Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/12/14

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/12/14


Episode # 10348 ~ Billy demands answers from Victor; Lily confronts Colin; Sharon talks to Nick.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Akpene

[Knock on door]

Anita: [Exhales deeply] You are home! What's the big idea, not answering your phone? You scared me half to death, Chelsea.

Chelsea: I'm sorry. I just wasn't in the mood for talking.

Anita: Well, you're going to have to. I need to know how you are. By the sight of you, I can pretty much guess. You look like hell.

Chelsea: Thanks.

Anita: Chelsea, you have got to pull yourself together.

Chelsea: Right this second? You expect me to just get over it, like that?

Anita: No, but if you don't, Adam's won.

Chelsea: Won what, Mom? There's no winner here.

Anita: Look at this. This diamond is as big as Plymouth Rock, and you're about to receive a widow's inheritance. What more could you want?

Chelsea: Adam. I want Adam back.Lily: The best.

Kelly: It's really painted good.

Lily: Yeah. Hey, exactly. Or even fake snow or something.


Cane: Hey, Chloe. Hey.

Chloe: Hi.

Cane: Come here. Glad you could make it. Come on.

Lily: We just wanted you to sign off on some last-minute details for the benefit.

Kelly: Yeah, it's really coming together.

Lily: I think you'll be pleased.

Chloe: Well, that might be hoping for too much, considering tomorrow --

Cane: Is Cordelia's birthday. [Sighs] I know.

Chloe: My little valentine's girl.

Lily: You know, as contentious as everything had been between us in that cabin, when it came time to finally bring Delia into the world, we all banded together.

Cane: And here we are doing it again to honor her memory. She'd be proud.

Lily: I think that I'll be a night to remember.Nick: It's not too late, is it?

Sharon: Uh, no. I was just sitting here thinking about...

Nick: Adam? You can say it. We've all been thinking about what happened.

Sharon: Is that what you came here to talk about?

Nick: He's at the heart of it, I guess.

Sharon: The heart of what?

Nick: What my dad did.

Sharon: Oh, no. What happened now?

Nick: You're never gonna believe it. He's gone too far this time.Victoria: I didn't find any sign of him. You?

Stitch: I spoke with security and the charge nurse. No one's seen Billy.

Victoria: Well, his clothes are missing, which means he didn't sneak down to the cafeteria.

Stitch: Yeah, I'd say he's long gone by now.

Victoria: And in no condition to be running around.Billy: I want answers, Victor.

Victor: Come in.

Billy: What did you say to upset Victoria?

Victor: What are you talking about?

Billy: The whole hospital heard you go two going at it.

Victor: Do you think you might have heard things? You know, effects of the concussion.

Nikki: Billy, what are you doing here? Victoria said you wouldn't be out of the hospital till tomorrow.

Billy: I couldn't wait that long.

Nikki: But, honey, you've had a major car accident. You can't be up walking around like this. Come on. I'm gonna drive you back to the hospital.

Billy: I am not going anywhere -- not until I get what I came for.Lily: Wait until you see this. I think it's going to be the highlight of the night.

Cane: It is a rare collectible.

Kelly: Yes, she's over 100 years old, she has her own certificates and papers of authenticity.

Chloe: She?

Lily: Yes. Delia would have loved this. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...the snow queen.

Chloe: Wow! Oh, wow, she's so beautiful.

Lily: Yeah.

Chloe: You're right. Oh, you're right. Delia would have loved her. Delia would have loved to have that doll.

Lily: Yeah, and we're gonna auction it off, and all the proceeds will go to the Delia project.

Kelly: I would love to see it up close. Is there any way to take the case off her?

Lily: No. Actually, you need a digital code to open it, and only the winner will receive that.

Cane: Yeah, but Kate Logan Spencer from Spencer Publications already put in a very big bid.

Kelly: Yes, plus a sizable at-large contribution.

Cane: Uh-huh.

Chloe: Guys, this is so thoughtful. Thank you. I know that tomorrow night -- it's gonna be an amazing event.

Kelly: It really is. We have this whole fairy-tale theme going on, in addition to a little performance that some of the kids are putting on.

Cane: Mattie and Charlie can't wait. They're excited.

Lily: And I know I'm prejudiced, but they're gonna steal the show. [Chuckles]

Chloe: Just like Delia did at her performance.

Cane: Are you okay?

Chloe: Yeah, I'm just, uh, I'm exhausted. [Chuckles] It's been such a long day, so, you know, I just can't wait. Tomorrow night is gonna be great, and I'll see you guys then.

[Footsteps depart]

Cane: [Sighs]

Lily: Why did I say that? Why did I say that? I didn't mean to upset -- why did I say that?

Kelly: No, no, no, no. You got to know that this whole thing is gonna upset her. If this was for my son, it would upset me, too. Even more the reason that we have to just make sure that this benefit goes off without a hitch, which brings up a little issue. Adam Newman bought a table.

Lily: Oh, great.

Kelly: Yeah, especially since we know that Chloe doesn't want Adam's blood money anywhere around this place.

[Cell phone rings]

Cane: It's the florist. Uh, let me take this, make sure there's no problems with the order.

Kelly: Okay.

Cane: Hello?

Lily: How about a coffee break?

Kelly: Um...

Lily: Yeah. Yes.

Kelly: Yes.

Lily: [Chuckles] You know, I just want to say that you've been doing a really great job, and I think that you deserve a reward, so how about a blind date?

Kelly: Uh... seriously?

Lily: [Chuckling] I'm sorry. I hope I'm not too forward. I just -- the people I have in mind -- they're both -- they're gorgeous, they're smart. It'd be fun. Yeah?

Kelly: Well, that's a good place to start. It's just, um...

Lily: What?

Kelly: Can -- can I think about it?

Lily: Of course. Sure.

Kelly: [Chuckles]

Lily: Oh, look at this. It's -- this is what Mattie and Charlie are gonna be wearing in their performance.

Kelly: [Gasps]

Lily: Aren't they so cute?

[Both laugh]

Kelly: So cute!

Lily: I know.

Colin: I can hardly wait to see my grandkids wearing those outfits.

Victoria: He obviously isn't thinking straight. Otherwise, he would never put his health at risk like this.

Stitch: Why don't you make a few calls? Billy's got a brother, right? Maybe he's heard from him. I'll do some more checking around.

[Cell phone rings]

Kelly: [Sighs] Why are you calling me? What do you want?

Stitch: Have you seen Billy?

Kelly: No, not since I left him at the hospital.

Stitch: Kelly, I need to know if he's there with you.

Kelly: You mean in bed with me?

Stitch: Just answer the question.

Kelly: No, Ben. I'm not having sex with another woman's husband.

Stitch: Billy left the hospital. We can't find him.

Kelly: He left without a doctor's release?

Stitch: Just let me know if you hear from him, okay?

Kelly: Of course.

Victoria: I just left a message for Jack, but it hit me where Billy might be. He was asking me earlier about my argument with my father.

Stitch: You think he might be over there?

Victoria: If he figured it out.

Stitch: Figured what out?

Victoria: I don't have time to explain. If Billy knows what my dad did, he'll try to kill him.Victor: Do you know what he's babbling about?

Nikki: No, but I would like to. What is it that you want, Billy?

[Cell phone ringing]

Victor: Aren't you going to answer that?

Nikki: No. I don't care. Whoever it is can wait.

Billy: Vicki told me you two were going off about Summer and the drugs.

Nikki: Wait a minute. You had an argument with Victoria?

Billy: Oh, no. No. It was more like a screaming match -- right outside my hospital room. But it wasn't about Summer, was it?

Victor: Why do doubt your own wife?

Billy: Because I know when she's feeding me a line of bull. She was protecting me from something -- something about you and Adam. I heard his name, Victor. I know you were yelling about him.

Nick: Oh, my god, Victor. I can't believe that you did this.

Billy: [Coughing]

Victor: Billy boy, there's no sense in getting upset about an argument I had with my daughter, all right? I think you should get back to the hospital now.

Billy: I am not going anywhere! You tell me, damn it! You tell me about Adam!

Nikki: Victor, tell him. Either you tell him, or I will.

Victor: You will do no such thing.

Nikki: He's gonna find out, either from you or me or Jack and Victoria.

Billy: Jack already knows about this?

Victor: He knows nothing.

Billy: This is about Delia, isn't it? That's why you don't want to say anything. What could be so terrible that I don't already know about my little girl?Sharon: Victor knew that Adam committed the hit-and-run?

Nick: Yeah, and he was holding it over Adam's head so he could gain access to Connor.

Sharon: Well, I'm sure in Victor's mind, he felt he was just protecting his grandson.

Nick: Dad's protection just makes things worse. I mean, look at what he's doing with me. Like, I need protecting from you? How are you gonna hurt me? I just -- I mean, I am so fed up with this, but I have no idea what to do about it.

Sharon: Well, there's nothing to do. He's never gonna change.

Nick: You'd think I would have learned that by now.

Sharon: You're the one that told me not me not to let Victor get to me.

Nick: Yep. I just need to figure out how to take my own advice.

Faith: Mommy! Daddy! I'm scared of the phantasm!

Nick: Of the what?

Faith: The ghost who wrote the word in my game.

Sharon: Faith's a little bit confused.

Faith: If I didn't write it and you didn't write it, then who did?

Nick: What is she talking about?

Sharon: Faith and I were playing this word game, and I had to step away for a few minutes. When I came back, I noticed the cards spelled "phantasm." Naturally, I was surprised that Faith would come up with something so sophisticated.

Nick: But she says she didn't.

Sharon: No, that's just it. I-I completely forgot I had put it there earlier.

Nick: You forgot?

Sharon: Yeah, just, you know, with, um, you know, this thing with Adam and -- and everything that's going on right now. I just -- I guess my mind was elsewhere.

Nick: Huh.

Sharon: I'm sorry it scared you, sweetie. There's nothing to worry about. There's no phantasm.

Nick: You know what? I got a word for you, baby girl. V-a-l-e-n-t-I-n-e. Do you know what that spells?

Faith: Valentine.

Nick: Valentine! You got it! And if you're gonna be my valentine tomorrow night at the big party, you better get some sleep. [Smooches] Lots of it.

Faith: Who's gonna be mommy's valentine?

Sharon: Well, mommy doesn't need one. I'm lucky enough to have a whole lot of love in my life.Lily: If you think that you're going anywhere near my children, think again.

Colin: You'd keep a grandpa away from his grandkids?

Lily: There is no way in hell that I'm giving you a chance to kidnap them again. So get out of my face and get out of our lives.

Cane: You heard what she said, Dad. Leave, or I'll throw you out.

Colin: Okay.

Cane: Okay?

Colin: I'll go. But since my beautiful wife is on the board of the Delia project, expect to see me at the fundraiser tomorrow night, checkbook in hand.

Lily: We don't want your money.

Colin: But think of the good it'll bring all those needy kids...and maybe mend a fence or two.

Lily: Oh, so you can lull us into a false sense of security and then make your move? That's not happening. I'm sorry.

Cane: Sweetheart, can I, uh, talk to my dad in privacy for a minute, please? There's a couple things we need to talk about.

Lily: Fine, as long it's the last conversation you ever have. Anita: Honey, you have got to stop hoping for something that's never gonna happen. Yes, you have had the rug pulled out from under you, but what did I teach you to do when that happens?

Chelsea: Steal a new rug?

Anita: You pull yourself up by your bootstraps, whether they're dirty, old cowboy boots or Louboutins, and you dust yourself off, and you start over again.

Chelsea: Mom, this isn't some minor situation that didn't work out the way I had planned. My husband is missing.

Anita: Your husband is dead.

Chelsea: Have they found a body?

Anita: No.

Chelsea: No. Exactly. And until they do, I'm not giving up on him.

Anita: All right. Fine. But you got to stop moping around. Get back to work. Go to the design studio and whip me up a new, hot, sexy dress.

Chelsea: No. I don't think I can face Chloe right now. [Sighs]

Anita: It's not like you ran over her little girl.

Chelsea: But the man she warned me about did, and I married him anyway. How are we supposed to get past that?

Anita: We got past our troubles, didn't we? You forgave me for everything I did. I think Chloe can forgive you for ignoring her advice.

Chelsea: Even if Chloe forgives me, I'm not sure I can forgive myself.

Anita: For what?

Chelsea: Ignoring the signs that Adam was hiding something...for loving him. For still loving him but hating him at the same time. How am I supposed to resolve this, Mom? It's like I can't even confront Adam. I can't even spit on his grave if I wanted to. What am I supposed to do? I don't know where to put all of this anger. I don't know where to put all this hurt.Victor: There's no sense in you getting yourself all worked up, all right? So, we can get you back to Memorial Hospital, or show yourself out.

Victoria: [Sighs] Thank god. Why would you leave the hospital? You can barely stand. Why would you take that chance?

Billy: Did you really think I was gonna sit in bed and ignore the fact that you're hiding something from me? Something about Adam and your father and Delia.

Victoria: What have you told him?

Billy: Nothing. They haven't told me anything, including your mother, who's supposedly in on the secret, as well.

Nikki: I found out yesterday.

Billy: Even my brother knows about this. Everyone but me, the one person that it would probably affect the most. Please, Vick, I deserve to know.

Victoria: He's right. You're right. I'll tell you everything

Nick: Okay. After about the fifth "I can't fall asleep" protest from Faith [Snaps fingers] Out like a light.

Sharon: Thanks.

Nick: Should I be concerned about all this?

Sharon: About what?

Nick: I mean, the other night, the trash cans somehow get knocked over, and it spooks Faith. Now this.

Sharon: Um, no. She'll be okay.

Nick: Maybe, but you got to admit -- it's all a little weird.

Sharon: I already explained. I'm the one who wrote the word "phantasm."

Nick: There's nothing else going on?

Sharon: I told you.

Nick: I know. But why do you seem more freaked out about this than Faith? Sharon, you got to tell me. What's got you so upset?

Sharon: I'm afraid.

Nick: Of what?

Sharon: That my meds have stopped working.Anita: Maybe you should take a kickboxing class or tae kwon do. Beat someone else up instead of yourself.

[Knock on door]

Anita: Who's that?

Chelsea: Maybe it's someone else who's come to tell me what to do with my life. Lily. Hi.

Lily: Hi! May I come in?

Chelsea: Please. Save me from my mother.

Anita: Oh, that's the thanks I get for trying to help?

Lily: [Chuckles]

Chelsea: So, um, what, uh, what brings you by?

Lily: Uh, it's kind of an awkward errand. Um, it's about Adam.

Chelsea: Adam?

Lily: Yeah, he bought a table for the Delia project benefit tomorrow night.

Anita: I wouldn't worry about him showing up if I were you.

Lily: Uh, no, but Chloe just refuses to have him attached to the event in any way.

Anita: Aside from his money?

Lily: Actually, she returned his donation, so --

Chelsea: So, um, I don't -- you're just gonna let the foundation go under?

Lily: No. Devon is putting his own money in.

Chelsea: Oh. Um, yeah, I guess I can't blame Chloe for not wanting him involved.

Lily: Look, I'm sorry, but it would just make things so much easier on Chloe if you'd just take the check back. And like your mom said, he won't be needing a table anyway.

Anita: Well, maybe he won't, but Chelsea will.Chloe: We are just so excited about this auction tomorrow, and it was all I could do to keep a smile on my face, and I'm just gonna be worse tomorrow. Why are they even having the event on her birthday?

Kevin: They probably thought that the tie-in would boost donations.

Chloe: [Sighs] You know, the day after Delia turned 7, she already knew what she was gonna do when she turned 8.

Kevin: Yeah, I know. She wanted a grown-up tea party.

Chloe: In England, because that's where they invented tea.

Kevin: [Chuckles]

Chloe: At least that's what Delia believed. And we were gonna invite the queen and her family and have scones and scrumpets.

Kevin: "Skrumpets." That's how she used to say it. I love that.

Chloe: Except there aren't gonna be any scrumpets tomorrow, and I'm gonna be stuck in that room with her name plastered everywhere and listening to speeches about how she didn't die in vain... that thanks to her foundation, kids are now gonna have the chance to do things -- things that Delia will never do again. [Voice breaking] I can't do it, Kevin. I can't go to that benefit.Victor: Okay. Tell him. Then I'll tell my side of the story, okay?

Victoria: The reason that Dad and I were arguing earlier is because I found out... that he knew that Adam was the driver who killed Dee Dee. He knew, and he didn't say anything, 'cause he wanted to hold it over Adam's head and because he wanted to use it for his own benefit.

Billy: Of course he did. But that's textbook Victor, right? Actually, you know, I take that back. You did one better this time, didn't you? Blackmailing your own son. Using the death of an innocent, little girl as a bargaining chip. You reached new lows this time, Victor. Not even I thought you could be this twisted.

Victor: You're wrong, Billy boy. All of you are wrong. I kept this a secret in order to help my family.

Victoria: Help us?

Nikki: That's how he sees it.

Victor: You're damn right that's how I see it! I know my motive!

Victoria: Yeah, your motive. Your motive was to keep your grandson from Adam.

Victor: You bet! That's exactly what my motive was. You all know what a sick man he was. He left his poor daughter to die by the roadside. He ran her over and drove away! No child would have been safe with him!

Victoria: That is not for you to decide!

Victor: Why the hell not?!

Billy: Because you are not God! You cannot play with our lives! You knew Adam's secret, and that makes you just as guilty as he is.

Victor: Listen to me, you hypocrite. I'm sick and tired of all of your self-righteous BS! Who left the little girl in the car by herself?! Who allowed her to go play by the roadside by herself at night?! Who?! You! You look at yourself!

Billy: You son of a bitch.

Victor: What?!

Victoria: Oh, god. Billy.

Billy: [Grunting]

Victoria: Billy... Billy, are you okay?

Victoria: Billy, are you okay? Are you all right? Is it your ribs?

Nikki: I'm calling 911.

Billy: No! Don't! I'm fine.

Victoria: No, you're not! You're not fine! Why didn't you just tell him about Adam when you knew?

Victor: And then what? None of this would have happened? Are you kidding me? If he had found out that Adam had killed his daughter, he would have killed Adam! And then what? He would have gone to the penitentiary for the rest of his life, and you and Johnny would have visited him behind a glass partition! Is that what you want?!

Victoria: This is not about stopping Billy. Are you kidding me? This was you -- you wanting to get your hands on Connor. That's all. And Delia was just your pawn. You claimed that you loved her as your own grandchild, but that's not true. You didn't care about her, because she wasn't your own flesh and blood. You didn't care.

Victor: Don't you put words in my mouth.

Victoria: Fine! I am done. I quit. I quit. I quit you, I quit my job. I quit.

Victor: Then quit! And good luck to you! I'm still your father.

Victoria: No, no you're not, not anymore. You're not.

Billy: Let's get out of here.

Victor: Now get the hell out of here!

Victoria: I should have left years ago!

Victor: Out! You'll come back! You always do!Colin: That's a nice doll. I think she gets a bit stuffy in there.

Cane: What do you want? Why are you really here?

Colin: To make peace. Is that so hard to believe?

Cane: Coming from you, yes, 'cause I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth.

Colin: If my savvy, astute wife can give me a second chance, I mean, why can't you?

Cane: [Scoffs] You know, frankly I'm starting to have second thoughts about this whole reconciliation thing with Jill. You know, it wouldn't surprise me right now, as we speak, she's off talking to someone about unloading a new husband.

Colin: [Chuckles] On the contrary. She's crazy about me. I feel the same way about her. I promised tomorrow night to be on my best behavior at the function.

Cane: You better be.

Colin: Delia was my wife's granddaughter. I would never do anything to spoil or desecrate the memory of that beautiful child.

Cane: 'Cause if you do, I swear to you -- no, I swear to God, I will make you pay. If you do anything, I will make you pay, Dad, and that's a promise you can trust. Okay?Chelsea: That's it, Mom. Enough. I can speak for myself.

Anita: Of course, you can. But lately you haven't been making a whole lot of sense, so Mama is going to speak for you. Yes, Chelsea would be honored to attend the benefit.

Chelsea: Chelsea has no intention of going.

Lily: Okay, whatever you think is best.

Anita: Are you going to embarrass the charity by having a big, old, empty table right smack in the middle of the ballroom?

Chelsea: Adam already mentioned he was gonna donate his table to the Delia project volunteers, because we were gonna be out of the country, remember?

Anita: Well, fine. Then let the riffraff have their seats as long as you're beside them. Lily, honey, thank you so much for dropping by. We're not gonna keep you, though, okay? And, uh, Chelsea is going to see you tomorrow night.

Lily: Okay.

Anita: Okay.

Lily: Whatever is best -- whatever you decide is fine.

Anita: Thank you.

Lily: Okay. Bye.

Anita: What is the matter with you? This is a chance for you to start distancing yourself from this man that killed this little girl. No more of this guilt-by-association bunk. You are gonna march into that ballroom with your head held high and show the world that you are not responsible for your husband's actions.

Chelsea: Mom, I --

Anita: Yes, and I know that you still love Adam, but he is not coming back, dead or alive. So, you better make damn sure that you are not dragged down by his crime.

Kevin: Hey, you remember last Valentine's Day, what Delia was doing before her birthday party?

Chloe: [Chuckles] Yeah, she was passing out Valentines to all the sick kids at the hospital.

Kevin: Yeah. She said she knew what it was like to be stuck in there for a holiday, how sad and lonely it was, and she didn't want any other kid to have to go through that, especially on a day that was all about love.

Chloe: She was always thinking about other people. [Chuckles] How does one so selfless come from me and Billy?

Kevin: Selfless and fearless. She put on her gown and her mask, and she had this big smile on her face, and she never lost it -- not even when she dealing with the kids that were, you know, in really bad shape. She just -- she faced it head-on, 'cause she had a job to do -- making sure that no kid was left behind. [Inhales, exhales raggedly]

Chloe: I'm not as brave as her.

Kevin: That is not true. It's not true. A mother lion like you -- you would have walked through fire for her. And going to this benefit tomorrow, Chloe, it's just another version of that.

Chloe: How am I gonna watch these kids perform, knowing that that was Dee's dream?

Kevin: Look, it's incredibly sad and unfair that that dream is never gonna become a reality, but now we get to pass it on to others, and I know that she would love that. She would love that.Nick: All right, what makes you think your meds are not working anymore?

Sharon: Lately, I've just been a little confused, disoriented.

Nick: Are we talking about this game that you were playing with Faith, or is it more serious? Are you seeing Cassie again?

Sharon: You know what? I shouldn't have said anything. I don't want you to worry.

Nick: Too late for that.

Sharon: Well, there's really no reason to. I'm -- you know, I'm seeing my psychiatrist later this week, and I'm sure that I'll just get my dosage adjusted or a new prescription entirely that'll fix everything.

Nick: Okay. Well, why don't you get someone to watch Faith and then let me go with you to your appointment? I really think you could use some company, and, honestly, Sharon, I will do anything you need. You just have to ask.Stitch: What are you doing here?

Kelly: What do you think? I'm here to see if you found Billy yet.

Stitch: Victoria seemed to have an idea where he might have taken off to, so crisis averted. No need for you to stick around.

Kelly: What is that, your passive-aggressive way of telling me to get lost?

Stitch: [Scoffs] The less you show your face, the better. If I figured out you and Billy had a one-night stand, someone else might, too -- someone his wife.

Kelly: Why are you so invested in this?

Stitch: Has it ever occurred to you that I might actually be worried about you?

Victoria: Hey, look who I found.

Stitch: Ah! [Chuckles] Hey, what were you thinking, jumping ship? Huh? Don't tell me you're afraid of a few needles.

Billy: Yeah, you found me out.

Kelly: I'm so glad you're okay. Ben called me and -- and told me that you were missing. I thought maybe you went to group.

Stitch: All right. Hey, no more insubordination. Let's, uh, let's get you back in bed. I'm gonna check you out.

Victoria: It was really sweet of you to come by. You're a good friend. And after what happened today, Billy's gonna need one more than ever.

Victor: [Exhales deeply]

Nikki: You have nothing to say? Nothing, after losing your daughter?

Victor: I have nothing to say. We've been through this with our daughter before. She'll come back.

Nikki: I don't know that she will this time. Did you see her face? She's devastated.

Victor: This is all Jack Abbott's doing.

Nikki: How so?

Victor: That SOB told Victoria and Nicholas the whole story.

Nikki: Oh, my god, Victor! Open your eyes! It's not Jack! It's you! It's all you!

Sharon: I appreciate your offer, Nick, but you're the one who came over here because you needed some help, so what can I do for you?

Nick: You already did. My dad really got to me today, and...I needed to talk to you. You're the only one who understands.

Sharon: And I always will.

Nick: Okay, so, if I go, are you gonna be okay here?

Sharon: Now I am. No more phantasm.

Nick: We're phantasm free.

Sharon: Yeah.

Nick: All right. You know what? Tomorrow night, there's really no sense in us taking separate cars to the benefit. Why don't we all go together?

Sharon: I'd like that.Nikki: You need to take responsibility for this, Victor. Admit that you were wrong... and you might even have a prayer of winning the kids back.

Victor: You mind your own business, okay?

Nikki: This is my business!

Victoria: He can have his damn company and his grandson Connor. He's not coming near our family ever again.

Billy: You really mean that?

Victoria: I know how believably painful losing Delia has been for you... and for Dad. I can't even call him that anymore. For him to keep Adam's crime a secret is completely unforgivable.

Billy: I just can't believe he tried to justify it. [Scoffs] Wait a minute. What am I saying? Of course he would. [Chuckles]

Victoria: Hey, don't talk about him anymore, okay? It's just you and me and Johnny. Now maybe your healing can finally begin.Chloe: You know something? I hate you.

Kevin: You hate me?

Chloe: Yeah, because all I want to do is crawl into a hole and feel sorry for myself and curse the world for the rest of my life, and you are just forcing me to be a better person.

Kevin: And that's a bad thing?

Chloe: Yes, because I don't want to be a better person.

Kevin: Not even for Delia?

Chloe: See, you have to go ahead and say something like that. [Sighs] I hate you. I hate you right now. You are making it impossible for me not to go to this benefit tomorrow.

Kevin: So you're saying you're gonna go?

Chloe: [Sighs] Only if you go with me.Anita: How's Connor?

Chelsea: He's good. He's smiling in his sleep. [Chuckles] Which is a good thing. He hasn't been sleeping very well the past couple of days. It's like he's aware how much his life has changed.

Anita: Well, it's up to you to keep things consistent so he can be the happy, little boy that he is. And, Chelsea, the best way to do that is to get everything back to normal.

Chelsea: Well, I made a decision. I am gonna go to the fundraiser. Not for my own sake. I'm gonna go for Chloe... and for Delia. I owe them both so much.

Anita: I don't care why you're gonna show up, just as long as you do. You have made the right decision. You'll see. Everything is gonna work out just fine. Oh, honey.Cane: Unfortunately, Colin's probably gonna show his face at the benefit.

Lily: I swear to god, if he does one thing to cause trouble --

Cane: I made it very clear to him -- if he does, it'll get ugly.

Lily: You have no idea how much I hate that he is back in our lives.

Cane: Hey, let's not dwell on that, 'cause tomorrow is gonna be a great day, between the benefit and, uh, Valentine's Day, it's our anniversary. Hmm? Can you believe it's been two years since we got married in that vineyard in Provence? Can you believe that?

Lily: I was just actually beginning to wonder that you'd forgotten it was our anniversary.

Cane: Excuse me?

Lily: [Chuckles]

Cane: Um... you think that I would forget our anniversary? [Clears throat] Excuse me. Not only have I not forgotten our anniversary, but I have a special surprise for you.

Lily: [Gasps] Really?

Cane: Really.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Colin: The doll's in place, and you've got the code. Just do exactly as we planned.Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Dylan: I made this for you.

Avery: Dylan, it's beautiful.

Dylan: There's something inside.Cane: Happy Valentine's Day.Chelsea: I'm afraid to go upstairs. I feel like if I walk into that room, everyone will hate me.

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