Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/13/14
Episode # 10410 ~ Nikki confronts Paul; Michael & Lauren work to help Kevin.
Provided By Suzanne
[Footsteps approaching]
Nikki: Jack. Jack, are you okay?
Jack: Yeah -- yeah, I-I'm sorry -- I'm fine. I got a lot on my mind these days.
Nikki: Oh, join the club.
Jack: You care for a-a cup of tea, a-a lemonade? We'll share war stories, unless you're on your way home right now.
Nikki: Um, actually, I am home. Uh, you don't know about that. I'm staying here now.
Jack: No, I didn't know about that. Does that mean you moved out on Victor?
Nikki: Go ahead. Say it. "What took you so long?"
Jack: Oh, no, no. I'm sorry. In fact... I feel partly responsible.
Billy: Look, I know you might be a little confused right now. You know, sometimes I'm here. Sometimes I'm not. But when mommy is out of town, we got the whole place to ourselves, huh? It's just you and me, buddy.
[Doorbell rings]
Billy: Ooh. Oh, boy. Pizza time.
Stitch: Billy.
Billy: You know, if you're looking for my wife, you rang the wrong doorbell.
Paul: You're wearing what? [Chuckles] Geez. What -- the black one with the lace? You're crazy. No, no, I love it. Um, well, you made it home early. Uh, I think I'm gonna try and do the same thing. You know what I mean? We can start work on, uh... "operation pitter-patter." All right. I just have a couple things to...
[Cell phone beeps]
Paul: ...Wrap up, and, uh, we -- whoa! Chris, that's not fair. Wow. Okay, so maybe I don't have a couple of things to wrap up. Yeah, I got it. You and, uh...teddy. All right. I'll see you.
[Knock on door]
Paul: Wait a minute. Come in!
Lauren: Knock, knock!
Paul: Hi.
Michael: You have a minute?
Paul: What -- do I have a minute? I got a half a minute. I was just on my way out.
Lauren: All right, well, actually, we really need to talk to Christine. What? Dr. Chiverton? That's the doctor I saw when I thought I was... is Christine?
Paul: Uh, well, no, she's not pregnant -- not yet, anyway -- but, uh, hopefully sometime very soon.
Lauren: Oh.
Michael: Wow.
Lauren: Exciting.
Paul: Yeah. So, uh, what can I help you with? 'Cause, as I said, I was on my way out.
Lauren: Well...
Michael: We need to talk to Christine.
Paul: Well, she's already home.
Michael: That's fine. Maybe it's better we talk to you first.
Paul: Okay.
Lauren: Yeah, uh, Michael and I are worried about Chloe.
Michael: And my brother.
Lauren: Right. He married her to keep her out of Fairview.
Michael: And by doing that, he has trapped them both into something a whole lot worse -- a loveless marriage.
Kevin: Oh, it's pretty dead in here, huh?
Dylan: [Chuckles] Yeah, you're right, Kevin. What can I -- what can I get you?
Kevin: Uh, I don't know. A couple of scones for breakfast tomorrow.
Dylan: Okay.
Kevin: Chloe likes...
Dylan: These?
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Dylan: All right.
Kevin: Since when are you a social-media guy?
Dylan: Oh, no, no. Not me. I'm not into that. That's, uh -- that's Avery. Now that her, uh, show got picked up...
Kevin: I hear it's awesome.
Dylan: Yeah, you know, it's, uh -- it's getting a lot of hits.
Kevin: And a lot of comments, too.
Dylan: Yeah. You know, I'm just -- I'm trying to keep my eye on that. Some of them are positive, but, again, some of them are...
Kevin: Yeah, there's a lot of anonymous weirdos out there.
Dylan: Yeah, tell me about it. You know, Avery doesn't really focus on the hate. She says they're just unhappy. Maybe she's right.
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Dylan: But look how unhappy this guy is.
Kevin: "Don't quit your day job, you worthless sack of flour."
Dylan: Come on.
Kevin: Wow. T-bone88 -- he sounds nice.
Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, read the next one.
Kevin: "Your pie ruined my life -- Lisa in D.C." Man, she's got strong feelings about dessert. A little extreme, maybe.
Dylan: Yeah, you think?
Kevin: Is, um -- is Avery worried about it?
Dylan: No. She just, uh, thinks it's a bunch of people who live on their phones, and it's harmless, but I need to keep an eye on it in case there is somebody trying to hurt her.
Kevin: [Sighs] Yeah, well, I can't blame you for wanting to protect the woman you love.
Gloria: Ah, there she is -- my brand-new daughter-in-law...
Chloe: Hi. Mwah!
Gloria: ...Take two.
[Both chuckle]
Chloe: How are you, Gloria?
Gloria: I'm good. Looking forward to this. Lots to catch up on.
Chloe: Yeah, it should be fun.
Gloria: Mm-hmm. Jeffrey's in the little-boy's room. Speaking of which, where's my handsome son? Parking the car?
Chloe: Uh, no, we drove separately. He's meeting me here.
Gloria: When?
Chloe: Um, I-I don't know. I assume he's still at work.
Gloria: [Chuckles] You don't know? You assume? Don't you ever discuss these things with your husband?
Chloe: We don't keep tabs on each other. No, we've never really been like that, Gloria.
Gloria: Hmm. Whereas if I don't keep tabs on Jeffrey, heaven only knows where he'll end up. [Chuckles] You're looking, um...
Chloe: Calmer?
Gloria: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: [Sighs deeply] Yeah. Yeah, I guess I-I am, for the most part.
Gloria: So I guess marriage agrees with you, then?
Chloe: I need that connection. I had that with Delia. I know you had that with Delia, and if we had a baby together... I just know that we could get that back again.
Billy: Chloe, I have a child.
Chloe: Johnny's not mine. I know that you want this, Billy. I know that you do. It would be good for you.
Billy: Chloe, listen to me. We cannot have a baby together. I love Victoria.
Chloe: I don't want your love. I just want your sperm. I am seeing things a lot more clearly now.
Nikki: Jack, you aren't at all responsible for my separation.
Jack: But I was the one...
Nikki: Who alerted the FDA about the "energy pills." Well, somebody had to. I mean, you're Summer's father. You had every right to blow the whistle, even though it was on Victor.
Jack: So wait. Then the reason you left was something worse.
Nikki: Let's just say I had my own reasons and let it go at that, okay?
Jack: Look, whatever I may think of Victor, I have never questioned for a moment that he loves you, even if he has a peculiar way of showing it.
Nikki: If I didn't love that man so much, it would be a lot easier.
Jack: You've hit a rough patch. It happens.
Nikki: I've left him before. We all know that. But I have always gone back.
Jack: Wait -- what are you saying? You might not this time?
Nikki: This is me very wisely saying nothing. Okay? Uh, it's just true what they say, I guess -- the heart wants what it wants. Listen, enough about me, okay? I know that you're hurting, too, and I am so, so sorry, Jack.
Paul: Did you just say that marriage is worse than being locked up in a mental institution?
Michael: Obviously not. But yesterday when I talked to Chloe, I couldn't help being concerned.
Paul: Okay, so what's up?
Lauren: Oh, she's all over the place emotionally. I mean, she's either in the depths of despair or almost giddy.
Michael: Yeah, and all this happiness or pretend happiness -- it has nothing to do with my brother.
Paul: Right. Well, I can certainly understand your concern.
Michael: Ah, Paul, all the illusions Kevin went into this marriage with -- finally, they're gone. He understands that Chloe does not feel the same way about him. The only reason he is sticking to this arrangement is to prevent Chloe from being institutionalized.
Paul: I know that's got to be tough.
Lauren: I think that, deep down, they really do love each other, but until Chloe is in a better state of mind...
Paul: Right. They both feel trapped. I understand that.
Michael: I agree with the judge -- Chloe needs a guardian. But does that necessarily imply that they have to remain in a sham of a marriage?
Lauren: There has to be some sort of alternative.
Paul: Okay. Um, you know, the only one I can think of is to have the marriage annulled and send Chloe to Fairview for treatment. How long she'll be there is anyone's guess.
Lauren: They'll never agree to that.
Paul: Look, I-I'm sorry, but I think that's your only option.
Kevin: You can tell Avery if she wants to block the negative comments, all she has to do is go into her settings.
Dylan: Yeah, I'll pass that along. Am I a lucky man or what? I thought I'd lost Avery... more than once. You know, life hands you some funny curves sometimes. [Inhales deeply] And sometimes they're even funny in a good way. Did I say something wrong?
Kevin: No, no. I just -- you just got me thinking, you know? Chloe and I -- we have the rings, but we don't seem half as close as you and Avery are. Now I got to head to this dinner with her and my mom and that idiot Jeffrey and -- and keep up this act that we're this happily married couple. Oh, well. Wish me luck.
Dylan: Good luck.
Gloria: Sounds like your therapy's going well.
Chloe: Yeah, it is.
Gloria: Well, how about the rest of your life?
Chloe: Uh, work is great. Uh, Chelsea submitted these new designs.
Gloria: No, no, no. No shoptalk. We're here to enjoy ourselves. What are you and Kevin doing for fun these days?
Chloe: Well...
Gloria: I mean, the weather's beautiful. Have you been up to the lake? A romantic picnic? Any new couples you like to spend time with? Ah!
Jeff: Hiya, beautiful. Hey, sweetie. So, uh, who wants bubbly?
Gloria: [Chuckles] You are looking suspiciously suspicious.
Jeff: Well, I just got some news that makes me want to celebrate.
Gloria: Mm-hmm. From your bookie?
Jeff: Uh, won the trifecta in the fifth race.
Gloria: [Laughing] You did not!
Jeff: Hand to god.
Chloe: Wow. Congratulations.
Gloria: Lucky S.O.B.
Jeff: Luck? Oh. Au contraire, my fine filly. Picking horses requires skill, not unlike picking women.
Gloria: Mm.
Jeff: Hit the jackpot there, too.
Gloria: Yes, I know. As a matter of fact, I will have some bubbly, since you're buying.
Jeff: [Chuckles]
Gloria: Chloe, snap out of it! We're here to celebrate.
Chloe: Sure. Why not?
Gloria: [Chuckles]
Jeff: Coming right up. Barkeep, let me have a bottle of your finest French champagne. Oh, and, um, put it on Michael Baldwin's tab, will you?
Gloria: So what are you and Kevin doing for fun?
Chloe: I've been toying with something. I'm just waiting for the right...incentive.
Stitch: Hey there, Johnny. Playing with blocks and cars and stuff looks like fun.
Billy: You know, I don't recall inviting you in.
Stitch: Does Victoria know you're here?
Billy: That's funny.
Stitch: Wasn't trying to be.
Billy: Look, this is my house. It's my son, my wife. You have any other questions?
Stitch: Yeah. Where's Victoria, since she's the person I came to see?
Billy: Well, not that it's any of your business, but, uh, I'm here spending some quality time with Johnny while she's back east visiting reed.
Stitch: I didn't know she was leaving town.
Billy: Well, maybe you don't know her as well as you think you do. She's gonna be checking in a little bit later. I can give her a message.
Stitch: Tell her I stopped by.
Billy: She's gonna wonder why.
Stitch: I'll tell her when I talk to her.
Nikki: I'm not the only one separated from someone I love, but in my case, it was my choice. In your case, Phyllis was just ripped away from you. You must be devastated.
Jack: You know, sometimes, I feel like I can fill that void, and then...
Nikki: I understand. I know Billy would, too, for that matter.
Jack: Ah, true.
Nikki: Oh, for two people who love each other so much, they sure seem to find ways to be apart.
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. What -- what's happened now?
Nikki: Victoria called on the way to the airport. Reed had called her, wanting to know if she could come for a short visit. She felt it would be a good thing for her.
Jack: [Sighs] She take Johnny with her?
Nikki: No. That's the one good thing. Billy is gonna be at the house with him.
Jack: Oh, good, good, good. I will make it my business to stop by the house, make sure the boys are doing okay. In the meantime, do not forget you are not alone. You have family and friends in this town who love you, who would do anything for you, who want only the best for you.
Nikki: I will never forget that. And it's really very sweet -- my newest son seems quite determined to keep an eye on me.
Jack: I'm glad you have Dylan in your life. If you ever need anything from your old pal Jack, though, I am a phone call away.
Nikki: I won't forget it.
Jack: You better not. Thanks for the iced tea.
Nikki: Thank you for cheering me up.
Jack: Anytime, babe.
Nikki: Ohh.
Jack: Anytime.
Nikki: Mm.
[Door closes]
Nikki: Hi. It's me. I know it's late, but I have to see you.
Stitch: I have a son a little bit older than you -- his name's max -- who likes to build stuff, too.
Billy: Yeah, hey, uh, careful there, Johnny. Without a good foundation, your bridge will collapse.
Stitch: Ah, your dad's right, but, uh, a firm foundation can come from just about anywhere, even from the outside, like a retaining wall holding up something bound to crumble.
Billy: Well, sometimes too much pressure from the outside can make a good structure collapse.
Stitch: Ah, most of the time, though, that's...
Billy: Hey, Johnny. Oh. You look tired. Was that a yawn? [Grunts] Might be time for a story and a bed, huh? [Chuckles]
Stitch: I used to read bedtime stories to max. He wouldn't go to sleep without them.
Billy: Yeah, and for some reason your wife's keeping your son away from you. In fact, they even moved to another continent. Now, what does that tell you? I know what it tells me. Hey. You will never be able to replace your son with mine... no matter how hard you try. Hey. Come here. [Grunts]
Jeff: We still waiting on Kev, or can I propose a toast?
Gloria: To your happy windfall or to the happy couple?
Jeff: Well, why not both?
Gloria: You did tell your handsome groom when and where we're meeting, right?
Chloe: He must be stuck at work, or he got the date wrong. You know what? I think we should reschedule.
Gloria: Oh, Kevin! Finally!
Chloe: Finally. Your mother is all over our marriage, and if you let her know that there's trouble in paradise, we will never hear the end of it. Huh.
Kevin: Uh, sorry I'm late. Work.
Jeff: Yeah, well, it happens, so I hear.
Gloria: Pour him some bubbly, honey.
Jeff: On it, honey.
Kevin: What are we celebrating?
Jeff: A horse named maximus...
Gloria: [Chuckles]
Jeff: ...Charging up along the rail -- ka-ching! If it had been a claiming race, I'd have bought him and put him out to stud.
Gloria: Ooh. One stud's about all I can handle right now. Jeffrey's been quite the stallion lately.
[Both laugh]
Jeff: Well, yeah, I don't like to brag.
Kevin: Good.
Chloe: Wait -- so, are you saying that you've found the fountain of youth -- some sort of aphrodisiac?
Kevin: Oh, we don't need to go there.
Chloe: Yes, we do. I want to hear.
Jeff: Please, honey, not in front of the k-I-D.
Gloria: I have just the thing to spice up your love life, if you know what I mean.
Chloe: Okay, so what is it?
Kevin: Chloe!
Chloe: What? We're all adults. Tell me.
Jeff: It's just this sort of new vitamin.
Gloria: Well, actually it's more like an essential oil -- you know, the elixir of love, with some of those "fair" things in it.
Chloe: Pheromones?
Gloria: Uh-huh. That's it. A few drops of this, and Jeffrey can't keep his pawsy-wasies off of me.
[Both laugh]
Kevin: Okay, so, how about the cubs? Think they have a shot this year?
Jeff: Ah, you know, I don't really follow baseball. I'm more of a wrestling fan, myself.
Gloria: You certainly are, lover man.
[Both chuckle]
Michael: Since I've known Christine, I have never heard her say that she wanted kids before.
Lauren: Yeah, or adjusted her life so it would be possible, but...
Michael: Well, clearly something's changed. Good for them.
Lauren: Yeah. Well, you know, love and happiness has a way of doing that.
Michael: You're not regretting...
Lauren: Oh. Us not being pregnant after all? You know what? I love our life. Let Paul and Christine have the beautiful babies.
[Both chuckle]
Michael: Deal.
Lauren: Okay.
Paul: Hi. Come on in.
Nikki: Thanks for making time to see me, Paul. I hope I'm not keeping you from something important. You and Christine have plans or something?
Paul: Uh...yeah, but there's still time.
Nikki: Time for...?
Paul: Dinner. Dinner. And you sounded upset on the phone.
Nikki: Think really hard, Paul. Why would I be less than happy with you?
Paul: With me?
Nikki: Yes, you.
Paul: Nikki, I wouldn't upset you for the world. You know that.
Nikki: I always thought so... until you arrested my son.
Dylan: Yeah, it's Dylan McAvoy. What do you mean I need to come down there?
[Door opens] The charges were dropped. Okay. Uh, I'll be there.
Stitch: Is that the police?
Dylan: Yeah. I tried to send a message to Ian to steer clear of Avery, Nikki, and everybody else in my life.
Stitch: A "message," huh?
Dylan: Uh, delivered with a little breaking and entering... and maybe some muscle, too. But before Paul could lock me up, Ian decided he had had his fun and claimed he wouldn't press charges.
Stitch: [Exhales deeply] Good thing, man. You could have been facing a class "c" felony.
Dylan: What's with the legalese? When did you become an expert in criminal law?
[Keyboard clacking]
[Doorbell rings]
Billy: It's open.
[Door opens]
Billy: Hey.
Jack: Hey. Nikki said it was guys' night at Billy's. Where's Johnny?
Billy: He's out like a light.
Jack: Oh, I'm sorry I missed him. Any chance you could tear yourself away from your computer games long enough to say hello to your brother?
Billy: I'm doing some research.
Jack: On what? Oh. Ben Rayburn.
Billy: Yeah, I think the good doctor is too good to be true.
Jack: You still think he's got a skeleton or two in his closet?
Billy: If not an entire cemetery.
[Clacking continues]
Jack: You know, he did serve --
Billy: Yes, I-I know, all right? The guy was in a war zone. Victoria said the same thing. He's still having problems getting over it, but I am convinced this guy is hiding something, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to find out.
Jack: Any chance I could tear you away from this to share some of your pizza with me?
Billy: Well, help yourself.
Jack: Billy.
Billy: Look, I get it, Jack. All right? You think I should back off and let Victoria make her own mistakes, and if she comes back to me, it'll be her choice.
Jack: Could I speak now? I didn't come here 'cause I thought you needed your brother. I came here 'cause I need mine.
Chloe: So, this essential oil is the answer to your happy marriage?
Gloria: Well, it doesn't hurt.
Jeff: Well, yeah. I mean, it's just -- it's more of an -- an enhancement, 'cause I've always been able to take care of business.
Gloria: [Laughs] I think we better stop and change the subject because you are beet-red.
Kevin: It's from biting my tongue.
Gloria: Oh, honey. No, no, no. You have always blushed easily. Can't for the life of me understand why, though.
Kevin: Do you want a list?
Jeff: Well, it sure isn't hereditary 'cause your mother has no shame at all.
[Both laugh]
Kevin: And that's number one on the list.
Gloria: I just don't understand you two. You're young, you're beautiful, and you are so uptight. You got your whole lives in front of you, so loosen up. Live a little bit. Everything's all right, isn't it? Isn't that what you said, Chloe? Huh? Huh? Huh? Ahh!
Michael: Hey. What a coincidence!
Gloria: Michael and my other daughter-in-law!
Michael: We just came here for dinner, and we saw you all here, and...
Gloria: Here you are. Join us. Please?
Kevin: Please? Can we get two chairs? Thank you.
Jeff: The more the merrier.
Lauren: Thank you.
Kevin: Ah, well.
Michael: Well, here.
Lauren: Oh, great.
Gloria: Love that dress, by the way, Lauren.
Lauren: Thank you so much. You look fabulous.
Kevin: Just great.
Paul: Look, Nikki, I had no choice.
Nikki: Oh, come on. We always have choices.
Paul: All right. Dylan broke into Ian Ward's hotel suite twice. The second time, he threatened him and even started to rough him up. That's when Ian Ward called the police.
Nikki: Don't you see that you're just playing right into his hands? The only thing that man has done since he's come back to town is try to deliberately bait my son.
Paul: I-I understand. I'm well aware of that. But Dylan has got to learn to control himself.
Nikki: Ian knows that he can't get to me anymore, so he is trying to manipulate my son.
Paul: I see that you're upset.
Nikki: Yes, I'm upset!
Paul: Well, this is not good for your health.
Nikki: Will you stop that? My M.S. Is under control. It's everything else.
Paul: This is not just about Dylan, is it?
Stitch: Gunshot wounds, knife wounds, telltale bruises around the throat -- working in the E.R. Long enough, you, uh, get pretty adept at filling out police reports.
Dylan: And they say being a doctor isn't glamorous. Need some coffee?
Stitch: Or something. I just had a little run-in with Billy Abbott.
Dylan: Well, why would you go searching for him?
Stitch: I didn't. I stopped by Victoria's, and he was there, and she wasn't.
Dylan: I warned you this might happen.
Stitch: Yeah, well, I don't think they're back together. You know, at least -- look, I don't think they are.
Dylan: But you don't know for sure.
Dylan: Billy said Vicki's out of town, and he's staying there with Johnny. If they were back together, he'd have made sure I knew it.
Dylan: I thought you were gonna give Victoria some space.
Stitch: There's something important I need to talk to her about, so...
Dylan: Like what?
Stitch: Her stress level is way too high, and I just wanted to make sure she's okay.
Dylan: Good answer, doctor. Just tell me the real story.
Stitch: Look, some other time. You have a date with the cops, and, uh, I'm late for a shift. All right? Yep.
Billy: So, out of all the women in Genoa City, you want the one that I turned to in a moment of weakness when my daughter died -- the one that, uh, Victoria can't stop thinking about every time she sees me? That one?
Jack: Don't worry. What I want and what I'm gonna get are two very different things.
Billy: Come again?
Jack: Kelly and I are not going to be seeing each other -- her decision. Probably a wise one.
Billy: Oh, in regards to Phyllis?
Jack: I can't pretend I don't still love Phyllis.
Billy: Yeah, look, I-I'm sorry, Jack, that things didn't turn out with Kelly...
Jack: No, you're not. You were against this from the very start.
Billy: Jack, listen --
Jack: The only reason you wanted me to keep seeing Kelly is so you could milk her for any information about dr. Rayburn. Face it -- you don't want that woman anywhere near you or anyone in your family. You're relieved, aren't you?
Billy: Well, I might be if I could find out any good dirt on stitch online.
Jack: Billy, I'm gonna say this one last time. Well, that's probably not true because I doubt you're listening. But if there's any chance your ears are open --
Billy: You want me to back off from stitch. Okay, I got it. Okay, noted.
Jack: The problems in your marriage started here. You're gonna have to fix them here.
Billy: Well, it's kind of hard to do that when Victoria is in D.C., Though it does give me a great opportunity to dig further into Rayburn's past.
Jack: Okay, look. Have you given any thought to how Victoria's gonna react when you bring her whatever it is you think you are going to find? She's gonna be upset with this, Billy. I don't care how incriminating the evidence is -- it's going to make her angrier.
Billy: Well, I'm willing to take my chance, okay? I dot want her hurt by some opportunistic sleaze.
Jack: He's not a sleaze. He's a reputable doctor, and, by all accounts, he's a decent guy.
Billy: And maybe he is. Maybe he's not.
Jack: I know you want to protect her -- I do. You got to trust me on this. You need to win Victoria's heart with your merits, not by exposing the other guy's faults.
Jeff: To the newlyweds!
Michael: Newlyweds.
Gloria: To the newlyweds. Hear, hear!
Kevin: Mm-hmm. Okay, now that we got that out of the way...
Jeff: Michael, I'm glad you're here. I've been wanting to thank you.
Michael: For?
Jeff: Helping Chelsea protect what she's got coming to her from Adam's estate...after the recent unpleasantness.
Chloe: Oh, by "unpleasantness," you mean the death of my daughter?
Jeff: [Exhales deeply]
Lauren: Was there a list of specials?
Kevin: Right here. The orange roughy looks really good.
Chloe: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring this party to a screeching halt.
Jeff: No worries, pumpkin. I believe I did that.
Chloe: [Sighs] What I was trying to say was that I am healing, slowly but surely, and, actually, I've found a new purpose in life.
Gloria: Well, I'm very glad to hear that because even though this marriage started as a way to keep you out of Fairview, doesn't mean I want my son to spend the rest of his life with a cuckoo bird.
Jeff: Gloria.
Gloria: No offense.
Kevin: She is not a cuckoo bird, mother. She is my wife.
Gloria: Okay. But the two are not mutually exclusive, lest we forget your days with Jana.
Jeff: [Gasps]
Lauren: You know, the orange roughy does look good. Yes, it does.
Michael: What my wife is trying to say subtly is let's change the subject and keep it pleasant.
Jeff: Yes, yes, yes. It is a celebration, after all. Um, how about another toast?
Kevin: All right.
Chloe: Oh! Oh! Oh, my god! Oh, oh, I'm so sorry! Please. Here --
Gloria: I've got it.
Chloe: Just let me help you!
Gloria: Stop it! You are making everything worse. If you will excuse me, I am going to the ladies' room.
Lauren: Um, yeah, I will get the club soda and come help you.
Jeff: Yeah, uh, we're out of champagne -- I'll get it.
Michael: Yeah, why don't you put the next bottle on my tab?
Jeff: That's very generous of you, Michael.
Michael: Like you did the last one.
Jeff: Doubly generous.
Michael: Mm.
Jeff: [Chuckles]
Michael: Uh, Kevin?
Kevin: Hmm?
Michael: Can I have a word with you?
Kevin: Sure. Chloe?
Chloe: No, go. I'm okay.
Paul: So, what did Victor do to drive you out of your own home?
Nikki: I just needed some time away -- just, um, to think.
Paul: You're not gonna tell me, huh?
Nikki: Trust me, Paul -- it's better this way.
Paul: Well, [Sighs] What I do know, Nikki, is that things have been very strained between you and Victor ever since you brought Dylan into your lives. I feel like it's my fault.
Nikki: Your fault?
Paul: Yeah, I was with you every step of the way searching for your son. And when Victor found out that you turned to me instead of --
Nikki: What is with the men in this town? I mean, first, Jack was trying to take the blame for my moving out, and now here you are, trying to do the exact same thing, when, obviously, the only person responsible for the problems in my marriage is my husband. And, Paul, when it comes to my asking you to help me find my son, I have absolutely no regrets. Getting to know my son is one of my greatest joys. I hope he knows that.
Paul: I think you just told him.
Nikki: What? Oh. [Chuckles]
Billy: You remember when life was simple?
Jack: Hmm? We're Abbotts. Our lives were never simple.
Billy: Yeah. [Chuckles] Mine used to be -- or at least I think it was.
Jack: Oh, really? Was this before or after Jill sent you off to boarding school?
Billy: Uh, way, way before. I'm talking kindergarten. [Chuckles]
Jack: Oh, you mean simple, don't you?
Billy: Yeah. I remember I had this big crush on, uh, Sandy Dennard. Yeah, I gave her this, uh, paper heart, and she gave me a kiss. Wow. Life was good. I mean, what happened?
Jack: You grew up.
Billy: Yeah. And now she's married to this insurance guy. She lives in Milwaukee and has got six kids. Oh, she, uh, friended me on FacePlace. [Chuckles]
Jack: Ah.
Billy: What's with the universe these days, huh? I mean, we deserve to be with the women that we love, even though I am glad that you're not gonna be with Kelly. [Blocks thud] Aw, hell. You really do like her, huh?
Jack: You know what? My love life aside, I hope you will remember that what Victoria treasures most is honesty -- not scheming, not manipulating, not maneuvering. You want to win her back? You play by her rules -- not yours.
Stitch: Annie.
Allie: Close. Allie.
Stitch: Ah. I knew that. Of course. You know, I'm working with dr. Chiverton, who's not on call tonight. Uh, she wanted me to look over a patient's lab work. Could you get that for me?
Allie: What's the patient's name?
Stitch: Uh, um, one second. It's, uh... Newman. Victoria Newman.
Dylan: Now, that's, uh, some endorsement -- one of your greatest joys?
Nikki: Well, I meant every word of it. Now, what are you doing here at the police station? You haven't decided to charge him, have you?
Paul: Not this time.
Dylan: Uh, no, this time, I-I got a call. After my arrest, when they returned my stuff, my notebook wasn't in the envelope, and it's just something I've carried around since I was in combat.
Nikki: Oh. What it -- is it like a diary?
Dylan: Uh, not exactly. More like a way of jotting things down I've seen and done so I, uh, never forget. Even kept a few souvenirs in there. Thanks.
Nikki: Are -- are these your...
Dylan: Yeah, those are my -- my parents. Uh, terry and penny. Kept 'em close while the bullets were flying. Made me feel safe.
Nikki: That is so sweet.
Paul: Dylan, if everything's in order, there -- there is someplace I have to be.
Dylan: Yes. Yes. Thank you, Paul.
Nikki: I won't keep you. Now, um, you stay out of Ian's way and out of jail, please.
Dylan: I'll do my best.
Nikki: Okay. See you. [Smooches]
Dylan: [Sighs]
Jeff: Huh? [Chuckles]
[Glasses clink]
Kevin: [Sighs] Sure you guys can't stay a little bit longer?
Michael: Oh, no.
Lauren: Oh, as much as we'd love to...
Kevin: [Laughs] Say no more. I owe you guys. Talk about the family dinner from hell.
Michael: Uh, you might not want to thank us just yet.
Kevin: Why?
Michael: Lauren and I spoke to Paul tonight about you and Chloe. We wanted to know if there was a way to keep Chloe out of Fairview but also allow you not to stay in your marriage.
Kevin: [Sighs] Damn it, Michael. I asked you not to do that.
Michael: It's not fair to you, Kevin.
Kevin: I made a choice. I don't want to send Chloe to a sanitarium. She doesn't belong there.
Lauren: Are you sure that's not the best thing for Chloe and for you?
Michael: You have to face it, Kevin. Chloe's still capable of doing something unpredictable that could wind up hurting her or someone else.
Jack: Well, little brother, my work is done. Thanks for the eats.
Billy: Thank you for the brotherly advice.
Jack: Any chance you'll take it?
Billy: There's a dark corner in saint stitch's life that, uh, is gonna come back and bite him. It's my job to find it.
Jack: We all have our dark corners, Billy. Like I told you before...
Billy: Yeah, I-I heard. Okay? Good night.
Jack: Good night.
[Door closes]
Kevin: Yeah, yeah.
Lauren: Come on.
[Cell phone rings]
Kevin: Hey, Billy. What's up?
Billy: Look, I need some expert advice. Are you busy?
Kevin: I could use the interruption. About what?
Billy: How do you run a deep background check on someone who's gone out of their way to keep their life a secret?
Stitch: Oh.
Allie: Here you go.
Stitch: Thanks. Allie, right?
Allie: Right.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chloe: We agreed that you owed me something, so I just came here to collect.
Jill: Nobody wants you here.
Colin: Well, damn it, if you don't want me, then just let me out of here. I'll go.
Victor: Are we here to memorialize my son, or are you here to pontificate?
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