Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/11/14

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/11/14


Episode # 10367 ~ Kevin comes up with a plan to save Chloe; Kelly & Jack's meeting yields unexpected results.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Dylan: You know, they have these things that can help.

Billy: I can take it.

Dylan: Doesn't mean you have to. What you been going through, it's not easy, so whatever I can do --

Billy: You know what, Dylan? Look, I really appreciate it. But what I need is a time machine or a miracle or a pill to take away the last six months. I need my little girl back and my marriage intact. So, what I need nobody can give me.

Victoria: Hi. Come in. Thanks for coming so quickly.

Avery: Well, of course, but you didn't say what you wanted to talk about.

Victoria: Uh, right. I need an attorney.

Avery: Uh, Victor has a number on retainer --

Victoria: I know. I just -- I don't want my father or his company involved. Besides, you're the best person for this. You know exactly how to cut someone out of your life.

Avery: Excuse me?

Victoria: You know what I mean. You and Nick didn't work out, and you knew that. You knew it wasn't gonna work out, so you just moved on.

Avery: Victoria, wait. It wasn't that easy or painless.

Victoria: Oh, God, I didn't mean that in a bad way. It's just that you knew that someone was more important in your life than Nick and that you were always gonna put someone else first, just like Billy has got someone else in his life, and that's why I called you. I need a divorce.

Avery: [Sighs]

Leslie: Thank you. Neil. Hi. Hi. How are you?

Neil: Hi. Hi, yourself. I'm -- I'm -- [Clears throat] I'm fine. How you doing?

Leslie: I mean, you know, I'm -- I'm okay. Uh, did you take Moses to the Bucks game like you planned? Did he wear his little jersey?

Neil: [Chuckles] Mm. Yeah. You know how much he loves that jersey. And little man loved every -- every second of it. You know, I should have been chilling with him on the sofa every night watching -- watching Bucks highlights instead of watching all those goofy cartoon movies.

Leslie: Oh, please. You love those goofy cartoon movies. I see you. He falls asleep on your lap, and you don't even change the channel. [Laughs]

Neil: Yeah.

Leslie: You don't.

Neil: [Chuckles]

[Cell phone rings]

Leslie: Oh. I'm -- I'm sorry. It's -- its work.

Neil: That's fine. You have your priorities, don't you? We both know that.

Chloe: Thank you for arranging a meeting with Christine and the federal agents. I really think that cutting a deal is the best option for everyone.

Kevin: Pleading guilty isn't best for everyone. It isn't best for anyone.

Michael: Chloe has been informed of her choices. Going to trial is always inherently risky, especially against kidnapping charges.

Kevin: Well, pleading guilty certainly takes all the risk out of it, doesn't it? Its like, "Oh, hey, I'm guilty. Punish me." I don't see what could go wrong with that.

Michael: Listen to me. The deal I'm proposing to Christine and the federal authorities avoids prison time if the judge approves.

Kevin: She still ends up at Fairview, a mental hospital! It is a locked cell with no way out, and she doesn't belong in there!

Chloe: It doesn't matter.

Kevin: Yes, it does matter. Billy took Adam at gunpoint to Delia's memorial. Nobody's charging him with anything! Why? Why? Because he's a grieving parent, just like she is! So talk to the judge and get him to see that!

Michael: What is your argument here?! Do you want Billy locked up? Is that it?

Kevin: No, I want Chloe to remain free.

Michael: Brother, I understand your frustrations, but we have to deal with the situation as it is, not the way we want it to be.

Kevin: Billy took Adam at gunpoint --

Chloe: What Billy did people can understand. Adam murdered our child. Connor was just an innocent child. I took him away from his mother, and I left the country with a stolen passport. Anything could have happened to that child. This was all my fault.

Kevin: It is not your fault.

Chloe: Yes, it is. I am the one who did it.

Michael: Look, Kevin. I know how you feel. But the ugly truth is... no one's gonna walk away from any of this unscathed. That includes Billy.

Jack: Glad you could make it.

Kelly: You know, Jack, I usually come to the club alone for just a glass of wine, so to have an actual meal with another person -- this is a treat.

Jack: Well, the club's under new management. The kitchen is always excellent. Butterflied chicken is my favorite. The quinoa salad is great if you're a vegetarian.

Kelly: Oh, I'm not a vegetarian. I am what you call an equal-opportunity eater. Put it on a plate in front of me, I'll probably eat it.

Jack: Good to know.

Kelly: You know, I don't get many lunch invitations, especially these days, so I was really happy that you asked me here. You're a kind man, Jack.

Jack: Don't give me too much credit just yet. No such thing as a free lunch.

Michael: If you think Billy is in the clear, you're sadly mistaken.

Kevin: There were no charges filed against him.

Michael: Be that as it may, the damage has been done to his marriage. He sought to ease his pain in his own way, and it could cost him Victoria.

Kevin: Well, he has to fight for his marriage from his living room. I'm just saying that Chloe should be home, too. So do your job instead of rolling over!

Chloe: Kevin. This was my choice.

Kevin: [Scoffs] He is handing you to Christine and the feds gift-wrapped. And you're like, "Oh, all right, yeah."

Michael: I'm proposing court-mandated therapy. The judge could agree to make it outpatient.

Kevin: The judge who wouldn't agree to bail. Him, right. Let's hinge her freedom on that guy.

Chloe: Will you please stop blaming Michael? It was my choice to plead guilty.

Kevin: You're just giving up?

Chloe: Maybe.

Kevin: What is going on with you?

Chloe: I don't want to fight anymore.

Kevin: Then let me do the fighting for you.

Chloe: Why? Because you don't want me to go to Fairview?

Kevin: [Scoffs] Yes. That is exactly why.

Chloe: How bad can it be? Kevin, I've already lost my daughter. They can't take her away from me again. The worst has happened. The rest doesn't matter.

Kelly: So, you have an agenda? Should I be worried?

Jack: Delia's birthday was a very tough day for my brother Billy. I just wanted to know that yesterday was okay for you on your son's birthday.

Kelly: Sam. Yes.

Jack: So, a chat, some food, a little conversation. That's my whole agenda.

Kelly: So you are a good guy just as I suspected.

Jack: Well, I think some would argue that rather loudly.

Kelly: Well, those people are wrong. You know, the last couple of years, I've gotten really good at reading people. I've seen the ones that have gone through hell and come out the other side. They have a shell, maybe some pretty blue eyes, but they have kindness, too... understanding. Are you one of those guys?

Jack: You're one of those people who doesn't like to talk about herself. You very cleverly just changed the subject. I think we were talking about what you got through yesterday.

Kelly: Well, I got out of bed, which is good. And I didn't cry all day, which is even better. But there is a little bit of guilt that comes with being ok, like I'm failing Sam for not curling up into a ball.

Jack: Yeah, I know something about that. When my fiancée had her accident, I wanted to be there all the time, be by her side, get her doctors, get her specialists, get her treatment. I couldn't laugh, I couldn't smile, I couldn't think of anything else without feeling like I was betraying her.

Kelly: Exactly.

Jack: I vowed I would be by Phyllis' side every single moment. I owed her that. But weeks turned into months. And the world keeps spinning. I think that's the hardest part. The -- the world keeps going on. And the people I cared about -- my sisters, my brother, my kids, even the people I work with -- they... they were still here. And they needed me. So I had to find a way to come back to this world even if it meant coming back without Phyllis. I mean, I-I still visit her on weekends. Not every weekend like I once did. But I see a lot of her. You do what you can to cope every day. It's... just not easy sometimes.

Kelly: You do what you can to cope. That's right. Even if one of the ways that you cope might have destroyed your brother's marriage.

Avery: Victoria, you and Billy have had a brutal last few months. Making decisions right now, I just don't want to see you do something that you're gonna regret.

Victoria: You know, it's too late. I regret everything. I regret loving him. I regret trusting him. I regret allowing that woman into my home. I regret giving him a break just so that he could hurt me all over again. I have to do something, so this is it. I want divorce papers now. Yesterday.

Avery: Okay, listen, if you need some space, that's perfectly understandable. But a divorce? Come on. You guys already did that before, and you got remarried, which says a lot about the two of you.

Victoria: I can't just sit here.

Avery: Okay. But Wisconsin has 120-day wait period, longer if Billy contests.

Victoria: He's not gonna contest. He knows he cheated on me.

Avery: What about Johnny?

Victoria: Okay, with Johnny, we'll just have to figure out some sort of joint custody. I would never take Billy's child away from him. That would be too heartless.

Avery: Well, there's a lot of angry spouses that would be that cruel, so the fact that you don't want to do that, doesn't that say something about how you still feel about him?

Victoria: I want his clothes out of my closet. I want his books off of my nightstand. And I want these -- these images out of my head of them together, Billy and Kelly. I want them gone.

Avery: And you think filing divorce papers is gonna make that all go away?

Victoria: I have to do this now before Billy comes and tries to talk to me and I forgive him and he hurts me again.

Avery: You don't know that's gonna happen.

Victoria: He saw her again. Kelly. He went to her without telling me. And he gave her hope. Those were... [Sighs] Those were her words. He gave her hope after he swore it was over. So obviously Billy is not going to let Kelly go.

Billy: You know how many second chances Victoria gave me? The drinking, gambling, lying, leaving.

Dylan: That's because she loves you.

Billy: She did.

Dylan: What did you do?

Billy: I saw somebody that I swore I would never see again. It wasn't illicit. It was just two people talking at the park, but, uh, I told her I wouldn't. And then when it happened, I didn't tell her myself.

Dylan: Just two people talking in the park. Those two people you and a woman?

Billy: Yeah. When Victoria found out, she kicked me out.

Stitch: Good for her.

Leslie: Okay. Should we -- should we try this again?

Neil: Hmm?

Leslie: Maybe get something closer to acting, I don't know, a little something like friends?

Neil: Well, we're not friends, you know. We're two people who were planning a life together, and... now we're not.

Leslie: Okay, wow. You make it sound like that's what I wanted.

Neil: [Sighs] Leslie, do -- do you want me to be your husband?

Leslie: I was ready for a life with you, okay? But my love and my word, it wasn't enough. I told you from the beginning that I wasn't a white-dress, throw-the-bouquet type of girl.

Neil: You did, and you told me a lot of stuff. You told me that you loved me, right? You told me that you were afraid of getting married because of all the marriages you'd seen implode. And what did I tell you? That if you trusted me enough, that I would show you something different.

Leslie: And you didn't respect me enough to accept that I know my own mind! I don't need the church or the government to bind us together! Love should be enough! And it is for me!

Neil: You just couldn't take the next step, could you? You couldn't say the vows.

Leslie: Oh, please. People say vows every day. How many stick to them?

Victoria: I thought that loving Billy would get him through his grief and that it would keep him from drifting too far into his own misery. But I wasn't enough.

Avery: That is not true. Victoria, nothing was gonna be enough.

Victoria: Kelly was. She understood how he felt. You know, they didn't just talk about the children that they lost. They talked about books and broken freezers, and Billy could tell Kelly things that he couldn't tell me. You know, maybe the worst of it wasn't the sex. Maybe the worst part was that Billy felt better with Kelly than he did with me. [Sighs]

Avery: I don't think that's true.

Victoria: But he broke my heart, and he knew it. But he still went to see her. [Scoffs] He still put her first.

Avery: Okay, listen to me, Victoria. I'm gonna tell you something, and this is awkward because you're Nick's sister, but you compared how I feel about Dylan to how Billy feels about this woman, and... I did love Nick, truly. But Dylan is my soul. He just is. And he's the person that I could never not need, I could never not love. No matter what happened to us -- my marriage, him going off to war, a miscarriage -- always Dylan's had my heart. And that's how Billy loves you. You know, it's something that he can't control. It's -- it's primal and it's permanent. And grief and loss, lies, divorce -- none of that can ever really take away that kind of love, not the way that Billy loves you and not the way that you love him.

Victoria: Love didn't fix us before. It won't now.

Avery: Neither will divorce. Look, I know it hurts to think right now. Signing divorce papers -- it's not gonna make all of this go away. You have to spend a lot more time thinking and feeling, and then you can start to make these decisions.

Billy: Well, of course you're happy Victoria kicked me out, huh? You think you have a shot without me around.

Stitch: If Victoria needs space, she should have it. That's all I'm saying, Billy.

Billy: So you can swoop in.

Stitch: No, so she can make smart decisions.

Billy: You know what? Tell me, Stitch. How long you been wanting to hit on her, huh? Ever since this whole thing started with that "Oh, poor me. Oh, I have to eat at Burger Beat. I need a home-cooked meal" crap, right? And since she is a beautiful, smart, funny woman, why not make your move, right?

Stitch: Victoria's all of that, and she loves you, Billy. So how about you concentrate on your marriage instead of seeing stuff that isn't there?

Billy: How about you stay the hell away from my wife?

Dylan: Okay, just take it easy, both of you.

Billy: You know, your buddy here kissed my wife.

Stitch: Don't act like I'm the one messing up your marriage, okay? You're the one that stepped out on Victoria. This is on you.

Dylan: Stitch, ease up.

Stitch: This guy cheats on her and then acts like she's the one that crossed the line. A woman like that deserves better.

Billy: Oh, like you?

Stitch: I am her friend, Billy. Tough concept given your friendship with Kelly. But that's it. I'm Victoria's friend.

Billy: Well... [Claps] ...Let's hear it for Saint Stitch, huh? You kissed my wife.

Stitch: And you tanked your marriage. Now shut up and fix it.

Billy: So, what's the plan, huh? You gonna pull some white-knight crap and save Victoria from her no-good husband?

Stitch: Maybe I will. Maybe that's what she needs.

Billy: She doesn't need saving, and she doesn't need you.

Stitch: And she certainly doesn't need the garbage you put her through, that's for sure.

Dylan: Okay, we're done. We're done. Don't you have a shift? Go save a life. Calm down. Just go cool off, Billy. You think Victoria wants you at each other's throats?

Billy: She's never gonna want you, Doc! It's tough luck! Think your buddy got the hint?

Dylan: You know what? Stop thinking about Stitch. Stop thinking about yourself. Think about Victoria for once. Because Stitch was right. You screwed up, and she deserves better.

Kelly: I'm sorry, Jack. Maybe I shouldn't have brought up what happened with Billy. It's just... you were nice enough to invite me here, but I just feel like it's an elephant in the room. I'm worried about Billy, and I'm sure you are, too.

Jack: I'm his big brother. I will always worry about him. But you know what? He and Victoria have been to hell and back more than once, and they love each other enough to do it again.

Kelly: That's good to hear.

Jack: Today is about you. I know what it's like to look at your life and suddenly say, "It’s not what I expected, not what I wanted, and maybe I'll just play outside the rules." I had a guy named Sarge give me a good swift kick in the butt, straighten me out. And then after that, a woman named Red.

Kelly: So you've been to the dark place more than once.

Jack: Yeah, haven't we all in some way? I mean, you've had a rougher road than most. That's a fact. But you can move forward. Once you give up your expectations, you're never disappointed again. I'm not clever enough to make that up, but...

Kelly: [Chuckles]

Jack: ...My daughter Summer [Sniffs] Put a daily positive affirmation app on my phone, and that's today's.

Kelly: Very nice. You know, you're a little nuts.

Jack: Yeah, I guess I am.

Kelly: [Chuckles]

Jack: I've never seen you smile. You ought to think about doing that more often.

Kelly: Thank you for all this. It's lovely.

Jack: I'm glad.

Michael: See if Christine has reached some resolution with the feds and the judge.

Chloe: Thank you, Michael.

Kevin: I can go after him. I can get him to call this off.

Chloe: Kevin, I know this is hard for you, so if you think that you need to leave...

Kevin: W-what? Wait. Are you kicking me out?

Chloe: I don't know if you can really handle what's --

Kevin: [Sighs] I can be calm. See? [Sighs deeply] I'm calm. And I'm not leaving you ever! I told you that!

Chloe: That was before I pled guilty.

Kevin: Chloe, I'm not going anywhere, okay? Listen, I know I haven't always been somebody that people can count on, but I told you, you can count on me.

Chloe: People can't count on you? What? All I've ever done is rely on you since when Chance dumped me and I moved in with you. You have been the only person that I have ever been able to rely on. You have been there through everything. You have been there through Delia's sickness, through her treatment, all of my hissy fits, through all my drama. You have never left me.

Kevin: And I'm never going to. That is just a fact.

Chloe: But where I'm going now, you can't be there for me. You can't hold my hand when I'm asleep, and you can't wake me up in the morning and reassure me that everything's gonna be okay. Hey, it's different now. [Voice breaking] I have to learn to cope without you. Starting right now.

Leslie: I mean, so is it gonna be like this every time we run into each other?

Neil: I don't know. I mean, it's probably best that we just not try to be something that we're not, like friends.

Leslie: You are really serious.

Neil: Leslie, I gave you a ring, and I got down on one knee and proposed to you. I asked you to be my wife. I certainly didn't do that so we could be friends. And seeing you right here, right now, it just reminds me of every moment that we shared together. I don't know what to tell you. Uh, I don't think we can be friends.

Leslie: Okay, so, I mean, what? Just kicking me out of your life? Is -- is that the answer? Because, I mean, that would hurt me so much.

Neil: Would it hurt you enough to reconsider marriage?

Leslie: Neil, I've told you. It's not you.

Neil: You take care of yourself.

Avery: I have gotten people off of death row, but family law breaks my heart. How do you convince somebody not to give up on love?

Leslie: I wish I knew.

Avery: Victoria feels like this quickie divorce will somehow ease her pain, and, you know, that's not how it works. You have to feel what you feel and muddle through it and... listen to me. I'm going on and on about divorce when you're planning a wedding. I'm sorry. Obviously you and Neil will not be talking about division of assets.

Leslie: No. No, we really won't, because there won't be a wedding. We called off the engagement.

Avery: What? How? Why?

Leslie: I backed out, Avery. I-I just can't do it. I can't be a wife. And marriage is apparently too important to Neil for us to just go on as we were.

Avery: So, you just broke up? That's it?

Leslie: I'm not enough for him. Not without a marriage certificate.

Avery: That's ridiculous. You're incredible. This isn't about you.

Leslie: Yeah, that's funny. That's the same thing I said to Neil. "It's not about you." But really, I mean, it -- it is. It's really both of us. I mean, we thought we fit so well, but we don't fit at all.

Avery: I don't believe that.

Leslie: There's no middle ground. There's no compromise.

Avery: How did you leave things?

Leslie: Strangers. That's all we are now. Back to being alone.

Jack: So, more on the topic of Kelly's future. What's next? I mean, you quit the nonprofit. So, what? Do you go back home to where...?

Kelly: St. Louis. No, I don't think so. I can't go to the same places I went with Sam. I think that would hurt more than it would help. No. I think it's just new adventures for me from now on.

Jack: Well, I like the sound of that. You have any particular city in mind? Are you a-a seasons girl or a sunshine girl?

Kelly: Oh, seasons. Definitely.

Jack: Seasons. Seasons. Um, D.C. Probably more nonprofit opportunities there than any place I can think of.

Kelly: Probably, but I'm actually thinking about going back into teaching. I think it's important for me to see kids grow up and go out into the world.

Jack: I think that's great. This world needs more teachers. And I actually have a couple connections at some private schools back east if you'd like me to help.

Kelly: There's some excellent schools here.

Jack: So, you're thinking of putting down roots in Genoa City.

Kelly: I really love Genoa City. I love it. And I think this is the perfect place for me to call home.

Billy: Kelly was the biggest mistake of my life. Nobody's madder at me than I am.

Dylan: Then what the hell were you thinking meeting up with her again?

Billy: Because I have been where she is. She feels like there's no one there. Now I'm supposed to cut her off? "Have a good life. You're on your own." She deserves some decency, a proper goodbye.

Dylan: So, it was for her sake, not yours?

Billy: Kelly helped drag me out of a hole that I would probably still be in right now. She practically saved my life.

Dylan: Didn't Victoria try to do that?

Billy: What about the people that tried to help you when you were off the rails? And did you, uh, want to listen to those people, put all your misery on them, or did you want to talk to the people who understood?

Dylan: That might be true, but I didn't go to bed with them.

Billy: [Scoffs] Yeah, well, you're a hero, and I'm the jerk that screws up twice before breakfast.

Dylan: You know, it might be easier to think about yourself that way, but that's not how it has to be. I get it. I crossed the line with Avery knowing she was married. We swore we would never do it again, but we did.

Billy: It's completely different. The only one that I want is Vicki. She is it. And hand to God, I will never do anything to hurt her again. I just pray that she's not done with me for good this time.

[Knock on door]

Victoria: You shouldn't be here.

Chloe: I want you to go.

Kevin: Well, that's too bad.

Chloe: [Sighs] They're gonna walk in here and put me in handcuffs and take me to Fairview. Is that really what you want to see?

Kevin: You -- you always do this. You always try and push me away, and it never works!

Chloe: Are you a masochist?

Kevin: Huh? No.

[Door opens]

Kevin: I just don't want you to have to go through this alone.

Michael: Hey.

Chloe: So, what did Christine say? You talk to her?

Michael: Your guilty plea has been accepted.

Kevin: What about the deal? In-patient or out?

Michael: Outpatient treatment. No Fairview, Chloe.

Chloe: [Sighs]

Kevin: Thank God. [Sighs] See? See? It's a good thing I stayed, right? Right. Good. Let's get you home.

Michael: There is one stipulation.

Chloe: Meaning what?

Michael: Chloe has to be remanded into the custody of somebody who is prepared to take legal responsibility for her.

Kevin: Me. Done. Let's go.

Michael: No, Kevin. You're not an option.

Dylan: You can't just pray that Victoria gives you another chance. You have to earn it and deserve it.

Billy: And Victoria deep down knows that she is the only one that matters.

Dylan: No, no, you can't put it on her and say that she knows it. You have to convince her. You have to earn it back.

Billy: I will. Whatever it takes. I'll make her understand that I have absolutely no feelings for Kelly at all.

Dylan: So you're ready to lie to her and yourself?

Billy: How is that a lie?

Dylan: Kelly dragged you out of a hole you'd still be in, saved you. Those were your words. Billy, you -- you have been through an emotional war these last few months, okay? I know how it works. Bonds like that are unbreakable, so whether you want to admit it or not, you still feel something for Kelly, and Victoria knows you well enough if you're gonna lie to her. So don't lie. Don't hurt her any more than you already have.

Stitch: I'm sorry to just show up, but I had to check on you. I-I saw Billy. I thought you could use a friend.

Victoria: Did he say that I kicked him out?

Stitch: He did. I told him I thought you made the right decision.

Victoria: Well, I'm sure that made him really happy.

Stitch: I don't know what came over me. I'm normally a "Live and let live" kind of guy. I keep my mouth shut. But he was saying it like you were the one making the mistake. I didn't think that was fair.

Victoria: Oh. [Chuckles] And you just -- you had to correct him.

Stitch: I shouldn't have. I... [Sighs] I should have just left it alone. If I'd kept quiet, I could still be at the gym working out. [Chuckles]

Victoria: Instead of here.

Stitch: Instead of here.

Victoria: You know, I kind of wish you hadn't done that, Ben. You shouldn't have said anything. Don't antagonize him.

Stitch: I didn't mean to, and -- and I won't let it happen again. I just... I just thought I should give you a heads up that Billy and I had had a, uh, conversation. But if me being here makes things harder, that's -- that's the last thing I want. You're right. Bad idea. I'm sorry.

Victoria: Uh, Ben, wait.

Kelly: I'm stuffed. And everything you recommended was amazing. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel great. I haven't felt this close to normal in awhile.

Jack: Good. You deserve it. Not just today, but every day.

Kelly: Thank you. Thank you for that, too.

Jack: There is a way to make that happen, you know. Feel more normal every day.

Kelly: Hmm. What are you doing?

Jack: Kelly, it is a big, wide, wonderful world out there with possibilities you haven't even dreamed of.

Kelly: [Chuckles] I don't understand.

Jack: This is an airline ticket or another expense or just for your time.

Kelly: I don't understand. I-I didn't realize that I was on a clock. What do you think I am?

Jack: I think you're someone who needs some help. This is help.

Kelly: Why -- why are you just giving this to me?

Jack: To help you get a fresh start.

Kelly: And this is the going rate for a fresh start?

Jack: If it's not enough, we can discuss --

Kelly: Enough? I don't know what you're doing, Jack. You were acting like a travel agent earlier. Obviously you want me to go somewhere.

Jack: Yes. I do.

Kelly: Where?

Jack: Anywhere you want to go. As long as you're not near Billy.

Kevin: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Why can't I take legal responsibility for her?

Michael: You're divorced. Only a legal relative can do that, can vouch for her, can take her home.

Chloe: So that means Mom. [Sighs] That means just her hovering and worried if I'm broken, making me feel like I'm even more of a mess. And Jill and Colin being newlyweds -- well, that's attractive. Sounds like Fairview's a better option.

Kevin: A relative?

Michael: Yeah, a relative. Parent, sibling, spouse.

Kevin: Marry me.

Chloe: What?

Kevin: Please, Chloe. Will you be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold and for me to take legal responsibility over you, for better or worse, but mostly so that we can keep you out of Fairview? Please? Say you'll marry me.

Billy: Talking to Kelly helped, but what? Am I in love with her, infatuated? No. No, it wasn't about that. I spent years of my life hitting on women. It wasn't like that. We were friends.

Dylan: A friend you slept with. [Sighs] You know, months ago, Victoria asked -- asked me to check on you more and be a friend. I should have done a better job. Maybe if I had --

Billy: You weren't at the support group like Kelly was. I mean, you haven't lost a kid and -- I mean, not like the way we have. It's not like I saw that night coming with Kelly. If I could take it back... it's not like Kelly was trying to mess up me and Vicki. She just wanted a friend. I screwed that up, too. And meanwhile, I got your buddy Stitch trying to move in on my wife.

Dylan: Stitch had his own marriage implode. He's not gonna mess with yours.

Billy: Oh, so he wasn't kissing Victoria, huh? And I haven't heard anybody say that wouldn't happen again.

Victoria: So, Billy told you that I threw him out. Did he try to blame you? Because if he did...

Stitch: No, um, he and Dylan were talking at the gym.

Victoria: So Dylan knows now, too. That's fine. That's fine. I mean, Avery knows, so Dylan's gonna know eventually. And why in the world do I care anyway? Half of the town knows about Kelly, so why not know about this, too, right?

Stitch: Look, I, um... I just wanted to check on you. Apologize.

Victoria: For what? Standing there while I kissed you? That's not what this is about. Billy lied to me again. You and Kelly could barely stand to be around each other when you were in this room when I invited you over for dinner. But Billy just can't seem to get enough of her. He said that he was over her when it's not the case. He went to her again instead of me.

Stitch: Hey. Hey. [Sighs]

Kelly: This is how much you want me gone?

Jack: You said yourself you don't have any friends in this town other than Billy, and that is not an option. I meant what I said. You can have a wonderful life. This gives you options. You can get a job that feeds your soul, find a new home.

Kelly: You lured me here with a meal and a conversation about my dead son. It's disgusting.

Jack: I am the head of a family, and I love my brother. And Victoria's the best thing that ever happened in his life. You say you care about Billy, do what is best for him. Leave him alone.

Kelly: And here I thought you were a kind and decent man.

Billy: Hey. Kelly. What did you do to Kelly?

Jack: What you should have done...a long time ago.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Avery: You're back together with Sharon, aren't you?

Cassie: There's somebody else that knows the secret.

Victor: Who?

Cassie: Phyllis?

Victor: Phyllis?

Sharon: I am going to tell him the truth today. I'd love to.

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