Y&R Transcript Monday 1/6/14
Episode # 10321 ~ Kevin makes a disturbing discovery about Chloe; Billy & Victoria spend an uncomfortable evening with Stitch & Kelly.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Chelsea: We're really doing this, huh?
Adam: Apparently so.
Chelsea: [Sighs] Just to make sure we're on the same page, will you actually ask me the question?
Adam: Chelsea Lawson... will you marry me?
Chelsea: [Laughs]
Adam: Is this a yes?
Chelsea: What do you think? [Laughs]
Adam: Just to be sure we're on the same page, I want to hear it.
Chelsea: Yes. Yes. Now kiss me. Yes. [Laughs]
Victor: So my son was responsible... for Delia's death.
P.I.: What are you gonna do about it?
Victor: What I need to do, I guess. Thank you for your services, okay? Appreciate it.
P.I.: If you're worried about this going any further...
Victor: I hope you're not reckless enough... to let anyone else know about this.
P.I.: Absolutely not.
Victor: Good.
P.I.: Call me if you need me.
Victor: You have a nice day. [Sighs]
Paul: Hello, Victor. Good to see you.
Victor: Hey!
Paul: How are you?
Victor: Paul, how are you? The chief of police. My goodness. In fact, you're the man I... need to see.
Jill: What the --
Kevin: What's shakin', Jill?
Jill: You scared me.
Kevin: Oh, sorry. I'm just looking for something.
Jill: Where's Chloe?
Kevin: Um, she's in a meeting. I told her I'd just come by and pick up this lighter coat for her, but, uh... 'cause I'm meeting up with her later.
Jill: Oh.
Kevin: Everything okay?
Jill: No, Kevin. Everything is definitely not okay.
Cane: Do you want anything else? Do you want a muffin, sandwich?
Lily: No. I'm fine.
Cane: You know, I heard on the news it's supposed to be a gorgeous weekend, maybe 10 degrees hotter than it is today.
Lily: Well, there goes Charlie and Mattie's snowman.
Cane: Yeah, the forecaster said that we're gonna have extremes this year -- something to do with arctic oscillation.
Lily: You don't have to do this, you know.
Cane: What am I doing? I'm just talking about the weather.
Lily: No. You're trying to distract me.
Cane: Oh, is that what I'm doing? Am I trying to distract you?
Lily: Look, I'm fine. I'm not even nervous. Dr. Kershaw that they might not even have test results today, so it wasn't even definitive. It's all right. Okay?
Stitch: Excuse me.
Lily: Hi. Did Dr. Kershaw send you?
Stitch: Uh, Dr. Kershaw? No. I found this on the counter, thought it might be yours.
Lily: Uh, no. This is mine right here. Thank you.
Cane: Thanks, man.
Lily: Okay, maybe I am a little bit nervous. I...I don't know. I just want to know if I'm cancer-free or not.
Stitch: Kelly, hold up.
Kelly: I thought we agreed not to talk to each other.
Stitch: Even if we did, I figured it shouldn't prevent me from being a Good Samaritan.
Kelly: It's a phone! You're a genius. I don't understand.
Stitch: You didn't leave this on the counter?
Kelly: No. Now, if we're done here...
Stitch: I saw you talking to Victoria earlier. You two friends?
Kelly: Friends? No, I wouldn't say that.
Victoria: Okay, well, Johnny went right down.
Billy: Now maybe we can talk about what you just sprung on me.
Victoria: About inviting Kelly to dinner?
Billy: Yeah. Why did you do that?
Victoria: I ran into her at Crimson Lights, and I had this great idea.
Billy: Honey, it's not a great idea.
Victoria: What do you have against dinner with Kelly?
Billy: Hey, hey. Listen to me. I just thought tonight could be the two of us. We open that really great bottle of wine we got, play some music.
Victoria: Oh, that sounds really wonderful.
Billy: Great. Let's make that happen. All you have to do is pick up the phone and say, "Kelly, you can't come over."
Victoria: Billy, no.
Billy: No?
Victoria: Listen, just, I can't -- I can't cancel on Kelly.
Billy: Yes -- yes, you can. You certainly can. All you have to do is call and say you forgot we had plans with Billy. No harm, no foul. Say, "Bye-bye."
Victoria: Yes, but you should have seen her earlier. I mean, we were talking about the holidays and everything, and she looked so lonely. And, besides, even if I wanted to cancel on her, I don't have her number. Unless you do.
Billy: Why would I have her number?
Victoria: Listen, I'm sure that we'll have a perfectly pleasant evening. Kelly seems like a lovely person. There's something really warm about her. Don't you think?
Billy: Yeah. Yeah.
Victoria: And I can see why the two of you have become good friends. Hopefully she and I can be friends, too.
Stitch: If you and Victoria aren't friends, then what?
Kelly: Oh, let me think. None of your business. Why do you even care? What's your interest in her?
Stitch: She's my buddy's half-sister. It's a sensitive situation, and I'm trying to -- you know, you're right. It's none of my business. Just like my life is no longer any business of yours.
Kelly: [Sighs] You are such a genius. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have dinner plans.
Stitch: None of my business.
Lily: Look, if the news is bad --
Cane: Let's not go there.
Lily: We may have to.
Cane: Then we'll deal with it, but until then --
Lily: Just listen to me. If the news is bad, then I would want to start treatment right away. Which is why I need you to do something for me right now.
Victor: Please have a seat.
Paul: Look, Victor, I'm really not in any mood to talk about Dylan, Ian Ward, or Nikki.
Victor: To be frank with you, neither am I. How far have you come in the investigation of Delia's death?
Paul: It's our top priority. We have every available officer on it.
Victor: I'm sure you do.
Paul: Okay, then. If you're satisfied --
Victor: No, no, no, no, no. Hold on one second, if you have a minute.
Victor: I'd like to talk about the son of a bitch who stole Delia's life.
Adam: What's on your schedule tomorrow?
Chelsea: Uh, tomorrow I have a yoga class at 10:00, and I have meetings starting at 3:00. Why?
Adam: That should be just enough time to squeeze it in.
Chelsea: Squeeze what in?
Adam: The wedding.
Chelsea: Adam, be serious.
Adam: I'm very serious.
Chelsea: We've been divorced almost a year. I think we can wait a little longer to be married.
Adam: We've wasted enough time.
Chelsea: I love you. And I want to be your wife. But I want to make sure I do things right this time. I mean, there's -- there's so much more at stake.
Adam: Connor.
Chelsea: You know what my life was like as a kid. I never felt safe. My mother had the worst taste in men, and there were so many nights I just had a pillow covering my ears to drown out the screaming matches. And then there were some of the guys that I actually liked, and I got close to them and attached to them, and then they'd leave within a month. I... I won't put Connor through that.
Adam: I will never ever turn my back on my son.
Chelsea: I know. But...it's not enough just to say it.
Adam: Hey, I am completely committed to you. I've told you that.
Chelsea: It's what you haven't told me that I want to know.
Adam: What's that supposed to mean?
Chelsea: We kept things from each other in the past, and we went through hell because of it. I won't be blindsided again. So if there is anything that could ever cost us our marriage, let's just get it all out on the table right now.
Kevin: What's going on?
Jill: I left this music box over on that shelf yesterday. And today it ends up over there, front and center. Explain that to me.
Kevin: Hmm... Esther thought it looked better over there?
Jill: No, she would never do that, not after I explained to her what I would do with her feather duster if she touched this.
Kevin: Well, then, teleportation.
Jill: You're not helping.
Kevin: Sure I am. What difference does it make how it got from there to there? Unless you're concerned there's a ghost in here moving things around. [Chuckles] What, do you think it was Mrs. C?
Jill: I wouldn't put it past Katherine to haunt my every waking moment, would you?
Kevin: I thought you washed your hands clean of that music box.
Jill: I did.
Kevin: Then why do you have steam coming out of your ears and your eyes are bright red?
Jill: You know what? I'll bet Chloe's jacket is up in her closet in her bedroom.
Kevin: Okay.
Jill: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You've been spending a lot of time with her lately, haven't you?
Kevin: So what if I have?
Jill: No, no. It's not a criticism. Far from it. I think she's very lucky to have somebody like you helping her through her grief.
Kevin: I don't know how helpful I'm being.
Jill: Oh, don't sell yourself short. I think she's coping very well. I mean, she's certainly taking a healthy interest in this fashion line of Chelsea's.
Kevin: Yeah, and an unhealthy interest in her child.
Adam: Okay. I confess. I have been hiding something from you. You know that blue blanket that I gave Connor? It was the same blue blanket that I was wrapped in as a baby when I was rocketed to this planet from my home planet, Krypton.
Chelsea: Okay, when you start joking like that, then I know something's --
Adam: Whatever happened to all the talk about us starting fresh, huh? We don't need to go through a laundry list of our past sins.
Chelsea: I told you I think that --
Adam: Nothing will come between us. Okay? Nothing. I have made peace with the past.
Chelsea: With your past, maybe. What about mine?
Adam: What about yours?
Chelsea: Lying to you about Connor, claiming he was Dylan's. I mean, that's as low as it gets. [Sighs] I need to know that you forgive me for that, and I don't want to feel like, what if we get in a fight and you throw it in my face or something?
Adam: I won't do that.
Chelsea: Anyone would do that, Adam. Anyone would if you still have the tiniest bit of resentment towards me.
Adam: I'm looking for all the reasons... to hold on to you, not push you away. And I hope that you will do the same.
Chelsea: Absolutely. As long as all of our mistakes are out in the open, they... [Sighs] They can't come back to haunt us.
Victor: So where do you stand in your search for the hit-and-run killer?
Paul: [Chuckles] Come on, Victor. You know I can't give you any specifics.
Victor: All right, let's do hypothetical. In case you catch that son of a bitch, what would his punishment be?
Paul: That's up to the courts, not the police. If you were to look it up, you would find out that a hit-and-run fatality is a class-"D" felony.
Victor: Meaning what?
Paul: Well, the driver could potentially get 25 years in prison and a fine.
Victor: 25 years? That's hardly enough compensation for the loss of a girl's life.
Paul: Well, I'm not gonna argue that. I'm just saying the law is very clear. And that's the maximum punishment that can be handed down.
Billy: Hey. What's for dinner?
Victoria: How does chicken from Panko's sound?
Billy: Fine by me! How 'bout I open that bottle of wine? You know, it might help relax everybody.
Victoria: You are really having a problem with Kelly joining us.
Billy: No, it's just our relationship -- my association with Kelly is largely based on our being in the same support group, and I don't think we really have anything to talk about outside of that, so, you know...
Victoria: You guys have gone out for coffee and a drink.
Billy: Yeah. We mostly talked about kids, you know.
Victoria: Well, I'm sure that we'll find other areas that we have in common.
Billy: Yeah.
[Knock on door]
Billy: Is that her already?
Victoria: She must have gotten the time mixed up.
Billy: You know what? Let me get it.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Hey.
Stitch: Billy. Stitch Rayburn.
Billy: Yeah, I-I remember. I just didn't expect you. Come in, man. Come in.
Victoria: Oh. Hi, Stitch. What, uh, what brings you by?
Stitch: This.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh! I didn't even realize it was gone. Oh.
Stitch: It was sitting right on the counter at Crimson Lights.
Victoria: Well, it's a good thing you found it. You didn't have to come all this way to bring it by. It's out of your way. I could have stopped by the hospital to pick it up from you.
Stitch: It wasn't out of the way at all. I was heading to the Burger Beat for dinner.
Victoria: The Burger Beat. Hmm. That greasy spoon?
Stitch: Come on. The zucchini poppers are to die for.
Victoria: Yeah, exactly. To die for. You're a doctor. You should know better.
Stitch: I'm also a bachelor. But -- sort of. I-I go where it's convenient. And speaking of which, take it easy, Guys.
Billy: Hold up, man. W-why don't you join us?
Stitch: Oh, thanks, man, but that's too much trouble.
Victoria: No, no, not at all. We're just ordering in. Nothing fancy, but it's a step up from Burger Beat.
Billy: Yes, it is.
Stitch: All right. If you guys are sure.
Billy: Positive. Come on.
Victoria: We have a friend joining us, so it should be a nice night. Let me take your coat.
Billy: Stay a while.
Cane: What do you want me to do?
Lily: I want you to take a picture of me to show how I look right now.
Cane: As opposed to?
Lily: You know. Last time, you shaved my head.
Cane: Sweetheart --
Lily: Look, I'm not saying its gonna happen again. I just want to be prepared this time. You know, last time, my diagnosis came out of the blue. And that was half the battle, just getting over the shock of it all. I feel like I've been hit by a truck, and I haven't even started chemo yet. So this time, if there is a "This time," I want to be prepared. You can understand that, right?
Cane: Yeah, I guess.
Lily: Just humor me, all right? Best-case scenario, you'll have a great photo of me to put on your future desk of our future office. Please? I'll make it look sexy.
[Both chuckle]
Cane: Well, how can I say no to that?
Lily: Okay. You ready?
Cane: Yeah.
Lily: Is that sexy? [Laughs] Okay, that goes inside your desk. This one will be PG. All right. Well? How's it look?
Cane: You look beautiful.
Lily: Thank you.
[Cell phone rings]
Cane: It's for you. Its, uh -- it says no caller I.D.
Lily: Oh. Hello? Yes, it is. Hi. Yes, of course. I'll, um, I'll be there. Thank you. Okay, bye.
Cane: Who was it?
Lily: That was Dr. Kershaw's office. He wants to see me right away.
Victoria: Well, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I think I'm gonna order our food and, um, check on Johnny.
Stitch: How's the little guy doing? Anymore rashes?
Billy: I'm sorry. Rashes?
Stitch: My mistake. I-I thought you knew. Uh, I ran into Victoria right before Christmas, and Johnny was having an allergic reaction. No, it was nothing serious. It was the wool sweater he was wearing. We took it off him, gave him some antihistamine, and he was good as new. Kids are so resilient.
Billy: Yeah, sometimes they are.
Stitch: I'm sorry about your daughter, man.
Billy: Thank you. [Clears throat] You got any kids?
Stitch: A son. Max. He's not living here, though. I miss the little rabble-rouser.
Billy: Yeah. I take it you and your wife are split up.
Stitch: Yeah. It's not something I talk about. Uh... I really haven't wanted to admit it. I guess there's a part of me is still hoping she will forgive me for something I did. But maybe there are some things in a marriage that are unforgivable.
[Doorbell rings]
Victoria: Oh, that must be Kelly.
Stitch: Kelly?
Victoria: Hey! Come on in.
Kelly: I brought dessert.
Victoria: Oh, you shouldn't have. But I'm really glad you did. Uh, we invited a fourth. I hope you don't mind. Kelly Andrews, this is Stitch Rayburn. And, um, of course you know Billy.
Adam: So, have I met all your strict requirements for a successful marriage?
Chelsea: I know we can't guarantee it's going to be a success. I just have to guard against what happened last time. My unrealistic expectations. Basically, I'm not looking to be your whole world.
Adam: But you are. You and Connor.
Chelsea: And you're mine, emotionally. I just mean, you know, we have more going on in our life now. We have our work and our friends, and I want to feel comfortable spending time with other people.
Adam: Like Chloe.
Chelsea: Not just Chloe. I have a very active social circle now, thank you very much. And you're entitled to one of your own.
Adam: Thank you.
Chelsea: Basically, you're allowed to have a life outside of our marriage. I get that now. Last time, I...I didn't really understand that. Especially regarding Victor.
Adam: Well, he's not a part of the equation anymore. Hey. Hey. Nothing from our past will come between us.
Chelsea: Okay, then. Let's plan a wedding.
Adam: Should I clear my schedule for tomorrow?
Chelsea: Okay, no, no, no. Tomorrow's a little too soon.
Adam: Fine. You're right. You're right. Day after tomorrow.
Chelsea: How about as soon as reasonably possible?
Adam: It's gonna be a torturous wait, you know.
Chelsea: Not necessarily.
Adam: What is this?
Chelsea: Not necessarily.
Adam: I'm gonna hate this.
Victor: So you're saying that the person who killed Delia could potentially get a 25-year prison sentence?
Paul: He could get less than that, too.
Victor: Considerably less?
Paul: Well, it depends on the strength of the evidence and the skill of the attorney.
Victor: A person of means could obviously hire the best attorney available, right?
Paul: Where are you going with all this? I mean, why are you asking about this now? Has something happened?
Victoria: I met Stitch through my mother. He's a doctor --
Kelly: At Memorial hospital. Hello, Ben.
Stitch: Kelly.
Victoria: So you two know each other.
Stitch: As a matter of fact --
Kelly: Small world, huh?
Victoria: Uh, Billy tells me congratulations are in order.
Kelly: Excuse me?
Victoria: Your new job with the nonprofit.
Kelly: Oh, yeah. That.
Victoria: I understand that you had a lot to do with putting together the foundation in Dee Dee's honor. Isn't that right, Billy?
Billy: Mm-hmm. Well, you must find charity work so worthwhile.
Kelly: Yes, I do. It's really not that different than what Stitch does for a living, helping people who can't help themselves. Right, Stitch?
Stitch: Guess you could say that.
Victoria: Please, everybody, sit down. Make yourselves comfortable. Billy, uh, opened a bottle of wine earlier. Can I offer anyone anything to drink?
Kelly: No, nothing for me.
Stitch: Yeah, I'll pass.
Victoria: Okay. Hey, I got an idea. Why don't we play a game? Something to break the ice. Everybody's gotten so shy all of a sudden, which is not like Billy at all. I've never known him to be at a loss for words. What's gotten into you?
Billy: [Chuckles]
Paul: So, has something happened to prompt your questions about the person who took Delia's life?
Victor: Paul, nothing has happened, okay? But that's why I'm asking the question. Last year ended without an arrest. And this year has started in the same fashion.
Paul: Oh, I see. Well, if that's a criticism, I suggest you take it up with your friend the mayor. I am really not interested in what anyone thinks.
Victor: I think you should be.
Paul: Why is that, Victor? I'm interested in justice. I hope you're not planning on involving yourself in this case.
Victor: No, no, no, no, no. No, I am simply curious, obviously, because this case really touches me personally. So, um...that's why I was asking you questions. That's all.
Paul: Well, I can tell you this. As soon as the department's ready to make a statement, you'll be the first to hear.
Chelsea: [Sighs] I'm glad not everything is different this time around.
Adam: [Sighs] You and me both. Come here.
Chelsea: Oh! [Laughs] What? Oh, well, some things are definitely, definitely different. Different and better.
Jill: So you think that Chloe is becoming too invested in Chelsea's son?
Kevin: She's spending an awful lot of time with him. I mean, he has Delia's corneas. I get it. I feel connected to him, also.
Jill: But there comes a point when it becomes obsessive, huh?
Kevin: Maybe I'm worrying too much. I just want her to be all right.
Jill: Yeah. "All right" is a relative term when it comes to losing your child.
[Cell phone rings]
Jill: Yes? The auction site? Yes, I'm the one who placed the listing for the music box. Strangely enough, it's back in my possession. Uh, could you repeat that, please? I don't believe I heard you correctly. Yeah, I could make myself available. All right. No, thank you. Thank you. And I'll see you soon. Well, I'll be damned.
Kevin: What? What was that about?
Jill: That could very well be the answer to the riddle about the music box.
Jill: That was an antiques dealer. He saw my listing about the music box and was very interested in it, but by that time, the bidding had closed.
Kevin: Right. It was Esther that got it back for you.
Jill: Yeah, I know. I was very annoyed with her for doing that. But it looks like I might owe her an apology. Not that I'll ever give her one.
Kevin: Of course not. You wouldn't want to ruin your reputation as a tyrant.
Jill: [Scoffs] That little nitwit may be an incompetent housekeeper, but I tell you, she is one savvy shopper. I mean, this antiques dealer seems to believe that this box could have considerable value.
Kevin: How considerable?
Jill: Well, that remains to be seen. But he seems to think that it's part of a set that was once owned by a very famous person.
Kevin: Who?
Jill: I don't know. He wants to meet with me. He's gonna tell me all the details.
Kevin: You think you're gonna sell it to him?
Jill: Well, if what he says is true and this is so valuable, I don't want to give it away cheaply. I mean, there may be another buyer out there who can drive up the price, you know. Kevin, I could end up making a fortune out of this whole thing. Maybe this is what Katherine had in mind all along for me.
Lily: It's just silly. It's like, why keep it a mystery? Why not tell us the news over the phone instead of making us come all the way down here?
Cane: Maybe its hospital policy.
Lily: Yeah, I guess that could be it.
Cane: Maybe Dr. Kershaw has a thing for you and he wants to see your gorgeous face.
Lily: Just because you feel that way doesn't mean that every other man does.
Cane: Oh, really? What, you didn't notice the valet who looked at you when we parked the car? Or the flower-delivery guy who wanted to give you the flowers instead who they were meant for? Or the three orderlies who fought over the door for you?
Lily: Okay, you are exaggerating. There were not three orderlies. There were two.
Cane: Oh, that's because the third one tripped over his own feet trying to get to you first.
Lily: Yes, well, I doubt that, but it's very sweet of you to say.
Cane: Do you know what I was thinking about on the drive over here today?
Lily: How crazy rush-hour traffic is?
Cane: No. I was thinking about Provence.
Lily: Our wedding?
Cane: Mm-hmm. And that incredible gift that Katherine gave us when she flew our family to France. Hmm? Organized the ceremony in that vineyard.
Lily: I know. And on Valentine's Day, no less.
Cane: Valentine's Day. Do you remember what she said to us when she sprung that surprise on us?
Lily: Of course. I'll never forget it. Said that we had to overcome tragedy and illness, even a divorce, and that our love is so strong that nothing would ever keep us apart.
Cane: I didn't think I could love you any more that day. You know that?
Lily: [Chuckles]
Cane: But every day, I do. Every day, I find a way to love you a little bit more. And I don't know how it's possible.
Lily: Well, I'm just lovable. If you're trying to distract me, it's working. So... [Sighs]
Dr. Kershaw: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Lily: Hi.
Dr. Kershaw: Please take a seat. Cane, I'm glad you're here, as well.
Cane: Thanks.
Dr. Kershaw: All right, so let me find your file, and we can begin.
Billy: Okay, Guys, I am so sorry for being a lousy host. It's just... been a while since I've had company, I guess. I'm out of practice.
Stitch: It's understandable.
Billy: I was just trying to think of some new material so I can entertain you fine people, but then I realized, hey, you haven't even heard my old stuff yet, so you're in luck! Or completely out of it, depending on how you look at it.
Victoria: I think I'm gonna pour myself a drink.
Billy: Yeah.
Stitch: You know what? Uh, I think I'll have one, after all.
Victoria: Really? Is wine okay? We have beer, too, or --
Stitch: Glass of wine would be great. I'll give you a hand.
Victoria: Oh, no. That's okay. I've got it.
Stitch: I insist.
Victoria: Oh, all right. Well, it's in the kitchen.
Kelly: Listen... I am so sorry. I tried to get out of coming here, but Victoria wouldn't take no for an answer.
Billy: Yes, I know. She can be very persistent.
Kelly: I would make up an excuse to leave, but I'm afraid that it would look too suspicious.
Billy: We'll just tough it out.
Kelly: Well, how are we gonna do that? I can't eat at this point. My stomach is in knots.
Billy: Stop. You're gonna just focus on the present, get it all out of your mind. Don't worry about it. Just focus on the present.
Kelly: Forgetting has never been easy for me.
Billy: Okay, look, look. W-we -- mm. Mm. You -- you just -- it was a mistake. It was a mistake. It was a mistake. It just happened. We gave in to the grief, and it happened. It never even happened. It was a big mistake.
Kelly: Yes, it was a mistake, a huge one. But I'm just afraid that...
Billy: What? What? What? What are you afraid of?
Kelly: I am afraid that I won't be able to hide my guilt.
Billy: What?
Kelly: That all Victoria is going to have to do is take one look at me, and she will figure out that I had sex with you.
Billy: Okay, Kelly, you need to take a deep breath and think logically. There is no way that Victoria is gonna read guilt on your face.
Kelly: Really? How can you be sure?
Billy: Because she's not a mind reader. Because she's gonna look at you, and then she's gonna think of a lady trying to put her life back together.
Kelly: You heard her before, right? She already senses that something is off.
Billy: There is a huge leap from sensing something is off to figuring out that -- you and I did something that we're never gonna do again.
Kelly: Maybe it's not as big of a leap as you think, Billy.
Billy: Come on! Dinner's gonna be two, three hours, tops. All you have to do is put a smile on your face, nod every once in a while, and no one's gonna be the wiser.
Kelly: Well, you know what, Billy? I'm not a very good liar. Look at my hand. It's shaking.
Billy: Then you put that in your pocket. You tell them you're cold. Tell them you're coming down with something. Tell them anything you want. And believe me, Victoria's not gonna doubt you.
Kelly: Okay. All right. But you know what? I think you're being a little naive.
Billy: Trust me. Victoria has no idea.
Victoria: I have no idea about what?
Cane: Thank you for taking the time to see us.
Dr. Kershaw: Oh, of course.
Lily: Do you have the results of my blood tests?
Dr. Kershaw: I do.
Kevin: I've got to find Chloe's coat. I've kept her waiting long enough.
Jill: She is so lucky to have you in her corner. I want you to know that I really appreciate it. And I know Katherine would, too.
Kevin: I'll do whatever I can for Chloe.
Jill: I know you will.
Kevin: See you.
Jill: Okay. [Sighs] Well, you still look like trash to me. But who am I to argue with the expert? Okay. [Chuckles] And you... you got me. I should have had faith. I should have known that you cared as much about me as I cared about you, you wonderful old coot. [Humming]
[Muffled screaming]
Kevin: Jill? Jill? [Sighs] Chloe, what are you doing?
Chelsea: So, should we get married at city hall or get married in a church?
Adam: We could always have a minister come here.
Chelsea: Wait a second. Since we're rushing this wedding, does that mean I don't get an engagement ring?
Adam: I will buy you a whole diamond mine if you want.
Chelsea: Just one? I'm kidding. I don't even need a ring. I have everything I could ever possibly want right here.
Adam: Except champagne. We have to toast to our engagement.
Chelsea: Yes.
Adam: So I'm gonna head out.
Chelsea: Okay. Hurry back.
Adam: Will do.
Chelsea: Bye.
Paul: Hey. Hi, Honey. No, I'm glad you called. You're still gonna join me, right? You're willing to make a deal with the guy? No, that's great. I mean, if he did see the license of the car that hit Delia, it'll be the break we need to solve the case.
[Chelsea remembering]
Chelsea: Well, it's not gonna happen. I'm not conning you.
Adam: Well, you can't predict the future. You never know what could happen. Things just happen.
Chelsea: You're right. That's what I'm saying. Look at us, Adam. Look at Connor. He can see. [Laughs] I mean, did you ever imagine that things would turn out like this? We have spent so much of our lives, the two of us, both of us, thinking that we didn't deserve to be happy. We do, Adam.
Adam: You do. You deserve to be happy.
Victor: Hello, Son.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Stitch: You've suffered a lot, and I'd hate to see you hurt anymore.
Kelly: Why would I be?
Stitch: You and Billy seem close.
Kevin: Chloe, I love you.
Chloe: You can't love someone if you don't understand them.
Adam: So if you're not gonna say anything, I don't understand.
Victor: I'll keep it to myself. But I want one thing in return.
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