Y&R Transcript Friday 3/7/14

Y&R Transcript Friday 3/7/14


Episode # 10365 ~ Kelly intrigues Jack; Noah talks to Victor; Nick & Sharon give into passion.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Noah: Yeah. Yeah, okay. Yep, well, when you're down with the redraft with the revised numbers, uh, just go ahead and shoot it over, and I'll make sure that legal gets -- gets it on top of their stack, okay? Yeah. You're welcome. Hey. What's going on?

Nick: Nothing. Thanks for, uh, carving out some time in your day to meet with your old man.

Noah: I'm sorry things have been so crazy. I just found out about that whole Ian Ward situation this morning when I talked to Summer. She said that you and Dylan worked together to get the guy arrested. Like real brothers, huh?

Nick: Yeah, no, no. Don't -- don't get ahead of yourself.

Noah: Well, I just wish that things hadn't gotten that far, you know? When Summer started talking about a life coach, I should have looked into it.

Nick: Son, you were doing exactly what you should have been doing, which is living your life, being happy.

[Cell phone chimes]

Noah: Sorry.

Nick: You are happy, right?

Noah: Yeah. Definitely.

Nick: Good. Well, it sounds like everyone I care about in my life is healthy and great and doing well.

Noah: Does that include Mom?

Sharon: Hey, Stitch. How's it going?

Stitch: Oh, great, Sharon. You?

Sharon: I'm doing really good, actually. Well, according to Dr. Mead, anyway.

Stitch: Dr. Mead -- we've met. She's a good doc.

Sharon: And now I can see you're wondering why I would be seeing a psychiatrist.

Stitch: Uh, not really my concern.

Sharon: Well, it's the concern of everyone else in Genoa City, it seems. They all know my entire psychiatric history. I, uh -- well, let's just say I've just struggled with some emotional issues.

Stitch: [Chuckles] Who hasn't?

Sharon: I know, but I, uh, suffered a loss and it just led me to do some regrettable things.

Stitch: I can relate to that.

Billy: I'm right, aren't I? It was Stitch. He was the guy you were kissing.

Victoria: Look, listen. Could we please not do this here?

Billy: What, you think it'd be easier someplace else?

Victoria: Billy!

Billy: Just answer the question.

Victoria: Yes, okay? Yes. It was Ben.

Billy: Ben?

Victoria: Listen, I'm the one that did the kissing, all right? Not him.

Billy: Oh, so, a beautiful woman kisses him, and, uh, what? He doesn't respond?

Victoria: You know, you [Scoffs] Have absolutely no right to be questioning me at all.

Billy: Oh, so, he did respond?

Victoria: Would you knock it off, please?

Billy: Hey, you don't want to talk to me? Fine, I'll go have a chat --

Victoria: No! Hey. Wait. Hold on. Hold on, okay? It was my fault.

Billy: So, it was your fault and you were instantly sorry. And that's your story? You're sticking to it, right?

Victoria: No. You know what? That last part was a total lie, because I'm not sorry that I kissed someone else. And I'm especially not sorry that it was Ben.

Victor: So, you want me to find Adam?

Chelsea: I do.

Victor: Chelsea...

Chelsea: There was no body at the scene. There's no evidence Adam died there.

Victor: Listen to me. Paul Williams, the chief of police of Genoa City, was at the crash site. He saw a body inside the vehicle before it exploded. He said there's no way anyone could have survived that.

Chelsea: Maybe he's satisfied with that, but I'm not. And I don't believe you are, either.

[Knock on door]

Jack: Come in. Kelly. What a surprise.

Kelly: Yeah. I took a chance that you might have a minute.

Jack: A minute, yeah. Why are you here?

Kelly: I wanted to talk to you about my future with Billy.

Jack: My brother and his wife are stronger than ever. If you're planning a future with Billy, I'm afraid you are sadly mistaken.

Kelly: What? No! No, that -- uh, what I just said -- that didn't come out right. I meant the future of the Delia project -- something that Billy and I have been involved with together, along with a lot of other people that Billy's close to.

Jack: Go on.

Kelly: Well, I didn't want my continued association with the project to be a problem going forward, so...I removed myself from the foundation.

Jack: So, you are no longer the point person from GC Cares?

Kelly: No longer. In fact, I took it a step further. I quit my job there.

Jack: Big move.

Kelly: Mm-hmm. I just figured it was best for all concerned.

Jack: All except you.

Kelly: It's just a job. It wasn't a career. Although I did like the non-profit side -- you know, pairing people up with worthy causes.

Jack: So, what are you gonna do now?

Kelly: I...don't know. I guess I'll just figure that out.

Jack: And you're here to tell me so that, what, I can share this with my family?

Kelly: Partly. But now that I'm here... there's something else I want to discuss with you.

Billy: You make it sound like there's something more going on between you and Stitch.

Victoria: No, Billy. That's just you reading into things. But I can see how much it hurts you, knowing that it was somebody that you liked and trusted. Because that's what made this whole thing with Kelly so difficult. I trusted the woman. I invited her into our home. I wanted to be friends with her. I thanked her for everything she did for you.

Billy: It wasn't like that, Vicki. Kelly and I told you that --

Victoria: Hi, Dr. Price.

Dr. Price: How's our patient doing?

Billy: It only hurts when I breathe. That's a good sign, right?

Dr. Price: Well, if you remove your shirt, I'll take a look and make sure everything's healing properly.

Sharon: So, I guess our mutual friend is quite the hero.

Stitch: Dylan?

Sharon: Yeah. Did he tell you he took down this con artist before the guy had a chance to hurt anybody else?

Stitch: I heard a little about it, but you know Dylan -- not big on taking credit.

Sharon: Nick didn't, either. They're both kind of modest. I guess that's a trait they have in common.

Stitch: If I'm getting too personal, just tell me to go fly a kite.

Sharon: No, go ahead. Ask me anything.

Stitch: You and Nick seem to have a good relationship still.

Sharon: Um, that's fair to say.

Stitch: I'm in the midst of a divorce, and the way things are going, I can't see that happening for us anytime soon. Or ever.

Sharon: Nick and I have been through some rough patches. But I think if you really, really loved someone, there will always be something about that person to help you remember why.

Nick: Your mom's been filling me in on the rough time she's been having, you know, seeing Cassie again.

[Cell phone chimes]

Noah: Sorry. It's -- its work. I just -- I need to respond to this real quick. Well, um, I'm glad that she told you. I was worried, but I promised I wouldn't say anything.

Nick: Well, she's starting a new medication, so hopefully they'll figure out...

[Cell phone rings]

Nick: ...What's been causing these visions?

Noah: It can wait. Sorry. You were saying?

Nick: She's starting a new medicine. Hopefully it kicks in soon.

Noah: Well, I know that I've ragged on Mom for leaning on you too much, but I-I'm really glad that you're there for her.

Nick: It's gone both ways.

Noah: How do you mean?

Nick: Well, I've been dealing with my own stuff lately, and your mom's been there for me. It's, uh -- I really appreciated it.

Noah: Well, you two have a lot of history together.

Nick: Yeah, it's more than just that. We're working on building a new kind of relationship.

Noah: "Relationship"? Meaning?

Nick: It's just a word, Dude, but while we're on the subject, what's going on with you and Courtney? Any news there?

Noah: Uh, actually, yeah. We, uh -- we are back together.

Nick: Good. I mean, assuming she's not still keeping stuff from you.

Noah: Learning new things about her every day.

Nick: Kind of like I'm learning new things about you -- this job at Newman-Chancellor, for instance.

Noah: What about it?

Nick: The way your phone's acting, I'm assuming it's going well there.

Noah: Think Grandpa's working me too hard?

Nick: I don't know. Is he?

Noah: It's been challenging, and, uh, I haven't been too thrilled about some of the decisions he's been making lately.

Victor: I certainly would have liked to have had the opportunity to bury my son, but there are no remains. He's not alive.

Chelsea: Until somebody can prove that he is dead, I'm gonna stay positive.

Victor: If, by some miracle, he's still alive, why hasn't he contacted you? Where is he?

Chelsea: I don't know. Maybe he's somewhere that he can't get back from. Maybe -- maybe he's hurt. Maybe he needs help.

Victor: Why hasn't he contacted you?

Chelsea: Well, he did. There was a-a call.

Victor: What do you mean "There was a call"?

Chelsea: The phone rang, and I answered it, and it was all this -- this crackling noise.

Victor: Was it his voice?

Chelsea: No. But I swear I felt it in my heart that it was Adam.

Victor: Wait a minute. Was the phone call from his number?

Chelsea: It was -- it was a blocked number.

Victor: Well, all that means is that someone misdialed.

Chelsea: Why are you refusing to even acknowledge the possibility that your son could still be alive? Unless you really want to believe Adam's dead so you never have to face him again.

Victor: Chelsea, please... don't ever presume to know how I feel and what I think, all right? The loss of my son means more to me than...I have let anyone know. You don't have the exclusive right to mourn Adam, okay? Regardless of what happened between him and me, and we had a lot of, obviously, disagreements... he was my son.

Chelsea: And you love him, Victor. I know you do, so, please, don't give up now, not when there's still the slightest chance that he could be alive. I know what your deal with Adam cost you. Your other kids want nothing to do with you, but you might still have a son out there that needs your help.

Victor: What if my operatives find out something that you don't want to hear? What if they confirm that Adam is indeed dead? Would you then accept the police's version of what happened and move on?

Kelly: Well, I think that pretty much everyone in this town sees me as a home wrecker, but that's not who I am. I-I care about Billy's well-being, and, honestly, if he wasn't married, I still --

Jack: He is married.

Kelly: Exactly, Jack. That's why I never had designs on him. I never expected anything beyond a friendship.

Jack: Can I ask a question? Why are you telling me this?

Kelly: Maybe because I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me. I'm actually a pretty good person that just made a big mistake.

Jack: And why does what I think of you matter?

Kelly: That's a good question. You know, the night that we met, before things got awkward --

Jack: Before you realized I wasn't your blind date.

Kelly: Yes. Before we cleared things up -- oh, and the two gunmen -- that threw a wrench into things. Okay, this is gonna sound weird, so brace yourself. When I looked into your eyes... I felt like I knew you. And, um, I also got to see that you are a decent and honorable man.

Jack: Some might argue that.

Kelly: Oh, really? Well, bring them to me. I'll punch them in the face. And I-I just thought that... maybe if someone like you could forgive me, then maybe, just maybe, I might start forgiving myself.

Noah: I'm sure that you've heard about this mess that Grandpa is in with one of his subsidiaries.

Nick: Yeah, Bonaventure -- company that's selling that unregulated drug that almost killed Summer. What's Dad saying about that?

Noah: I haven't had a chance to talk to him since the news dropped about him being investigated by the feds.

Nick: So, that's why your phone hasn't let up? He hasn't dragged you into that mess?

Noah: I can't believe that he would knowingly allow something that hazardous to be sold.

Nick: Well, I would hope not, but, honestly, I don't know what your grandfather's capable of anymore. Summer could have died from taking those pills.

Noah: Are you saying that Grandpa would have put Summer in danger just to make money?

Nick: No, of course he wouldn't.

Noah: Well, I know that you guys aren't speaking. What's that about? I mean, Summer said that you even told her to stay away from Grandpa.

Nick: Yeah, I shouldn't have said that.

Noah: Because you don't believe it's true?

Nick: I do believe Summer should keep her distance from your grandfather. But it was unfair of me to put that burden on her without explaining the whole situation.

Noah: And what's the whole situation?

Nick: I don't really want to talk about it with you.

Noah: Why not?

Nick: Because, Son, you work for your grandfather. And you should have the right to form your own opinion about him.

Noah: And I intend to, but don't you think that I deserve all the facts?

Nick: Yeah, I do. Your grandfather made a decision that started this whole chain of events, and it wound up hurting a lot of people.

Dr. Price: Call me if anything comes up, but otherwise, good luck. Be well.

Billy: Thanks, Doc.

Victoria: I'm glad you're okay.

Billy: Look, we haven't finished --

Victoria: Can we just do this at home? Billy...

Billy: Uh-huh?

Victoria: Don't even think about it. No.

Billy: Yo, Stitch! You keep your hands off my wife.

Stitch: I am not sure what you think happened --

Billy: Oh, I know what happened. You kissed my wife. What, you deny it? No, your marriage is in ruins, so you figure, hey, you'll go mess with someone else's.

Victoria: Billy, that's enough. Just leave him alone, okay? I explained everything.

Billy: Yeah, Vicki took full responsibility, but, you know, somehow I have a hard time believing you're all that innocent.

Victoria: Billy.

Stitch: Excuse us a moment. Billy?

Billy: Oh, absolutely.

Stitch: You need to get a grip.

Billy: Oh, do I?

Stitch: Instead of blaming me for what went wrong, shouldn't you be trying to make things right with Vicki? You've already come damn close to losing her.

Billy: You know, you need to shut your mouth. Okay, you're the last person who ought to be handing out marital advice.

Stitch: Oh, I completely agree. But it's good advice. I suggest you take it.

Billy: Vicki and I will get through this. Make no mistake. And while we do, you stay the hell away from both of us. You understand me?

Jack: I wasn't the one who was hurt. It's not up to me to forgive anyone. I'm mostly concerned that Victoria can find it in her heart to forgive Billy.

Kelly: I know that. I'm, uh, sorry. It -- it was silly of me to ask. I just thought that, um, since we were talking -- I don't actually know what I thought. You know, I haven't been thinking clearly lately, especially today.

Jack: Why especially today?

Kelly: Never mind. It doesn't matter. Can I just go before I --

Jack: No, no, no. Come here. Sit down. Sit down. Sit down. It's okay.

Kelly: Thank you.

Jack: You want to tell me what's going on with you?

Kelly: Do I have to?

Jack: [Chuckles]

Kelly: It's my son's birthday.

Jack: The son you lost. I'm sorry. That's got to be difficult.

Kelly: [Sighs] You know, I, um -- I woke up this morning, and I was determined that I was just -- I was gonna do something positive, so [Chuckles] I, uh -- I drove myself over to the library, and I volunteered to read at story time.

Jack: And how did that go?

Kelly: Great. You know, I didn't break down in front of a bunch of kids. And so, I thought, "Well, Kelly, that's going well, so why don't you go to your office and hand in your letter of resignation?" And that also went well. And I was conscious of the fact that, you know, I was doing pretty good. Until now, with you. And I wasn't even thinking about Sam... or the loss. [Voice breaking] And it just came roaring back.

Jack: I'm so sorry.

Kelly: Don't be sorry. I'm -- I shouldn't have laid all this on you, Jack. [Sniffles] I can't expect you to understand.

Jack: You're wrong there. I may not be the right person to turn to for forgiveness... but this I understand.

Noah: So, Grandpa was just gonna let Adam walk.

Nick: [Sighs] And Billy and Chloe may have never known who was responsible for Delia's death. Your grandfather was playing puppet master. He blackmailed Adam, he betrayed your aunt Victoria, who loved that little girl like she was her own. If you grandfather had just gone to the police, like he should have done in the first place, then Adam probably would have just ended up in prison. Instead, he was in that car accident with Billy where they both could have been killed.

Noah: Grandpa admitted all this?

Nick: No, but he didn't deny it, either. He just kept saying over and over again that everything he does is for the family. You've heard it before.

Noah: So, now what?

Nick: Noah, what you choose to do with that information is entirely up to you. I am done with him. I am sick and tired of the way he tries to control everyone's lives, the way he tests everyone's loyalty.

Sharon: Hey, you guys. I was just coming up from yoga, and I saw you sitting here. What a surprise.

Nick: Yeah. Noah asked me to join him for lunch. We haven't ordered yet, if you'd like to join us.

Noah: Unfortunately, I'm, uh -- I'm gonna have to take a rain check. I got to get back to the office. There's something I have to take care of.

Sharon: That's a shame. That would have been fun.

Noah: Next time.

Sharon: Okay.

Noah: Dad, thank you for your honesty.

Nick: Always. See you, Bud.

Sharon: Honesty about what?

Nick: We were just, uh, talking about the family... and about you.

Chelsea: More than anything, I want Adam to come walking through that door. I want the chance to hear his version of what happened the night that Delia was killed. I want my son to have a father. If I'm given real proof that my husband is dead, I will give him a proper funeral, but until that happens, I'm not gonna give up hope.

Victor: But, Chelsea, there are no facts supporting your hope.

Chelsea: But there is.

Victor: What, a random call from an unknown number?

Chelsea: No, the fact that there were no remains, Victor.

Victor: Listen to me. You have no proof the call came from his phone, no proof of his using his credit cards, no proof of any withdrawals from any bank accounts.

Chelsea: Not that I know of, but I don't have access to all of his accounts. I'm sure Adam is involved in investments I know nothing about. I can't get that information, but your people could.

Victor: If he is found, and there's absolutely no chance of that, he'll be charged with hit and run.

Chelsea: We would deal with that when we need to.

Victor: Chelsea, the chances of his being found are so slim. If he's still alive, he doesn't want to be found.

Chelsea: Okay, look, what if we both, together, somehow --

Victor: Chelsea, with all due respect, no. Do not dwell on this anymore. You're torturing yourself, okay? Now, I'll come back another day and visit Connor, okay? Bye.

[Door closes]

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Victoria: Johnny's asleep.

Billy: Yeah, uh, Hannah just left. I'm sorry.

Victoria: You should be.

Billy: [Sighs] What you said at the hospital, I agree with. Okay, I have no right to be upset with you. I deserve anything that you want to throw at me. At the end of the day, all I care about is fixing this.

Victoria: So apologize to Ben.

Billy: [Chuckles] An-anything but that. All right, I admit it, okay? I was a little intense with the guy.

Victoria: A little?

Billy: It was a retaliation kiss. I get that. But he is a guy, I am a guy, and you're not supposed to let that happen.

Victoria: What is that, some kind of guy code?

Billy: Yeah! I-I guess. Yeah.

Victoria: Is that supposed to be some sort of defense for your atrocious behavior?

Billy: No. Absolutely not, all right? I don't have a defense for calling him out like that.

Victoria: Thank you.

Billy: All I'm saying is... Stitch did not push you away when you kissed him, did he? I mean, he's not an idiot, and you're...incredible. I just want to make sure that he didn't get the wrong idea about you.

Victoria: Okay, listen. My only interest in Ben at that point was to hurt you.

Billy: Yeah, yeah, so you say, but...are you sure this isn't about wanting Stitch?

Victoria: [Chuckles] Are you sure this isn't about wanting Kelly?

Jack: I do know that grief causes us to act recklessly, to make mistakes. Obviously, that's what happened with Billy.

Kelly: Well, he wasn't the only one.

Jack: You said I'm an honest, decent guy. I don't know that I always was. I just want you to know I don't hold you solely responsible for what happened.

Kelly: Well, thank you. I appreciate that.

Jack: As long as you understand that Billy and Victoria are putting their relationship back together.

Kelly: I got it. I think I got it. Got it in here. Well, I've wasted way too much of your time. But before I forget, let me give you this. It's the folder for the Delia project. If you would ever be so kind and give that to your brother...

Jack: I'd be happy to. And I hope you find a healthy way to bring some peace back into your life.

Kelly: I'm sure I will. Thanks for the water. Oh, and Jack? I still think you're a decent guy.

Victor: Noah. Secretary told me you might be here. I've been meaning to set up a meeting with you.

Noah: Oh? About what?

Victor: To raise your visibility in the company, make you a spokesman for Newman-Chancellor. How's that?

Noah: You want to promote me?

Victor: You bet.

Noah: Well, I appreciate your confidence in me, Grandpa, but before I can...promote who we are and what we stand for, I need to know exactly what that is.

Victor: You're talking about our company's involvement with Bonaventure's distribution of illegal drugs?

Noah: I'm talking about your involvement. Did you know that this untested, unregulated drug was being sold out of a Mexican website?

Victor: What do you think?

Nick: So, that's the long way of telling you that I was saying to Noah how great you're doing.

Sharon: Well, I'm feeling really good. I had a really great session with Dr. Mead.

Nick: Excellent.

Sharon: Mm-hmm. And I'm happy to report I have had no visions of Cassie since starting the new meds.

Nick: So, no visions?

Sharon: Nope. No visions. None at all. No Cassie. No Janis Joplin, either, or Eleanor Roosevelt -- nothing. I feel good.

Nick: Well, you look good. You look real good.

Sharon: Hey, if the waiter comes by, um, I want a Cobb salad.

Nick: Switch out the goat cheese with the bleu cheese, add extra avocado.

Sharon: Yes. I'm gonna go say hi to Chelsea. I'll be right back.

Nick: Okay.

Sharon: Hi, Chelsea. I haven't seen you around lately.

Chelsea: I'm meeting Lily. She's planning some kind of fashion show here.

Sharon: Well, it's nice to know that you feel well enough to work. How's Connor?

Chelsea: Fine.

Sharon: Um, you know, he's young, so...dealing with a loss -- it's a lot easier for them than it is for us. Are you still imagining that Adam is alive?

Chelsea: I'm not imagining anything.

Sharon: Okay, sorry. I-I didn't mean to offend. I just -- believe me, if anyone understands, it's me. I mean, even after all these years, sometimes Cassie seems so real.

Chelsea: Don't compare what we're dealing with, Sharon. Adam's not dead, and I'm not crazy.

Noah: I asked you a question, and you responded with another question. Can you give me a straight answer, please?

Victor: Have a seat, Son. I had no knowledge of our subsidiary's alleged illegal activity, all right? Being investigated does not constitute proof of wrongdoing, Son, no matter what the press or anyone else may imply.

Noah: The FDA doesn't just go after companies for no reason. Do you think they invented the charges?

Victor: Didn't you look at Bonaventure's files? Did you find anything suspicious?

Noah: No.

Victor: Exactly. I was being set up.

Noah: By whom?

Victor: I have very strong suspicions about that, okay? But calm your feelings about that. I shall cooperate with the FDA. I shall answer all of their questions honestly.

Noah: And what about my questions? Will you answer them honestly?

Victor: I think I have.

Noah: I understand that you covered for Adam after you found out that he was the hit-and-run driver.

Victor: That's not a question.

Noah: No. Um... are you sorry for what happened, for the pain that your -- your actions caused?

Victor: Noah, I'm always sorry for the pain I cause with my decisions, but would I make that decision again? Yes.

Noah: It doesn't sit real well with me that you made a deal with Adam to get closer to his kid while Aunt Vicki and Billy and Kevin and Chloe and a whole lot of other people went on suffering.

Victor: Is that what you think happened?

Noah: Isn't it? I just want to know one thing, Grandpa -- if you -- if you had to do it over, would you do the same thing?

Victor: I'm stunned you're asking me all these questions. And to answer yours -- yes, I would do the same thing. Because one thing you must remember -- family is more important to me than anything else in my life. Do you understand that? I didn't want to lose my grandson.

Noah: Sure, Grandpa. I understand perfectly. You're not sorry at all.

Victor: No. Listen, once you make a decision, no matter what people think, no matter how unpopular it may be, you've got to stick by it, okay?

Noah: I agree. Yeah. After talking to you today, I, uh -- I made a decision of my own. I can't work for you anymore. I quit.

Victor: I think you're making a big mistake, Son.

Sharon: I really don't appreciate you calling me crazy. You know, I'm just trying to say that I understand what you're going through.

Chelsea: No, Sharon. You don't. And furthermore, we're not friends. We never were. Maybe we shared a bonding moment when Adam first disappeared, but the truth of the matter is if you hadn't tried to steal him from me in the first place, we'd still be married and none of this would have happened.

Nick: All right, Chelsea, just -- that's enough, all right? You're being irrational. Sharon's trying to be nice.

Chelsea: Well, stop trying.

Sharon: I will. No problem. Okay.

Nick: You all right?

Sharon: Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know what all that was about, but I don't really care. I'm not gonna take it personally. What?

Nick: Well, I was just thinking that not that long ago, you would have taken this personally. You would have been shaking, maybe crying by now. But just now, you reminded me of that feisty girl from Madison, the one I met back in high school.

Sharon: Funny -- I was just telling someone earlier that once you've really cared for someone, you can always find a reminder of why.

Billy: Look, I don't want to waste time talking about Kelly or Stitch. I want to focus on us -- our relationship. [Chuckles] Look how angry we both are. I mean, that's got to be a sign that we still love each other. Look, I thought we were getting back to a good place before I overreacted and messed things up. I mean, you said yourself that things aren't so broken that we can't fix them. If that's true, then we need to focus on things that will make our marriage stronger so that no one and nothing will be able to tear us apart.

Victoria: That's gonna take some time.

Billy: [Chuckles] Hey, I got the time. I'm not going anywhere. I can't even leave the house without a chandelier hitting me in the head or falling off a cliff or something. I'm staying right here next to you.

Victoria: [Sighs] Billy, it's gonna take a little while for me to get past this hurt, all right?

Billy: I know.

Victoria: But I'm willing to try.

Billy: We focus on the prize and we will get through this. Okay? We will. I'm gonna go grab a shower.

[Cell phone ringing]

Victoria: Uh, Billy?

[Cell phone rings]

Chelsea: Hello?

Victor: Get me whatever records of Adam's you can get your hands on, okay -- medical, financial, any kind of correspondence, anything that would help us identify him.

Chelsea: You're going to do it? You're going to find him?

Victor: Get it all to me as soon as possible, then we'll go from there.

Stitch: Hey. How you doing?

Kelly: Exceptional.

Stitch: I know what day it is today, Kelly.

Kelly: It's Friday. Well, good for you. Now we can move up to shapes and numbers and maybe you can get to ABC's, Ben.

Stitch: It's Sam's birthday. It popped up as a reminder on my phone. I'm sorry.

Kelly: I miss him.

Stitch: Of course, you do.

Kelly: I'm doing a lot better than I did last year. Look at me -- I got out of bed. And I was actually productive. I cleaned up a mess that I made.

Stitch: Good for you. I hope I haven't created a bigger one.


Kelly: Hey, Billy. It's me. I wanted to let you know I'm off the Delia project. I figured that would be best for everyone. I also wanted to thank you for yesterday -- for meeting me in the park -- it was great -- and for leaving me with hope for the future. I hope you're doing well. Bye.

Billy: Oh, that shower felt great. Man, I am starving. I could eat a proverbial horse. You know what?

Victoria: Get out.

Sharon: Thanks again.

Nick: For lunch?

Sharon: Well, yeah, that and protecting me against the wrath of Chelsea.

Nick: Yeah, that was, uh -- that was uncalled-for. She had no reason to attack you like that.

Sharon: You know, I feel for her -- losing the love of her life. Regardless of how Chelsea feels about me, I-I do understand what she's going through.

Nick: You haven't lost your sense of compassion. That's easy to do when you're dealing with issues of your own.

Sharon: You know me.

Nick: I sure do.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jack: Kelly came here to see me.

Abby: Ah, is she after you, too?

Cassie: I wonder how your son would feel about our little arrangement.

Victor: You better not go down that road.

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