Y&R Transcript Friday 2/7/14

Y&R Transcript Friday 2/7/14


Episode # 10345 ~ Sharon reaches out to Chelsea; Nikki confronts Victor.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Akpene

Victoria: Billy, why do you say it like that -- that Adam isn't alive?

Billy: Say it like what?

Victoria: Just so certain. We're talking about Adam. He's Satan's understudy. If anyone could manage to walk away from a car crash, it's --

Billy: He didn't.

Victoria: Okay. How can you be so sure?

Stitch: So, no denial, no argument? You slept with Billy, didn't you?

Kelly: Don't do it, Ben. Don't act like you know me.

Stitch: Except I do, and I'm right. Kelly, why?

Billy: Adam's SUV turned into a fireball.

Victoria: Yeah, but you made it out.

Billy: And I thought that Adam did, too. But I was wrong. There is no way. They said they saw a body in his car. Adam's gone. That's a fact.

Victoria: It's more than that, Billy. You have to tell me the rest.

[Doorbell rings]

Chelsea: Sharon.

Sharon: Can I come in? I just wanted to stop by to say how terrible I feel.

Chelsea: Sure you aren't here to gloat a little bit? "I knew him better. I took him from you. I'm the real widow here."

Sharon: No. You know, Chelsea, despite our history and all of our animosity that we've had between us, you and I are the only two people who will mourn Adam.

Chelsea: You're leaving out Victor.

Sharon: Victor will mourn the person that he wanted Adam to be -- the Newman heir he felt he deserved. But Victor didn't really know Adam. Not like we did.

Chelsea: Apparently, we didn't know him that well, Sharon. He kept this secret for months.

Sharon: Yeah, sometimes he was selfish or he was cruel, but he was not a bad man, and I have to think that that was an accident.

Chelsea: Yeah, that's what we think. What about the rest of the world, though? Connor has to grow up knowing what his father did -- that his father killed a little girl. I've told him so many stories about Delia, the sweet angel who gave him - who gave him his sight. One day, he's gonna find out how she really died.

Sharon: Well, you can't think that far into the future. Today, we have to try to figure out a way to say goodbye, even if no one else wants a memorial.

Chelsea: Oh, no. There's not gonna be a memorial. Adam's still alive.

Leslie: Hey. I've been trying to track you down. Oh, god. How long have you been out here? It's freezing. Aren't you freezing?

Neil: It's cold. It is cold. It's very cold out here. I had a lot on my mind, you know? I had to clear it. Um... David Tutera isn't that thrilled with me. It seems I'm, uh, not that good at picking wedding themes or colors. Or getting my fiancée to show up somewhere on time.

Leslie: I know. I know. I should have been there. I am sorry.

Neil: You know, I made a lot of excuses. Came down to variations of, "oh, something must have come up," or, you know, "she'll be here very soon."

Leslie: Neil, I am sorry. I cannot apologize enough. It just...slipped my mind.

Neil: This is our wedding. How could it just slip your mind?

Hilary: Whew.

Jack: Hilary, I'm sorry. I didn't --

Hilary: I know. I know. It's okay. Jack, you're the boss. Go home. You're allowed to take a day off.

Jack: God only knows what I'd throw when I got home.

Hilary: Yeah. A lot of glass there. You might be right. Stay here.

Jack: Adam was...

Hilary: Your friend.

Jack: He killed my niece.

Hilary: And you had great affection for him, like a son.

Jack: Like a son. Adam had me sign papers promising that if anything should happen to Adam, I would look after his son. As he watched me sign my name on those papers, he knew he had taken my niece. How could he possibly do that?!

Nikki: Victor, you tried to reach out to Adam so many ways, so many times.

Victor: In the end, it doesn't seem to matter, does it?

Nikki: Well, reaching out to your children always matters.

Victor: Well, thank you for reassuring me. Are you gonna continue avoiding me now or what?

Nikki: That's how you see this, don't you?

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: I, of course, see it as you avoiding me.

Victor: Why would I do that?

Nikki: Because you know how I think and what I feel. And that if you had told the police the truth about Adam being the driver in time, he might still be alive. And I know how much that must hurt your heart. I just wish you would admit it. And then we can talk about it.

Victor: You know I'd do everything to protect my family.

Nikki: Yes. Protect them. How many times did you try to protect Adam from himself? Just as I try to protect you from yourself. Although you don't let me do that very often. Anyway, [Sighs] Nicholas was here earlier.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Nikki: I didn't tell him that you kept the truth to yourself about Adam, and I'm not going to tell him, and, god help me, I'm not gonna tell Victoria, because it would break her heart. But Jack knows, and he has every reason to tell the whole world.

Victor: I don't give a damn what Jack Abbott thinks. He'll do anything to bring damage to me, okay? Especially now, since I've filed a report that drugs were used on that Jabot photo shoot. I don't give a damn about Jack Abbott. He's not an issue. What is at issue right now is how to bring stability to our family.

Nikki: Do you know that every time you talk like that, I literally shake inside, wondering what you're going to do? Well, I can't worry about that right now because I have doctor's appointment.

Victor: Baby, why? Why do you have a doctor's appointment?

Nikki: Wait, no. Stop. Stop. It's not what you think. It is just a regular, scheduled appointment with Dr. Costner. I will report back to you in full, because I know what it feels like not to get the whole truth from somebody you've pledged your life to.

Jack: It was all right there in front of me in a million different ways. I said something to you, didn't I, that something was off with Adam? Everything was going his way, and still, he was unsettled. He was full of fear, like he was walking on quicksand. And Victor -- that manipulative son of a -- he was holding what Adam did over his head. That much is clear. All the while, we're watching Billy sink further and further into sorrow and misery and despair, and it was Adam all along, Adam who I loved like a son.

Hilary: You knew what it was like to have a wonderful father. You just wanted Adam to know that, too.

Jack: He lied to me.

Hilary: It doesn't mean he didn't love you back.

Jack: Well, he loved Chelsea. Look what that's done for her. So many people -- Chloe -- in all her grief, agrees to be Connor's godmother. Adam stood there watching her, knowing what he'd done. Poor Chelsea, what she's going through, this is her whole life now. Life after Adam. Everyone knows he died a killer. When they see her, all they see is what he did.

Hilary: But it's not her fault.

Jack: The world doesn't care. It's guilt by association. I'm gonna get plenty of that myself. I can handle it. Connor and Chelsea shouldn't have to.

Hilary: You will put their lives back together for Adam's sake and for theirs.

Jack: I've said this before -- I think you give me too much credit.

Hilary: Only because I know what you did for me. And you loved Adam. And so did Chelsea. She needs you now just as much as I needed you when you were there for me.

Sharon: Chelsea, if you know something, if Adam was not in that car --

Chelsea: There was no body. They never found anything. And last night, I dozed off for a little bit, and when I woke up, I saw him. He was, like, there, you know? I saw him. It was Adam, and... I know that sounds crazy, but...

Sharon: You know, our minds -- they just want something so bad that it makes it seem real. Like my daughter, Cassie, the one who died. Sometimes, I swear I feel like I could reach out and touch her, but it's a lie. It's a trick that our brains play on us, so we have to try to focus on what's real, what we know. And Adam, there's no way that he could have survived that accident, Chelsea. He's gone.

Stitch: So, when Victoria invited us both to dinner, all that tension between you and Billy...

Kelly: That tension was you and me not wanting to be in the same room.

Stitch: Uh, and all the whispers between you and Billy?

Kelly: Oh, now you just sound paranoid.

Stitch: No. The way you just looked just now -- gazing at him through the window -- Billy and his loving wife.

Kelly: How do you tend to your patients when you're constantly watching me? You have a life, right, Stitch? Why don't you do us both a favor and get back to it?

Stitch: You can't blow me off, Kelly. I know too much. We both know why.

Victoria: We're unbreakable, Billy. We've proven that over and over again. So whatever you think you can't tell me, you can.

Officer: Excuse me. Chief Williams needs Mr. Abbott to ID some evidence.

Victoria: Oh, something from the crash site?

Officer: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Yeah, sure. What could I do to help you?

Officer: Is this your gun?

Sharon: You had every reason to say what you did before about me claiming territory over Adam in the past. I really believed that I was the only person who really knew Adam and that I was the only one who truly loved him, but, you know, maybe there were things and sides to Adam that I didn't really know or I just truly didn't understand.

Chelsea: Because he shows us what he wants us to see.

Sharon: Well, I don't know if that's entirely true. I mean, with you and Adam, um, he didn't have to do that. He didn't have to hide who he was. You opened your heart, you took him in, and he was happy. I could see that.

Chelsea: I thought so. I did. But now, I --

Sharon: No, no, no, no. He was happy, and so were you. And nothing can change that. Nothing could make that not true.

[Connor fussing]

Chelsea: [Sighs] Well, you know, I have Connor now. I have Connor and he's perfect and he's innocent and I'm all he has, so...

[Doorbell rings]

Sharon: You know, I can check on the baby if you want to answer the door.

Chelsea: Um...

Sharon: Think what you want about me, Chelsea, but I'm actually really good with kids.

Chelsea: I appreciate it. Thank you. This might be the police with some information, so... [Sniffles]

Victor: May I come in? Thank you. You look like you've been crying.

Chelsea: I don't think I've stopped crying.

Victor: I came here to find out if you and Connor needed something.

Chelsea: Honestly, actually, um, this really isn't a good time, Victor.

Victor: I just want to help. I think you and Connor right now need a safe haven. Why don't you come out to the ranch and live with Nikki and me? You'll be well taken care of.

Sharon: The last place Adam would want his wife and his child is in your house, under your thumb.

Leslie: I mean, I was at the hospital, discussing some things with Jill and Billy, and then my phone -- the ringer was off.

Neil: That's totally understandable, which is why I called the nurses' desk, and they told me that you had already left.

Leslie: Right, because I did.

Neil: Mm-hmm.

Leslie: And then what happened was I ran in to Tyler and Abby, and then we started talking, and...

Neil: Oh, of course.

Leslie: You're right. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who or what. I mean, we had an appointment, and I blew it.

Neil: Okay. Without you there, I had to make some choices. David Tutera -- he does everything over-the-top. This we know. Circus performers. They're really big at wedding receptions now. Did you know that? I signed us up for stilt walkers and contortionists. [Chuckles] Right? And the whole theme -- the color theme of the wedding is gonna be magenta, teal, and black. And, oh, get this -- he had an idea that everyone in the wedding reception should wear pink corsets. I don't think I'd look good in a pink corset, 'cause it'd be kind of tight, might hurt my ribs a little bit, but [Laughs] Leslie, come on. Lighten up. These are jokes, right? Just jokes. Can't I get a chuckle, maybe a smile?

Leslie: I'm a big girl, Neil. Okay? I screwed up. You can hold me accountable, okay?

Neil: Okay, then. Why? It wasn't just the hospital and Jill and Abby and Tyler. Where were you? And I don't mean just now. Where's your head with all this? Where's your heart?

Leslie: Neil, I never planned my wedding day as a little girl. I didn't dream about my big day with a dress and flowers and all that.

Neil: Baby, I understand that. But this isn't just a wedding. This is our wedding. Leslie, it's because you really don't want to get married to me, do you?

Kelly: I forget. Have you always been this self-righteous, or is it the doctor's coat that makes you feel like God, casting judgment to all us little people down here?

Stitch: There's no judging.

Kelly: The kind of loss that we suffered...

Stitch: It brought you together, obviously.

Kelly: One night. We were missing our kids. We weren't thinking straight. One night. That's it.

Stitch: Losing Sam, I -- look, you needed to dull the pain. I get it.

Kelly: [Sighs] I'm an idiot. I shouldn't have told you. Look at you. You're not my doctor. And as far as the world knows, you're not my anything, Ben Rayburn.

Stitch: Leave Billy alone, Kelly. Don't make it worse than it already is.

Billy: I can't say for sure, but if this is the gun that you found at the crash site, it's probably mine.

Officer: Hmm. It appears the weapon was discharged once recently.

Billy: It must have gone off when the car went over the cliff. I don't remember. Um, I'll be happy to come down and make a statement when I'm ready.

Officer: I have a daughter a year younger than your girl. I'm glad this guy won't be hurting anybody else.

[Door opens, closes]

Billy: You know, for so long, I thought I was alone in this. I must have had tunnel vision, because now I'm seeing things more clearly. I'm seeing how many people were trying to help me.

Victoria: Are you ready to talk about this?

Billy: Talk about what?

Victoria: You know, I've waited since you showed up on our doorstep. I wanted to talk to you about it, but I took a step back 'cause I knew you weren't ready. But I think it's time, Billy. I think you need to talk to me about your gun.

Victoria: I mean, I had no idea there was a gun in the house. How long was it there? Was it after Dee Dee died? A week? A month? It didn't surprise Dad. He knew exactly where to look, and when he found that empty lockbox, Billy -- you and I have lost each other so many times. But we've always found our way back. And I thought we had done that again. You know, you finally walked away from the computer and the grief chat rooms and you held Johnny again and we were a family again together. I know you're always gonna grieve Delia. I know that. That's always gonna be a part of who you are. It's gonna be a part of all of us. But the rage was still there, and I don't know. I guess maybe I didn't see it. I don't know. Or maybe I didn't want to see it. And the idea that the driver wouldn't be punished -- I guess it was eating away at you when I wasn't looking.

Billy: It was eating away at me this whole time, whether you were looking or not.

Victoria: Is that why you bought the gun?

Billy: I've had it for a while, okay? Ever since Myanmar. I figured it was better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, and...

Victoria: And when you found out that Adam was the driver, you felt like you needed it?

Billy: Vick, what do you want me to say?

Victoria: I just want the truth. I would love for you to tell me the truth. Please.

Kelly: You're gonna preach to me about morality?

Stitch: I'm talking about now, nothing else -- not the past, not things that have happened.

Kelly: Yeah, let's just forget the past ever happened. [Sighs]

Stitch: You're still grieving, Kel. You're still spinning, and I'm just trying to help. I am not the enemy. I never was. So, coming after me won't change a thing.

Kelly: Still playing the victim, huh? That old game? Suck it up, Benji. I'm not the reason your wife wants nothing to do with you.

Neil: Leslie, you made your point by not showing up. So, we can either talk about it or not, but I'm guessing that the wedding isn't happening.

Leslie: Maybe it isn't.

Neil: Okay.

Leslie: Neil, okay. Look at me. Neil, I have a name that I wasn't born with. My -- my life is completely new because my whole childhood, I thought marriage was something to suffer through or fight through just to survive. And up until a year ago, I damn well thought it killed my mother.

Neil: You and I are not Gus and your mom.

Leslie: Who are we? A man who's been married more than once and a woman who's never wanted to.

Neil: Yeah. You're absolutely right about that, you know? I married Sofia for all the wrong reasons, and when I did marry for love, it was --

Leslie: It broke your heart. That's what I'm saying. Why is marriage the answer? Why is it the brass ring? For insurance? I have it. For medical decision making? I'm a lawyer. I have enough sense to leave a living will. You know, in the old days, marriage was just to determine chattel and property rights.

Neil: Leslie, Leslie, slow down a minute. What are you trying to tell me here? That marriage doesn't mean anything? I mean, do you know how hard people fight just for that piece of paper? Marriage does mean something.

Leslie: To some people.

Neil: Yeah, but not to you. You said "yes" when I proposed. You looked me dead in the eye and you smiled and you said "yes." That was in the moment, wasn't it? And this is now. And what are we doing now? We're sitting in this park and we're freezing our butts off because you failed to show up at a wedding-planning session. Hey. It isn't about what marriage means politically or socially. You know what it means? It means you don't love me enough.

Leslie: Stop telling me how I feel and listen to what I'm saying.

Victor: Well, I'm surprised to find you here, Sharon. Adam's death seems to have affected you a great deal. You always fixated on him, to the point of obsession. Anyway, Chelsea, you and the boy need some protection right now from the press and from outside people, all right? And then Connor's medical needs need to be taken care of.

Sharon: Are you hearing this? Suddenly he's making it that you're all a family? Chelsea, this was the thing that Adam feared the most. You know that, right?

Victor: Chelsea, no one can take care of you and the boy as well as I can, all right? So, why don't you and the boy come with me and we drive out to the ranch and you'll have some time to think about things? And I'll send a car to pick up your things.

Jack: You have lost your mind. There is no way in hell you're going anywhere with that little boy.

Leslie: You can't tell me how I feel. Okay? You can't see inside my heart. I love you, Neil.

Neil: Leslie, right here, right now, I'm giving you an out.

Leslie: I don't want an out. Okay? [Voice breaking] I-I love you so much that, yes, I said "yes" and I put on a ring when that is just simply not who I am. I love you so much that I pretended to give two hoots about a dress and color schemes and -- and people on stilts. You say you love me, right? Well, Neil, this is who I am. I am a woman who believed that marriage was a death sentence, literally. I am an attorney who has seen countless couples turn on each other, I mean, for the ugliest reasons possible. I've seen women gush about their big day, their big special moment, forgetting that a wedding day is one day. It's one. A marriage is every day after. And I told you -- my days are yours. My nights, too. I am all yours, Neil. And, okay, do you love me? Because if you do, please consider this. Please just -- I mean, really. [Sniffles] Maybe -- maybe there's another way.

Jack: I'm sorry it took me so long to get here, Chelsea, but this is rather an impressive gathering -- the four people Adam cared most about, those who loved him, and the person who did the most damage. That is not the person you turn to at a time like this, Chelsea. Trust me.

Victor: Really? Trust? You talk about trust? Is that what you and Adam talked about before you sent him to prison? And you, Sharon? Did you talk about trust with Adam when you burned down the ranch and he became an accessory? Don't deny it.

Jack: What is your point, Victor?

Victor: My point is that I will not stand here and listen to self-righteous accusations coming from your corner. Do you understand? What we need to focus on right now is Chelsea and the future of her son.

Sharon: Chelsea, don't listen to him, okay? Listen to Jack. I'm gonna go now that Jack's here. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me. I mean that.

Victor: What the hell are you doing here? You don't belong here.

Jack: I have every reason to be here, and you know why -- the document Adam insisted I sign to ensure that you have no access to his son.

Chelsea: Because he knew. He knew that this could happen.

Jack: Chelsea, what I told you in the judge's chamber still holds. I would be honored to protect you and Connor.

Victor: A favor to Adam. Mm-hmm. When he asked you to be his son's godfather, did he tell you that he was deceiving you?

Jack: He knew my niece was dead, that he was responsible, when he asked me to look after his son, yes. Connor is innocent. Chelsea is innocent. You are not.

Chelsea: Do I need protecting? I don't even know what I need.

Jack: What Adam did does not change who Victor is. Do not open the door and let him in. Connor is still Adam's son. Adam would not want this.

Victor: The little boy just lost his father. And you're making this about you and me.

Jack: Chelsea, you have more power than you think you have right now. Victor will back off. Now, in fact. Listen. I keep getting messages from Victoria. I have to stop by and check on Billy. Remember -- he has every reason to respect your decision.

Chelsea: Jack. It wasn't all a lie with Adam. He loved you.

Jack: Thank you. [Smooches]

Victoria: You came home that night. You knew that Adam was the driver, but you didn't tell me. Chelsea was there saying goodbye to Johnny before they left for Paris, and you knew that. You wanted to get out of there so you could get to Adam. I know that already. But you had to get to the gun first, right? Didn't you? That's what happened. Listen, Billy. I love you. I love you. You can tell me anything. Please tell me what happened. Please.

Kelly: You're the one who blew up your marriage, Benji, not me. Just you. Oh, my god. You blew it up before it even happened. It's just your poor wife didn't know it.

Stitch: I am trying to look out for you. The way you're looking at Billy -- he can't make things better for you, Kel. You said it yourself. It was one night -- one night so you could stop hurting. But you and I both know the hurt doesn't ever really stop, does it? So, don't take that guy to bed again to try to erase your pain.

Chelsea: Adam would hate that you're here, that I let you get close to the baby the other night.

Victor: I know he would. And I understand that. But Adam is gone. And the boy needs to be taken care of. He needs to be loved.

Chelsea: And he will be loved, Victor, by me. He will always have me. And after my head clears and the fog from the past few days lifts, I don't think I'll be needing your help anymore.

Victor: Chelsea, let's be honest with one another. You're a survivor. Jack and Sharon just walked out of here. They're crybabies, always wringing their hands because of some wrong that was done them, primarily by me. I am family. And I take care of my own. I want to protect you and protect Connor.

Nikki: Stitch. Oh, my goodness. It's good to see you. I was just telling Dr. Costner how lucky Memorial is to have you.

Stitch: Uh, thanks, Nikki. I hope at least some people agree.

Nikki: [Chuckles] Hi, Kelly.

Kelly: Hi.

Nikki: Shocking news about Adam. Especially after he started the Delia project.

Kelly: Yeah, it's terrible that someone could keep an awful secret like that and just expect to go on with his life.

Nikki: Well, you have been wonderful, and we are counting on you to keep us on track. I don't know that Billy is ready to hear it right now, but, believe me, he needs this.

Kelly: Whatever I can do.

Nikki: Thanks. Excuse me.

Kelly: [Sighs]

Billy: You know everything, Vick. There's nothing more to tell you.

Victoria: Okay.

Leslie: You, um, want stilts and stilettos and tightropes and hot pink corsets? [Laughs] I say yes. I do, too. Whatever insane, over-the-top honeymoon you can think of, as long as it's just me and you, I am all in. Okay? I am with you. I am for you. Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how much I love you, Neil?

Neil: [Sighs] Leslie, I really love you, too.

Hilary: It looks like Jack's at the hospital. He won't be coming back to the office for a while.

Sharon: I should get home, then. Have I mentioned how happy I am that you're here -- for Jack's sake and for mine?

Hilary: You know, you better be careful. I'm a mean bitch who destroys lives.

Sharon: Well, what a coincidence. So am I. Well, that is, when I'm not a basket case who has no hold on reality.

[Both chuckle]

Hilary: Just forget about the haters, Sharon.

Sharon: Will do. You, too. Take care.

Billy: [Sighs]

Victoria: Okay. Well, I had to ask. And now you've told me. You know, you'll always have me, Billy, no matter what.

Jack: Um...I can come back.

Victoria: No. Please. Here. You sit here. Um, I'll just be right out there. Okay?

Jack: Dad was watching out for you. You know that, don't you? That you made it out of that crash.

Billy: I made it. I'm still here.

Stitch: Billy's looking better.

Victoria: Oh. Is he? Yeah. Yeah, I guess so. It's still not over, though. I mean I can feel it -- that ache in his heart over Delia. It's just -- it's never gonna go away.

Stitch: Hey. He'll get out of here soon, get to focus on you and Johnny.

Victoria: Right. And the Delia Foundation.

Stitch: Something you can focus on together. That's good for his recovery and for you.

Victoria: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I just hope that he doesn't think that it's tainted beyond repair, you know, because of Adam. Devon's offered to put in his own money, and, of course, there will have to be some additional changes. I should call Kelly. She's really the expert on this. And she really understands Billy better than anyone, really.

Stitch: Um, uh, Victoria, there's something you need to know.

Chelsea: How would this work? You, me, Nikki, and Connor living in the same house, one big happy family?

Victor: Well, what we could do is, um, I could have a house built next to the stables. The boy would learn how to ride, he would go to the best schools, he would have the best of everything.

Chelsea: In other words, you'd turn him into a Newman.

Victor: He is a Newman, okay? Whether you or any of us like that or not, he is a Newman. What is left now is the woman that Adam loved and the son they created. I will not and I cannot turn my back on you.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: Is it about Billy?

Stitch: I wouldn't be much of a friend if I didn't tell you what's going on.


Chelsea: I am taking Connor on the next flight to Paris!

Chloe: There is not a chance in hell that I am gonna let you do that.


Victor: Is there anyone that I love that will be safe from your need for retribution.

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