Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/7/14

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/7/14


Episode # 10322 ~ Jill's evening takes an unexpected turn; Lily receives her test results; Victoria & Adam play a game of cat & mouse.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Kevin: [Sniffling] [Clears throat] Hey, it's me. Um, I'm at Mrs. C's, and I need to talk to you. Can you meet me here?

Chelsea: Chloe.

Chloe: Sorry I didn't call.

Neil: This a bad time?

Chelsea: Um, no. Come on in. Um, Adam's just out running an errand, so I have some time. What's this all about?

Neil: All right, well, get ready for this. We have some good news, and Chloe wanted us to come by in person and tell you.

Chelsea: Oh.

Chloe: And any excuse to see my godson.

[Connor cries]

Chloe: There he is now.

Chelsea: Excuse me for one second.

Chloe: No, no. Will you let me get him, please?

Neil: [Chuckles]

Adam: Need a ride, Miss Daisy?

Victor: [Chuckles] You're the last person I'd let drive me around, Adam.

Adam: So what do you want?

Victor: You know this is a hell of a car. It's very nice. Shiny, new, not a scratch on it. How does it drive in the dark, on a windy, dimly lit road?

Victoria: Billy, what did you mean?

Billy: Victoria --

Victoria: You said I have no idea. No idea about what?

Kelly: It's not what you think.

Billy: I can explain.

Victoria: You don't have to. I know exactly what you two were talking about.

Cane: You haven't said a word since Dr. Kershaw gave us the results.

Lily: I mean, you -- you -- you heard what he said. Right? You heard what I did.

Cane: Yeah.

Lily: Cane.

Cane: [Sighs]

Lily: Oh, my God.

Leslie: So, I finally heard from the casino in Vegas.

Devon: It's about time.

Leslie: Yeah, obviously the whole story about the security staff being shorthanded was a stalling tactic.

Devon: Yeah, 'cause they didn't have the surveillance footage of me that they claimed they did.

Leslie: Their monitoring system is state of the art. I'm sure they were convinced that you'd show up somewhere.

Devon: And I didn't because I was never in Vegas.

Leslie: This is the best they could come up with.

Devon: This is it?

Leslie: Yeah.

Devon: See, look at that. Even from behind, you can tell that's not me.

Leslie: Police agree. And since they couldn't come up with a clear image of you, they've decided to drop the charges.

Devon: Oh, that's nice. There should have never been charges in the first place.

Leslie: I can't believe he was willing to trash your name and let you go to prison while at the same time pretending to be your friend.

Devon: It's not even about what he was doing to me. He almost drug my grandmother's legacy through the mud. And Katherine Chancellor's the last person that deserves that.

Esther: Mrs. C. okay, where did Mrs. C's music box go? Oh, Jill, what have you done now?

Lily: Cancer-free. I'm cancer-free.

Cane: 100% cancer-free.

Lily: I just -- I-I kept thinking the worst in my head 'cause I felt like I had used up all of my luck beating cancer the first time.

Cane: I wasn't ready to lose you.

Lily: I wasn't ready to leave you. Or the kids. I didn't want to miss seeing them grow up.

Cane: And now you're gonna have to suffer through the teenage years with me. And college graduations and grandchildren.

Lily: I cannot wait to spend every awful minute with you.

Cane: I can't wait to spend every awful minute with you.

Lily: [Laughs]

Esther: [Gasps] Oh, Kevin. I didn't know you were he.

Kevin: Sorry, Esther. I didn't mean to startle you.

Esther: Uh, is Chloe upstairs?

Kevin: No. She, uh, asked me to come by and pick up a coat for her.

Esther: Is that Delia's baby book?

Kevin: It is. And Connor's.

Esther: Connor's? I don't understand.

Kevin: Chloe made a section for Connor in the back.

Esther: Oh, well, that's sweet.

Kevin: "Sweet" is about the last word I'd use to describe it.

Chloe: Whoever says that you aren't the cutest baby in the whole world is just crazy.

Chelsea: [Chuckles] You're gonna spoil him with all this attention.

Chloe: Well, that is a godmother's job.

Chelsea: Well, aren't you here to discuss our other job?

Neil: Chloe, do you want to give her the good news, or do you want me to do that?

Chloe: No, you go for it.

Neil: Okay. Well, after the fantastic reviews you received in Milan at the fashion show, the orders have been pouring in from all major markets, international and domestic.

Chelsea: That's incredible.

Chloe: Yeah, we're gonna be very busy the next few months.

Neil: Yes, we are. We're gonna have to clear our calendars so that we can get the orders out on time, except for the two weeks that I'm gonna be taking off for my honeymoon.

Chelsea: You and Leslie are getting married?

Neil: If I can pin the lady down on a date, yep. That's the plan.

Chelsea: Aw. I'm so happy for you.

Neil: Thank you. I appreciate that.

Chelsea: Mm. Must be in the air.

Chloe: What? Did you tell Adam yes?

Chelsea: That's actually, uh, what we're celebrating.

Neil: Well, congratulations. Looks like this is gonna be a banner year for you, huh?

Chelsea: I hope so.

Adam: We both know you're not here for car-buying tips.

Victor: I'm very interested in your car.

Adam: And the question is, "Why?" So where are we going with this obtuse conversation?

Victor: Well, that remains to be seen, but I know where it begins.

Adam: Where's that?

Victor: The night that Delia was killed.

Victoria: Billy, you don't have to protect me. I know exactly what's going on between you and Kelly.

Billy: Let's not do this now.

Victoria: I think we should. She's a part of this. You know, you think that I don't understand what it is that you share. You've bonded over the grief of losing a child. I lost Dee Dee, too, but what you two have been through is something that I could never understand. So I'm really glad that you found each other in the support group. I really am.

Stitch: Support group?

Victoria: Kelly, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything.

Kelly: That's okay, Victoria. Billy and I met at a grief support group.

Stitch: From what I understand, that can be very helpful.

Victoria: This one has been for Billy, mostly because of Kelly.

Billy: Everyone there has been really great.

Victoria: She's been a real lifesaver.

Billy: Snacks! You know what? We need snacks. Food could be a while. I'm gonna get some snacks.

Victoria: Okay. I-I'll get them. You just -- you guys -- everybody relax.

Stitch: Grief can be overwhelming. I saw a lot of it on my psych rotation. You know, it can tear people apart or bring them together. It's good you two have found a place where you can deal with your emotions in a way that's productive and not destructive.

[Music box playing]

Jill: Mm. Ah. God, what is that noise? Oh, Lord, that's the last thing I need. Handcuffs? Where am I? Hello?! Who did this to me?! Help me, somebody! Help me!

Billy: Drinks. Drinks. Anybody want a drink?

Kelly: No, I'm good.

Stitch: Still working on mine.

Billy: Well, I think I'm going to join you with something a little stronger. [Clears throat]

Kelly: So, you started your residency. How's that going?

Stitch: Starting this late, you get to skip all the, "You like you're 15. You couldn't possibly be a doctor."

Kelly: [Laughs]

Victoria: Hey! This should tide us over. And I need to check on Johnny. Billy, could you come with me? It takes two of us to change his diapers. He's a little squirmer. I am so glad that you invited Stitch. Look at the two of them together.

Billy: Honey, he's married.

Victoria: Yeah, but he said he's separated from his wife.

Billy: We don't know what's going on there. Besides, I'm getting a really weird vibe between those two.

Victoria: Okay, well, let's just wait and see what happens. I get the feeling that you're the only person in Genoa City that Kelly's close with. I think she could use a friend. She seems really lonely.

Devon: So is that all? Do I need to do anything else?

Leslie: The only thing left is to decide whether or not you want to tell the police we really know who did this.

Devon: I mean, I'd like to. But it's not like I have proof it was Mason. And those photos don't show anything. So other than that, all we have is Hilary's word.

Leslie: You said he had access to your wallet.

Devon: Yeah, I dropped it at Crimson Lights a few weeks ago. But he returned it with everything inside, including the credit card he used in Vegas.

Leslie: But that doesn't mean he couldn't have stolen the number.

Devon: No, I'm sure he did. But it's -- proving it is another story.

Leslie: I mean, don't you want to set the record straight, see Mason punished for what he did?

Devon: Yeah, but what am I supposed to do? I mean, the good thing is that the press is leaving me alone. If I go around and start pointing the finger at someone, they're just gonna be all over me again.

Leslie: I mean, it's your call, but you have a solid case for fraud, identity theft, and grand larceny.

Mason: And I have one for felony assault.

Neil: All right, well, listen. Let me know when you decide which fabric supplier you want to go with, all right?

Chelsea: Yeah. We'll make a decision by the end of the week.

Neil: All right, um, I'm meeting my fiancée, so I've got to go, but judging from the bubbly, looks like you have some plans, too, huh?

Chelsea: Yeah, I'm expecting Adam back soon.

Chloe: Oh, you know, if you guys want some privacy, I don't mind taking care of Connor.

Chelsea: Oh, no. We're good. He's part of what we're celebrating, so we want to be with him. Thanks, though.

Chloe: Okay. Another time, my sweet boy.

Neil: You gonna come?

Chloe: No, no. Go ahead.

Neil: All right. Bye, Connor. See you later, Buddy. Bye, take care.

Chelsea: Thanks, Neil. Bye.

Neil: By, Chloe.

Chloe: Bye!

Chelsea: Okay. Do I dare ask? What are your real feelings about me accepting Adam's proposal?

Chloe: Well, if I said that I think that maybe you should wait a little bit longer, would you hold it against me?

Chelsea: No. But I won't change my mind.

Chloe: I just want what's best for you and Connor.

Chelsea: Adam is what's best for us. He makes me happy. And now, finally, we're gonna be happy together.

Victor: Looks like I got your attention.

Adam: Actually, I find this conversation quite boring. So if you have something to say, say it.

Victor: You haven't figured it out yet?

Adam: You're trying to tell me something about Delia's accident. From what I know, from what I last heard, nothing has changed. Cops don't have enough evidence to make any kind of arrest.

Victor: Well, for your information, Paul Williams is doing his damnedest to find out who drove the car. But you know the resources of the Genoa City police department are rather limited. And as you damn well know, mine are unlimited.

Adam: Still don't see what this has to do with me.

Victor: There was an eyewitness to the accident.

Adam: Oh, you know this and the cops don't.

Victor: Yeah. That witness happens to be in a rather dubious standing with the police department.

Adam: A criminal. How reliable.

Victor: Very reliable. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. I had his story thoroughly checked out.

Adam: His story?

Victor: Yeah. He saw a car just like this... the night of the accident come to a screeching halt. Then the driver looks around and then suddenly drives off again. That ring a bell?

Adam: Should it?

Victor: Yes, Adam. It should. The driver was you.

Jill: What do you want with me?! What is it, the music box? That stupid music box! I hate it! I don't want it! You can chop it up into toothpicks for all I care! Just let me go! I'll pay you. I'll pay you anything. Oh, my purse. My purse. My phone. My phone.

Mason: Gonna deny you punched me?

Devon: I think you got exactly what you deserved, Mason.

Mason: We'll see if the cops agree with you.

Devon: You should call them. 'Cause I have something I want to show them, something that I think they would be very, very interested in seeing. Don't you, Leslie?

Mason: What is that? A list of the people you paid off to say you didn't hit me?

Devon: No, it's better than that. It's a photo of you taken from a surveillance camera at the casino where you used my credit card. And it's a great shot, too. It's you at the front desk when you registered as Devon Hamilton. Wow. It got quiet in here.

Mason: Look, man, just let me explain something.

Mason: I don't want to hear you. You need to save whatever you have for the jury. Not that it's gonna help you. You're nailed. There's a photo of you. There's even handwriting analysis and an eyewitness. You're gonna be locked up for the next 10 years, bunking with dudes who are really gonna love getting to mess up that pretty-boy model face of yours.

Mason: Come on, Devon. I didn't even put a dent in your bank account.

Devon: That's true. I guess I can forget it, then. That's your defense? If it is, you're really in trouble.

Mason: All right, look. I'll do whatever you want. Just don't press charges.

Devon: You know, it's kind of out of my hands. I hope you enjoy making license plates, though.

Mason: Devon, man, come on, Dude.

Devon: Get the hell out of my face, Mason.

Leslie: I thought you weren't gonna press charges.

Devon: I'm not gonna press charges. I just want to see him sweat.

Victor: No pithy comeback?

Adam: No need to respond to a completely unfounded accusation.

Victor: Mm-hmm. You know the eyewitness identified you as the driver of the car that killed Delia.

Adam: Your witness, who won't go forward to the police. You're -- you're left with just some kind of a hypothesis, and those don't tend to hold up in court.

Victor: No, generally speaking, you're right. Hypotheses don't hold up in court unless they're supported by evidence.

Adam: That's right.

Victor: Evidence like... ordering a turn light the day after the accident. You think you're very clever, don't you, Son? You actually ordered it under a corporate name. You've got to be so careful these days, you know, with hackers around and they find out what you used that credit card for and where you used it.

Chelsea: Do you think your mom's dress is too boring? Maybe it's a little extravagant. Hmm? I want it to be special, but I don't want to go overboard. What do you think? Are you gonna have an eye for fashion like your mama, huh? Are you gonna be more of a big-picture kind of a guy, more business savvy like your dad, huh? Maybe you'll get the best of both of us, and one day you'll open a multi-million-dollar fashion house. What do you think about that, huh?

[Connor coos]

Chelsea: Oh, those beautiful eyes. You know, your dad and I, we can't take full credit... for the way that you see the world. You wouldn't be able to see anything if it weren't for the amazing gift that your godmother and her sweet little girl gave you. Do you know that?

Esther: You're really worried about Chloe?

Kevin: You know, in the beginning, she was so angry at Billy, the driver who hit Delia, the world. And as hard as it was to see her like that, in a way, it was easier than this.

Esther: What do you mean?

Kevin: You know, she says she feels like people are tired of seeing her so sad and that nobody wants to be around her.

Esther: That's not true.

Kevin: I know. That's what I told her. But I don't think she believes me, because it's like she's shut off all her feelings, only she hasn't.

Esther: So she just shoved everything down?

Kevin: I think that she's taken all of her emotions and put them on Connor.

Esther: Because of that?

Kevin: Among other things.

Esther: What other things?

Kevin: She took off the other day with Connor.

Esther: What, you -- you mean like kidnapped him?

Kevin: She said she was just taking him for a ride to get him to go to sleep.

Esther: That's not so terrible.

Kevin: Esther, she didn't tell anybody where she was going. Chelsea was freaking out. At best, it was poor judgment.

Esther: And at worst?

Kevin: Well, there's other stuff, too. She -- she had an outfit of his in her purse. She said it got there accidentally, but...

Esther: You don't believe her?

Kevin: I don't know. There's just one too many things with her that are off. And now this?

Esther: What are you saying?

Chloe: Yeah. What are you saying?

Stitch: I know you've suffered a lot this past year. And I'd hate to see you hurt anymore.

Kelly: Why would I be?

Stitch: You and Billy seem close.

Kelly: What's your point?

Stitch: I know what grief can do to a person. And I know you.

Kelly: No, you don't know me, and you have no right to make assumptions about me.

Stitch: I'm not passing judgment.

Kelly: Well, it sounds like you are.

Stitch: I'm just worried about you...and Victoria. She's a good person, Kelly.

Kelly: You don't have to tell me that.

Stitch: She doesn't deserve to be hurt any more than you do.

Victoria: Hey. Well, look who's up. You remember Dr. Rayburn. He helped you with your rash. Remember?

Stitch: Hey. How you doing, Buddy?

Victoria: [Chuckles] Maybe not. And this is mommy and daddy's friend Kelly. You met her at Crimson Lights. Remember?

Kelly: It's been a while. He's grown up so much, Victoria. He's beautiful.

Victoria: Oh, thank you. Well, don't let his cute little face fool you. He's a real hellion, just like his dad. But I love them -- both of them.

Kelly: I'm sorry. I... I have to go.

Victoria: Wait. Kelly. Don't -- don't leave.

Kelly: No, I have to. I-I ruined everything. I should have never come here tonight. It was a terrible mistake.

Neil: All right, so look. Not that I don't love family get-togethers, but is there a special reason that you called this family together?

Lily: Oh, yes. There definitely is. Did you get what I asked?

Leslie: Yes. But I still don't understand what's going on. Here it is.

Lily: Yes.

Cane: Here it is. All right.

Neil: Here's what? There's champagne.

Cane: Yeah, that's water for you.

Neil: Thank you, Sir. Okay, judging from the champagne, this must be some kind of celebration, huh?

Lily: Yes. We are celebrating.

Devon: Lily, did you get good news?

Lily: I got fantastic news.

Devon: Yes. Yes. That's great.

Neil: Somebody want to tell me what's going on?

Lily: Okay, okay, okay. First let me just say I'm sorry I didn't tell you. All right? I didn't want to worry you. But there was a problem with my test results, and Dr. Kershaw was a little worried.

Neil: Dr. Kershaw, your oncologist.

Lily: Yes, but its fine. Everything is fine. I am happy to report that I'm cancer-free. [Chuckles]

Neil: Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?

Lily: I didn't want to ruin your holiday. I'm sorry.

Neil: Devon knew about this?

Lily: Yeah. Don't be mad at him. I wouldn't let him or Cane tell you, so...

Neil: I'm too happy to be mad at you. I love you so much. I'm so happy for this news. Thank goodness.

Lily: I love you, too. I love all of you. Especially this one. He refused to let me go to some very dark places in my head, and he stayed strong when I couldn't.

Cane: You're the strong one, Baby.

Leslie: Well, this family is just overflowing with good news today.

Neil: Oh, really? Is there something else that I don't know about?

Devon: The charges against me were dropped.

Lily: That's wonderful.

Cane: That's great.

Lily: Wow. Can't get any better for one family.

Neil: Here's to good stuff for the rest of the year, huh?

Lily: Yes.

Cane: Hear, hear.

Lily: Hear, hear.

[Glasses clinking]

Chelsea: You and I are ready for our celebration. Where's daddy?

Victor: You hit an innocent little girl with your car and left her in the road to die.

Adam: I never saw Delia. I swerved to miss a dog that was running into the road. I stopped my car. I got out. I looked around, see if everything was okay. The dog was fine, and it ran off. I never saw or heard Delia before or after the accident.

Victor: And you want me to believe that?

Adam: I don't care what you believe. It's the truth.

Victor: What about the day after -- after you realized what had happened?

Adam: After I thought what I had done, I was sickened by that. I was gonna come forward. I was actually in the process of doing so, and Billy and Chloe had decided to donate Delia's corneas to my son. And I wasn't about to upset them and have them change their minds. I wasn't gonna be the person who was responsible for my son not being able to see.

Victor: Why didn't you come forward the day after the surgery? Instead, you ordered a new part and a turn signal to cover up the evidence. Hmm? I mean, what a cowardly thing to do. You didn't have the guts to come forward about what you knew had happened that night. What's the matter with you?

Adam: And now your next move is to go to the cops.

Victor: [Sighs]

Victoria: I'm so sorry. I -- honestly, I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have brought Johnny down.

Kelly: It's not you, Victoria. You don't have to apologize. It's me. I just wasn't ready for this.

Stitch: Do you want me to take you home?

Kelly: No, I'm -- I'm fine.

Victoria: Please let us help you.

Kelly: No, you can't.

Victoria: There must be something that we can --

Billy: Let her go. I'll walk you out.

Kelly: I never should have come here. I'm so sorry. You have a beautiful family, Billy.

Billy: I'm sorry.

Kevin: You got my message.

Chloe: Yeah, did it give you guys enough time to talk about me behind my back?

Esther: Honey, that's not what we were doing.

Kevin: I was just telling your mom that I was worried about you.

Esther: Kevin was just showing me the pages that you put in Delia's book for Connor.

Chloe: You have no right to go through my things.

Kevin: No, no, no. That is not right, what you're doing. You have some of Connor's hair in there. Does Chelsea know about that?

Chloe: After what I gave him, I mean, do you really think that she's gonna mind?

Kevin: So she doesn't know.

Esther: Kevin, maybe you're making too much of this.

Kevin: Look, you're grieving. I get that. And you feel close to him because of the transplant. But, Chloe, this obsession, it's not healthy.

Chloe: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm not obsessed, okay? You're the one who's clearly obsessed.

Esther: Honey, Kevin was just trying to help.

Chloe: Mom, can you, um... can you just give us a minute here?

Esther: Sure.

Chloe: You are way off base.

Kevin: I don't think so. This road you're doing down, Chloe, you're gonna get hurt.

Chloe: I am already hurt, okay?! And Connor eases my pain! What's wrong with that!

Kevin: Nothing is wrong with -- you need other things to focus on.

Chloe: Like what? Like you? Is that what you mean? Is that what all of this is about? What, do you want me to move in with you?

Kevin: No, that's not what this is about. But, no, I wouldn't hate that.

Chloe: Why? So then you can just make sure that I don't get too obsessed? No thank you.

Kevin: Chloe. Chloe!

Chloe: You know what? I'm so glad that we're not together anymore, because this is gonna make things so much easier. We are done.

Devon: To being free.

Lily: Cheers.

[Glasses clinking]

Reporter: How'd you get the police to drop the charges, Hamilton? Did you buy somebody off?

Devon: No, I didn't.

Leslie: My client's innocent.

Reporter: Oh, well, the casino seems to say they have proof he was in Vegas.

Neil: Okay, you know, this is a private club. You're not allowed to be here.

Reporter: Management doesn't seem to care.

Cane: Well, I care.

Leslie: I know plenty of people at the GCPD who would not mind throwing you in jail.

Cane: Let's go.

Neil: Before we call them.

Cane: Thank you.

Devon: Gosh. I'm really tired of those guys coming in here like they own the place.

Jill: Come on. You can do this, Jill. You can do this. Oh! Where is it? Where is it? Damn it. Where's my phone?

Kevin: You don't mean that.

Chloe: [Sighs] Would you just stop telling me what I'm thinking and feeling?

Kevin: Okay, look, I shouldn't have pressed you about the book, all right? But it's because I care about you.

Chloe: You care, but you don't trust me! You don't think that I'm capable of making sane and rational decisions.

Kevin: I think that you're in pain. I think you're in terrible, terrible pain.

Chloe: Yeah. It's driving me crazy.

Kevin: It would drive anybody crazy. And you can pretend to everybody else that you can handle it. But I know the truth. You lost a child, Chloe. You don't get through something like that on your own. I want to help you.

Chloe: But you can't. I've leaned on you since Delia died, and it hasn't worked, okay? It hasn't worked at all. In fact, it's made things worse. I mean, I'm just so dependent on you.

Kevin: I don't mind.

Chloe: But... I do. Okay? And I need to learn how to stand on my own two feet.

Kevin: But you need me.

Chloe: No, what I need is for you to leave, Kevin. If you want to help me, then you'll leave.

Kevin: Chloe, I love you.

Chloe: You can't love someone if you don't understand them.

Kevin: I do. I --

Chloe: No. You don't. Okay? So just please go. Just go.

Victoria: I hope Kelly's okay.

Billy: Don't blame yourself for what happened, Honey.

Stitch: Billy's right. Kelly's upset doesn't have anything to do with you.

Billy: I'm gonna take this guy to bed because it's past your bedtime. Come here. Come here.

Victoria: Good night, Sweetie. I love you.

Billy: Kisses. Say "Bye-bye." Give snuggles? Boom!

Victoria: So much for making Kelly feel better.

Stitch: [Sighs] You've got to stop beating yourself up. You're not responsible for Kelly's pain.

Victoria: I know.

[Cell phone beeps]

Stitch: Hey... paging Dr. Rayburn.

Victoria: Oh, I'm so sorry. You didn't even get the chance to eat or anything.

Stitch: Yeah, a patient of mine just took a turn for the worse. I got to head back to the hospital.

Victoria: Oh, okay. I'll get your coat. Maybe we can do a rain check for dinner.

Stitch: Yeah. You bet. Tell Billy good night for me.

Victoria: I will. Bye.

Victoria: It looks like it's just the two of us.

Billy: It's what I wanted from the beginning.

Adam: So if that's you’re proof, calling the cops, do it. You know, I don't even care. Call them with my phone. I don't even care anymore.

Victor: Put the phone away, Son. If I thought that calling the police would give even a scintilla of peace to those who were affected by Delia's death, you'd be in jail by now.

Adam: So what's your game?

Victor: An innocent little girl died. How the hell do you think the rest of the family's going to feel when they find out that it was you responsible for her death? How do you think Victoria will react when she has to tell Billy Boy that you are responsible for his daughter's death? Or Chloe? She'd be heartsick to realize that your son, Connor, can now see because you left an innocent little girl to die by the roadside.

Adam: So if you're not gonna say anything, I don't understand.

Victor: I'll keep it to myself. But I want one thing in return.

Adam: Of course you do. What do you want?

Victor: I want my grandson.

Jill: Help me, somebody! Anybody! I'm locked up in here! If you can hear me, call the police! All right, whoever the hell you are, do you hear me?! I'm not giving up! I'm gonna keep up screaming till the police come, you son of a -- oh, my God. It's you.

Esther: That's weird.

Chloe: What?

Esther: I just got a text from Jill. She's saying she's going out of town. She doesn't know when she'll be back.

Chloe: She does that all the time, Mom.

Esther: I guess so. Where's Kevin?

Chloe: He left.

Esther: Oh, Honey. Kevin's just worried about you. I'm sure you'll straighten everything out.

Chloe: Yeah. He's gone, Mom.

Esther: Okay, well, when he gets back.

Chloe: No, he's -- he's not coming back.

Esther: What?

Chloe: [Sighs] I told him that we're through.

Esther: Baby.

Neil: So the reporters are right. Management isn't interested in hiring anymore security.

Cane: What, are they cutting corners?

Neil: No. Cutting their losses.

Leslie: Wait. This place is up for sale?

Neil: Management said it's for sale.

Devon: Well, that's great. How am I supposed to keep the press away from me when I'm in here?

Lily: Well, you could buy the place. [Chuckles]

Victoria: We're gonna have leftovers for quite a while.

Billy: Well, I'd still rather have dinner with you, Honey. Mm.

Victoria: That's so sweet. I just really feel so bad for Kelly. She's obviously going through a rough time.

Billy: Yeah, well, that's how it happens. You feel like you're doing okay, and then you get knocked down. Feel like you're drowning. Grab on to the nearest thing to keep you from going under.

Victoria: You can grab on to me anytime. You know that. I just feel bad for Kelly. She doesn't have anybody. You know what? I have an idea. I know that you said you wanted to go to the support meetings on your own, but what if I started coming with you again?

Billy: Sure. Yeah. If you want.

Victoria: I think maybe it'd be good for us. And who knows? Maybe it might help Kelly.

[Connor cooing]

Chelsea: I don't know where daddy is, but he's gonna be back soon for our celebration. Yes, he is. It's really happening. We're gonna be a family. And you are gonna have more love and happiness and security than your daddy or I ever did.

[Connor cooing]

Chelsea: Until now.

Victor: I think I'm making you a reasonable offer, Son.

Adam: I'd rather go to prison than let you near my son.

Victor: That'd be tempting... in some ways. But there are other people involved. Including your son.

Adam: Handing him over to you in exchange for my freedom hardly sounds like it's in his best interest. I'd tell you to go to hell, but I never want to see you again.

Victor: I won't go to the cops, okay? And I promise you I will not take your son from you. But I will be part of his life, whether you like it or not. That's my offer. You take it or leave it. I will get what I want.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Lily: As new manager of the Athletic Club, I'd like to say bye and I hope you enjoyed your stay.

Sharon: Nick, don't.

Nick: I turned my back on you when you needed me most.

Nikki: Not with Dylan?

Avery: No. He had to go out of town.

Nikki: He's gone off to look for his father, hasn't he?

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