually, I have a son, too. Connor. He's almost 1, so... I understand about worrying. I don't think I slept for the first six months of his life. I mean, even now, if he coughs or sneezes, I'm immediately on the phone with the doctor.

Jenna: I was the same way with max. Yeah, pediatrician was number one on my speed dial.

Chelsea: As crazy as it is to be worried all the time, though, I wouldn't trade being a parent for anything. I mean, it really is the most amazing experience in the whole world.

Jenna: Yeah. It's weird how rewarding and how terrifying it can be at the same time.

Chelsea: It's true. It's true. I didn't think I could ever care about someone so much, but the second I got pregnant, I knew I would do anything for my child. I wanted him to see everything. I wanted him to experience everything. Actually, he almost did. We almost moved to Paris. I was gonna raise him there. We were, um, gonna show him Europe and show him the whole world, and our life was -- was gonna be amazing.

Jenna: What happened?

Chelsea: My husband died. And so did all those dreams.

Ian: Leslie. Hello.

Leslie: Ian.

Ian: Let me buy you a coffee. We can catch up.

Leslie: Since you're no longer my client, we have nothing to catch up on. In fact, if we never spoke again, it would suit me just fine.

Ian: Aw, I'm sorry you feel that way. I really enjoyed our time together. We grew very close, didn't we?

Leslie: We were never friends.

Ian: Oh, you mean like you and Avery? How is she, by the way? I heard all about her kidnapping and Paul being shot trying to rescue her. Terrible.

Leslie: Yes. It is.

Ian: At least now everyone knows that I wasn't the one sending all those threatening messages. And that it finally proves once and for all what an upstanding citizen I am. And that I have absolutely no agenda.

Leslie: Lying really is just like breathing to you, isn't it?

Nikki: Oh. So, what happened?

Dylan: Well, stitch asked them to put a rush on everything, but it's gonna be at last a day before they know if they can accept me as a donor.

Nikki: Thank you so much for doing this.

Dylan: I just hope I pass.

Avery: Sounds like you've already made up your mind about going ahead with the surgery.

Dylan: It's the least I can do for Paul.

Victoria: I can't believe that you and Paul have the same blood type. I mean, AB negative is so rare.

Dylan: Yeah, I know. For months I've been cursing the fact that I had any part of Ian's DNA in me. Now his genes could end up saving Paul's life.

Nikki: It's a good thing that Paul isn't aware of that right now.

Jack: Hi. How's Paul?

Victoria: Hey. His liver was badly damaged, and they tried to repair it.

Nikki: He needs a transplant.

Jack: Oh, dear God. How's Christine?

Nikki: Scared.

Victoria: She's in the chapel. She's probably praying that they find a donor.

Nikki: But her prayers may have been answered. It turns out that Dylan has the same blood type as Paul. So we're waiting to see if he can be a donor.

Jack: Wow, that is very generous of you.

Dylan: Any word on Summer?

Jack: The police have a few leads. Actually, that's why I'm here. Avery, I was hoping you could answer some questions about this Austin Travers.

Avery: Sure. I don't know how helpful I can be.

Jack: Where is he from?

Avery: I don't know. He never said.

Jack: What about a girlfriend? Does she have a name?

Avery: Yeah, I'm not sure she even existed.

Jack: Can you tell me anything, anything at all, about him that would give me a clue as to where he's taken Summer?

Nikki: Jack, you're not planning on trying to find Summer on your own.

Jack: I have to do something, Nikki.

Nikki: No, you need to let the police handle it.

Dylan: Just be careful. Bad things can happen when you interfere with the cops doing their job.

Jack: I just can't stand not knowing what's going on.

Summer: Hey, I was thinking we should get something to eat before we go -- Austin?

[Knock on door]

Summer: Did you forget your key? Don't shoot! Don't shoot!

Nick: Can I get you some more tea?

Sharon: Um... no, but I would like you to answer the question.

Nick: You really want me to move in with you?

Sharon: That's the one.

Nick: I don't know. I mean, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but... it's a big step. And not just for you and me, but for faith, too. It's -- it's a commitment. Do you really think we can get back what we had?

Sharon: I think we can build something new. Something better and stronger. So... what do you say? Can we be a family again?

Nick: Yeah, let's do it.

Mariah: Sorry.

Sharon: Oh, Mariah. That's okay. We were -- we were just celebrating.

Mariah: Oh, did they find Summer?

Nick: No.

Sharon: But they will.

Mariah: Well, if there's anything I can do.

Nick: Yeah, the police have it covered.

Mariah: Right. Of course. Well, my shift's starting, so...

Nick: Yeah, Noah will be here soon.

Mariah: Okay, well, I'll hold down the fort until he gets here.

Sharon: Did you see that? She's offering to help with Summer and cover for Noah. She's really trying.

Nick: Mm-hmm.

[Cell phone rings]

Nick: That's GCPD. Yeah, hi. This is Nick. Great. Okay. Thank you. They found Summer.

Sharon: [Sighs]

Leslie: Thank you.

Avery: Oh, hello, again.

Leslie: Oh, hi. Um, I thought you were at the hospital getting tested to be Paul's donor.

Dylan: All finished. Just waiting for the results.

Leslie: Okay, well --

Ian: Avery. I heard about your terrible ordeal. I'm glad to see you're okay.

Avery: You can't imagine how little that means to me.

Ian: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I thought that once you realized that I wasn't the one sending you those threatening messages that you'd change your opinion of me.

Dylan: Not really.

Ian: You won't admit that you misjudged me?

Dylan: The only thing that's changed is some good may come out of your miserable existence.

Ian: Pray tell.

Dylan: Turns out you passed something worthwhile onto me after all.

Ian: Honor? Decency? A passion for doing the right thing?

Dylan: Your blood type. It makes me a compatible organ donor for Paul Williams. So I guess thanks to you I might be able to save a decent man's life.

Ian: Hm.

Victoria: Billy, I know you went to Australia to talk to Ben's ex-wife. Digging up dirt on Ben is no way to win me back. You know, you say that you love me, but when you do things like this, it's really hard to believe. Stop this now. I mean it.

Jack: Sorry for eavesdropping.

Victoria: [Sighs] That's okay, Jack. You know what? You're just gonna hear it eventually. If not from Billy, then from Kelly.

Jack: Kelly?

Victoria: Yeah, Kelly's the one who told Ben why Billy went to Australia. That's how I found out.

Jack: I cannot figure what's up with those two.

Victoria: Ben and Kelly?

Jack: [Sighs] Kelly said they were close once. It certainly seems like they still are.

Victoria: Well, that explains why Kelly ratted out Billy to Ben.

Jack: Ben told Kelly that you were pregnant, claimed it was part of a casual conversation.

Victoria: I don't trust Kelly, but I am grateful that she tipped off Ben about why Billy's in Australia.

Jack: And once again my brother thinks first, then acts later.

Victoria: [Sighs] Why does he not realize the repercussions, Jack?

Jack: Because he loves you, Victoria. Because he wants to protect you from Ben's secret, whatever that is.

Victoria: Nothing Ben is hiding could hurt me more than Billy already has.

Jenna: I am so sorry about your husband.

Chelsea: Thank you. It's been hard. Having to be mother and father to my son. I mean, boys -- they need their dad.

Jenna: Well, they need a positive male role model. Yeah.

Chelsea: Well, Adam, I mean, he wasn't perfect, but he loved me a lot and he loved Connor.

Jenna: Sometimes love is just not enough.

Chelsea: Yeah, well, I mean, I think sometimes when they're taken away from you, it's a lot harder. Adam and I, we had so many plans and dreams for our future. You know? We had this amazing life. And then suddenly it was just gone. And for a long time, I really thought that he would come back to me. I really did, but eventually I had to realize the truth. That I have to raise my child alone. And as you know, it's not easy.

Jenna: No. It isn't. Max's father, he, um... he didn't die like yours. But...sometimes I think it might have been better if he had, but...

Chelsea: Jenna. Why do you say that?

Jenna: I don't want to talk about my ex-husband.

Chelsea: He cheated on you, didn't he? Men, they are so --

Jenna: No, he wasn't unfaithful.

Chelsea: Was he abusive? Oh, my g! It's no wonder you don't want to talk about it.

Jenna: Okay, listen. I have to pick up my son. So you and your associate, you have to go.

Billy: Well, sorry about that. [Chuckles] I was on the phone with the producers. They want to cut our budget again.

Chelsea: Ugh.

Billy: I hope you guys started without me.

Chelsea: Yeah, yeah. We're making a lot of progress.

Jenna: But I have to go, so you need to leave.

Billy: Sure. No problem. Did you get what we needed?

Chelsea: Just -- just one more thing.

Nick: Where's Summer. Is she okay?

Harding: Oh, she's fine, but she's not here.

Nick: You said you found her.

Harding: Yeah, she's in a motel near the Canadian border. I knew you and her dad would want to know.

Nick: Jack said he was gonna come talk to you.

Harding: Oh, yeah. He did. He was here earlier. I didn't have any information then. I left him a message.

Nick: Was Summer with Travers?

Harding: No, she was alone.

Nick: Did she say where he was?

Harding: She's not talking.

Nick: She'll talk to me.

Ian: I need some clarification, son.

Dylan: I'm not your son! You think you're gonna walk out of this door free and clear and do this again?

Ian: I know about your military background, all right?

Dylan: It's about to come in handy.

Ian: I understand you're a dangerous man. What are you gonna do? Huh? You gonna kill me?

Dylan: I'm gonna make you wish you were dead!

Ian: Don't kill me, Dylan. If you do, you'll never know.

Leslie: Now, once you meet all the criteria to be a donor, they'll just go ahead with the surgery.

Avery: If he meets the criteria.

Leslie: I thought having the same blood type automatically makes you a match?

Dylan: It does.

Avery: Well, there are a lot of factors involved.

Leslie: Okay, well, if it doesn't work out, Paul's on the national donor list, right?

Dylan: There's no guarantee that they're gonna find him a liver in time. Only 1% of the population is AB negative. That's why I have to do this. I am Paul's best chance.

Avery: Well, Paul has two brothers and maybe one of them will be a match.

Dylan: But I already am.

Leslie: I'm meeting a client. I'll talk to you later. Okay?

Avery: You're really determined to do this. You're determined to be Paul's donor.

Dylan: You know me. I have a habit of running toward trouble.

Avery: Yeah, that's what concerns me here. You're rushing into this. You're not thinking it through.

Dylan: You sound like stitch and the shrink that interviewed me.

Avery: Oh, good. I sound like a trained physician. I will take that as a compliment. Were you honest with either of them?

Dylan: What does that mean?

Avery: That means did you tell them that you blame yourself for what happened to Paul?

Dylan: If I let Paul do his job, Paul wouldn't be fighting or his life.

Avery: Okay, first of all, you have no way of knowing that. And second, you saved my life.

Dylan: And now I have to save Paul's.

Avery: What about your life?

Dylan: [Sighs]

Stitch: It's tough being the one on the outside looking in.

Nikki: Well, I have no intention of causing any trouble between Paul and Christine.

Stitch: You think that's what I'm doing with Billy and Victoria?

Nikki: You've complicated her life.

Stitch: I don't want to hurt her, Nikki.

Nikki: You're not the one who stands to be hurt. If that baby turns out to be Billy's -- actually, no. Even if it's not...

Stitch: You think she'll go back to him.

Nikki: I think when you have the kind of connection they do, it's very hard to walk away from that. I think I'm gonna go in for a minute.

Nick: Summer, are you sure you're okay?

Summer: Yeah, I told you I was in my text. You didn't have to sic the cops on me.

Nick: Summer, you went off with a dangerous criminal. Of course I called the police.

Summer: Yeah, Austin's not dangerous.

Nick: He kidnapped Avery and held her at gunpoint. He shot Paul. Paul could die.

Summer: Yeah, it was an accident, dad.

Nick: It was an accident? Then why did Travers run?

Summer: I don't know. He was scared.

Nick: He should be. He's in a lot of trouble. You can be in a lot of trouble, too, if you don't tell us where he is.

Summer: I don't know.

Nick: Damn it, Summer. Tell me the truth.

Austin: Excuse me.

Nick: You stupid punk! You messed with the wrong -- don't you --

Harding: Hey, hey! Let it go! I'm serious! Back off!

Austin: I'm here to turn myself in.

Harding: Well, that's handy. 'Cause you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Summer: No, please! No, please! No!

Harding: ...You can't afford one, one will be appointed to you by the state. Do you understand these rights as I've read them to you?

Summer: [Sighs]

Jack: Police found Summer.

Victoria: Oh, finally some good news.

Jack: That's not the only good news. We don't have to worry about Billy.

Victoria: You spoke to him?

Jack: No, but Chelsea will make sure he doesn't get into trouble.

Victoria: Chelsea?

Jack: I spoke to a friend of mine who's in the airline business. Billy arrived in Australia a little while ago. Chelsea is with him.

Chelsea: Do you think we could have a follow-up interview since this got cut short?

Jenna: I don't know. Excuse me.

Billy: Well, it's very important that we get all the facts.

Jenna: Call me. We'll see.

Chelsea: Okay, great. Thank you so much.

Jenna: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Thank you.

Jenna: Bye.

Billy: I told you Rayburn's hiding something.

Chelsea: I can get her to tell us what it is. She'll talk.

Leslie: He's gonna figure it out, you know.

Ian: That's when the real fun begins.

Nikki: Christine will be back really soon. She told me the two of you are planning on trying for a family. I think that's wonderful. I know that you have regrets about Ricky and heather. You deserve a second chance to be a father. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have a second chance with Dylan. And because of him, you're gonna get a second chance. I, uh... kind of have been keeping this from you, but... Dylan has the same blood type as you. Can you believe it? So right now, they're testing him to see if he can donate part of his liver to you. I'll bet you're glad now that you helped me find him, huh? [Chuckles] Oh, my God. You and I have been such good friends all these years. All the crazy times. [Sighs] We were just kids. [Chuckles]

Paul: Everything I need is here. You really believe that?

Nikki: Oh, yes, I do. I truly believe it, Paul.

Paul: Well, you're here, Nikki, and... and I'm here, and you know how much I always cared about you. And if it's the truth --

Nikki: It is. It is the truth.

Paul: You're the only woman I ever cared for.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Willa: Ian isn't able to father children.

Cane: I don't think your dad and Hilary will be together that long.

Hilary: I love it.

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