Y&R Transcript Tuesday 6/10/14
Episode # 10430 ~ Billy gets Chelsea to help him get information on Stitch; the race to save Avery takes a disastrous turn.
Provided By Suzanne
[Cell phone rings]
Courtney: Is that your phone?
Dylan: It's Austin's.
Kevin: That means that he's --
Dylan: He's 4mj, and he's been right in front of my face the whole time.
Courtney: Wait -- are you saying that you know the guy who's been harassing Avery online?
Paul: Austin is the cameraman on her cooking show.
Dylan: And I gave him complete access to her.
Kevin: Well, what is his motive? What does he have against Avery?
Paul: Look, what can you tell me about this guy?
Dylan: Not much. I mean, he kept things private for a reason. All I'm sure of right now is that he's got Avery.
Avery: Is that really necessary?
Austin: You made it necessary by refusing to do what I told you to do. But that's gonna change now. You're gonna get over there in front of that camera and take responsibility for the death of my mother.
Avery: And if I don't?
Billy: Coffee. Two sugars. Thank you for meeting me.
Chelsea: You're lucky I needed a shot of caffeine, because I probably wouldn't have come. Whatever you have to say, Billy, make it quick. I want to get back to Connor.
Billy: Well, you already know what I have to say.
Chelsea: Oh. Is this about going to Australia with you?
Billy: Come on. I mean, can't you smell the shrimp on the Barbie, huh? The succulent wood-fire aroma? Wait -- wait -- listen. Huh? I think I hear a pack of koalas calling your name.
Chelsea: And they're telling me to mind my own business.
Billy: Are you really gonna stick with that?
Chelsea: Yeah, I meant it. I helped you as much as I could, okay? If you want to go and talk to stitch's ex-wife, ask her a bunch of questions, more power to you, but I'm staying out of it.
Billy: What would goose say to maverick, hmm? Would he abandon him?
Chelsea: Goose and maverick?
Billy: Yeah, haven't you ever seen "top gun"?
Chelsea: Like, 100 years ago.
Billy: Yeah, and goose was maverick's sidekick, and I thought you were supposed to be mine. You can't give up on me now.
Chelsea: Doesn't goose die?
Billy: Yeah, but you can't let something silly like that keep you from helping me.
Kelly: Comfort food?
Stitch: [Chuckles] How'd you guess?
Kelly: It would make sense if you wanted some, especially after talking to Victoria. You did talk to her, didn't you? All right, what happened? The last time I saw you, you said that you were going to tell her the truth about yourself.
Stitch: Well, I decided that would have been a mistake.
Kelly: [Scoffs] Wow. I should have known you'd chicken out.
Stitch: No, it wasn't like that. I did it to protect her.
Kelly: No, you were protecting yourself.
Stitch: No.
Kelly: You know what? Victoria is a tough woman. She's not some delicate flower. She's tough enough to handle anything.
Stitch: Yeah, but maybe the baby she's carrying isn't.
Summer: So, where's Kelly?
Jack: She'll be here soon. We're actually a little bit early, but it gives me a chance to catch up with you.
Summer: Yeah.
Jack: How you doing? I imagine it was a little difficult meeting Cassie's look-alike.
Summer: Yeah, she is not what Cassie would have grown up to be like. I just hate that Mariah has her face. You know, it's weird and depressing.
Jack: Well, maybe this dinner will pick up your spirits.
Summer: Yeah.
Jack: I'm glad you agreed to join us. Any chance this new guy in your life might show up?
Summer: Um, Austin's not really my new guy.
Jack: But I thought --
Summer: Yeah, so did I... until he told me that he was leaving town.
Jack: I'm sorry to hear that.
Summer: No, it's okay. I haven't given up. I'm hoping that I convinced him to stick around for a little while.
Avery: How am I supposed to confess if you shoot me?
Austin: Start talking. Move.
Avery: All right. Austin, I don't believe you're gonna shoot me.
Austin: Did you believe the same thing about foreman after you got him off for murder?
Avery: Yes, I did. I already told you I was convinced he was innocent.
Austin: Wow. Some judge of character you are.
Avery: I'm right about you. Austin, you are not a killer.
Austin: I wasn't until foreman gunned down my mother in cold blood and I found out you were to blame.
Chelsea: I haven't given up on you or your marriage. Haven't I proven that already? I mean, I got you Jenna's address.
Billy: Which I am eternally grateful for. But I'd be even more grateful if you came with me to see her. Please?
Chelsea: Oh, save the charm for Victoria. That doesn't work on me.
Billy: Okay, what will?
Chelsea: Oh, it's not that easy. I can't just take off for the other side of the world. I have a baby to take care of. I have a job.
Billy: You're only gonna be gone a few days.
Chelsea: I'm -- I'm sorry. Billy, it's just not good timing. I'm supposed to go to California to see the Forresters.
Billy: I have already arranged for the flight to stop in L.A. On our way to Melbourne. Oh, I, uh -- I checked your schedule with your assistant.
Chelsea: Oh. Remind me to thank her for that.
Billy: Look, this is the perfect solution. Okay, we have a layover in Hollywood so you can work your magic with rick and Caroline. And I can work on my tan at the pool. And then it's off to the oz, where you'll help me win Victoria back.
Chelsea: You've really thought this through, haven't you?
Billy: I just think that if there's any chance that stitch's ex-wife can help me find out what he's hiding, I need to do this, and it would be a hell of a lot easier if I could count on your mad con-artist skills.
Chelsea: What's in it for me?
Billy: Actually, a lot.
Kelly: Wow. I mean, that's incredible. Um, I know how hard it's been for Victoria to conceive. She and Billy must be thrilled.
Stitch: [Sighs]
Kelly: What's the matter? Nothing's wrong with the baby, is there?
Stitch: No, it's not like that.
Kelly: Well, then what? Oh, my god!
Stitch: Okay, it hasn't been determined one way or the other, but...
Kelly: [Sighs]
Stitch: ...I may be the baby's dad.
Kelly: I can't bel-- [Chuckles] Okay. Great. Does Billy know?
Stitch: Victoria's been trying to keep a lid on it, but, uh, you know, until the paternity test, but news got out.
Kelly: [Chuckles] Of course it did. The truth always does.
Stitch: Okay, look, if you're gonna harp on me to come clean with Victoria after what I just told you --
Kelly: No, no, no. I'm not. I understand why you wouldn't want to risk the pregnancy, and lord knows Victoria doesn't need to hear about the -- your past right now. But come on! I mean, when the time comes -- if the baby is yours -- you're not gonna be able to stay silent anymore. You're gonna have to tell the truth, and not just to Victoria, but to everyone.
Jack: So, you're pulling out all the stops to keep this Austin guy from leaving town?
Summer: Yeah, I tried, anyways.
Jack: Well, you know, maybe he won't move that far away. You can still keep things going. Where's he from?
Summer: Um, I don't know.
Jack: What do you mean you don't know?
Summer: I don't know. We didn't talk about it.
Jack: What do you talk about?
Summer: I don't know -- movies, sports, you know, stuff like that.
Jack: You never talk about your family?
Summer: Yeah, we talk about our moms. It's what connects us. Yeah, but other than that, he doesn't really volunteer a lot of information.
Jack: No one was any better at getting someone to talk than your mom.
Summer: Yeah.
Jack: Ever wonder how she'd handle this?
Summer: Hmm. Mom would want to storm over to Austin's house...
Jack: [Chuckles]
Summer: ...Get right up in his face, and demand answers.
Jack: I can hear her right now. "Nobody keeps my kid in the dark and gets away with it!"
Summer: Yeah, and then I'd beg her to please, just let me handle it myself.
Jack: And eventually, she'd relent.
Summer: Yes, but then taking the backseat would drive her crazy.
Jack: 'Cause she trusted you to stand up for yourself.
Summer: Yeah. And then, in the end, she'd tell me to follow my own instincts. That's always what she did.
Jack: No matter how unpopular the choice may be.
Dylan: I can't believe I didn't see through his act. I wasn't paying attention.
Paul: All right, Dylan, did he ever threaten Avery in any way?
Dylan: No, he was smarter than that. He got her to drop her defenses and made his move when the time was right. Kevin, what is taking so long?
Kevin: Look, I'm working as fast as I can, but this guy Travers was really good at covering his tracks. I can't find an address anywhere.
Paul: Okay, what about Avery's cell phone? Do we have a hit on that yet?
Kevin: Still trying to locate the closest tower.
Courtney: Avery's producer hasn't heard from Austin since yesterday.
Dylan: Does he know where Austin lives?
Courtney: All his paperwork just listed a P.O. Box. All Marcus knew about Austin was that he had production experience and his references were good. He picked up all his paychecks in person.
Paul: Did you get ahold of Harding?
Courtney: Yeah, he's on his way over from the crime lab.
Kevin: Whoa, whoa. I got it. I got it.
Dylan: What?
Kevin: 41 Newkirk avenue.
Paul: Dylan, don't even think about it!
Dylan: Paul, I got to get to her! I have to get to her!
Paul: This is a police matter! Watch the door! No one leaves.
Harding: All right, Sloane's filled me in. What's the latest?
Paul: Okay, we got a location on Travers. I want you to take two units and check it out. And have another two units on standby in case we can verify that he is, indeed, holding Avery.
Dylan: "In case"?
Paul: Dylan, this could be a huge misunderstanding.
Kevin: Or it could not be. I got his address off a state document -- a firearm registration. Travers bought a gun on April 10th.
Dylan: That's -- that's the week before Avery started her cooking show. Austin planned this all along.
Austin: You can still save yourself.
Avery: So can you. Let me go. I won't tell anybody about this. But if you continue to hold me at gunpoint, you're facing serious charges. And if you -- if you pull the trigger, your life as you know it will be gone forever.
Austin: I'll take my chances.
Avery: Austin, is this what your mother would want -- for you to avenge her death by throwing away your whole life?
Austin: What the hell do you know?
Avery: I know that if she loved you, she would want what's best for you. You want to honor your mother -- I know that -- but this isn't the way to do it. Just put the gun away. Don't turn one tragedy into two. Throw in a little bit of water to kind of bust it up. It makes it break into little separate rivulets. ICU -- knocking over candy stripers, blowing by nuns.
Chelsea: All right. Lay it out. What do I have to gain from going with you?
Billy: Only an all-expense-paid trip to the beautiful, sunny land down under.
Chelsea: Um, I can pay for my own trip, and, also, it's not sunny there right now. It's winter.
Billy: What about, uh, all the exotic animals like kangaroos and koala bears, hmm?
Chelsea: I could go to the Genoa City zoo.
Billy: In the wild?
Chelsea: I don't want wild.
Billy: Oh, don't you? I mean, come on, Chelsea -- do you really want to spend another boring, lonely night in Adam's penthouse, looking down at everybody living their lives, when you could be living a life of your own?
Chelsea: What makes you assume I'm bored and -- and lonely?
Billy: Because people like us need excitement and adventure, or we go stir-crazy. I'm giving you the opportunity to get your blood pumping again.
Chelsea: My blood is pumping just fine, thank you.
Billy: Yeah, sure it is.
Chelsea: For your information, I am extremely happy and extremely satisfied with my life right now.
Billy: You know, I knew you were a good con artist, but you're so good, you can con yourself.
Stitch: All we're doing is speculating at this point. If the baby is mine, I will take the appropriate action at the appropriate time.
Kelly: When -- after Victoria gives birth?
Stitch: If that's what's necessary. The baby has got to be my first priority, and it better be yours, too.
Kelly: Oh, I see. So, your past stays hidden for the sake of the baby. Well, what's so absurd, Ben, but, you know, whatever gets you to sleep at night.
Stitch: You did say you'd keep quiet about my history.
Kelly: Yeah, and I will.
Stitch: Unless Jack asks you a direct question.
Kelly: No, I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna lie to him.
Stitch: Wow. Well, I guess I better hope that his curiosity doesn't get the better of him.
Kelly: Ben. I want you to understand something, okay? This is not like the last time. When I told Jenna what you'd done, it was because I was so hurt and so angry about Sam -- about losing him. So I-I didn't know what to do with those feelings. I-I didn't know where to -- where to turn, so I-I looked for a convenient target, and I lashed out at the person who took away someone else I loved very much.
Harding: Officers in transit.
Paul: All right, put the tactical team on alert.
Kevin: I got a lock on Avery's cell. It's the same tower as Travers'.
Paul: All right, notify all units to proceed. Dylan, I want you to stay -- Dylan? Ohh! Dylan! [Sighs]
[Door slams]
Paul: Nice work.
Harding: [Sighs]
Austin: You talk a good game, don't you? But that's all it is for you lawyers -- a game. You use your tricks to get what you want.
Avery: No, I'm not trying to trick you.
Austin: No? You're just gonna walk out that door and forget this ever happened?
Avery: I will. You have my word.
Austin: Yeah, and we know how much that's worth. But you know what? The way I see it, it's okay. I win either way 'cause even if I'm caught, some fancy defense attorney will, uh, snatch up my case. Anything for a buck, right? They'll prove to the jury that I was acting out of grief and pain, and I'll be off in no time, just like Boz foreman.
Avery: Listen to me. The legal system -- yes, it is flawed. It did not protect your mother, and that is tragic. But it's also saved so many lives, and that's why I do what I do -- so that justice can be done.
Austin: That's all I'm looking for, too.
Avery: But look how you're going about it, Austin. You're standing there -- you're pointing a gun at me. How does it make you any different than the man that took your mother's life?
Austin: Look who's talking -- his accomplice! You helped him kill again. For that, you deserve to pay.
Chelsea: If you're trying to recruit me, insulting me is a poor strategy.
Billy: Insulting you? No, "con artist" is the ultimate compliment in my book.
Chelsea: And you're a pretty talented one yourself, so why do you need my help?
Billy: Because everything is on the line for me. Okay, and with you in my corner, it could be the difference between getting Victoria back or blowing it for good. I know you want this. I could see it in your face when I was planning it out. You know, the spark is back and the fire in your eyes. You need this.
Chelsea: No, I think you need this. It's all about what will make
you happy.
Billy: Chelsea, don't you get it? I want you to be happy, too.
Kelly: I'm so sorry. I hope I haven't kept you two waiting.
Jack: No, no, no. We got -- you gave us a chance to talk, right, kiddo?
Summer: Yeah. You know, well, I'm gonna listen to what we talked about, and I'm gonna do something, so please don't kill me, but I'm gonna take a rain check on dinner.
Jack: Wait, wait, wait. You're leaving?
Summer: Yeah. Um, I'm going to follow my instincts and be like mom. So...bye. Sorry, Kelly.
Jack: [Sighs] Here, sit.
Kelly: Let me guess -- is that her way of saying that she still doesn't approve of us dating?
Jack: No, that has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the fella we met in the park.
Kelly: Austin.
Jack: Austin has told her that he is leaving town, and she's pretty distraught about that.
Kelly: And this worries you.
Jack: She's fallen fast, and, frankly, she doesn't know a damn thing about the guy. I just don't want her to get her heart broken.
Kelly: Well, it could work out. You never know.
Jack: Yeah, I guess. I don't know. I just have a weird feeling about this. Many a time, Phyllis trusted her instincts the same way Summer's doing now, and it didn't work out so well.
Austin: Last chance to save yourself. Are you ready for your close-up?
Avery: Wait. Wait. Wait. I have an idea -- a better way for you to avenge your mother's death.
Austin: What are you gonna do? Bake me a pie?
Avery: I will make sure that b-- Boz foreman never gets parole. I will work the system any way that I have to --
Austin: While the woman who got him out of prison walks around free? No, no. That's a bad idea.
Avery: Wait! Wait. Austin, you said that if I confessed, you would let me go, right?
Austin: I'm tired of all these questions. I'm tired of all the --
[Gun cocks]
Avery: Austin. Austin! Wait. Wait! Wait!
Austin: [Grunts]
Avery: Dylan!
[Both grunting]
Avery: Dylan, look out! Paul!
Paul: Drop the gun!
Harding: Oh! Drop the weapon!
Paul: Do as he says!
Harding: Drop the weapon!
Paul: Drop it now!
Avery: No!
Austin: [Grunts]
Avery: Dylan!
Harding: Stay on the ground! Stay on the ground!
Dylan: I'm okay.
Avery: Oh, thank god. [Sighs]
Courtney: Chief!
Avery: Oh, my god.
Harding: Officer down! Officer down! We need assistance immediately. It's -- it's chief Williams! Get him! Go get him!
Courtney: 246 -- Newkirk -- in pursuit of -- freeze, or I'll fire!
Paul: [Weakly] Travers.
Harding: I know. I got you, chief. I got you. Shh.
Jack: Everything looks so good. I am starving. You know, Devon did a heck of a job revamping this menu. I'm feeling -- I don't know -- adventurous. Let's -- let's try the lobster mac and cheese for starters, shall we? We could always try the poison oak salad, though.
Kelly: Oh, yeah, sure. Whatever you want.
Jack: Earth to Kelly. Come in. Hello?
Kelly: [Gasps] Oh. Oh, I'm -- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I, uh -- [Chuckles] I'm back now.
Jack: Where were you? Oh, please tell me this is not about Summer. I swear -- her leaving had nothing to do with you.
Kelly: It's okay. I know. I know. I was -- I was really just thinking about something I heard in the park earlier. I mean, [Sighs] It must be on your mind, too.
Jack: Give me a hint.
Kelly: Victoria's pregnancy. I mean, it's -- it's just gonna affect so many people.
Jack: Wait -- Vic-- Victoria's pregnant?
Kelly: Oh, my god. You didn't -- you didn't know. Oh. I was sure Billy must have --
Jack: No, for once in my life, my brother actually kept his mouth shut.
Kelly: I -- I'm -- I wish I hadn't said anything. [Sighs] Well, it's, uh -- it's really incredible, though, I mean, isn't it? From what I understand, um, Victoria really wasn't sure that she could even have another child.
Jack: They have been trying off and on for over a year. Well, Billy's got to be ecstatic.
Kelly: I would say "conflicted" is a better word.
Jack: Because of the separation?
Kelly: Because it may not be his child.
Jack: Wait -- you said you heard this in the park?
Kelly: That's right.
Jack: From whom?
Kelly: Uh, Ben Rayburn. I just happened to run into him.
Jack: Wait -- I don't understand.
Kelly: Understand what?
Jack: I don't understand how dr. Rayburn could tell you about Victoria's pregnancy before my own brother told me.
Chelsea: I hate to break it to you, but you're not exactly the best judge of what would make me happy. However, there might have been, like, a couple words in there that made sense.
Billy: Oh, please, stop. I can't deal with all this praise.
Chelsea: I love Connor more than anything, and I love my job, but I will admit that... things have been a little...
Billy: Dull?
Chelsea: Claustrophobic.
Billy: Mm. [Chuckles]
Chelsea: Maybe I could get away for a few days.
Billy: From memories of Adam?
Chelsea: Who said anything about Adam?
Billy: You didn't have to. I know he's this alluring presence...for both of us. I mean, it's hard to go anywhere in this town without, uh, associating it with him. Oh, I can't tell you how many times I ran into him in this place. He'd always give me these potshots, and after Delia, he kept saying how sorry he was. Kept telling me he had all these contacts out there looking for the guy who plowed into her.
Chelsea: I'm sorry he lied to you -- to everyone. I'm -- I'm sorry he never took responsibility for what he did, but at the same time, I...
Billy: I know. I get it. You loved him. Well, actually, I don't get it, but, uh, to each his own, I guess.
Chelsea: I'm still so confused about all this. [Sighs] I don't know if I'll ever... resolve these feelings, you know, and I can't put them aside or forget about them because people are constantly pointing their finger at me and whispering about the rich widow who got the inheritance from the hit-and-run driver. Adam's shadow follows me wherever I go.
Billy: Well, like you said, Australia is all the way on the other side of the world. No shadows there.
Paul: Sorry.
Harding: Shh! Hold still.
Paul: Messed up.
Harding: It's all right.
Dylan: Did he hurt you?
Avery: No, I'm fine.
Harding: Give me something to stop the bleeding.
Dylan: Here. I'll get it. Get that ambulance here.
Harding: 134, 1199. Repeat -- officer down. 41 Newkirk. We need an ambulance here now. We need an ambulance here now, guys! Requesting immediate assistance!
Avery: Hang in there, Paul.
Paul: [Weakly] Travers.
Dylan: We're gonna get him.
Avery: Paul.
Dylan: Paul.
Avery: Paul!
Dylan: Hey, Paul.
Avery: Paul.
Dylan: Hey, Paul, hang in there.
Kelly: Thank you.
Jack: Well, yeah, you mentioned that you and stitch were once close. You also said you'd had a falling-out.
Kelly: Uh, that's true.
Jack: So, how is it you had such a personal conversation?
Kelly: Well, like I said, we ran into each other in the park and just happened to get talking.
Jack: And he just happened to blurt out that Victoria is pregnant?
Kelly: Well, he wanted to get it off his chest, I guess, and I was there. [Chuckles]
Jack: I guess.
Kelly: Can we forget I ever brought this up and get back to talking about us?
Jack: Yeah, I think that's a great idea.
Kelly: Fantastic. How are you? How was your day?
Jack: My day -- I had a couple of surprises, but all in all, it was pretty good. Of course, the best part was looking forward to my dinner with a lovely lady.
Kelly: Anyone I know?
Jack: Yeah, she's about 5'3", blond hair, gorgeous blue eyes you could just fall into. Lives on market street.
Kelly: Oh, not anymore. I'm all moved into my new apartment.
Jack: Well, congratulations.
Kelly: Mm, thank you very much.
Jack: Well, you must be very excited.
Kelly: I am...even though it's always a little unnerving sleeping in a new place for the first time.
Jack: Would it maybe be easier if someone was there to keep you company?
Kelly: Hmm. Absolutely. Anyone you know?
Summer: Hello? Is anyone here?
Summer: Avery? Austin, is that you?
Courtney: Freeze! Police!
Summer: Okay, Courtney, please don't shoot -- it's me!
Courtney: Summer! Are you alone?
Summer: Yes, I'm alone.
Courtney: Are you sure?
Summer: Yes, what are you doing?
Courtney: I'm clearing the scene. There's someone we're looking for, and we thought he might be here.
Summer: Look, I just came by to see if Austin had stopped --
Courtney: Wait -- Austin?
Summer: Y-yeah, the guy I've been telling you about.
Courtney: Austin Travers? Your aunt's cameraman?
Summer: Yeah, how do you know that?
Courtney: There's an APB. Out for him.
Summer: An APB.? Why?
Courtney: He's the one who's been stalking Avery.
Summer: What are you talking about?
Courtney: The one sending all those threatening online messages -- it's been Austin the whole time.
Summer: Okay, that's impossible. He wouldn't have done that.
Courtney: He kidnapped your aunt. He even held her at gunpoint. He ended up shooting the chief of police.
Summer: Wait. Paul got shot?
Courtney: Yeah, he's in the hospital, thanks to your boyfriend.
Summer: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. This is crazy. How's my aunt? W-where is she? Is she okay?
Courtney: She's fine. She's fine. Dylan got to Austin before anything could happen, and then we got on the scene.
Summer: Okay, then why are you still looking for him?
Courtney: 'Cause he got away.
Summer: Are you kidding me? You got him, and then you let him escape?
Courtney: Yeah, well, when Paul got shot, I had to go after Austin. I even had -- that's not the point. Austin left his phone here, and we recovered it, but he doesn't know that, so I was hoping that maybe he'd come back looking for it.
Summer: Maybe he'd already come and gone.
Courtney: Maybe, but we don't know that for sure, and until we do, it's not safe for you to be here. You need to leave now.
Harding: No, they rushed him into surgery. Doctors aren't saying. Any sign of Travers? All right, just keep me posted, all right? I'm gonna stay here with the chief.
Kevin: Harding. Harding. What happened?
Harding: You -- fish, put your hand on me again, you're not getting it back.
Kevin: What happened?
Harding: What happened? What happened was we shouldn't have been there in the first place. We go chasing after maniac McAvoy. We got no backup, no vests. We may as well have been naked.
Kevin: And Travers was waiting for you?
Harding: We knocked down the door, and there was idiot number one wrestling with idiot number two. The gun goes off. I look over. Chief has a hole in him.
Kevin: He's gonna be all right, though.
Harding: He got it in the gut. I don't -- I don't know. It looked -- it looked bad.
Kevin: That man means so much to so many people. If it weren't for Paul Williams, I would be in jail or worse. He looked the other way when I needed him to. He gave me this job. He believed in me when nobody else would. People like him can't die. The rest of us would be lost.
Harding: Everybody on the force has a story about how he stepped up for them. He's had my back more than once.
Kevin: All right, well, now is our chance to have his back.
Harding: Yeah, well, there's not a lot we can do right now --
Kevin: We can go after Travers.
Harding: Yeah, we'll get him, but there's more than one person to blame for this.
Dylan: Stitch.
Stitch: Hey.
Dylan: Paul Williams got shot. Avery and I were there when it happened.
Stitch: I know. I was on duty when they brought him in.
Avery: How is he?
Stitch: Honestly, I didn't think he'd make it off the stretcher, but we managed to stabilize him and get him into the O.R. I'm headed in to assist right now.
Dylan: No, no, wait, wait. The guy who did this to Paul kidnapped Avery. She should get checked out.
Avery: No, I'm fine. Austin didn't even touch me. Please, go -- go see to Paul.
Stitch: I'll get someone to examine her.
Avery: [Sighs]
Dylan: No complaints, okay? I just need to hear from a doctor that you're all right.
Avery: I know you're worried about me.
Dylan: Anybody else. I could lose anybody else but you.
Avery: You're not gonna lose me.
Dylan: I just -- I kept thinking of the things that I -- that I meant to say -- you know, things that I should have said to you, like how, you know, sometimes, in the middle of the night, I'll wake up, and I'm -- I'm confused about where I am, and my heart is beating out of my chest. I don't want to turn over because I know what I'm gonna see on the other side. And then I hear you sigh in your sleep, and I can -- I can breathe again because I'm home. You're my home.
Avery: You're my home, too. And when that gun went off, I couldn't tell if you'd been shot.
Dylan: I'm right here. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere.
Avery: Neither am I. You saw to that. Thank you for coming for me.
Dylan: I always will.
[Both sniffle]
Billy: So, wouldn't that feel good? Hmm? Be your own person again. No, uh, specter of Adam dogging you. And while you're figuring out who you are, you'd be doing me a huge favor -- one that would guarantee you at least a couple of lifetimes of good karma.
Chelsea: God knows I could use it.
Billy: So you'll help me, then?
Chelsea: Billy --
Billy: Look, hey. I know the pain you're going through -- losing Adam. I felt that same pain after Delia. I can't go through that again. I can't lose Victoria to stitch.
Chelsea: [Exhales deeply] [Sighs] I mean, it's not as if this con we're talking about is against the law.
Billy: No, it's not even borderline. You know, we'd get in more trouble jaywalking.
Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, really, we'd just be, you know, asking a few questions.
Billy: Yeah, it'd be very straightforward. I mean, "how you doing, Jenna? Hey, what's your ex-husband hiding?" Well, okay, it wouldn't be that straightforward, but I think you get the idea.
Chelsea: We'd just be on a fact-finding mission.
Billy: Exactly.
Chelsea: You're not gonna let me say no to this, are you?
Billy: Are you starting to figure that out?
Chelsea: Fine. You win. I'll go.
Billy: Great.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Billy: How soon can you pack?
Kelly: Mm. Mm. Hey, why'd you stop?
Jack: I have been derelict in my duties.
Kelly: You have?
Jack: I made you a promise.
Kelly: Mm. You did?
Jack: Yes, I promised I would protect you, and I haven't checked a window or a door or looked under a bed for monsters.
Kelly: Oh, good thing I stopped believing in monsters a long time ago.
Jack: Oh, they still exist. Take my word for it.
Kelly: Well, what do I care? I have you here to protect me... and I haven't felt safer than I do right now. [Chuckles]
Austin: [Panting]
[Cell phone rings]
Summer: Hello?
Austin: Summer, it's Austin. I'm so glad that you answered.
Summer: Where are you? Where are you calling from?
Austin: Uh, I have a burner phone.
Summer: In case you need to make a quick getaway?
Austin: Okay, uh, Summer, uh, look, I need to see you.
Summer: Why, so you can do to me what you did to my aunt?
Austin: You don't know the whole story.
Summer: Yeah, I know what I want to know.
Austin: Okay, look, no, no. Stop. Stop. Please. Please, Summer. I need your help.
Kevin: I'm at the hospital now, mike. We're trying to get ahold of Christine, but we can't find her. Do you have any idea where she might be? What about Lauren? You think she would know?
Courtney: [Sighs]
Kevin: All right. Thanks. I'll -- I'll, uh, keep you posted.
Harding: Sloane, what happened?
Avery: Did you find Austin?
Dylan: Is he in custody?
Courtney: [Sighs] He got away.
Harding: Son of a bitch!
Courtney: I managed to get a shot off. It just clipped his shoulder.
Harding: Good. I hope it hurts.
Courtney: At least it'll slow him down.
Dylan: So, did you guys set up a perimeter? What's the plan of action?
Harding: The acting chief will handle it.
Dylan: I want to make sure that Avery's protected.
Harding: She will be.
Dylan: Well, I'm gonna need more than your word.
Harding: Well, that's all I have to give you right now. How is he?
Kevin: How did it go?
Stitch: He made it through surgery, but the bullet did considerable damage to his liver.
Avery: Oh, my god.
Stitch: We were able to stop the bleeding for now.
Courtney: When can we see him?
Stitch: It'll be awhile until he's out of recovery. Then we'll bring him up to the ICU. Have you been able to get ahold of Paul's wife?
Kevin: We have some calls out to her. We'll get through to her.
Stitch: All right, I got to get back it.
Dylan: Thanks for letting us know.
Kevin: I'm gonna try Christine again.
Avery: Okay, it looks like we're gonna be here awhile. I'm gonna go and get some coffee. Anybody want some?
Harding: Actually, we're gonna need you to go down to the station and make a statement.
Dylan: Well, can't it wait till tomorrow?
Harding: I need her to make a statement.
Dylan: Why now?
Harding: Have you caused enough trouble yet, McAvoy?
Avery: What's that supposed to mean?
Harding: It means the chief took a bullet. He's in bad shape. If he dies, it's on your boyfriend's head.
Avery: How can you say that?
Harding: He -- he told you to stay put. You went running off.
Dylan: Yeah, to save her. You weren't doing a damn thing!
Courtney: Whoa, easy, guys.
Harding: Do you see how dangerous that was? I mean, no backup, no plan. You could have gotten her killed. You could have gotten yourself killed.
Dylan: I had to do something.
Harding: Mission accomplished! You did something. You forced our hand. Now the guy got away. The chief's fighting for his life. You are responsible for this, and you know it.
[Door opens]
Kevin: [Sighs] You guys, it's -- it's Paul.
Harding: [Sighs]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Harding: Genoa City P.D. We're looking for your daughter.
Jack: Summer?
Austin: Give me a chance to explain. I need you to trust me.
Dylan: Paul's been shot.
Nikki: Oh, my god.
Christine: What can you tell me about his condition?
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