Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/28/14

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/28/14


Episode # 10337 ~ Chloe learns the truth about the hit & run; Sharon remembers Cassie.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Akpene

Nick: Hey. What's wrong? Sharon? What's going on? Do you see something out there?

Sharon: No.

Nick: You did. You saw something. What was it?

Sharon: I'm sure it was nothing.

Kevin: Hiding in plain sight this whole time. You sick freak.

Chloe: Kevin.

Kevin: What are you doing here?

Chloe: Listen, you have to do something about Adam.

Kevin: What?

Chloe: You have to stop them.

Kevin: I don't know what you mean.

Chloe: Okay, I just a horrible fight with Chelsea. You can't let him take her and the baby away.

Kevin: Chloe, we've been over this, and I told you I'm working on it.

Chloe: Okay, great, but while you've been working on it, Adam and Chelsea just got married and they're leaving for Paris tonight.

Kevin: Tonight?

Adam: My name is Victor Adam Newman, Jr. It is November 4, 2013. And I am confessing to the hit-and-run murder of Delia Abbott.

[Knock on door]

Chelsea: [Trembling]

[Knock on door]

Chelsea: [Gasps]

[Camcorder clatters]

Chelsea: [Sniffles] I'm coming. I'm coming.

Devon: Hilary. Hi.

Hilary: Devon. How's it going?

Devon: It's going good, thanks to you.

Hilary: Why? What I do?

Devon: You came up with a great theme for the Delia project fundraiser, and we're going with it. That's what you did.

Hilary: That's great. It's a wonderful cause. I wish I could do more to help.

Devon: I was actually hoping you would say just that. Would you like to volunteer?

Hilary: [Chuckles] Yeah, that would be great. Lily and I working together. Don't even get me started on the fun we would have.

Devon: Like you said, it is a wonderful cause, and we really could use the help. I'm sure Lily could put aside her personal feelings long enough to get through it.

Lily: So, someone threw out a concept at the meeting for the theme of the event, and I happen to think that it's awful. But you're the expert, so I figure I should run it by you.

Kelly: After a build up like that, I'm on the edge of my seat.

Lily: Well, it's "Once upon a winter evening." It's a storybook theme. Basically, celebrating the imagination of children.

Kelly: That's interesting.

Lily: Yeah, I know, right?

Kelly: Actually, I like it. It has potential. Sorry.

Lily: That's fine. You're the expert.

Kelly: But it doesn't matter how we feel. What did Victoria and Billy think?

Lily: Victoria loved it, and she figured that Billy would, too.

Kelly: Billy wasn't here?

Lily: No, he was supposed to be, but he ended up not showing up.

Kelly: Billy was a no-show at a Delia project meeting?

Lily: Yeah.

[Loud knock on door]

Victoria: Oh. Stitch. Hi.

Stitch: Wow, I must have really bombed last time I was here.

Victoria: Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no. Come in. Come in. Come in. Please.

Stitch: Stop me if you've heard this one before, but I was in the neighborhood, thought I'd stop by. Wanted to check on Billy's hand. Is he here?

Victoria: No, um, I actually thought you were him, but he left hours ago without saying goodbye and I haven't heard from him.

Stitch: Oh. Where is he?

Billy: I'm gonna give you one more chance. You tell me what you're sorry about.

Adam: I am sorry that you had to go through this, Billy. I am very sorry.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Adam: As a father, I hate it. I can only imagine what it must be like.

Billy: You shut your mouth! You have no idea what this is! You can't imagine! You can't possibly imagine!

Adam: Billy, Billy, you're right. You're right, okay? You're right. I cannot imagine. So, let's talk about this down at the police station okay? That's where I was headed.

Billy: That's not where you were headed. You were headed to Paris. With your family. An ocean away from all this. You were just gonna get away, weren't you?

Adam: No, no. I was headed to the police station. I will prove it to you. Let us go there. We will talk about everything there. That is what you want.

Billy: How do you know what I want?

Adam: Because it's what I want, Billy! I want the same thing. I want all this to be over.

Billy: You do?

Nick: All right, Sharon. What's going on? You don't get this shaken up over nothing. Did you see something?

Faith: Daddy, help!

Nick: Right here, baby girl. What's going on?

Sharon: Did you have a bad dream, sweetie?

Faith: There was a noise outside.

Nick: What? Can you describe the noise? You know, it doesn't matter. There's no noises. Let's go. I'm gonna go check it out. I'll be right back.

Sharon: I'm sorry you're scared, sweetie, but you know what? Daddy's gonna take care of it. And remember when there was that tree branch that used to brush outside of your window and scare you sometimes? I'm sure that's all it was.

Faith: No, Mommy. It was a monster. Or a ghost.

Victoria: Well, when he left here, he was in a really odd mood, and he's not at the restaurant, his phone goes straight through to voicemail.

Stitch: Any chance he's just out driving around, clearing his head? That's what I do when I'm on overload.

Victoria: Yeah, you know what? You're right. That's probably it. [Chuckles]

Stitch: Do you mind if I ask something that's probably none of my business? When I got here, you thought I might be him. How often does Billy knock on his own door?

Victoria: More often than you would think. You know, he's always misplacing his house key, and that would be just fine if he wasn't always coming up with a clever place to hide the spare.

Stitch: Sounds familiar.

Victoria: When I answered the door, I was kind of disappointed that it wasn't Billy, but I was also a little relieved that it was you.

Stitch: What do you mean?

Victoria: Well, you have sort of an authoritative knock, Stitch.

Stitch: Thanks. I think.

Victoria: It's just when I heard it, I had this flash of fear that there was, like, bad news waiting on the other side of the door.

Stitch: Are you that worried about him?

Victoria: No, it's just that bad news doesn't usually call or text. Bad news knocks.

Stitch: I'm sure he's fine, Victoria. Look, do you want to go out looking for him?

Victoria: Oh, no, no, no. That's not necessary. I'm sure you're right. I'm sure that he's gonna call me any minute now.

Stitch: I could stick around until he shows up. Would that help?

Victoria: I have an idea. Are you hungry?

Stitch: [Chuckles]

Victoria: That's why you're really in the neighborhood, isn't it? You were on your way to the burger beat. Admit it.

Stitch: I can't. I'm too ashamed.

Victoria: You should be ashamed. That's awful. I'm gonna cook us a nice home-cooked dinner. What do you say?

Stitch: Oh, no, no, no. You don't -- I couldn't ask you to do that.

Victoria: What are you talking about? Are you hungry or are you not hungry? Because I'm starving, and, honestly, I could use the company right now. And if you're gonna be hanging out here, you might as well get a free meal out of it, right?

Stitch: Great. What are we having?

Victoria: Let's go find out.

Victor: Forgive the intrusion, but I need to speak with Adam.

Chelsea: No, he's not here, Victor. This really isn't a good time.

Victor: I understand congratulations are in order. You got married tonight.

Chelsea: Yes. There's still things I need to do, so --

Victor: By the way, you're not still planning to leave for Paris, are you?

Chelsea: Why wouldn't we be?

Victor: Well, then, my timing is perfect. I need to speak with Adam before he sets foot on that plane. I'll wait.

Chelsea: No, I don't where he is, and I have to find him, so I need you to leave.

Victor: What happened? Did you two have an argument?

Chelsea: As if I'd tell you. Why are you even here, Victor? You have to go.

Victor: Please, Chelsea. You're very upset. Let me help you, okay? Do you want to talk to me?

Chelsea: [Crying] No, I want to talk to Adam. I need to talk to Adam. Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

Victor: Okay, come here.

Chelsea: [Crying]

Victor: It'll be all right.

Adam: This is what you want. This could all be over. Just take me to the police.

Billy: You know what I want. I want the whole story. Because I'm having a little trouble understanding this. I want to know why I'm standing at a memorial with my daughter's name on it. I mean, I can see it. I can touch it. You want to see it?! Take a look at it! I can see the flowers, I can see the pictures, and I can see the letters that her friends wrote to her, but I don't understand. It's not processing. I can't wrap my head around it. So, this is what we're gonna do. You're gonna walk me through this. These are the parts that I know. That night, my daughter and I, we left our house. We went to her school play. She told me that was the greatest night of her life. The greatest night in her 7-year-old life. She was fantastic. We stopped to get ice cream to celebrate. I walked into that store and I was back two minutes later. And then I find -- [Voice breaking] -- the most precious person I have ever known in my entire life laying right there! Where you're standing! All alone, dying! That's what I know. That night, when she died, something in me died, too. The very best part of me. So, believe me when I tell you I have no problem emptying every bullet in this clip into you. I have a little problem with the last two minutes. I can't figure out -- I don't know how she died or why or what happened, but somebody does. And now, Adam, you're gonna tell me what happened. What happened?!

Sharon: Did you find anything?

Nick: I found the trash bin lid on the ground. And I think I know how it got there.

Faith: A big, huge, stinky trash monster?

Nick: No. I hate those guys. I sent them packing a long time ago. I think it was a raccoon.

Sharon: Oh, like on our hike. You like raccoons, remember?

Nick: Who doesn't love raccoons? All right, so, there's no monsters. Just raccoons. I'm gonna get you back up into bed and I'm gonna read you a story until you fall asleep.

Sharon: Thank you.

Nick: You're welcome. I wish we had a pet raccoon.

Sharon: Cassie?

Kelly: Wow, this is great, Lily. Very ambitious. Trust me, we're gonna need all the volunteers we can get. Yikes. What's that look about?

Lily: Uh, I'm sorry. I just had a wave of nausea seeing my brother cozy up to that homewrecker who tried to ruin my marriage.

Stitch: I'm happy to be in the vicinity of a meal I don't have to eat with a plastic fork and Styrofoam containers, so thanks.

Victoria: Well, thank you. I have never seen anyone peel potatoes so fast.

Stitch: I told you I was hungry. [Chuckles] Actually, it's a skill I picked up in basic.

Victoria: Oh, wow. They still make you do that?

Stitch: Potatoes don't peel themselves.

Victoria: Right. It's just, it's really kind of funny picturing you and Dylan in the army together.

Stitch: Didn't seem funny at the time.

Victoria: Oh, no. I didn't mean it like that.

Stitch: I know. I'm sorry. I get what you mean. Uh, you got your Gomer Pyle and you got your Beetle Bailey. And you got your Mac and Stitch.

Victoria: So, that's where "Stitch" came from, the nickname, from the army?

Stitch: What else are you gonna call a medic?

Victoria: I kind of liked it when Kelly called you Ben the other night. When the two of you were both here. I might try that.

Stitch: Call me anything you want, just don't --

Victoria: Call me late for dinner.

[Both laugh]

Victoria: Oh, my gosh. Okay. Speaking of which, I should check on dinner.

Stitch: It smells great, and I really have to figure out a way to repay you for dinner. Maybe I could take you and Billy out sometime. My treat. You name the restaurant.

Victoria: Oh, wow, that's really nice of you, but, actually, if you have your heart set on paying us back, I think I have something better in mind.

Kevin: Paul, you have to get the judge to issue the arrest warrant now. Adam is planning on leaving for Paris tonight. Chloe, go home.

Chloe: What? No. No way.

Kevin: I will handle Adam and Chelsea leaving town. You have my word. And I will call you the minute there's any news, okay?

Chloe: You know you have the worst poker face in the world, right?

Kevin: You always say you can tell when I'm lying, and 90% of the time, you're wrong.

Chloe: You're lying and I know it. And I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on.

Kevin: There's nothing going on.

Chloe: Really? Really? All of a sudden, you're onboard with me about this whole Paris crisis thing? I mean, despite my inappropriate attachment to Connor?

Kevin: I get it. I was wrong. There is nothing inappropriate about it. You're just trying to protect Chelsea and the baby.

Chloe: Yes, exactly. Kevin, I'm telling you, I am scared to death. I think that Adam is rushing this move to try to isolate them from everyone that loves them.

Kevin: There is no way in hell that I am gonna let that happen.

Victor: I don't understand. Please tell me what happened. Is he in some kind of serious trouble or what?

Chelsea: Since when do you care about Adam?

Victor: Chelsea, he's my son. No matter what happened, I'm his father, okay? So, is he in some kind of trouble?

Chelsea: [Crying]

Victor: Please tell me. Just know that more than anything else, I want to help you.

Chelsea: [Sniffles]

Adam: Just take me to the police station and I will tell every part of this story.

Billy: I've had enough of you!

Adam: I will tell everyone.

Billy: Get down! You get down right there. That's where my daughter died. You get right here! I've waited months for this! I'm not gonna wait another second. Now, you tell me. So help me, I will put a bullet in you. I will leave you here to die alone just like my daughter. You tell me. Say it! What happened to my daughter?!

Adam: [Crying] It was an accident.

Lily: Yeah, I think that this would work.  

Devon: How's it going, you two?

Lily: Well, it was great until this very second.

Devon: Okay. Kelly Andrews, I'd like to introduce you to Hilary Curtis. This is our newest volunteer.

Kelly: Hey, Hilary. Thank you. We were just saying how much we need volunteers.

Hilary: Well the Delia project is a great cause. I'm happy to do all I can to help.

Devon: And there's nothing that Hilary can't do. So, just, whatever you need.

Kelly: Well, there's a lot. We need someone to help sell corporate tables, the list of silent-auction items, create an internet buzz through social media.

Lily: Oh, Hilary. That'd be perfect for you. Hilary is great at creating stories on the internet. That's perfect.

Hilary: Are you seriously bringing that up now?

Lily: Well, I'm just telling Kelly your special abilities. I know. You know what? You should head up the lying, backstabbing, evil skank committee.

Hilary: Only if you promise to run the panel discussion on uptight women who need to get over it.

Lily: That hurt my feelings.

Devon: Okay, guys. Hey, hey! What are you guys doing? Are you 12 years old right now? This isn't about the two of you. This is about a fundraiser to help honor the memory of a 7-year-old child. So, please, knock it off. And let's get some work done.

Victoria: You could make a big difference in this family if you'll just do one thing for me.

Stitch: Victoria, name it. Whatever it is, I'd be glad to help.

Victoria: Okay. I would actually really love it if you would teach me how to pull a coin out of somebody's ear.

Stitch: [Laughs] That would make a big difference in this family?

Victoria: Yes, it would! Johnny -- you saw how much he laughed when you pulled that coin out of his ear. It was so cute. And he thinks that Billy and I are a couple of non-magical losers, so --

Stitch: Oh, he said that, did he?

Victoria: Well, not in so many words. But a mother knows these things.

Stitch: Well, consider it done. I'd be glad to teach you.

[Cell phone beeps]

Stitch: Ah, looks like bad news does text. I got to get back to the hospital. There's been a couple of accidents.

Victoria: Oh, no.

Stitch: Don't worry. I'm sure Billy is fine.

Adam: [Voice breaking] Chelsea and I took Connor to the doctor that night. We found out that he was gonna go blind -- if he wasn't treated. My genes, my fault. Or so I thought. I left there alone. I got in my car and I just wanted to drive. I drove the long way home. I wanted to think. I was thinking about my son and him going blind. I was just driving with my thoughts. [Sniffles] I'm out on the road, and a dog runs out into the middle of the road.

Billy: Dash. His name was Dash.

Adam: I swerved. I put on the brakes. I put the car in park. I opened the door, I stepped out, I looked around. I checked. I saw a dog with a wagging tail, and it ran off. I was relieved that I didn't hit anything. That I didn't hit the dog. I got in my car, and I drove home. [Crying] That was it. I swear.

Billy: You left the kid -- my kid -- alone? To die in the dark? And to you, that's it?

Adam: When I got home, Chelsea told me about the accident. She told me about Delia. She said what happened. I had no idea. I didn't even put two and two together. There was no correlation between the two. I didn't know that I had done that!

Billy: How'd you put it together? How'd you put it together?!

Adam: The scarf!

Billy: [Sighs] Oh, man.

Victor: Clearly something terrible happened. This was your wedding night. You were on the way to Paris.

Chelsea: That's what this was all about -- the urgency. His need to get as far away as possible, and the secrecy and the way he's been acting for the past few months. But I never could have imagined --

Victor: You couldn't have imagined what? Listen, you cannot go on like this. You're a mother to the little boy. You're in no shape right now to take care of him.

Chelsea: [Sniffling]

Victor: Let me help you, okay? I know you don't like me. I understand that. A lot of stuff has happened. But I can tell you that I can fix it.

Chelsea: You can't fix this. You can't fix this, Victor. No one can. She's gone. [Sniffles]

Victor: Who's gone?

[Pounding on door]

Officer Harding: Genoa City police. Open up.

Victor: Shh, shh, shh.

Sharon: It really wasn't you. Because you can't, I mean, you --

Nick: Sharon, what are you doing?

Sharon: Um, I was just making sure the raccoon was gone. Did you get her back to sleep?

Nick: Yeah, she's very concerned that the raccoon is cold. She wants me to catch it, bring it in, and give it some milk.

Sharon: Oh.

Nick: You okay?

Sharon: Yeah, I'm fine.

Nick: Right, 'cause you always tremble when you're fine.

Sharon: Yeah, I was just outside and it's freezing.

Nick: Well, I can fix that. Yep. Let's do this.

Sharon: Um.

[Up-tempo dance music plays]

Sharon: Nick, um, don't take this as an insult, but you can't dance.

Nick: How else am I supposed to take that? Check this.

Sharon: [Laughing] Take it from me. If you could dance -- yeah, that move is impossible.

Nick: Nothing's impossible. See this?

Sharon: [Laughing] [Squeals]

Nick: Oh, well, feeling better?

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: See? This is me not leaving. I am not leaving until you tell me what's going on, and if you say nothing one more time, I swear I will tear you up.

Kevin: In a police station?

Chloe: I don't care.

Kevin: [Sighs]

Chloe: Really? If nothing's going on, why do you keep looking at your phone ever 10 seconds?

Kevin: Because I'm waiting for an update on the Adam-Chelsea-Connor situation, and, uh --

Chloe: And?

Kevin: Come here. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. So, no matter what happens, you're not gonna be alone. Do you understand me?

Chloe: This isn't just about the Paris thing, is it? Wait, is there a new lead on Delia?

Kevin: Let's just say --

Chloe: Kevin, just tell me. I'm her mother. Just tell me.

Kevin: Shh. There's been a major break. And if I could tell you anything more than that, I promise you I would.

Chloe: Have they tracked down the hit-and-run driver?

[Pounding on door]

Chelsea: Oh, my god. It's the cops. What are we gonna do?

Victor: Don't worry. I'll take care of it.

[Door opens]

Victor: Yes, officer. What can I do for you?

Officer Harding: We have a warrant for the arrest of Adam Newman.

Victor: On what charges?

Officer Harding: Is Adam Newman here?

Victor: No, Officer Harding, he is not. I presume you know who I am. And you will take my word for it when I tell you Adam is not here, okay? Now, the baby is trying to sleep, and I assure you if Adam comes home, I will contact you, all right? Thank you for your consideration. Have a nice day.

Chelsea: That's why Adam took off for god knows where. He knew the cops were coming for him.

Victor: [Sighs deeply]

Chelsea: And that note -- it's not a love note. It's goodbye.

Billy: Her missing scarf. Where was it? Adam, you better tell me where you found that scarf.

Adam: Tangled in the wheel well of my car.

Billy: So, you found the scarf in your wheel well and then what did you do? You got on the phone and called the cops? You turned yourself in.

Adam: [Sniffles]

Billy: No. What you did was you shut up, and you started packing for Paris.

Adam: That's not how it happened.

Billy: Where is it?

Adam: What?

Billy: Where is the scarf?

Adam: I burned it. [Crying]

Billy: You burned that scarf. My daughter loved that scarf. That was her favorite part of her costume. And you pulled it out of your wheel well, and you burned it. Like it was trash. Like my daughter didn't mean anything. That's what you did.

Devon: There's never gonna be a winner in this fight, so how about the two of you use this Delia project as an opportunity to start fresh and make up.

Lily: Oh, yeah, there's a real friendship in our future. Definitely.

Hilary: I was thinking that we could braid each other's hair and talk about boys.

Devon: Did I say friendship? I would settle for moderately civil to each other.

Hilary: Yeah, I think "no thanks" pretty much covers that for me, too. But I would still love to be a part of the fundraiser, so, if this one ever gets over herself, you can give me a call.

Lily: "This one"? Really? [Laughs] [Sighs]

Devon: I'll work on it.

Kelly: Yeah. That would be great. Um, we need all the volunteers we can get, and she seems to have it all together.

Devon: She does. She's actually -- she's very smart and very business savvy.

Lily: I'm sorry. Am I actually hearing this or did you have amnesia? Or is it that anyone could do anything to your family that you don't find unforgivable?

Devon: I know you're just as surprised as I am to discover there's more to Hilary than I actually thought.

Lily: Oh, my god. You like her.

Devon: Just give her a chance and work with her, please?

Lily: You do. You like -- I can't even -- you're actually attracted to her? Yeah. [Scoffs]

Stitch: I'll have to show you that coin trick next time.

Victoria: Okay. I'll look forward to it. Here you go.

Stitch: Thanks again for making me a plate. I wish we could have sat down to eat. And, hey, I'm sure Billy will be home any minute now.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. I'm sure he will. Thanks, Ben.

Stitch: That sounds right when you say it. Good night, Victoria.

Victoria: Good night. [Shivers] [Sighs] Home any minute now. Oh, yeah. I'm sure he will. Thanks, Ben.

Stitch: That sounds right when you say it. Good night, Victoria.

Victoria: Good night. [Shivers] [Sighs] Hey. It's me. Again. Um, uh, I'm just missing you, and I'm a little worried about the roads, and, you know, I'm just kind of wondering when you're gonna be home. Um, call me. I love you. Hey. Hi. It's Victoria. Um, I'm really sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if by chance you'd seen Billy tonight.

Kelly: Um, no. I'm here working with Lily on the Delia project fundraiser. Why would I have seen Billy?

Victoria: Well, you know, I can't find him, and I just thought that maybe he decided to go to a meeting or --

Kelly: No, I haven't seen Billy since I don't know when. Sorry.

Victoria: No problem. Okay. Well, thank you. Have a good night.

Chelsea: It's like the world I woke up in this morning doesn't even exist anymore. Like, my husband of just a few hours is on the run and the cops are searching for him. What will they do to him when they find him?

[Connor crying]

Chelsea: Oh, my god. Connor.

Victor: Just go to him, all right? You be a good mother to that boy. Be a good mother to my grandson. It's all you have to do right now. It's the most important thing. But I assure you that I will take care of things. You and that boy are my family now. Come here. Okay. [Sighs]

Adam: Billy, let's go to the station. It is cold out here. Let's just get out of here. We'll go there and hash it out.

Billy: No. You're not getting out of this. You're gonna stay here. Besides, we know what's waiting for you at the police station.

Adam: What more do you want? I've told you everything.

Billy: No, you haven't. I want to hear what else you did to cover up my daughter's death, to cover up how you killed her.

Adam: I didn't cover anything up. There was nothing to cover up. There was a turn light that big. It had a chip in it. A little chip knocked out of it. How's that supposed to kill someone? I don't -- I know you want closure.

Billy: Don't you say that word to me. That word's a lie. That word doesn't exist. You know what closure is? Closure is I go home and I read my daughter a bedtime story, and that's not gonna happen. So don't you say that word to me. That word is a myth.

Adam: Well, if it's a myth and there is no closure, then there's nothing [Sniffles] more to do here. Let's go to the police station. Let's get out of here.

Billy: No. I'm gonna hear one more thing from you.

Adam: [Breathing heavily]

Sharon: So, thanks for saving us from the raccoon and my overactive imagination.

Nick: No problem. Thank you for watching all of my amazingly hot dance moves.

Sharon: [Laughs] Oh.

Nick: Not a word to anyone about the dancing.

Sharon: [Laughs]

[Up-tempo dance music plays]

Sharon: [Giggles] [Gasps]

Devon: Hey. Hilary.

Hilary: Hey.

Devon: I want to apologize for my sister's behavior earlier. That wasn't okay and you don't deserve that.

Hilary: When you look at it from Lily's point of view, maybe I do. And I wasn't exactly gracious with her tonight, either, so --

Devon: No, you weren't. You weren't, but, um, I hope that it won't stop you from volunteering, 'cause you really would be an asset.

Hilary: You are a hard man to say no to. But I have to think about it. I love the project. I just hate the drama.

Devon: Yeah, no, I completely understand. But, listen, Lily is a good woman, and she has a big heart, and I think that once she gets to know you, she'll come around.

Hilary: You really believe that?

Lily: Hey, I just really want to say that I'm sorry that you had to witness that scene between Hilary and me. I swear, I'm not as unprofessional as I looked, and I really shouldn't have let her get to me.

Kelly: No, don't give it a second thought.

Lily: Okay. Is everything okay?

Kelly: Yeah, it's fine. Everything's just fine.

Lily: Okay.

Kelly: Okay, where were we?

Lily: Yes, um --

[Knock on door]

Victoria: Oh, Dad. Two visits in one night. What's going on?

Victor: Is Billy here?

Victoria: No. I'm not sure where he is or when he'll be back. Honestly, I'm starting to get a little bit worried about him. Why? What's going on? Dad? What's wrong?

Victor: I have some rather unhappy news, okay? I want you to hear it from me.

Chelsea: [Crying] I don't know how your daddy could have done what he did to Delia. And to Billy and to Chloe. [Sniffles] I don't know how he could have told me all the lies that he had to tell me to keep me from finding out. I don't know what will happen to him now. But I'll tell you what I do know, okay? I know that he loves. He will always love you. With his whole heart. And I will make sure that you never have to be afraid, okay? [Sniffles] Even if he can't be with us. I will make sure that you get everything that you deserve in this life. [Sniffles]

Kevin: We got to get you home. Now.

Chloe: I'm still here. Have you met me lately? I am not leaving until I found out who the viable suspect is.

Kevin: For the hundredth time, if I could tell you anything more, I would, but for now, you shouldn't be here. So, go home and count on it that I will call you as soon as I can.

Voice: Hey, Kev. Uh, no luck on Adam Newman. But we're watching the building. We'll catch him.

Chloe: You -- you sent the cops to stop Adam from going to Paris?

Kevin: No.

Chloe: Well, then, what did he do this time? Kevin, tell me.

Kevin: You weren't supposed to find out this way.

Chloe: What? What? [Crying] No. No. Oh, my god. Adam is the hit-and-run driver? No. [Crying]

Adam: I have told you everything. Everything. What more do you want from me?

Billy: Three words. Just three more words. You know what they are. You told me the whole story. I need to hear the words.

Adam: Billy.

Billy: I need to hear the words. I need to hear the words. I need to hear the words. You tell me. Say the words.

Adam: [Sighs] I did it. I killed Delia.

Billy: Mm.

Next, on "The Young and the Restless"...

Ian: I just wanted to introduce myself, Dylan.

Dylan: I know who you are.

Victor: He is responsible for the death of sweet Delia.

Adam: What are we doing out here?! What do you want from me?!

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