Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/14/14

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 5/14/14


Episode # 10411 ~ Jill works to keep Colin's captivity secret; Chloe wants to collect on a favor owed to her; someone monitors Chelsea.

Provided By Suzanne

Victor: Let me help you with that.

Chelsea: I haven't worn it in a while.

Victor: These damn things are always so complicated.

Chelsea: Adam gave this to me.

Victor: There. Look at that.

Chelsea: [Sighs] Sorry I kept you waiting.

Victor: They can't start Adam's memorial service without us.

Chelsea: I know I'm the one that pushed for this, but now that it's really time to say goodbye, I feel...

Victor: It is time. Okay?

Chelsea: [Inhales deeply] [Exhales deeply] Yeah. Adam deserves a-a real, proper goodbye from the people who cared.

Victor: And he will have it.

[Door opens]

Anita: Hi, hon. Sorry I'm late. Is my pint-sized date ready for an evening with his, uh -- his, uh, gr-- Anita?

Victor: I really am not fond of the idea that your mother takes care of Connor. She allowed him to be kidnapped.

Billy: Well, look who it is.

Chloe: Hey. Jack said that you were coming to hang out with Johnny while Victoria was visiting reed.

Billy: Yeah, so, uh, what are you doing here? Just came by to see my formerly natural habitat?

Chloe: [Chuckles] Well, we agreed that you owed me something, so I just came here to collect.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Lily: You're gonna be done with all this before dinner, right -- with my dad? What is so fascinating about this paperwork?

Cane: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-I started doing these cost overruns, and then I started thinking about Colin. Don't you think it's strange we haven't heard from him in a couple of days?

Lily: I'm sure we would know if he's been arrested and deported again.

Cane: Since he's been with Jill, he's trying to reform himself.

Lily: Well, she seems to think that he has, and at least she has some credibility, and he's been really good with the kids.

Cane: Exactly. You know, I wanted to call him up to see if he wanted to see the twins again, and I haven't heard back.

Lily: Well, maybe he's busy with some rich investor -- trying to get some money, since he struck out with Devon.

Cane: Yeah, maybe you're right. You know, he's always looking for that elusive pot of gold. I don't know. I suppose if something happened, Jill would let us know at least.

[Rhythmic clanking]

Cane: Jill! Damn it! I know you can hear me!

Jill: Now, we can put some music on, have some drinks. Oh, let's go out -- two sisters on the town. Perfect.

Lauren: As much as I would love that, I actually came to talk to Esther.

Jill: On purpose? Why?

Lauren: Ah, to talk to her about Chloe.

Jill: Esther's out playing blackjack at turtle lake. I have no idea when she'll be back.

Lauren: Hmm.

[Clanking continues]

Lauren: What is that?

Jill: [Sighs]

Jill: This house is just ancient. Floors creak, pipes clank. Or maybe it's Katherine's ghost, pissed off that I outlived her.

Lauren: Mm. Or maybe she just misses you.

Jill: Mm.

[Rhythmic clanking]

Lauren: Uh, you know, sis, there are plumbers that can fix this.

Jill: No, I-I know that, but that is Esther's territory, after all, and she's a control freak. She'll take care of it when she gets back from gambling. But now, please, tell me about little Chloe. Is there anything I can do to help?

Lauren: Oh. I wish I knew there was something. The more I talk to her, the more I am convinced that she's in the same place she was when she took Chelsea's son to France.

Jill: Oh, dear.

Lauren: Yeah.

Jill: But she's in therapy, right?

Lauren: Right.

Jill: And Kevin never leaves her side.

Lauren: There's only so much that he can do. She's emotionally all over the place, and the reason I'm here to talk to Esther is I'm wondering if she can shed some insight -- you know, a way to reach her.

Jill: I'm just wondering if maybe we're expecting too much too soon, you know? I mean, the truth is, she's in therapy. If she's doing the work, she's gonna heal. Billy was so unhappy, but he's finally finding his footing.

Lauren: Are he and Victoria back together?

Jill: No, but he's trying to be the man she deserves, and even if they don't reunite, I mean, he's finding his way back, and I'm sure that Chloe will, too.

Billy: So, you, uh, poured my drunk self into a car and then into my bed the other night. Uh, what do you want in return?

Chloe: I just want to hang out.

Billy: What?

Chloe: [Sighs] Everyone's treating me like this frail, delicate flower...

Billy: [Chuckles] Which you're not.

Chloe: ...And a wacko.

Billy: Which you kind of are, but I mean that with affection.

Chloe: I just hate seeing people with that look, you know? It's like they're giving me the, "ooh, what's the next crazy thing that Chloe's gonna do" look. And Chelsea said that we would make up, but I know that I'm freaking her out. And I don't want to be the woman who freaks people out. Speaking of freaking people out, I'm sorry.

Billy: Oh, what -- that you asked me for my sperm? No, no, that wasn't freaky at all.

Chloe: [Sighs] I know. It was so bad.

Billy: Yeah, but, uh, you know, it -- it's cool. All right? Just as long as you don't repeat the request.

Chloe: I won't. It was a one-time thing. I promise. It's just, um...Delia's day camp -- they -- they sent me an e-mail. It was a form. They were asking if she was attending this Summer.

Billy: Yeah, well, they need to go through their files and clean that stuff up. I mean, what the hell?

Chloe: I mean, it was just an honest mistake. It was, but it just got me thinking.

Billy: Well, thinking's the worst. I don't recommend it.

Chloe: I miss her, Billy. I want her back.

Billy: I know you do, Chloe, but we can't make another Delia. I mean, you know that, don't you?

Chloe: I know. I-I know that my idea was irrational and unrealistic.

Billy: Yeah, right, so you're not in the market anymore for my...

Chloe: No.

Billy: ...Product?

Chloe: I'm not anywhere near your market.

Billy: [Chuckling] Okay. You -- you want a beer?

Chloe: No, and neither do you.

Billy: Coffee?

Chloe: Yes.

Billy: Okay.

Chloe: We both do.

Billy: All right.

Chloe: [Clears throat]

Anita: Now, hold on. I am that child's gr-- flesh and blood.

Victor: Because of you, the boy was taken to France.

Anita: Well, Chloe waltzed in here like she owned the place. How was I supposed to know she was gonna just take the baby and run?

Victor: What about the nanny?

Chelsea: I had to let her go. I just want it to be me and Connor around the house -- no one else.

Victor: Well, then why don't we take him along to the memorial?

Anita: And soak up all that pain and misery?

Chelsea: My mom's right. I don't want Connor around that.

Victor: The boy is not safe with this woman.

Anita: And "this woman" is standing right here, thank you very much.

Chelsea: My mom loves Connor. Connor feels comfortable around here. If I'm moving forward, I don't want to hold that mistake over my mom's head.

Anita: Oh, honey. You're a good girl. And Connor's a good boy, and I am gonna guard him with my life.

Victor: See to it that you do.

Chelsea: Bye.

Anita: Bye, honey. [Sighs]

Kelly: [Gasps] Oh! I'm so-- I'm so sorry.

Jack: I-I didn't -- hi.

Kelly: Hi.

Jack: You okay?

Kelly: I'm fine. Um, I'm busy.

Jack: Yeah, I'm, uh, on my way to Adam's memorial service.

Kelly: I'm sorry about that. Um, I hope it gives everybody some degree of closure.

Jack: Yeah, I hope so, too, especially for Chelsea. Anyway, I just went to retrieve my phone.

Kelly: From upstairs?

Jack: A friend is staying here.

Kelly: Oh.

Jack: A dear, old friend.

Kelly: No, that's fine. You don't have to explain.

Jack: No, I understand that. I just want to be clear.

Kelly: Why even bother?

Jack: Because I care -- I care about you very much.

Kelly: And what? Jack, what does that change about anything?

Jack: Maybe I'm just being selfish...

Kelly: Yeah.

Jack: ...Letting you know.

Kelly: I think maybe you are. You know, you say those words, and all I hear is, "yeah, I care about you, but my heart belongs to Phyllis," okay? So you saying that doesn't help me at all.

Jack: [Sighs] I'm just sorry.

Kelly: Do it.

Lily: What? Sorry?

Kelly: Set me up on a date with a man.

Lily: Are you serious?

Kelly: No. Yes. Yes. Uh...yes. I'm serious.

Lily: Okay. Um, all right. Well, are you free for dinner?

Kelly: Tonight?

Lily: You said you were serious.

Kelly: I am. Um...yeah. I'm free.

Lily: Okay, well, not anymore -- you have a date.

Cane: So, you're gonna set up an athletic club employee with your dad?

Lily: Dad just needs a nudge after this whole Leslie mess.

Cane: Mm-hmm. Well, it doesn't look like he's actually gone and curled up in a cave, now, does it?

Lily: He's only putting on a brave front.

Cane: Yeah? Well, it's a very convincing brave front.

Neil: Hey, look who it is -- my beautiful baby girl. Mwah!

Lily: You look handsome. Is that a new suit?

Neil: Well, uh, yeah, actually, it -- what? She was asking me.

Cane: Oh.

Neil: Anyway, yeah. It's a new suit, and you're -- you look beautiful.

Lily: Thank you. Well, actually, we have someone joining us for dinner, so that's a perfect suit.

Neil: Ah.

Kelly: Hi. Hi, everybody. Hi, Neil. So nice to see you. Um, I heard the great news about Jabot starting another fashion show already.

Neil: Yeah, in a few months. You're right about that.

Kelly: Hilary already contacted me with specific dates.

Lily: Ah, she's so efficient.

Neil: [Sighs] Actually, she is efficient.

Lily: Well, anyway, enough work talk. Let's get personal right now and have a social time. So, shall we?

Esther: Guess who hit it big! I am so excited. I got some presents for Chloe to make her feel better. Oh, and, Jill, I even got this great shirt for you.

Jill: [Gasps]

Esther: Oh, Lauren, don't worry. I know I can find something in here for you.

Lauren: Honestly, that won't be necessary. I-I came to talk to you, Esther, if you have some time.

Esther: To me?

Lauren: Mm-hmm.

Esther: Oh. Oh, of course. Let me just go put all these things in my room.

Jill: No, no, no, no.

Esther: Jill, I am still off duty, and you know it.

Jill: Uh...

Lauren: Okay, what Jill meant to say to you is, uh, do you have a plumber's number?

[Rhythmic clanking]

Esther: Why would we need --

Lauren: Uh, that.

Esther: Oh, my goodness. Okay, I better go see --

Jill: No, no, no. This woman came all the way out here to talk to you. Would you show some class and talk to her? I will deal with my pipe problem upstairs. Thanks.

Colin: Oi, Penn, me lad. Hey, she's a tough old broad. But no one's tougher than this man. [Chuckles]

[Tennis ball thuds]

[Door opens]

Jill: My god. Could you just shut up for 10 minutes, please?

Colin: Am I disturbing you, precious? Or perhaps it's the Esther or maybe a traveling tow-truck driver. By the way, have you told my son that I'm locked in the attic like some refugee from a Boris Karloff movie?

Jill: No, actually, I haven't. Do you think he'd be interested?

Colin: Well, someone's got to miss me.

Jill: [Chuckling] No. Nobody's gonna miss you. Oh, well, maybe your pal loan shark would miss you. You once had a wife who would have missed you, but you blew that. Why did you come back to Genoa City, Colin? Nobody wants you here.

Colin: Well, damn it, if you don't want me, then just let me out of here. I'll go.

Jill: Oh, you could walk out that door right now, just as soon as you agree to dissolve this joke of a marriage, stay away from my fortune, and I want it in writing, bub.

Chloe: Billy, you were a great dad. I couldn't have asked for a better father for our child. You loved her like no one else. I mean, the both of us -- the both of us did.

Billy: Yeah, but you made her. You know, you were this -- this nutty, uh, crazy girl in the fashion industry, and you made this beautiful little girl, you know?

Chloe: We both did. You know, we weren't meant to be, but she was meant to be -- our little girl was.

Billy: And we had some crazy times in New York, huh?

Chloe: [Chuckles]

Billy: You were so hot. [Chuckles]

Chloe: Um, I still am hot.

Billy: Okay. All right. Yeah. Yes. Yes, you are. I'll admit it. [Chuckles] We had some crazy, wild times.

Chloe: We had the craziest times ever.

Billy: Yeah.

Chloe: They were so crazy. They were great.

Jill: You know what? I'm getting a little peckish. Maybe I'll throw a steak on the grill, you know? Oh, no. Scallops and risotto -- who doesn't love that? Am I right?

Colin: You are something else.

Jill: Baby-doll, I would just love to get you some food -- just as soon as you sign the new papers and burn the old ones saying that you get to steal my fortune.

Colin: Look, you can't just ask a man to, you know, give up on love.

Jill: You don't get to love my money, Colin -- money, by the way, I haven't even seen yet.

Colin: But I love you, and if this is what I've got to do to prove that love --

Jill: This is exactly what you have to do, okay? Because the punishment has to fit the crime.

Colin: What crime?

Jill: [Slams floor] Damn! I heard you. You owe money to some people. You got stuff going on you won't let me in on. I can't trust you.

Colin: Yeah, but this marriage -- that's real -- just as real as the heat that you're generating right now as you lean in to give me a squeeze at the goodies. [Chuckles] Yeah, we have an unconventional relationship, but I'm not gonna give up on it.

Jill: Well, I am. I'm done with you.

[Door slams]

Billy: Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.

Chloe: Come on. No one needs to know about it.

Billy: What the hell? I mean, oh, my god. I don't want this.

Chloe: You do want. [Chuckles]

Billy: Chloe, I -- [Stuttering] Something's going on with my head. I mean, you came over here looking for a friend, not -- this is not the way it's supposed to be.

Chloe: Whatever eases the pain, Billy.

Billy: Look, we were talking about New York and Delia, and -- damn it, Chloe.

Chloe: What?

Billy: You did this on purpose, didn't you?

Chloe: I just -- I just don't want to be alone, okay? Can you blame me? You shouldn't be alone. You don't want to be alone.

Billy: Stop. Stop. Okay? You're killing me right now, okay? This is not the way to cope with Delia. You know this, right? I mean, tell me you know it.

Anita: Mold? In a building this expensive?

Just got to check the ductwork.

Anita: Uh, no, hold on just a sec out there. Here we go. Let's go call mommy. Let's call mommy. Come on. We're gonna just call mommy. Wait. Where do we do it? Boing!

[Cell phone rings]

Chelsea: What's wrong? Is Connor okay?

Anita: There's this building maintenance man here, and I thought before letting him in that we'd better call, as per Victor.

Chelsea: It's fine. The building sent us a notice, but you were right to call.

Anita: 'Course I was. Okay, honey. You keep your chin up.

Chelsea: Thanks, mom.

Victor: Everything all right at home? [Sighs] All right. Let's get started, okay?

Jack: We should wait for Sharon.

Chelsea: Sharon's not coming.

Jack: And why is that? She has every right to pay her respects, too.

Victor: It was her decision, okay?

Jack: And that's it, huh? Has nothing to do with maybe why Nikki moved out of the ranch?

Victor: Jack, are we here to memorialize my son, or are you here to pontificate?

Jack: "My son," he says, without an ounce of irony.

Chelsea: Okay, please stop. Please? This is about Adam and saying goodbye. And if you can't have some self-control and respect, then please leave...now.

Billy: Did you somehow make this happen?

Chloe: Come on, Billy. Chemistry was never our problem.

Billy: I mean, uh, maybe you slipped me a Mickey.

Chloe: [Giggles] That's flattering. Yes, your attraction to me was artificially induced. I fed you oysters without you even realizing it. That's what I did.

Billy: Yes, but, Chloe, you want a baby from me -- with me.

Chloe: I just want things different -- that's all.

Billy: How? By getting Delia back or -- or a close approximation? I mean, you would have been up for this?

Chloe: [Chuckling] Nothing even happened, okay? Geez.

Billy: Chloe, you've got to stop this. I mean, you're spinning out over Delia, and it's got to stop. Okay? There's never gonna be another Delia. I mean, she was fire and sparkle and giggles, and she was like lightning that will never strike twice. I mean, don't ruin her memory like this, please.

Chloe: I just -- I need her so much, Billy. [Voice breaking] I just -- I need her.

Billy: Chloe, I know, okay? But you -- you've got to -- you got to stop this baby thing.

Chloe: I can't. I can't. I can't.

Billy: Yes, yes. Yes, you can, okay? For Delia's sake.

Lily: Uh, you should go check on your dad.

Cane: Why? Uh, why should I check on my dad?

Neil: What's Colin done now?

Lily: Well, he's worried 'cause he hasn't heard from him in a few days.

Colin: Yeah, but you said everything was okay.

Lily: Well, I think that you should go check on him.

Cane: Really?

Lily: Yes. We'll be fine without you. It's okay.

Cane: Oh. I have to go and check on my dad.

Neil: Yeah. We'll -- we'll be just fine without you.

Cane: All right. Don't miss me.

Lily: Bye.

Neil: Hmm.

Lily: So, where were we? Oh, dad's cooking. He's incredible. What do you like to eat? 'Cause I'm sure he can make something for...

[Cell phone rings]

Lily: Oh, excuse me. I have to take this. I'm sorry.

Kelly: You think she has my wedding dress picked out yet?

Neil: I think it's in her closet next to my tux. I'm really -- uh, I'm really sorry about all this.

Kelly: This is so okay. I have lived through some pretty uncomfortable setups. Don't worry.

Neil: I-I have, too. Um, but, uh, matter of fact, I'm not really looking to date right now. I, um -- I wouldn't want to mislead you.

Kelly: That's totally okay, and I appreciate you letting me know. The men in Genoa City are very honest that way.

Chelsea: [Exhales] Thank you both for putting everything aside... concentrating on Adam. He'd be so happy that both of you are here...and grateful. He'd probably say some joke or -- or make some sort of snarky comment, but I know that it would really mean the world to him, even if he couldn't admit it. Jack, would you like to start?

Jack: Yeah. Yeah. It's kind of fitting that we're here. There's so many things about Adam that... only god knows -- things he did, the thoughts he had, the reasons for his actions. Only god knows. He hurt many people that I love in a terrible way, but when I looked at him, I saw remorse, guilt, shame. He hurt my sister, and then, years later, he hurt my niece. And somehow, between those two times, he was a genuine friend to me. I can't explain it, but then I guess I'm not the only one who -- whose feelings for Adam were complicated, to say the least.

Chelsea: Adam didn't know how to let people love him. He -- he had a-a wonderful mother, a wonderful childhood, but somewhere along the way, he -- [Sighs] Something happened to him where he didn't feel worthy. He was broken, he was flawed... but we all loved him anyway. [Exhales shakily] We all hoped that he would find his way, but he died too soon. [Voice breaking] He died before he could be the father he wanted to be. He died before he could be the man he wanted to be. [Sniffles] And that's the real tragedy here, you know? Because I really think Adam wanted to be better. I really think he wanted to be better, and I -- and I think that that almost happened.

Jack: In this very church, Adam made me swear that I would look after Connor -- that I would protect his son, that I would save him from the same things, the same people that changed Adam.

Chelsea: Jack, I told you -- I-I don't want to --

Jack: Chelsea, Adam can't speak for himself anymore. That doesn't mean we can't speak for him. I got to get out of here. [Smooches] Thank you.

Victor: He's not Adam's family -- you and I are. Just let him go.

Chelsea: You're right. [Sniffles] Is there anything you want to say to your son?

Cane: I'm not interrupting anything, am I?

Jill: No, no. No. I'm real-- really glad you came by.

Cane: You know, you seem a little, uh, preoccupied.

Jill: [Scoffs]

Cane: You know, a little off. Is, uh -- it's not 'cause of Colin, is it?

Jill: Colin? No. Why would you ask that?

Cane: Well, you know, you said he's on his best behavior, and I trust your judgment. It's just he's not returning my phone calls, so I, uh -- I thought I would come by and make sure he hasn't stolen the silver and left town.

Jill: Oh. [Chuckles] No. No. Everything is as it should be.

Cane: Okay.

Jill: I checked the silver. He's, um, on a business trip.

Cane: Really? Um, what sort of business?

Jill: I didn't ask. It's safer that way.

Cane: Okay.

Jill: But, honey, silver's all still here.

Cane: [Chuckles]

Jill: Okay?

Cane: Yeah.

Jill: Everything's okay. I would say to leave him a voicemail, but he really is an idiot on his cell phone, so you're safer off with pen and paper.

Cane: None of this seems any, uh, -- you know, doesn't seem off to you? You don't think he's reverted to his old ways?

Jill: Well, here's the thing -- I don't really think that Colin's ever gonna change, you know? So we just hope for the best and plan for the worst.

Cane: Hmm. Right. Okay.

Neil: If she had told me that she had any kind of concept of setting us up on a date, I would have said, "oh, absolutely not. I -- that's not a good idea." I -- that's not what I meant to say. Kelly, what I meant to say was that you are a lovely woman, and I am already seeing someone.

Kelly: Oh. Well, lily set you up anyway?

Neil: I guess it's an oversight on my part. The relationship -- it isn't really a secret as much as -- it's nothing illicit. Just -- it's -- it's complicated.

Kelly: Ah. Well, I understand "complicated." [Chuckles] So don't sweat it. You're off the hook.

Neil: Shortest date ever, huh?

Kelly: Ah. Except for me. I am an expert at the micro-date.

Neil: Ah.

Kelly: So I'm going to check my e-mail and, uh, head off, and then why don't you just get out of here before lily gets back?

Neil: Hey, honestly, any guy would be lucky to go out on a date with you. I wish things were different. I'll, uh -- I'll see you soon, okay?

Kelly: Okay.

Neil: Yeah.

Kelly: Take it easy.

Neil: All right. You, too. Bye.

Neil: Whoa. Jack, as your sponsor, I'm officially worried about you at the bar. Everything okay?

Jack: Having a little iced tea after a less-than-pleasant but very necessary evening.

Neil: Okay, well, if you need to talk, call me later. As for right now, Kelly's right there. She's pretty great, though -- even put up with lily insisting that I cook for her.

Jack: As in a date?

Neil: That would have been a misfire by my daughter. I think Kelly has someone on her mind.

Victor: You know, Adam and I had many conversations while he was still alive. We each knew how the other one felt.

Chelsea: Did you love him?

Victor: He was my son.

Chelsea: Did you love him?

Victor: Well, do you think I didn't?

Chelsea: I think you did. I think you still do. But it doesn't matter what I think. Adam didn't think you loved him. He thought he was a shame on you -- a disappointment -- less than Nicholas and Victoria and Abby.

Victor: I love all my children, okay?

Chelsea: Well, it's not too late, Victor. Tonight was never just for me.

Victor: Okay.

Anita: And then the gorgeous princess threw the frog back because you know what? If he couldn't act like a prince, well, then he just wasn't worth her time. So she went -- boom! But, you, sweetie pie -- you are a prince, and I know one when I see one. Yes, I do. Oh.

All clear. No mold.

Anita: Oh, well, that's a relief. Great. Well, thank you. Let's walk him to the door, honey. Come on. Come on. Come with me to close the door. Okay. Good night.

[Lock clicks]

Anita: I think we should go to bed. I think we should go to bed. That's what all good princes do. They go to sleep.

It's done.

Anita: Here we go. One, two, three!

Lily: Well, I am sorry about that. So, uh, where's my dad?

Kelly: [Sighs] Lily, it was super sweet of you to set us up, but it's not gonna happen.

Lily: You don't like him?

Kelly: Oh, no. He's lovely. It -- it -- he didn't want me to be misled. He's seeing somebody.

Lily: [Sighs] My poor dad. He's not seeing anyone. He's trying to convince Devon and I that he's fine, but, obviously, he's not. He's making up fake women just so that he doesn't get hurt again.

Kelly: Either way, I-I don't think it's gonna happen.

Lily: All right, well, we'll find you the right guy. He's out there. I can feel it.

Chloe: You have Johnny. You don't know what it's like to be home and have it so quiet and be alone, okay? I just -- I just wanted to stop being so quiet and so lonely.

Billy: Look, Chloe -- I get it. Don't forget what Vicki and I went through -- Lucy, all right, the fertility doctors, and the shots and the treatments -- anything to make it happen, you know? And I was still holding out hope that Vicki and I would be able to give Johnny and reed a little brother or a baby sister.

Chloe: Yeah, a sister, like Delia.

Billy: Chloe.

Chloe: Okay, I-I know it -- it's not gonna happen like this, especially not --

Billy: No, especially not.

Chloe: I'm gonna go, all right? Can we just not talk about this ever again, please?

Billy: Hey, Chloe, there is no shame in me going to gamblers anonymous. There's no shame in you going and spilling all of this to your therapist so you can get through it. Hey, I mean it.

Chloe: All right. Thanks. Thanks for everything.

Billy: All right. [Sighs] All right, the fertility doctors, and the shots and the treatments -- anything to make it happen, you know?

Chloe: Yeah, Billy. I do know.

Jill: What? No singing, no yelling? No banging?

Colin: I'm sitting here pondering our relationship...

Jill: [Sighs]

Colin: ...As I have visions of you prancing around the bedroom, wearing that skimpy little number of a negligee.

Jill: "Prancing," huh?

Colin: Yeah, what was the color of that? Was obsidian? Was it onyx? Was it --

Jill: Black?

Colin: Yeah, that was -- that's it -- my favorite. Yeah.

Jill: Listen to me. Since you seem to be behaving yourself to some degree, I have a reward for you.

Colin: Steak?

Jill: No. News. Cane came by.

Colin: He's worried about me, yeah?

Jill: No. He's worried about me. He was concerned about what new, fresh nightmare you're putting me through. But don't worry -- I spared him the gory details, and he left here not even wondering where you were. Nobody's actually gonna wonder where you are. Nighty-night.

[Door slams]

Colin: Damn it, Jill! What did you tell my son?

Cane: [Sighs] Hey, Jill! I think I found his wallet. [Exhales deeply]

Victor: As Jack Abbott said before, you did a lot of damage to a lot of people. Underneath it all, I guess you were looking for my approval. And I gave you many opportunities. I grew up without a father, without a mother. So I understand your anger. You resented me even at the very end because you knew I knew the secret about Delia. A lot of people were very upset because of the bargain you and I made. But you know, you wanted to protect your family, and that I respected. In that regard, you were just like me. I'd do anything to protect my family. But am I sad... that you and I never really bonded? Yeah. Leaves a deep hole in my heart. Rest in my peace, my boy.

Chelsea: Hey.

Anita: See -- there was nothing to worry about.

Chelsea: Hi.

Anita: I told you I did good. Let Victor put that in his pipe and smoke it. Ohh.

Chelsea: He's so beautiful, isn't he?

Anita: How are you doing, honey? Well, I'm gonna go.

Chelsea: Okay.

Anita: Night, pumpkin.

Chelsea: Love you.

Anita: Love you. Love you, big guy. Love you.

Chelsea: Bye.

[Rattle shaking]

Chelsea: Hey, buddy. You're not sleeping yet, huh? Mommy loves you. Daddy loves you, too, even though he's not here with us anymore. And no matter what anybody says, your daddy loved you. And he loved me, and we were so lucky to have love like that, you know... [Inhales, exhales deeply] ...Even if just for a little while. I miss your daddy so much. I do. I miss him so much. [Sniffles] Hi. [Tapping finger]

Chelsea: [Sniffles]

[Rattle shaking]

Chelsea: Hi. [Chuckles]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Neil: I'd like to go public with our relationship.

Jill: What do you know about Bonaventure?

Lily: If Colin is responsible for all this, are you gonna turn him in to Victor and the authorities then?

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