Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/9/14
Episode # 10324 ~ Jack & Hilary grow closer; Victor interrupts Chelsea & Adam's celebration.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Jack: Under new management -- a classic reinvented.
Hilary: You won't miss the old days?
Jack: No. Progress is about moving forward. Devon's been looking for a passion for a long time now. I'm glad he finally found it.
Hilary: Well, I'm glad he convinced me to stay. Didn't please Cane and Lily much, but Devon talked me down.
Jack: Well, he got two advisers in the process. Where is Jill? I thought she'd be here by now. She -- she's the one that called this meeting. We've got to reconvene on the Victor issue.
[Cell phone buzzes]
Jack: Hmm.
Hilary: Is that her?
Jack: Yeah. Jill will not be here. She was called out of town suddenly.
Noah: Mom, you were talking to yourself.
Sharon: People do that.
Noah: You said that Dad will never forgive you. What does he need to forgive you for?
Nick: [Sighs]
Victor: Fond memories of New Year’s Eve? It was nice. I guess Sharon couldn't wait long enough to saddle up to you at midnight.
Nick: If you've come to hammer me again about Sharon -- I'll tell you what. Instead of that, why don't you sit down? I'll get you some coffee. We'll talk about football or boxing or whatever.
Victor: That's a hell of an idea, Son. I'd like that.
Nick: But you came here to talk about something, right? I mean, like, what's going on?
Victor: You know me only too well, don't you?
Chloe: What, there's no Newman christening gown for the baby to swim in?
Chelsea: It's not a christening. It's a blessing. And I was thinking something a little less...lacy.
Chloe: Well, maybe I should wear something lacy since I am the next most important person there, being the godmother and all.
Chelsea: This is true. Yes, Chloe. You will be in every single picture with the little man, unless, of course, you let Kevin into one of the shots.
Chloe: Hmm. Well, he won't be there. We broke up.
Chelsea: How? When? Why?
Kevin: I mean, really -- a scrapbook of Chelsea and Adam's kid and then claiming his outfit accidentally ended up in her purse? [Sighs] It's not good. It's not healthy. And that's not me being judgmental, like she thinks. It's me being concerned that even though she says she's okay, she's not. And I want to help, for her sake and for Delia, who, by the way, cannot be replaced by somebody else's baby.
Alex: She needs time.
Kevin: Of course she needs time -- time spent not obsessing on somebody else's kid. And I want to help, like I said, but she dumped my ass.
Alex: All right, maybe a little justice over Delia will help Chloe get over this hurdle.
Kevin: Yeah, about that -- it's time that eyewitness pony up with some information. You can't just go all bad cop on him and convince him that way?
Alex: Don't need to. Christine was willing to make a deal, which means we're just one step closer to catching the killer.
Avery: Hi. This is where you want to sign legal documents -- in a church before your son's blessing?
Adam: Jack is about to become Connor's legal guardian. Might as well tie up the legal ends at the same time.
Avery: Okay. Well, I assume, since you had me draw up the papers, you've discussed everything with Chelsea.
Adam: She doesn't want my father anywhere near the baby, and the best way to keep that from happening is to make sure that Jack is Connor's legal guardian.
Avery: Okay, just as a precaution, because Chelsea would still be there for Connor?
Adam: Exactly. This needs to be airtight. If something were to happen to me, I want to make sure that Jack would have legal authority over my son -- ironclad.
Avery: Adam, are you ill?
Adam: No.
Avery: Well, why the urgency in this? Why wouldn't you be here for Connor? Where do you think you'll be?
Hilary: You look worried.
Jack: Jill's the one who called this meeting. What would have called her out of town so suddenly?
Hilary: Well, maybe she just didn't want to make nice with me -- a little too much too soon.
Jack: I know Jill snarls a lot, but eventually, she's gonna see you for who you are, not who you were.
Hilary: You worry me. Powerful men -- they don't stay that way by being kind and understanding. There's only one path to power, and that is being ruthless.
Jack: Been there, done that. Bores me to death. Besides, that particular path leads to Victor Newman, and who wants to go there?
Hilary: Yeah, I guess that's true. Being bitter and lonely gets old fast.
Jack: Amen to that.
Woman: Uh, may I? The GCAC brand is aspirational, and you're a perfect example.
Jack: Together? Okay. Apparently, the world aspires to us.
Woman: Closer. A little closer.
[Camera shutter clicks]
Woman: Thank you.
Jack: Any closer, I'd be wearing your suit.
Hilary: [Laughs] If anyone sees that photo, they'll think that we are a couple.
Noah: Mom, if you're worried about Dad forgiving you for something, maybe you should --
Sharon: You know what? Yeah. Sometimes I'm worried. And that's okay. You know, what I'm not is panicky or agitated or crawling out of my skin, you know? I have my job, thanks to Neil and Jack, and I have my meds, my therapy, although sometimes I do think about stopping.
Noah: Why would you stop therapy, Mom? No.
Sharon: Reliving the last few years over and over again can be draining. You know, Adam, Victor, Newman Enterprises, and the first few months of Faith's life, of course, Cassie. I just want to live my life for what it is now.
Noah: And where does Dad and forgiveness fit in all this?
Sharon: Well... I promise I won't lean on him, but sometimes I do. And I tell him I'm fine, but sometimes I worry. So, what if, somehow, one day, I were not fine? Then I would be letting him down, and you and everyone who had faith in me.
Noah: We still have faith in you, Mom, just not when you were talking -- were you talking to Cassie?
Sharon: I told you I'm on my meds.
Noah: On or off, were you talking to her?
Sharon: Yeah. I was.
Nick: All right. So, what's this visit about?
Victor: Thanks, Son.
Nick: Sure. Let's just get it out there now. Yes, I did kiss Sharon on New Year’s, but that's it. Do you remember when you used to be Sharon's biggest cheerleader -- her hero and savior?
Victor: It might surprise you, but I didn't come here to talk about Sharon, okay? I actually came here to talk to you about having visited Cassie's grave.
Nick: Yeah. It helps, doesn't it?
Victor: Yeah. I still can't believe that she's gone. And we've lost others, too. One of the hardest things for a parent to deal with is to lose a child, you know?
Nick: Are you talking about Delia?
Victor: I'm thinking about her and others -- Cassie's birthday... and there's Summer's connection to Jack Abbott.
Nick: Dad, we didn't lose Summer, all right? She's here and she's healthy. We just have to share her now.
Victor: Do you feel lucky?
Nick: "Grateful" is probably a better word. I am just grateful for every second that I get to spend with her.
Victor: You know... [Sighs] Sometimes I wonder if it's possible... that feeling for one's child sort of slips away.
Nick: Who are we talking about now?
Victor: I'm talking about Adam.
Adam: I'm not dying, but things happen. Life happens. Slip and fall in the tub, a heart attack. And I don't want it as some opportunity that my father takes to swoop in and take my son.
Avery: Chelsea would never let that happen.
Adam: You have worked for the old man, Avery. You were almost part of the family. You dodged a real bullet there. You know he can be a lethal S.O.B. and he'll do whatever it takes to get Connor.
Avery: Okay. If you haven't mentioned guardianship to Chelsea, you can't very well do it here and now.
Adam: I can. And I will. So, please, stop arguing with me and give me the papers.
Avery: Okay. I'm gonna remind you that before I was your attorney, I was your friend. You trusted me with your legal affairs, and you also trusted me with this.
[Adam remembering]
Adam: Every single minute, I can't get away from it -- the guilt, the remorse. I'm just so sorry. My name is Victor Adam Newman Jr. It is November 4, 2013. And I am confessing to the hit-and-run murder of Delia Abbott.
[Back to present]
Avery: Adam, you said that it didn't matter, but the look on your face right now -- come on. Attorney-client privilege -- you can tell me anything. More than that, I am your friend, so tell me what is on this recording.
Chelsea: You and Kevin? How do you go from "He's my hero" to suddenly broken up?
Chloe: He was awesome for a while, but then...he was just hovering, you know? And who wants someone who's hovering all the time?
Chelsea: He cared too much, so you dumped him?
Chloe: It wasn't really a dumping because we never really got back together -- not technically.
Chelsea: You were spending every second together, though. I mean, you told me that you needed him around to help you sleep.
Chloe: Exactly. I mean, he's hovering all the time, and I was being needy, and it just wasn't good for either one of us. We were over a long time ago. The only reason why we got back together was because of Delia. You know, when she was gone -- [Sighs] It's -- it's just -- it's done. It's over.
Chelsea: I don't believe you.
Chloe: [Sighs] Well, it's the truth.
Chelsea: Chloe, I don't think it's really over. I mean, Kevin -- he knows you. He loves you. He wants what's best for you.
Chloe: Okay. Well, then, if he knows me so well, then why was he pushing too hard and saying too much?
Chelsea: Well, that's what people do. They mess up. They screw up. But then you work it out and you forgive each other, and then things are better than ever.
Chloe: Every time you get all mushy about Adam, a unicorn loses its horn.
Chelsea: Just because you and Kevin fell apart because of something stupid, it does not mean that you can't work it out.
Chloe: Stop. I don't want to focus on this right now, okay? I just want to find the perfect outfit for our little man.
Alex: The D.A.'s willing to knock down your latest felony charge in exchange for information about the hit-and-run fatality. Now, when we go in that room, don't waste your time and especially not mine. Just talk. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
Kevin: I want to be in there.
Alex: Then become a cop.
Kevin: You don't suck, Chavez.
Alex: Okay, George. Make it good. Who killed that little girl?
Noah: Mom, if you're seeing Cassie again --
Sharon: I was. I-I-I was. But I think it was goodbye. It was the end of those visions. I mean, right now, today, I see her everywhere. She's in my head and in my heart, but I don't think I'll be seeing her again. I-I don't need to. I think I'm finally -- just finally strong enough to let go of that crutch.
Noah: When you see her, you don't -- it's not a memory? She's...
Sharon: It's like she's here. I have to say, it's really wonderful to have her back.
Noah: What does she look like?
Sharon: Well, here. She looks... let's see. Ah. ...Like that. Same outfit, but, you know, the woman she would be today. She would be so proud of you.
Noah: Do you -- do you tell this to Dad?
Sharon: Do I use Cassie to get to him? No. Your father and I are very good friends -- no more, no less -- and that's really wonderful.
Noah: Well, you know, it can't just be Dad. You have to get out there and find other friends.
Sharon: No, I know. You're right. I do. But just think about everything it took for me to get where I am right now. So, I'm pretty damn proud of myself.
Noah: You should be.
Sharon: Thanks. Anyway, right now I have got to go because I promised Neil I would pick up some papers from Jack. So, you want to walk me out?
Noah: Yeah.
Sharon: Okay.
Jack: Oh. So, we're a couple now, huh?
Hilary: It's just...if that picture makes it into the general public -- Cane wasn't the only one in those GC Buzz photos. I made myself his drooling assistant. The world might think you're my next victim.
Jack: I frankly don't give a damn what the world thinks. I don't think you should, either.
Hilary: Maybe caring what people think is a step in the right direction. I never cared before.
Jack: You have paid for your sins. You don't have to prove yourself anymore.
Hilary: I wouldn't say that.
Jack: Is that why you gave to the Delia project?
Hilary: Uh, how did you know about that?
Jack: I sit on the board.
Hilary: That was supposed to be a private donation.
Jack: It is. It is private, and it'll stay private. I just bring it up to say you weren't looking for acceptance. You weren't looking for kudos or credit. You did it out of the goodness of your heart, and that's one of the reasons I'm so impressed with you. You'd have liked Delia. She was a terrific little girl.
Hilary: Well, I can see how much people loved her. I just wanted to help. I wish I could have done more.
Jack: Well, I'll say it one more time -- amen to that.
Alex: Last time you sat in that chair, George, you claimed you saw the car and the driver. Now, the D.A.'s willing to work on your case, but you got to give me something real now.
George: It was dark, all right? It was late.
Alex: Do you think I'm playing games here, George? I tell the D.A. you're useless, you're back in your cell.
George: Look, I saw him, okay? I was heading back into my place, heard the tires, saw the car stop.
Alex: Uh-huh.
George: Driver looked around.
Alex: Good. Good. Now tell me what he looked like.
Adam: What is on here doesn't matter anymore.
Avery: Last time, you said, "Everything's changed." What's "Everything"? Adam, if you need help or protection --
Adam: I need Jack to be Connor's legal guardian. That's it.
Avery: Chelsea needs to sign the documents. Otherwise, this is wasted paper.
Adam: She'll sign the papers.
Avery: Without discussing it?
Adam: She'll sign the papers.
Chelsea: Papers? [Chuckles] Adam, come on. Today's all about Connor. Nothing else matters.
Adam: These papers are to Victor-proof the peanut -- make sure that my father never gets his hands on our son.
Chelsea: Not if he wants to keep his hands.
Adam: I told you she'd sign the papers.
Chelsea: Now? Sign what? Adam, our guests are on the way.
Adam: One signature and our son is safe.
Chelsea: Are you being serious? What's going on?
Nick: You can't lose Adam, Dad. He's always been a lost cause. I mean, he tried to frame you for murder how long ago? It's been one firestorm after another ever since.
Victor: I know. Do you think it's possible that you could ever lose faith or hope in one of your children?
Nick: Well, Dad, none of my kids are sociopaths. Adam is. Look, you're not buying this whole "Adam's reformed" thing, are you?
Victor: His mother, Hope, was such a wonderful woman.
Nick: She was. But just consider yourself lucky that Adam has walked away from Newman and you. I mean, it's better and safer for everyone he keeps his distance.
Victor: I'm just trying to do the best I can with those people that I -- that I love, part of my family.
Nick: You have some unusual ways of going about that.
Victor: Considering where I come from, Son, I think I'm doing a pretty damn good job, you know?
Nick: All right. Well, Adam has his own family now, so he's not gonna mess with anyone for a while. Maybe that's what's bothering you. Is there something you want to tell me?
Victor: Sometimes things happen in life that you don't expect, you know? Difficult to deal with.
Noah: Grandpa, hi.
Victor: Noah! How are you, boy?
Noah: Good.
Victor: Nice to see you.
Noah: What's going on?
Nick: Uh, Grandpa just came to check in.
Victor: Just talking about family, Son -- how important it is to...take care of one another, you know, when things get tough.
Noah: Uh-huh.
Victor: Yep.
Noah: Is this about Mom?
Sharon: Sorry I'm late. Did I miss Jack?
Hilary: Yeah. He has a family event, but he left those papers for Neil.
Sharon: I wonder what the family event is. Hmm. [Chuckles] Sorry. Old habit. You know I used to be a part of Jack's family.
Hilary: Yeah. It must have been a nice family to have. It's obvious it's his priority.
Sharon: Yes, it is, and unlike the other town mogul, Victor Newman, Jack is less...
Hilary: Ruthless? Mm-hmm. I was just telling him the same thing, and he complimented me, not on keeping on top of his schedule or doing his expense report. He was impressed that I donated to his niece's memorial fund.
Sharon: Well, Delia was a great little girl, and every time I look at Faith, I'm reminded how lucky I am. I know what it's like to lose a child and to need answers.
Hilary: It can drive you crazy not knowing. Even if the answers hurt, they heal at the same time.
Sharon: Well, everyone in this town loved Delia, and I know everyone will breathe a sigh of relief when her killer is found and brought to justice.
Alex: So, you looked out the window, and it was a male?
George: Definitely.
Alex: What else?
George: Look, like I said, it was dark -- no streetlights.
Alex: It was a male. He looked out the window of a late-model S.U.V. You think the D.A.'s gonna cut you a deal for that?
George: Not much of a deal yet.
Alex: Listen -- are you trying to hardball us? A little girl is dead, and if you refuse to help, people are gonna be very pissed off.
George: All right, look -- his face seemed pretty thin. It looked like he had a slim build.
Alex: That does nothing for me. I need hair color, distinguishing marks. Did he wear glasses? Give me something, George, or you're back in your cell.
George: Look, I can't tell you what I didn't see, okay? I'm not gonna lie.
Alex: [Laughing] What, because of your strong moral character? Last time, you told me you saw the license plate. So, unless you were blowing smoke -- Wisconsin plates, started with the letter "G."
Alex: And what -- you're gonna give me more letters for a better deal?
George: Look, that's it.
Alex: Oh.
George: That's all I saw. But I told you everything. My lawyer said that the D.A. --
Alex: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The deal happens when we say it happens.
George: What about the reward?
Alex: Reward?
George: The million bucks for finding the little girl's killer.
Alex: Well, we haven't found him yet. So, you want what's coming to you, right? You better pray, George, that what you told us is enough to solve this.
Adam: One signature. That's all.
Chelsea: Nothing is gonna happen to either one of us between now and tomorrow, so why don't we celebrate Connor, we'll go home, and we'll discuss these papers?
Adam: You practically threw my father out when he even started to make hints about wanting to see his grandson.
Chelsea: Yeah, and I'd do it again.
Adam: So, sign the papers.
Chelsea: That say what?
Avery: They designate Jack Abbott as joint guardian with you should something happen to Adam.
Chelsea: You want me to do this right now? Adam, our guests are gonna be here any second.
Chloe: Hi!
Chelsea: Hi, guys!
Chloe: Hi! [Smooches]
Chelsea: Hi, hi, hi.
Anita: Hi, Honey.
[Both smooch]
Chloe: Are we ready to get this blessing started?
Adam: Actually, just one second.
Chelsea: It's so important that you guys are here. Thank you so much. Connor's godmother, godfather, and his grandma, who looks more like an aunt.
Anita: Don't you know it?! Amen!
Chloe: Well, I would just like to note that the godmother arrived first. Woot, woot!
Adam: Actually, Jack -- he serves a dual purpose today. He's the godfather and the future legal guardian.
Chloe: Excuse me?
Chelsea: Sorry. Uh, excuse us for just one second.
Chloe: Guardian?
Chelsea: Okay. I know you love Connor.
Chloe: He's supposed to be mine. My godson, I mean. All that stuff about me being in his life --
Chelsea: You are. You always will be. This is Adam just freaking out that in some alternate universe, Victor would be able to get his hands on Connor.
Chloe: And I was worried about the same thing, remember? If you don't want Victor to be part of Connor's life, then you don't marry his son. Boom. Done.
Jack: Seems to be going over pretty well.
Adam: Chloe is Chloe. Connor needs this to happen.
Jack: No second thoughts?
Adam: None. You're it, Jack. You're the one person who can keep Victor from my son.
Anita: Phew! I was afraid that they were gonna have me step up and step in. You can't really get a date pushing a stroller -- unless they think you're a fresh, young, hot, sexy single mother in the prime of life.
Adam: Now's the time, Jack. I need this for my peace of mind and for my son's sake.
Victor: We did not talk about your mom, okay? I think your father knows best how to deal with his relationship with Sharon.
Noah: Well, yeah, they have a relationship. They're friends.
Nick: Its okay, Bud. Dad and I already talked about it, or at least we agreed to put it away, because it is a non-issue.
Victor: That's right. [Chuckling] Yeah. Right. Having said all that, I just want you to know that I'm proud of both of you. I don't say that often enough, okay? I think you're two honest people who always try to rectify a situation if something goes wrong. I like that. You have a nice day.
Nick: Thanks, Dad.
Noah: Thank you, Grandpa. You don't have to worry about these guys.
Victor: All right.
Noah: All right.
Victor: Have a nice day.
Nick: You, too.
Noah: So, that was -- that was Grandpa being heartfelt and sincere... because...
Nick: It could be about Cassie's birthday. Or it could be about someone else altogether.
Hilary: You say justice will help everyone breathe easier, but losing a child -- what does justice for that even look like?
Sharon: An arrest and a trial, a conviction.
Hilary: You must have more faith in the judicial system than I do.
Sharon: Well, maybe a confession is what matters. That way no one has to go through a painful testimony, coroner reports.
Hilary: Yeah, prison, definitely. How much time, you know? Like, could it ever be enough time?
Sharon: Well, what's the alternative -- vigilante justice?
Hilary: I got to admit, seems tempting at times.
Sharon: Yeah, it does, but for the short term because then it becomes an eye for an eye, and then the war is on.
Hilary: When my mother died, my vision of justice was pure agony for Neil Winters -- complete devastation for his entire family. I wanted to smite the evildoers for generation upon generation, like some fairy-tale curse. But in the end, that's all it was -- some fantasy in my head. I wasn't getting justice because it was no one's fault that my mother died. I was just trying to numb my own misery.
Sharon: But you came out of it.
Hilary: Yeah. I came to my senses. But Delia's parents -- someone really did kill their daughter, and they really do deserve justice in this case. But since it can't take their pain away, how could it ever be real justice?
Sharon: We lost Cassie in a car accident, too.
Hilary: Not like --
Sharon: No, no. Cassie was the one driving. But we didn't know that for a long time. And Nicholas and I both wanted someone to blame.
Hilary: Exactly.
Sharon: But...you know, maybe there's more to it than just the sentencing. Maybe it's the face that you need and name. It's knowing who has taken your heart out of your chest and put it in a grave. There's an enemy out there somewhere who hasn't the nerve to face you. He's lying. He's hiding. He's denying. He's pretending that life just goes on. So, maybe that's what part of the justice is. It's knowing who has caused you that much pain and making sure that they can never hide again.
Alex: [Sighs heavily]
Kevin: Did you buy all that?
Alex: You need to quit listening outside the door.
Kevin: Well, then, you need to keep leaving it open. So, what do you think? A guy with a thin face and a Wisconsin license plate that starts with a "G"? Is that all? Because if he's holding out --
Alex: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Kev. Look, George Hawkins isn't the killer, okay? You need to understand that. Now, as much as you and me and everyone wants to put a fist through that guy's face to make him talk, we can't.
Kevin: You thought about the fist-face thing, too? Okay. Well, look, we have something to go on, right -- a place to start?
Alex: Oh, whoa, whoa. Wait. "We"?
Kevin: Yes, "We," because now -- now is when you need my skills. Otherwise, Delia's killer stays free.
Alex: [Sighs]
Kevin: She was my stepdaughter, Alex. She was funny. She was feisty. She kept me on my toes. She was like a mini Chloe. And it is not right that she's gone. And if you knew how screwed up Chloe was over this -- that she pretends that she's okay, but she's not, obviously. If she was, Connor would just be this cute kid that she enjoyed spending time with, not the new center of her universe.
Alex: Look, I know she dumped you.
Kevin: And I can handle that. But she cannot handle losing her child and not knowing why, not knowing who. She can't handle the person getting away with it. So, we have this partial plate. Let me do my thing.
Alex: Well, then, stop talking and get to work.
Kevin: What?
Alex: I informed the chief that you are no longer romantically involved with the victim's mother.
Kevin: You told Paul that Chloe dumped me? Thanks.
Alex: Mm-hmm, and he assigned you to the case.
Kevin: He -- when?
Alex: Before you got in.
Kevin: You -- and you didn't tell -- you let me go on about this?
Alex: Well, that's just it. When you talk about endless love and devotion, the doves, and you're so cute -- [Speaks gibberish] Now get to work.
Noah: So, what exactly is Grandpa upset about? It's not Cassie. It's not Mom.
Nick: She's part of it. Dad was talking about Delia and Summer. Then we started talking about Adam.
Noah: Ahh. Now, I got to say, it's pretty warped how Grandpa and Adam just mess with each other and then keep on coming back for more.
Nick: Well, maybe they finally had enough. But Dad is definitely worried about him. And Adam has been on his best behavior lately.
Noah: See, that's why I think it's probably about Mom. Dad, he would lose his mind if you two got back together.
Nick: It's not an issue. Or do you think it is?
Noah: [Sighs] You know, I talked to Mom, and I think she's in a pretty good place. She's moving forward, not leaning on anybody. I'm proud of her.
Nick: Me, too.
Sharon: Wow. Mimosas. How decadent. Shall we?
Hilary: Courtesy of new management. They're trying to make up for my bathroom flooding.
Sharon: Oh. You know what? I know what it's like to live here. It's half a relief because you have fresh towels and linens and room service, and it's half kind of awkward because you don't really have a place you can call home.
Hilary: Well, when did you live here?
Sharon: Oh, in and out of different break-ups.
Hilary: Mm. Including one with Jack?
Sharon: Well, you know, Jack's a great guy. You know that because you work for him. But there was one time when he cut me off. But he was right. The choices I was making were wrong, but he and I are in a good place now, you know? I'm lucky I have him as my friend.
Hilary: Do you ever wish it were more?
Sharon: With Jack? No! But...that's an easy thing to fall into, isn't it -- wanting back what you used to have? It just rarely ever works out that way.
Hilary: Don't go chasing the past. Jack said something today that I think is fitting. Amen to that.
Adam: Connor needs you, Jack.
Jack: Whatever you need, I'm here for you. I mean, the location's a little awkward, the timing, but if it gives you peace of mind, let's get this done.
Adam: Thank you, Jack.
Jack: Chelsea, this is a safety net. My being named is guardian is about protecting you and Connor from Victor, not about getting in your way.
Adam: It's true, Chelsea. Thank you.
Avery: Okay. Uh, one more document -- legal name change for Connor to Connor Adam Newman.
Chelsea: Your son... your name.
Avery: Jack, for your files.
Jack: Thank you.
Avery: Okay. I am off to file these immediately. You can really rest easy, Adam.
Adam: Thank you, Avery.
Avery: Yes.
Chelsea: Thank you. Well, now we can get back to the reason that we are all here -- Connor and the blessing.
Adam: Actually, one small announcement. I'd like you all to know that Chelsea has agreed to be my wife, and she and I and Connor are gonna be a family, now and always.
Chloe: So, do I speak now, or do I wait for the ceremony? Kidding. Not really.
Jack: Adam, you pulled it off. Congratulations. You have the world on a string.
Adam: Thank you, Jack.
Anita: You said he didn't mean it, but I knew he did!
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Anita: This is it, Honey! This is it, Baby! You're complete. Hey, didn't I tell you to get a big honking ring this time?
Chelsea: Mom...
Anita: Didn't I?
Chelsea: ...I don't need a ring. I have everything I could ever want.
Anita: Ohh.
Nick: Noah, at some point, you got to stop worrying about your mom and about me.
Noah: Too late. Conditioned at an early age. That said, she's making it easy on me. And you --
Nick: What did I just say?
Noah: It's Cassie's birthday, and you just said that you and Grandpa were talking about Summer. That's stuff that can be upsetting for you.
Nick: Every time I think about Cassie, on her birthday or any other day, it's always way more good than bad. I miss her so much, but... I was lucky to have her in my life. Everybody who knew her was.
Noah: But you don't think that's why Grandpa came here and it's not Mom?
Nick: I think it's all mixed together. I mean, he was talking about Delia Abbott. I don't know. I mean, you see him every day at the office. How's he seem? Does he seem like his usual self?
Noah: He's Victor Newman. He's always himself.
Nick: Yeah, but something's getting to him. And I think it has to do with Adam.
Kevin: All right. What have we got?
Alex: Late-model black SUV, Wisconsin plates beginning with letter "G." Now, considering we've been through a bunch of black SUVs --
Kevin: Yes. "G," though -- we have the "G" now. And we have me at a computer, so today is your lucky day, Detective. We're gonna find ourselves a killer.
Reverend: Connor Adam, the world welcomes you. God and your family will always love you and will always hold you close.
Adam: Thank you, Reverend.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Adam: Everyone, help yourselves to the non-alcoholic sparkling cider.
Anita: Baby!
Jack: Anita, there you are.
Anita: Thank you. Sweetie.
Adam: Raise a glass. Everyone, thank you for being here to celebrate our family. This -- this is the joy of my life.
Victor: To the youngest member of my family.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Billy: Maybe we should just leave this.
Kelly: And just ignore the elephant in the room? For how long, Billy?
Kevin: If this new witness to the hit-and-run gave you accurate information, it's gonna lead us right to Delia's killer.
Victor: I made you a proposal. I was waiting for your answer. It appears I got one.
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