Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/4/14

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/4/14


Episode # 10342 ~ Cane & Lily think about their next move; Jack & Victor argue with Chelsea.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Akpene

Chelsea: Tell me. What happened to Adam?

Jack: The police found his SUV --

Chelsea: You already said that.

Jack: --In a ravine by the river.

Chelsea: And?

Jack: Maybe you should sit down.

Chelsea: And?

Jack: And there was a crash, followed by --

Chelsea: Followed by what, Jack?

Jack: Come on. Let's sit down.

Chelsea: Just tell me! Answer me! Is my husband alive or dead?

Victor: That your ball over there? Let me have it. Now, you stand over there. Right there. This is a soccer ball, right?

Adam: Yeah.

Victor: So, when I roll it to you, you kick it back to me.

Adam: Okay.

Victor: Okay?

Adam: Okay.

Victor: Okay. Yeah! That was a good one. Boy, I bet you when you grow up, you could be a very good soccer player. Would you like to learn it one day? Want me to teach you?

Adam: Yeah.

Victor: There. You see? Oh!

[Ball thudding]

Victor: There.

Adam: Do it again.

Victor: [Laughs] First thing you learn is to defend yourself, okay? So whenever someone throws a punch at your face, you go like this -- pop! -- And defend yourself like this, right? So, you throw a punch right now, right here at my face. Do it. Pow! Do it again. Pow! Do it again. Pop! That's right. That's right. I will always take care of you and your mommy. Don't you worry. I'll always take care of both of you.

Chloe: [Sobs]

Kevin: It's okay.

Paul: Nick's left for the ranch to break the news.

Kevin: Can I get you anything? Water? Tissues?

Chloe: I want to see it again.

Paul: You want to see what?

Chloe: I want to see the evidence from the crash.

Paul: Oh, Chloe, I don't think that's a --

Chloe: I need to know that it's for real. It's still ticking.

Kevin: Not that it's gonna do him any good now.

Chloe: And this is the only thing that survived the crash?

Paul: Well, it's the only thing we found so far.

Chloe: And you know for sure that it's his?

Paul: Well, you heard Jack. There was no doubt the watch is definitely Adam's.

Chloe: So, Adam's dead?

Paul: Baring any miracle, yes. Adam's dead.

Cane: You know, I don't know much about sub-zero freezers or induction ventilation systems, but these prices look over-inflated.

Lily: Well, I am just glad that Devon decided to upgrade the kitchen, because the appliances back there are so old, they could be given to a museum.

Cane: Yeah, but the longer we renovate, the longer we stay closed, which means the more money we lose.

Lily: Yeah, but it's nice having the peace and quiet, right?

[Pots clanging]

Lily: Okay, I think I spoke too soon. You guys, please.

Cane: Guys, guys, easy, easy, easy. Guys, guys, guys. I know we're closed, but don't run in the dining room. You could trip.

Both: Sorry, Daddy.

Cane: That's okay. Good job. Nice. Good work. Nice.

Lily: [Laughs]

Cane: Nice.

[Clanging resumes]

Lily: Uh-huh. [Laughs]

Cane: Well, they listened to me for three seconds, so --

Lily: Well, that's longer than normal, so that's good. [Laughs] No, I mean, even though they drive us crazy, we're really lucky, especially after what we heard on the news.

Cane: Yeah. Adam's done some pretty horrible things, but the man's a father. I don't know how he could just, you know, take the life of a little girl like that and not look back.

Chloe: For the past few months, I've just imagined what we would do when we found him. There would be a trial, and I would stand in front of the jury, and I would plead for them to sentence him to death. This is better. [Sighs, sniffles] This is so much better, because there's a pretty good chance that he suffered. And now there's nothing left of him.

Kevin: What about Billy? Is there any news on him?

Paul: We're still searching.

Victoria: Oh, my god. Billy, what happened to you? Where were you? You're so cold.

Billy: It was Adam.

Victoria: What?

Billy: It's Adam.

Victoria: Adam did this to you? Dad told me that he was responsible for Dee Dee's death. Did you go after him? Is that what happened? Okay. Shh, shh. It's okay. It's all right. It's all right. You're safe now. You're home. I know you're in shock, but you're safe. It's okay. Shh. It's gonna be okay. Are you hurt? Are you hurt? Billy? Billy!

Lily: Here we go. So, why don't you guys draw a picture of your favorite foods, yeah?

Charlie: But we want to make them.

Lily: No, you guys, we're working right now, so another time, okay?

Mattie: Can we cook it?

Lily: No, you're too young. When you're older.

Charlie: How much older?

Cane: 18.

Lily: Okay. One disaster averted.

Cane: All right. Now, if we can find an appliance dealer that isn't trying to gouge us.

Lily: Well, we're not gonna be able to take care of that tonight, so --

Cane: Okay. Well, how about we keep planning the Delia project?

Lily: Uh, yeah. Okay. So, we still need to contact the prop house and the seamstress for Mattie and Charlie's costumes.

Cane: You know, they can't wait for it. Before they went to bed last night, it's all they talked about.

Lily: Well, at least somebody's excited.

Cane: It's gonna be fun.

Lily: Yeah, it's gonna be really fun. A fairytale theme for a charity named after a little girl who was hit by a car. Leave it to Hilary to make things so warped.

Cane: [Sighs] Well, there's nothing we can do about it, because Jack, Nikki, and Devon love the idea.

Lily: Yeah, I know, and they're on the board. They make the decisions. I get it.

Cane: So, you will just have to go along with it.

Lily: Yeah, and I'm gonna have to make the best of it.

Cane: And this is you making the best of it? Hmm?

Lily: You think you're so cute, don't you?

Cane: Do you?

Lily: That's not the point.

Cane: No?

Lily: No.

Cane: No. Listen, look at it this way. It is one night, and it's gonna give a lot of people a chance to get together and honor a little girl, and that's all anyone wants to do.

Lily: Yeah, but do they want to do it in conjunction with a charity that Adam set up, when he could be responsible for killing her?

Cane: Do you think we should call it off?

Noah: Wow. Guy's even more twisted than we realized.

Summer: You know, I just am thinking about the way that Adam came down on me after the accident that I had. You know, not that it didn't have huge consequences. Chelsea lost her baby, and I was completely at fault, but at least I admitted that I was wrong. [Scoffs] You know, sometimes I have dreams about him, the baby boy, and I picture him. He's swinging, and he's riding his bike, and then I wake up, and I realize that he does not get to do any of those things thanks to me.

Noah: Hey, no more of that, okay? You need to take it easy on yourself.

Summer: Why? 'Cause I almost OD'd on those energy pills?

Noah: Yeah, well, you're not gonna do anything like that again, are you?

Summer: No. First time was tough enough. What made it even worse is that Grandpa blamed it on Jack.

Noah: Grandpa blames everything bad on Jack, okay? Global warming? Jack Abbott.

Summer: [Chuckles]

Noah: Packers lose the playoffs? Jack Abbott. Can't find a parking space in the mall? "That damn Jack Abbott."

Summer: [Chuckles]

Noah: Okay? You know he's just looking out for you, right?

Summer: Grandpa? Yeah. I know. That's just it, though. Everybody is always trying to protect me from someone or something, and I just don't want to be looked at as a problem.

Noah: Nobody sees you that way.

Summer: That's how I see me. I mean, who am I, really? You know, am I Nick's kid? Am I Jack's kid? Am I  Victor's granddaughter?

Noah: Do you have to be any of those things? Can you just be you?

Summer: I would if I knew how.

Noah: Maybe you should talk to a counselor or something.

Summer: Actually, I met this guy, and he said that he might be able to help me.

Noah: Some guy? Who?

Jack: I can't answer that question.

Chelsea: What do you mean? Either Adam survived or he didn't.

Jack: After the crash, there was an explosion. Hey, hey, you okay?

Chelsea: Just keep going. Just keep going.

Jack: All of the witnesses on the scene claim they saw a body in the SUV after the crash.

Chelsea: Whose body? Was it Adam's or Billy's? Because Billy was in the car, too, right? He came here. He came here to confront Adam.

Jack: Yeah, we pieced that together.

Chelsea: Okay, so it could have been Billy's body. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know this is as hard for you as it is for me. I'm just trying to understand. I'm trying to get to the truth.

Jack: The truth is, we don't know for certain who got out and who didn't.

Chelsea: Somebody got out?

Jack: A witness claims he saw someone walk away from the car after the crash.

Chelsea: Did he say what the man looked like?

Jack: No. No description. We're totally in the dark.

Victor: Not that dark, I'm afraid. [Sighs] We know exactly who died in the explosion.

Victoria: He's awake.

Paul: Cancel that. He just came to. Put the EMTs on standby, just in case. Hey, buddy. How you doing? You okay?

Billy: It was Adam. Adam was the driver.

Paul: Yeah.

Billy: He hit Delia.

Paul: We know. We also know you went after Adam with a gun. Look, the only person who can tell me what went down is you, Billy. You got to give me some answers.

Billy: I went to go and see him.

Paul: Then what? Billy? Billy, hold on. Billy, stay with me here. Billy, come on. Come on. Look at me right now. Okay? Can you see me? That's it. Stay with me. Talk to me. Tell me what happened.

Summer: So, I was talking with Esmerelda in the park, and I was just telling her how modeling might not be my thing, and this guy walked up and handed me his card. He's some kind of life coach.

Noah: Glorified therapist.

Summer: Yeah, well, I really liked what he was saying and what I read about him. Anyways, my problems are not nearly as bad as other people's.

Noah: Yeah. I'd hate to be Adam right now.

Summer: I just feel really bad for Jack. You know, the whole time he's been saying Adam's a different person. I just can't imagine what he's feeling right now.

Noah: Must be so hard for Grandpa, too.

Summer: The whole family.

Noah: You know, when I first heard about it, my instinct was to talk to Courtney.

Summer: Maybe you should.

Noah: I don't know where she's coming from. You know, one minute, she's breaking up with me. The next, she kisses me. I mean, maybe it's the drugs that have her all mixed up. I wish she'd just be honest with me.

Summer: Well, maybe you should tell her that.

Cane: So, how about you now go and draw some milk and cookies for dessert? Or some ice cream.

Lily: [Laughs]  Aww. They're just getting cuter every day, huh?

Cane: They're our little miracles. Against all odds.

Lily: I think we should do it. The benefit.

Cane: Really? 'Cause you do know that was your chance to get out of it, 'cause if there's no benefit, there's no Hilary.

Lily: Yeah, well, if there's no benefit, there's no helping children. That's what Delia project is all about.

Cane: Yeah, well, that's what the mission statement says, but I have a feeling that Adam just came up with it so he could relieve his guilt.

Lily: Well, we'll have to distance it from him somehow, you know. Turn the tragedy into something worthwhile and inspirational.

Cane: Hey.

Devon: Hey.

Cane: How you doing?

Devon: You guys talking about Adam?

Cane: Yeah. Any news? Have they caught him?

Devon: The last I heard is Billy took off with Adam, and they haven't been heard from since.

Cane: [Sighs]

Lily: This is not gonna end well for anybody.

Devon: Yeah. All we can do is sit back and wait and see.

Cane: So, what do you think? We should put the event on hold?

Devon: I think at the very least, we need to see what Delia's parents want us to do.

Cane: I have the feeling they have something else on their mind.

Kevin: What do you say we get you out of here?

Chloe: Thank you.

Kevin: For what?

Chloe: You said you were gonna crack the case. And you did.

Kevin: Well, I didn't really do very much.

Chloe: Come on. That's not like you. False modesty.

Kevin: [Chuckles] Well, working on this case was different. I've never worked on anything that mattered so much. I had to find the driver. I had to get you justice.

Chloe: Yeah. Justice. [Scoffs] [Sighs] You know, when I think of Adam, I think of him holding Connor and him bouncing him on his knee and feeding him. You know, Connor, who has Delia's eyes. Connor, who is this innocent child, like my baby was. And to think that he was actually gonna take him to Paris with Chelsea's blessing, it's --

Kevin: Well, I'm sure Chelsea's going through hell right now.

Chloe: Yeah, I hope so, because I am, too. And no matter what I do, no matter what happens, I can't get out.

Jack: Don't listen to this man. There has been no official identification. This is pure speculation on his part.

Victor: There is speculation, and then there's damn near certainty. I was at the wreck, and I'm damn near certain.

Jack: Could you just show a little compassion?

Victor: Do you honestly think it is compassionate to lie to you, to fill her with false hopes? I was at the wreck, and as Adam's father, it is very difficult for me to tell you that I find it nearly impossible that anyone survived that explosion.

Chelsea: Why? Why are you so sure?

Victor: There was a man in the car before the explosion. And they found a watch near the wreck.

Chelsea: A watch?

Victor: A watch that Jack identified as Adam's.

Paul: Okay, you confronted Adam. And then what?

Billy: I made him drive his SUV.

Paul: You made him how?

Billy: I had my gun on him.

Victoria: Billy.

Paul: Look, if you don't want to answer any more questions without your lawyer present, that's all right.

Billy: No. I don't care about that. You need to understand. He admitted it. He confessed. The son of a bitch said he didn't even realize he hit her until later.

Victoria: How could he not know?

Paul: Where were you at that point?

Billy: I took him to the spot where Dee --

Paul: Why did you go there?

Billy: I don't know. It felt right. It -- [Sighs] I wanted to shoot him. I wanted to make him hurt, and I couldn't do it. [Voice breaking] I wanted to kill him so bad, and --

Victoria: Shh.

Billy: We got back into his car, and, uh, I just wanted him to understand what he had taken from me, from Dee, all the things that she wouldn't be able to do and --

Paul: So you drove him by Delia's school?

Billy: I told him all about her play, how amazing she was as the wicked witch and she was gonna be such a star one day and --

Victoria: Paul, can we please do this later? Please?

Billy: He actually tried to apologize to me. Like that was gonna bring her back or something, and I wanted him to know what it was like to lose his kid, so I told him that I would make sure he never saw Connor again.

Paul: How did he react to that?

Billy: Like Adam. He came up with a plan to get my gun away from me, and he started saying things to rattle me as a distraction, and --

Victoria: What did he say?

Billy: That he wasn't the only one at fault, that what was a little girl doing on a dark road and who left her alone and --

Victoria: Oh, god, Billy. It's okay.

Paul: Then what happened?

Victoria: It's okay.

Billy: I, uh, I'm not sure exactly. You know --


Victoria: Paul, please. He needs to rest. You need to rest now, okay?

Paul: Then what, Billy? Anything you can remember can help us. Come on, man. What are you not telling me?

Courtney: Hey.

Summer: Hey.

Courtney: Um, how are you doing? I've been really worried.

Summer: Good. Uh, thanks to Noah's mom. She called the paramedics for me, and I had some smart doctors figure out that I just had a reaction to some energy boosters.

Courtney: I was really scared when I heard, and I'm really happy you're doing all right.

Summer: Thanks.

Courtney: Look, I know things are kind of weird between us right now, but, um, will you do something for me? Next time that you feel like taking a pill like that, will you just not? [Chuckles] Call me instead.

Summer: Yeah.

Noah: Uh, do you want to stay and get coffee with us?

Courtney: I can't. I actually have an appointment to get to.

Noah: [Scoffs] You're already here.

Courtney: I know, and I just remembered. I'll see you another time.

Esther: Honey, you must be in total shock. I know I was when I saw it on the news. Adam Newman?

Chloe: Yeah, it was him.

Esther: You know, I never felt comfortable around that guy. I mean, those eyes of his, so cold like a shark, and thin lips. You know what I always say. Never trust a man with thin lips. Oh, present company excluded.

Kevin: Thank you, Esther. [Clears throat]

Esther: But now I think we can just put this behind us. I don't mean put Delia behind us. I mean we can just move on.

Chloe: I hate that expression.

Esther: No, I mean closure. We can get some closure.

Chloe: I hate that even more.

Esther: Honey, you know what I mean. I want you to find some meaning with life again, smile. You have such a beautiful smile.

Kevin: Esther [Chuckles] --

Esther: God, you're so cold. How about some tea? I'll get you some tea.

Chloe: I'm fine.

Esther: Oh, I know. I know. Cocoa. Cocoa with whipped cream.

Chloe: Mom.

Esther: Marshmallows? Please let me help you.

Chloe: Okay, you want to help? You tell me why knowing who killed Delia doesn't take the pain away.

Victor: Find out for me where Paul Williams went and get back to me as soon as possible.

Jack: Victoria, call me if you hear anything about Billy. Anything at all. I'll stop by the house just in case. Sorry. Nothing to report.

Chelsea: Still you must really believe it was Adam in that car, don't you? Otherwise, why would you be calling Victoria about Billy?

Jack: Let's just get the facts before we start burying the people we love.

Chelsea: You'd be with her, consoling her if you were worried about Billy, but you're not. You're here with me.

Jack: I'm here with you because I want you to know where things stand, just in case.

Chelsea: And there's still no sign of either one of them?

Victor: Not yet. Apparently, one of the two passengers walked away from the wreck and through the woods. And the other one was still in the car. And after the explosion, part of the car sank into the bottom of the river, and the cops are sending divers there now to retrieve whatever remains they can find. They won't be back till the morning.

[Cell phone rings]

Chelsea: Okay, well, then that means there's still hope. I'm not gonna give up.

Jack: Hold on. Hold on. It's Victoria. Hello? Vic-- Victoria, have you heard anything?

Victoria: Yeah, Billy's here. He's a little banged up, but I think he's okay.

Chelsea: Jack, what is it? What did she say?

Jack: He's alive.

Chelsea: Who's alive?

Jack: Billy. He made it home.

Victor: Let me speak with her, please, Jack.

Jack: I'll put it on speakerphone. Victoria, I'm here with your father. We're with Chelsea.

Victor: Sweetheart, I'll be right over, okay?

Jack: Yeah, so will I.

Victoria: No. Listen, now's not really a good time, okay? And Paul is questioning him.

Victor: Darling, I want to find out what happened.

Victoria: As soon as Paul is through, I'm gonna take him to the hospital just as a precaution, and then you can talk to him after that, okay?

Jack: Let me talk to Billy for just a second.

Victoria: [Sighs] Would you please just give us a little space right now? That's what we need.

Jack: Okay, tell Billy I love him.

Victoria: Okay. He loves you, too. Bye.

Jack: Thank God. Thank God.

Victor: Jack.

Chelsea: No, no, it's okay. I'm happy for you, and I'm happy for [Inhales] Victoria and Johnny.

Jack: Chelsea, listen.

Chelsea: [Voice breaking] I'm, I'm -- [Sobbing].

Paul: Okay. You ready to continue?

Billy: It's all a blur, though.

Paul: Well, try and remember. Tell me what led to the crash. Adam was trying to provoke you.

Billy: The car went into a skid.

Paul: No, before then. Tell me about before. Adam was driving?

Billy: Yes.

Paul: Did he take his eyes off the road?

Billy: I don't remember. I guess so.

Paul: Which is it?

Billy: I'm not sure.

Paul: Think, Billy. Think hard.

Victoria: Paul.

Paul: I'm sorry, Victoria. I need some answers. I've got to get to the bottom of this. There is some urgency here.

Billy: It was icy, okay? That's all I can tell you. We crashed, and everything went dark.

Paul: Okay, when you woke up, what did you see?

Billy: It was just -- it was quiet, still, and I was out of the car. I crawled out through the back.

Paul: And what about Adam? Where was he at this time?

Billy: I don't know. He wasn't in the car. I don't think.

Paul: Did you look inside the car?

Billy: I don't remember. Um, I just started going through the woods, and I didn't have my cell phone. I couldn't call, and I just wanted to get back home to you.

Victoria: I know. And you made it. You're here.

Paul: You made it all the way back here in your condition?

Billy: Yes. No. No. Um, I was walking for a while, and I made it back to the main road, the -- the 7, north of town, and there -- there was a truck. And I hailed him down, and he wanted to take me to the hospital, but I convinced him to bring me back here. I needed to get back to you and Johnny.

Victoria: And you're here now, okay? You're here. And he's done answering questions now, Paul.

Billy: Look, actually, I have one question. Where is Adam? Is he at the hospital? Or is he in jail?

Lily: Hi. I hope you don't mind us dropping by.

Esther: Oh, not at all.

Cane: We heard what happened. We wanted to see how you were doing.

Chloe: Thanks.

Devon: They're speculating on the radio that Adam is dead.

Lily: Or at least that's the last we heard when we dropped the twins off.

Devon: Something about a car crash and an explosion.

Kevin: Yeah, there's no way he survived.

Cane: What about Billy? He was with Adam, wasn't he?

Kevin: He made it out. He's home. We got a call from Victoria when we were at the police station.

Lily: Okay. Thank God.

Esther: Sometimes things work out the way they're supposed to.

Chloe: Yeah, sometimes they don't.

Lily: Um, you know, maybe we should go. I don't think it's the right time right now.

Chloe: What? What's not the right time?

Cane: It doesn't matter. It's not important.

Chloe: What are you talking about? Why did you guys come here?

Cane: It doesn't matter.

Devon: It's the Delia project benefit. We wanted to get your permission to go ahead with it.

Lily: We think the good will outweigh the bad. That's it.

Chloe: Wait. You're asking me to okay something that was paid for with blood money? My daughter's blood?

Esther: Oh, honey, honey --

Chloe: No! No, I won't have my little girl's memory honored by the man who killed her.

Chelsea: This isn't happening. This can't. Please somebody tell me this isn't happening.

[Connor cries]

Jack: Let me give your mom -.

Chelsea: Oh, my god. Connor.

Victor: Want me to see to him?

Chelsea: No, no, I need to hold him. [Sniffles]

Victor: [Sighs] I can use a drink.

Jack: Thanks for the offer. I'll pass.

Victor: I didn't offer.

Jack: Look, Victor --

Victor: Listen, Jack, if you're gonna accuse me again of holding Adam's crime over his head in order to gain access to my grandson, you stop right now.

Jack: I was going to say I'm sorry for your loss.

Paul: Listen, Billy, uh, about Adam, we haven't found him yet.

Billy: What do you mean, you haven't found him yet? Have you searched around the car, in the woods?

Paul: We have teams all over the area, but as of yet, we have not found him.

Billy: I'm going out there.

Paul: There's no need to do that.

Billy: Look, I'm not letting him get away!

Paul: He's not going to! Listen to me! Adam was in the car. There was an explosion.

Billy: What?

Paul: Odds are he didn't make it.

Victoria: Adam's dead?

Paul: I don't think I'm going out on a limb here saying yes. As far as we know, he might have been dead before the car blew. We didn't have a chance to take a pulse.

Billy: Does this mean I'm under arrest?

Summer: You're right. Her behavior was really bizarre, but you and I both know that you still care about Courtney.

Noah: So, what are you saying? I should just keep on putting myself out there to be hurt?

Summer: I mean, you're hurting right now. Maybe there is a perfectly good reason why she's acting so schizo. Just try to find out why. Hey! Lucky penny! Here.

Noah: I don't believe in that kind of stuff.

Summer: Come on. What is the worst thing that can happen? Look, okay, if I can start a new path, then so can you. And maybe that means learning to trust when everything in you is telling you to run. Take it. [Chuckles]

Noah: All right. Heads, I trust. Tails, I run.

Esther: Okay, since Mrs. C. isn't here to say it, I'm going to say it. Enough is enough. Cane, Lily, Devon, I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

Lily: That's fine. Of course.

Cane: We understand.

Devon: Hang on. Chloe, what if Adam had nothing to do with the foundation and they were completely separate?

Chloe: That's impossible.

Devon: It's not impossible. Just hear me out.

[Doorbell rings]

Esther: Oh, boy. What now?

Chloe: Adam created the Delia foundation to ease his conscience. I'm sorry, but I am not giving him the satisfaction even if he is dead.

Cane: Devon, let -- come on.

Devon: Hang on. We can give back every dollar that Adam donated. I'll put up the money. I'll double it.

Jack: You would do that?

Devon: You all know I would. All right? We'll set new guidelines, set new goals. You could change the name of it. You can call it Delia's hope or Delia's fund. Whatever you want. I just think it's too important to abandon. There's kids all over the country that need it. And I believe that Delia is counting on us to come through for them.

Chloe: Yeah, she would, uh, she would want that. She would.

Jack: And I know Billy would approve.

Chloe: Have you seen him?

Jack: Not yet. He's apparently a little worse for the wear, but he's gonna be okay.

Esther: Mr. Abbott and Mrs. C. are looking out for him.

Kevin: Speaking of looking out for people --

Chloe: Yeah.

Kevin: Okay.

Jack: Good night.

Esther: Good night, Katie.

Lily: Sleep well.

Victoria: Don't you even go there. There's no reason for Paul to arrest you.

Billy: Look, I love you for saying that, okay? But --

Victoria: Okay.

Billy: The cops have plenty of reasons to haul me in.

Paul: Kidnapping, leaving the scene of an accident --

Victoria: Wait a minute. Leaving the scene of an accident? Are you kidding me? That's Adam's crime. It's not Billy's. It's all Billy could do to find his way through the woods to try to get home. [Voice breaking] What did you expect him to do, Paul? Did you want him to hang out by the car until it exploded?

Paul: If you would just let me finish --

Victoria: Why should I when you're trying to take my husband away from me and his son?!

Paul: I have no intention of filing charges against Billy. At least not for now.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Chelsea: Jack left?

Victor: Yeah. In a rare moment of compassion and courtesy, he didn't want to intrude on family business.

Chelsea: We're not family, Victor. Especially not now.

Victor: Chelsea, when all has been said and done, you and I may not like each other, but I am that boy's grandfather.

Chelsea: I'm sorry. I'm just trying to process everything.

Victor: It's all the more reason for someone to be here with you.

Chelsea: Adam and I, we wanted a family, but we never even got a wedding night, and now --

Victor: Want me to hold him for you?

Chelsea: I've been asking myself -- I can't believe he never told me about Delia. I've been asking myself if I could have forgiven him.

Victor: Yeah. Been asking myself the same question.

Chelsea: But now he's gone, and I'll never find out. Adam left us alone.

Victor: You'll never be alone. No. You'll never be alone.

Noah: Hey. Go on. Tell me you're not doing drugs when I just caught you buying.

Courtney: Noah, get out of here.

Noah: No, no! Not until you admit to me that you're a liar and a user.

Courtney: It's not what you think!

Noah: Really? Hey, I know what I --

Victor: I want you to listen to me. You and I have a complicated history. But I will not abandon you in this time of need. You and Connor are both Newmans. And you always will be, okay?

Chelsea: [Sniffles]

Victor: Hey, my boy. You're my boy. I can't hardly wait to teach you how to ride. That's right. Maybe we'll get blue smoke. I'll teach you how to ride. What do you think? Huh? Yeah. You're a Newman, and you always will be.

Chelsea: [Sniffles]

Victoria: Billy.

Billy: [Coughing]

Victoria: We're going to the ER, Okay?

Billy: No.

Victoria: Yes, we are.

Billy: No. Why? So a doctor can tell me what I already know? That I'll be all right? Huh?

Victoria: I want him to tell me that you're gonna be all right, all right? I just got you back here. I don't want you collapsing on me again. Let's go.

Billy: No.

Victoria: Come on. Let's go.

Billy: Baby.

Victoria: I was really afraid when I saw that lock box. I didn't even know you had a gun. And then everything that you said about karmic justice. [Voice breaking] And I was just really scared.

Billy: Hey, stop. It's all right. It's over, okay?

Victoria: Okay. [Sobs]

Jack: So, let's give Billy a little time, and then we'll approach him with your idea.

Esther: It's so generous of you to offer, Devon. And I'm sure that Chloe's gonna come around. You can tell she's already leaning towards saying yes. So if there's anything that I can do to help --

Lily: Don't worry. We will find something for you to do.

Cane: [Chuckles]

Esther: And I'm sure that Jill would want to be a part of this, too, even though she'll probably complain about it the whole time.

Jack: Listen, that's why I stopped by. I'm trying to reach Jill. I've tried for a while, and she's not getting back to me. Uh, I'd like to be able to tell her about Billy before she hears it on the news.

Esther: Well, good luck. She hasn't answered any of my calls, either.

Cane: I wonder where Jill could be.

Next, on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jill: Husband and wife.

Esther: As in married?

Colin: Don't I even get a congratulations?

Nikki: You can't blame him for Adam's death!

Jack: All Adam wanted was from Victor to love him! That bastard couldn't even pull that off!

Avery: Nick.

Nick: I'm looking for Dylan.

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