Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/8/14

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/8/14


Episode # 10385 ~ Nick & Sharon butt heads; Kevin tries to help Chloe get it together; Nikki & Jill work to save Billy & Victoria's marriage.

Provided By Suzanne

Proofread by Akpene

[Knock on door]

Sharon: Morning.

Nick: Morning.

Chelsea: Sharon, I have news.

Chloe: My supposed business partner, Chelsea, pretty much called me a psycho.

Kevin: That's not exactly what happened.

Chloe: And then she went behind my back, and she told Lily and Lauren about the new designs without even consulting me. Our company, Jabot, wouldn't even know who she was if it weren't for me.

Kevin: That's an overstatement.

Chloe: And then she's gonna just cut me out of her life and then cut me out of our business.

Kevin: Can you blame her?

Michael: Hey.

Lauren: Hi.

Michael: Sorry I left before you woke up. I'm carrying double the case load at work, you know. So did you do it?

Lauren: Pregnancy test?

Michael: [Chuckles]

Lauren: Yes.

Michael: And?

Jill: So, what's this about, Nikki?

Nikki: The gap between Billy and Victoria is widening.

Jill: Yes, I'd heard that Billy moved out.

Nikki: Oh, it's beyond that. Victoria had papers filed. They are formally separated.

Jill: So it's official.

Nikki: Yes. That's why we have to act fast, before things between our children deteriorate further.

[Knock on door]

Paul: Victor. Come on in. What did you find?

Victor: Proof of my son's death. I guess the case is closed.

Jill: We? You and me working as a duo?

Nikki: Yes. Who better?

Jill: Well, excuse me, but I don't think we play well together.

Nikki: Well, you know, that is very true, Jill, but I think that we're big enough we can set aside our issues.

Jill: Well, I am. But you?

Nikki: Yes! I think I can! Because if you recall, after Katherine's death, we were able to come together and organize a beautiful event.

Jill: That was a special circumstance.

Nikki: Well, so is this, and we will be helping our children.

Jill: I cannot get involved, okay? I've already been warned off.

Nikki: Oh, really? By whom, Billy?

Jill: Yes. And Jack. He reminded me that any time you interfere in other people's lives, doesn't turn out well.

Nikki: Oh, really? Well, what does Jack know about being a mother?

Jill: And Lauren.

Nikki: You know, regardless of what anybody else said, don't you want your child to be happy?

Jill: Are you [Chuckles] insinuating that I don't?

Nikki: Oh, God, no! No, I am not, Jill. You know, but I could insinuate many things if you would just agree to help me.

Jill: Billy's already warned me off on this, okay? He would resent me.

Nikki: How much do you think he resented having a broken home when he was a child? We have both endured that. And that's exactly what's gonna happen to our grandson if we don't act quickly.

Jill: God, I don't want our children to make the same mistakes we made.

Nikki: All right. Then are we together on this?

Jill: I've already tried talking to Billy.

Nikki: And I have already tried with Victoria. We are not getting anywhere on our own. But if we band together...

Jill: We need a way in.

Nikki: Yes. Yes. Now you're talking. Now you're talking.

Jill: Okay, there's always our grandson.

Nikki: Yes. Uh, well, you know, it's Johnny's birthday today.

Jill: Yes, Nikki, I know that.

Nikki: Oh, no. I know you know. I know you know.

Jill: Maybe, what about an impromptu birthday party? You and I throw it together.

Nikki: Um, I already approached Victoria with that idea.

Jill: [Sighs] No go, huh?

Nikki: No, she felt that Johnny might sense the tension between her and Billy.

Jill: Well, we could always trap them in an elevator.

Nikki: Well, that's been done, though. We can do better.

Jill: You know what? Between the two of us, we have laid so many diabolical plans. We will make this work.

Nikki: So we're partners?

Jill: In saving our children's marriage and in providing a stable, happy life for our grandson, yes. After that...

Nikki: You know, after that, we can both go back to being mildly annoyed with each other, okay?

Jill: Mildly?

Colin: Jill, did you make any headway...? Hi, Nikki.

Nikki: Hi, Colin. So, what's with all the papers scattered around? Was, uh...

Jill: Oh, well, that's a long story.

Nikki: Okay. Well, I will continue to think about our plan, and I will run every and all ideas past you.

Jill: And I will do the same.

Colin: How'd you two wind up so chummy?

Jill: We just realized that our children need us.

Victor: Ah, the remains of a John Doe were found in the River Two counties downstream.

Paul: What jurisdiction?

Victor: Green County. I guess the GCPD didn't investigate that far.

Paul: How were the remains positively identified as Adam's?

Victor: By dental records.

Paul: I see. Victor, in spite of your rocky relationship with Adam, I realize how difficult this must be for you, to receive actual confirmation of your son's death.

Victor: Listen, I knew that there was no chance of Adam surviving that kind of fiery crash. I did this at Chelsea's behest. She wanted closure. That's why I continued investigating.

Paul: Well, if it were that simple -- closure. I do understand what it's like to lose a son who was...

Victor: Reviled?

Paul: Unreachable. And you're left with all these unanswerable questions. It's...very painful.

Victor: Yep. Anyway...

Paul: Okay. Thanks for the information.

Victor: I thought I'd bring it by.

Paul: I appreciate it.

Victor: Have a nice day.

Paul: Thank you.

Victor: Goodbye, Paul.

Paul: Frank, get me Green County sheriff's department, please.

Chelsea: And since you're one of the few people who actually cared about Adam, I wanted to tell you in person, but I'm really glad you're both here.

Sharon: They found Adam's remains.

Nick: So it's over. He's really gone?

Chelsea: I didn't want to believe it. I keep thinking about that day that I overreacted when you said that Adam was dead. I...

Sharon: No, I'm sure I was being insensitive.

Chelsea: No, you were right. There's no way he could have survived that crash. Now we have proof.

Nick: I'm surprised they found Adam at all. That explosion was...

Chelsea: I didn't mean to upset you.

Sharon: No, Chelsea, don't apologize. I, uh...this is hard for me to hear, but your having to really live it, I'm sure it's much harder for you. So thank you for coming.

Chelsea: I just wanted to let you know, both of you.

Sharon: I'm so sorry.

Chelsea: I guess I should go.

Nick: Chelsea, are you okay? How are you holding up?

Chelsea: I'm just taking care of my baby. Going to work. Trying to move on with my life now that we know for sure Adam's not coming back to us.

Sharon: You're so strong. I admire that. It is very difficult after suffering a loss like this.

Kevin: You have to pull it together.

Chloe: I am together.

Kevin: How can you say that when -- never mind.

Chloe: No. Say it. Say it. When what?

Kevin: When we got married to keep you from going to a psych ward because you kidnapped Chelsea's kid.

Chloe: And is that it? Is that the only reason why we got married?

Kevin: That's not fair.

Chloe: What about all the things that you said, Kevin, about how you understood why I took Connor, about your belief in me? Was that all just a bunch of bull to get me to say "I do"?

Kevin: I married you because I love you.

Chloe: Well, this doesn't feel like love.

Kevin: And I believe that we belong together.

Chloe: But that's the thing. We're not even together. I mean, we're sleeping under the same roof, but we're not -- sighs] Kevin...

Kevin: Look, look, I told you I would honor your request. I would give you the time that you need to heal. And I'm trying to do that.

Chloe: I know.

Kevin: This is a conversation about keeping you from being locked up, not about us being married, even though we're not even sharing a bed.

Lauren: The idea of me having a child is just...so remote. You know, we haven't even thought about the possibility of that. And I'm wondering how you really feel.

Michael: Just tell me what it -- what it was. Positive?

Lauren: We're pregnant.

Lauren: There it goes.

Michael: What?

Lauren: Oh, the life that you were anticipating, you know, just went sailing off into the sunset. The options for your job, travel. You were really looking forward to your empty-nester status, weren't you?

Michael: You were, too. You had plans.

Lauren: I remember when we found out we were pregnant with Fen.

Michael: I was exactly as dense then.

Lauren: [Chuckles] I could've given you better clues. I took a home-pregnancy test then, too.

Michael: And we were shocked then, too.

Lauren: And thrilled. We looked at Fen as a gift.

Michael: Yeah. I was excited.

Lauren: And now?

Michael: There's excitement.

Lauren: But not the good kind.

Michael: What do you want? I'm reeling. I'm unbalanced. And I'm excited.

Lauren: I see. I see.

Michael: Listen, sweetie, when I talked to you about leaving all the problems of child rearing behind, I was thinking out loud.

Lauren: You don't have to explain.

Michael: No, I know what it sounded like. I know what it sounded like. But now that, you know, Fenmore's come through the other side of his problems and he's going off to school --

Lauren: You were just being honest. And, Michael, I need that. I want your honesty. Tell me exactly how you feel.

Michael: If you want me to say that I wanted this... I can't.

Kevin: You going off on Chelsea like that was a huge mistake.

Chloe: I was upset.

Kevin: But losing it like that in public? You're lucky Dylan owns this place. Somebody else might have called the cops.

Chloe: It was an argument.

Kevin: You were very loud, Chloe.

Chloe: Well, I am a loud person, and people know that.

Kevin: And intense.

Chloe: I have seen many intense moments right in that spot.

Kevin: But look at your behavior from the outside, all right? Somebody could think that -- that --

Chloe: That what? That I'm crazy?

Kevin: If you don't start taking this seriously, if you pull something like that again, you're not gonna be so lucky next time. You could end up in jail or in an institution. And you can say goodbye to me being your conservator.

Chloe: You're right.

Kevin: [Sighs] If you're saying that just to shut me up...

Chloe: You're right, Kevin. I've been going about this whole thing with Chelsea the wrong way.

[Door opens]

Victor: Chelsea.

Chelsea: Hi.

Victor: My goodness.

Chelsea: Hi.

Victor: So?

Chelsea: Um, I-I just got here. Your secretary said I could sit in here and wait.

Victor: You can wait any time, okay? Please have a seat. So what's up?

Chelsea: [Sighs] Well, I've been thinking about what you said, how it's my decision, the arrangements for Adam. And I decided I want to give him a private burial. I'm not sure where. I don't know if I should maybe do it here or Kansas, uh, Paris.

Victor: Oh, Paris. I don't think it's a good idea, do you? I mean, doesn't that bring back bad memories? It's where Chloe took your little boy after she kidnapped him.

Chelsea: Okay, so I think, um... Kansas. I guess Kansas would be more appropriate.

Victor: Why don't you bury him here in Genoa City? I mean, that way you and Connor, when he grows up, can visit the grave.

Chelsea: I think you are the one who wants to visit your son's grave. That's why you want Adam buried close by. [Sighs] I miss him so much. Despite Adam's faults, you know, and the terrible thing that he did, you and I, we loved him so much. We understood him better than anybody. With the exception of Sharon.

Victor: Yeah, I guess Sharon did, as well.

Nick: You all right? [Sighs] I'm sorry. That's a ridiculous question. Of course, you're not all right. Chelsea blindsiding you like that.

Sharon: I knew Adam was dead. I mean, I never had any doubts, not like Chelsea.

Nick: Then why'd it hit you so hard?

Sharon: Because I keep seeing it… them finding his body.

Nick: Try not to do that.

Sharon: I know. But it's just -- it's real now, Nick. It seems more real. And it's like I'm mourning him all over again.

Nick: I hate seeing you affected like this. Adam hurt you so many times.

Sharon: He did. He hurt me in so many awful ways. It was awful.

Nick: Then why are you so upset?

Sharon: Because he helped me, too. You know, he was the first person who realized the way that I was acting wasn't really me and that I actually needed medical treatment. He got me a place to stay. He found me a doctor.

Nick: You could have managed all that on your own.

Sharon: No, I would have been in prison if it weren't for Adam.

Nick: You would have survived without him.

Sharon: Thank you for saying that, but...

Nick: Sharon, you were strong enough to realize that you needed help, and you did everything in your power to make that happen. And you're doing so much better now. And that's because of you. It has nothing to do with Adam.

Sharon: Okay, Nick, stop it. You never liked your brother. I get it, and I accept that. But right now, I can't think about bad things about Adam. I need to remember the good, and I need to... just remember that he's gone.

Nick: I'm sorry. I just want to make this better for you. I want to help you. How can I do that?

Sharon: I don't know.

Jill: My second pass through all these thousands of records from the national archives is even more frustrating than the first. I'm not sure where we're gonna find a clue to this music box of Katherine's or Rachel's or whoever's it is.

Colin: Hey, look at this.

Jill: A picture of a French girl. What?

Colin: Yeah, probably taken somewhere on the Mediterranean coast. Not even big enough as villages go to be called a fly speck. But probably the prettiest part of the French coast there is. A place you could just disappear in. A place you could go to and call just a little bit of heaven.

Jill: [Chuckles] Oh, lord, you're spinning another one of your romantic yarns about Shep and Rachel, aren't you?

Colin: No. This is about you and I.

Jill: You really want to go there in the middle of all this dust and papers, huh?

Colin: We're in a village. Cottage, actually. By a body of water the color of your eyes.

Jill: Hello. My eyes are brown.

Colin: Uh... they're reflected to the backs of the horses' coats as they run along.

Jill: [Laughs] That was a really good save. It was really good.

Colin: There's a yacht moored in the harbor... waiting to take us wherever we want to go. The air is full of the scent of wildflowers. Jill, the possibilities -- they're endless.

Jill: No! No. I am going to unravel this damn mystery. I'm gonna have my inheritance.

Colin: But to think about it... the wind is caressing your legs lightly.

Jill: [Sighs]

Colin: The hem of your linen dress is blowing gently.

Jill: [Sighs] No! No!

Colin: You want to quit?

Jill: I want to solve the puzzle. You know, maybe if I go through this a third time.

Colin: [Stammers] Forget the names if this is what it's doing to us.

Jill: Are you saying that you are willing to abandon the fortune we both know is at the end of all this?

Colin: Yes, my darling Jill. Given the choice, I can forget about this because I've got my treasure... you.

Michael: I know this was not a part of the plan. And, um... pregnancy... [Sighs] ...and everything it entails -- this is our life. And I love you. We're in this together.

Lauren: But you're still trying to wrap your head around it.

Michael: God, yeah. [Chuckles]

Lauren: So am I.

Michael: Mm.

Lauren: I mean, Michael, we're gonna have a baby.

[Both laugh]

Michael: Oh! Okay. [Sighs] We're gonna have a baby. And at this stage, there are things that we have to consider.

Lauren: I know.

Michael: Mm-hmm. So I want you to go to a doctor. I want you to get this confirmed as soon as possible.

Lauren: Yeah. Of course. And then what?

Michael: Then we will discuss what we're facing together.

Lauren: Okay, let's not tell anybody, okay, until we know how far along I am. Not even Fen.

Michael: Yeah, we'll keep it between ourselves.

Lauren: Okay.

[Both chuckle]

Chloe: Sharing secrets?

Michael: Hey.

Lauren: Hey. How you doing?

Chloe: Good. But I actually came to talk to you, Michael.

Michael: Really? About what?

Chloe: My partnership with Chelsea.

Chelsea: Sharon loved Adam, and at one point, Adam loved her.

Victor: And as his wife, you want to celebrate that?

Chelsea: No, but I'm not gonna pretend it didn't happen, either. Wherever I do decide to bury Adam, I'll probably hold a private memorial service, and Sharon will be included.

Victor: You decide whatever way you want to honor Adam, okay? If that includes Sharon, you should include her.

Nikki: Well, I think the memorial is a lovely idea. It will be important for you and your son.

Chelsea: Yeah. I think so, too.

Nikki: Um, let me know if you want any help with the details.

Chelsea: Oh, that's -- I wouldn't want to impose.

Nikki: Oh, no. You're not imposing. This is a difficult time for you, and I want to support you any way I can.

Chelsea: That's very kind, Nikki, and unexpected.

Nikki: Connor is Victor's grandson, family, and I will treat him as such.

Chelsea: Thank you. I really appreciate that from both of you. See you.

Victor: You have a nice day, okay?

Chelsea: Okay. You too. Thanks.

[Door opens, closes]

Nikki: Well, you showed great restraint when Chelsea brought up the idea of including Sharon. To what should I attribute that?

Victor: Mm.

Nick: Uh, sorry. I didn't want to crash your bath time here. I know you needed some space. But I have something here that will, uh, enhance the process.

Sharon: You brought my favorite scented candle.

Nick: You really used to find this soothing.

Sharon: I still do. You...you used to be skeptical about aromatherapy.

Nick: Were? Uh, am. But you really seem to dig this stuff, so...

Sharon: Remember that time when we spent all evening lighting different candles?

Nick: Yeah. We were trying to scientifically prove that they could have the desired effect. [Chuckles] There was serenity, awareness...

Sharon: Enlightenment.

Both: Passion.

Sharon: This was very thoughtful of you.

Nick: You were upset. I wanted to see if I could help. All right, enjoy your serenity.

Sharon: Nick.

Jill: Oh, you have spotted something in all these records we've been searching through, haven't you? That's why you're pushing for me to quit. Because you have found what you've been after.

Colin: Well, as it turns out, I'm pretty close to getting what I'm after.

Jill: Really? Really? And what might that be?

Colin: You to bring down the walls.

Jill: That's not gonna happen.

Colin: You stop wasting time.

Jill: Well, then you stop with all this foreplay, okay?

Colin: You got to admit that you want me as much as I want you.

Jill: Ugh! Ow! Oh!

Colin: What? Jill?

Jill: Nothing. It's nothing. It's my shin. It's okay.

Colin: No, no, no, no.

Jill: Don't -- don't touch me.

Colin: It's okay.

Jill: It's fine.

Colin: Have a seat. Yes. Which one? This one?

Jill: Yes. That one.

Colin: Okay, let's get that foot up.

Jill: [Scoffs]

Colin: Bring it up.

Jill: You don't have to do this.

Colin: I know, but I'd like to anyway.

Jill: Oh. Oh. It's good. It's really good.

Colin: Mm.

Paul: Kevin, everything okay?

Kevin: Uh, yeah. Um... do you really want to know?

Paul: Yes. Come on in.

Kevin: It's Chloe.

Paul: What? Things aren't any better for you two?

Kevin: We were headed in that direction. I took a step back to give her some space, to grieve for Delia.

Paul: Right. That's not working out?

Kevin: Not the way I thought it would. [Sighs] I'm just trying to figure out what my place is in her life. You know, instead of us, Chloe and me, working together as a couple, as partners, it's like I'm her official legal caretaker.

Paul: Well, actually, Kevin, that's exactly what you are.

Kevin: Well, technically, yeah. And then she just went berserk. This probably isn't a conversation I should have with the police chief.

Paul: No, Kevin, hold on a second. Anything you say in here right now is completely off the record. Nothing is gonna come back and bite Chloe legally, okay?

Kevin: Okay. Thanks. Chloe just totally freaked out on Chelsea.

Paul: How did that happen?

Kevin: Chelsea was making some business decisions without asking Chloe about them, and Chloe lost it in public.

Paul: But you were there to help her, right?

Kevin: Yeah. She got real upset, and I -- you know, I said all that good, supportive husbandy stuff.

Paul: And Chloe was still over the top.

Kevin: Yeah, and I don't know why.

Paul: Did you really expect a wedding to change all that?

Kevin: I -- a wedding, no. No. But...but I love Chloe. And real love -- doesn't that have any kind of power?

Paul: Well, it's nice when it does.

Kevin: I guess I was just hoping that this love that I have for Chloe would help get her back to where she was -- us as a couple back to where we were before.

Paul: That may be a bit optimistic.

Kevin: I'm just really worried about her. I'm worried that she doesn't have things as under control as I thought she did.

Chloe: So, I really need this information about the business. Thank you for answering all my questions.

Michael: Where are you going with this, Chloe?

Lauren: I really hope that you and Chelsea are working things out.

Michael: There's a lot riding on this fashion show for a lot of people.

Chloe: Well, for me, too. Being a part of the show can completely cement our brand. And especially now that Forrester and these other established lines are participating.

Lauren: Well, honey, you're gonna be well positioned. It's gonna increase your market value. Don't worry about it.

Chloe: Well, for you, too. I mean, with the boutique opening, this is a whole new beginning for you.

Chelsea: Lauren, hi. I brought the...

Lauren: Oh, are these the worked designs you were gonna bring by my office?

Chloe: Oh. The new designs. Well, I would love to see them, partner.

Paul: So you're saying you entered this marriage with Chloe with certain expectations.

Kevin: Well, doesn't everybody?

Paul: Yeah, but expectations that didn't line up with Chloe's.

Kevin: Well, they don't know, but I'm willing to wait. I love Chloe. I know she loves me, too.

Paul: I know. But she is in a completely different space now than she was when you two were together the first time.

Kevin: Yeah, I know that.

Paul: Kevin, she lost a daughter. And Delia's death broke something inside of her.

Kevin: You think I don't see that? I do. I just --

Paul: I know you do. You want things the way they were.

Kevin: Paul, Chloe's getting help. She has great doctors. She has an incredible support system.

Paul: And she has a loving husband to help her heal.

Kevin: Yes, I would do anything for her.

Paul: I know you would. And I know what it's like to try and heal someone you love, someone with deep emotional problems. But the truth is you are dealing with an illness, and no matter how much you love her, there is only so much you can do. And the one thing that I did learn -- after a certain point, Kevin... it's out of your hands.

Chloe: I just love what you did with the waist. It's very on trend.

Chelsea: Um, I hope you like it. I hoped you'd use it maybe for your new boutique ad.

Lauren: Oh, definitely. I did not think you could make this dress look any better, and you have.

Chelsea: Oh, great. I'm so glad.

Chloe: We're glad you love it.

Lauren: Um, I hope the two of you will come to the photo shoot.

Chelsea: Of course. Absolutely. I want to be very hands-on. I'm not sure Chloe can --

Chloe: No, I'll definitely be there. I can't wait.

Lauren: Okay, I would suggest coffee --

Chelsea: Actually, I have to get back to my office, but we'll talk --

Chloe: You know what? I'm gonna follow you.

Chelsea: Talk to you soon.

Lauren: I'm excited.

Chloe: Bye.

Lauren: Bye.

Michael: Goodbye, ladies.

Lauren: Bye, honey.

Chelsea: Bye.

Lauren: Okay. I am, uh, gonna go by the boutique and make sure that everything's taken care of, all right? Are you gonna stick around?

Michael: Yeah, I'll get some work done here.

Lauren: All right. We'll rendezvous later.

Michael: Come here.

Chelsea: It's not necessary for you to come back to the office with me.

Chloe: Yes, it is. I'm your best critic. Your sounding board. We're partners, right?

Victor: I just didn't think there was a point in fighting Chelsea regarding this memorial for Adam.

Nikki: Even if she chooses to include Sharon?

Victor: Well, I mean, she should be able to honor Adam any way she pleases.

Nikki: Well, we have our other children to think about.

Victor: I want to thank you, by the way, for offering to help me... repair my rather strained relationships with Victoria and Nicholas.

Nikki: Oh, are you gonna take me up on it?

Victor: It will be a challenge.

Nikki: Well, very little has come easily to this family. Why would things be different now?

Victor: "Why?" Indeed. Have a seat, my love. So... [Sighs] to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?

Nikki: Um, Victoria. I'm afraid she's not doing well.

Victor: Why doesn't that totally surprise me?

Nikki: She and Billy are formally separated.

Victor: That may not be a bad thing.

Nikki: Well, we have Johnny and Reed to consider.

Victor: Why do some people get married in the first place? It's always so damn tough on the children. I think they'll survive it.

Nikki: Victor, don't you remember how difficult it was for our breakups? So difficult for our kids.

Victor: That's what I mean.

Nikki: The best thing for that family is to be whole and happy. And that's why Jill and I are going to work our hardest to come up with something.

Victor: Who?

Nikki: Yes, you heard correctly. Jill and I are going to bond together and, uh, come up with a situation where we can get Victoria and Billy back together.

Victor: You can't be serious. You and Jill are working together willingly?

Nikki: We have decided to put our differences aside for the sake of our children and our grandchild.

Victor: I'll be damned. No kidding? That's commendable.

Nikki: I thought so.

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: And I also think it's very wise for you to not make a big issue out of Sharon.

Victor: No, that is, uh, thanks to you.

Nikki: Really? How on earth did I manage that?

Victor: Well, you gave me some very good advice regarding our children.

Sharon: Thank you for being the kind and caring man that you are. And for being so understanding and patient with me.

Nick: I just want you to keep doing what you're doing, Sharon. Advocating for yourself.

Sharon: Sometimes that's not so easy.

Nick: It's good for you to say what you want.

Sharon: Okay, well, I know what I want right now. Will you pass me the shampoo?

Nick: Yes, ma'am.

Sharon: Can you open it for me, 'cause my hands are kind of wet.

Nick: Anything else?

Sharon: Yeah. I...

Nick: Say it.

Sharon: Sometimes it's more satisfying not to have to ask.

Jill: Thank you. Thanks for rubbing my shin. It's fine now.

Colin: Well, it's the least I could do since you cared for me.

Jill: Well, if I'd known you were faking...

Colin: You weren't faking when you were worried about me. You weren't faking when you cared. And you're not faking now.

Jill: Mm. No, no, no, no, no. Mm.

Lauren: I will deal with it the minute I get there. Yes. I'm on my way to the boutique right now. Okay, goodbye.

Chloe: I was just talking to Michael about our partnership.

Chelsea: What for?

Chloe: You're trying to push me out, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Chloe, we have been through this --

Chloe: And if you try to do things without me again and push me out of this business, I am gonna sue your skinny little ass back to the stone age.

Victor: You told me that I have to start showing, not just telling, my children that I love them.

Nikki: And you've done that?

Victor: Well, I think I have. When I last saw Nicholas, I walked into his bar and, uh, he thought I'd come to chastise Sharon for her emotional breakdown, and instead I told him that I hoped she had a full recovery.

Nikki: You did?

Victor: Nicholas had the same reaction.

Nikki: Wow. That must have killed you to say that.

Victor: I meant it.

Nikki: Well, I'm certainly no fan of Sharon's, but she has taken some very difficult steps to reclaim her life and her sanity.

Victor: [Sighs] Sharon still can, and most likely, will hurt our boy.

Nikki: Why do you say that? Victor, do you know something?

Victor: I just know Sharon.

(Nick washes Sharon's hair and then they start kissing)

Singer: Only you - You were my world
Only you - Could have my soul
Inside your heart - I was home

(The song is called "Never Ending", by Fisher the Band. Lyrics.)

Next, On the Young & The Restless:

Kelly (to Stitch): Jenna's right. That boy is probably better off without you.

(Hilary undresses down to her underwear. Devon walks in and gawks at her.)

(Esther is dusting. She turns around and sees Jill and Colin on the couch and lets out a big scream)

Esther: Aaaahhhh!

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