Y&R Transcript Friday 1/3/14

Y&R Transcript Friday 1/3/14


Episode # 10320 ~ Ashley questions Tyler's intentions with Abby; Avery wants Adam to consider his future with Chelsea.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Victor: I left you a message, Son. You didn't answer me.

Adam: That's right.

Victor: You don't think that's a mistake, ignoring your father's message, even if you didn't know why I wanted to be in contact with you?

Adam: And I'm sure it was all puppy dogs and rainbows and happy New Year. Ditto to you, Pop.

Victor: Mm-hmm. A new year, a new beginning. You know, some people have a difficult time forgetting what happened in the past. How about you? Have you already forgotten what happened last year?

Victoria: Hey! I'm back! Johnny's spending a little grandma time with my mom at the ranch. I've got, like, six million work e-mails to return. What are you doing?

Billy: Trying to be less of a jerk. Is it working?

Abby: And then we went to this vegan restaurant.

Ashley: 'Cause when you're in L.A., you have to go vegan.

Abby: Yes. And Tyler, who lives off meat and potatoes, loved it.

Ashley: Really? Was it love? Was it really love?

Tyler: Oh, come on. You gonna make me say it?

Abby: It was love. Big love. Huge.

Tyler: It was delicious.


Abby: And there was only one glitch in the trip when I momentarily reverted back to drama queen.

Ashley: Really? Only one time?

Abby: Only once, but it was totally irrational, and Tyler handled it like a champ. He just rolled with it.

Tyler: Well, whatever she can dish out, I can take it, so...

Ashley: Wow. Vacations and holidays tend to tear couples apart. You guys seem stronger than ever. So, I just have to ask the question.

Abby: Ooh, about the vegan crab cakes?

Ashley: No. What are your intentions toward my daughter?

Abby: Mom.

[Doorbell rings]

Chelsea: Hi.

Anita: Merry Christmas!

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Anita: Mwah! And happy New Year's. And I'm just glad I didn't miss Valentine's. You better have your phone loaded up with pictures of my grandson.

Chelsea: Okay, Mom.

Anita: Yeah?

Chelsea: Breathe.

Anita: [Laughs]

Chelsea: Hi. How was Florida?

Anita: Oh, I shopped till I dropped. I have presents for you and the baby. And where is my sweet, little munchkin?

Chelsea: He's out with the nanny.

Anita: And his eyes?

Chelsea: His eyes are with the nanny, too.

Anita: [Gasps] You are starting to sound like Adam.

Chelsea: Connor is, um... he's -- he's perfect. He can see everything with those beautiful eyes of his. It's just...it's amazing.

Anita: Look at you. All happy and content. I haven't see you this happy since you moved in with Dylan. What? Well, it's true! You're smiling. And you've got a good smile, Baby. One of your best assets. So, how was New Year's? Did you and Adam paint the town? Good night, Nellie! Do these rings mean what I think they mean? [Gasps]

Adam: Impossible to forget last year. I became a father. It's the single greatest thing that's ever happened to me. And I walked away from my own father. But let's not dwell on the past. I'm only interested in the future.

Avery: Adam! Sorry. I hope I didn't keep you waiting.

Victor: You left Newman the company, but your firm runs on Newman business, doesn't it? Nikki and her long, lost son, and now Adam. Did you get into some kind of trouble again, Son?

Adam: No trouble at all. Just meeting with my attorney about making certain that you have no legal rights to my son.

Kevin: That's him? The guy who saw whoever killed Delia?

Alex: No, he's another possible witness. That's all he is for now.

Kevin: Yeah, but why would he lie about having information?

Alex: George Hawkins isn't exactly a fine, upstanding citizen. He's got a third-strike violation, and he wants to play "Let's make a deal." Look.

Kevin: This is his rap sheet?

Alex: Yep. You see that? He's not the most honest person.

Kevin: That doesn't mean he didn't see something, which is why you're bothering to talk to him in the first place, right?

Alex: Kev, did you forget what happened last time with Chloe and the scarf in the surgeon's car? Because I can't get that image out of my head when Chloe realized that it wasn't Delia's scarf. I got your hopes up once. I'm trying not to do that again.

Kevin: Well, it's too late. They're up. This could be it. We could finally have an I.D. on the guy who killed Delia.

Victor: You are trying to cut me out of my grandson's life? Is that how you focus on the future? That's how you move on? Seems that everything you do revolves around your father, doesn't it?

Adam: Let me be very clear about this. I will do whatever it takes to make certain that you are not legally, socially, or emotionally responsible for my son. He's off limits. You can count on that. Now, you can fight me on that, and it ain't gonna be pretty.

Victor: You bet I will fight you on the right to protect my grandson's life.

Avery: Gentlemen, let's not do this.

Adam: How many times have you disowned me, hmm? Now I'm simply repaying the favor to you. I'm nothing to you, you're nothing to me, and now my son is nothing to you. Not because you say so -- because I say so. I'm the one in control here. And while that might make your brain short-circuit, it's something you're gonna have to get used to.

Victor: So, you're willing to cut that child out from his family's life? Why? To prove how tough you are? That boy needs rational, capable people to look after him.

Avery: Fine. Go at it. I'm on the clock. More billable hours for me.

Adam: He has the people he needs in his life -- his mother and me. And you have what you need in your life -- Newman-Chancellor. Hooray for you.

Victor: I'm not about to walk away from a child who may need my protection. Especially not after what happened to Delia.

Adam: I'm sure you're so broken up about that -- the man that kept that little girl from her own father while she was sick with leukemia in the hospital.

Victor: Now, the only grandfather she has known is me. I was heartbroken when Delia died. So was the entire community. I'm sure even you gave a damn.

Adam: Delia is your excuse to power-trip over my son. Keep it classy, Dad. Go try and find some other child to control. Connor is off limits. I promise you that.

Victor: You tell your lawyer that you will pay her for her services, then ask her to move on.

Avery: Uh, I'm right here. Not going anywhere.

Victor: I will not give up the right to protect my grandson, okay? You are turning your back on the only parent you have left. That's an egregious mistake, and you will regret it.

Adam: The only thing that I regret is not cutting you loose a long, long time ago. This New Year and my son's life, there is no room in it for you.

Chelsea: They're just rings.

Anita: Wedding rings.

Chelsea: Technically.

Anita: And if memory serves, one of those rings was on your finger, and now they are...?

Chelsea: Adam never got rid of them. That's all.

Anita: "That's all"? Well, that's plenty. That's him carrying a torch. That's him wanting to move you and the little munchkin in here. That's -- has he been making noises about making it legal? He did.

Chelsea: [Sighs] No, no. But then he -- he brushed it off. It wasn't real.

Anita: You scared him off.

Chelsea: Mom, we have a son. We share a home together. Of course Adam's gonna consider trying to make this picture-perfect family for Connor. But it doesn't mean he actually wants to marry me.

Anita: Maybe I have jet lag, but wanting a family and wanting to marry you sound like the same thing.

Chelsea: No, Adam just wants to do what's best for Connor. He just wants to put his son first. That's all.

Anita: Because that's what parents do. They want the best for their kids, like I do for you. So, tell me. Are you ready to put that ring back on your finger? I mean, are you ready to make it right with Adam after all?

Victoria: They are beautiful!

Billy: They're just flowers. They're a symbol. New Year's Eve not too long ago, you saved me. You pulled me right out of the gutter. And then you laughed at my boxer shorts. You remember that?

Victoria: Yeah, of course I remember that.

[Victoria remembering]

Are you okay?

Billy: Yeah, I'm -- I'm...

Victoria: Come on. Come on. Take you home. Give me your hand.

Billy: I'm coming!

[Back to present]

Billy: I haven't forgotten, either. [Clears throat] Or maybe I did. I got lost again, and then you saved me again.

Victoria: It's okay.

Billy: No, you don't -- you don't -- it's not okay. You don't let me off the hook for this. I reach out, and I pull back. You cut me slack, and we do it all over again. But New Year's Eve... that's our time. That's our place. And for me to shut you out and to hurt you, that's -- that's -- that's not okay.

Victoria: It's okay. You were hurting.

Billy: No, I-I -- yeah, I was. I was hurting you. And I can't do that anymore, and I'm not gonna do that anymore... because I finally got it through my thick skull that we're gonna...we're gonna heal. We're gonna get past Delia's death, because I'm with you and I'm with Johnny and we're still a family and we're still a couple. I have this life with you. This is our life. And I love you. I love you so much. [Sniffles] [Chuckles] Okay. Oh.

[Cell phone rings]

Victoria: It's my mom. I told her to call me when Johnny was gonna go down for his nap.

Billy: Okay. Take it.

Victoria: Are you sure?

Billy: Yeah. You know that little guy can't sleep without a song from his mama. Take it.

Victoria: Okay. Okay. I'll meet you upstairs.

Billy: Yes, ma'am.

Victoria: Hey, Mom. Is he ready? [Chuckles] Okay.

Tyler: Well, you know, I feel like I probably should stop talking. And Abby, she knows how I feel about her. But you are -- you're right. You deserve to know, too. So, um, I had been living on the west coast. You know, I was doing well for myself. You know, I was doing really good business-wise, really making a name for myself. I helped a start-up company get on the map. But all the fame and the fortune that that comes with, it just -- it wasn't doing it for me, so...

Abby: Yeah, 'cause who wants fame and fortune?

[Both chuckle]

Tyler: Well, yeah, I made a whole lot of money, and I burned through it pretty quickly. I, uh, I used it to self-medicate, I guess.

Ashley: Why were you self-medicating?

Abby: "Let's grab a coffee. Let's catch up," she said. Catch up, not psychoanalyze.

Tyler: It's fine, Abs. I'm -- I'm all right talking about it now. Um, I'm not sure how much you've heard, but, uh, I had a pretty terrible upbringing. My mother was killed when I was a kid, and, uh, we all thought that my dad was the one responsible for it. So, I was really angry for a long time.

Ashley: Understandably.

Tyler: And it didn't matter how many fast cars or fancy clothes I bought. You know, nothing seemed to make me feel better. So, that's when I reached out to my sister. She was always my constant. Well, my home, you know. But amazing thing is, I seemed to have found another home. And here I thought I was just coming to Genoa City and getting a chance to be close to my sister. But now I know why I needed to be here. And, uh, it was Abby. She's why.

Ashley: I'm really glad you found her, for both your sakes.

Abby: Well, that was fun, wasn't it? Let's do it again sometime.

Tyler: [Chuckles]

Abby: Look who it is. The handsome and talented doctor.

Stitch: Regular coffee, please.

Abby: Dr. Rayburn, you remember my mom and her Thanksgiving day disaster.

Stitch: I do very well. How is the ankle, Miss Abbott?

Ashley: All better. [Chuckles]

Stitch: Excellent. So, have you come back to Genoa City permanently?

Ashley: Oh, no. I'm actually on my way out again today. But like I told you before, if I do decide to break something in the future, I'll make sure I do it here.

Stitch: I'll have to keep my schedule open just in case. Safe trip. Come back soon, all right?

Ashley: Okay. I will.

Kelly: "I'll keep my schedule open just in case." Your bedside manner is interesting. So, should I assume that you and your wife are over?

Stitch: I'm not gonna talk about her with you.

Anita: The answer is yes, if you need me to spell it out. You and Adam are due for a reunion.

Chelsea: So you can start drooling over his bank account again?

Anita: Honey, you know me. I believe in love, fun, and financial security -- not in that order -- and look at me. [Sighs] Not much of any of them.

Chelsea: Oh, stop it. [Chuckling] No pity party, please. You were just in Florida doing what? Being miserable? No. You were having fun. And you have the money to go.

Anita: But no love. Maybe that's why money looks so good to me. Always has. You can put your faith in a bank account, but another person -- a man, no less -- takes a lot more nerve than I have. And I'm paying the price for being a wimp. I see how Adam looks at you. He was so mad when he thought that baby was Dylan's, because he wanted to give you a baby. He wanted to be your family. And that's love. That's the real thing. I never had it. But you do. Or you could if you're not a wimp like me.

Chelsea: After all these years of grifting, you're actually a romantic.

Anita: Honey, I'm a lot of things. So, are you going to have all the bells and whistles with Adam or --

Chelsea: Mom, Mom, what do you want me to do? Get on one knee and ask Adam to marry me? No. It's not gonna happen. Maybe I'm a wimp, too. But I'm here with my baby and with Adam, and it's wonderful. And since he might not actually ever propose, it just... it has to be enough.

Anita: You two have done a number on each other. He's gun-shy, like you. [Sighs] But you have to figure it out. Please. For the love, not for the money. For the love. Oh, I got to go. I have a big beauty appointment to look my shiny best and because you never know when Mr. Right now is gonna be around the corner.

Chelsea: [Chuckles] Oh, uh, uh, Mom. I'm really glad that you're home.

Anita: Me, too, Sweetheart. And if he does pop the question... you make sure you get a bigger ring next time. [Pats arm] Okay

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Adam: Jack has agreed to be Connor's godfather and not just in an honorary capacity.

Avery: So, you want to structure a legal relationship?

Adam: I want Jack to be the legal guardian of my son if I'm out of the picture.

Avery: Okay, Adam, Chelsea is his mother, so if something happened to you, Chelsea would retain custody. Unless you called me here to play some kind of custody-battle game behind her back, in which case I am not interested in doing that.

Adam: It's nothing like that. It's nothing like that. Chelsea is, and always will be, the most important thing in Connor's life. I am simply the dad. I can't compete. You should see the two of them together. It's a thing of beauty.

Avery: You sound like the two of you are in a very good place right now.

Adam: And you sound surprised.

Avery: Well, it can't be easy after everything.

Adam: Wasn't easy. Then again, it was just about the easiest thing in the world, because she's the right person. Maybe you know what I'm talking about.

Avery: I do. But you didn't call me here to talk about me and Dylan.

Adam: Well, I fully intend on having a lifetime of familial bliss, but things happen, as you and I know. And I want my son cared for -- and not by Victor. That man will get no rights to my son. Not even a sliver of an opportunity to influence him, okay? That's why I want it legalized that Jack be the designated guardian for my son. Iron-clad, airtight, Victor-proof. Now, I'm sure my old man will hem and haw and he'll raise hell. But I will not allow him to mess with my family.

Victor: Did you get what I asked for? The whereabouts of all the drivers the night that Delia was killed?

P.I.: It's all there.

Kelly: You're right. We have no business talking about your wife -- or anything else, for that matter.

Stitch: You know, we're both in Genoa City, so this is gonna happen. So let's just keep it simple and not talk at all.

Kelly: We agree again.

Tyler: Well, I'm sorry to hear that you're taking off. I know how happy Abby is whenever you're in town, so...

Abby: Especially when you question my boyfriends. That's when I'm the happiest. [Laughs] No, I really do love having you here.

Ashley: I know. I love being here, too, Honey. But I do have to go. One quick stop, then I'm off to the airport.

Abby: I know I'm an adult and I don't technically need my mommy, but I like you. I like having you here. I like grabbing a coffee and talking in person.

Ashley: Wow. You like me?

Abby: I do! [Laughs]

Ashley: That's so great. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. [Laughs] I think. I like you, too, and I'm gonna be back more often, and soon. I promise.

Abby: Good.

Ashley: Okay? I love you.

Abby: I love you.

Ashley: Bye, Tyler.

Tyler: Take care.

Abby: Hmm.

Tyler: You okay?

Avery: Of course we can prevent Victor from getting close to Connor. Grandparents' rights are very limited in general. And if you designate Jack as guardian, there's no reason it shouldn't stand up in court.

Adam: Well, my father will fight like hell in or out of court, and the last thing that my son deserves is to have that megalomaniac trying to control his life.

Avery: Okay. I assume Chelsea is on board with Jack as guardian?

Adam: We have not discussed it as of yet, but she would approve.

Avery: Adam --

Adam: No, she has stood up to my father about that issue on more than one occasion. She's a fierce mama bear where that's concerned.

Avery: Okay, but that doesn't mean she would choose Jack as guardian. The two of you need to be in agreement before we can make up any documents.

Adam: It won't be an issue, but I will be happy to discuss it with her when I get home.

Avery: Then that's as far as we can take this for now. And actually, I'm glad that this is just about making contingencies for Connor. Honestly, I thought you called me here to talk about the video that I'm keeping for you.

Adam: I remember you weren't supposed to watch any of that.

Avery: Of course not. As per agreement, I've just kept it safe for you.

Adam: You know, I don't think that video is gonna be necessary anymore, so I'll take it off your hands.

Avery: Okay, good. I'm glad it's not a problem. You seemed agitated by whatever is on that video.

Adam: True. But everything is different now.

Kevin: Hey, are you gonna make sure that -- thanks. Thanks.

Alex: So, Mr. Hawkins... I hear you want to make a deal. That's interesting. Little girl is dead and parents are heartbroken. In fact, the whole town is heartbroken. And you might know something. Maybe, sort of. But you won't tell me anything unless there's something in it for you. [Laughs] God, great. Okay. What do you want?

Inmate: To walk from this bust.

Alex: Uh, this bust? You mean armed robbery, felony? Your third, might I add. Now, I can't make all this just disappear. What I can do is I can go to the D.A., and she can lessen the charges. Start talking.

Victor: So, two of the suspects were out of town the night of the incident. Two had their cars in the shop. One woman bought a new S.U.V. the day after the incident. And one surgeon was in the operating room. That leaves one driver... and my son, Adam. I think I told you my son went to an eye specialist the night that Delia was killed. Did you do some research on his whereabouts?

P.I.: I've got Newman's time in and out of the parking garage from the attendant that was there. If he went straight home, then the accident site is out of his way.

Victor: Huh. [Sniffs] If, on the other hand -- think about that for a minute -- if he'd gotten bad news from the doctor about his son's eye condition, he might have been driving around to clear his head. And if he had taken a different route...

P.I.: Then he would have been there at the moment of impact.

Alex: A little girl is dead, and you're just dancing on her grave. I can't stand people like you. You want a free pass for being a dirtbag. Tell you what. If you don't tell me what I want to know right now -- I mean, right now -- I'm gonna throw you back in a cell and let you rot in there. Okay.

Inmate: I saw it all.

Alex: A file here says that you live approximately a mile from the accident site. You saw the car hit the girl?

Inmate; No, just the car taking off.

Alex: What about a license plate? You see that, smart guy?

Inmate: And I saw the driver who killed the kid.

Billy: You just missed Vicki.

Ashley: Well, I was hoping to see her, but I needed to see you. I needed -- I needed to see your face.

Billy: Make sure I didn't slip away?

Ashley: You didn't, did you? Look, I know it's never gonna be okay again, but you seem a little better.

Billy: Well, it happened. People said it would. I didn't believe them, but, uh... it gets a little bit less brutal every single day. And most of that is because of my wife.

Victoria: Oh! Hey, Stitch. How are you?

Stitch: Doing well. You?

Victoria: [Sighs] Good. I'm just picking up a treat for Johnny before I get him from my mom's. Organic. No refined sugar. That sort of treat.

Stitch: I'm wearing the scrubs, but I'm not on duty. And everyone could use a treat now and then.

Victoria: That's true.

Stitch: You look happy. More so than the last time we talked.

Victoria: I really am. Something happened on New Year's Eve. Somehow, someway, Billy realized that Johnny and I are -- are there for him. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. [Laughs]

Stitch: You don't have to. It's all over your face. Treats definitely seem in order.

Victoria: Yeah. Well, take care.

Stitch: Yeah.

Victoria: Oh! Hey. Hey, Kelly.

Kelly: Hey.

Victoria: How are you?

Kelly: Good.

Victoria: It's nice to see you. Um, how was your new year's?

Kelly: Uneventful.

Victoria: Oh. Well, listen, I'm really glad that I ran into you. I just -- I really want to tell you how grateful I am that you've been able to help Billy. It really, really means the world to me.

Abby: I have to say, you were brilliant handling my mom and all of her questions. Honestly, "Intentions" [Laughs] I have never seen her get so 1950s before. She would look fab in a pillbox hat, though.

Tyler: Yeah, I wouldn't say that I was handling her, you know. I just told the truth.

Abby: So, all those pretty things you said about me making Genoa City feel like home?

Tyler: Well, I mean, I'm still here, aren't I? And it's not just because of Leslie. Genoa City, it's -- it's home now. I'm not hiding anymore. You know, I'm not dodging my past and pretending that things didn't happen. And it has a lot to do with you.

Abby: [Laughs]

Tyler: So, now that I've said all that, are you gonna pick a fight, try taking off on me?

Abby: Who would ever do that? Me? Never.

[Both laugh]

Tyler: Okay, well... does that mean that we can talk about where we're headed? You know, you, me, the future?

Abby: One day at a time. That's our thing, right?

Tyler: Well, I mean, it was our thing, but... maybe it's time for a new thing.

Avery: Hey! Hello!

Stitch: Hey.

Avery: Happy New Year. Are you on duty for the holiday?

Stitch: Ah, I let the other docs party and volunteered. You?

Avery: Oh, you know, who needs noisemakers and champagne when there are briefs to write? And with Dylan out of town, it made sense.

Stitch: Any word from him? Got to be rough looking for info on a father you wish you weren't related to.

Avery: Yeah.

[Cell phone rings]

Avery: Oh! Speak of the devil. Hi. How are you? Stitch is here with me.

Stitch: Stitch was here. Come home soon, Bud!

Avery: No, no, no. You stay. You stay. Hey. How are you? What'd you find out?

Dylan: What have I found out? Uh, found out that northern Idaho is freakin' cold and this town defines "The middle of nowhere." And, uh, when I'm away from you, I miss you a lot.

Ashley: You look good.

Billy: Ha. Thanks.

Ashley: You do. So, how'd you do it? What happened?

Billy: Well, like it always does -- hit rock bottom.

Ashley: Uh-oh. Gambling?

Billy: No.

Ashley: Sorry. None of my business.

Billy: No, it's fine. I could see myself, you know, when you watch a movie and you want to yell at the screen. There I was rock bottom, and, uh...I realized I couldn't stay there. Drowning in my own grief, dragging my family down there with me. I needed to reach out and grab on and... there was Victoria. Just like when she drove me home from Jimmy's bar. You remember that? And now I'm back. And I'm gonna continue to hold on, because life without her, without Johnny, without you guys... that's just not a life I want to live. [Sighs]

Adam: Chelse!

Chelsea: We need to talk.

Adam: That's actually supposed to be my line. And we do need to talk about something.

Chelsea: Uh, uh, first we need to do this now. You have rings in your drawer. Our rings. And we talked about the future, and then [Clears throat] You mentioned marriage. You did. But then you just kind of brushed it off. But I want you to know, if there was something real there --

Adam: Suppose there is something very real there.

Avery: So, these people knew your father's family, but they wouldn't tell you anything?

Dylan: Nobody wants to talk about the town black sheep, especially to a stranger. Let sleeping dogs lie and all that.

Avery: I'm sorry. I wish you found what you were looking for.

Dylan: It's not over yet. There is one person -- one person willing to talk, and we're gonna meet tomorrow.

Avery: Listen, no matter what you find out... [Sighs] ...Dylan, you're you. No one else, okay? No one else's mistakes can taint you. Will you remember that? Dylan?

Dylan: [Sighs] Thank you. I'll -- I'll call you tomorrow.

Abby: So, you don't want to take this one day at a time, which means...?

Tyler: Well, I mean, we live on opposite ends of town. We're spending all this time and money going back and forth. You know, we could be spending it together. I say...we get our own place.

Abby: You and me live together?

Tyler: Yeah, I mean, you'd still have your own space or whatever the female version of a man cave is. Or we just continue on the way things are and, you know, you at your place, me at mine.

Abby: What do you want?

Tyler: Well, I'll tell you what I don't want. I don't want to have to wonder if I'm gonna see you at night or in the morning, you know. I want to know that you're gonna be there. I want to maybe look up from work and see you sitting on the couch. But not one that's as ugly as the one I got at my place now, you know? Being around you, it feels good. Why wouldn't I want more of that? But it's up to you.

Abby: Let's call the movers.

Tyler: Yeah?

Abby: We're moving in together.

[Both laugh]

Abby: We're doing this.

Tyler: All right, now, there's...    

Victoria: I'm so sorry we didn't get to see you longer.

Ashley: I know. Too many airplanes.

Victoria: I know.

Ashley: I'll be back soon.

Victoria: Okay.

Ashley: This one here -- and this one here, actually -- they both look really good.

Billy: Yeah.

Ashley: And I know it's because of you. I hope you all have the best, most wonderful year ever.

Victoria: I think we will.

Ashley: Ooh.

Billy: Goodbye, Ashley.

Ashley: I'm super proud of you, you know that?

Billy: Thank you.

Ashley: Love you.

Billy: Love you.

Ashley: Goodbye, Johnny.

Billy: Say, "Knucks!" Knucks! Yeah! [Laughs] Hey, Buddy, what'd you get me, huh? Did you get me snails? Did you get me worms?

Victoria: No, those there are doctor-approved treats.

Billy: Oh, yeah?

Victoria: And, um, you'll never guess who I ran into at Crimson Lights.

Billy: I imagine half the town. Half the town? What do you think?

Victoria: No. Your friend Kelly. And now she's coming to dinner.

Kevin: Where's he going? Get him back in that room and get an I.D. on the driver!

Alex: He's not gonna talk anymore unless we make a deal, and I don't make deals. I got to talk to the D.A.

Kevin: All right. Then call Christine.

Alex: I will.

Kevin: Now!

Alex: Kev, relax. He's not going anywhere, okay? We got to do this by the books. We got to do it clean. You know that.

Kevin: But you think he has something to say, something real, right?

Alex: Yes, I do. That's why it needs to be clean. Listen, if we make a deal with this guy -- and we will -- he's gonna lead us to Delia's killer.

Chelsea: Do you mean it?

Adam: If I said I was serious about what I proposed, what would you say?

Chelsea: I'd say yes.

Adam: Then I'm serious. So...

Chelsea: Yes. [Chuckles] Yes. [Chuckles] [Laughs]

Victor: So, what we have is conjecture. No definitive proof that Adam was driving the car that killed Delia. There was another driver.

P.I.: The other driver was laid up with a broken leg.

Victor: Well, what if someone borrowed his car?

P.I.: [Sighs] Then there's this. Check out that charge.

Victor: What the hell is that? Auto-supply store. What did he order?

P.I.: A replacement turn light.

Victor: And the order was made under a corporate name. But with Adam's credit card. Wow. So Adam... killed Delia. Oh.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Lily: If the news is bad...

Cane: Then we'll deal with it.

Lily: I need you to do something for me right now.

Victoria: We invited a fourth. I hope you don't mind. Kelly Andrews, this is Stitch Rayburn.

Chelsea: If there is anything that could ever cost us our marriage, let's get it all out on the table right now. 

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