Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/21/14
Episode # 10416 ~ Nikki warns Victor not to go after Ian; Christine makes romantic plans for Paul.
Provided By Suzanne
Lauren: Chelsea still hasn't from Chloe.
Michael: Neither has Chloe's therapist. She skipped her appointment.
Lauren: Chloe told Chelsea that the therapist rescheduled. She was lying.
Michael: Missing that session is a clear violation of Chloe's probation.
Lauren: Has the therapist called the judge? Is Chloe about to --
Michael: About to be arrested? Not yet. But I am an officer of the court, Lauren.
Lauren: So, if she doesn't show up...
Michael: I have to report this to Paul.
Kevin: No, no, no. Don't do that, Mikey.
Michael: All right, Kevin? I'm obligated by law.
Kevin: I just need a little more time.
Michael: Kevin, I know you love her, but Chloe needs --
Kevin: More help than I can give her. Yes, I get that.
Lauren: Do you?
Kevin: I do. I know that the intervention was set up to convince Chloe, but it got through to me. [Sighs] Chloe is going to Fairview. We all know that's where she needs to be now. But I'm just saying -- let me be the one to take her there and not some cop.
Michael: You don't even know where she is.
Kevin: She probably caught wind of what we had planned and got spooked. And now you want to make it worse by having her hauled off in cuffs? Please, Michael, don't tell Paul.
Paul: I just hear my name?
Lauren: Oh, you've ruined the surprise! We were trying to see if we could get the birthday boy away from his desk and out for a few drinks.
Paul: Oh, thanks for the thought, but I've already got plans with Chris, and I'm running late, so I got to take of faith.
Lauren: Well, yeah, yeah, you should go and we'll catch up later.
Paul: We'll do a rain check.
Lauren: Definitely.
Paul: Everything okay?
Michael: Yes. Go. Celebrate. Don't keep your wife waiting. Go.
Paul: All right. Take care.
Lauren: Bye.
Kevin: [Sighs] Thank you.
Michael: Don't thank me. You need to find Chloe.
Nikki: Excuse me. Sir? I didn't order this.
Ian: I did. [Chuckles]
Nikki: Take your sorbet and go to another table. You're not welcome here.
Ian: Oh, Nikki, that's too bad. I -- I had hoped that we could celebrate together now that the case against me has been officially dismissed.
Nikki: That's not possible.
Ian: Seems it is. And my being in prison would have been a miscarriage of justice, anyway.
Nikki: You extorted money from me.
Ian: So you claim. But the jury pool was tainted. The evidence was circumstantial.
Nikki: Paul caught you.
Ian: Never the less, the prosecutor in Madison felt there was no point in pursuing a case that he couldn't win. And now that this unfortunate event is behind us, we can proceed as if it never happened. And dare I hope, perhaps, even be friends again.
Avery: Don't judge yourself too harshly for the calories you're about to consume. These perpetrators -- sweetened condensed milk, lemon zest, lemon juice, and a touch of vanilla -- will soon be conspire with other accomplices to make --
Austin: Stopping tape. I've got to start locking that door.
Avery: Dylan.
Dylan: Oh, didn't mean to interrupt. Just pretend I'm not here.
Austin: No, that would actually be easier if you weren't here.
Avery: Okay, should we start from the top?
Austin: Yeah, go and reset.
Dylan: Pretty cool, huh? Your aunt having her own web series.
Summer: Yeah, no, it's kind of exciting. I just wish that she didn't have to deal with creepy fans online.
Dylan: What do you mean?
Summer: Just some dumb message that she got.
Avery: Okay. I'm set.
Summer: It was sent from someone named 4mj.
Austin: Okay, in 5, 4, 3 --
Dylan: Hey, why didn't you tell me Ian started harassing you again?
Nikki: Here's a newsflash -- you and I were never friends.
Ian: The fact that we have a son would indicate --
Nikki: That you took advantage of me. You can whitewash that any way you want. I know the truth.
Ian: Your truth.
Nikki: Oh, please. Stop. The man behind the curtain has been revealed, and I see you for the fraud that you are. And, fortunately, so does my granddaughter.
Ian: Oh, Nikki, I'm so disheartened by this attitude. And after I gave you a very appetizing olive branch.
Nikki: Oh, my god. You give me ice cream and suddenly things are even between us? Are you kidding? What are you really after, Ian?
Ian: Just letting you know that I'm willing to forgive you for trying to send me to prison.
Nikki: Oh, you're willing to forgive me?
Ian: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: How dare you? Are you kidding me? I could never forgive you --
Victor: What's going on here?
Ian: I was just saying hello.
Victor: Didn't I tell you to stay away from my family?
Michael: You cannot keep the police out of this for long.
Kevin: Well, if you don't say anything, then they're not gonna know.
Michael: They will know. Chloe's therapist is obliged to inform the court of this missing session. And once that report is filed, a warrant will be issued for Chloe's arrest, and after that, there's nothing I can do to keep them from bringing her in.
Kevin: How much time does that buy us?
Michael: Have you listened to me?
Kevin: I'm just saying -- it is not going to take me anywhere near that long to find her. And once I do, I just have to convince her that I'm trying to help.
Lauren: Well, we all are.
Michael: Yeah, well, unfortunately, after what Billy said, you have to reevaluate --
Kevin: No, no, we're not -- we're not getting into that.
Lauren: You cannot ignore that she drugged him to try and get pregnant. I mean, that is a desperate --
Kevin: It's desperate. It's desperate.
Michael: Dangerous. Dangerous.
Kevin: Not to me she's not. It never should have gotten this bad, okay? If I hadn't been so wrapped up in my own stuff and feeling bad that she kept pushing me away --
Lauren: You couldn't have stopped this. You couldn't have.
Kevin: If I had been playing closer attention, I would have seen that she was spinning out of control.
Michael: Nonsense. You went above and beyond for Chloe.
Kevin: But it wasn't enough. And I need to find her. So I'm just asking you to buy me some more time.
Michael: Where have you looked so far?
Kevin: All the obvious places. The house. [Sighs] Delia's memorial, her school. There's no sign of her.
Lauren: I know what I would do if I were her. I'd want to shut out the world, and I'd want to go to the last place I was really happy.
Avery: Tell you about the online comment because it could have been from anyone.
Dylan: It's from 4mj -- the same guy who was posting the other negative stuff.
Avery: Some negative stuff. Some. And we have no proof that it's Ian.
Dylan: He said he was following you online.
Avery: Okay, well, a lot of people are following me online, and some of them say really mean things. And I am not gonna let that effect me or the show.
Austin: The fact that we have to keep stopping, that is effecting the show. Look, could you maybe play the overprotective boyfriend after we're done.
Avery: Don't do that. Dylan. [Sighs]
[Door opens, closes]
Christine: [Sighs] Now all that's missing is the birthday boy.
Victor: Don't you ever approach my wife again.
Ian: Oh? Victor, you know that since I'm a free man, I can approach anyone that I like.
Victor: Really?
Ian: And you can't do a thing about it.
Nikki: Please stop.
Ian: What? Physical threats? [Chuckling] Come on, Victor. We're both too sophisticated for that.
Victor: Oh, really?
Ian: Mm.
Victor: You think I'm sophisticated?
Ian: [Chuckles]
Victor: I'm a lot more primitive than you think.
Ian: Yeah?
Paul: So, what's going on here?
Ian: Paul, this man accosted me.
Nikki: No, that is not true. Victor didn't touch him.
Ian: Accosted me verbally. But don't worry, Nikki. I won't press charges against your husband this time. I wouldn't want to embarrass you like that. But now that I'm calling Genoa City home, I think we should all endeavor to try and coexist peacefully.
Victor: [Chuckles] Ain't gonna happen.
Ian: Well... [Chuckles]
Victor: [Sighs]
Avery: And I want you to always use fresh lemon juice in your baking.
[Door opens]
Avery: [Gasps] Oh, no.
Austin: Okay, what was that?
Avery: Um, sorry. I heard the noise and I thought Dylan maybe came back.
Austin: Okay, let's take a break. Maybe you can dry your shirt or change it or --
Avery: I'm sorry. Just give me a second.
Summer: So, um... after you're done filming this part?
Austin: I'll start editing the episode. You -- do you want to sit in on an editing session? You can see the episode from start to finish.
Summer: I wouldn't be in the way?
Austin: No, not at all. You know, normally we cut out the mistakes, but if we did that with Avery, well, we wouldn't have enough footage.
[Both laugh]
Summer: All right. Thanks.
Austin: Yeah.
Avery: Do you think we can focus and get this done?
Austin: Yeah. That's right. I'm the problem.
Avery: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I'm just -- I'm not happy with the way I left things with Dylan. [Sighs] What am I doing? I need to go talk to him.
Austin: Wait. Now?
Avery: Yes, and if the producers have a problem with that, I'll tell them the same thing I'm telling you. My relationship with Dylan comes first. And if the producers don't like that, then they can find a new host.
[Door slams]
Dylan: "So, you're going to 'the talk'? Some things you def won't tell the world, huh?" From 4mj.
Ian: Hey, Dylan. I have some news from my lawyer.
Dylan: Let me guess. Leslie filed a court order so you can't be refused service here.
Ian: [Laughs] Even better. The extortion charges have been dropped.
Dylan: How did that happen? You're guilty.
Ian: I'm lucky. The case won't be retried in Madison or any place else, and I'll be free to enjoy the coffee at my son's company in this fine establishment for some time to come.
Paul: Nikki, are you all right?
Nikki: Yeah, I'm fine. It was a little unsettling to hear that Ian won't be going to trial or prison. But I'm okay. He can't hurt me anymore.
Paul: What you have to realize -- both of you -- is that Ian Ward is an opportunist. I'm sure he doesn't want to get arrested again and wind up incarcerated.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Or worse.
Paul: Victor, you need to promise me no vigilante justice.
Victor: Don't worry about a thing, okay?
Paul: Okay, so what are you gonna do the next time he lays a trap for you? Pound him into the pavement? I'll tell you the same thing I told Dylan. Engaging Ian Ward is only going to make the situation worse for you.
Paul: Here you go. It might be a long wait.
Lauren: Sure you don't want to wait at home?
Michael: No, if Chloe's therapist reports that she broke parole, maybe I can run interference -- or not.
Lauren: You're not gonna let your brother down.
Michael: If it keeps him out of trouble, I might have to.
Lauren: He's just thrown everything into helping Chloe. He'll -- what if he can't find her?
Michael: What if he does?
Lauren: He's gonna take her to Fairview.
Michael: Kevin has been Chloe's protector. Do you really think my little brother would be capable of following through with having Chloe committed?
Lauren: After everything that we heard from Chelsea and Billy, I mean, Kevin has got to realize that Chloe is beyond his help.
Michael: He's out there trying to save her now. Hmm?
Lauren: Oh, Michael. You cannot send the police after Chloe.
Michael: All right. I won't. But I can't help feeling that it would be so much easier for Kevin if the police caught her. At least the choice would be out of his hands.
Chloe: What are you doing here?
Kevin: You know I'm a sucker for a john Hughes film.
Chloe: You never liked his movies. Besides, it's over.
Kevin: Well, I would have sat through it with you. In fact, I have. Like, a dozen times. The last time was the night of Delia's show. You and me. On a date.
Chloe: I think about that date all the time. It was the last night that my little girl was on this earth. [Sighs] And I was in here, oblivious to everything that was going on outside those doors.
Kevin: That's why you came here tonight. To think about that.
Chloe: We had fun.
Kevin: And you feel guilty about that.
Chloe: I did.
Kevin: Not anymore?
Chloe: I would do anything to go back and relive that night. Everything in my world was perfect. Delia was alive. And I hadn't gone crazy.
Dylan: I don't know how you managed to skate on the extortion charges.
Ian: I had an excellent lawyer.
Dylan: I'm not gonna let you get away with what you did to Nikki.
Ian: There are two sides to every story, Dylan. Now, sadly, the one your mother's been telling about your conception is riddled with misinformation.
Dylan: You forced yourself on her.
Ian: She maligned my character.
Dylan: It's called the truth.
Ian: Why are we arguing? What's past is in the past? I just hope that now that I've been, you know, vindicated that we all -- father, mother, and son -- would be able to get past all this unpleasantness.
Dylan: You think I'm gonna buy this act? It's not gonna happen. You may have played the system, but you're not bulletproof.
Ian: [Sighs] Avery, you came here just in time to advise Dylan to stop making these not-so-veiled threats.
Dylan: It wasn't a threat. It's what's coming.
Ian: You are so intent on my downfall, yet so accepting of a woman who gave you up!
Avery: Ian, I suggest that you leave before things escalate any further.
Ian: I'm always in control, dear. But your boyfriend here has anger issues. Must get that from his mother.
Avery: Feel better?
Dylan: I'm not gonna feel better till that bastard's gone for good.
Victor: Sweetheart. Baby, your hands are shaking.
Nikki: This will help. Thank you.
Victor: Listen to me. This run-in with Ian Ward has shaken you up more than you're willing to admit. Let me take you to the doctor now.
Nikki: No. There is no need. Dr. Costner has told me many times that my M.S. Is aggravated by stress.
Victor: Then explain something to me. Then why in the world are you staying in this place? When you know Ian Ward is right down the hall? What's the matter? Are you trying to prove a point?
Nikki: What if I am?
Victor: This stubbornness is bad for your health, sweetheart.
Nikki: What do you want me to do? You want me to just go home? Forget about everything you did?
Victor: I expect you to come to your senses and to understand.
Nikki: Well, I cannot, and I'm not ready to forgive and forget, so I'm gonna stay here.
Victor: All right. You do that. And I'll do what I have to do.
Nikki: Well, what does that mean? You're on thinking of going after Ian, are you? Victor.
Victor: You take care.
Nikki: Don't do it. [Sighs]
Paul: This alteration might be the first of many now that Ian is setting up camp in Genoa City. [Sighs] Y-- oh, that tastes good.
Christine: I'm glad you like it.
Paul: [Sighs]
Christine: What else would you like?
Paul: I would like Victor and Dylan to back off where Ian Ward is concerned. You know, I talked to them, and it's like talking to the wall.
Christine: I know what you mean. [Sighs] You know, I get it. They're angry. I'm angry. I thought those extortion charges against Ian would stick and Nikki would finally get some justice, didn't you?
Christine: Oh, you're talking to me?
Paul: [Chuckles] You are so pretty.
Christine: You noticed.
Paul: [Laughs] Okay.
Christine: I don't want to talk about Victor or Nikki or Ian.
Paul: Okay. How about police procedure?
Christine: Oh, gosh. No.
Paul: You want to see my badge?
Christine: We spend way too much time talking about that. Yes, maybe.
Paul: Well, what else, then?
Christine: Today is the day the man I married was born.
Paul: Oh, yeah?
Christine: I say we celebrate.
Paul: I'm a lucky guy.
Christine: Mm-hmm. Just the two of us.
Paul: Just the two of us. Done.
Christine: Yeah?
Paul: Yeah. [Chuckling] Well, there's on one else here. Just you and me. Take a look.
Christine: Lately it seems like there's been a third person in our marriage.
Paul: Oh, well... Nikki is not part of our marriage.
Christine: I know, but when you're not tracking down her son, you're pulling strings to try and get Ian out of her life.
Paul: I know. That's probably just guilt, you know? That's -- you know, when I think about it, I should have realized what Ian was doing to her all those years ago.
Christine: Stop. Stop blaming yourself for the past. Please. Focus on the future.
Paul: Being insensitive.
Christine: Our future.
Paul: [Chuckles]
Christine: Our future, please.
Paul: Future? That has?
Christine: That has us in that bed in about 30 seconds. And hopefully in about nine months.
Paul: I can't wait to have a baby with you.
Chloe: I remember that exact moment. That exact moment when Billy told me that our little girl -- [Sighs] It was like a -- it was like a loud...snap. Like a breaking bone. But it broke...my heart. And my head. And my soul. Then I couldn't think. I couldn't feel. I just -- I just wanted one more.
Kevin: One more what?
Chloe: One more everything. One more pizza night. One more morning driving her to school. [Sighs] One more tickle fest. [Chuckles] One more Halloween. One more, "Mommy, I want a glass of water."
Kevin: One more Delia?
Chloe: That's why I asked Billy for his help. And that's why I took Connor. I would do anything to get her back. Just a piece of what me and Delia was before.
Kevin: You should have had a chance to say goodbye to her. And if we weren't here at the movies, maybe we could have gotten you to the hospital in time.
Kevin: I blame myself for that.
Chloe: Kevin, it wouldn't have mattered. I still would have left the hospital without my daughter.
Kevin: There is still something we can do for you. You are not past the point of saving.
Avery: Ian was pushing your buttons. Why do you give him the satisfaction?
Dylan: Because the guy walks from every charge against him, and he's here because of me.
Avery: Okay. You wanted to know where you came from. After all the lies, you wanted to know the whole truth no matter how ugly it was.
Dylan: You're always on my side.
Avery: And I always will be.
Dylan: Why aren't you at your shoot?
Avery: Because setting things right with us is more important to me.
Dylan: Well, following your passion is important, too.
Avery: Mm-hmm. Dylan, cooking is a hobby.
Dylan: Come on. You do way more than just throw a recipe together. I mean, that's why you have your own show. That's why you're going to "the talk" in L.A. In the morning. Do you have any idea how proud I am of you?
Avery: None of this would be happening if you hadn't entered me in that cooking contest.
Dylan: I'm just happy the world gets to see what I've always known. Just how amazing you are.
Austin: Your face.
Summer: Did I get something on it?
Austin: No, no, no. I just -- [Sighs] Have we met before?
Summer: Um, no, I don't think so.
Austin: The bus.
Summer: School bus?
Austin: No, you're the model on the side of that bus.
Summer: Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, I used to be the face of Jabot.
Austin: I knew it. [Chuckles] So, which part of Jabot are you now?
Summer: I don't model anymore.
Austin: That's a shame. You're beautiful. So, why'd you give it up?
Summer: I just had been working a lot and I got kind of burnt out. Even ended up in the hospital. I was just trying to keep myself busy so I didn't have to think about my mom.
Austin: You miss her a lot.
Summer: Yeah. I don't know what I'm gonna do if she doesn't wake up soon. [Sighs] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know where this came from. Sorry. Thanks. [Sniffles] Sorry.
Austin: So, um... how long has she been --
Summer: Months. Just when I think that I can talk about her without bawling, I go and do this in front of a stranger.
Austin: No, I understand.
Summer: No one does. My friends don't understand, my dad doesn't. Everyone's living their life and my mom's life is on hold, and I feel like mine is, too. So thank you for saying that you understand, but it's okay that you don't.
Austin: Well, look, um... I wasn't just saying that to be polite. I lost my mother unexpectedly a few years back. Um... so, yeah. I do understand.
Lauren: Could you just have some faith in your brother? He knows what's right.
Michael: Knowing what's right has never prevented my brother from breaking ever law in the book. He's working an honest job now. Staying out of trouble. I don't want his progress derailed because he's not capable of giving up on Chloe.
Lauren: It's hard to give up on someone you love. You didn't. And I gave you lots of reasons to.
Michael: Mm. Yeah, well... you're my life.
Lauren: [Chuckles] And that proves my point. The heart wants what the heart wants.
Michael: That's what I'm afraid of.
Lauren: [Sighs]
Chloe: Why would you want to save me? I have been so awful to you.
Kevin: Because you've been in hell since Delia died. Look, Chloe...
Chloe: [Sighs]
Kevin: ...Deep down, I know that you are still the same woman I fell in love with. And nothing is gonna ever make me stop caring about you.
Chloe: [Chuckles] I'm so sorry for the way that I've been treating you. I mean, the first few weeks, you -- you held me every night so I could go to sleep. You spent every -- every waking hour trying to find Delia's killer to give me some closure. I wouldn't have been able to survive without you.
Kevin: I need you as much as you needed me.
Chloe: [Sighs] But you were grieving, too. I'm just so glad that you didn't lose yourself the way that I did.
Kevin: [Sighs] Chloe, the reason I came here --
Chloe: You have been my constant. You have been the only thing that has been there for me, that has made any sense. And I was so mean. And I was so out of control. [Sniffles] You're still trying to help me.
Kevin: Yeah, but, you see, that's where -- that's where I messed up. Because I was trying to help you in my way, and I think by doing so, I ended up hurting you.
Chloe: No, no.
Kevin: No, I did. I did, Chloe. See, I fought to keep you out of Fairview because I was convinced that I could do a better job taking care of you. But you're not getting better. Are you?
Chloe: [Sniffles] No. [Sighs] No, I'm not.
Summer: What happened?
Austin: One day she was here, and the next day she wasn't. At least there's a chance yours might come back.
Summer: My dad doesn't think so. He's dating again.
Austin: You don't like that.
Summer: I want my dad to be happy. I do. I just can't help but think that my mom's being forgotten. Is it stupid?
Austin: No. Summer, I -- I saved a voicemail that my mom left me 'cause I was afraid that I would forget the sound of her voice. I still listen to it sometimes.
Dylan: Hey, Nikki.
Nikki: Dylan. Hi.
Dylan: Hi. Can I talk to you about Ian?
Nikki: Oh, if it's about the charges being dropped, I already know.
Dylan: How'd you find out?
Nikki: Well, Ian couldn't wait to share his good news with me. And to let me know that all is forgiven.
Dylan: That's big of him.
Nikki: Yeah. He must have been feeling particularly generous. He got me a dessert that I didn't want and that led to words with Victor.
Dylan: That upset you?
Nikki: I'll be fine.
Dylan: I just -- I hate that this guy is free.
Nikki: I know. Me too. But Paul is right. Our hands are tied.
Dylan: Maybe not.
Nikki: Dylan, please don't go after him.
Dylan: No, I won't -- I won't confront Ian.
Nikki: Good. I'm very happy to hear that. I just wish Victor had promised the same.
Ian: [Grunts] Let go of me! Let go of me! What do you want?! [Grunting] What do you want?! [Grunts]
Paul: Best birthday ever.
Christine: It's not over yet.
Paul: I hope not.
Christine: [Chuckles] I'll be right back.
Paul: [Sighs] [Chuckles]
Christine: So, make a wish.
Paul: Let's make it together.
Chloe: Maybe it's time for me to get some real help.
Kevin: I'm really happy to hear you say that.
Chloe: [Sighs] Are you ready to get rid of me?
Kevin: I'm not going anywhere. I'm still gonna be your constant, right here, whenever you need me. Never, ever doubt that.
Chloe: Thank you. Thank you for loving me. And for always being there for me. [Sniffles] It's just that you deserve --
Kevin: Listen, listen, listen, listen. I am not looking for anything more from you.
Chloe: [Sighs]
Kevin: Okay? I know you don't love me anymore.
Chloe: But I wish I could. I wish that I could give you all of that. I just don't think that I'm capable of love anymore.
Kevin: Sure you are.
Chloe: No, I don't want to be. [Sniffles] Because loving someone -- it just hurts so damn much when you lose them.
Kevin: That's why you've been pushing me away. You're scared.
Chloe: [Sighs]
Kevin: You don't have to be. Not anymore. We're gonna get you the help that you need.
Chloe: [Sighs]
[Keys jingle]
Austin: We weren't sure you were coming back, so we went ahead and packed up.
Avery: What about the episode?
Austin: I have enough to piece a segment together, and we'll just film the rest when you get back from L.A.
Summer: Yeah, you know, and you have a really early flight in the morning, so I'm gonna head out. It was really good seeing you. Good luck on "the talk." I'll be watching you.
Avery: Thank you, honey.
Summer: Okay. Bye. Bye.
Austin: Bye.
Avery: Uh, Austin, could you stay just for a minute?
Austin: Yeah. Look, it's -- it's not a big deal about today. I'll handle things with the producer.
Avery: Yeah, I'm more concerned about my niece. Summer's been through a lot. She doesn't need to get her heart broken again.
Austin: What are you talking about?
Avery: You have a girlfriend. You shouldn't be leading her on.
Austin: You're right. Because that would make me a liar and a cheat. Which I'm not. My girlfriend and I broke up.
Avery: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I just don't want to see my niece get hurt.
Austin: I'm not looking to hurt anyone. See you soon.
Dylan: Willa? Yeah, it's Dylan McAvoy. You were looking to make a deal before, right? I changed my mind. And I'm willing to pay. I want any information you have that can be used to put Ian away.
Ian: What is this all about, Victor? You let me go. You're making big trouble for yourself, man. I don't know what agenda you're pursuing, but I will fight you every step of the way.
Victor: You're a slimeball. This is one fight you won't win.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Hilary: [Gasps]
Lily: Get your skinny butt out of bed because we have some things to settle.
Paul: So, somebody beat up Ian Ward last night.
Dylan: And he claims it was me?
Nikki: I know what you did, and you need to undo it.
Victor: Too late for that.
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