Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/9/14

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/9/14


Episode # 10386 ~ Colin & Jill surrender to passion; Kelly attacks Stitch; Lily sees Devon & Hilary share an awkward moment.

Provided By Suzanne

Proofread by Akpene

Summer: Bad day?

Jack: Hey, come on in. Come on in.

Summer: Oh. I can come back later.

Jack: No, no, no. I was just... yeah, your timing's great.

Summer: So, I heard Adam's body was found.

Jack: In a morgue in Green County. His body was carried downstream after the accident. They identified him with dental records.

Summer: So it's official.

Jack: Yep. Adam's dead.

Summer: I'm sorry. I know that you two were really close.

Jack: Adam once told me that I was more of a father to him than Victor had ever been. And, yeah, I guess ... I loved him like a son. I also knew that he was responsible for Delia's death, and I could never reconcile the two, and... I still can't.

Summer: Is there anything I can do?

Jack: Yeah, actually. That's why I called you here. I have a proposition for you.

Stitch: Jenna, please, be reasonable. I know you won full custody, but please, at least let me see my son before you take him out of the country. No, no. It's not gonna work because you don't want it to. No, no, damn it! This is not what's best for Max, and I'm gonna fight you on this. Jenna?

Kelly: Jenna's right. That boy is probably better off without you.

[Doorbell rings]

Victoria: Coming!

[Noisemaker toots]

Billy: Party time!

Victoria: Billy.

Billy: No, no. Don't worry. I got you one, too, and one for the birthday boy.

Victoria: Well, I take it that's who you're here to see.

Billy: Yeah, well, I'm here for the par-tay, baby. Uh, I assumed that it was gonna be here.

Victoria: Um... um, no.

Billy: All right, well, that -- that's cool. Um, where are we gonna finger-paint the town red, huh?

Victoria: We're not.

Billy: What?

Victoria: You know, I just thought it would be too much for Johnny. You know, us celebrating his birthday together.

Billy: Too much for Johnny or for you?

Lily: Okay, I need the tablecloths to be the color that I picked because I already ordered flowers to match. Oh, and make sure the florist, that he has the right color, okay?

Devon: Lily.

Lily: Devon, I can't, unless this is about the fashion show.

Devon: It is about the fashion show.

Lily: Okay. Then what is it?

Devon: It's about the concept you're considering using real people on the runway alongside professional models.

Lily: Yeah, I think it's brilliant. What about it?

Devon: I have a problem with it.

Lily: You have a problem with it. Why do you even care?

Devon: What do you mean "why do I care?" This is my club.

Lily: Really? Are you really gonna pull the boss card on me?

Devon: If I have to, yes.

Lily: Devon, this fashion show is my project.

Devon: I understand that. We want it to go off without a hitch, right?

Lily: And it will if you let me do my job.

Devon: Why are you being so stubborn right now?

Lily: Why are you? Why do you even care? Is this about Esmerelda or something?

Devon: Yes, it is. She's worried that working with amateurs is gonna ruin her reputation, and she says she'll quit if you make her do it.

Lily: Tell your little girlfriend to stop being a diva. Otherwise, she'll be replaced.

Esmerelda: You don't have the authority to do that.

Esther: [Humming] [Gasps] Aah!

Jill: Oh, my God! Esther!

Sharon: What? What's wrong?

Nick: This isn't a good idea.

Sharon: But, Nick...

Nick: I'll -- I'll let you, uh, finish your bath.

Billy: So, you're telling me it was Johnny who put the kibosh on us spending his birthday together?

Victoria: No. [Sighs] But, look. He knows things aren't right between us. He picks up on the tension when we're together.

Billy: Can't we just put that on hold for one day?

Victoria: I can't. I'm sorry. It's just, this is what's best, okay?

Billy: Best for who?

Victoria: Johnny. And me.

Billy: So, you're just gonna ignore a major milestone in our son's life?

Victoria: A major milestone.

Billy: Well, yeah! I mean, he's -- [Chuckles] he's entering the terrible 2's. We got to celebrate that.

Victoria: I'm having a big party for him this Saturday, and all of his little preschool friends are coming, and...

Billy: Oh, see? That's awesome! You know, pin the tail on the donkey, a piņata, lots of screaming kids.

Victoria: Yeah, I think he'll love it.

Billy: Uh, well, who doesn't love a bunch of screaming kids, right? But come on. We got to do something on his actual birthday.

Victoria: Well, you know, I was just thinking that I'd stop by the coffeehouse and get him one of his little, favorite double-chocolate cupcakes.

Billy: Uh, stop by?

Victoria: On our way to my parents'. He's having dinner with them, so...

Billy: Wow. Dinner with Victor, now, that's a fun birthday.

Victoria: Oh, come on. You know he loves his grandparents. And my mom's throwing a little party for him after dinner.

Billy: Yeah, so, what's, uh, Victor getting him a horse? A, you know, battery-powered Ferrari? Your job at, uh, Newman-Chancellor?

Victoria: I told Dad not to go overboard.

Billy: Yeah, and he always does what he's supposed to. You know, like when he knew Adam was the guy who killed Delia and didn't tell anybody.

Victoria: I haven't forgiven him for that, Billy.

Billy: But you're letting him be with Johnny today.

Victoria: Look, I'm just trying to give our son the best birthday possible under the circumstances.

Billy: No, I know you are, okay? I want that, too. So, go. Uh, go hang out with your family. At least your mom's gonna be there.

Victoria: I know that Mom would rather he be with us. [Chuckles] Well, she and Jill were trying to throw together this big family birthday bash, I guess in the hopes of giving us a helpful shove back together. Actually, I thought that's why maybe you stopped by.

Billy: Yeah, Nikki called me, but, uh, no, I definitely wasn't in on the plan.

Victoria: Okay, well, I'll go get Johnny.

Stitch: I'm too tired to be scolded.

Kelly: Then I'll keep this quick. You know I'm right. Your son is better off without you.

Stitch: No, you're wrong, and so is Jenna. My son is gone, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Kelly: Ben, we both know why.

Stitch: Yeah, because of you. And if you and Jenna think I'm gonna give up, you're out of your minds.

Kelly: Don't be selfish. Think about your son.

Stitch: Max is all I think about.

Kelly: Really? Because if that was true, you would realize why Jenna is doing this. She sees what you can't, or what you refuse to.

Stitch: Oh, which is?

Kelly: Which is if you are in Max's life, it's going to happen, Ben. Someday, somehow, he is going to find out the truth. Is that what you want -- for your son to grow up knowing that his father is a murderer?

Stitch: I could explain.

Kelly: You killed a man! What is there to explain? I know you love your son. Just stay away from him. He can have a good life, Ben, without you... without being haunted by what you did.

Stitch: Nothing I did changes the kind of father I am.

Kelly: You have no idea what it means to be a good father.

Esther: Uh, y-you know, I was gonna just dust, but -- but -- but this room doesn't look dirty. Y-you finish, and then -- and then I'll do it later. I-I mean -- I mean, no, I'll dust!

Jill: Esther, Esther, just go, just go, just go!

Esther: And then I'll dust later! Oh, my God!

Jill: Oh, lord.

Colin: Uh...uh, b-before you go, can I have a couple of feathers?

[Both scoff]

Colin: Well, one, anyway.

Jill: Oh, stop it! You're gonna give her a heart attack.

Colin: I got to tell you, she's more sadistic than I ever gave her credit for -- forcing you two to live in this remake of a set from "Great Expectations."

Jill: You know what? We were just fine here before you showed up.

Colin: Liar. You know that I make living in this museum piece halfway pleasurable. Now, if you can just get out the employment agreement you've got and find a loophole to fire Esther --

Jill: Fire her? I'm gonna give her a raise.

Colin: What?

Jill: Esther just saved me from making the biggest mistake of my life.

Colin: [Sighs]

Summer: A proposition? That sounds interesting.

Jack: Well, I know you're starting at GCU in the fall, and I think that is great, but I... September's a long way off, and I thought maybe you'd want to stay busy till then.

Summer: And out of trouble?

Jack: Well, you know, if an opportunity presented itself, then maybe you'd be interested.

Summer: Okay. What kind of opportunity?

Jack: The Jabot fashion show.

Summer: Ah. Yeah, Neil already asked me about that, and I told him that I'm done with the whole modeling thing, so...

Jack: Yeah, yeah. I know. He told me. And I'm perfectly happy that you've stepped away from modeling, particularly after what happened with the energy pills.

Summer: I don't understand, then.

Jack: Well, I just thought you'd enjoy working behind the scenes -- you know, learn the ins and outs of fashion from the business side.

Summer: Mm. Are you grooming me?

Jack: No. Maybe.

Summer: [Chuckles]

Jack: No, look. Uh, it's temporary. Once classes start, it's over. But, until then, I thought the two of us could have a chance to work together. And, frankly, I don't think that's such a bad thing.

Summer: Is this because of what happened to Adam?

Jack: Yeah, I guess. I was talking to Billy the other day about Delia, and he was telling me how much he had hoped that he and Delia would have a chance to work together in the restaurant, father and daughter. And... it reminded me there are no guarantees in life.

Summer: Yeah, that's for sure. But I'm not going anywhere.

Jack: Sure, you are. You're going off to college. New life, new friends. You'll meet a great guy eventually, fall in love, get married, start your own family.

Summer: That doesn't mean that I'll be out of your life.

Jack: I know. But you and I haven't had the constant connection that most fathers and daughters do have, and I thought maybe if we could work together in the next couple of months, maybe we could build something that could serve us the rest of our lives.

Summer: Jack...

Jack: Come on. What do you say? Will you work with me?

Summer: [Sighs]

Lily: Uh, nobody was talking to you.

Devon: Lily --

Hilary: You were discussing the fashion show, the Jabot fashion show? I happen to speak for Jack.

Lily: You're Jack's assistant. That's a step above an intern.

Hilary: Says the ex-model turned party planner.

Lily: I happen to be the manager here.

Hilary: Yeah, and the last event that you hosted, all your guests ended up hostages.

Lily: I didn't invite criminals to the benefit.

Hilary: Well, you sure as hell didn't have enough security to keep them out.

Lily: You don't even know what you're talking about!

Hilary: I was here! I saw it. You know, why don't you just stick to, um, picking tablecloths, okay, and leave the real work to people who actually know what they're doing.

Lily: Okay, well, why --

Devon: Guys, knock it off, please.

Lily: I am not gonna stand here and let her tell me how to do my job.

Hilary: Your job does not include choosing who's gonna model in the show.

Devon: It doesn't matter what either one of you say. Esmerelda's gonna make up her own mind, okay?

Lily: Oh, good! There you go. Problem solved. You can go now.

Hilary: That's not why I'm here, anyway.

Lily: Well, then, why are you here?

Hilary: My dress that I'm wearing in the show is being altered. Chelsea wanted me to try it on.

Lily: Well, it's in my office. Go get it.

Hilary: Gladly.

Lily: And don't touch anything. I have cameras in there. [Sighs]

Devon: Lily...

Lily: Yes?

Devon: ...I know how you feel about her. Everyone knows how you feel. But we need the show to be a success, and that is not gonna happen if you don't chill the hell out.

Lily: Are you kidding me? Me? What about her?

Devon: Can you not handle Hilary?

Lily: I can handle Hilary.

Devon: Are you sure about that, because I don't have a problem finding someone else to take over for you.

Lily: Devon, please, okay? I can handle Hilary. I won't let her get to me. My God.

Colin: How can you let the Esther spoil what has been our most romantic interlude to date?

Jill: Oh, please. That was not romance, okay? That was a lapse in my ability to reason.

Colin: How can you say that? What we had going was beautiful, like we've done many times in the past.

Jill: There has never been anything "beautiful" between us, 'cause it was all based on lies and schemes -- and sex, and it was cheap and meaningless.

Colin: What do you mean, meaningless? Look, you can deny this all you want, but we both know the truth.

Jill: You wouldn't know the truth if it was standing naked in front of you.

Colin: It almost was.

Jill: This is not funny! Okay. I don't want to sleep with you. I don't want to be married to you. I don't want to do anything with you except solve this damn mystery. So if you're not gonna help me do that, then get the hell out!

Colin: I'm sorry.

Jill: For what, Colin?

Colin: I've hurt you. I didn't realize how deeply.

Victoria: Well, he'll love the instruments. I'm not sure I will, though.

Billy: Oh, no, no, no. No, check it out, huh? On-and-off switch. [Chuckles] Can't say I don't think about Mommy, right, or at least try to?

Victoria: So, are you gonna teach him how to play this thing?

Billy: Oh, uh, me? No. I'm more of an air-guitar kind of guy. I just saw how much he loved the band at the Veterans day parade. I thought he'd be a little more musically inclined than his old man. Just a little practice, but, uh, don't blow your mom's eardrums out, all right?

Victoria: Thank you for that.

Billy: We can rock out in the garage, you know, late at night, when Mom's sleeping -- just the two of us. Look, I, uh, I better get going. Um... [Grunts] Jack wants me to, uh, check in at the office.

Victoria: What? The office?

Billy: Yeah, I started working at Jabot.

Victoria: But what about the restaurant?

Billy: I sold it.

Victoria: Wow. That was fast.

Billy: Yeah, it just, uh, lost its appeal, you know?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: So, I better get going, all right? Mwah! I love you, little guy, all right? So, I, uh, I'll see you Saturday? I am invited, right?

Victoria: Yeah, of course you are! Yeah. Um, you know, Johnny's looking forward to it. Got a lot of parties coming up, don't you? Lucky.

Billy: He's a really lucky guy. I'll see you later.

Victoria: All right. See you.

[Door shuts]

Nick: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.

Sharon: What -- kissing me or stop kissing me just when things were getting interesting?

Nick: Sharon.

Sharon: Nick, it's okay.

Nick: No. Actually, it's not. Come on. Get your coat.

Sharon: My coat? Why? Where we going?

Nick: Out.

Lily: Cane, it's me. Uh, I know that you're busy with the whole Bonaventure mess with Victor, but I could really use your help here at the club, so I mean, there is a big fashion show going on, if you hadn't heard. [Chuckles] Anyway, I guess I'll, uh, see you when I see you.

Summer: Sorry, um, I couldn't help but overhearing. Is Cane helping my grandpa?

Lily: Yeah, with Bonaventure, which I completely understand, but unfortunately, it's taking up a lot of his time when I need him here the most.

Summer: Well, reinforcements to the rescue.

Lily: You?

Summer: Yeah, Jack asked me to help, so I'll do anything, except modeling.

Lily: Oh, that's fine. We have enough models as it is. And we could use help in other areas.

Summer: Okay, great! Um, should I check in with Hilary, or --

Lily: Oh, God, no. I do not want your day to be ruined.

Summer: Wow. I knew you didn't like her, but...

Lily: I cannot stand her. [Chuckles] And I just wish I could keep her away from everybody that I care about.

Jack: Hilary, I don't know what's keeping you. I thought you'd be back by now. Call me when you get this message.

[Knock on door]

Jack: Yeah.

Billy: Hey, boss man. What's up?

Jack: Hey. Finally.

Billy: Yeah. Listen, I'm sorry I'm late. I was thinking I was gonna be here earlier, wearing a tie and --

Jack: Rough night?

Billy: It was a crappy night.

Jack: Things worse with you and Victoria?

Billy: Well, I think we passed "worse" a while ago. Victoria signed the separation papers, so it's official. I suck at marriage. [Chuckles] And they say third time's a charm.

Jack: Oh, Billy, I'm so sorry.

Billy: Yeah. You, me, Victoria -- we're all sorry. And Johnny, you know -- hell of a birthday gift. "Hey, blow out your candles, kid, but don't wish for mom and dad to get back together."

Jack: Hey, hey. You're an Abbott. There is such a thing as Abbott charm. Use it. I'm sure you can talk Victoria into taking you back.

Billy: I'm not gonna fight her, Jack.

Jack: Billy, I know you don't want this separation.

Billy: I didn't, till I found out that Victoria's been playing doctor with our friend Stitch.

Victoria: Are you ready to make a wish? There's so much that we can wish for -- toys, candy, more cake. I know what I want. I got an idea. Let's both make a wish, okay? One for each candle. Ready? Mm? 1, 2, 3. Yay! That's so good! [Laughs] That means that your wish is gonna come true. I'm not so sure that mommy's will, though.


Jack: Is this about what Abby said? She saw Victoria leave the Underground with your doctor friend. That doesn't mean something happened.

Billy: No, except it did. I heard it straight from my wife. Their departure from the bar wasn't so innocent.

Jack: Oh, boy. How not-innocent was it?

Billy: As guilty as you get.

Jack: Oh, Billy, damn. I'm sorry.

Billy: Well, it's okay. No worries. I mean, according to Victoria, she didn't cheat on me.

Jack: Thought you just said that she --

Billy: Oh, no, she was with him, except she doesn't consider it cheating since we were separated all of five minutes. Uh, apparently, there's no waiting period for that kind of thing.

Jack: Ah, Billy, I'm so sorry.

Billy: Jack, if she'd picked up some random guy in the bar, I could've dealt with that. But Stitch? There's something about that guy.

Jack: What do you mean?

Billy: Well, uh, he looks good on the outside, but underneath, something tells me the good doctor is not that good.

Jack: Wait, what makes you say that?

Billy: I just get a feeling, Jack. I mean, he never looks you right in the eye. Have you ever noticed that?

Jack: No, I can't say as I did.

Billy: And something I can't get out of my head...

Jack: What is that?

Billy: He told me once that he did something unforgivable.

Jack: Billy, that's nothing to lose sleep over. I mean, you and I have both been in that position.

Billy: Yeah, I know. But I get the feeling that Stitch did something that really hurt his wife. And I am not going to let him hurt Victoria.

Stitch: Uh, I didn't mean to interrupt.

Victoria: Oh, no, you're not, actually. We're just celebrating Johnny's birthday.

Stitch: Yeah, I see that. [Chuckles] Happy birthday, Johnny!

Victoria: He's 2 years old today.

Stitch: Ooh, rough year ahead. Got your seatbelt on? [Chuckles]

Victoria: Yeah, I'm ready. I hope I'm ready.

Stitch: Hey, take it easy on your mom, champ.

Victoria: Oh, he will. He's a good boy, and I'm really lucky to have him.

Stitch: Yeah. You sure are. Well, uh, I'll let you get back to your cake.

Victoria: Oh, no. Hey, don't go.

Stitch: Well, hey, you know, I don't want to interfere. If Billy found out we were together, that's --

Victoria: Um, that's actually not a problem.

Stitch: What do you mean?

Victoria: Billy knows everything.

Colin: I knew I'd hurt you. I just didn't realize how deeply.

Jill: Any wounds you inflicted were [Scoffs] superficial.

Colin: Deep and painful.

Jill: If you don't start helping me with these files, my stiletto will show you "deep and painful."

Colin: There we go -- that rapier wit of yours, always defending your heart, even as it slices through to your target.

Jill: Would you stop with all this nonsense, please? I have stopped buying anything you said after you said you were willing to forget about the music box mystery.

Colin: I meant that! The money, the box, whatever Katherine's left in it in terms of a secret, doesn't mean as much to me as you do! God's truth.

Jill: Strike him down, please!

Colin: All right, I'll prove it.

Jill: What are you doing? What are you -- oh, come on. You wouldn't.

Colin: Oh, I would.

Jill: Colin, Colin...

Colin: Look, I'll do it!

Jill: No, no, no, no, no, no.

[Lighter clicks]

Jill: You don't have to do it. You don't have to.

[Lighter clicks]

Colin: You finally believe me... that I love you.

Jill: [Sighs]

Colin: And you love me.

Jill: I do. I do love you.

Jill: Uh, you know what? I think Esther's seen enough for one day.

Colin: Yeah, let's go.

Hilary: What the hell, Devon?

Devon: I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were --

Hilary: You knew that I was gonna go try my dress on.

Devon: I know, I didn't think you were gonna do it in here. This is an office. It's not a dressing room.

Hilary: Uh, okay, well, then you must have some business to take care of, instead of staring at me?

Devon: I apologize. Take it as a compliment.

Hilary: I wonder what your girlfriend would think about you complimenting me that way.

Devon: Esmerelda is not...

Lily: What the hell is going on?

Hilary: [Scoffs]

Sharon: Wow, I love this time of year. Everything's turning green, just about to bloom. And it's all about potential, you know, what's possible. Just makes you feel alive.

Nick: I like this time of year, too, but it's mostly 'cause I like being warm over cold.

Sharon: Is that why you brought me here today, or is there some other reason?

Nick: I just needed some time to think.

Sharon: About...?

Nick: [Sighs] I don't want to hurt you again.

Sharon: Nick, we've both hurt each other, and we've survived it.

Nick: Sharon, the last time we were together...

Sharon: What?

Nick: You thought you saw Cassie afterwards. You'd been doing so well. I never should've pushed you to make love to me. Never.

Sharon: [Sighs] Okay, I don't remember everything about that night, but I do know that you didn't push me into anything. And I know how I feel about you, Nick. I don't regret that we were together. But I have to wonder...

Nick: What?

Sharon: Do you?

Nick: No.

Sharon: Are you sure? Because you pushed away from me in the bath, and then you bring me out here on this walk. And I feel like you don't want to be alone with me, or maybe you don't want to touch me. I mean, you haven't even held my hand.

Nick: Sharon, it's not that I don't want to touch you... or that I don't want to be with you. It's that I want to so much.

Lily: Never mind. I don't want to know what's going on here.

Devon: I forgot to knock. It's not that big of a deal.

Hilary: Right!

Lily: Well, if the door had been locked, then this probably wouldn't have happened, but then again, that was probably your intention, right, Hilary?

Devon: Can you knock it off?

Lily: Did you give him a drink, too, and put a little something extra in there?

Devon: No, she didn't.

Lily: Can you really blame me for asking?

Devon: Can you let it go?

Hilary: Have you met your sister, Devon? Holding grudges is her thing.

Devon: [Sighs]

Lily: Tell me there is nothing going on between you two.

Devon: There's nothing going on. I came to get this.

Lily: Esmerelda, hi! It's Lily. Yes, I spoke with Devon, and you have to be in the show. Yes, you are gonna be the star of the night, and all eyes are gonna be on you...especially Devon's.

Jack: So, this -- this "unforgivable" thing that Stitch did -- do you have any idea what it is?

Billy: I barely know the guy.

Jack: Well, Dylan knows him. Maybe you could ask him.

Billy: If he knows, he's not gonna give it up. Stitch is his best friend. But I do know one other person who might know.

Jack: Victoria.

Billy: Kelly.

Jack: Kelly? What the hell does Kelly know about Stitch?

Billy: Jack, they know each other. I don't know how, but she's one of the few people that calls him "Ben"!

Jack: You're not thinking of talking to her.

Billy: I'm gonna listen to your advice. I'm keeping my distance from the lady.

Jack: Good. Wise move, if you want to save your marriage. Billy, you do still want that, don't you?

Kelly: Okay, so, these are the things we still have to do. Let's see. Um, we need to finalize the guest list, finish the table assignments -- oh, and we need to confirm the call times for our tech rehearsal. And we need to check our liquor inventory, and I will take care of that one.

Summer: Okay. So everything else is me?

Kelly: I think we can split it up, but I do like a go-getter.

Summer: Yeah, I get that from both my parents.

Kelly: That explains why you're here helping out instead of hanging out back with your friends.

Summer: That, and Jack can be very persuasive. I think he's just trying to help keep my mind off of other stuff.

Kelly: Work can be a great distraction.

Summer: Yeah, and I think that he's secretly hoping that I'll fall in love with the cosmetics and fashion business, and I'll wind up working for him with the rest of my life.

Kelly: Mm, well, you don't sound like you hate that idea.

Summer: It's a family business, and I haven't been in the family that long, but Jack's a really good guy, so working with him could be rewarding in a lot of ways.

Kelly: Yeah. I can tell that you guys have a great relationship. It's nice. My father and I were close, too.

Summer: Jack's been great, I mean, especially since my mom's accident.

Kelly: I heard about that. Um, do you mind if I ask what happened?

Summer: Um, it was just a freak accident. She fell down some stairs, and she ended up in a coma.

Kelly: And you don't know how she fell?

Summer: No one does.

Sharon: I didn't know you felt that way.

Nick: If I'd stayed in that tub one second longer, we'd still be there.

Sharon: What would be wrong with that?

Nick: Sharon, I just -- I don't want --

Sharon: To hurt me, right? Nick, this hurts -- you keeping your distance, treating me like I'm some fragile object.

Nick: It's killing me, too. Sharon, all I think about is touching you, and holding you, and being with you.

Sharon: I feel the same way. That's all I think about. So why are we not together, then?

Nick: We got to take this slow, all right? I don't want to push you.

Sharon: Okay, I know that you're worried about what happened the last time that we made love, but, honestly, I don't even remember all of it. Maybe if I did, that would help.

Nick: When I came downstairs, you were passed out. When you came to, you swore to me that you saw Cassie, that she was real, that she wasn't --

Sharon: A phantasm.

Nick: Do you remember that?

Colin: Esther's not here.

Jill: She's probably recovering from what she saw earlier.

Colin: If she walked in five minutes sooner, she might've had a coronary.

Jill: Honey, I thought you were gonna have one.

Colin: Ah, my heart wasn't the only doing triple time.

[Both moan]

Jill: We can't do this.

Colin: Why not?

Jill: Because we got to figure out what to do with all this and with this box.

Colin: I told you what you could do with the treasure. It's not half as important as you are to me. Oh, however...

Jill: [Laughs] Here it comes. Okay.

Colin: Um, there's nothing wrong with my having you, and the pot of gold, or whatever it is that is at the end of all of this. But that's up to you.

Jill: [Laughs] I want to keep going.

Colin: Were you referring to what happened about 10 minutes ago or the search?

Jill: Both.

Colin: All right.

Esther: Ahem! [Coughing loudly]

Jill: It's all right. You can stop honking, Esther. It's safe to come in.

Colin: Uh, look. Why don't you have a woman-to-whatever talk to her? Talk about the staff etiquette.

Jill: My God.

[Door shuts]

Jill: Not a word. Not one word.

Esther: What the hell's the matter with you?

Jill: Did I not make myself clear here?

Esther: Yesterday, you wouldn't give that man the time of day. And now you're giving him everything!

Jill: I was wrong.

Esther: Oh, thank God you've come to your senses.

Jill: No. I was wrong about Colin. You know, for months now, he's been trying to convince me that I could trust him. Well, today I decided to believe him.

Colin: Yeah. It's taking me a little bit longer than I thought, but don't worry. I'll get us the money.

Kelly: Okay, Sarah's printing out the seating chart.

Summer: Okay.

Kelly: That your mom?

Summer: Yeah.

Kelly: Listen, I didn't mean to make you sad earlier when I brought her up.

Summer: No, no, you didn't. I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have her in my life.

Kelly: I bet she feels the same way about you.

Summer: Thanks.

Kelly: Um, I know we just met, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I kind of know what you're going through.

Summer: Yeah, I just... I really miss her.

Kelly: Yeah. It's really unfair when a parent and child are ripped apart. A bond that precious should never be destroyed.

Sharon: Remember what?

Nick: You said "phantasm." Does that ring any bells for you?

Sharon: Should it?

Nick: You were playing this word game with Faith, and someone used the letters to spell out that word "phantasm."

Sharon: Well, obviously, that must've been me. I mean, uh, I use the word.

Nick: Or one you remember.

Sharon: Well, hopefully, that means everything will come back to me. And then we can move on with our lives. That's what I want, Nick. I want a future with you.

Nick: Well, let's take it one day at a time.

Sharon: Let's start with this one, the first of more to come, I hope. So much potential.

Stitch: You told Billy?

Victoria: [Sighs] You know, he...

Stitch: About us?

Victoria: He just figured it out. But I wasn't gonna lie. There's just been too many lies.

Stitch: How are you?

Victoria: I'm okay. Things are civil between us. And we're going forward with the separation.

Stitch: Filing those papers wasn't easy.

Victoria: No. No, it wasn't. But it was the right thing to do. So, now I just have to figure out what comes next. [Chuckles]

Stitch: How about dinner?

Jack: You're not thinking of throwing in the towel on your marriage, are you?

Billy: I got to be honest with you, Jack, I don't know what I'm thinking nowadays.

Jack: Well, you better figure it out fast. You don't want to lose the best thing that ever happened to you.

Billy: No, you're right. I don't, and I still think this separation is good for us -- that Victoria needs the time to clear her head. It's just that knowing that Stitch has a clear path to her is driving me crazy. I don't trust the guy.

Jack: Wait, you just finished saying you don't know the guy.

Billy: But I just can't get it out of my head. I mean, Kelly is always on edge when she's around him. And no matter what you may think of her, I really believe she's someone we can trust.

Jack: Yeah, you'll get no argument here. Whatever animosity I had toward Ms. Andrews is gone. In fact, we're going out to dinner tonight.

Billy: Wait, what?! Jack, what the hell are you thinking?!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Hilary: You and Lily have been nothing but cold and spiteful, and I'm tired of being your punching bag.

Neil: I've thought about you all day.

Leslie: I'm relieved you feel that way, because I have so much to say to you.

Billy: Stitch slept with my wife. You need to tell me where he is.

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