Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/1/14

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/1/14


Episode # 10380 ~ Nick lays it all on the line with Sharon; Devon questions Neil's time with Hilary; Summer confronts Ian.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: Hey.

Sharon: Hi. What time is it?

Nick: Uh, well, you haven't missed breakfast. Though I don't recommend that.

Sharon: Is it morning?

Nick: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Have you been there all night?

Nick: Yes, right here in this super-comfortable chair.

Sharon: Where's Faith?

Nick: Noah's taking care of her.

Sharon: She must be so worried.

Nick: Well, Dr. Mead said you're gonna be able to go home soon.

Sharon: Today?

Nick: I don't know about that.

Sharon: Well, I'm feeling so much better, so much stronger.

Nick: I can tell.

Sharon: And not one hallucination. I just -- I wish...

Nick: What?

Sharon: Well, my memory's coming back to me, but... I feel like there's something I'm missing, almost like I'm blocking it out.

Nick: Well, I wouldn't push it.

Sharon: I just wish I knew what it was.

Avery: Hey! I did it.

Dylan: Hey, great! Did what?

Avery: I uploaded the video you made of me yesterday.


Dylan: I deleted that. Nobody saw that video.

Avery: No, not that video. The video that you shot of me making my prize-winning key lime pie. Look -- there I am, on Real Folk Food. I don't know. I think I look a little too together. Don't you? I should be, uh... you know, cooking. I should be hot and sweaty.

Dylan: You look okay to me.

Avery: You're not even looking at the video.

Dylan: I saw enough footage of you yesterday to know how beautiful you are on camera.

Avery: Aww.

Ian: I wasn't expecting you today.

Leslie: Well, I wasn't expecting to be here, but I need to, um -- I need to ask you something.

Ian: What is it?

Leslie: Did you send your ex-wife to try to extort money from Dylan McAvoy?

Ian: Is that a serious question?

Leslie: It is, and I want an honest answer.

Ian: Well, contrary to what people may think, I don't force women to do my bidding. I mean, if Willa approached Dylan, she did it all on her own.

Leslie: If you're lying, you're only helping the D.A. build a stronger case against you, and she doesn't need any help, believe me.

Ian: I agree. I don't like my odds with these extortion charges.

Leslie: I'm gonna do my best to defend you, but I have to be honest --

Ian: No need. I want to cut a deal.

Leslie: You have to have something to offer in order --

Ian: I do. I do.

Leslie: Really?

Ian: Mm-hmm.

Leslie: What?

Ian: Information. The kind that'll get me out of here.

Hilary: I still wish we'd went with the O.U. sweats.

Neil: Yeah, well, so did I, when we boarded the plane, you know?

Hilary: I look terrible in orange.

Neil: Oh, my goodness. Is that your big concern -- this color?

Hilary: We work in fashion, Neil.

Neil: We sure do.

Devon: What's with the get-ups, Guys?

Hilary: See? He doesn't like orange, either.

Devon: No, it's not that. I'm wondering why you two are wearing matching sweatshirts.

Neil: You know, you got a lot of questions, but our plane was grounded in Tulsa overnight.

Devon: Jack mentioned something about that. You guys had mechanical problems?

Hilary: Yeah, and we packed for a short trip and ran out of clean clothes.

Neil: Yes, we did. And the room they gave us wasn't exactly full-service, so...

Hilary: I don't even think that was a full bed.

Devon: Wait. Hang on. Back up. You guys shared a room?

Jack: Nervous about the deposition?

Summer: Yeah, I'm not looking forward to talking about what happened with John-- Ian .

Jack: I'll be with you there the whole time.

Summer: Thanks. I just -- I didn't want to worry Nick with this, everything that's going on with Sharon.

Jack: I'm glad you asked me to come.

Summer: Me too.

Abby: Hi! I hope I'm not interrupting father-daughter time.

Jack: Not at all. Please join us. Unless you're here to give me a hard time about whom I associate with.

Abby: No. I wanted to share my good news. Or at least, it will be if daddy's isn't ripping Tyler’s head off.


[Knock on door]

Victor: Come in. Tyler. Come in. Did you have an appointment?

Tyler: Um, no. I'm sorry. Is this a bad time?

Victor: No, I'm just preparing to go to Washington, so I have a few minutes.

Tyler: Okay, good.

Victor: What's this about, then?

Tyler: I'd like to talk to you about Abby.

Victor: What about Abby?

Tyler: Well, I asked her to marry me, and I hope that we can have your blessing.

Leslie: What? I can't believe you just told me that.

Ian: What, you don't think that information is valuable?

Leslie: You know that isn't gonna help you get a reduced sentence.

Ian: Oh, I think that D.A. Williams will be very interested to hear it.

Leslie: I am not some naive young girl you can manipulate.

Ian: I'm sorry you feel that's what I'm trying to do.

Leslie: I know it is. It's not gonna work.

Ian: What I told you is true.

Leslie: How do I know that?

Ian: It's easy enough to prove.

Leslie: My job is to give you the best defense that I can, which is exactly what I'm gonna do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a deposition to get to.

Ian: Oh, yes, by all means. We've discussed everything we need to here.

Leslie: I'm sure I'll see you before the trial.

Ian: I'm looking forward to it. Oh, Ms. Michaelson.

[Knock on door]

Ian: You remember -- what I told you is confidential... even from your partner. [Chuckles]

[Door closes]

Avery: "Can't wait to try this. It looks awesome."

Dylan: That's because it is.

Avery: "You seem as sweet as your pie."

Dylan: Sweeter.

Avery: Aww. "Wow. A successful lawyer and a great cook! Who could beat that?"

Dylan: Uh, nobody.

Avery: "Avery, I think you've got the oven on too high 'cause you look hot in that kitchen."


Dylan: You know, I'm not sure I like someone else commenting on that.

Avery: I don't know. They're saying nice things.

Avery: Uh... "This pie seems too citrus-y."

Dylan: Well, it is a key lime pie. And I don't think "Citrus-y" is even a word.

Avery: "I've made this pie. Not worth your time."

Dylan: That's because they haven't tried your recipe.

Avery: "Tried this recipe and it sucked."

Dylan: What? What's the guy's address?

Avery: Okay. Well, you can't expect all comments to be positive.

Dylan: Why not?

Avery: Because, Dylan, that's not how life works, and it's not, certainly, how social media works.

Dylan: Yeah?

Avery: Dylan... Dylan.

Sharon: I wonder what's keeping Dr. Mead.

Nick: I don't know. But I can run across the street to that café, pick you up some croissants and a latte.

Sharon: You don't have to do that.

Nick: Uh, okay. Anything else? I'll get you whatever you want.

Sharon: Don't you have other things to do besides babysit me? I mean, you haven't left my side since you brought me here.

Nick: Are you complaining?

Sharon: No, I'm just saying I know you have other obligations.

Nick: I already told you Noah’s taking care of Faith.

Sharon: Okay. What about work?

Nick: Yeah, I've got some bills and some payroll that needs to get done, but I can get a manager to do that.

Sharon: You said to name whatever I wanted. I want you to go to work.

Nick: Sharon, I didn't --

Sharon: I mean it. I mean it. Go home. Take a shower, do whatever you need to do.

Nick: Okay. I'll, uh... I'll go. But call me if you need anything, okay?

Sharon: Promise.

Hilary: Neil and I, we shared a room, but we didn't share a room.

Neil: Yeah, I mean, there wasn't a hotel room available within 21 miles of the airport, so...

Hilary: Yeah, and we got a charming place -- you know, no laundry service, no room service...

Neil: Yeah, right. But you know what they did have? They had cable TV.

Hilary: And then I found that really good place that served the nachos and the chicken wings.

Neil: They were excellent. That was a good choice.

Devon: Well, it sounds like your trip was full of surprises.

Hilary: Well, you haven't even heard the best part. You will never guess who we saw in Los Angeles.

Devon: Who did you guys see? Was it Leonardo?

Hilary: Better. Drew.

Devon: Drew?

Hilary: Carey! We went on "The Price is Right"!

Devon: So, you went on a game show?

Hilary: We both did. But it was a dream of mine since I was a kid, and Neil made it come true. And look. Here I am with my new best friend Drew Carey.

Devon: So it is. Hey, Joe. Hey, check this out, man. It's a girl after your own heart. I catch Joe here watching "The Price is Right" in the office a couple times a week.

Joe: Yeah, I'm a huge fan. Always wanted to be on that show.

Hilary: Me too. It was amazing. And the best part -- I played Plinko.

Joe: No way.

Neil: Yeah, and she actually won.

Joe: And you spun the big wheel?

Hilary: Oh, I thought I was gonna pass out. Thank God I didn’t.

Devon: Wow. Well, I hate to break up this party, but did you guys get any actual work done on the trip?

Neil: Of course we got work done. We actually had a very successful meeting at Forrester Creations, and they're totally on board with the fashion sh-- oh, as a matter of fact, I got to check in with work. I will -- I'll see you later, okay?

Hilary: Yeah. Okay. Well, um, I should get going, too.

Devon: Yeah, listen, before you do, uh, I have something I want to say to you.

Summer: Congrats. But your being engaged isn't really news. I read about it online last week.

Abby: Those were just rumors.

Summer: Oh, so it's not really true?

Abby: No, it is. Now it's true. So, it's news -- real news -- not something that the paparazzi made up.

Jack: Okay. You lost me here.

Abby: Before, everyone was just speculating "G.C.'s hottest couple." "Wedding bells in their future?" And all that. But now -- now it's true.

Jack: Well, I'm glad we straightened that out. Uh, have you told your mom yet?

Abby: No, so if you talk to her, don't say anything.

Jack: Okay. I won’t. I'm not sure what I would say to her. Hey, this is good news. This is great news. Finally, there's something to celebrate in the Abbott family.

Abby: Yeah, I know that you were supposed to be the next Abbott to get married --

Jack: Oh, no. Don't you worry about that. You and Tyler deserve to be happy right now. I can't wait to dance at your wedding.

Neil: Hey, Jack, Ladies.

Abby: Hi.

Neil: Hi.

Jack: Wow. Did you lose a bet?

Neil: Oh! This. Well, this fallout from a delayed commercial flight that I shouldn't have been on because I should have been on the Jabot jet that was grounded.

Jack: If I had any idea it would turn out like this, I would've told the mechanics to work overtime.

Neil: Let this be a lesson to you -- don't ever make me fly commercial again. I just wanted to let you know that I'm back. Oh, and I overheard you talking. Well, congratulations.

Abby: Thank you.

Neil: I really should be saying that to Tyler, though, right? Where is the groom-to-be?

Abby: He is with his future father-in-law. Hopefully, still in one piece.

Neil: Mm.

Victor: You said you were the kind of man who believes in going to the woman's father to ask for permission to propose to her.

Tyler: Yes, I did, and I am. It's just that... this came up kind of sudden. You know, spontaneously.

Victor: Spontaneously. Have a seat.

Tyler: When Abby and I spoke to you yesterday, this wasn't even on the radar. You know? And then we got to talking and we realized that we really do want to get married.

Victor: So you're thinking you've given this a lot of thought?

Tyler: Yes, Sir, I have. Abby and I both have.

Victor: Do you know what it means to become part of the Newman family?

Tyler: Yes. I think I do.

Victor: I don't think you do, Tyler. You'd be under a lot of scrutiny. A lot of responsibility and expectations go along with being a part of the Newman family, all right?

Tyler: I won't actually have the Newman name.

Victor: That statement makes me realize that you haven't thought this through. Are you really ready, Mr. Michaelson to devote the rest of your life to a marriage with my daughter?

Hilary: The floor is yours. What would you like to say?

Devon: I wanted to thank you. 'Cause Neil needed to take his mind off of Leslie, and you obviously did that for him.

Hilary: Well, I can't take credit for the plane's mechanical problems.

Devon: Yeah, but you know what I mean.

Hilary: If I helped Neil, I'm glad. He's a good person, and he's done more for me than I could ever repay, so...

Devon: Still, I appreciate it.

Hilary: Uh, well, I should really change. You know, not exactly the proper look for someone working in cosmetics and fashion. Esmerelda wouldn't be caught dead wearing something like this.

Devon: I actually think you look pretty cute.

Hilary: Um, I better go.

Devon: Okay. Don't need any help, do you?

Hilary: No, I'm good.

Devon: All right.

Jack: I'm sure Tyler can hold his own with Victor.

Abby: Of course he can.

Jack: Besides, you're gonna marry the guy whether your overbearing father approves or not, so if he's smart, he will give you his support.

Abby: And I am sure he will see things that way... eventually.

Summer: Um, Jack, we...

Jack: Oh, sorry. We have an appointment.

Summer: I'm sorry.

Abby: Oh, it's okay. You guys go.

Jack: Listen, I will catch up on your trip to Los Angeles at the office.

Neil: Yeah, yeah, you betcha, Jack.

Jack: And you, if I can help with Victor, let me know.

Abby: Oh, 'cause you talking to Dad would be super-helpful!

Jack: Eh. See ya.

Summer: Bye.

Abby: Mwah.

Summer: Bye.

Neil: Bye, Guys. Um, so, you and Tyler are tying the knot.

Abby: I know what you're thinking -- that we should be planning a double wedding, celebrating being future in-laws. I'm really sorry, Neil.

Neil: Yeah, no, no, it's okay. I appreciate that. You know, what Jack said earlier, he's absolutely right. You shouldn't be worrying about people right now. All that's important is you and Tyler and your happiness. Don't let anyone or anything keep you from that. You hear me?

Tyler: You're testing me. You want to know if I'm worthy of Abby.

Victor: Are you?

Tyler: You and I haven't spent much time together, but you know about my background. I've been through a lot. But I can honestly say that I'm proud of the man that I am today, the man who intends to marry your daughter. Now, I love Abby more than I've ever loved anyone. So you can question me and test me all you want. It's not gonna change the way I feel, not today, not tomorrow, not 50 years from now. My answer will be the same -- yes. I am willing to devote myself to Abby for the rest of my life.

Victor: I want a long engagement.

Tyler: You're giving us your blessing?

Victor: Welcome to my family, Son.

Tyler: Thank you, Mr. Newman.

Victor: Call me, Victor.

Tyler: Thank you, Victor.

Sharon: You're happy with all of my test results, which means the ECT worked.

Dr. Mead: Your condition seems to have stabilized.

Sharon: Now, you mentioned the possibility of more treatments.

Dr. Mead: Let's see how you do over the next few weeks. Right now, you're moving in a positive direction. I see no reason why that won't continue.

Sharon: Well, you have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that.

Dr. Mead: Well, I think if have some idea.

Sharon: There is one thing that worries me.

Dr. Mead: What's that?

Sharon: Well, the gaps in my memory. I was hoping maybe you could help me fill them in.

Nick: Hey. What's up? Okay, thanks.

Dylan: You still reading those comments?

Avery: [Scoffs] People can be so judgmental about something they know nothing about.

Dylan: Everybody's a critic.

Avery: I'd like to know how many of them actually have made a key lime pie.

Dylan: You know what? I shouldn't have responded to that guy earlier. Let's just ignore all this --

Avery: Oh, no. You think I'm gonna sit back and let a bunch of wannabe chefs trash me?

Dylan: I'm guessing "No"?

Avery: No.

Abby: Hey, have you guys seen, uh... never mind. So? How'd it go?

Tyler: How did what go?

Abby: The meeting with Dad.

Tyler: Oh. That.

Abby: What happened?

Tyler: He gave us his blessing.

Abby: Oh, my gosh! I don't know whether to slug you or kiss you.

Tyler: I vote for the kiss.

[Bell jingles]

Victor: Hello, Son.

Nick: Hey, Dad.

Victor: May I?

Nick: Please.

Victor: All right.

Nick: If you are here about Sharon, I'm sure mom's told you everything there is to tell.

Victor: She has. I came by to say --

Nick: That Sharon got what she deserves? You're here to remind me that you haven't forgotten everything Sharon has done to you and to our family? I'll tell you, what's funny, though, is you seem to have forgotten everything you did to her. You convinced Sharon to marry you to keep mom out of prison. Do you remember that? And then you dumped her when you didn't need her anymore.

Victor: I've made some mistakes where Sharon is concerned.

Nick: Dad, you were her champion. You had her back when no one else did, and then you turned on her. Can you imagine what that did to her? You don't have to imagine it. Just take a look at her.

Victor: Whether you'd like to hear it or not, I hope that she has a full recovery, okay?

Nick: Okay. So, is that what you came to say?

Victor: Something else.

Nick: What else you got?

Victor: I came to tell you the good news that your sister Abby got engaged.

Nick: Really?

Victor: Yeah.

Nick: Thought that was just internet gossip.

Victor: No.

Nick: Well, I'm glad. I like Tyler. He's a good guy. He seems to make Abby happy.

Victor: Seems a very nice guy. I thought this would be an occasion for all of us to get together and celebrate as a family, you know?

Nick: So, a family get-together and engagement party for Tyler and Abby.

Victor: You sound surprised.

Nick: I'm just trying to figure out what your angle is, what your ulterior motive's going to be.

Victor: Celebrating my youngest daughter's happiness and engagement, I think, is reason enough, don't you?

Nick: For an ordinary person maybe, but we both know you are not ordinary. So let me take a shot at this -- you get us all together under one roof, there's some good family time happening, start getting nostalgic about the good old days, and then Victoria and I seem to forget that you withheld the truth that Adam killed Delia.

Victor: You know something, my boy? I think I've just about have had it with your righteousness and Victoria's righteousness and some other people I know around here who seem very righteous when it comes to me, forgetting their own sins. You of all people should know the lengths a parent would go to to protect his own child and his own family. Does that ring a bell?

Sharon: Can you help me, Dr. Mead, fill in the blanks?

Dr. Mead: I'm not sure what you want me to tell you.

Sharon: Well, anything you think might be important.

Dr. Mead: We covered many topics in our sessions.

Sharon: Nothing stands out?

Dr. Mead: Well, you were dealing with a number of stressful issues.

Sharon: Is there some reason you don't want to tell me what they were?

Dr. Mead: I just think it's better if you remember on your own.

Sharon: But you do think I will eventually remember everything.

Dr. Mead: Well, I think it's important not to force anything. Already you've accomplished so much. You're no longer seeing Cassie. You've accepted that she's dead.

Sharon: That feels like a huge step forward.

Dr. Mead: It is.

Sharon: I'm ready to take the next step -- going home. Can I do that today?

Dr. Mead: Yes. Under one condition.

Nick: You're talking about what I did with Summer and that DNA test.

Victor: I'm not passing judgment.

Nick: No, you're right. I didn't run that second test because I was desperate to keep my family together.

Victor: Right. Now you understand how powerful the desire to keep your family together is, right?

Nick: That doesn't make what either one of us did right.

Victor: Not a question of being right or wrong, Son. Sometimes it's a question of what is best.

[Cell phone rings]

Nick: Hey, Sharon. What's up?

Sharon: Good news. I've been released.

Nick: That's great news. I'll head back to the hospital and I'll pick you up right now. I'll see you soon.

Victor: Listen, I won't keep you waiting. I'm sure Sharon is anxious to get home, okay?

Nick: It almost sounds like you care.

Victor: Whether you believe it or not, I've decided to let bygones be bygones where Sharon is concerned. Let's move forward.

Nick: I hope you mean that.

Victor: You bet I do.

Nick: Well, I appreciate it.

Victor: All right.

Nick: You walking out?

Victor: No, Son, I have a phone call to make, so I'll see you later, okay?

Nick: Catch you later.

Victor: What are you doing in my son's nightclub? I told you to get the hell out of town. What are you up to?

Dylan: You're cut off.

Avery: Dylan! Give me that.

Dylan: You can't let what people say get to you.

Avery: I was checking my e-mail.

Dylan: Sorry.

Avery: Yeah. I'm expecting an important message from Leslie.

Dylan: What, are you guys working on a big case?

Avery: Uh, she is -- Ian’s. She went to see him today.

Dylan: Why?

Avery: Because I asked her to. I wanted her to find out Ian knew about his ex-wife trying to extort money from you.

Dylan: Well, I hope she lets him know that he's not gonna get away with it.

Avery: Well, I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to upset you. Everything's been going so well lately.

Dylan: [Breathes deeply] Yeah, and hopefully, that continues and we never hear from Willa or Ian ever again.

Avery: Yes.

Jack: You sure you want to go through with this?

Summer: Yeah, giving that deposition made me realize I have some unfinished business to take care of.

Ian: With me? I hadn't realized that the deposition Leslie was getting was yours or that you would be coming here to see me afterward. But I'm glad you did. 'Cause I'd like the chance to tell you that I never meant you any harm, Summer. All I ever wanted to was to help you --

Jack: Okay, save that. She doesn't need to hear from a charlatan like you anymore.

Ian: If others hadn't gotten in the way, we could've done some wonderful things togeth--

Jack: Shut up. Or I will shove that book of yours down your throat.

Ian: I suggest you read it. You have a lot of unresolved rage.

Jack: You have no idea.

Summer: Jack. We came so that I could talk to Ian.

Jack: It's not too late to change your mind, you know.

Summer: I need to do this.

Jack: I will be right here. One false move, I'm telling you...

Ian: Okay. Now, I'm truly sorry if you misunderstood my intentions.

Summer: No, Jack's right. I'm not interested in anything that you have to say. I came here because I have something that I want to tell you.

Ian: Go ahead.

Summer: You may not have hurt me the way you did my grandma, but you took advantage of me. And I'm here to say thank you.

Devon: I still cannot get over the fact that you came home from a business trip dressed like that, man.

Neil: What? What are you talking about? Like, this right here? This look could catch on, big.

Devon: Catch on to what?

Neil: What are you talking about "What"? With a little bit of marketing, this thing could blow up.

Devon: It's a hoodie.

Neil: This could be bigger than skinny jeans, man.

Devon: Okay, okay.

Neil: All right, in all seriousness, though, I learned a lot about fashion this week in L.A.

Devon: Well, you definitely are in a better mood than when you left, that's for sure.

Neil: Yeah, I guess I am, right?

Devon: Yeah.

Neil: It's interesting. This trip wasn't just about business. It was a lot of fun, too. It really was. I haven't had fun like that in a long, long time.

Devon: I got the exact same vibe from Hilary.

Neil: You know, what's amazing is that she's killing it in one minute at the Forrester meeting, and then the next minute, you know, the wheel on -- she's killing that on "The Price is Right."

Devon: I can't believe that was her dream to do that.

Neil: There's a lot that you don't know about her.

Devon: Like what?

Neil: Hey, never underestimate that girl when it comes to march madness. She has got this looney, wacky way of picking the winners.

Devon: Yeah?

Neil: Shh. Don't tell anybody but she beat me. She won. She beat me.

Devon: I'll keep that in mind.

Neil: Yeah, I still say that things should've worked out for you guys, but I guess that ship has sailed.

Devon: Yeah. Guess it has.

Hilary: You're still here?

Neil: Oh, I shouldn't be. I've actually got a meeting in an hour, and I have to go home and change, so...

Hilary: Change? For what?

Devon: Yeah, I would love to see you show up to the office in that. I had a hard time getting him to go without a tie a year ago.

Neil: Well, I have mellowed a lot since then, you know? And, um... I definitely have to retire this ensemble before today's meeting, so I have to go now.

Devon: Do that.

Neil: Come on.

Hilary: I'll walk with you.

Neil: Hey, we shall get together for some dinner real soon, okay?

Devon: That sounds good. Sounds good. Have a good day at work.

Leslie: I am so happy for you -- for the both of you. Now, if you need help planning the wedding...

Tyler: Oh, come on, you don't have to do that, Sis.

Leslie: Maybe I want to.

Tyler: I know it's got to be hard on you. Not too long ago, you and Neil were planning on getting married.

Leslie: Yeah, and now we're not, and you and Abby are, and that's just the way life works. And, you know, this calls for a celebration. For that, you need cupcakes.

Abby: Mmm!

Leslie: Yeah, cupcakes.

Tyler: Okay. I'll get some.

Leslie: No, no, unh-unh. No, as sister of the groom, I will do the honors. Be right back.

Dylan: Leslie.

Leslie: Hi.

Avery: Hi. I was just trying to reach you. How'd it go in Madison?

Leslie: I spoke to Ian about his ex- wife harassing Dylan, and I made it very clear that if he has anything to do with Willa's visit, it'd be in his best interest to stop making trouble for you.

Dylan: You think he got the message?

Ian: You want to thank me?

Summer: You said that you wanted to help me find my path.

Ian: And I meant it.

Summer: I'm sure you did. But the person that you were hoping I'd discover was someone that you thought you could control. Well, too bad. Because I found someone who is stronger than she ever thought that she was -- a young woman who realizes that the only person that she needs to place her trust in is herself. And if she ever, ever doubts that, the last thing she's gonna do is turn to some sick stranger who doesn't give a damn about her. She's gonna turn to her family. Because they mean it when they say that they want what's best for her. And they love her for exactly who she is.

Nick: So you're sure Dr. Mead said it's okay if you go home?

Sharon: Mm-hmm. Well, under one condition.

Nick: What's that?

Sharon: That I hire a nurse.

Nick: A nurse? Why?

Sharon: Um, it's just as a precaution, just in case anything happens.

Nick: But, physically, you're okay?

Sharon: Yep, everything's fine. She just doesn't want me to be alone until we're sure the ECT worked.

Nick: Well, you're not gonna be alone. 'Cause I'm gonna stay with you.

Victor: You didn't answer my question -- what are you doing here?

Cassie: I wanted to make sure Sharon was okay. I tried calling the hospital, but they wouldn't tell me anything.

Victor: Why do you care about Sharon?

Cassie: I feel bad for her. I'm partly to blame for what happened.

Victor: You mean you suddenly developed a conscience? Is that it?

Cassie: You know, I heard you talking to your son just now, and it sounds like you have some regrets, too.

Victor: Never mind how I sounded. You should've followed my advice to get the hell out of town.

Cassie: Is that a threat?

Victor: You don't really understand who you're dealing with, do you?

Abby: So far so good.

Tyler: What? What are you talking about?

Abby: Being engaged.

Tyler: Come on, Babe, it's been like two hours.

Abby: I know. But I wasn't sure how people would react, not just dad.

Tyler: Yeah? You know, a lot of people that we care about, they've had their hearts broken lately.

Abby: And they're all happy for us, which makes me even happier which I totally didn't think was possible.

Tyler: Well, there is still one problem, though.

Abby: What?

Tyler: I have not told you how much I love you today.

Abby: I love you, too.

Leslie: Well, you know Ian. It's hard to tell whether you're getting through to him or not.

Avery: Well, we appreciate you trying.

Dylan: Definitely.

Leslie: Can I get some cupcakes? My brother just got engaged, and he and his fiancée are on the patio, so I want to help them celebrate.

Avery: Tyler and Abby got engaged? That's good news. Are you okay with that?

Leslie: I know what you're thinking, and, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

Avery: Well, cupcakes are on the house.

Leslie: No, you don't have to do that.

Dylan: I guess they're on the house. We want to -- to thank you for talking to Ian today. I appreciate it.

Ian: I'm sure our paths will cross again one day.

Summer: I doubt that, since yours is leading you to prison.

Jack: You ready to go?

Summer: Yeah. I said what I came to say.

Jack: Good. You will never have to see this man again.

[Knock on door, door opens]

Ian: [Chuckling]

[Door closes]

Cassie: Why? What're you gonna do to me?

Victor: What you should've done yourself. Okay?

Cassie: You can't force me to leave town.

Victor: You're very mistaken. Don't you try me, okay? Then once you're gone, I never want to see your face again. Is that clear?

Cassie: What? The face of your granddaughter?

Victor: Listen to me. Stop this charade right now. You may look like my granddaughter in an uncanny way, but you're not anything like her. She was a sweet girl. You ain't. As far as I'm concerned, you never existed.

Sharon: I can't ask you to stay with me.

Nick: You didn't ask. I offered.

Sharon: Well, I can't accept.

Nick: Why? What's the matter?

Sharon: What about Faith? That might be confusing for her if you move in with us.

Nick: Not if we tell her the truth.

Sharon: Which is?

Nick: Daddy's gonna be sleeping on the couch until mommy starts feeling better. Boom. What else you got?

Sharon: How about you this? How about you -- you stay with me tonight? And then we'll see how we feel about things in the morning.

Nick: Okay. But I know how I'm gonna feel in the morning.

Sharon: How could you know?

Nick: Sharon, I want to be there for you. And not just overnight. The way I feel about you is never gonna change. What?

Sharon: I, uh...have been -- my memories are coming back in bits and pieces. And there's this one memory I keep thinking about, although it's a little fuzzy. I -- I can't be sure if it was a dream or if it was real, but I keep thinking it must've been a dream.

Nick: What is it?

Sharon: I'm too embarrassed to tell you.

Nick: Go ahead.

Sharon: You said that you...

Nick: That I loved you?

Sharon: Yes.

Nick: That wasn't a dream.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Michael: Is something else going on?

Lauren: Sometimes you can be so dense.

Neil: We've been bouncing around ideas for this huge upcoming fashion show.

Hilary: Guaranteed to shake things up.

Lily: Oh, well, that's your specialty, right -- shaking things up?

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