Y&R Transcript Friday 5/16/14

Y&R Transcript Friday 5/16/14


Episode # 10413 ~ Neil's family learns about his relationship with Hilary; Kelly talks to Jack; Mariah's evening takes an unexpected turn.

Provided By Suzanne

Jack: You're not the person I expected to see. But this is a nice surprise.

Kelly: In a string of surprises where we just happen to run into each other.

Jack: Oh, then you're not surprised.

Kelly: No, Jack, I think maybe you knew I would be here and you came to see me.

Jack: Because...?

Kelly: Because you care about me, because we have a connection -- all the things that you keep saying that keep not changing anything. Okay, I will admit, yes! We have a connection! And yes, I actually care about you! But I am not gonna just throw myself --

Jack: Wow, you really can go off, can't you? Is it my turn?

Victor: The clock is ticking, cane. I and my company are still under investigation by the FDA for unapproved drugs.

Cane: And I'm very well aware of that. But I don't have any new information to give you since the last time we spoke.

Victor: Really? I'll be damned. You're lying now, and you were lying then. So, how about changing that up a little bit? Tell me the truth.

Neil: Am I seeing you later?

Hilary: Do you want to?

Neil: Later isn't soon enough.

Hilary: Well, there will be a lot more laters.

Sharon: [Clears throat] Can I help you?

Nick: I was just looking for a picnic blanket and your riding boots.

Sharon: Um, I'm pretty sure those won't fit you.

Nick: Don't be too sure about that.

Sharon: What do you want to do? You want to go riding?

Nick: No, I want to go chill on a blanket. Let some warm may sunshine peek through the trees.

Sharon: Poetic.

Nick: Yes. And if we happen to do some stuff that frightens the birds, so be it.

Sharon: Like old times.

Nick: Some stuff gets better with age.

Sharon: You know what? I would love to do that with you today, but I'll have to do it tomorrow, because today I am going to see Cassie. I mean, Mariah.

Mariah: And...send.

[Cell phone chimes]

Tyler: What the...

Abby: Hey. Are you kidding me?

Cane: There was -- there was no lie, Victor. I've already told you everything I know, and I don't have any new information about Bonaventure.

Victor: Jill indicated otherwise. She said you came to her after you and I spoke and asked her very specific questions about the pharmaceutical company.

Cane: That's right. I did.

Victor: Hmm.

Cane: Because Jill knows more about chancellor than you and I ever will. And she helped me put the deal and the acquisition together for Bonaventure, so I would be a fool, wouldn't I, if I wouldn't go and talk to her, because there could be elements of that deal that I may have forgotten.

Victor: Now, you know that Jack Abbott and Jill both would love nothing more than for chancellor to fail under my leadership.

Cane: Yeah, you're probably right.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Cane: But if Jill had given me anything that was new, I-I would come and give that to you, which is part of our agreement, no?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Cane: Does that answer your question?

Victor: No, cane, it doesn't. But it'll have to suffice for the moment. If there's any new development, you let me know, okay?

Cane: Of course I will.

Victor: Good. You have a nice day.

Cane: You, too. Take care of yourself. [Sighs]

Lily: You didn't tell him about Colin.

Cane: How can I tell him about Colin till I find out if he had anything to do with the company and the drugs?

Lily: Cane, Victor is Victor. If he finds out that you withheld information from him, he's gonna be very upset. And I know how badly you want to be a part of chancellor, so why wouldn't you tell him what you found in Colin's wallet?

Cane: You know what? Six months ago, I would have given him this card, and I would have just sat back and watched Colin and Victor go head to head.

Lily: That Bonaventure card makes it look like if anyone set up Victor, it was Colin.

Cane: But we don't know if that's true.

Lily: It is so bizarre that you're willing to give Colin the benefit of the doubt.

Cane: But Jill has given him the benefit of the doubt. After seeing him with the twins...

Lily: So you think that he's changed?

Cane: What? You don't think it's possible?

Lily: I have known good, decent men in my life, and I'm looking at one right now. But Colin is nothing like you.

Cane: Your dad has changed. Why can't my father change?

Lily: It's different. Yeah, my dad, he changed his behaviors and his habit, but the core of him didn't change. And I'm sorry, but Colin is nothing like my dad.

Neil: I got to go. I'll see you later, okay?

Hilary: Mm-hmm. Go. Go.

Neil: Bye.

[Door closes]

Hilary: I told you already -- Devon, um... this isn't a good time.

Devon: Really? 'Cause it seemed like you were having a great time a second ago.

Hilary: Devon, I --

Devon: The man that you've been seeing is my father?

Nick: Do you think that it's a good idea for you to be around this person who is basically the reason you got ECT?

Sharon: That's not all she is.

Nick: Clearly. I mean, you just called her Cassie.

Sharon: I misspoke. I know her name is Mariah.

Nick: But in your mind, you see her as Cassie.

Sharon: It's the face.

Nick: I know. She looks like what Cassie would probably look like right now, but that is where it ends.

Sharon: If Cassie were alive today, we don't know who she'd be, what kind of life she'd live, what her priorities would be.

Nick: If Cassie were here, she'd be a good person. There's no doubt about that. But this Mariah, I-I just don't know.

Sharon: I'm not going into this with horse blinders on. I know what she did, and I won't call her Cassie.

Nick: I don't think you should call her anything at all. This girl got inside your head and messed with your judgment, made you afraid of your own thoughts. I don't want you anywhere near this person. In fact, I want her butt on a plane out of Genoa City as soon as possible. In fact, I wish my dad would do the same.

Sharon: Nick, I know she's not Cassie, but that's all I know. I feel like there's so much more to know, like why was she in this house? Why was she outside of my window? Why would she take money in order to harm a stranger? I just need to know.

Nick: Okay. We can ask the questions, but don't expect any answers.

Sharon: "We"?

Nick: Yes, "we." I am not letting you alone with this con. No chance.

Sharon: No, Nick. I am doing this, and I'm doing this alone.

Jack: I am not a stalker. I am here doing a favor for Chelsea Newman. I am. Adam owned this property before he died. It now belongs to Chelsea.

Kelly: Adam Newman owned this place?

Jack: Yeah. That change things for you?

Kelly: Well, I don't know if you remember, but I... I was there when Adam was starting the Delia foundation, and, I mean, he wanted to do something good, something real.

Jack: Yeah, I imagine he did.

Kelly: Now we know why.

Jack: Well, Adam's gone. We've all said goodbye to him, so now it's just you and me here. Are you still interested?

Kelly: [Sighs] Jack, I just told you. No, I can't do --

Jack: In the apartment, Kelly. Not in me.

Kelly: I knew that.

Jack: I understand there are some structural changes you want to make here. I know you don't want to deal with me. I will give your number to the property manager. You can tell him all about it. In the meantime, I will give you your space.

Kelly: Thank you. [Sighs]

Jack: Nothing? Really?

Kelly: What?

Jack: Like a "goodbye, Jack. See you later." You won't allow for even the possibility that this was not an accident. I'm not talking about me coming to see you. I mean that I was meant to come to see you.

Kelly: You just said you were doing a favor for a widow.

Jack: Or maybe somebody was doing a favor for me.

Kelly: Someone who?

Jack: Someone or something... like fate.

Kelly: Fate is a lie that people tell themselves so they don't have to own up to their own actions.

Jack: I don't believe you.

Kelly: Well, you don't have to because it's a fact.

Jack: No, I mean I don't believe you think that.

Kelly: Well [Scoffs] What about you, Jack? I mean, you're not exactly the fate/destiny/kismet type. You're a bit more pragmatic than that. Weren't you the person that gave me a check to leave town?

Jack: Yes, I was an ass.

Kelly: Yes, you were.

Jack: I'm also the guy that took you to a Vivaldi concert in the park.

Kelly: Well, maybe you should have stuck with the check.

Jack: You're right. I am a pragmatist. Part of me. Part of me believes in magic.

Kelly: Well, I don't. I believe in what I can see and touch.

Jack: Yeah, touching is also nice.

Kelly: And what I don't see or touch here is a wall.

Jack: It's a loft. Isn't that kind of the point? You don't need walls?

Kelly: Well, I do. I need walls. Walls provide definition.

Jack: I think walls are overrated.

Kelly: Yeah, you would. Come on, Jack. Are you really gonna continue to go the cosmic route?

Jack: Not me. It's fate. Oh, that's right. You don't believe in fate or the cosmic route or magic. You -- you're a pragmatist. Well, let's be pragmatic, you and me. Is this the place you want to stay? Is this where you want to be? Or are you gonna walk?

Devon: How long has this been going on?

Hilary: Neil was gonna talk to you and lily today.

Devon: That's nice. It doesn't answer my question. I want to know when you made your move. Was it, like, the day after he and Leslie broke up?

Hilary: Okay, I didn't make a move, okay?

Devon: No? You know something? I almost forgot...

[Door closes]

Devon: ...You went after Jack Abbott first, right? I guess when he turned you down, you moved on to Neil. Is that your thing? Do you have, like, major daddy issues or something?

Hilary: Stop it.

Devon: If Neil turned you down, were you gonna go after Victor Newman?

Hilary: You know, why are you even in my business, huh? Don't you have some car to buy or some gold digger to bed? Get out of my room.

Devon: This is actually my room, Hilary. Don't forget I own this place.

Abby: The brass on this chick. Sending smutty selfies? When was this taken?

Tyler: Okay, obviously not lately. I mean, Mariah must have taken that when we were engaged. She kept it.

Abby: Like a grenade, just waiting to pull the pin. And she lobs it now when you're engaged to me.

Tyler: She wants a rise out of you.

Abby: I think she wants some kind of rise out of you.

Tyler: Okay, come on. It doesn't matter, all right? We don't give it to her.

Abby: So, what? We're just gonna sit back and wait for her to send more photos? Hey, maybe she could lock me in an empty apartment again or she could terrorize my family like she did with Nick and Sharon. Let's see. Who's next? Noah, Summer, maybe faith? This woman is a menace, and she needs to be stopped.

Leslie: Uh-oh. Is this about Mariah?

Abby: We offered her money to leave town, but she's having too much fun harassing us. Wait, can we get the police involved?

Leslie: Well, based off one photo? No. It would take a lot more to get the police involved.

Abby: Great. This photo almost made me forget about my meeting.

Tyler: Hey, you okay to drive?

Abby: 'Cause of this? No, I'm -- I'm fine. I'm not gonna let Mariah get to me, no matter how hard she tries. May I? It's gone. Now she can get a rise out of someone else.

Victor: Good to see you, son.

Nick: I'm not so sure about that.

Victor: What's on your mind?

Nick: You tormented a fragile woman with the memory of her late daughter, then you tried to force Sharon's hand by breaking things off with me. Can you not see the million ways that you crossed the line? That's what's on my mind.

Victor: Listen carefully, my boy. Sharon has a secret that's gonna do damage to you. That's a fact. That's a reality, okay? Now, she almost told that secret to the woman who has been impersonating Cassie. Sharon came to me -- I did not come to her -- to ask me what I knew about that secret. It's obvious Sharon does not want to hurt you. But for her not to hurt you, she needs to move away from you.

Nick: Sharon had some hypnosis. She recovered the secret.

Victor: Oh, really? What is it?

Nick: Well, apparently she felt bad about faith and burning down your house. She came to me and told me everything.

Victor: Son, that's not a secret. I knew about that incident shortly after it happened. You've got to listen to me. Whatever secret it is that Sharon is keeping is powerful and destructive.

Nick: This is just you stirring up trouble, and I'm not interested. Back off. Sharon and I are still together.

Victor: That's what you came here to say to me?

Nick: No. Not by a long shot.

[Knock on door]

Mariah: Why are you here?

Sharon: Can you let me in?

Mariah: I don't see why I should.

Sharon: Because I want to say thank you.

Mariah: You can't thank me. That doesn't make any sense.

Sharon: That's what I came to do, so I hope you'll let me.

Mariah: Yeah. What I did to you --

Sharon: You're one of the reasons I decided to undergo hypnosis.

Mariah: The hospital and -- and treatment and now hypnosis. How can you even stand being in the same room with me?

Sharon: I needed to dig deep to see if I could remember this secret, the one I know could hurt Nick.

Mariah: Did it work? Did you remember?

Sharon: Some memories came back, and Nick thinks he knows what it is, but I just feel that he's wrong. It's all still locked away in there. And I thought maybe if you and I spent some time together and got to know each other -- nothing big, no pressure -- just talked.

Mariah: We can't hang out. That's crazy.

Sharon: Why not?

Mariah: Because I look like

this. I mean, even being in the same room with you makes me feel like a creep.

Sharon: I know that you're not my daughter, even if the resemblance is striking. I just thought maybe if we talked, that secret could bubble up.

Mariah: I-I'm not gonna call you mom and beg you to tell me. It was gross enough the first time around, Victor telling me what to wear, how to act, what to say. You just looked...so sad every time you saw me. So happy, too. I'm not Cassie.

Sharon: I know. You're Mariah. And I'd like to get to know more about you.

Nick: I want to know everything you know about this girl, Mariah Copeland.

Victor: And what, son, would that accomplish? She's long gone by now.

Nick: Well, you can fire your investigators, dad, because she still is in town, showing up in Sharon's life.

Victor: Well, for your information, I have nothing to do with her still being in town.

Nick: Well, then you're either lying and you told her to stay in town or you're slipping and you just assumed that she would leave, because she didn't.

Victor: I don't want that woman anywhere near my family. You have my word on that.

Abby: You just had to tussle with the psycho girl, didn't you, dad? Do you know who faux Cassie is? She's the real Mariah. Do you know who the real Mariah is? It's Tyler's stalker ex-fiancée amateur photographer who would like nothing more than to break us up. So you wanted to tank Nick and Sharon? Well, you just may have tanked Tyler and me instead.

Cane: Victor wants answers now, and a payoff as big as running chancellor, I need to deliver. Can't do that till I know where my dad is.

Lily: Maybe he's with my dad. [Chuckles] I've just been trying to reach him for so long, and he won't get back to me. He's been acting so weird lately. I just think that he's still hiding all the hurt from the Leslie mess, you know?

Cane: Or maybe Kelly's right and maybe he's seeing somebody.

Lily: I doubt that. Dad.

Cane: Hey.

Lily: Hey. What are you doing here without saying hi? Did you have a meeting?

Neil: Yeah, I-I was -- I was seeing someone, yes.

Lily: Oh, well, do you want to sit down and talk and have some coffee?

Neil: I should probably get to the office.

Lily: [Sniffs] You -- [Chuckles] You smell like perfume.

Neil: What?

Lily: Oh, my God. It's...it's true. You were with her?

Neil: You knew?

Lily: I mean, I-I didn't believe it, to be honest with you.

Neil: Yeah. Okay, listen, it's a lot to take in, and we planned on telling you today. Lily, I-I didn't want to upset you.

Lily: Upset me? Dad, no. I'd be the first one cheering you on. I think it's great. Tell me about her. I mean, what's her name, how did you guys meet? Who is she?

Neil: She... sweetheart, we don't have time to stand in the middle of the GCAC and discuss this. Why don't we schedule a dinner and we can sit and talk about it all, all right?

Lily: Schedule a dinner? Why not tell me us now? Why -- I'm sure if you chose her, she's great. We'll make her feel welcome. Let's have dinner tonight. We'll tell Devon, and he should be here.

Cane: All right, maybe Neil wants to spend some time with her alone and we'll meet her when she's ready. Give him some privacy.

Lily: Okay, fine. I'll back off. So, what's her name?

Devon: I got to hand it to my sister, 'cause she had you pegged.

Hilary: [Chuckles] Lily doesn't know me, all right, and neither do you.

Devon: I won't argue with that. I even fell for your little act, too, all the guilt for stealing Neil's journal and drugging cane, ripping my family online. "Hilary just needs a second chance." You know how many times I said that? And now you have just second-chanced your way into bed with my dad!

Hilary: That's not how it happened!

Devon: You know what? Didn't Neil take your mother back to some hotel room a long time ago? I mean, you must have some twisted mommy issues, too.

Hilary: You can say whatever they hell you want to say about me, all right? I've heard it all before. I don't give a damn. But don't you talk about my mother ever! And your dad deserves some respect.

Devon: Respect for what? Getting sucked in by you? I guess that makes both the winters men fools. At least Neil got something out of it.

Hilary: I told you once before. Get out!

[Door opens]

Devon: I'll send up housekeeping to make your bed, all right?

[Door closes]

Kelly: Well, Jack, if it's an either/or situation, I have no problem with that. I am leaving.

[Violin playing]

Kelly: Is that...

Jack: In fairness, the door is open. I'm sure it's a quiet building. Walls are thick enough to protect you from a violin student.

Kelly: No, it's not that. It's -- it's... that's Vivaldi. "Violin concerto in 'a' major."

Jack: "G" minor.

Kelly: "A" major.

[Violin stops]

Jack: You want me to hum it?

Kelly: Oh, God, no.

Jack: So, tell me again I'm a fool to believe in fate.

Victor: You say Tyler has known this woman?

Abby: Biblically. Thanks. Yeah, it is awesome.

Nick: Which you had no idea of when you hired her? See, dad, like I said, you're slipping. Usually you vet your minions better than this.

Abby: Mariah has been in town for months making my life a living hell. And surprise -- she's been on Newman payroll.

Nick: What's she done to you?

Abby: Besides pounding Tyler with calls and texts, um, she's locked me in a loft, she canceled a bid we put in on a house, and, uh, she has been sending smutty photos to my fiancé. So glad she's in town.

Victor: She's a sociopath.

Nick: Which you should have known the second she agreed to play Sharon's late daughter.

Victor: Sweetheart, I'm sorry that this has happened, okay? I...don't take kindly to someone threatening my family.

Nick: Look, Abby, we're gonna figure out how to take care of this, all right? Don't do anything crazy. This girl's unpredictable.

Abby: You think?

Nick: Right now, I need to get to Sharon and tell her what this girl's capable of.

Abby: Go. Go tell Sharon. Tell everyone. I want Mariah gone.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Abby: Dad, don't you see? You inflicted this woman on us. You gave her money and a reason to stay in town.

Victor: Sweetheart, this is... this is all rather shocking to me. You say Tyler has known this woman for a while? Don't you think that you should maybe take another look at Tyler's background before you make that serious step?

Abby: No. No, don't do this, dad. I love Tyler. Don't make this about him. I want to marry him. I just -- I don't want Mariah in my face.

Victor: Of course you don't.

Abby: Dad, you could crush someone like that like a tick. So...do it. For my sake.

Sharon: I can't help but wonder if maybe you and Cassie are somehow related. You know, Nick was not Cassie's real birth father. I don't know if Victor ever told you that. Maybe on her father's side?

Mariah: I don't have any family.

Sharon: Well, everybody has family, even if you've lost touch.

Mariah: Any family I had is long dead.

Sharon: What was your mother's name?

Mariah: Helen. Helen Copeland.

Sharon: Well, that doesn't sound familiar. Do you have any family photographs?

Mariah: If I just told you that I didn't have any family, how could I possibly have any family photographs? Look, I don't mean to be rude, but I've got to go to the grocery store. There's only so many meals I can make out of a bag of chips.

Sharon: Okay. I'll drive you. We can talk.

Mariah: Let it go, okay? I told you already. We can't just hang out. It's deranged.

Sharon: I look at you, and I think there are so many things I should be remembering. Maybe you can help me do that.

Mariah: Look at a photograph of your daughter. She's the one you want. I'm nobody.

Sharon: Don't say that.

Mariah: Would you please stop being so nice to me? I put you in the hospital. I wish I'd never gone near you or your family.

Sharon: So, tell me about the times that I saw you. Maybe there was something I said that I've forgotten that could help me remember what I'm hiding.

Mariah: You just said that I shouldn't be there. You thought you were losing your mind.

Sharon: Well, I don't think that now. I know that you are Mariah Copeland, not Cassie Newman. It sounds like you had a very different childhood than she did.

Mariah: Please stop making excuses for me. I'm not some victim. I hate victims.

Sharon: You, uh -- you did something that really hurt me and my family, and you said that you wish you hadn't. I'm gonna take that at face value, and I'm gonna hope that that remorse means you'll be willing to talk to me again sometime. We both know you owe me that much.

[Door closes]

[Violin playing]

Kelly: I got it. You paid him. Hmm!

Jack: Why do you want so badly to believe I arranged this? What is it about fate that frightens you so?

Kelly: You can't be frightened of something that is not real, Jack.

Jack: Oh, come on. We are frightened of unreal things all the time.

Kelly: Look, a person playing music, Vivaldi, down the hall is not a sign that you and I are destined to be together. It is just somebody playing my favorite song by a long-dead Italian composer!

Jack: Oh, sure. Happens all the time.

Kelly: He's very popular!

Jack: Oh, come on!

[Violin stops]

Jack: Yeah, and I'm here finishing a real-estate deal for a friend. You know what? You want a wall in here? I will gladly pass the word along.

Kelly: Thank you.

Jack: It is gonna raise the price a bit. I hope you're okay with that.

Kelly: Depends on the adjustment, but yes.

Jack: I will see that the building manager gets in touch with you. I'll leave you to your place.

Kelly: Well, that's it?

Jack: Pardon me?

Kelly: Well, you're the one that believes in fate, Jack. What if that violinist happens to be the handsome first chair of the GC symphony? What if he falls madly in love with me and serenades me day in and day out until I can no longer resist?

Jack: I will hate him. Is that what you want?

Kelly: I don't know.

Jack: So figure it out. Figure out what it is you do want.

[Violin resumes playing]

[Violin playing]

Kelly: That was -- I don't know what that was.

Jack: That was wonderful. And that was brave.

Kelly: No. No, that was Vivaldi.

Jack: I know you've been hurt.

Kelly: It's not just heartbreak, Jack.

Jack: There's no such thing as "just heartbreak."

Kelly: I lost everything -- a son, a marriage. I cannot lose...anything anymore.

Jack: I'm scared, too. I had it all. It's gone.

Kelly: It's gone?

Jack: Maybe you and I could make something new.

Neil: It isn't a matter of privacy. It's just that right now, it isn't the right time to talk about my...my friend.

Lily: [Chuckling] "Friend"? Why won't you tell us her name?

Neil: Lily, there are some things that you may not understand in life.

Devon: Hey. I'm glad you decided to put some pants back on.

Neil: What's that?

Devon: I saw you upstairs.

Neil: What'd you see upstairs?

Devon: I saw enough.

Neil: Okay, Devon, this isn't the right time to do this right now.

Devon: It's not the right time to do what right now? You were planning on telling us today, right?

Cane: What's going on?

Devon: What am I talking about? You're gonna love it, actually. You are. You remember who tried to trick you into bed last year? Well, she succeeded with this one.

Lily: Wait, you are not talking about...

Cane: [Groans]

Lily: You have got to be kidding me. Not her.

Leslie: And you still haven't told Abby about what happened with you and Mariah in Portland.

Tyler: What? Why would I?

Leslie: Because you put a ring on her finger and you promised her a life together. That's something a wife deserves to know.

Tyler: All right, look, you know what? Let's say I tell her, all right? Then once Abby knows, then what? As fired up as she gets, the whole thing would just turn out ugly.

Leslie: Who are you really worried about in this whole situation? Abby or Mariah?

Tyler: Oh, don't do that, all right? I'm over Mariah. Way over. But at the same time, I don't want anything to happen to her.

Leslie: Anything bad that happens, she brought it on herself.

Tyler: You don't know what it was like for Mariah as a kid.

Leslie: I know what it was like for us, and we are nothing like Mariah. We made a choice. She could have done the same.

Tyler: She has nobody.

Leslie: It sounds like she has you. And that's your problem.

Sharon: Oh, thank you.

Nick: I was gonna ask you how it went, but the look on your face when you walked in the door...

Sharon: Mariah didn't upset me, if that's what you're thinking. Thanks.

Nick: Sure.

Sharon: Well, that's not true. Actually, she did. You know, she's barely an adult, making her way in the world alone, and then there's predators like Victor swooping in.

Nick: Well, she seems plenty tough to me.

Sharon: Well, she has to seem that way. But she won't admit that she's a victim.

Nick: At least she's honest about that.

Sharon: She's not a monster, either. She has to put up this tough front so that no one will get too close.

Nick: Then take the hint, please. Leave her alone.

Sharon: Nick, I-I understand her. I can't explain it, but I do. And, you know, what would have happened to me if everyone wrote me off when I made mistakes?

Nick: You are a good and decent person.

Sharon: So is she.

Nick: You're wrong.

Sharon: How can you know that?

Nick: I do, because Abby told me that Mariah Copeland has been in town messing with other people, as well.

Sharon: Abby? What does she have to do with this?

Nick: She's been terrorized by Mariah, too.

Sharon: What?! Why?

Nick: Look, Sharon, there's so much about this girl that we don't know. But what we do know is she is nothing like our Cassie.

Nick: Mariah has been hanging around town for months causing trouble for Abby and Tyler.

Sharon: Are you sure?

Nick: Abby was very clear. My dad may have paid her, but it's not like she's never played mind games on her own. She's no victim. If she has you thinking that, Sharon, then she is playing you. Again. So you're gonna stay away from her now, right? Please, Sharon. This girl cannot be trusted.

Abby: I'm just asking you for your help.

Victor: And how do you suggest I do that?

Abby: Dad, anything I could even think of would be bush league compared to how your mind works.

Victor: Hmm.

Abby: You paid someone to impersonate the ghost of your own granddaughter.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Abby: You have epic resources and a creative mind. You say that your family is your top priority.

Victor: You know it is.

Abby: Then help me fix this Mariah situation. Please.

Victor: Okay. I will take care of things, okay? Don't you worry.

Jack: The last time this happened, I asked you for a second chance.

Kelly: I was so mean.

Jack: No, you...you were scared.

Kelly: I'm still scared.

Jack: So, is that a "no"?

Kelly: No. It's not a "no."

Jack: I see. So, then I'm gonna have to work for it.

Kelly: Oh, yes, that sounds appealing.

Jack: You have no idea how determined I can be, how focused I am.

Kelly: Well, that sounds like there's some old-fashioned courtship coming my way.

Jack: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Big-time courtship. Huge.

Kelly: This is sounding better and better.

[Violin stops]

Kelly: Oh! The music. It stopped. Damn.

Jack: Maybe that's our cue to leave. So, what shall I tell Chelsea about your walls?

Kelly: I think you knew before you asked. Walls apparently are overrated.

[Keys jingle]

Neil: Hilary! Oh, you guys.

Cane: [Sighs]

Neil: Hilary, come here. I'm sorry. That wasn't the plan. That wasn't supposed to happen. I am really sorry about that.

Hilary: It's not your fault, Neil, all right? It's pretty much what I expected. Neil, I told you from the beginning that this was a bad idea.

Lily: He went after her. He chose her over us.

Devon: He made his choice the second he took her to bed.

Cane: Okay, okay. Let's just slow this down, and we'll talk to Neil about this later, all right?

Lily: No, this is about Hilary, not my dad. And she is not gonna get away with this.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Dylan: Before she left, Victoria asked you for some time to think.

Stitch: Yeah? And?

Dylan: So, why you bugging her?

Abby: My father's gonna make sure Mariah leaves town for good.

Tyler: He can't do that.

Mariah: I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important.

Nick: What do you want?

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