Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/5/14
Episode # 10363 ~ Colin & Jill go on an unexpected journey; Chloe has a moment with Kevin.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
[Static crackles]
[Swing music plays]
Colin: Would you like to dance?
Jill: Ah, no, thank you.
Colin: Come on. You don't know what you're missing.
Jill: Ah, but I do know what I'm missing, and I don't miss it.
Colin: All right. What are you doing? I mean, playing records isn't gonna help us connect Rachel Berenson to Katherine's father.
Jill: Colin, I think we need to step into Shep's shoes, okay? And this music might get us in the mood.
Colin: All right, well, I'm in the mood.
Jill: No, I am serious. We need to know what makes the man tick -- what he's thinking, what he's feeling.
Colin: I know what he's thinking, and I know what he's feeling.
Jill: Oh, my good Lord. You are so crazy. [Sighs] [Chuckles] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa.
Lauren: Whoa, sis. What's going on here, hmm?
Jill: [Sighing] Mm.
Avery: Hey. I just got out of court. I was hoping you could sneak away and join me for lunch.
Dylan: Ah, I thought you'd be busy working on Ian's defense.
Avery: Why would you think that?
Dylan: 'Cause I was at the police station this morning, and Ian hired your law partner to represent him.
Avery: He hired Leslie?
Dylan: You didn't know?
Avery: No, I didn't know. I would have told you if I did.
Dylan: Now that you do...
Avery: Well, I'm not happy about it, but I can't dictate who Leslie picks to represent.
Dylan: [Sighs] I just wish Ian didn't have somebody as good as Leslie defending him.
Avery: Yeah, me, too.
Dylan: Because he can get off. After everything this guy has done, Ian Ward could go free.
Michael: Wearing out the floor isn't gonna make Chloe's psych evaluation go any faster.
Kevin: How long does it take to see that she's not dangerous?
Michael: Kidnapping is considered a violent crime.
Kevin: Everybody knows that she never would have hurt Connor.
Michael: Well, the only person whose opinion really matters is the court-appointed psychiatrist.
Kevin: You told her that she had nothing to worry about -- that all she had to do was answer the shrink's questions, and everything would be fine.
Michael: The psychiatrist's evaluation is gonna have a huge impact on the judge's verdict. I wanted Chloe to be calm and relaxed for that evaluation.
Kevin: So you told her what she needed to hear?
Michael: I thought it would be best.
Kevin: And what if it doesn't work? What if the doctor doesn't give her a good report?
Michael: Then Chloe could be found guilty.
Kevin: Okay, and then what?
Michael: Then hopefully she's sent to Fairview.
Chloe: You think I belong in a mental hospital?
Lauren: I let myself in. Obviously, you didn't hear the bell.
Jill: It, uh -- it was this music.
Lauren: Oh, you don't need to explain. Please. I just came in to check on Esther -- I'll go find her.
Jill: Lauren, wait, wait, wait, wait. Esther's lying down. She's having a very, very hard time with everything that's happening to Chloe.
Lauren: Yeah, I'm sure. Well, Kevin wanted me to check on her, and he and Michael are down at the station with Chloe.
Jill: It just never ends -- this fallout from Delia's death.
Lauren: I know, and not just Chloe. Kevin is hurting so much.
Jill: [Sighs] And Billy...and Victoria. And I just wonder if Adam realized how many lives he destroyed that night.
Chelsea: You miss your daddy, don't you? Hmm? So do I...
Connor: [Babbles]
Chelsea: ...In spite of everything. But know what?
Connor: [Fusses]
Chelsea: I have a secret for you. I think he's gonna come home to us. No matter what everybody else says, I think -- I think before we know it, he's just gonna walk through that door.
[Doorbell rings]
Chelsea: Adam? Mom.
Chelsea: What are you doing here?
Anita: Well, I came to check on you and my grandson. I've been worried sick about you, and now I can see I was right to be concerned. You look terrible.
Chelsea: [Scoffs] Well, thanks. I haven't had much time for makeup and hair blowouts.
Anita: Well, okay. Why don't you go down to the salon, and I'll -- I'll look after Connor?
Chelsea: No, thanks. Last time I left you alone with my son, I had to fly to Paris to get him back.
Anita: You know what they call this? Misplaced anger. I read a book about it.
Chelsea: You read a book?
Anita: Yes. Well, I saw it on television. I saw it -- I saw the author. But anyway, the thing is that you're angry with Chloe, but you're taking it out on me, and it's all right. I can handle it. It's just I can't wait till they lock her up so she can never hurt you or my little grandson again. And that shouldn't be a problem once you testify against her.
Chelsea: Oh, no. I'm not doing that.
Anita: What?
Chelsea: No, I'm not gonna be held responsible for throwing my best friend in prison, mom.
Anita: She kidnapped your child. She took him out of the country. You know what? Thank God for Victor and having the resources to track her down. It was terrible. If he didn't have those private planes and private investigators, who knows what would have happened? I mean, thank God you have all that at your disposal, because next time the next nut job gets your kid and takes him out --
Chelsea: Mom, Mom, Mom. Chloe is not a "Nut job," okay? She's grieving.
Anita: Oh, no. That's no excuse.
Chelsea: My husband killed her daughter. Our son was the beneficiary of her little girl's death. I think we could show her a little bit of forgiveness.
Anita: I feel bad for Chloe. I do. But Connor has to be your first priority. I told you that Chloe was getting too close to him. If you would have listened --
Chelsea: If you thought that Chloe was such a huge threat to Connor, why did you leave her here alone with him?
Anita: Because she said --
Chelsea: If you hadn't done that, none of this would have happened! Connor wouldn't have been kidnapped, and Chloe wouldn't be in trouble.
Anita: [Sighs]
Chloe: Do you think I belong in Fairview?
Kevin: Of course he doesn't.
Michael: Give us a moment, please?
Kevin: What the hell is wrong with you? Saying you think she should be in a mental hospital?
Chloe: Well, he obviously thinks that I'm crazy.
Michael: No, that is not at all what I'm saying. What I am saying is that I think you may -- well, you could use some help.
Kevin: Fine, then we'll get it for her...here in Genoa City, where I can look after her.
Michael: Both of you need to listen to me. Chloe has been charged with a very serious crime. I am going to do my damnedest to prove to the judge that there were extenuating circumstances surrounding Connor's kidnapping, but, Chloe, you still could be found guilty.
Chloe: So I could still do time.
Michael: And in that case, I think we can all agree that we would prefer it be in a hospital, rather than a prison.
Kevin: You're acting like those are the only two options. I convinced her to plead not guilty because I thought you could get her off.
Chloe: Kevin, I knew it was a long shot.
Kevin: Well, then you have to do something to improve the odds.
Chloe: Listen, I appreciate everything that you're doing. I-I really do.
Michael: No, wait. What? No. What are you doing? No. Do not give up.
Chloe: Well, I-I'm not. I'm just saying that I'm not gonna blame you if things don't turn out the way that we hope.
Michael: They're gonna take her back to lockup soon, and she's gonna have to stay there until the trial.
Kevin: How long is that gonna be?
Michael: They haven't given me a date yet.
Kevin: [Scoffs] So she's just gonna have to wait in jail for God knows how long?
Michael: She has no choice. Bail was denied.
Kevin: You said you were gonna talk to someone about that.
Michael: I have a call in to Judge Warner. Listen, Chloe's already left the country once, and that -- that makes you a clear flight risk.
Kevin: Then take her passport or put one of those ankle monitors on her.
Michael: Even if I can get the judge to grant bail, he could set it prohibitively high.
Kevin: Fine, I'll put up my car, my house -- I don't care. Whatever it takes.
Chloe: Kevin, you can't do that.
Kevin: Look, I just got you back -- I'm not losing you again, all right?
Avery: Thank you. Look, I want to see Ian go to prison as much as you do, but everyone is entitled to a defense.
Dylan: Yeah, yeah, due process and all that bull. But what about Nikki and Summer and all the other women Ian's preyed on? They don't -- they don't deserve justice?
Avery: Yes, they do, and hopefully the legal system will give it to them, no matter how well Leslie --
Dylan: Why would she defend that scum anyway?
Avery: I don't know. I don't know. But Leslie and I made an agreement when we partnered together we would not interfere with each other's professional choices.
Dylan: It drives me nuts. It makes me sick to think that this guy can receive a lighter sentence or get off altogether.
Avery: Okay, even if that were to happen, he's been exposed now. You've all made it clear he can't hurt you now, and you get on with your lives.
Dylan: Yeah, you make it sound so simple.
Avery: I know none of this has been easy for you.
Dylan: Yeah, sometimes I wish I could go back to the way things were before I knew any of this.
Avery: I don't believe that. You wouldn't be happy living a lie.
Dylan: Knowing the truth hasn't exactly been a party.
Avery: No, the truth has changed everything, and it's changed you and, I think, for the better.
Lauren: What's all this?
Jill: Oh, these are some of the things from --
Colin: Well, uh, Esther dug this stuff out of the attic. Um, we decided we were gonna go through it all, uh, to see if there's anything valuable here before donating it to charity.
Lauren: And why would she ask you to go through Katherine's stuff?
Jill: God.
Colin: Because I'm Jill's husband.
Jill: Colin, stop it. You don't have to lie to Lauren. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have started on this whole journey in the first place.
Lauren: What journey?
Jill: The journey to discovering the mystery of that ridiculous music box that Katherine left me.
Lauren: I thought you let that go.
Jill: Well, I had let it go, you know, but then this one finds a-a card in the box with a name scrawled on it -- Rachel Berenson.
Lauren: Hmm.
Jill: And we believe that she might have something to do with the mystery.
Lauren: Who is she?
Jill: Well, so far, all we've been able to find out is that she was connected to Katherine's father, Walter Shepherd.
Lauren: Shep?
Jill: Yes. Apparently, they knew each other during the war years. You know, we've been reading all these journals, and it looks like Rachel and Shep were romantically...connected.
Lauren: Oh. So, you mean the details of their affair are in one of these books?
Jill: [Chuckles]
Lauren: Hmm, that should make for some very interesting reading.
Colin: Why did you have to tell her that? I mean, the more people that know about this -- well, you know, our piece of the pie gets smaller.
Jill: Oh, my Lord. Because, unlike you, she's my sister, okay? She's not interested in the money. She wants to solve the mystery for my sake.
Lauren: Oh, right here. Shep talks about "R."
Jill: Ohh, let me see.
[Cell phone beeps]
Lauren: Oh, excuse me. [Sighs] Michael needs me to come back to the station. I'm so sorry I can't stay and help you.
Jill: No, no, no. You've already been a big help. And please let me know how Chloe is?
Lauren: Yeah, I will. And please tell Esther I'll come back to check on her.
Jill: I will.
Lauren: Bye.
Jill: Wow. [Chuckles]
Colin: Well, what's it say?
Jill: Well, now I know how Shep met Rachel.
Avery: I know how hard it was finding out that Penny and Terry weren't your biological parents, but you wouldn't have wanted Nikki to keep the truth from you.
Dylan: No, but I should have left it at that. Nikki warned me not to go looking for Ian, and it brought up all this bad stuff for her.
Avery: Wait a minute. No, I think seeing Ian helped Nikki more than it hurt her.
Dylan: How do you figure that?
Avery: Because she was able to stand up to him and tell him what she thought about him -- what he did to her. I mean, it finally allowed her to -- to let go of all of this -- this shame and guilt that she's been carrying around for years.
Dylan: I hope you're right.
Avery: And that's not the only good thing that happened.
Dylan: Ian was arrested.
Avery: Well, yes, but you and Nick...
Dylan: Ohh.
Avery: ...Worked together as brothers defending their mother.
Dylan: Don't go planning any family get-togethers just yet.
Avery: Well, I wouldn't dream of it, but you have to admit the two of you are in a better place than you were a few months ago.
Dylan: Well, whatever...if you say so.
Avery: And what about us? We're in a better place, and that's the best part of all of this, and don't you even think about arguing with me.
Dylan: I wouldn't dream of it.
Avery: What do you dream about?
Dylan: This.
Kevin: Mikey's gonna find a way to get you bail.
Chloe: But even if he does, it -- it'll just be a temporary reprieve.
Kevin: Hey, we're not gonna let the judge take you away.
Chloe: Kevin, I kidnapped a baby, and I left the country.
Kevin: You were confused. You didn't know what you were doing.
Chloe: I knew exactly what I was doing.
Kevin: Shh! Keep your voice down.
Chloe: But it's the truth. I took Connor because I wanted to be closer to Delia -- I mean, whatever was left of her. And I know that sounds crazy.
Kevin: No, it doesn't. You're grieving, Chloe. That's all.
Chloe: Kevin, it doesn't give me the right to abduct another woman's child and scare her half to death.
Kevin: You were never gonna hurt him.
Chloe: [Sighs] It just -- just doesn't give me the right. I was irrational. I mean, I was crazy. Maybe Michael's right. Maybe I do belong in a mental hospital.
Anita: You're right. I shouldn't have left Connor with Chloe. Maybe if I had better maternal instincts, I would have realized she had a screw loose.
Chelsea: I don't want to rehash your shortcomings as a mother.
Anita: Lord knows we don't have time for that. But I do want to do better with Connor than I did with you.
Chelsea: Because you want a piece of his trust fund.
Anita: Because I love him and you, and maybe I don't always show it, but that doesn't mean it isn't true, Honey. And maybe -- maybe I am being hard on Chloe, but it's because of this little guy here. I mean, if something would have happened to him...
Chelsea: Nothing's gonna happen to him.
Anita: But it almost did, and it was because of my poor judgment. But I promise you, nothing like that is ever gonna happen again. I swear.
Chelsea: What do you want me to say? "I believe you"?
Anita: Yes.
Chelsea: Okay, I believe you.
Anita: Okay. Then why don't -- why don't you get some rest, Honey, and I'll watch Connor? And you just go upstairs.
Chelsea: I'm not -- I'm not tired.
Anita: You passed "Tired" a week ago. You are a walking zombie.
Chelsea: I'm fine.
Anita: After all you went through with Adam and now Chloe? [Sighs] It's a lot to deal with, Baby.
Chelsea: And you know what? I'm dealing with it, okay?
Anita: No. You're not. Trust me. You're in shock or suffering from some kind of mental exhaustion.
Chelsea: [Scoffs] That's crazy.
Anita: Then why else would you think it was Adam at the door?
Michael: Yes, your honor, I understand. Thank you.
Lauren: Uh-oh. That didn't sound good.
Michael: Well, I was trying to convince Judge Warner to grant Chloe bail.
Lauren: And he won't?
Michael: You know, it's hard to claim that your client is not a flight risk when she's recently skipped town with somebody else's passport.
Lauren: I am sure you're doing everything you can to help her.
Michael: I think Kevin would disagree with you.
Lauren: Oh, Honey, he's just worried about Chloe.
Michael: Oh. Well, I guess that explains why he went off on me for even suggesting that Chloe might benefit from some time at Fairview.
Lauren: Do you really believe that?
Michael: I'd rather it be there than the state women's prison.
Lauren: Oh, my God. I-I didn't realize we were down to that.
Michael: Look... [Sighs] ...The judge's decision is gonna be based on whatever the court-appointed psychiatrist says.
Lauren: All right. All right, so give me the best-case scenario.
Michael: He determines that Chloe was momentarily caught up in her own grief and is no longer a threat to Connor, but even if that's the case, he still could recommend intensive therapy.
Lauren: Okay, but that could be done outpatient, right?
Michael: Or at Fairview.
Lauren: How do you think she's gonna feel about that?
Michael: I'm more concerned about how Kevin is gonna handle it.
Kevin: You are not crazy, Chloe.
Chloe: I took Connor -- not for a ride, not for a stroll in the park. I took him to Paris, Kevin. What do you call that?
Kevin: I already told you -- grief -- complete, utter, all-consuming grief. And I've felt it, too.
Chloe: You didn't do what I did.
Kevin: Well, don't think for a second that I haven't felt and thought the way you have. When I found out it was Adam who hit Delia, I wanted to kill him. Had it not been for the accident, I would have.
Chloe: I'm so sorry.
Kevin: What are you sorry for?
Chloe: Not seeing sooner that you missed her, too.
Kevin: Well, I've been trying to be strong for you.
Chloe: You were. [Sighs] And you tried to help me for so many months, and I just kept on pushing you away.
Kevin: All right, well, let me help you now. Okay?
Dylan: What?
Avery: I just can't believe we're sitting here, having coffee like a normal couple.
Dylan: [Chuckles] You know, normal couples don't spend as much time as we do talking about how great it is to be a normal couple.
Avery: I know.
Dylan: What?
Avery: [Sighs] It just feels good not to have to sneak around, not to have to lie anymore.
Dylan: I know. I know that was hard for you, being married.
Avery: I should have told Joe the truth. You know, when I was pregnant, I was going to, and then...
Dylan: We lost -- lost the baby.
Avery: ...We lost the baby, and I thought that that was God's way of punishing me for cheating on my husband.
Dylan: No, I don't think it works that way.
Avery: I know, but I felt that I had to make things right, and that's why I didn't leave him.
Dylan: You know, you don't have to explain to me...
Avery: I want to explain it to you, because we've never had this conversation. I should have never gone back to Joe. It wasn't fair to him. It wasn't fair to you. And when the truth came out, my marriage fell apart anyway, and you had already gone back to Afghanistan, and I thought that...a life with you wasn't ever gonna happen, and...
Dylan: And...here we are... now -- a normal couple. And now we don't have to hide the fact that we're in a relationship. What do you want to do?
Avery: I want to do a million things. But there is something that I want to do with you first.
Colin: I read that "R" entry, and I'm not sure that that's Rachel. I mean, it reads more like a-a Robert or a Reggie or a Ralphie.
Jill: No, no, no, no, no. The pronoun was "She." It's a woman.
Colin: Okay, then, well, how about, uh, Rita, Rapunzel --
Jill: For God's sake, no. I will tell you what I think. I think that this "R" was a civilian, and she was doing her bit to aid in the war effort.
Colin: What makes you say that?
Jill: Because of this entry right here. All right, Shep writes, "Intercepted a message from enemy forces today. Grateful to 'R' for her help in translating it."
Colin: Uh...I'm not convinced that this "R" is, in fact, Rachel. I mean, this reads -- this reads more like a woman helping the man that she loves. I mean, come on. What could be more romantic than a wartime love affair?
Jill: [Chuckles dryly] Yeah, especially when you have a wife and kid at home, huh?
Colin: When did you become such a cynic?
Jill: Gee, I don't know, Colin. Maybe around the time you were arrested for money laundering and drug trafficking and attempted murder.
Colin: All charges that I was cleared of.
Jill: Mm.
Colin: But I-I forgive you for turning me in.
Jill: Oh, you forgive me?
Colin: Yeah. Come on, generous to a fault.
Jill: Listen. Let's get one thing straight, okay? I am the injured party here -- not you. You lied to me from the moment we met.
Colin: Not about everything. I never lied to you about loving you -- I still do. And it has nothing to do with money.
Jill: Blackmail me, get me involved in this asinine treasure hunt, and yet you expect me to believe that you're not interested in my money?
Colin: I never said I wasn't interested in the money. I simply said it had nothing to do with my feelings towards you.
Jill: "Feelings" of love?
Colin: Deep and abiding.
Jill: Like Shep and "R"?
Colin: Exactly.
Jill: Colin, Shep was a philanderer, okay? He was just using her to get information and probably for a cheap thrill.
Colin: Then why'd he hang on to the photograph?
Jill: [Sighs] I don't know -- a trophy, maybe?
Colin: A reminder of a lost love.
Jill: Oh, really? Well, let me see if I can find this. Okay. "'R' left today. Don't know if I'll ever see her again." Boy, doesn't he sound broken up?
Colin: "September 1938." Europe's on the verge of war. Now, Shep -- he'd been gathering intelligence for the allies for quite awhile, so he must have been thinking to himself, "Well, the problems of a couple of star struck lovers are inconsequential at this moment."
Jill: Oh, please. You think I never saw "Casablanca"?
Colin: Here's a man who put aside his feelings for the greater good. Can you imagine how he must have felt?
[Jill and Colin imagining]
Shep: Our location's been compromised.
Rachel: What? How?
Shep: I don't know. Let's, uh, destroy all our files before they fall into the wrong hands.
Rachel: All right. [Gasps] Wait, wait. Hold it right there. Put your hands where I can see them. Take the papers and go.
Shep: Wait a minute.
Rachel: Just do it! Do it! I'll watch that they don't follow you. [Panting]
[Back to present]
[Door closes]
Colin: No way. He would never leave the woman he loved without saying goodbye.
Jill: He was following orders. Besides, she had the situation well in control.
Colin: He wouldn't leave Rachel without saying goodbye.
Jill: There wasn't time.
Colin: What if Humphrey Bogart had said that to Ingrid Bergman?
Jill: This wasn't a movie, okay? This was real. These people's lives were on the line.
Colin: Exactly. And that's why they would have taken the time to say goodbye. They didn't know whether they were ever gonna see each other again.
Anita: I know how much you loved Adam.
Chelsea: Love, Mom.
Anita: And, of course, those feelings don't go away in a -- in a week, but -- but he has.
Chelsea: For now.
Anita: Forever.
Chelsea: No!
Anita: Chelsea, he's gone. You have to accept that.
Chelsea: You don't know that! Nobody can prove that Adam's dead.
Anita: I scoured the newspapers and every internet account of what happened the day of the car accident. I even went down to the police station and talked to that sexy detective -- Chavez. Adam was trapped in the wreckage when the car went over the cliff and exploded. Honey, there's no way he could have survived. You have to accept that.
Chelsea: Nobody has been able to show me a body, so until they do, I refuse to believe that he's dead.
Anita: Okay, if he's alive, then -- then where is he?
Chelsea: I don't know. Maybe he's hurt. Maybe -- maybe he can't come home for some reason. But he isn't dead. I know it. He's out there...somewhere.
Anita: Honey, how long are you gonna believe that the next time the doorbell rings, it's Adam? Six months? A year? Two years?
Chelsea: I hadn't really thought about it.
Anita: Well, you need to -- not only for your sake, but for -- for Connor's. You need to think about your son.
Chelsea: I am thinking about my son, Mom, and I'm not gonna tell him his daddy is dead unless I have some proof.
Anita: Okay, if Adam was alive, don't you think he would move heaven and earth to be with you and his son? But he's not.
Chelsea: Would you stop this?! Stop trying to convince me that Adam is dead! I'm not gonna give up, Mom.
Anita: I just hate to see you set yourself up for disappointment.
Chelsea: Well, you know what? Thanks to you, I'm used to being let down. Adam is not gonna disappoint me, so if you don't mind, it's time for you to go.
Anita: All right, I'll go. But if you need anything, call me.
Chelsea: Okay, I won't.
Lauren: [Sighs] I don't know how much more either of them can take.
Michael: Losing Delia has been a real blow to them.
Lauren: Yeah. [Sighs] And now they could lose each other. I wish there was something more that we could do.
[Cell phone rings]
Lauren: Sorry, Honey. Hold on. Hello? Yes, this is Lauren Fenmore. Oh, my God, I completely forgot. Listen, I'm in the middle of a family emergency, and I'm gonna have to cancel. Yeah, I'm -- I'm so sorry. Thank you. Thank you. I really appreciate it.
Michael: Problem?
Lauren: Actually, I booked us a romantic getaway at the spa at the lake, but, you know, I-I felt like you and I needed some time alone. After everything that happened with Fen... but, obviously, you know, we can't go.
Michael: No. They're the reason we should go.
Lauren: What?
Michael: Chloe had no way of knowing that the night of Delia's play was the last night she'd ever see her daughter alive. [Sighs] We could not imagine that our lives would spin out of control the way they did -- that we'd lose so much time with Fenmore. You know, it's made me realize you can't put things off. You have to seize the moment now.
Lauren: You're right. You know, I felt the same way when Womack had us all at gunpoint. I thought, am I ever gonna see you or Fen ever again? Cane got shot, and...
Michael: Well, fortunately, Womack was the only one who didn't make it out alive.
Lauren: That's right. Thanks to Colin.
Jill: You have absolutely no idea what Shep would do in that situation.
Colin: I understand people like Katherine's father.
Jill: Men who cheat?
Colin: No, men who fall in love with women that they're not meant to.
Jill: I hope you don't think I'm gonna fall for that smarmy Australian charm of yours a second time.
Colin: I thought we were talking about Shep and Rachel.
Jill: Oh. Yes, I told you what I thought happened to them.
Colin: Yes, you did. But I think it went down quite differently.
[Colin imagining]
Shep: Our location's been compromised.
Rachel: What? How?
Shep: I don't know. Destroy all the files before they fall into the wrong hands.
[Pounding on door]
Rachel: They're here! What do we do?
Shep: Under.
[Back to present]
Jill: Cowering under a desk? Real heroic.
Colin: Better than leaving you to face the enemy alone. Besides, I think Shep had calculated the odds.
Jill: "Calculated the odds"?
Colin: Mm. He knew he only had one bullet in his gun. He figured there's at least two people outside, so rather than make a stand and get them all killed, he wanted to spend his last moments telling Rachel how he felt.
Jill: Scared, probably.
[Colin imaging]
Rachel: [Crying]
Shep: Hey. Whatever happens, I promise... I will always love you.
Rachel: Oh, Shep.
[Door opens]
Rachel: No! No! No! No! Don't forget your promise!
[Back to present]
Jill: So, what happened?
Colin: They never saw each other again.
Jill: Never saw -- oh, my God, that's a terrible ending!
Colin: I disagree. Shep's last words to Rachel were that he loved her. What could be more romantic than that?
Dylan: All right, you -- you said there's something that you've always wanted to do.
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Dylan: So, what -- what is it?
Avery: We're doing it.
Dylan: Uh... [Chuckles] What? What do you mean? We're walking through the park.
Avery: Yes, well, when I was married, we always had to hide, and all I wanted to ever do was walk with you, holding your hands [Smooches] Like this.
Dylan: Wow.
Avery: Yeah.
Dylan: Well, if that makes you happy, I mean, this is gonna be a piece of cake.
Avery: Oh, well, hold on, Tiger. I'm still gonna need, you know, the occasional flowers sent to my office...
Dylan: Okay.
Avery: ...And, uh, romantic dinners...
Dylan: Yeah.
Avery: ...And those amazing foot rubs that you give me.
Dylan: Foot rubs?
Avery: Mm-hmm.
Dylan: In public?
Avery: No, those we can do in private.
Dylan: I think I can handle that.
Avery: And what about you? Wasn't there something that you wanted us to do that we never could?
Dylan: Actually, there is one thing I've always wanted to do.
Avery: Really?
Dylan: Yeah. I'm just not sure how you're gonna feel about me doing it in public.
Avery: Well, throw caution to the wind, Dylan.
Dylan: Now, don't say I didn't warn you.
Avery: Okay. Dylan?
Dylan: I love Avery Clark!
Avery: [Chuckling] Dylan!
Dylan: Can everybody out there hear me that I love this woman?!
Avery: Get down.
Dylan: Get -- no, you get up here.
Avery: Ohh!
Dylan: Ohh!
Avery: [Chuckles nervously]
Dylan: I'm not gonna be quiet until everybody in the world knows...that I love you.
Avery: I love you.
[Both chuckle]
Avery: Okay.
Dylan: Wait, wait, wait. What are you doing?
Avery: Um, everyone's watching us.
Dylan: Yeah, that's, uh -- that's the idea.
Avery: [Chuckles nervously]
[Applause stops]
Avery: Since when? You always fly under the radar.
Dylan: This is a new me, okay? No more hiding.
Avery: Really?
Dylan: Yeah.
Avery: I think I like the new you.
Dylan: Me, too. I could get used to "Normal."
Avery: Well, you know, normal couples, Dylan, don't usually get standing ovations when they kiss.
Dylan: How about happy ones?
Avery: Happy. That sounds even better.
Avery: [Chuckles]
Colin: Hmm. Ohh.
Jill: Oh!
Colin: I'm sorry. Let me help. [Sighs] [Sighs] No matter what happens... I'll always love you.
Jill: Oh, Colin. [Gasps] Ugh! You manipulative rat-bastard! You -- you orchestrated this whole thing.
Colin: [Chuckles] I didn't drop the papers.
Jill: You took advantage of this.
Colin: I saw an opportunity that presented itself, and I didn't know whether it might be my last.
Jill: You and I are not Shep and Rachel, okay? Now, get back to work, because the sooner we get this damn mystery solved the sooner I can get out of this sham of a marriage and get you out of my life!
Colin: [Sighs]
Michael: Call them.
Lauren: The spa?
Michael: Yeah. Tell them we're coming.
Lauren: But, Honey, what about Chloe and Kevin?
Michael: They're a phone call away if they need us.
Lauren: Are you sure?
Michael: I lost sight of us once before. I don't want that to happen again.
Lauren: Neither do I.
Kevin: Oh, please, can we just have a few more minutes?
Chloe: No, I'll -- I'll be okay...just knowing that you're waiting for me.
Kevin: I'll be here.
Chloe: [Sighs]
Chelsea: Don't you listen to Grandma. Daddy's coming home. He knows how much you need him. He knows how much we both need him. Hmm? Ooh, yeah. Everybody keeps saying that we're better off without him, but they are wrong. They are just wrong, huh? And there are so many questions that only Daddy can answer.
Connor: [Coos]
Chelsea: Actually, maybe somebody else has some answers. Hi, it's Chelsea. I need to talk to you, Billy. It's about Adam.
[Door opens]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Cane: I just had a conversation with Victor Newman.
Lily: What'd he say?
Cane: He wants to give me my old job back.
Chelsea: I didn't invite you here for a playdate. I need a favor.
Victoria: I told him about the kiss, but I didn't tell him that you were my victim. Billy.
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