Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/30/14

Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/30/14


Episode # 10339 ~ Nikki & Ian Ward butt heads; the battle between Billy & Adam reaches a head.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Akpene

Paul: Sorry to come by so late, Jack.

Jack: Not at all. I am a little confused. You came looking for Adam here?

Paul: Yeah. Uh, do you have any idea where he might be?

Jack: Far as I know, he and his family left for France.

Paul: Well, he never got on the plane, and the flight was grounded.

Jack: Victor. It's a last-ditch attempt to keep his grandson in this country. What has he accused Adam of now -- insider trading, stock manipulation? What?

Paul: There is a warrant for Adam's arrest. We have every reason to believe that he was the hit-and-run driver that killed your niece.

Victoria: Stay here with Johnny. I'm gonna go find Billy.

Victor: No, darling. I think you should stay here. Billy may come back, okay?

Victoria: Understand, if I don't find him and stop him, Billy is gonna kill Adam.

Victor: Sweetheart, shh.

Adam: What you have planned for me is worse -- shooting me and leaving me here to die?

Billy: Shut up. No more questions. This is not a conversation.

Adam: What is it, exactly -- an interrogation? An execution?

Billy: I said, "no more questions."

Adam: Billy, I'm entitled to a couple questions.

Billy: You're entitled?

Adam: I've answered all of your questions.

Billy: You're entitled?! You're entitled?! You tell me what you're entitled to. Please tell me what you're entitled to.

Adam: Billy, don't do it. I have a son.

Billy: I had a daughter. She's right there! I had a daughter.

Chloe: Hey. Why haven't they brought in Adam yet?

Kevin: There's an APB. out. Every available cop is canvassing the area. He is not gonna away with killing Delia.

Chloe: He's already gotten away with it for months, Kevin.

Kevin: You're angry. I understand that.

Chloe: [Sighs]

Kevin: [Sighs] Look, sweetie, if he is guilty --

Chloe: If? If?!

Kevin:  I promise you he is gonna pay for the pain that he has caused, okay? Hey, I'll take this. Thanks. Chloe, look, I --

Chelsea: [Crying] What was your daddy thinking? Did he really think that nobody was ever gonna find out? [Sniffles] Did he know that -- did he want to leave the country because he knew the police were closing in and he was responsible for a little girl's death? Responsible. Adam's responsible. [Crying] Adam killed Delia.

Adam: Billy, I have had the thought many times in the last few months that I don't deserve to live.

Billy: People who think that -- they don't get married, run off to Paris, and buy a house.

Adam: I thought I could have a life, a family, just catch a glimpse of what other people get. Because that's all it would be for me -- just a glimpse. The truth would eventually come out. Everything would come crashing in for me.

Billy: Am I supposed to feel sorry for you? Is that what you're trying to do?

Adam: I'm not asking you for anything, Billy. I'm taking responsibility.

Billy: Yeah? Well, I don't buy that, either.

Adam: I should have come forward after the accident, and that's what this was. It was a terrible, terrible accident. The crime was in me not owning up to it. I just wanted a -- I just wanted to be regular. I wanted a family. I wanted to be with my son, finally. I didn't want to miss another minute.

Billy: Well, now you're gonna miss minutes. You're gonna miss hours. You're gonna miss years. I promise you that.

Avery: In case I haven't made it clear, I am very proud of the way you stood up to Ian.

Dylan: You're not gonna say anything, are you?

Avery: Say what?

Dylan: That we had this big romantic evening planned and it got delayed because Ian showed up. But no more because we're out of here.

Avery: We are?

Dylan: Yeah. I got this place taken care of. Gregory's gonna close. And, I think you and I should go back to your place and you should slip on something else.

Avery: Really?

Dylan: Mm-hmm.

Avery: And what will you be doing when I'm slipping on something else?

Dylan: I'll be counting the seconds until I can take it off.

Avery: Oh. Well, maybe you should start counting now.

Dylan: 1 1,000. 2 1,000. [Laughing] 3 1,000. You know, if you keep doing that, I don't know how -- how I'm gonna be able to count.

Victor: You're not doing this.

Victoria: I have to! Do you want Billy to shoot Adam?!

Victor: Sweetheart, of course I don't want him to shoot Adam! I don't want him to injure anyone, all right? Including you!

Victoria: Keeping me here is hurting me! I have to stop my husband before he does something that he can't undo! Let me go!

Victor: Sweetheart, we'll find a sitter for Johnny, and you and I will go together, okay? You're not doing this on your own.

Jack: I'm sorry, Paul. There's no way. Adam is a lot of things. He is not a killer. No way! He would not hit a kid and then drive away. That's crazy!

Paul: Jack, I have gone through all the evidence myself, and it all points to Adam being the alleged driver.

Jack: Come on. How many people out there have a black SUV.?

Paul: Well, I can quote you an exact number, and we have checked every single one locally with a partial plate provided to us by a witness.

Jack: A witness? Somebody actually saw it?

Paul: He was reluctant to come forward at first, for legal reasons, but he finally did. And the information that we garnered narrowed the list down significantly. And I will also tell you we traced some posts on a message board back to Adam's IP address. He was interacting with Billy in a grief chat room, sympathizing with the driver.

Billy: It's just Adam used that exact same phrase a few days ago. I believe it was "balancing the karmic scales." And so did this other guy on this chat room -- this chat room I've been going to for parents who are grieving over a lost child. It's a hell of a coincidence, don't you think?

Paul: Jack, I know how difficult this is for you to hear, but if Adam is our assailant, you at least have the comfort in knowing that he can finally have some closure.

Billy: I brought you to this cold, dark bend in the road because this is where I found my daughter. This is where I held her hand. This is where I told her that she was gonna be okay. That's what I told her, and it tears my guts out that the last thing I said to my daughter was a lie. I don't know. I thought maybe if you came here, stood in the spot where my daughter died, and I heard you confess, that I'd get something out of it -- I don't know -- I'd feel better, but I don't. I feel exactly the same.

Adam: You know what's gonna make you feel better? Is if you take me to the police station and you see me in cuffs.

Billy: Like prison is gonna be any sort of punishment for someone like you? You'll still have a life. You'll still get to see your kid grow up. It might be in pictures, but you'll get to see him grow up. I don't get to do that. My daughter's dead. She's dead. All that goodness, all that happiness, all that potential is gone because she's dead because you left her here on the side of the road, and I would have killed you right there --

Adam: But I didn't know, Billy. I didn't know, I swear to you. Look at me. I'm telling you I didn't know. Now just take me to the police station, okay?

Billy: You keep trying to sell me on that. You and I both know that's not gonna make me feel better.

Adam: What's gonna make you feel better -- if you put a bullet in me, you let me bleed out in the snow here?

Billy: Yeah, I think so.

Adam: Not for long.

Billy: Long enough.

Adam: You need to think about this, Billy. You need to think real hard. Think. You're a father. You have a son. His name is Johnny. You have the chance to watch him grow up. You don't have to do this. You kill me, you go away to prison. What kind of sense does that make?! That doesn't solve anything! You send me to prison. You send me to prison, okay? You get your justice, and you get your son. That is what you need to do.

Billy: Do you feel that? Do you know how badly I want to pull this trigger and end your life? Start walking.

Chelsea: If the police find that, they'll put your daddy in prison for years and you'll grow up without a father. How could I not know? How could I fall in love with this man all over again and not realize what was going on? I should have asked him. I should have asked him. When I saw that he was acting so guilty, I should have insisted he tell me why. [Crying] How did I not figure it out? How did I not figure it out? What if the police don't believe me? What if -- what if the police don't believe me that I didn't know, that Adam didn't tell me about his crime? Of course they won't believe me. Why would they? I mean, I'm a con artist. And they might put me in prison, too, and then you'll be all alone, and then it'll be Jack and Victor fighting to raise you, and you'll just be ripped from my arms. [Crying] [Breathing heavily] Oh, God. Okay. Okay, baby. Come on. I gotcha. Okay. I gotcha, okay? I got you. I do. I do. Okay.

Chloe: Off to meet Adam?

Chloe: I bet you can't wait to start your new life in Paris. It really is a romantic city. Might even help you forget that you're there with a killer.

Chelsea: I'm not going to meet Adam. I don't even know where he is.

Chloe: He should be on a level of hell reserved for people who murder children.

Chelsea: Who told you?

Chloe: It doesn't matter because it doesn't change the fact that my best friend didn't tell me the truth.

Chelsea: No, Chloe. I didn't know.

Chloe: I mean, in the very worst moment of my life, I was still a great friend to you. I gave you the most incredible gift. And how do you repay me? How? By hiding the fact that your new husband killed my daughter?

Chelsea: I have not been covering for him. I didn't know. I swear, Chloe, I didn't know -- until tonight, when I saw the tape.

Chloe: What tape?

Chelsea: Adam -- he left this for me. It's -- it's his confession. I was gonna take it to the police.

Chloe: Let me see it.

Chelsea: Seeing that isn't gonna help you. Knowing what happened isn't --

Chloe: No, I want to see it. I want to hear him admit what he did.

Adam: I had no business being behind a wheel, but I was. I was driving, and I was thinking about you. You were on my mind. And then a little doggy -- just a little dog -- damn dog runs across the road. I swerved out of the way not to hit it. I stop. I get out. I look. I-I-I check. He's fine. His tail's wagging. He runs off. He was fine. But there was a little girl -- a little girl that I never even saw -- Delia. I swear I had no idea that I hit her.

Jack: I've worked out so many scenarios in my mind. It never once occurred to me that the driver was somebody Delia knew -- someone who's a good friend of mine.

Paul: Well, don't be too hard on yourself, Jack. Adam did a very good job at covering his tracks. No one had any reason to suspect him. But, listen, if you hear from him, please give me a call. I'll see myself out.

Dylan: All right. Got Gregory all squared away so he can close for me later. I'm all yours. You ready?

[Cell phone rings]

Avery: Jack. What's going on?

Jack: Avery, I need to see you. I'm at the house. Can you come now?

Avery: Did something happen with Phyllis?

Jack: No.

Avery: Then what's wrong?

Jack: I'd rather talk to you about it in person. Can you get over here?

Avery: Uh, I'm on my way now.

Dylan: Is this delay number 2?

Avery: I will make it a short one.

Dylan: It's okay. You know what? I'll finish up here, and I'll just meet you back at your place.

Avery: Wait. Why don't you go see Nikki? Seeing Ian has been a shock for you both, and I think discussing it with her will make you feel better.

Kevin: Paul is out on a case.

Victoria: Is he arresting Adam?

Victor: Well, we know about the warrant. I was in the apartment when the police came to serve it.

Kevin: They're still searching.

Victoria: [Sighs] They better find Adam before my husband does.

Victor: Maybe Billy doesn't know.

Kevin: He knows, or at least he suspects.

Victor: Why do you say that?

Kevin: He was here earlier, and he told me his theory about the driver posting in that chat room.

Victoria: The one for grieving parents?

Kevin: Mm-hmm. He didn't mention Adam by name, but he said he thought he knew who it was.

Victoria: You let him leave? You didn't try to stop him?!

Kevin: How could I? "A," I'm not a cop, and, "b," even if I was, you can't hold somebody without probable cause.

Victoria: Okay. So, what are we gonna do? We just wait around while my husband wanders around town with a gun, looking for Adam?

Kevin: He has a gun?

Adam: I think you're making the right decision, Billy.

Billy: I don't care what you think. Drive north on 7.

Adam: Drive north? I thought we were going south, back into town, to the police station.

Billy: Head north! Head north.

Adam: Where are we going, Billy?

Billy: You drive. You shut up. You drive.

Avery: I got here as soon as I could. What's wrong?

Jack: Did you know? Is that why Adam had you draw up the guardianship papers?

Avery: Did I know what? What are you referring to?

Jack: Paul just informed me there's a manhunt for Adam. He's been charged with vehicular manslaughter and leaving the scene.

Avery: Oh, my god. Delia?

Jack: I need you to be honest with me, Avery -- did he do it? Did he kill my brother's little girl?

Dylan: I could tell by your face when you answered the door that you were afraid it might be Ian Ward again.

Nikki: He'll be hard-pressed to make it past security next time, if there is a next time.

Dylan: The guy I just met didn't strike me as the type to give up that easily.

Nikki: Oh, my god. He found you.

Dylan: Down at the coffeehouse. I'm not hard to find.

Nikki: [Sighs] I wish he hadn't done that.

Dylan: It was inevitable. But now it's done. And I made sure that he knew that he was not welcome in my life or yours. You're still worried.

Nikki: No, no. I'm not really worried. Um, and there's no reason to be frightened. I'm not that naive girl that he took advantage of anymore. But he is so charismatic, I worry that he's gonna stay in town and try to worm his way into our lives.

Dylan: I just wish I had listened to you when you said to leave him alone.

Nikki: Hey, you had every right to search for your biological father.

Dylan: I just needed to see for myself the kind of man he really was.

Nikki: And?

Dylan: And I saw enough to know that I don't want to have anything to do with my so-called father ever again.

Ian: My reunion with Nicole wasn't what I had hoped for. But as we both know, Clarence, the path can be strewn with obstacles. [Chuckles] Yes. Well, fortunately for me, I'm a master of perseverance.

Victor: Billy may have a gun. We don't know for sure.

Victoria: Well, then, how do you explain the lockbox you found in our closet?

Victor: Sweetheart, it wasn't empty, though.

Victoria: Until you brought up the possibility, it never occurred me that Billy had a gun, although we can't call him up, can we, and ask him? Because his calls are going straight to the voicemail.

Kevin: Look, you guys, I have to report this.

Paul: What's going on?

Kevin: We think that Billy went after Adam. He's not picking up his phone, and he may be armed.

Adam: Need help with that?

Billy: Man, shut up.

Adam: Buckle up. Roads are slick.

Billy: You drive carefully.

Adam: Where are we going?

Billy: [Sighs]

Adam: Billy, you can put that gun away. I'm cooperating, and you're not gonna shoot me anyway.

Billy: Yeah? How do you know that?

Adam: 'Cause you would have done it back where we were. How is the next place we're going to more fitting than the last?

Billy: Maybe the next place is more fitting to hide a body. You ever think of that, smart guy?

Adam: You're not that practical. You're not thinking things through. You're acting on impulse. That's what you do -- sloppy, poorly thought out.

Billy: I've played poker with you, Adam. I know when you're trying to put me on tilt. Maybe your plan is I get riled up, reckless, you grab the gun. Is that what you're thinking? Well, you know something? Since Delia died, I'm always on tilt. Come on, man! Look, you watch the road. What are you trying to do, huh? Huh? Go off the side of the road, maybe, hit a tree or something? I'm not in a seat belt and I go out the windshield. That's not gonna work now. I promise you I will shoot you before I leave this car. Now, you watch the road. Watch the road!

Nikki: Well, I am very relieved to hear you don't want to have a relationship with Ian Ward.

Dylan: You can put all the perfume you want on a skunk.

Nikki: [Chuckles] Amen. Oh.

Dylan: I shouldn't be stressing you out like this.

Nikki: Oh, no. No, you're not, believe me. And this is something I live with every day.

Dylan: I'm aware of that, but it can't help to be dredging up these painful memories.

Nikki: No, you know, to the contrary. I'm glad that I'm finally dealing with this. I just wish I had had the courage to face it years ago.

Dylan: You faced it when you were ready. That's all you can ask of anyone.

Avery: I can't answer your question, Jack.

Jack: Oh, please don't tell me attorney-client privilege. If Adam caused her death, he does not deserve the protection of the law, and you certainly shouldn't be hiding behind it!

Avery: I'm not! This is the first that I'm hearing that Adam could have been driving the car night.

Jack: Paul says there's some very compelling evidence.

Avery: Okay. Well, wait. Wait, because I have defended many people who have been accused and convicted of crimes they didn't commit based on so-called evidence.

Jack: Oh, believe me -- I want to think this is all some tragic mistake, but when I think about what Adam's done in the last month -- making me guardian, taking off for France with his family out of nowhere -- it makes sense. He felt the walls closing in.

Avery: Every suspect is innocent until proven guilty. [Sighs] But I have to admit, when Adam asked me to draw up those papers, it did raise certain questions.

Jack: Then you agree those papers were more than just Adam protecting his son from Victor.

Paul: And make sure all units know to keep an eye out for Billy Abbott, as well. He is possibly armed.

Victoria: Make your men understand that Billy is not a criminal here. He's a distraught parent who wants his daughter's killer brought to justice, okay?

Paul: That's understood, Victoria, but it's not up to Billy to dole out justice.

Victor: Paul, with all due respect, I think my son-in-law was getting impatient waiting for you to do your job. I kind of understand the feeling.

Kevin: Look, we're getting very close to making an arrest.

Paul: You know, it might help if you would tell us what you know.

Victor: Meaning what?

Paul: Jack saw you and Adam at the courthouse.

Victor: How is that relevant?

Paul: Did he mention anything about his plans?

Victor: [Sighs] Adam was about to leave town okay? Leave for Paris. I don't want to lose contact with my grandson. I tried to convince Adam to change his mind and stay here.

Paul: And convince him how?

Victor: Well, I talked to him about family. I told him that if he took that boy to Paris or anywhere else away from this family, the boy would grow up with a feeling of always looking from the outside in and that would be sad and tragic because that's what Adam did, and I would think that any parent wouldn't want that for his child.

Billy: Pull over right here.

Adam: What are we doing here?

Billy: I was thinking about what you said -- how you had a glimpse of the life that you could have had with Chelsea and Connor. Well, I want you to get a glimpse of the life that you took. Take a look. This is Delia's school. You see those double doors? They lead to the auditorium where my daughter made her big debut as the wicked witch of the west. You see, Delia was a star, man. She brought down the house. When she walked off that stage, she had the biggest smile you've ever seen on a kid, and it didn't take much to make Delia happy, but that night -- that night -- that was the best night of her life. You say you have nightmares about my daughter -- you see her in your dreams? You think about her here, not on the side of the road. That's the image that should haunt you. A little girl so full of joy, so full of life -- that's what you destroyed. Now, your son -- I imagine he'll go to this same school. He'll walk through those same doors. He's gonna have good days. He's gonna have bad. But he'll still be alive. He'll be living. And you, Adam -- I promise, you're not gonna see any of it.

Adam: Because I love you, peanut. I love you so much. You are the answer to every question I've ever had. You're my redemption. But when I look at you now, I... [Sniffles] I see Delia looking back at me.

Chloe: He said her name. [Crying] How dare he think to say her name? Why did he leave her on the side of the road?

Chelsea: Adam said he didn't know that --

Chloe: Really? You believe him?

Chelsea: I am so -- I'm so sorry, he did this, Chloe. I'm so sorry.

Chloe: I told you to stay away from him. I told you not to tell him the truth about Connor. You didn't listen to me.

Chelsea: I loved him.

Chloe: Why are you protecting him, Chelsea?

Chelsea: I'm not. I'm not. I couldn't if I wanted to, Chloe. But wh-- you saw the tape. I mean, he'll be put in prison, so --

Chloe: If they can find him. They don't even know where he is. I mean, he could be halfway to Dubai right now with a phony passport. You can't let this happen.

Chelsea: If he's determined to run, there's nothing I can do.

Chloe: Yeah, but you're his wife and you have a son, you know? I mean, he will listen to you. You convince him to come home. You know, call him. Call him and tell him that -- that you forgive him and that you understand and that his little boy needs him.

Chelsea: You want me to use my son to get Adam back?

Chloe: You owe me, Chelsea.

Chelsea: You expect me to lie?

Chloe: [Crying] I expect you to do whatever it takes to get justice for Delia.

Dylan: Hey. How'd it go? When you were on the phone, I could tell from the tone of your voice something bad happened.

Avery: Dylan, I can hardly breathe. I'm still in shock.

Dylan: Okay. Just start from the beginning.

Avery: The police are looking for Adam. They think that he's the driver that hit Delia.

Kevin: I just checked the security footage from Adam's building. Billy's car has been parked there for several hours.

Victoria: Meaning he's already confronted Adam.

Kevin: Well, if he did, it didn't happen there. I spoke to the cop who's on duty, and he said there's been no sign of either of them.

Victor: And I was at Adam's place just after he had left, and Chelsea didn't know where he was.

Kevin: Does Chelsea know?

Paul: Okay. If Billy were bringing Adam back here, they would be here by now. Is there someplace else that Billy might take Adam -- somewhere more remote?

Victor: Yeah. The Abbott cabin.

Paul: That's a good point. I'll have a patrol check it out.

Victor: But I think you're missing what is right in front of you, Paul, with all due respect. Billy Abbott wants justice, okay?

Paul: Victor, I have to cover my bases. But if I were your son-in-law, I know exactly what I'd do.

Victoria: What?

Paul: I would take that SOB who killed my child back to the scene of the crime.

Billy: I used to love picking her up from school. She'd tell me about her day on the car ride home. She'd ask me a million questions. Man, that kid was so smart.

[Cell phone rings]

Chelsea: Adam? Are you there? It's me -- Chelsea. I saw the tape. [Crying] I know everything, and I understand now why you've been drowning in guilt. That's why you're not talking right now, right? 'Cause you don't know what to say to me. And that's okay. Adam, what happened that night with Delia -- it was a terrible, terrible accident. But I-I-I still love you and [Sniffles] And we're still a family. And if you just come home, then maybe we'd be able to --

Chloe: Is he coming?

Chelsea: I don't know. [Sniffles] He didn't say a word.

Billy: Oh, boy. That crushed you, didn't it, hearing her say that she knew?

Adam: [Sighs]

Billy: That would just kill you to have to tell everybody that you care about face-to-face -- your father, Sharon, Avery, my brother -- have to tell them what you did. You left a little girl on the side of the road alone to die. And then, you know, you'd have to face Chloe -- look her in the eye, tell Delia's mother what you did.

Billy: As a matter of fact, drive.

[Doorbell rings]

Nikki: How did you get past security?

Ian: [Chuckles] Well, lovely to see you, too, Nicole. I rang the bell this time so you wouldn't be so startled. May I come in?

Nikki: No, you may not. I hope you're here to tell me you're leaving town.

Ian: Why would I do that? I just got here. Genoa City is far more intriguing than I remembered it, especially after having the immense pleasure of meeting our son.

Nikki: You stay away from Dylan. He wants nothing to do with you.

Ian: Yeah, because of all the stories you've regaled him with, no doubt.

Nikki: I told him nothing but the truth.

Ian: You made our time together sound like a nightmare. But the young man I spoke with - he's living proof that whatever happened between us, Nikki, couldn't have been all bad.

Dylan: So, Adam killed Delia?

Avery: He's done so many reprehensible things, but this --

Dylan: He must be in hell.

Avery: Why do you say that?

Dylan: Because he's a father. I mean, Adam has to know the pain he's caused Billy and Victoria and everybody else who loved her. Poor Connor.

Avery: I know.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Avery: Listen, about our romantic evening -- I'm sorry. I just don't feel like --

Dylan: No, no, no, no, no. No. I understand. But I think we should still be together... especially now.

Avery: Yeah. Okay.

Chelsea: All I ever wanted was to give my son a stable home. I love being a mom. I am so sorry, Chloe.

Chloe: [Sighs] You're not alone. I'm still your friend. [Sighs] And Connor will have a stable home... 'cause his godmother is gonna be here to help every step of the way.

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Jack: What are you worried is going to happen to you?

Adam: Just chalk it up to having a son and having a new outlook on life.

Jack: On one hand, Adam, I can count the number of times I have seen you this agitated. In every case, there's something serious going on.

Adam: So just tell me that my son will always be protected.

Jack: [Sighs] Let me get this straight. Is this really just about peace of mind, just in case, or are you in some kind of trouble? If you are, I want to help.

Jack: Oh, my god. You killed my niece, and you didn't say a thing. You just got all your ducks in a row.

Victor: My son?

Jack: Yes, your son, who wants nothing to do with you -- your son, who would gladly have thrown you out of that ceremony on your arrogant posterior if you weren't holding something really serious over his head. I just wonder what that is. Damn you, Victor. You knew. You knew it was Adam all along. [Breathing heavily]

Paul: If anyone needs me, I'll be at the accident site.

Victoria: I'm going with you.

Paul: No, you're not, Victoria. That's not gonna happen.

Victoria: I'm the only one that Billy will listen to. I have to go with you.

Paul: This is official police business.

Victoria: Paul. Paul!

Paul: Make her comfortable and make sure she doesn't leave until I get back.

Victoria: Daddy, we talked about this. We talked about this!

Victor: You will not --

Victoria: I need to go!

Victor: It is far too dangerous.

Victoria: I don't care! I have to go! I have to go!

Victor: Sweetheart, I said no.

Victoria: It's my husband, and I need to be there for him!

Victor: I said no.

Victoria: Daddy!

Victor: It is too dangerous. Come on.

Victoria: [Sobbing] Oh, God.

Adam: So, you want to take me around to everyone, make me confess, take me around like a dog, make me sit up, roll over, speak?

Billy: Yeah, I guess I am. I guess I am.

Adam: What would be the purpose of that?

Billy: Well, Adam, I want everybody to remember what you did so they'll keep you away from children, especially yours -- no visits in prison, and when you get out, they'll keep Connor away from you for the rest of your life. And even if somehow you manage to avoid prison, all those people you care about -- believe me, they're gonna band together, and they're gonna keep you away from your boy. I've got one goal here, one single, solitary goal -- make sure you never see Connor again.

Adam: Misplaced anger. You want to blame me for everything.

Billy: Oh, you are to blame.

Adam: Am I? Am I completely to blame, or is there somebody else there with me, huh? What was that little girl doing on the side of the road in the dark at night? Who was the person who left that little girl all alone in the car?

Billy: You should shut up.

Adam: Hmm?

Billy: You should shut up.

Adam: Sounds to me like there's somebody else who shares the blame. Tell me something, Billy -- was that you? [Grunts]


[Tires screeching]

[Crash, glass breaking]

Next, on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: We're gonna hear from Billy soon.

Victoria: What if he did something to Adam?

Fen: I'm gonna be locked up for a long time. The only thing that keep me out of prison now is a miracle.

Jack: You figured out that Adam was responsible for Delia's death. Whatever happens to Billy and Adam now is on your head.

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