Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/12/14

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/12/14


Episode # 10368 ~ Victor learns important information about Phyllis; Christine sees Paul & Nikki share a moment.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Dylan: [Sighs]

Avery: Guess who.

Kevin: Marry me.

Chloe: What?

Kevin: Please, Chloe? Will you be my lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold and for me to take legal responsibility of you. For better or worse, but mostly so you don't have to go to Fairview. Please say you will.

Chloe: Kevin, I --

Kevin: You don't have to thank me. It's what I want, too. And this way you'll be remanded into my custody while you're doing outpatient therapy. Right, Mike?

Michael: I-I-I don't think --

Chloe: Kevin, I -- I need some time to think.

Michael: Yes. Yes. Of course you do. Could I have a minute with you, please? You need to take some time to think about this, too.

Kevin: Whether I want to be married to Chloe or have her locked up? [Chuckles] It's a no-brainer.

Michael: I appreciate you wanting to run to Chloe's rescue, but do you really think jumping into a marriage with her again is a good idea?

Lauren: [Sighs]

Christine: Uh-oh. Upsetting text?

Lauren: Oh. Hi. Actually, it's no text. I've been waiting for Michael to tell me about Chloe's case. Oh, do you know anything?

Christine: Nothing yet. I, too, am waiting for a call from the federal prosecutor.

Lauren: Well, since we're waiting together, would you like to join me?

Christine: Oh, you know what? Thanks. Usually I would, but I'm grabbing something to go.

Lauren: Ah, working through lunch?

Christine: Paul's swamped, so I thought I'd surprise him with his favorite Cobb salad.

Lauren: That's so sweet. I think he'd really appreciate a personal delivery. [Chuckles]

Paul: Oh, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you by?

Nikki: Well, to thank you for everything you have done for me, I brought you lunch.

Paul: Oh, that's not necessary at all.

Nikki: No, I suppose it isn't, but I know how much you love the Cobb salad at the club, so I insist.

Paul: I do, but the truth is, you know, I am so far behind.

Nikki: Hey, hey, hey. I don't care how busy you are, Mr. Police Chief, you have to take a moment to eat. I insist. Go. Eat.

Paul: You know, you sound like the late, great Mary Williams right now.

Nikki: Oh, dear God.

[Both chuckle]

Nikki: In honor of what a wonderful woman she was, I will take that as a compliment.

Paul: You should. And she was. And I thank you. And in honor of both of you, I think I'll eat it right now.

Nikki: I think that's a fine idea, because you know what they say -- never cross a Newman.

Victor: Listen, I should have heard from you by now. You get back to me as soon as you can. I need to find out what you've learned about Sharon. Okay?

Nick: So, I just talked to Summer. She is gonna bring Faith home for us.

Sharon: Oh, wonderful. How was the sleep over?

Nick: She had a fantabulous time.

Sharon: Is that a direct quote?

Nick: It is.

Sharon: That's great. So, when is Summer bringing her home?

Nick: A little later today, after bring you home from your doctor's appointment.

Sharon: You're taking care of everything again.

Nick: Well, I'm glad to do it.

Sharon: You haven't left my side since I saw Cassie.

Nick: Sharon, there is no way I was leaving you after everything that happened last night.

Sharon: But you're still wondering if our making love is what triggered my meltdown.

Nick: Well, the timing is --

Sharon: But I haven't I seemed better today?

Nick: You do, but, Sharon, one minute, you were in my arms. The next, I come down here and find you crumpled on the living room floor, saying you saw Cassie. How am I not supposed to feel responsible?

Christine: Well, that was the federal prosecutor assigned to Chloe's case.

Lauren: Yeah? Did I hear something about a deal?

Christine: The judge signed off on it, so Chloe doesn't have to go to prison.

Lauren: Oh, God. That's so wonderful. So, is she on parole or...

Christine: Well, she doesn't have quite that good a deal. Chloe will have to undergo outpatient psychiatric counseling.

Lauren: That makes sense. I mean, she's not a criminal. She's -- she's grief-stricken.

Kevin: Why are you being so negative about this?

Michael: Because you're my brother and I'm looking out for you.

Kevin: Well, I can look out for Chloe by marrying her.

Michael: You know how deeply I care about Chloe. But you two being together might not be what's best for her.

Kevin: How can you even say that?

Michael: I know that you love her. And I know that you think that your love is going to fix her.

Kevin: What's wrong with that?

Michael: The feeling is not mutual. She doesn't think of you in the same way as you think about her.

Kevin: I'm okay with that.

Michael: And marrying her is not gonna change those feelings, nor is it the key to giving her emotional good health again.

Kevin: Yeah, I get that, too.

Michael: Do you?

Kevin: Yes. I don't imagine that the minute she says "I do" she's gonna be back to her old self again, or that we're gonna be like we were before.

Michael: Well, where do you think this is headed?

Kevin: Someplace good for both of us, and I'm willing to wait for the good.

Michael: Kevin, I --

Kevin: Look, Michael, I appreciate where you're coming from, I do, but I am committed to this, and it would be really, really great to have your support.

Kevin: So, Chloe... what do you think?

Chloe: I think... that you gave me the sweetest, kindest offer.

Kevin: And it was pretty smooth, if I do say so myself.

[Both chuckle]

Chloe: I can't marry you, Kevin.

Avery: Okay, I'm not complaining, but is everything okay?

Dylan: I just came from seeing Billy.

Avery: I saw Victoria earlier. It made me want to be with you.

Dylan: Likewise. I mean, what they're going through is --

Avery: It's so sad.

Dylan: They have a hard road ahead if they're gonna work it out.

Avery: I hope they do. I don't want to see another good couple break up.

Dylan: What do you mean? Who else --

Avery: Leslie and Neil broke up.

Dylan: Really?

Avery: Yes. I just found out. And she's miserable.

Dylan: Wow. Way to bring a room down, Avery.

Avery: [Gasps] Oh, gosh, you know, I did. You gave me that great kiss and then I blew it, didn't I?

Dylan: Yeah, yeah. You know what? We need to get some positivity back in the room now before we end up sitting in the dark, listening to Hank Williams, crying in our coffee.

Avery: Oh! I almost forgot. I do have something good to share with you.

Paul: Look how beautiful that is! You know, Nikki, I appreciate the gesture, but a thank you isn't really necessary.

Nikki: Oh, I disagree. You helped me find my son.

Paul: Well, Dylan is a pretty good guy.

Nikki: And you helped put Ian Ward behind bars, keeping my family and me safe.

Paul: Yeah, I'm not sure that prison bars are strong enough to protect Ian from your husband, however.

Nikki: Yeah, Victor told me how he threatened Ian.

Paul: That's exactly how I would have put it. He did, indeed.

Nikki: I know that he's just trying to protect me, but lately I haven't been too wild about his approach. The way he responded when I found Dylan, that whole mess with Adam, and he's even alienated Nicholas and Victoria.

Paul: I was pretty impressed with the way Victor dealt with the whole thing, the restraint he showed toward Ian. You know, I thought I was gonna have to break out the tear gas and riot gear, but, you know, how do I say this politely? Our Victor Newman is not known for his tact and subtlety sometimes.

Nikki: [Chuckles] His intentions are usually very good, with very good outcomes, most of the time, but lately... the way he's been dealing with the family -- let me just say that I don't think he has endeared himself to anyone involved.

Sharon: You are not responsible for me seeing Cassie.

Nick: Then how do you explain it?

Sharon: I don't know, but... last night, being that close to you, that's the best I've felt in months. I don't regret making love to you.

Nick: But if us reconnecting isn't good for you --

Sharon: You know what? Why don't we leave the how and why of my Cassie sightings to Dr. Mead to figure out and treat? And then you and I can just go from there, can't we?

Nick: The only thing I care about is your health. Every word I said to you about how good it felt to be closet o you again -- nothing's changed from last night. I'm not going anywhere.

Victor: What are you doing here?

Cassie: You left me a message.

Victor: I told you never to come to my office. You could have been seen.

Cassie: I wasn't.

Victor: How can you be certain?

Cassie: Because I slipped past the security guard like a ghost. Or a phantasm. Now, do you want to talk or do you want me to go?

Victor: Do what I tell you to do, okay? Now, what happened with Sharon last night?

Cassie: I snuck into the house. We had another face-to-face.

Victor: Did you find out what her secret was?

Cassie: No, but I did find out that there is somebody else that knows the secret.

Victor: Who?

Cassie: Phyllis.

Victor: Phyllis? What the hell does she have to do with this?

Chloe: I feel like my heart has been shredded.

Kevin: I know.

Chloe: I keep on trying to be me, ever since my little girl died, but me equals... a mess of broken little parts that I just can't put back together.

Kevin: You don't have to tell me that -- I can see it.

Chloe: But, see, that's the point. Everybody can see it, because I am so imploded with grief, and I am so enraged and I am so damn messed up that a judge just ordered me to have my head shrunk on a regular basis.

Kevin: Okay, but you don't have to be locked up while you're doing that. When we're married, we --

Chloe: How could I possibly marry you, Kevin? I mean, I know that you love me, but... it scares me.

Kevin: How could it possibly scare you?

Chloe: I am so afraid that you are expecting something from us that I will never be able to live up to.

Kevin: Okay, stop right there. I have one goal in all of this -- one. To help you get well. That is what this is about.

Chloe: That's what you say now.

Kevin: And you said that being with your mom and Colin and Jill, it's gonna send you over the edge.

Chloe: It would, but --

Kevin: And you also said that you're at your strongest when you're with me, and that you sleep better when you're with me, so, please, let me do this for you. Let me focus on taking care of you so that you can focus on your therapy.

Chloe: I don't want to be a burden.

Kevin: A burden is gonna be me worrying about you at Fairview, locked up and alone when there is nobody in the world who knows more than me what losing Delia has done to you.

Chloe: Kevin.

Kevin: Yeah?

Chloe: Let's get married.

Kevin: Yeah?

Chloe: Yeah.

Kevin: Okay.

Paul: Come on, Nikki, what are you really worried about? What's going on at home?

Nikki: Oh, nothing that I can't handle. Listen, I didn't come here to talk about Victor. I'm here out of appreciation for you.

Paul: I'm certainly appreciating this salad.

Nikki: Good. Keep eating it so I can get this said. Searching for Dylan was very difficult and taxing, and the way you fought for me -- I don't know. Just saying "Thank you" doesn't seem to be enough.

Paul: It's more than enough. Now, cut it out. You're embarrassing me.

Nikki: [Laughs]

Paul: How are you and Dylan doing now?

Nikki: We're starting to come to an understanding. He's even congenial with Nicholas. But I constantly have to remind myself how fortunate I am to have somebody [Sighs] As loyal and wonderful as you as a friend for so many years.

Paul: Well, you know what? I feel exactly the same way. You know, it's amazing to me to think about how far we have come from when we first met.

Nikki: Teenagers.

Paul: [Chuckles]

Nikki: Ice cream at the pool.

Paul: Oh, wow. Well, I'm looking forward to many, many more years of friendship and eating ice cream, actually.

Nikki: And ice cream -- I knew you were gonna say that.

[Knock on door]

Paul: Come in! [Laughs]

Christine: I brought you --

Nikki: Hi, Christine! Oh, listen, I was just leaving. I am sorry. I will leave you two alone.

Paul: Oh, all right.

Nikki: Talk to you soon.

Paul: Bye, Nik. Take care. And thanks again for the salad.

Nikki: Oh, you're welcome. Buh-bye.

Paul: All right.

Christine: I, uh, thought you were too busy for anything but work.

Dylan: Mmm-mmm! Wow! That is definitely the one.

Avery: That's what you said about the first one.

Dylan: Yeah, they're both good.

Avery: Okay, but I need to know which recipe to submit for the real folk food contest.

Dylan: Oh, that sounds cool. What do you win?

Avery: Well, if I get the most votes, my recipe will be featured on the fan favorites. That's a big deal.

Dylan: Yeah, that's --

Avery: That's a huge deal!

Dylan: That's -- that's -- can I taste the double chocolate salted caramel pie thing again?

Avery: Yes, you can.

Dylan: Okay, hold on.

Avery: Ready?

Dylan: Yeah. Hold on. Hold on.

Avery: Oh.

Dylan: Okay, go ahead.

Avery: Okay. Focus.

Dylan: Mmm.

Avery: Is that the winner?

Dylan: Absolutely yes. No. No, actually, can I taste the other one more time, please?

Avery: No, it's gone. You actually ate them both. They're gone.

Dylan: I ca-- I can't decide. They're both good.

Avery: Good? They're both good? But they're not great?

Dylan: No, they -- yeah, no.

Avery: These are not -- forget it. No. You know what I need? My key lime pie. That's what I'm gonna do. For savory, I'm gonna do my famous chicken cacciatore.

Dylan: I love that.

Nick: Chicken cacciatore? Man. That's the bomb. You used to make it for me all the time. It was good. Wait, did I, uh... yeah, I just made things weird.

Dylan: Yeah, no. No weirder than usual. You want a coffee?

Nick: Yes, double espresso, please.

Victor: Tell me everything Sharon said about Phyllis.

Cassie: That's it. Just that Phyllis knows the secret, but can't do anything about it, whatever that means.

Victor: You have got to keep on digging. Do you understand? I want to end Sharon's relationship with my son Nicholas as soon as possible.

Cassie: Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen. They're sleeping together.

Sharon: I was doing so much better.

Dr. Mead: I noted that the last time we met.

Sharon: Everything was moving in the right direction. And Nick --

Dr. Mead: You've grown closer.

Sharon: We made love last night. And it was perfect.

Dr. Mead: And after?

Sharon: Well, I went downstairs and that was when I saw Cassie again. And she looked so real. I-I grabbed her arm as she was leaving, and she was there. She was alive, like you and me. I tried to hold onto her as she was leaving, but she ran away, and I was devastated.

Dr. Mead: Because Cassie was gone.

Sharon: You know, every time I see her, it's awful and it's wonderful at the same time. And then any comfort that I had gotten from my evening with Nick was ruined.

Dr. Mead: And, uh... going forward?

Sharon: Well, obviously, my new medication isn't working, and I need something stronger.

Dr. Mead: Or a new treatment.

Sharon: Yes. Anything.

Dr. Mead: I'm not sure you'll like this option, Sharon.

Sharon: Whatever it is, I will love it. Give it to me. I can't go on like this.

Dylan: Summer doing okay?

Nick: Yeah, she is. Thanks. She's spending the day with her little sister today, trying to get things back to normal after her run-in with Ian Ward.

Avery: Well, that's gonna take some time.

Nick: It's gonna happen. Summer's grown a lot. Thanks to her aunt Avery.

Avery: I had very little to do with it.

Nick: You did a lot. You were always there for her. You always gave her great advice. If I didn't appreciate it then, I sure do now.

[Cell phone rings]

Avery: Excuse me. I have to take this.

Dylan: Well, good thing is Summer's got a lot of people watching out for her that can help her get through anything.

Nick: Yeah, I want to believe that.

Dylan: Need a refill?

Nick: Yeah, thanks.

Dylan: Yeah.

Nick: [Sighs]

Nikki: Son?

Nick: Hey, Mom.

Nikki: I saw you talking with Dylan and Avery.

Nick: Yeah, we're just, you know, having some coffee and talking.

Nikki: You were smiling at her.

Nick: [Chuckles] Okay. Probably. Yeah. Is there something wrong with that?

Nikki: If you have any regrets about breaking up with her...

Nick: Regrets? Mom? I mean, come on. We've -- we've moved on. We both have.

Dylan: Hey, Nikki. How are you?

Nikki: Very well, thanks.

Dylan: What can I get you?

Nikki: Oh, nothing. Um... Nicholas and Summer and I had a chance to talk after Ian got taken away, but you and I haven't been able to speak privately about it. I thought maybe we could do that now.

Dylan: Sure. How about the patio?

Nikki: Okay.

Dr. Mead: We've discussed other treatments, but nothing seems as viable as ECT.

Sharon: Shock therapy?

Dr. Mead: Electroconvulsive therapy.

Sharon: Um... isn't there something else we could try?

Dr. Mead: Sharon, it might not be the medication, but your situation and behavior, which are continuing to create distress.

Sharon: I don't think so.

Dr. Mead: Yesterday afternoon, you were doing well. Last night after being with Nick, you experienced a traumatic episode.

Sharon: This has nothing to do with Nick.

Dr. Mead: Yet I think we should explore the link between the two events. You've spoken of something weighing on you, something that you've been keeping from Nick.

Sharon: That has nothing to do with this.

Dr. Mead: You chalk it all up to coincidence, that minutes after consummating your renewed relationship with Nick, you then hallucinate Cassie, the one and only person with whom you can openly discuss this secret. Sharon, the solution to your hallucinations may lie completely within you. And if you can't tell Nick what the secret is, why don't you tell me?

Victor: I want you to return to Sharon immediately.

Cassie: And do what?

Victor: I understand that she's seeing her doctor right now.

Cassie: How many people do you have watching her?

Victor: It doesn't make any difference. You just go there and you follow her. And when you have her alone, you finish the job, okay?

Cassie: I have done more than enough already. I tried it again. It didn't work. I'm done.

Victor: But you're making progress. You were so close.

Cassie: Get the guy who's following her to the doctor to finish the job.

Victor: You are uniquely qualified, all right?

Cassie: [Scoffs] Yeah, I'm -- I'm --

Victor: Hold on for one second. You're well aware that I could make your life very difficult. By making one phone call to the authorities in Portland.

Cassie: I have been running from that for awhile now. I'll take my chances.

Victor: On the other hand, I could also make all of that go away by making the same phone call. You would not have to look over your shoulder anymore. Run from the authorities anymore. So, what is it you want?

Cassie: I want you to be nice to her.

Victor: You want me to be nice to Sharon?

Cassie: When this is over and you have your precious secret, I want you to promise that you're not gonna hurt her anymore. I kind of like Sharon, and she loved her little girl. I can tell.

Victor: She did.

Cassie: And now she is completely wigging out because of me. Worse than usual last night. She grabbed me. She said that I felt like a real person.

Victor: Well, you should have been more careful.

Cassie: Damn, you are cold. Why do you hate this woman so much?

Victor: I don't hate her. I despise her. Do you know the damage that woman has done to my family? You have no idea.

Cassie: What did she do that was so horrible?

Victor: I do not want Sharon to have a relationship with my son. He has suffered enough losses as it is. And I know whatever secret she is harboring, it'll do damage to him. I promise you.

Cassie: And then you'll be nice to her?

Victor: [Sighs] I'll be compassionate, okay? That's all I can promise you. So, you go find that woman as soon as you can. And you tell me whatever secret she's harboring. Is that clear?

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Paul: Well, my schedule did free up a little bit, due to the fact that I had a couple of meetings canceled.

Christine: And that just happened to coincide with Nikki's arrival.

Paul: [Laughs] Well, uh, I didn't know she was coming. I wasn't expecting her. I think that she really just wanted to wrap up the Ian Ward thing, and, uh, um... thank me for my help.

Christine: Mm-hmm. With lunch.

Paul: With lunch. Yes. Lunch. Well, you know, had I known you were coming over with the exact same salad from the Athletic Club, I think I would have said, "Oh, my beautiful wife is bringing this delicious food over, and I love her so much. I'd rather eat her salad."

Christine: Don't lay it on so thick. I understand. Trust me.

Paul: Really? 'Cause I can grovel some more. Please forgive me?

Christine: Do you have a spare napkin? 'Cause you know something? I'm gonna eat this salad I brought you.

Paul: It's even shaped like a flag of peace, of surrender.

Christine: [Laughing] Stop it. You can have the dessert. How about that?

Paul: Oh, I like the sound of that.

Christine: [Laughs]

Paul: Mon chéri!

Christine: I meant dessert as in the food.

Paul: Oh. I knew that.

Christine: Of course you did. [Sighs] So, is Nikki okay?

Paul: Oh, she's better than okay, you know, considering everything, and she is so determined to put all the negativity behind her.

Christine: You haven't told her?

Paul: About Ian Ward's potentially disruptive information? No. No, I haven't.

Nikki: It was very thoughtful of you to come by and check on me at the ranch.

Dylan: It's no problem.

Nikki: Unfortunately, Victor was there and interrupted, so I didn't have a chance to thank you for everything that you did to help put Ian away.

Dylan: Well, I really didn't do much, but I'm glad I was there.

Nikki: I haven't really had a chance to find out how you're dealing with everything.

Dylan: [Sighs] Honestly, I, uh... I kind of feel bad about just the whole thing.

Nikki: Bad? Why bad?

Dylan: Just the way I went looking for Ian and how that ended up with him coming here, inflicting himself on you and on Summer.

Nikki: Oh, we're equally to blame for that. It was my search for you that started the whole thing.

Dylan: Yeah, bet you're sorry you went there.

Nikki: Never. I am so thrilled to have found you. And thrilled that Ian is gone.

Dylan: Yeah, it's pretty impressive. The clever way you handled him.

Nikki: Well, I'm not sure if you're proud or surprised.

Dylan: A little bit of both.

Nikki: I knew Ian would underestimate me, and he did. But it's all over with now. You shouldn't feel bad.

Dylan: Yeah, I guess since nobody got hurt, it's good that I finally met him. I don't like him, but now I know exactly what kind of man my biological father is.

Nikki: And now you can close the chapter on that book and move on.

Dylan: That's what I intend to do.

Nikki: Good. Very pleased for you. I'll let you go.

Dylan: Maybe we can get some breakfast sometime.

Nikki: Really? Oh, I would like that very much. Thank you. All right. I'll be in touch.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Avery: Something sweet to go with your espresso, on the house.

Nick: All right! What did I do to rate free food?

Avery: You are trying to get along with Dylan.

Nick: It's more like he's trying to get along with me.

Avery: Okay, so, you're both great.

Nick: Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, all right? It's not like we're gonna be getting together to watch March Madness.

Avery: Oh, God. I know. I'm just happy that you're being civil with each other. And Sharon and I actually had a nonabrasive moment the other night, when I dropped Faith off.

Nick: Wow.

Avery: Yeah.

Nick: Miracles happen. Um...how did Sharon seem before I got there?

Avery: Why? Is something wrong?

Nick: No, I was just wondering.

Avery: Well, she was alarmed when I told her about Ian, but, uh, I assured her that everything was okay and she was fine. She was good, actually.

Nick: Good.

Avery: Are you the reason for her good mood?

Nick: Um, you know, we've been spending a little time together.

Avery: You're back together with Sharon, aren't you?

Nick: It's, uh...

Avery: Oh, listen. I just want you to be happy, Nick.

Sharon: I can't tell you the secret, either.

Dr. Mead: Do you feel that keeping it to yourself is impeding your recovery?

Sharon: I admit that after I saw Cassie last night, the first thing I thought was that this was happening because of what I did. Because of the thing that I can't tell anyone.

Dr. Mead: And yet you came here hoping a new medication would fix the problem.

Sharon: I'm still hoping that.

Dr. Mead: Well, it might. But, Sharon, if you're hoping for real progress, and you won't tell me what you're concealing, the least you can do is be honest with yourself. Denial is just gonna lead to more of the same.

Sharon: No, I can't do that. I don't want to continue to be tormented by the daughter I once loved. That I still love very much. I want to get better.

Dr. Mead: Do you think you can ever get better, if you're carrying such a heavy burden?

Sharon: You know, I've wanted Nick back in my life for so long now. And...now that he finally is, now that everything I've always wanted is actually possible, I can't stand the fact that I am lying to this man, who has been nothing but kind and loving and honest with me. He deserves so much more than what I've given him.

Dr. Mead: How will you make this better, Sharon?

Sharon: I'm gonna tell Nick the truth. I don't know how I'm going to find the strength, but I'm going to tell him the truth today.

Kevin: What's taking so long?

Michael: You're lucky the judge was available and agreed to perform this ceremony on the fly. Hey.

Lauren: Oh, I'm so glad. I thought I missed it. I stopped to get you a bouquet.

Chloe: Oh, thank you. Lauren, you didn't have to go through all that trouble. It's not that kind of wedding.

Lauren: Oh, Honey, a wedding is a wedding, and there's no reason not to make it special, right?

Kevin: Agreed. Thank you, Lauren, and thank you for being our other witness, and thank you, Michael, for putting this all together.

Michael: Of course.

Lauren: Aw. All right, why don't we let the bride and groom have a little time together, okay?

Michael: Yes.

Kevin: What are you thinking?

Chloe: Even though this isn't a typical ceremony, and as much as I love Lauren, it's hard knowing that Chelsea won't be here to stand up for me. I can't even call my former best friend to tell her what's happening.

Kevin: Well, despite everything that's happened, I think she'd be really happy for you.

Lauren: So, I was shocked when you called.

Michael: [Chuckles] Imagine how I felt watching it happen in person?

Lauren: So, how do you really feel about Kevin's decision? Ah. Gotcha. No need to say more.

Michael: You know exactly how I feel. Now all we can do is hope for the best.

Nick: All right, well, I need to go pick up Sharon. But I want to say something to you.

Dylan: Sure. What's up?

Nick: I haven't forgotten how you initially reacted to our mother.

Dylan: Yeah, I was pretty upset.

Nick: Well, that was then. Now you're going out of your way to be kind to our mother. And I can see how much that means to her.

Avery: Nikki was practically beaming when she left here.

Dylan: Yeah, I don't know what kind of relationship we're gonna have in the future, but I can tell you this -- that I've gained a lot of respect for Nikki, and I have no intention of hurting her.

Nick: Well, that's good to know.

Nikki: Is it a bad time?

Victor: No. Not at all.

Nikki: Well, um... I just wanted to tell you about something wonderful.

Victor: What's that?

Nikki: At the coffee house just now, Dylan and Nicholas were speaking, and they were very cordial. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but normally they're hostile, so, I'm thrilled about that.

Victor: I'm glad you're thrilled.

Nikki: And then I had a talk with Dylan, and we are both willing to forget about Ian and just move on.

Victor: So, Dylan allows you to be his mother, huh?

Nikki: Not quite, but he is starting to let me in. And Nicholas, as well. I think Nicholas is really starting to accept Dylan as his brother.

Victor: Well, good, good.

Nikki: Good? Victor, I know that it's not easy for you to accept that Dylan is in my life. And I certainly don't expect you to have a hearty welcome for him, but... I don't want to have a repeat of what happened when Dylan first came to the house, so... I'm just asking you if you could please try to accept Dylan, as well.

[Papers rustling]

Officiant: Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Kevin: I do. Um, but I would like to add something, if that's all right. We have been down a really rough road, huh? But I know with all my heart that there are way fewer ruts and potholes ahead of us, because I believe in you. And there is nothing that we can't do if we have each other's backs. That's all.

Officiant: Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Chloe: [Chuckles] I do.

Officiant: I now pronounce you husband and wife. And release you into your husband's custody.

Kevin: [Sighs] It's gonna be good. You'll see. [Sighs]

Paul: You know, if I'm being rational about it, I just got to chalk it up to Ian Ward's mind games, right?

Christine: Well, the man does excel at convincing people he's being honest.

Paul: Right, even when he's shoveling lies?

Christine: It's 99% likely that Ian was just messing with you and Dylan. One last jab before he got locked up.

Paul: Yeah, 99%. At least 1% he's telling the truth.

Christine: It's so unlikely, and now worth worrying about, is it?

Paul: I don't know. The guy is one strange bird. Probably not.

Christine: Okay, well, you know I'm heading to Madison. I'm gonna do a follow-up interview on Ward's extortion case.

Paul: So, you're gonna be sitting across the table from him?

Christine: I will be. And I'll do some digging for you. Just in case he is telling the truth.

Avery: So, your conversation with Nikki went well?

Dylan: Yeah, it was good. We covered a lot in a short amount of time. It was good.

Avery: Hmm. You said that. Is it -- is there anything about it that wasn't good?

Dylan: Well, you know, I told her that I want to shut the door on Ian. But I still can't stop thinking about what he said, and it's driving me crazy because I don't want to dwell on it.

Avery: Well, I don't want you to dwell on it, either. Maybe I can help with that.

Dylan: Really?

Avery: Mm-hmm. Did you forget that I'm cooking you dinner tonight?

Dylan: Well, that sounds like it's gonna be a memorable meal.

Avery: Actually, it's what I have planned for after dinner that you'll never forget.

Nikki: You're still refusing to give Dylan a chance. That just doesn't make any sense. [Sighs] Have you been thinking about Cassie? Is that why you were in a mood when I got here?

Victor: I've been giving a great deal of thought to my family -- where we were, where we are going. I cannot promise I will change my attitude McAvoy, but I understand your position, okay?

Nikki: Do you?

Victor: He's your son. And you would like a relationship with him.

Nikki: Wow. You've never even acknowledged that before.

Victor: I promise you, no one knows better the desire to be close to one's child.

[Knock on door]

Nick: Hi.

Dr. Mead: Oh, Mr. Newman. How may I help you?

Nick: I just came to pick up Sharon. I'm sorry I'm late.

Dr. Mead: Oh, Sharon left.

Nick: Did she say where she was going?

Dr. Mead: I have no idea.

Sharon: It's time, Cassie. I need to rid myself of my secret. And I need to talk to you first.

Cassie: I'm right here.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Colin: You're upset by the fact that Jill wants me here.

Lauren: But she doesn't.

Chelsea: I feel like it's you just trying to put me in the middle of your constant feud with Victor.

Victor: My dear Robinson. All the way from Seattle.

Man: Yes, Sir. Doing well. But I'm glad to be here in Genoa City.

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