Y&R Transcript Monday 6/2/14
Episode # 10424 ~ Cane has a birthday surprise for Lily; Summer & Austin's relationship heats up.
Provided By Suzanne
Avery: Okay. Onions, peppers, garlic, steak tips... where is the olive oil?
Summer: Um, in the cupboard? Sorry. I didn't realize that you needed it.
Avery: Yeah. I-I need it.
Summer: Yeah.
Avery: Oh, I'll just get it myself.
Austin: Hey, Summer, could you stand where Avery is so I can get a reading?
Summer: Yeah. Sure thing. What's it say?
Austin: Too hot.
Summer: [Chuckles] Really?
Austin: Yeah.
Summer: Yeah, good one.
Austin: Well, I could've done a lot better than that.
Summer: [Laughs] Clever.
Austin: I'll think of a better --
Avery: Summer! Hey, come here.
Summer: Yeah?
Avery: Yeah. What's going on between you and Austin?
Nick: Morning.
Sharon: You made breakfast?
Nick: After I dropped off faith at school, I thought you could use the extra sleep.
Sharon: Okay. First, you create the most beautiful, romantic evening ever. Then you get our daughter all squared away, off to school, and you make a beautiful breakfast for me. Okay, you're the perfect man.
Nick: You might be right.
Sharon: [Laughs] Tell me that you can iron, and I just might swoon.
Nick: No, no, no. Ironing's nothing compared to this brilliant idea I came up with.
Sharon: I'm intrigued.
Nick: It has to do with this trip you're gonna take today.
Sharon: I know that you're not thrilled I'm going to Portland to see Mariah.
Nick: Look, I know how much you really need to go see Mariah. I know it's important to you, and I'm not gonna get in the way of that...which is why I want to come with you.
Lily: Tyler? Hey. Isn't it a little early to be drinking?
Tyler: Nope.
Lily: Uh-oh. What happened, and why isn't that ring on Abby's finger?
Tyler: I blew it.
Colin: I'm glad you dropped by.
Cane: Yeah, why is that?
Colin: Well, you left a little abruptly after our conversation yesterday.
Cane: You mean after you admitted to me that you conned me into buying a medical research company while I was at chancellor.
Colin: Yes.
Cane: After you set me and Victor Newman up.
Colin: I don't know anything about unapproved drugs or mismanagement within the company. To me, it was a good acquisition.
Cane: Why am I not convinced of that?
Colin: Perhaps I should swear on Samantha's grave.
Cane: As of last night, a government prosecutor was prepared to put an innocent man in jail. And I don't want to see that happen, so the only thing that would stand between Victor Newman and a federal indictment, dad...is you.
Colin: So, I assume you spoke with Victor and gave him my head on a silver salver.
Cane: But why would I want to do that, dad?
Colin: Look, I-I-I told you the truth. I just wanted to give you a winner and maybe...maybe be a-a hero in your eyes. I-I figured that anything to do with cancer research was --
Cane: I didn't tell Victor that you led me to the company.
Colin: You didn't?
Cane: No, I didn't... 'cause I don't have any reason to believe that things occurred any other way than you said they did. If I find out you're lying to me --
Colin: Uh, uh, look, you -- you won't. This is not like the last time, when you were dealing with the police department in order to send me back to the Australian authorities.
Cane: If I find out that you're lying to me, dad --
Colin: You didn't -- you didn't tell Victor. Not that there was anything to tell him. I mean, I've done nothing -- nothing criminal. But still, with my background, he could've turned that into the guilty party. And you would've been handsomely rewarded. You -- maybe a C.E.O., Chairmanship. But you passed all of that up for me, when I know it's something you're craving.
Cane: So don't make me regret it.
Lily: Well, I hate to say this, but after hearing all of this, I'm not really surprised that Abby dumped you.
Tyler: Oh. Well, thanks for the support.
Lily: Well, how did you think she was gonna react when you went running off after your ex?
Tyler: Oh, come on. How many times do I have to say it? There is nothing between me and Mariah. That was finished long ago.
Lily: Okay, saying that is one thing, but your actions said another. Even I know how important Mariah was to you. You used to tell me all the time how I reminded you of her -- I mean, not how I look, but certain qualities that I had. That was the reason why you were attracted to me, remember?
Tyler: Yeah, but that was a long time ago.
Lily: Well, it wasn't that long ago.
Tyler: Look, that was an infatuation. You and I both know that. It's nothing in comParison to what I have with Abby.
Lily: I understand that. I'm just saying that Mariah was a part of the reason why you liked me. And you still haven't let her go. Maybe there's a reason for that. Maybe there's a part of you that cares about her more than you're willing to admit.
Sharon: I appreciate you wanting to be there when I meet Mariah, but this is something I have to do alone. And if you're concerned that she's going to manipulate me, don't be, because she can't.
Nick: You say that now.
Sharon: I am going into this with my eyes wide open. I know that you feel like you have to protect me, but you don't. And besides, if we're both gone overnight, it'll mess up faith's schedule.
Nick: Well, sounds like your mind's made up.
Sharon: Thanks for understanding.
Nick: Sure. I'm just glad you're gonna see dr. Mead before you go. I'm sure she'll be a little more objective than I am when it comes to this woman who has put you through hell.
Sharon: Breakfast was amazing.
Nick: Glad you enjoyed it.
Sharon: Where you headed?
Nick: I'm gonna go to the gym. And then when I finish, I'm gonna come back here and take you to the airport.
Sharon: Okay. Well, try not to worry. I think helping Mariah is going to help me find a way to move forward. I can feel it, Nick.
Nick: I wish I felt the same way.
Sharon: Something good is gonna come of this. You'll see.
Lily: Look, Mariah has given you plenty of proof that she does not deserve the attention you're giving her.
Tyler: Yeah, well, the thing is, Mariah was a big part of my life for a long time, all right? I couldn't just leave her to rot. That's not who I am. I don't know. But I guess Abby's brother would probably prefer if I was the kind of person who could just turn his back on people.
Lily: What does that mean?
Tyler: Nick. He's the one who told Abby not to marry me. Yeah, although, I guess he eventually changed his mind and told her to go with her gut.
Lily: Well, Nick's just being protective. And who cares what he thinks? If you haven't noticed, Abby has a mind of her own. So if you love her, go after her.
Tyler: You are so right.
Cane: That's 'cause she always is.
Lily: Hi.
Cane: How's my birthday girl?
Tyler: Birthday?
Lily: So far, so good.
Cane: Yeah?
Tyler: I didn't realize it was your birthday. Happy birthday.
Lily: Thank you.
Tyler: No, thank you for giving me that good advice.
Lily: One more thing. Maybe you should wait a little bit before you track Abby down, 'cause I don't think it's gonna help your case if you smell like booze. I mean, it can be sexy, but just not before noon.
Tyler: That's actually good thinking.
Lily: Yes.
Tyler: I'm gonna go downstairs and work this off.
Lily: All right.
Tyler: Later.
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: Good luck!
Cane: [Sighs]
Lily: [Clears throat]
Cane: Look at you, giving love advice this early in the morning.
Lily: Well, you know me. I'm a sucker for romance.
Cane: Yeah? Well, I am delighted to hear that... 'cause I have a surprise for you.
Lily: [Gasps] A birthday surprise? I wonder what --
[Cell phone buzzes]
Cane: Ah. No, it's okay. You can, uh -- you can get that.
Lily: Ugh, it's about the work being done on the fourth floor. I have to go up there. Can you keep me in suspense a little bit longer?
Avery: Summer, I'm your aunt. I'm concerned about you.
Summer: Don't be.
[Knock on door]
Summer: I'm gonna get that.
Leslie: Summer, hi.
Summer: Hi.
Leslie: Um, I'm here to see Avery. We need to discuss some business.
Summer: Yeah, she's kind of busy.
Avery: Hi, Leslie. You're probably here about the Benson file.
Leslie: Well, among other things.
Summer: Yeah, I was just telling her that we were about to start shooting.
Avery: Uh, come on in. It's -- it's right this way.
Leslie: Thanks.
Summer: [Sighs]
Austin: What's the issue?
Summer: [Sighs] She is the lawyer that defended Ian. Leslie is the reason why he is out of jail and back in town harassing my family.
Austin: Defense attorneys are the worst. As long as the check clears, they don't care what kind of scum they let back on the streets.
Summer: Yeah.
Avery: I'm sorry. What did you just say?
Austin: I have a problem with lawyers who drive around in fancy sports cars -- you know, the ones they bought by keeping guilty people out of jail.
Leslie: Everyone deserves a fair trial.
Austin: You think it's fair Ian Ward's allowed to walk?
Leslie: Listen. A juror misrepresented herself. She had a serious grudge against my client. When her bias came to light, a mistrial was a necessary evil.
Austin: Mm-hmm. Two wrongs don't make a right. Any second grader knows that.
Avery: Okay, nobody likes to see criminals go free, but we're talking about the rule of law.
Austin: What about justice?
Leslie: I provide a constitutionally guaranteed right. That's justice, my friend.
Austin: You find technicalities that help extortionists get out of being punished. That's not justice.
Summer: You know, Austin's right.
Avery: Uh, Summer, we need to talk... alone.
Dr. Mead: The memory you had at Cassie's grave -- how far back did it go?
Sharon: Um, it was one year, same date. It was the anniversary of Cassie's death.
Dr. Mead: And what did you remember?
Sharon: I was walking back from the car with a drawing that faith had made, when... I overheard Nick talking to Cassie. And he was in a lot of turmoil over Summer's paternity. What's strange is I already knew at that time that Jack was Summer's biological father. Only how can that be, when those test results didn't come out until weeks later?
Dr. Mead: You've told me that your memories are all mixed up, including the timeline.
Sharon: Yeah, everything is all in bits and pieces.
Dr. Mead: Which is often the case after E.C.T.
Sharon: I feel like I'm right on the edge of something, like my whole life is about to completely come together, only it's left me even more confused and worried.
Dr. Mead: What are you afraid of, Sharon?
Sharon: I am scared to death... of what I'm going to find when everything sorts itself out.
Tyler: Hey, what the hell's your deal, man?
Nick: What's up, Tyler?
Tyler: Why you tell Abby to call off our engagement?
Nick: Hey, you're the one who brought Mariah into town. That really messed up Sharon. So don't give me any grief about wanting to protect my sister from more of the same.
Jill: Hey, what's so fascinating?
Colin: Excuse me?
Jill: You look very lost in thought.
Colin: I'm starting to realize that I've got to earn my son's trust.
Jill: Mine, too, you lying devil.
Colin: [Chuckles] Look. I can think of at least... 200 ways to prove myself to you, starting right now.
Jill: Oh-ho-ho-ho. Don't even think about it.
Colin: What?
Jill: You know what. Katherine's necklace -- my necklace, my inheritance, and my neck, so hands off.
Colin: Hey. You know, I can think of lots of ways to make you happy, but... keeping my hands off you -- that's not really one of them.
Jill: Okay. I guess I'm all right with that. But last night -- please don't think you fooled me when you "lovingly" put your hands on my shoulders. At that moment, I know it was not my body you were after.
Colin: You misunderstood my intentions.
Jill: Did I?
Colin: Yeah. And besides, we don't even know how much this -- this thing's worth, if anything.
[Doorbell rings]
Jill: Ah. But we will soon find out. Would you mind getting that, darling? That is an appraiser who comes very highly recommended.
Colin: Please, come in.
Jill: Hello. Hello, Stephen. I'm Jill Atkinson. We spoke on the phone. Come in, please. So, okay. This is the piece that I would like you to appraise.
Stephen: I'll need to examine it closely to determine the value.
Jill: No, no, no, no, no, no. I-I-I'd rather keep it on.
Colin: Well, h-how's he gonna do his job if you won't let him have it?
Jill: [Sighs]
Colin: Let me give you a hand.
Jill: No! Ah -- I will do it. Geez.
Stephen: Hmm. Hmm.
Colin: So, how valuable is it?
Summer: Are you gonna yell at me some more?
Avery: Uh, I think you were pretty tough on Leslie, and Austin is way out of line.
Summer: Look, I don't know how you can stand to work with her. Ian is free to hassle Dylan and me and send you nasty comments online because of greedy lawyers like her.
Avery: Greedy lawyers? Really? You believe that? Or are you just parroting what Austin said?
Summer: Okay, so, now I can't think for myself?
Avery: No, Summer. You are a smart young woman capable of forming your own opinions. I'd like to see you exercise some of that good judgment, please.
Summer: Austin is right.
Avery: Austin is older than you. He's in a completely different place in his life, and I don't think the two of you should be getting involved.
Summer: Well, I'm an adult.
Avery: Okay. Just because you're 19 doesn't mean you're incapable of making mistakes.
Summer: Look, I don't know why you're sitting here telling me who to see and what to do.
Avery: Well, you're a grown-up, but that doesn't mean that we're not gonna look out for you. Your own mother would tell you that.
Summer: Yeah, well, you're not my mom, so stop trying to act like it.
Avery: [Sighs]
Austin: Okay, it's looking like now's not the best time for the shoot. Um, I'll just leave the setup, and we can come back to it later.
Summer: Good. Let's get out of here.
Avery: [Sighs]
Tyler: Look, Mariah going after Sharon -- that wasn't my doing. Hell, it wasn't even hers. That was all Victor. You know, I didn't even know she looked like your daughter.
Nick: My father never would've even run into Mariah if she hadn't come to town looking for you. You are the reason that greedy, little conniver is in Sharon's life. She flew to Portland to see Mariah again because of you.
Tyler: So, that's why you told Abby to dump me -- 'cause Sharon wants to keep a connection going?
Nick: I told Abby I have some serious doubts about a guy who hid so much about his past, who can't seem to let go of his ex.
Tyler: Look, you don't know the first thing about the situation.
Nick: You're right. I don't. So why don't you tell me? I've seen the damage Mariah can do. What else is she capable of? I want to know what Sharon's in for.
Sharon: Something else came up about the traffic ticket.
Dr. Mead: Ah, the one that upset you so much while you were under hypnosis.
Sharon: Yes. Nick came up with an explanation, you remember, but that never really felt right to me. So, I found the ticket in a drawer. Noah saw it, and he remembered a few things about the night I got it.
Dr. Mead: Such as...?
Sharon: Well, Nick was about to marry Avery, and I was upset about that. Noah was concerned about me acting out, going off my meds, and -- and driving recklessly.
Dr. Mead: You were upset at the thought of losing Nick to another woman.
Sharon: True. But I just couldn't help thinking that there might be more to it. So I checked my calendar for the night that I got the ticket to see if I could jog any other memories, but there was nothing. I did a search online, and it turns out that the night I got that ticket was the same night that Phyllis fell down the stairs at Nikki's M.S. Benefit, and then she wound up in a coma.
Dr. Mead: And how did you feel after you discovered that?
Sharon: I mean, I think that what happened to Phyllis is terrible. I know that Jack and Summer are really devastated by it, but Phyllis and I were never really friends. I mean, still, I would never wish that on...
Dr. Mead: Sharon... what is it? Sharon?
Sharon: I thought there might have been a flash of something. I-it seems like there was, but then I-it -- but then it won't.
Dr. Mead: Sharon, go easy on yourself.
Sharon: It's like when you have a word that's on the tip of your tongue, and no matter what you do, you can't think of it.
Dr. Mead: Yeah, I know.
Sharon: Well, I want to talk more about this when I come home from Portland.
Dr. Mead: Can you explain to me why you're unwilling to sever your ties with this young woman?
Sharon: Nick thinks I should.
Dr. Mead: Well, I-I want to know what you think.
Sharon: It's not because Mariah reminds me of Cassie. It's because she reminds me of myself. We had a very similar childhood. We, um, grew up without a father, without any money, with very little self-esteem. And I think I know what it's like to grow up wondering if you will ever find your place in the world.
Dr. Mead: It concerns me that you identify so strongly with someone who's capable of such disturbing behavior. If your visit with her is upsetting in any way --
Sharon: No, I-I will call you right away, I promise. And another promise that I will make is... I'm going to be very clear about who Mariah is and who she isn't. I know that she's not Cassie. And she certainly is not me.
Tyler: Look, Mariah's not evil, all right? She's a scared girl who's made mistakes, who's desperately trying to get her life back on track. Sharon's got nothing to worry about.
Nick: Yeah, well, this "scared girl" has demonstrated that she will do just about anything for a buck. I want to know what's coming next. What does she want with Sharon? Is it money? I mean, what drives this girl to do what she does?
Tyler: Nick, I'm telling you, man, you got it all wrong.
Nick: What -- are you defending her, Tyler? Are you still in love with this girl?
Tyler: What? No! Look, I love Abby. No one else.
Nick: Then tell me what the hell's going on with you and Mariah.
Tyler: [Sighs] All right. Look. You know what? Mariah -- she's had it tough... real tough, pretty much her whole life. I'm the only one she's ever been able to lean on. That's why she freaked out when she heard that I got engaged -- 'cause I'm all that she had. And that's why, when she got arrested, I had to help her. Mariah's all alone in the world. But you know what? All that -- it's done. I'm finished with it...for good. I'm committed to Abby. End of story. The last thing that I want is to get back with Mariah.
Lily: Mr. Ashby, you are a tricky one -- having me paged to the fourth floor, where this was waiting for me.
Cane: And I bet you can't guess who the artists were.
Lily: Well, something tells me that Mattie and Charlie had some help creating this masterpiece from you, and I'm sure I'll be finding glitter in strange places for days.
Cane: So, you've now found the first piece of the puzzle.
Lily: A birthday scavenger hunt? I love those!
Cane: I know you do, 'cause you did one for me last year, remember?
Lily: Mm-hmm. And at the end --
Cane: ...Was you.
Lily: Yes. Well...we could just skip to the end right now, if you want.
[Cell phone buzzes]
Cane: Incoming.
Lily: Another clue?
Cane: Another clue. What does it say?
Lily: It's very mysterious.
Cane: It's very mysterious.
[Both laugh]
Lily: So, where to next?
Cane: Hmm.
Jill: $18 million?!
Colin: At current market value, I believe he said.
Jill: [Gasps]
Stephen: My bill, along with some notes so that you can insure the piece immediately.
Colin: Uh, will, um, you be issuing a gemological report with this? Um, uh...
Jill: Well, of course he will, darling. He's a professional. Stephen, thank you so much. You've been incredibly helpful.
Stephen: My pleasure.
Jill: Wow. $18 million?! [Sighs] No wonder you loved this. It is completely over-the-top, just like you were. Can you imagine her sweeping into a room full of stuffed shirts wearing this outrageous bauble, saying, "good luck, boys. You've never dealt with the likes of me before."
Colin: Yeah. Katherine was one-of-a-kind. You know what? It's been -- it's been a hell of an adventure getting here.
Jill: Well, it's not the $2 billion and change she left Devon, but it's not costume jewelry. Boy, that would've been a punch line to a very long, very painful joke.
Colin: You know...it looks absolutely stunning around your neck. I got to say, it's gonna be a shame to sell it. [Chuckles]
Jill: Oh, I'm not gonna sell it. And don't you get any ideas, you.
Leslie: So, if judge Pratt denies the motion, we go with plan "B." What do you think? Avery?
Avery: Hmm?
Leslie: You okay?
Avery: [Sighs] I was trying to be a loving, responsible influence to my niece, and I failed dismally.
Leslie: Yeah, well, Summer had a chip on her shoulder the size of Cleveland.
Avery: Well, Phyllis would know how to handle that.
Leslie: What's the story with this Austin dude -- I mean, besides the fact that he has a mouth on him?
Avery: Yeah. Production-wise, he seems to know what he's doing. And I would've said he's a nice-enough guy, professional, until today.
Leslie: What changed?
Avery: Whatever's going on with him and Summer, it's getting out of hand. And when I saw him flirting with her, I just... [Sighs] I tried to put myself in Phyllis' shoes, you know, and -- and be caring and loving. And I just went too far. I overreacted. I know that. And I've been getting these messages, these annoying messages online.
Leslie: What messages? Where?
Avery: Just about the show, on the website and -- and all over social media.
Leslie: Yeah, well, I mean, I imagine some of that goes with the territory.
Avery: Mm-hmm, but this viewer is being aggressive, and he's starting to get personal. And, Leslie, it's bothering me. It's bothering me a lot. And I think that may be why I snapped at Summer the way I did.
Summer: I can't believe that my aunt defended Leslie like that.
Austin: She kind of has to. I mean, she's a lawyer, too.
Summer: Yeah, but they're wrong.
Austin: Look, I-I have a big mouth. Uh, I should keep my opinions to myself sometimes.
Summer: No. You were great. You said everything that I've always wanted to say but didn't 'cause I didn't want to offend anyone.
Austin: So you're the peacemaker of the family.
Summer: With my mom around, there's always some kind of peace that needs to be made.
Austin: That sounds... exhausting.
[Both chuckle]
Summer: It -- it is.
Austin: Well, I know it's kind of early, but I could use a beer. How 'bout you? Wait, how old are you again?
Summer: Great, you think I'm a child, too?
Austin: No, I don't think you're a child at all.
Tyler: Hey, Abby. Call me back when you get this, all right? I'm not giving up on you, or us.
[Cell phone buzzes]
Sharon: You don't look like you worked out.
Nick: I didn't. When I got to the gym, Tyler was there. And the issue of Mariah came up.
Sharon: It "came up"?
Nick: I asked him straight-up what this girl was capable of.
Sharon: Okay, I've already told you I'm not afraid of her.
Nick: Apparently, when Mariah and Tyler were together, she relied on him for everything. And when she heard Abby and Tyler were together, then she freaked out.
Sharon: Well, of course she would take that hard.
Nick: No, the point is, this girl had exactly one person in this world that she felt like she could lean on. Now that person is no longer an option.
Sharon: So you think that Mariah might wind up leaning on me instead.
Nick: I just think that if you go on this trip, Sharon, you're gonna open a door that you might regret opening. It could lead to more heartache, and I don't want that for you.
Sharon: So, are you gonna try to talk me out of going to Portland?
[Car horn honks]
Sharon: Because if you are, you better hurry. That's my car to take me to the airport.
Colin: [Sighs] What do you mean, you're not selling it?
Jill: This necklace was one of Katherine's most prized possessions, and she left it to me, honey.
Colin: Yeah, but I got some really bad people after me.
Jill: I know, I know, I know. But I promise we will fix that another way.
Colin: A-and they want to be paid back. You know, a-a room in the house of pain is not where I want to be. Look, Katherine... Katherine would've supported the idea of -- of you helping your hubby.
Jill: Katherine? My Katherine? Oh, darling, I doubt it. [Laughing] She was not one of your biggest fans.
Colin: Yeah, but she's not here.
Jill: That is exactly right. Okay, look. This is part of her legacy. This is tangible evidence of that strong, exasperating woman that I -- that I loved. And I'm sorry. I'm just not willing to part with it.
Colin: What ever happened to "we're in this thing together," hmm?
Jill: Colin, we are in this together. I swear to you, we will find another way to solve your problem.
Colin: Yeah, but I-I --
Jill: Listen. This agreement that I've drawn up -- it stipulates that we cannot sell this necklace unless we both agree, and I do not agree.
Colin: But -- but I-I --
Jill: Sign it, Colin, or I will give the damn thing to charity. Perfect. Thank you so much. Now I'm gonna go put this...in a safe place.
Colin: [Sighs] [Clears throat] Yeah. Yeah. Hey, it's me. Yeah, listen. You know that, um -- that little problem we've got right now? Well, there's a solution to that little problem sitting right in front of me. I just need you to come over here and... steal it.
Lily: I found it! A miniature tree-topper, in June? You got to love it.
Cane: Well, that concludes the running-around portion of this birthday scavenger hunt.
Lily: Okay, so... there's an "a"...
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Lily: ...A candlestick holder, and a tree-topper. Those are my clues?
Cane: Yeah. And now you have to... solve it.
Lily: I give up.
Cane: You can't give up. You haven't even started yet.
Lily: What do these three things spell out? That's the idea, right?
Cane: Come here.
Lily: [Laughs] Help me.
Cane: All right. Now, the "a"...
Lily: Okay.
Cane: ...Kind of looks like a-a base.
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: And if we take the candlestick, and we put it, like, here...
Lily: Okay.
Cane: All right. Then the topper -- where do toppers go?
Lily: On the top.
Cane: On the top. Hmm?
Lily: [Gasps] The Eiffel tower? Pa-- wait, par-- are we going to Paris?! Are we?
Cane: Uh... no. But one day, we'll go to Paris.
Lily: [Sighs]
Cane: Okay, but, see, what I was thinking is maybe we could, uh, get a sitter and...get a bottle of champagne...
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Cane: ...And we can get in bed, and we could toast to your favorite city in the whole world.
Lily: Ah, while I model my new French maid outfit, which I assume you bought me as a present for yourself?
Cane: Uh, you see, that would be a hell of a good idea if I thought of that, but I didn't.
[Both laugh]
Cane: So, instead... you'll have to wear just these.
Lily: [Gasps] What? [Gasps] Oh, my gosh. Cane, they're gorgeous.
Cane: They're Givenchy. It's your, uh, favorite French designer.
Lily: [Sighs] I love them! I do! I love them! Thank you so much. I'll wear them tonight.
Cane: Now, um...I kind of want to talk to you about this French maid outfit.
Lily: [Laughs]
Nick: Thought I was supposed to drive you to the airport.
Sharon: Well, I called a car. I just thought it might be best if you were here when faith got home.
Nick: And you also don't have to listen to me on the whole drive over, trying to talk you out of this trip.
Sharon: I really appreciate your concern, but I'll say it again.
Nick: Right, right. There's nothing to worry about.
Sharon: I'll make sure of that.
Nick: I know, because the plan is for you to go to Portland, talk to Mariah, get her a lawyer, and then be done with this.
Sharon: Yes, Nick. I'm strong. And I need you to trust me that I can handle this on my own.
Nick: I do trust you. Have a safe trip.
Sharon: Oh, thank you.
Nick: I love you.
Sharon: I love you.
[Both sigh]
Sharon: I just need to feel like I've done everything I can.
Nick: Okay.
Summer: Everyone else seems to think that I'm a child. And I guess I've been acting like one with my dad since he's been seeing that other woman.
Austin: Look, don't ever apologize for your feelings, Summer.
Summer: Jack doesn't care what anyone else thinks. And maybe I should stop caring, too. And maybe I should prove that I'm not a child anymore, and that I'm a woman.
Avery: So, whenever you want to work, just let me know. With Dylan gone, I have a lot of time to focus.
Leslie: Oh. Where is he off to again?
Avery: He is in Idaho to see Ian's ex-wife, Willa.
Leslie: Why?
Avery: Well, a few months ago, Willa came to town looking for Dylan -- said she had information about Ian, wanted money in exchange, and Dylan told her to forget it.
Leslie: Okay, so, what now? He -- he changed his mind?
Avery: Well, with Ian insinuating himself into our lives, he thought maybe she had something he needed to know. Dylan thinks that Ian is behind these irritating messages, and I'm starting to wonder if he's right.
Leslie: Wow. Sometimes, I really wish I weren't so good at my job.
Avery: Yeah. Me, too.
Leslie: [Sighs]
Avery: [Exhales tiredly] [Sighs]
[Keyboard clacks]
Avery: [Sighs] 4mj. Who are you?
Summer: Make love to me.
[Kissing continues]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Avery: I don't want anything from you.
Ian: Well, then, why are you here?
Victoria: You said you wanted to talk to me about something.
Billy: I need you to help me get Ben Rayburn out of Victoria's life.
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