Y&R Transcript Friday 5/30/14
Episode # 10423 ~ Kelly encourages Stitch to come clean; Tyler & Abby reach a breaking point; Billy & Chelsea spend an evening with Connor.
Provided By Suzanne
Chelsea: Hi.
Kevin: Hey! Little guy. What's shakin', bacon?
Chelsea: Do you have time for a coffee break?
Kevin: Yeah. Absolutely. Well, minus the coffee.
Chelsea: Oh. No good? I think they harvest these beans from a dumpster in downtown Detroit. It's eating away at my insides.
Chelsea: Maybe it's not just the coffee doing that. How's Chloe? I came to see if she made it to California okay?
Kevin: She did. It all went smoothly. The director of the facility called. Said she settled in. She already had her first therapy session.
Chelsea: Oh, good. It's gonna be great for her, Kevin, even though I know you didn't want to let her go.
Kevin: Well, she needs the kind of help that I can't give her. And if she's gonna get it in California, then, uh, I feel fantastic about that.
Chelsea: No, you don't.
Victor: Hey, stitch.
Stitch: Mr. Newman.
Victor: How are you doing? Had I known you here, I would have asked you to go a couple of rounds with me.
Stitch: [Sighs]
Victor: By the looks of it, you...already have gone through the ringer.
Stitch: Yeah, it's been a rough night.
Victor: Tough time at the hospital?
Stitch: No. Uh, and if you don't mind, sir, that's all I'm gonna say about it.
Victor: It doesn't happen to have anything to do with my daughter, does it?
Victoria: You say that my being pregnant is a sign that we should be together.
Billy: It is.
Victoria: Okay. But what if this baby is Ben's? Will you be okay with that?
Billy: Yes. No matter whose baby it is, I will be okay with it.
Abby: You came home after all.
Tyler: Come on. You didn't think that I'd actually stay in Portland with Mariah, did you?
Abby: Why wouldn't I?
Tyler: Look, I told you that I would be back, even though I wasn't sure what I'd be coming back to.
Abby: Listen, if you're hoping that I'm gonna sit here and tell you that things can go back to the way they used to be between us...
Tyler: Can't they?
Abby: My brother doesn't think so.
Tyler: Wait, you talked to Nick about this?
Abby: He wants me to cut you loose.
Tyler: Well, what about you? What do you want?
Nick: You're gonna go see Mariah?
Sharon: Tonight.
Nick: You're going to Portland right now?
Sharon: If I can make it happen.
Nick: I don't get it. Where is this coming from?
Sharon: I spoke with Tyler. He just got back from trying to get Mariah out of this mess she's in.
Nick: Well, if he wants to help her, then let him. He has a connection to her. He shouldn't be dragging you into this.
Sharon: Nick, she specifically asked for my help.
Nick: Well, then, you can specifically tell her to shove it.
Sharon: No, I can't. I have to do this.
Nick: Look, I know you have a soft spot for Mariah, because she looks like Cassie, but --
Sharon: It's more than that, Nick.
Nick: What else can there be? This girl has no redeemable qualities.
Sharon: Maybe she does, and they're just -- they're locked away.
Nick: Sharon, come on.
Sharon: Nick, listen to me. Tyler told me that Mariah had it really rough growing up. She was dirt poor. She had a mother who was barely around. She had a father who was never around. And I think I can relate to that last one.
Nick: Even if you can, this girl is no more you than she is Cassie.
Sharon: Okay, it's true that our lives went in very different directions, but that's because I
had a mother who loved me and I had you. Without that, who knows what I would have been like at Mariah's age.
Nick: I just wish you'd stop making excuses for this girl.
Sharon: I told Mariah that I wouldn't judge her and that I would be there for her, to talk to. So I'm just gonna go to Portland and see what she wants.
Nick: I know what she wants, and you're making a huge mistake by playing into her hands.
Chelsea: I thought you of all people would know better than to try to con a con.
Kevin: Who says that's what I'm doing.
Chelsea: Your face says and your body language. I can tell you're hurt that Chloe decided to get help away from you.
Kevin: Well, if you knew how I was feeling, why'd you ask?
Chelsea: Well, I wanted you to be honest with me. And I want you to know, you can be honest with me. You don't have to hide your feelings.
Kevin: Apparently not, since suddenly you've turned into the mentalist.
Chelsea: Oh. Okay, fine. I won't try to help you.
Kevin: Hold on, hold on, hold on. I'm sorry. Um, you know, it's hard. It -- it makes me sad that Chloe didn't turn to me. In case you haven't noticed, I have this pathological need to help people.
Chelsea: Because no one was there to help you as a kid?
Kevin: Don't get me wrong. I'm glad she's getting help. I am grateful to you for making that happen -- for seeing the state she was in, when I couldn't.
Chelsea: Believe me, I know what it's like to see only what you want to see in someone.
Kevin: Yeah, love will do that to you, huh?
Chelsea: If you ever doubt it, just know Chloe does love you, Kevin -- so much.
Kevin: Yeah, I know that now. We, uh -- you know, we -- we got close again before she left, so it was nice feeling like we were actually married.
Chelsea: That's a real gift. I'm really glad. I'm glad you guys got to share that.
Kevin: Thanks. And even though she's not here now, I have hope for the future.
Chelsea: I guess that's all we can ask for, right?
Kevin: Right.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Kevin: So, what's this really all about?
Chelsea: What's what about?
Kevin: You could have picked up the phone and asked how I was doing about Chloe. But, instead, you came all the way down here at night. It makes me wonder why.
Stitch: Forgive me for being blunt, sir, but I'd -- I'd rather not talk about it.
Victor: I understand. And no need to apologize for your candor. I just wanted to offer you some assistance where my daughter's concerned, if you need it.
Stitch: Thanks. I appreciate that. But I know you and your daughter aren't in the best place right now.
Victor: Well, stitch, it may surprise you, but...she and I have a bond that is unbreakable. I love her very much, and that is why I want only the best for her, okay?
Stitch: We both want that. Uh, but, with all due respect, sir, who's to say what's best for her? Uh, I think we need to leave that to Victoria.
Victor: All right.
Stitch: No matter how difficult that is.
Victor: You got that right. You're a good man, stitch. Have a nice day.
Stitch: Yes, sir.
Victoria: Seriously, you would have no problem if this baby were Ben's?
Billy: Seriously? Yes. Of course I would have a problem. It's driving me crazy, thinking of you having sex with the guy.
Victoria: Yeah. I know what it feels like to be cheated on.
Billy: Once. I slept with Kelly once. For all I know, every time you see Ben, you're getting it on with him.
Victoria: Oh. Look, I told you...
Billy: Yeah, I'm surprised that you don't have a little black book of guys. Why stop at stitch when you can have the whole town?
Victoria: Stop, Billy. Just stop!
Billy: I am trying! And -- and I can't. It just keeps going around and around in my brain, and I keep getting these images of you. And I'm wondering if I'll be able to accept this baby if it's not mine.
Victoria: I accepted Johnny.
Billy: Yeah, but it took you a while. You had just as much trouble with that as I'm having.
Victoria: Well, okay. How are you gonna deal with the next few weeks before the paternity test?
Billy: It's gonna be hell.
Victoria: Well, then, how can you even consider you and I trying to get back together right now? How?
Billy: I was going to say it's going to be hell not knowing who the father is. But I will deal with it... because I love you so much... and we will get through all of this together.
Stitch: No one will hear about your pregnancy from me if you're sure you don't want anyone to know.
Victoria: No, I don't. I just need some time to think.
Stitch: And you'll have it.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Stitch: And if you need to talk, I-I can do that -- as a doctor, as a friend. I'm right here.
Victoria: You're not angry that I didn't tell you?
Stitch: You sure you're not angry I dug into your personal life?
Victoria: I don't have the energy to be angry. I am too busy being completely freaked out.
Stitch: It's gonna be okay.
Victoria: What's gonna be okay? The pregnancy? Things happen -- I know that firsthand. People finding out -- how they'll react -- Billy -- this is all such a huge mess. It is.
Stitch: It's still your miracle. Remember that.
Kelly: Well, so, have you been to the Victoria and Albert Museum? Boring? Are you kidding me? That's one of the most romantic love stories of all time. [Chuckling] Don't say that. You're making me blush. Well, then, get your butt back here and see what you're missing. Cheerio to you, too. [Chuckles] [Sighs]
Stitch: [Groans] I'm -- I'm not up for a battle tonight.
Kelly: Good. Neither am I. How about a drink instead?
Stitch: Suit yourself.
Kelly: Oh, waiter, um, can I get a glass of white wine, please? And make it your good stuff.
Stitch: Someone sure is happy.
Kelly: I am. And not even that little, black rain cloud you're sitting under can ruin it. [Sighs] So, what's eating you?
Stitch: I was, uh, hoping to hear from someone...but, uh, the longer I wait, the more I'm worried it's gonna be bad news.
Victoria: [Sighs] You have no idea how much I want to believe you, Billy.
Billy: I mean it this time, Vicki. I won't screw up. I will be the model husband and father to our children, no matter what the DNA tests say about the one on board.
Victoria: I know you're gonna try -- you always do -- but you always end up breaking your promises.
Billy: Things are different now. I am different now.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: And this whole peter pan thing is running thin, even for me. And, besides, the tights are really restricting.
Victoria: Do you see? That right there -- that -- that just proves it. You're never gonna grow up.
Billy: Come on, Vicki. I tell a few jokes. I mean, that's part of my charm.
Victoria: Yeah, I know. Your charm. Your charm -- it sucks me in. And you just end up hurting me, Billy.
Billy: Come to therapy with me. Please? We can start tomorrow. It's an hour out of your day, maybe two, and we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Victoria: I can't. I can't, okay? I just can't. I don't feel comfortable making commitments right now, not until after the paternity test.
Billy: Okay. Fine. Whatever you want.
Victoria: Thank you for backing off. I'm just -- I'm really stressed out right now, and I don't want anything bad to happen.
Billy: The baby's okay, right?
Victoria: Yeah. Everything is okay. I just had a checkup. Everything is good. I just -- just feel like a nervous wreck.
Billy: I don't blame you. It's not every day you get a miracle you never thought would happen.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: All right. I'll go. I'll let you get some rest. But you take care of yourself, Vicki, and of junior.
[Door opens, closes]
Tyler: All right, look. It's your opinion that counts in this, not Nick's, especially since he's not exactly objective in any of this.
Abby: He may have admitted that his judgment is a little off because of your relationship with Mariah.
Tyler: Okay, well, at least he copped to it.
Abby: Not only did he cop to it, he advised me that I should trust my own gut about you.
Tyler: So, what's it saying?
Abby: "Oh, Abby, you know you're crazy in love with Tyler. You can never let him go." But then the other part of me just thinks any guy who would leave to go hold his ex's hand deserves to be dumped.
Tyler: Look, you know why I went there.
Abby: Because you owed her.
Tyler: It's true. I had to try to help Mariah -- the same way that she helped me back in the day.
Abby: And did you -- help her?
Tyler: Well, I made an effort. So now my debt is paid, all right? She's Sharon's project now.
Abby: What does that mean?
Tyler: Well, Sharon -- she's on her way to Portland now to support her.
Abby: After what that whack-job-for-hire put her through?
Tyler: I know. I couldn't believe how agreeable she was when I went over there just now.
Abby: You went and saw Sharon before me?
Tyler: Yeah. Mariah -- she asked me to reach out to her, so --
Abby: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you followed her command like a little lap dog?
Tyler: Look, I was just trying to finish what I started.
Abby: Oh, my god, Tyler. Things are sketchy enough as it is between us. Why would you go blow me off and go help Mariah instead? Hmm?
Sharon: Nick, I know what you're thinking -- that Mariah just wants to get more money out of me.
Nick: I'm thinking it because it's true.
Sharon: [Sighs] Nicholas!
Nick: Here's what's gonna happen. That money is gonna go towards her bail. Then she's gonna have you hire a dream team of lawyers to defend her. Then you're probably gonna get her a house, then set up a trust fund for her.
Sharon: You are being ridiculous.
Nick: Am I? Well, it's not like you're flying halfway across the country just to give emotional support to her.
Sharon: We'll see when I get there.
Nick: Okay, what if I'm right? What if I'm right? Then what are you gonna do?
Sharon: I honestly don't know. I would just like the opportunity to have one more conversation with her.
Nick: And what is it you're hoping to gain?
Sharon: Like I said, closure.
Nick: She already gave you her sob story about how sorry she is that she impersonated Cassie. What else do you need to hear?
Sharon: I just need to go, okay?
Nick: It's not okay. Mariah preys on people like you.
Sharon: On people like me? And what is that? What am I, insane, weak, or some kind of helpless victim?
Nick: Sharon, you are a woman who misses her daughter so much that you'll fly to see a terrible imitation of her halfway across the country, just to get one more look at her. But it's never gonna be enough. You will give your whole life away to this girl in the hopes that it will bring Cassie back, and I cannot let that happen.
Sharon: Because you need to control me.
Nick: No, I need you to see things for what they are, Sharon.
Sharon: Who are you? Are you Victor? Because you sound just like your father right now.
Nick: How can you say that about me?
Sharon: Talk about somebody who needs to see things for how they really are.
Nick: I just need you to listen to me.
Sharon: Why, so you can keep trying to stop me from seeing Mariah? If that's all you have to say, you might as well just go.
Tyler: Look, Abby, you got this all wrong, all right? I wasn't blowing you off. In fact, it was the exact opposite.
Abby: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that being the stop on your homecoming tour was a sign of your love and undying devotion.
Tyler: Look, I'm devoted to you, all right? You're the most important person in the world to me. That's why I went to go see Sharon.
Abby: Exactly how many of those little vodka bottles did you have on the plane? Because you're making absolutely no sense.
Tyler: All right, look. Delivering that message from Mariah -- that closed the book on her for good, all right? But I had to go get that out of the way first so I could come to you free and clear.
Abby: You say that -- hey, you might even mean it -- but when it comes right down to it, will you ever be free of Mariah?
Tyler: I swear to you, the days of Mariah causing trouble for us are over -- for good.
Sharon: Nothing tonight? What about tomorrow? First flight out?
[Door opens]
Sharon: What are you doing here?
Nick: Hang up the phone.
Sharon: I'm not done yet.
Nick: Yeah, you are.
Sharon: I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to call you back. I thought we were done talking.
Nick: Not by a long shot.
Chelsea: It was such a nice night. I decided to take Connor for a stroll. And since we were close by, I decided I would just pop in, say hi.
Kevin: Well, that is quite a stroll. You guys live miles from here.
Chelsea: Oh, uh, I guess I lost track.
Kevin: What was it you were saying before? Something about not conning a con.
Chelsea: Okay. Fine. You're right. You're right. I can't give you a hard time about keeping your feelings inside if I'm doing the same thing.
Kevin: I'm a good listener. And I don't judge, if that helps any.
Chelsea: It does help. Because I think most people would call me ungrateful.
Kevin: About what?
Chelsea: My life. I mean, I have this perfect, beautiful, healthy little boy. I have more money than I ever could have imagined, and I used to imagine having a lot of money. [Chuckles] A beautiful penthouse, a successful design business.
Kevin: How do you get out of bed?
Chelsea: Truthfully? I'm bored. Working with Chloe, you know, before Delia died, every day was an adventure, you know? She'd make me laugh every day, and the hours would just fly by, and then I couldn't wait to do it again the next day. Life is so much less interesting without Chloe.
Kevin: I know.
Victor: I just saw the lights on, so I thought I'd stop by, you know, see if everything is all right. You left so suddenly on your trip. What happened?
Victoria: I just went to see reed.
Victor: Oh. Just out of the blue?
Victoria: Well, do I need a reason to see my son?
Victor: No. No. I just thought that m-maybe you just wanted to escape all the tension around here, you know?
Victoria: Look, dad, I really don't have the energy to play this game with you. I have had the longest day.
Victor: Okay. I understand. Billy has not been bothering you, has he?
Victoria: No, he has not. We're not discussing Billy.
Victor: But you are all right?
Victoria: I'm wonderful. So, now, if you don't mind...
Victor: What's wrong?
Victoria: Nothing is wrong, dad. Everything's great. [Sighs]
Victor: Well, what's all this medication here? What's this?
Victoria: Leave those alone. Those are mine.
Victor: Prenatal vitamins? Are you pregnant?
Sharon: The more you try to lay down the law according to Nick Newman, the more I'm just gonna dig my heels in. So you might as well give up... while I still like you.
Nick: I completely agree.
Sharon: You do?
Nick: I came to apologize. I'm sorry we fought.
Sharon: I'm sorry, too.
Nick: Look, we have come so far, and I don't want to see you get blown up by someone like Mariah. But you've been through enough grief to last you a lifetime, and I don't want to be the cause of any more of it.
Sharon: I love you.
Nick: I love you, too. And because of that, I worry about you. But I have complete faith in you. You seeing Mariah -- it does something for you. I don't like it... but it's your choice to make.
Sharon: Thank you. I appreciate that.
Nick: I do have a couple requests. One -- you check in with your therapist first. And the other one is that you have to stay in touch with me at all times.
Sharon: I wouldn't have it any other way.
Chelsea: Let me know if you hear anything more about Chloe.
Kevin: I will. And you call or swing by anytime the walls are closing in on you.
Chelsea: Okay.
Kevin: Or you could stay, and we could make it a party.
Chelsea: What are you doing here?
Billy: You first. Is something wrong?
Chelsea: Just visiting a friend.
Kevin: Which is not why you're here, so what happened? Did you get yourself into some trouble?
Billy: Yeah, well, I'm trying to avoid trouble. And you could help me do that by helping me get the goods on dr. Benjamin Rayburn.
Kevin: That's who you want me to do that deep background check on?
Billy: Yeah. And you can start by cross-checking his name with jerks who like to go after other guy's wives.
Kevin: Really? Stitch and -- and --
Billy: So now that you know what's at stake, you're gonna help me, right?
Kevin: No. Look, I'm sorry for what you're going through, I am, but like I told you on the phone, I have done my last illegal internet search -- my last illegal anything. I'm a solid citizen now.
Billy: [Chuckles] Yeah, sure you are.
Kevin: I am. I happen to like having a roof over my head, three square meals a day, and I'm not putting this job at risk. And if I were you, I would back off, too. I'll see you.
Billy: Kevin, wait.
Chelsea: Billy, don't.
Billy: Look, all I'm trying to do --
Chelsea: He already said no. You have to leave this alone. It's not fair to make your problem Kevin's problem. Look, I know you're upset and you're worried, but you have to figure out a different way to deal with all this. You can start by talking to me about it.
Billy: I don't want to make my problems your problems.
Chelsea: I offered you my friendship. I meant it.
Billy: Well, I could use a friend.
Kelly: So, this news you're waiting for... just how bad is it?
Stitch: Bad enough that I don't really want to talk about it. I'd rather hear about what's got you in such a good mood.
Kelly: Would you believe me if I said that I just won the lottery.
Stitch: Oh, great. Next round's on you.
Kelly: [Laughs] I never said it was a monetary lottery.
Stitch: Oh. So you're seeing someone. Let me guess. Jack Abbott.
Kelly: Good guess.
Stitch: Yeah. Yeah, he seems like a nice enough guy. But do you think it's a good idea to be dating Billy's brother?
Kelly: I don't know. Do you think it's a good idea to be dating Billy's wife? [Sighs] Is that who you're -- you're waiting to hear from? [Sighs] Ben! You know it's never gonna last with her. It can't with you. It never does.
Stitch: Yeah, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Victoria and I -- we might be in each other's lives for awhile.
Kelly: Maybe that's what you want. But what about Victoria? How fair is it to her to get involved with a man that doesn't even exist?
Victoria: Okay, yes, dad. I am pregnant, and I'm exhausted, and I really don't want to talk about this with you right now.
Victor: Sweetheart, I'm not upset by this. I'm actually thrilled. I know how much you wanted another child.
Victoria: I know, but I just didn't expect this to happen under these circumstances.
Victor: Sorry, my sweetheart. I know the circumstances are difficult, you know? It's not gonna be that easy to raise a child when your marriage has just been broken up. Do you know we'll all be there and we'll all support you. You'll have all the help in the world. Right? Does your mother know?
Victoria: No. Dad, please don't say anything to her.
Victor: Why don't you want her to know?
Victoria: I want her to know, but I just would like to tell her in my own time. You know? That's all.
Victor: Okay.
Victoria: I mean, this pregnancy is all so new and sometimes things happen and... and I just don't want everybody getting excited when there's a chance that, you know -- [Sighs]
Victor: Chance of what? The baby's healthy, right?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Victor: Sweetheart.
Victoria: As far as we know, but [Sighs] I'll know more after the tests.
Victor: What kind of tests?
Victoria: An amniocentesis and some other test.
Victor: Sweetheart, what other test?
Victoria: Just other tests, dad.
Victor: Come on. Tell me what it is.
Victoria: What difference does it make?
Victor: Well, I can bring in specialists from all over the world if you need it.
Victoria: Dad, they are not going to help. This is not gonna help this. [Sighs]
Victor: Sweetheart, what are you not telling me?
Victoria: Dad, the test is to determine paternity.
Victor: I see. Okay. Well... do you think it might be... I mean, I don't want to pry, but... do you think it might be that dr. Rayburn -- stitch guy?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Victor: When I think back, I knew there was something that was preoccupying dr. Rayburn when I saw him earlier at the club. But he kept your confidence, you know?
Victoria: Yeah.
Victor: Yeah.
Victoria: Ben's been supportive ever since he found out about the pregnancy. It's no wonder he's a doctor. He's got compassion pouring out of him.
Victor: Unlike someone else we know, Billy Abbott.
Victoria: Billy is trying, dad, and this baby means as much to him as it does to me.
Victor: Even if... the baby has a different father?
Victoria: You know, there's really no point in discussing it until I've taken the paternity test.
Victor: Okay, okay, okay. But, you know, however the paternity test turns out, if Billy Abbott is the father, then please don't jump back into a relationship was fraught with all kinds of problems. Okay? I mean, whatever you do, you must do what is best for you, sweetheart. Just know that we'll all support you. We all love you. Okay? And your daddy loves you from the bottom of his heart. I will never stop loving you. So you do what's best for you, okay?
Victoria: Okay.
Victor: Okay.
Stitch: Don't ever say that again. Ben Rayburn does exist. I have a whole new life here. Career, friends.
Kelly: And nobody who knows that you killed someone.
Stitch: Quiet!
Kelly: Look at you. Always covering up, hiding who you are, what you've done. You know... forget what kind of life that you could give Victoria or any other woman, for that matter. What kind of life is this for you? Always looking over your shoulder, afraid of being discovered.
Stitch: Almost sounds like you give a damn.
Kelly: Don't you get it? You keep saying what happened is in the past, but if you don't come clean, the truth could hurt a lot of people in the future.
Stitch: Now, tell me if I'm wrong, but that sounds a lot like a threat. I thought you were gonna keep this to yourself?
Kelly: Well, that was before I started seeing Jack, okay? You know, he's already curious about the connection between us.
Stitch: Can't you just leave it that way?
Kelly: Well, I'm not gonna bring it up! But if he asks me a direct question, I'm not gonna lie.
Billy: Well, there's not a whole lot more to say. I told Victoria I know she's pregnant, and I didn't tell her how I found out.
Chelsea: Well, thank you for keeping my name out of it. I still feel really bad about how I handled everything.
Billy: No, I'm glad you forced the issue. I needed to know the truth.
Chelsea: Yeah, I just wish there was something else I could do to help. [Chuckles]
Billy: I guess I'm just gonna have to figure out a way to accept things for what they are. Though I am glad you're on my side, rooting for me and Victoria.
Chelsea: You know why.
Billy: Trying to make up for what Adam did to my family.
Chelsea: Well, also, I want to believe that two people that love each other can have a happy ending.
[Connor coos]
Billy: Yeah, I want to believe that, too. More than anything.
Abby: I don't know why I got a refill. Caffeine's the last thing I need right now. I'm already gonna be up all night.
Tyler: Up doing what?
Abby: Crying over you.
Tyler: Oh, come on. Why would you be crying?
Abby: Tyler. You say that you're through with Mariah for good. But what happens when Mariah gets in trouble again? And she will. And she'll call you and you will come running to her like you did this time.
Tyler: No, that's not --
Abby: You can't help it, Tyler. It's who you are. You feel like you need to save her. Maybe it's because you couldn't save your mom. Whatever the reason is, Mariah has a hold on you. And she's not letting go and neither are you. And I can't live like that.
Tyler: You're overreacting, Abby.
Abby: If I were overreacting, I would give you your ring back. So, yeah, um... I guess I'm overreacting.
Tyler: Oh, no, no. Don't do this, Abby. Don't -- Abby! [Sighs]
[Door closes]
Tyler: [Sighs] [Sighs]
Sharon: Well, faith finally fell back to...sleep.
Nick: [Italian accent] Please, Signorina. Have a seat, please. Chef Nicolo has prepared his -- [Sniffs] His masterpiece -- pizza a la microwava.
Sharon: Mm! [Laughs]
Nick: And for vino, a lovely vintage. [Sniffs] El brewski.
Sharon: [Laughs] Uh-huh.
Nick: Mmm.
Sharon: Mmm.
Nick: "Mmm" is right.
Sharon: Yeah, I think you're onto something here. Where did you get such pretty lights?
Nick: No, no, no, no, no. No.
Sharon: [Laughs]
Nick: Those were imported.
Sharon: Oh. Yeah? All the way from the Christmas bin in the storage closet. And the flower petals?
Nick: They made the ultimate sacrifice. For a worthy cause. 'Cause a bellissima signorina is taking off tomorrow. And she and Chef Nicolo better make the most of it tonight. Si?
Sharon: Si. Si.
Victor: Sweetheart, why don't you and Johnny come home with me to the ranch? I mean, really. I mean, the huge place -- I'm all alone there right now. You'll have all the people to help you.
Victoria: Yeah, and miss opportunities to do battle with you on a daily basis?
Victor: Now, wait a minute. I think I've been pretty nice lately.
Victoria: You have been nice, especially tonight. Thank you. No Billy bashing. Could it be in the last few months that you've learned not to interfere in your children's lives?
Victor: Not too sure about that, but, you know, sometimes I think you kids mistake interference for a helping hand.
Victoria: Okay. Right. I'm not gonna get into it. I'm tired, dad.
Victor: Okay, sweetheart.
Victoria: Go. Good night.
Victor: Good night, okay? Oh, by the way, um... I had a chance to get to know this dr. Rayburn a little bit, you know? Uh, he's a nice guy.
Victoria: Good night, dad.
Victor: Good night, sweetheart. Just saying.
Victoria: Bye.
Victor: Bye.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Kevin: [Sighs] Yeah, yeah, it's a good question, but I told you you're gonna have to talk to detective Harding about it. Okay. Okay, I'll let him know. [Sighs]
Stitch: You'd really do that? Sacrifice everything I've built here?
Kelly: Jack is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time, and I am not gonna risk losing that. Especially since I know you're playing with fire by keeping your secret. I just wish you knew that.
Stitch: I do. Yeah, I -- I can't let this go on like this anymore.
Kelly: Look... you mean that?
Stitch: And not because you're holding it over my head, either. Because...I care about Victoria. Yeah, I'm not gonna -- I'm not gonna do to her what I did to Jenna. I'm gonna tell her the truth about my past. Everything.
Billy: I know Victoria has her doubts, but, uh... if the baby doesn't turn out to be mine, I'm -- I will find a way to love him, just like Victoria loves Johnny.
Chelsea: Well, I hope she gives you that chance.
Billy: Well, it would definitely help if stitch took a hike.
Chelsea: Somehow I just don't see that happening.
Billy: Yeah, neither do I. Which is why I need to find a way to convince him.
Chelsea: Okay, no plotting in front of Connor. We should finish this conversation downstairs.
Billy: Okay.
Chelsea: Huh? What do you think about that? Oh, I love you. I do, I do, I do, I do. Okay, boo boo.
Billy: Good night.
Chelsea: Good night, my sweet angel. I love you. I love you.
Billy: [Chuckles]
[Connor fussing]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Summer: You think I'm a child, too?
Austin: No, I don't think you're a child at all.
Tyler: Look, I love Abby. No one else.
Nick: Then tell me -- what the hell is going on with you and Mariah?
Cane: The only thing that will stand between Victor Newman and a federal indictment, dad, is you.
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