Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/18/14

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/18/14


Episode # 10352 ~ Victoria & Kelly butt heads; Ian continues to charm Summer; Chloe moves forward with her plan.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Akpene

Alex: I got a conference room full of the family members of the hostages. They want all their people out safe. So do we. So what I need right now is more on Womack. I need to know everybody that he has had contact with on the outside that he knew in prison. All criminal associates. And then I need someone to talk this guy down. Wife, girlfriend, kids. Hey, hey. Be careful. Let's not give Womack any reason to get himself shot or to shoot anybody else.

Paul: It's okay. Just take a breath...

Chelsea: [Exhales deeply]

Paul: ...And tell me about the doll.

Chelsea: And then, um, Lily pulled at the lights, and the diamonds just fell out. The guy then --

Paul: The guy. Womack -- Richard Womack?

Chelsea: Yeah. He's -- he's calm, but he's waving a guy around like it's no big deal, and he -- he's ordering the other guy around.

Paul: The one guarding the door?

Chelsea: Yeah. He's making sure that the door is locked, but he has a gun, too.

Victoria: You two -- you and Kelly. Is it true?

Billy: Vicki, I love you. I'm sorry.

Kelly: No, he doesn't know what he's saying.

Victoria: That doesn't mean that it's not true.

Kelly: He needs an ambulance and paramedics.

Victoria: I know that. I also know that he said he was sorry. Sorry for what?

Kelly: Billy, y-you have to stop talking.

Victoria: Maybe you should start talking, Kelly.

Kelly: Victoria --

Victoria: Did you sleep with my husband?

Kelly: Yes.

Victoria: [Scoffs]

[Doorbell rings]

Nikki: [Sighs] [Clears throat] Ian.

Ian: Did I wake you?

Nikki: Excuse me while I call security to have you removed from the property.

Ian: Don't be frightened of me, Nikki.

Nikki: I'm not some little girl that you can scare with a look or that oh-so-contrived tone of voice. You don't impress me, and you don't frighten me. There's nothing you can do to hurt me anymore.

Ian: What confidence. Impressive. But what a big ego you have.

Nikki: I beg your pardon.

Ian: Did you really think I came back here to Genoa City, after all these years, for you?

Nikki: [Gasps] [Exhales deeply]

Dylan: That was delicious.

Avery: Three servings -- that was enough?

Dylan: Maybe I just like watching you walk back and forth to the kitchen.

Avery: Ooh. You like what I'm not wearing?

Dylan: I do.

Avery: I love my necklace... and the box it came in.

Dylan: Made just for you.

Avery: Well, then, my compliments to the craftsman.

Colin: Let's all stay calm and we'll get out of here rich and in one piece.

Womack: Those cops outside that door want to take me out. This is your mess. And believe me when I say you will be the first to take a bullet for it.

Jill: You don't know who you're messing with. This man takes two-bit thugs like you out for breakfast.

Colin: Dear, I'm a good boy. I'm reformed now. Let's not upset the gentleman with the gun. Here. Have a glass of bubbly. Stay out of the line of fire.

Jill: Colin.

Colin: Ah, ta, ta, ta, ta. Look, if you wish, defend my honor, if it makes you feel better.

Womack: That's close enough.

Jack: My jet is being fueled as we speak. Once the flight manifest is filed, your home free. I think that shows an act of good faith on my part.

Jill: It does. Exactly. Okay? So you can let us all go -- now -- especially my son. At least let him go.

Jack: He needs medical attention.

Womack: Or I can just put him out of his misery. Relax, Mama. I've got no reason to shoot him.

Jill: You've got no reason to be holding us here.

Womack: Well, sure I do. Sounds like we've got a bit of a wait before this plane is ready. I hate waiting alone.

Jill: Let him go. Look, he just got released from the hospital, and now you've done what you've done to him. How much can one man take?

Victoria: Oh, my god. Your little coffee meetings. Yeah, your special, little understanding. And then you couldn't stand to be in the same room together, because you knew that I would put it together.

Kelly: No. It's not fear. It wasn't fear. It was guilt and shame. It was one terrible mistake -- just one. Victoria, Billy loves you so m--

Victoria: Don't you tell me how my husband feels.

Billy: [Groans]

Victoria: Get your hands off my husband, you tramp!

Summer: So, did you get nervous performing, because you looked totally natural, like it was your thing?

Faith: It was fun, but Delia liked plays the most.

Summer: I know. And we miss her. But you being brave and doing that play -- it's gonna help all sorts of kids, and you're gonna hear that a lot from Grandma and Grandpa and -- Dad and your mom about helping people and giving back, you know, because everybody deserves a chance to explore their dreams, okay?

Ian: Well said, my dear.

Summer: Hi, Mr. Darwin.

Ian: Hi. Hello. Well, don't let me interrupt your coffee klatch.

Faith: Coffee's bad for kids. Mine's cocoa.

Summer: Yeah, well, staying up this late is also bad for kids, but we're having a celebration.

Ian: Oh? What's the occasion?

Summer: Well, Faith gave an amazing performance tonight for a good cause.

Ian: You did? Wow! Talent and philanthropy -- that's a very special combination.

Faith: Grandma and Grandpa couldn't make it tonight.

Ian: Oh.

Summer: I know, but I took a million pictures, and auntie Victoria sent one to Grandma of you in your costume, and she's gonna have that up on the Newman wall of fame by the morning.

Avery: Are you hungry again?

Dylan: You just want me to watch you again.

Avery: Actually, I want to watch you. Go get dessert.

[Both laugh]

Dylan: [Smooches]

Avery: Or we could just stay here.

Dylan: Just where I want you. Best present ever.

Avery: No. Actually, I think -- where is it?

Dylan: Where is it?

Avery: I think -- this little number -- that's the best present.

Dylan: I got you, though, 'cause you thought the wood box was your present, didn't you?

Avery: Yeah, well, why not? It's beautiful, and it was made by these hands. [Smooches]

Dylan: And if it had been empty, you would have been fine with that.

Avery: I would have been fine, as long as it wasn't an engagement ring.

Dylan: What?! Wha-- uh, um, okay. Well, that's good to know.

Avery: No, that's not -- that's not what I meant. Actually.

Dylan: No, no. No, come on. I want to hear all about how the last thing in the world you wanted was an engagement ring. Please, explain.

Avery: That's not what I --

Dylan: What?

Avery: I, um -- couples.

Dylan: Mm-hmm.

Avery: They get engaged on Valentine's Day, right? It happens all the time. And I don't want to be a "happens all the time" kind of couple, so...

Dylan: So you were actually afraid that there might have been a ring lurking in the box and that would have been the worst thing in the world?

Avery: No, it wouldn't have been -- no, that's not what I'm saying.

Dylan: I get it. You're just not ready to talk about [Coughs] marriage right now, and that's -- that's okay. I mean, we're finally together without having to sneak around, and that's a huge deal.

Avery: That's a huge deal, and it's wonderful, and it's exciting.

Dylan: It is. And marriage to the right person can be, too.

Avery: I do think about it, you know?

Dylan: So do I. And it's a really nice thought.

Avery: Yes, it is.

Leslie: Okay.

Neil: Huh.

Leslie: This guy has been in before, okay? The last thing that Womack wants to do is go back to prison. So maybe if I tell him I'll represent him, find some way to make a deal...

Neil: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Make a deal?

Leslie: What, you think I can't do it?

Neil: I don't doubt that you -- you can do anything, except physically defend yourself against a man with a gun. Hey, come here. There are a lot of things that you can do. Being bulletproof -- it ain't one of them.

Leslie: Okay. Okay. Well, at least one of us is still thinking straight.

Neil: Yeah. It's times like this that put it all into perspective.

Jack: Billy, can you hear me?

Victoria: Oh, this is insane. Billy was supposed to be okay. He just got out of the hospital.

Jack: Yeah, unfortunately, Womack just got out of prison.

Kelly: Okay, we have to cover him, keep his body temp up.

Victoria: We? You want to throw yourself on top of him, keep him warm yourself? Why don't you get away from us?

Kelly: Victoria, you can hate me tomorrow. I wouldn't blame you. But right now we have to make sure that Billy doesn't go into shock. I have emergency-care training from being a teacher.

Jack: She's right, she's right. His color, his eyes -- his condition's only getting worse.

Kelly: Listen. I can't fix things between us. I'm sorry. But I can help your husband -- if you'll let me.

Victoria: Go ahead.

Kelly: We have to keep him warm. Get something to cover him.

Jack: I'll get some tablecloths, if I can.

Kelly: Thank you. Hey, Billy. I'm gonna check your pulse.

Victoria: He's gonna need more than blankets. Please, God, let him be okay.

Alex: The fact that they let out Chelsea Newman signals that Womack knows he has to deal.

Paul: Right, and he's getting desperate. He didn't expect this hostage situation, and he certainly didn't come with enough manpower. He thought he could get in and out with that doll.

Alex: Well, we already offered him a plane. Now what can we offer him to let those other guests out alive?

Jill: Look, my son isn't doing you any good in here, okay? Let him go! He needs medical attention -- now!

Hey, hostage ends up dead -- I'm not going down for murder.

Womack: Nobody's going down for anything. We'll figure a way out of this. Your job is to keep the people in line. Now, do your job.

[Telephone ringing]

Jill: Answer it! Go ahead! Answer it! Tell them Billy Abbott needs medical attention -- now -- and if something happens to him, it's your fault! Tell them that!

Womack: You better have good news. I am losing my sense of humor.

Paul: Well, I do have good news, actually. We're currently working on that plane you requested.

Womack: Too late. I've already got a better offer, from somewhere here with me who actually has a good reason to follow through with it -- Jack Abbott.

Paul: Jack Abbott gave you a plane? Well, that's good. That's very good, actually. You know what? That's all the more reason for you to release some hostages, right? I mean, nerves have got to be getting tense in there. You don't want anything to go wrong now -- not now, right when you're about to get everything you want.

Womack: Got to go. They're playing a waltz. I'm a sucker for a waltz.

Paul: Damn it, Jack.

Lauren: He's looking at you.

Kevin: Huh? [Sighs] I better do a better job of covering.

Lauren: You have a phone. I thought we had to give them all up.

Kevin: Well, this is my burner -- in case of emergencies.

Alex: Abbott arranged a plane? Did Mr. CEO ever hear of negotiating? The plan was not to send a freaking maniac on a world tour. The plan was to empty the room and get Womack back in a cell.

Paul: And now Womack thinks he's in control of the situation and he doesn't have to play ball with us to get a plane.

Alex: [Sighs] Well, he still needs us to get out of there. Maybe we just have to remind him he's not the one in charge.

[Cell phone ringing]

Alex: It's Fisher

Paul: Fisher has a phone? Chelsea said they collected them all.

Alex: Talk to me, Fisher.

Kevin: Lauren, how does Billy look to you?

Lauren: He needs to be in the E.R. -- now.

Kevin: This is a mess. Two guys with guns, a bunch of freaked-out guests. At least everybody is okay for now, except Billy. But for how long?

Alex: We got ears. That's right, Kevin. Keep talking. Come on, kid.

Cane: The guy at the door is getting itchy.

Devon: That's not good.

Cane: No.

Tyler: Got any ideas?

Devon: Not against a gun.

Tyler: Come on. There's more of us than there are them.

Devon: If you guys come up with a good idea, let me in on it.

Cane: I'm working on it. I'm working on it.

Lily: You guys, the guests are starting to lose it, and Billy is getting worse.

Cane: Maybe we should break out the champagne.

Paul: Anything?

Alex: Billy needs EMTs now. Victoria's getting worried, and Womack's little helper sounds like he's getting antsy.

Paul: Right. Well, the tactical team is getting into place. I would love to get some more hostages out of there if the snipers have to go to work.

Chelsea: Hey.

Paul: Oh. Yeah?

Chelsea: My mom is at home with my son. Is it okay if I go?

Paul: Oh, absolutely. If we have any more questions, we'll call you at home.

Chelsea: Okay.

Paul: Do you need a lift?

Chelsea: No. No. Thank you. Could I borrow a phone, though?

Paul: Uh, sure. Uh, Toni, do you have a phone that she could use, please?

Chelsea: Thank you.

Paul: There you go.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Paul: All right.

Chelsea: [Sighs] Mom, it's me. Um, you must be putting Connor down. You might see some things on the news. I just want to let you know that I'm okay, and I'm on my way home. [Sighs] I just want to hold my baby.

You and your baby are all set for flight 437 to Paris, Ms. Lawson.

Chloe: We're ready for our big trip. Oh. Yeah.

Dylan: So, when you think about us being married -- uh, just asking what you thought.

Avery: Should I say that I think you would be the most incredible husband in the world?

Dylan: Well, you could. Don't know if you'd be right.

Avery: I just -- I never got to think about us being married. And if I did entertain the idea, it was always drowned in guilt. My marriage -- it went wrong so quickly. I don't know if it was ever right. Divorce was hard, but losing you -- that was so much harder.

Dylan: I'm watching Stitch go through it right now. His wife served him divorce papers.

Avery: Oh! And he has a son, doesn't he?

Dylan: Yeah.

Avery: Poor guy.

Dylan: I know. He wants to hold on to his marriage, but he's got no choice now.

Avery: Well, hopefully it'll work out. It does for some people.

Dylan: Yeah, I hope it works out for him.

Avery: And, on a different note, I'm really glad that you went to see Chelsea today. She needs to know that she's not an outcast in town because of what Adam did. He did the terrible thing, not her.

Dylan: Yeah, I told her the same thing. What about Joe? Have you ever thought about getting in touch with him?

Avery: No. I think that's best left in the past, don't you?

[Knock on door]

Avery: Nikki.

Nikki: I'm so sorry to bother you, but I'm trying to get ahold of Dylan. Ah.

Dylan: Hey. What happened?

Nikki: Nothing. But things could change.

Summer: You can go pick out a muffin for tomorrow, okay?

Ian: [Chuckles] Oh, your little sister is adorable.

Summer: Yeah, she is. Um, but she's not really my sister. She is. It's just complicated.

Ian: More to the story?

Summer: Yeah. Much more. Epic -- epic chapters.

Ian: That part of what you mentioned on the phone? Your life spinning out?

Summer: Yeah. Uh, it's like a merry-go-round, but not as fun as it sounds. But I'm getting used to it.

Ian: You could do that -- get used to it. Or you could find a new way.

Summer: Yeah. My path.

Ian: Mm-hmm.

Summer: I've heard of life coaches before, but I've never actually met one. Do you really think that you can help guide me?

Ian: I can help give you the tools, yes.

Summer: If I share the annoying and bizarre details.

Ian: No. It's your life. Don't belittle it. Those aren't annoying, bizarre details. They're the moments, the actions that make you who you are. They're all yours. And it's special.

Summer: That's -- that's true. I do that. I make jokes, but... it's mine, isn't it?

Ian: And I'm happy to hear as much as you're ready to tell.

Summer: Um... I think I'm ready... to tell all of it.

Kelly: That's all I can do. Whatever's happening internally, I can't fix that. I wish I could, but I just don't have the...

Victoria: Thank you! Thanks. Now you can move away. Billy. Can you hear me? We think that something's happening to you, that you might be slipping into shock. We're gonna get you out of here. We're gonna get you to the hospital. All right? We're gonna make sure you're safe. Just think about that right now. And then we can just worry about the rest of it later. Just stay with me. Stay with me, okay?

Cane: So, we good? We know what comes next.

Devon: Yeah, we're ready.

Cane: Okay.

Neil: Hey, guys, listen. If anyone has any concerns, right now is the time to speak up. 'Cause, Tyler, you understand it? You have the tough part, right?

Tyler: I'm good.

Neil: Okay.

Tyler: We got to do something, right?

Neil: Right. So let's do this.

Cane: All right. On my signal. What is she doing?

Lily: This is a charity event for a little girl who died, and now her father needs medical attention. But what? You just had to be a thief and terrorize everybody here? You're pathetic. You know that?

Womack: That mouth just does not quit.

Lily: No, it doesn't, actually, 'cause I will speak up.

Colin: Well said, Lily. Really. But don't waste your breath. These people aren't all that big on logic or heart -- or much of anything else, for that matter. Best to just wait it out. Sip some bubbly.

Lily: Congratulations, Colin. You've actually found somebody in Genoa City who's as disgusting as you are.

Colin: Yeah.

Womack: You don't want your daughter-in-law and everyone else to know you're the big mastermind here, you better figure a way out of this jam -- now.

Colin: Trust me, my friend. The wheels are turning, I can assure you.

Alex: Chief, it sounds like tensions rising in there. Kevin's giving us subtle when he can -- as subtle as Kevin can be.

Paul: We got to be prepared to make a strong move before something blows in there and it's out of our control.

Neil: This is all your fault!

Devon: How is this my fault?!

Neil: Because this is your place, man! You got to take responsibility!

Devon: You're always talking to me about that? What about your responsibility?!

Womack: All right. No need for family arguments here.

Devon: When's the last time you spent the day with Moses?

Neil: Don't you talk to me about my son! Don't you talk to me about Moses! You're putting people's lives at risk!

Devon: You're putting our family's lives at risk!

Womack: Shut up! Now, settle your family differences somewhere else. You are really getting on my nerves.


[Guests screaming]

Alex: Gunshot.

Paul: All right. Hit the switch.

Womack: What the hell? I don't think so.

Lily: Cane!

[Guests screaming]

Chelsea: Mom? Mom!

[Doorbell rings]

Anita: I got your message that I might hear things. What happened?!

Chelsea: Where's Connor?

Anita: What do you mean, where is he?

Chelsea: I mean, you just walked in the door, and he's not with you, so where is he? You didn't leave him here alone, did you?

Anita: Of course not. I would never waltz out on a little baby, although he is a handful. I'm not saying that he isn't. But I was --

Chelsea: Mom, where is he?

Anita: Maybe Chloe took him out.

Chelsea: Chloe? Why would Chloe have him?

Anita: She walked in here saying that she was here to relieve me of duty, like you told her to.

Chelsea: No, I didn't. She must have come on her own. Chloe! Chloe!

Chloe: Excuse me. Not to be a pain, but the baby kind of has a schedule, so will we be boarding soon?

Just a short delay while we de-ice the plane.

Chloe: Okay.

Womack: Idiot.

Lauren: Kevin?

Kevin: Lauren, come here.

Lauren: Oh. Okay. Is this part of the plan -- the lights?

Kevin: I'm just glad Womack's wingman is down.

Alex: One gunman down.

Paul: So our odds have improved -- unless Womack gets itchy.

Womack: Where is it?! Who's got the gun?! If you think you can outdraw me, you're wrong!

[Telephone rings]

Womack: I want these lights on now!

Paul: We heard shots fired.

Womack: Target practice.

Paul: Anyone injured?

Womack: Not yet. But if those lights stay off, it's hard for me to judge my aim. You never know what might happen.

Paul: You give me a hostage, we'll give you the lights. Look, Womack, you're doing okay so far. You let one hostage out. She says there's somebody hurt. If that person becomes a fatality, there is no way I can let you board Jack Abbott's plane, and I know that's what you want. It's your move, pal.

Alex: Womack really thinks we're gonna put him on a plane?

Paul: Well, he can't be sure. And the one thing he doesn't know is that no flights are taking off because of the weather. He wants out. Now he's gonna have to make it happen.

Alex: Victoria. Victoria, come here. I'm gonna need you to tell me everything that's going on in there, okay?

Victoria: [Sighs] Okay. Um, people are really terrified. They -- they tried to set up an ambush, but they only got the guy at the door, and now Womack is still standing, and he's really angry.

Alex: Okay.

Jack: Thank you for helping my brother.

Kelly: What Victoria said --

Jack: Is it true?

Kelly: I'm sorry, Jack.

Jack: You know what? I don't really want to know the details. I really don't.

Colin: Oh. My blushing bride.

Jill: Don't flirt with me. Don't annoy me. Don't exist, as a matter of fact. This amuses you, doesn't it? I mean, people like this. You like guns and threats and violence. It's your world. It's a big joke to you, isn't it?

Colin: No. No, this is serious. And I'm concerned. However, I believe it will all work out fine in the end.

Jill: Ah. And you know this how?

Colin: I'm an optimist, and I got a lot to live for. You, in particular.

Jill: You know, this damn music box that you think is worth so much? Since you and I may die here today, why don't you just tell me everything you know about this box that Katherine left me? Just you and me.

Colin: If we snuff it, it's a moot point.

Nikki: Has Ian contacted you again?

Dylan: No. Nothing.

Avery: Uh, but I had some words with him.

Nikki: Really? What did he say?

Avery: I don't remember. He was just smarmy and very self-confident, to the point of delusion.

Nikki: [Sighs] Well, I had this dream, um, where he made it very clear that he was here for a reason or for someone -- but not me. Look, I know you can take care of yourself, but this guy, you have to be extra vigilant. I mean, you cannot let your guard down for a moment.

Dylan: I appreciate that, Nikki, but he can't hurt me. I mean, what can he do to me?

Nikki: I know you've seen a lot of things in your short life. God knows I didn't make things any easier. But Ian --

Dylan: He's just a guy. That's it. Yeah, we might share some genes, but I swear to you, he cannot get to me in any way, shape, or form.

Nikki: You're right. I mean, it was just a dream, not a vision, and I still look at the guy as the one who convinced me up was down and black was white. But you look at him, and you see a man that has no power. I think that's great. I'm gonna try to think that way.

Dylan: I do appreciate you looking out for me.

Nikki: Always and forever.

Victoria: Is he unconscious? Why won't he open his eyes? Billy. Billy, can you hear me?

Billy: Vicki.

Victoria: Hey, you scared me. Hey... they say you're gonna be okay, so you will be, okay? You're gonna be fine. And then when we get out of here, when you feel better...

Billy: Kel-- Kelly.

[Telephone rings]

Womack: Nice going, chief. I've never flown private before. Maybe I better thank Jack Abbott for that.

Paul: Womack, we've done everything you asked. Now release the hostages -- all of them.

Womack: Attention, ladies and gentlemen! Time to go home... for some of you.

Summer: I probably sound like such a drama queen.

Ian: No, you sound like a very insightful young woman who's been pulled in many directions.

Summer: Yeah.

Ian: But you're almost ready to take the lead in your own life. I can sense it.

Summer: Yeah. I think I am, but with some help.

Ian: We can talk more about this, if you like. Tomorrow even.

Summer: Yeah, that great.

Ian: Here. We can meet, uh, at this address. Shall we?

Summer: Perfect. Yeah.

Ian: A pleasure, mademoiselle... snowflake. [Chuckles] Mademoiselle. [Smooches]

Summer: Thank you.

Ian: See you soon.

Summer: Okay.

Ian: Bye-bye.

Faith: Bye.

Dylan: Ian Ward tormented Nikki as a kid, and, obviously, he's got her rattled. Was it just me, or did she look even more worried when she left?

Avery: I think she was trying to cover for your sake.

Dylan: I know. She's got family stuff to deal with, medical issues, and now she's got this guy, on top of everything else. And I brought Ian Ward to town. If I would have just left it alone --

Avery: You are not responsible for Ian Ward being a predator. You can't take on that blame.

Dylan: But I can be responsible for making him leave everybody alone. And it's time to make that happen.

Chelsea: [Sighs] Chloe's not answering her phone.

Anita: The doorman said that she and Connor left a while ago, all bundled up and cheerful.

Chelsea: Yeah, you know what? I'm sure she's driving him around, to help him fall asleep.

Anita: Of course. That's what it is. Just like the last time. That girl should learn how to leave a note, though.

Chelsea: Yeah. I'll be sure to tell her that... as soon as she walks back in.

Anita: Yeah.

Chloe: Hi. Um, is there any word on the flight?

Good news. We've been cleared, and we should be boarding soon.

Chloe: Oh, thank you. And, uh, families with small children have priority boarding -- right? -- 'Cause the little one and I are ready to go.

Alex: You may not be a cop, Fisher, but you are pretty damn resourceful. I'll give you that. Chavez trained you well.

Kevin: Chavez trained me? Is that what he told you?

Alex: Relax, all right? I'm just busting your chops. But, seriously, good move, letting us catch an earful on your phone.

Kevin: Thanks. I didn't bash the guy over the head like Tyler, but I did my part.

Alex: Well, that jerk's got a police escort to the E.R. Good luck seeing daylight again.

Kevin: Yeah.

Lauren: Excuse me. Hi. I know Fenmore was here. Do you have any idea where he is?

Alex: That kid -- we had to talk him out of rushing in to save the day. He's in the conference room with the other hostage family members.

Lauren: I'm so glad he's okay. I'm so glad we're all okay, right? Thank you.

Alex: Okay.

Victoria: Hey, there's press and news vans out front, so we're gonna take you out the back, okay? The doctors will take care of you, and I'll meet you there. Billy? Can you hear me? I'll be right there, okay? Billy? [Sighs]

Kelly: Hey. What did the EMT say? Is Billy gonna be okay?

Victoria: Yeah. He will.

Kelly: I m so- oh!

Jill: Damn them for keeping Billy in there so long.

Jack: Billy's gonna be okay.

Jill: Is he really? Held at gunpoint at an event honoring his dead daughter? Could have throttled that bastard myself.

Paul: Well, it's a good thing you didn't. You know, we're lucky there weren't more injuries.

Jill: Where's Colin?

Neil: He was still in there when Womack shoved us out.

Jill: Oh, great. He's probably over in some corner napping with a champagne bottle in his hand. Listen, if you see my husband, would you please tell him that Jack and I have gone to check on Billy, okay?

Paul: All right, can I have your attention? According to my list --

Hilary: Devon is still in there.

Paul: Okay. What about Lily and Cane?

Womack: Thanks for coming. I said you!

Lily: Just go. Go.

Cane: Just go.

Womack: Have a nice day. Now you, smart guy.

Cane: Ladies first.

Womack: You got something against equal rights? Go. Now. All right? You want to stay? We all stay.

Lily: No, he didn't mean it. Just go. Please. Cane, go! Please! Go! I will be right behind you, I promise. Go.

Cane: She goes first.

Lily: No, I am. I'm right behind you. I'm right behind you. Go.

Womack: Let's go.

Lily: No.

Womack: That mouth on you -- told you it was gonna get you into trouble.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: The reason that I remember that is because I was thinking today's --

Sharon: Today's our anniversary.


Victor: What does Chloe have to do with this?

Chelsea: She took Connor, and she left, and I don't know where they are.

Cane: Can you let go of my wife?

Lily: No!


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