Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/25/13

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/25/13


Episode # 10314 ~ Christmas love and surprises abound in Genoa City; Neil moves forward with Leslie; Victor surprises Nikki; Billy gets hope from Jack.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Chelsea: [Gasps] Yes. Yes, and next year, you're gonna have so many yummy things to eat. Yes, you are. Instead of just gumming your fingers, huh.

Adam: Listen to that. Mommy's already making plans for next year, you hear that? You haven't even taken your morning nap yet.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Adam: Yes. You know what? Speaking of next year, we should just get some cardboard boxes and some of this wrapping paper, because that seems to be a big hit with him. What is this?

Chelsea: I guess I did kind of go overboard this year a little bit.

Adam: Baby's first Christmas. We're kind of obligated to do so.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Adam: But, it's a law, isn't it?

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Adam: It's too bad he's not gonna remember today.

Chelsea: We'll show him.

Adam: What, you making more plans already?

Chelsea: [Chuckles] You -- you have a lot of living to do, don't you?

Adam: Yes.

Chelsea: This whole family does. I know how we'll remember today. Ready?

Adam: Oh.

Chelsea: Okay.

Adam: Big time, Mister.

Chelsea: Okay.

Adam: Okay, Peanut.

Chelsea: Say "Cheese," Baby.

Adam: Look at mommy. Look at mommy.

Chelsea: Cheese. [Chuckles]

Victor: I think breakfast was delicious, don't you?

Nikki: It was.

Victor: Mm.

Nikki: A little quiet, though. Christmas day -- I know all the kids he their ans.

Victor: I miss that, though, you know. On the other hand, I didn't mind having my baby to myself for a while.

Nikki: [Chuckles] You have me to yourself just about every day.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Nikki: But I am a little surprised that Abby took off with Tyler for the holidays. That's a bold move for a young couple, especially to Los Angeles.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: And then Victoria had to stay with Billy. He's in no mood to celebrate, poor thing. Nicholas has his family.

Victor: Hopefully he stays far away from Sharon.

Nikki: Oh, you better put that thought right out of your head, cause you know both of them are with Faith this moment.

Victor: Wait a minute. Then there are Noah and Summer. And I have a feeling they would love to see their grandparents. I certainly would love to see them.

Nikki: Well, I'm sure they already have their plans. Is this a sign of Christmas to come? No kids.

Victor: Come here.

Nikki: I miss those little rosy cheeks and smiling faces.

Victor: I know. I know. I know. I know.

[Doorbell rings]

Nikki: I'll get it. I'll get it.

Victoria: Hi! Merry Christmas!

Nikki: Hello! Merry Christmas! Oh, my goodness! Look who's here.

[Knock on door]

Billy: Oh, wow. [Sighs]

Jack: I come bearing gifts, and there's more in the car.

Billy: Yeah.

Jack: Uh, where are Victoria and my little nephew?

Billy: I'm sorry, Jack. Nobody's here.

Jack: That's where you're wrong. You and I are here, little brother.

Neil: Hi, Honey. I got your message. You know, I thought we were doing the holiday right now, not work. Remember Christmas? Peace, joy, happiness, and a couple of presents? Huh, huh, huh?

Leslie: Oh, a tropical island with no internet or cell service? No need to put a bow on that. Just hand it over.

Neil: Ha ha. Very funny. No, no, no. That's not the surprise. Although an island might be negotiable. So what do you say we get out of here and start negotiating?

Leslie: Oh, I-I would love. I-I would, okay. And trust me, I've heard all the arguments from Avery why, today, work should be off limits, but honestly, this is too important.

Neil: What could be more important than us ending Christmas together?

Avery: Dylan? Dylan?

Dylan: [Sighs]

Avery: No. It's Christmas, Dylan. And I have made dinner. I've made a feast, actually.

Dylan: Apparently, bad plumbing doesn't care about Christmas. I'm not gonna cast blame, but I think the person who might be responsible for this whole thing is the Grinch.

Avery: Maybe it's time to admit that you can't do everything and call a plumber.

Dylan: I found one guy who's willing to come out on Christmas day, but he's all backed up, and I can't -- I can't leave. I have to wait for him. I'm sorry.

Avery: Do you think one minor problem like this is gonna spoil our Christmas dinner? No. Dylan McAvoy, nothing is going to spoil our day. I promise you that.

Nikki: I wish you had brought your daddy. We'd love to see your daddy.

Victoria: We had the most amazing morning. Daddy said "Ho ho ho." We had breakfast. We opened presents.

Nikki: Oh, that's wonderful.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. And so now Johnny and I are just making the rounds. And I thought that maybe Billy could use some time to just be and not have to do anything but feel how he's feeling.

Nikki: Well, Honey, that was very thoughtful of you. And we always love to see the handsome boy.

Victor: We certainly do. Anyway, you're welcome to stay a day. Fist bump Grandpa.

Victoria: Thank you, Daddy.

Victor: [Chuckles]

Nikki: There we go!

Victoria: We can't really stay that long because we have some more stops to make to say Merry Christmas to people and drop off some more gifts.

Nikki: You're still gonna be able to visit Reed, right?

Victoria: I miss him so much. Billy's not actually up for a trip today. But I understand.

Victor: You go, Sweetheart. You deserve to have both of your sons under one roof, okay?

Victoria: Oh, Daddy, I can't wait to hug them both. Oh!

Victor: You do that, Sweetheart, and if you need anything, just call your mother and me. We'll always be there for you.

Billy: Thank you. Are you planning on chopping me up and using me as bait cause it's Christmas? Please hand me the ax. Thank you.

Jack: Nope. We're going fishing, little brother.

Billy: I'm sorry.

Jack: Ice fishing.

Billy: Ice what?

Jack: Come on, it'll be a great distraction.

Billy: Standing on a frozen lake or a hole, just hoping that a fish will jump out and greet us? Yeah. [Chuckles] I can think about a thousand different ways I'd rather be distracted. What do you know about fishing?

Jack: Admittedly, very little. I was gonna talk to Murphy, you know. Go to an expert before we try out.

Billy: I'm not an expert, but I'm confident you don't use an ax.

Jack: You've got to chop a hole in the ice so you can drop the line in.

Billy: [Laughs] Are you serious?! No, you don't! Who are you, Paul Bunyan?! You don't use an ax. You use a chainsaw or an auger. How is it possible that you've lived in Wisconsin this long and you've never been ice fishing?

Jack: It just never seemed that interesting to me, until now. I just think it'd be great for the Abbott boys you know. Build us a shack and a portable heater and the lantern and beef jerky and beers.

Billy: And more axes. I could just see you standing on that frozen lake, chopping away with an ax at the only thing keeping you falling in the frozen water. That would be a sight see.

Jack: That mean you' not gonna go fishing with me?

Billy: That's exactly what it means. There's no way I'm going fishing with you. [Chuckles] But I appreciate the sentiment, man. And I-I...it's just, uh... not the type of distraction that I need right now

Jack: It actually wasn't just you I was thinking of. I could use a distraction.

Leslie: Your son was arrested. The charges, they're outrageous. I mean, clearly he's been the victim of fraud, and he's being victimized by the press. I mean, we can drink eggnog and we can do all that once he's cleared. Okay, this is my gift to you and your family. Please let me do this for you all today.

Kevin: So?

Alex: So it's a holiday, so they tell me, so you have a family. Go be with them.

Kevin: Yes, I have a family. But my brother, who just got out of jail, is spending some quality time with his wife and his son. You know, my nephew, the one who could be going back to prison. So kind of trumps Yule logs and carols for me, you know. Listen, Chavez, how strong is the case against Fen? What? You said I was one of the guys, part of the team, rah-rah. You can't tell me about the case against my nephew?

Alex: No. You aren't you with Chloe?

Kevin: I'm gonna be with her in a little while, thank you very much.

Alex: Last week sucked. Getting her hopes up that we found the driver. I don't know about you, but I'm still very upset about that.

Kevin: Her holding the scarf from the S.U.V. -- it was not good. But it also was not your fault.

Alex: That doesn't matter.

Kevin: We know that, and we are very grateful.

Alex: It doesn't matter. I'm not losing hope, and neither should Chloe. I'm not about to end this year without solving the case.

Chloe: Hi!

Chelsea: Hi!

Chloe: Um, have those fabric samples you wanted.

Chelsea: Oh, you didn't have to bring those over today. I mean, of all days.

Chloe: Well, I also have these. An elf stopped by my place and left something for my favorite little rug rat.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Neil: See, Devon is home right now. He's not letting any of this mess with his holiday, is he? And neither should you. I appreciate you wanting to help. I really do. Tomorrow, this is all gonna be here. So let's put on your coat. Let's go home and have a wonderful evening. Come on.

Leslie: I-I-I have another client who -- who's not home. He's -- he's been pending trial, and it just wouldn't be right if I didn't at least look through this file since I-- since I'm already here. Okay?

Neil: No, it's not ok. What's going on? Why am I getting this feeling that you're trying to avoid being with me today?

Victoria: I feel bad that I'm leaving Billy, but I just need to see my sons. I need to have them both in one place.

Nikki: Of course, you do. Billy understands that. Everyone does. Oh, that reminds me. I had some gifts delivered to J.T., but some of them were a little late. So would you mind?

Victoria: No, I'll take them.

Nikki: I'll be right back.

Victoria: Thanks, Mom.

Victor: Well, Sweetheart, come here. Come here. Hate to see you sad, okay? I have something for little Johnny that might cheer you up. There. Would you open it?

Victoria: It's nice of you. Oh. Shares to Newman-Chancellor.

Victor: Well, he's the first non-employee to have shares in the new corporate entity.

Victoria: I'm sure that you'll have him behind a desk soon enough, Dad. Thank you. It was very generous of you. Thank you.

Victor: My job is to make sure that my children and grandchildren are financially secure.

Victoria: Even though John's not biologically related to you?

Victor: He's always my grandson.

Victoria: I know you love him, but I'm just trying to point out that you are capable of loving offspring that doesn't share your blood.

Victor: Sweetheart, that's an entirely different story, all right?

Victoria: You are so stubborn. You know that?

Victor: It's a very different story. Johnny is an innocent child. Dylan McAvoy has caused nothing but harm to your brother.

Victoria: That's not Dylan's fault.

Victor: He will never be a member of this family, ever.

Victoria: Hmm.

Nikki: There's a few things in there for D.J., too.

Victoria: Oh, thank you. Mom, that is so sweet of you to include him.

Nikki: We, he is Reed's brother, so he's family.

Avery: Too much?

Dylan: Uh... we had less food for my entire unit during my first tour in Afghanistan.

Avery: Well, I made absolutely everything that I could think of. We've missed too many Christmases. There's a lot to make up for.

Dylan: Just the two of us. That's all I need.

[Knock on door]

Dylan: One second. Uh, hey. Yeah, I'm sorry. We're closed, just like the sign says

Henry: Oh. I saw the light on. I'm on my own, and nothing's open, so...

Dylan: You know what? Come on in. Yeah, come on.

Henry: I thought you said you were closed.

Avery: Oh, it's just a small Christmas dinner. Have a seat.

Jack: It's great. It is. Look, every little bit of cheer helps.

Billy: Yeah. Not the same, though, is it? Not without Phyllis, huh?

Jack: Phyllis is the very definition of "Over the top." And, oh, the holidays are not the same without her. But you know what? I had a great breakfast with Mrs. Martinez, and we had a little extra food in case you and Victoria and Johnny dropped by.

Billy: Yeah, thanks. Talked to Traci and Ash in New York. They're doing well. Mom stopped by.

Jack: Boy, this has got to be a tough holiday for her. She lost Katherine and Delia. How's she doing?

Billy: Oh, you know Mom. [Grunts] She's a tough broad. Tougher than me.

Jack: And how about you? You okay?

Billy: For me, "Okay" is relative. I got out of bed this morning. That's big stuff. I managed to get that miserable little tree over there. That's pretty big.

Jack: Oh, come on, it's lovely.

Billy: It's a twig, Jack.

Jack: It's you reaching out to Victoria.

Billy: Just like big brother ordered.

Jack: No, big brother recommended it because he knows you need Victoria and she needs you, and you obviously agree, because you did it.

Billy: I saw her, Jack.

Jack: Victoria.

Billy: I saw Delia. She was right there, standing by that tree. She was so close to me, I could touch her. Just smiling at me. She loved all this stuff, man. She should be here, Jack, but she's... the only thing I can give her now is justice. So I got to find that person who hurt her, Jack. You hear me? I got to find him. And as bad as it sounds, that's the only Christmas wish that I can even think of.

Chloe: What's better than an elephant? A dinosaur!

Chelsea: Uh, okay, so these are fine, but they aren't gonna stand up to the stitching I want to do.

Chloe: Okay, cool.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Chloe: Hi. Hi.

Chelsea: Oh, my goodness. As if this baby isn't spoiled enough already.

Chloe: Hey, come on. It's his first Christmas. It's supposed to be gigantic. And would you please let me just love on my best friend's kid? Oh, gosh. Whew! We, he has gas like a dinosaur.

Chelsea: I think he needs a diaper change. Excuse me, little munchkin.

Chloe: Oh! Gosh.

Chelsea: Oh, I got you. Okay, we'll be right back.

Chloe: Okay.

Chelsea: Okay.

Chloe: [Chuckles]

Chelsea: I got you.

Chloe: Chelsea did a great job on the place. Must be he has a designer's eye. And Connor, well, Connor did really good, too.

Adam: Yeah. He did. You really didn't have to.

Chloe: I-I wanted to. I needed to.

Adam: I completely understand. He's got a mom and a dad, so he's okay.

Chloe: [Scoffs] Wow. You really don't even know how to say "Thank you," do you? I mean, from what I recall, I gave Connor the best gift ever. The gift of sight. And I didn't see you complaining then.

Victor: Whoa. I love those. Boots.

Nikki: You know, we should go riding. It would be fresh air for me and time together for us.

Victor: Why don't we break them in today? Are you up for it?

Nikki: Oh, you just try to keep up with me.

Victor: Oh, yeah. Right.

Nikki: And once we've built up an appetite and come home, phase two of your Christmas gift, because chef is busy making Rock Cornish game hens.

Victor: Oh, I love that. Come here.

Nikki: Maybe not as good as Miguel's, but it'll be good.

Victor: You know me only too well, my baby.

Nikki: I love you more.

Victor: Do you? And now I have something for you.

Nikki: Oh? Hmm... well, now, let's see. Just a minute here.

Victor: Uh-huh. [Gasps] Oh, my. Tahiti. Okay. We go from riding in the snow to riding in the sand. Do you like that? Hmm?

Nikki: It's lovely. Very romantic. But it's very far away. Far away from Dylan.

Victor: Oh, Sweetheart.

Nikki: You really can't stand the idea of me getting to know my son.

Victor: Baby, come here. I want to make you happy. Okay? So sand, sun, and ocean. What do you think?

Nikki: I heard what you said to Victoria. You will never look at Dylan as my son. But -- but he is. There's nothing you can do about it. There's no amount of resistance that will change that fact.

Dylan: You know, my dad always said whoever needed a meal was welcome at the table.

Avery: Your dad was the best. Like you. And Henry won't be here all that long, and then we can have our dinner for two.

[Knock on door]

Dylan: [Sighs]

Avery: I'll get the door.

Dylan: I'll add a chair.

Chelsea: Connor's ready for some more toy action. What, you're -- you're leaving? What did I miss?

Adam: Just me and Chloe in for usual endearing scratchy dynamic.

Chloe: Yeah, it's adorable.

Chelsea: Chloe, you can stay.

Chloe: It's just hard being at the house. No Katherine, no Delia. It's... it's weird. It's like a holiday that isn't. But here with your little guy, it's good. It puts the "Merry" in my otherwise...meh Christmas.

Chelsea: You're family, Chloe. You're my best friend, and you will forever, forever, be in Connor's life. Any time you want to come over and get some Connor sunshine, you just come over. Whatever day, whatever time, okay?

Chloe: Of course, I will. I got to go, though. Merry Christmas.

Chelsea: Merry Christmas.

Chloe: To all of you.

Chelsea: [Sighs] Ugh.

Adam: "Ugh" is right.

Chelsea: No, Adam. I mean, "Ugh, this is heartbreaking." [Sighs] To see Chloe without Delia on Christmas. But at least it gives her a little bit of peace, coming here and seeing Connor, you know.

Adam: It's bordering on unhealthy.

Chelsea: I love her, Adam. And she loves Connor. And I want to do more to help.

Adam: You've given her the open invitation to come here any time she wants and see the baby. You're being a supportive friend.

Chelsea: This would help Connor, too. Mean, you see the way they are together. They're like already practically family. I want to make it official. I want to make Chloe Connor's godmother.

Jack: Billy, we're coming upon a new year... a chance for a fresh start, a chance to put the past behind us... as much as you can. And hopefully that means finding Delia's killer, giving you a chance to heal.

Billy: You know what they say in group? Manage expectations. So like I say, getting out of bed -- that's about as high as I'm shooting.

Jack: I get it, Billy. Wasn't that long ago getting out of bed meant a wheelchair and Sarge busting my chops. And I was on my back again... shaking from withdrawal. Eventually, when I got out of my own way, I found there were people out there that -- that wanted to help me, who could hold me up when I couldn't hold myself up. You're not alone. You're not gonna feel this way forever. I promise.

Billy: You see, I really would like to believe that, Jack. But this is reality now. This is who I am. I'm just a dad whose kid is gone. And that's not gonna change. So the way I feel, I really don't see how that's gonna change, either.

Jack: It's already changing. Little by little. Starting with this pathetic little tree.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Jack: You got out of bed. You got in your car, you drove to a lot. You found a tree, and you brought it home. And you did all that for your family. It is one of the ugliest trees I've ever seen.

Billy: [Chuckles] It is.

Jack: It's also one of the prettiest.

Billy: [Clears throat]

Jack: Neil?

Neil: Yeah. Hey, Jack.

Jack: Hey. Everything all right?

Neil: Said the man in the police station on Christmas day.

Jack: Well, I'm here to deliver a check for the officers' fund. Detective Chavez hasn't given up on my niece's case, and I just want to thank him.

Neil: Nice.

Jack: Now back to you.

Neil: Hmm. Oh, me. Yeah. Um, that's why I'm here. I'm waiting for her.

Jack: Oh, she's going all over town, showing her engagement ring?

Neil: No, not yet, because I haven't proposed to her yet.

Jack: What?

Neil: Damn thing is burning a hole in my pocket, Jack.

Jack: What's holding things up?

Neil: I don't know. Devotion to justice.

Jack: Oh. Noble, if annoying.

Neil: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Well, the right moment will come.

Neil: Well, the right moment is already here. As a matter of fact, it's waiting for us back at my apartment with champagne and flowers. Come on.

Jack: [Sighs]

Chloe: We're just all so sad. We woke up sad. We had breakfast sad. You know, we open up presents, we're sad. I just miss her every second of the day. [Sighs] But being with you makes things a lot easier. So I'm sorry that I'm here early. I know that we were supposed to hang out later.

Kevin: No, no. Early is great. I just, uh, have a couple things to finish up, and then we can do whatever you want. I just like the idea of being with you.

Neil: [Clears throat]

Kevin: Hey.

Neil: Hey, guys. Kevin. Chloe, you look great. You look good.

Chloe: Thank you. Well, you know, it's not normal for people to be hanging out at the police station on Christmas, but Kevin has an excuse.

Jack: I've got an excuse. I'm here to thank Detective Chavez for not giving up on Delia's case.

Chloe: Yeah, he's been really great. And thank you. You are a great uncle.

Jack: Delia was an incredible little girl.

Chloe: I know. Thank you for not avoiding talking about her. Well, people see me, and they don't really know what to say. It just reminds me that other people are thinking about her today. Thank you.

Avery: Gravy. There you go.

Dylan: You have any sweet potatoes left?

Avery: Uh, yes. I think there are plenty.

Dylan: Can I get you anything?

Avery: Maybe you can hold my hand under the table when we finally get to sit down. I think I'd like that a lot. Okay. Okay. Santa, have a seat. Let me get you a plate. You're welcome.

Dylan: All right. Whoa. Hi.

Avery: Hi.

Dylan: I'm just getting this over...

Avery: [Chuckles] Rolls?

Henry: Oh, thank you.

Avery: Yeah.

Henry: This is delicious. Thank you very much.

Avery: Thank you. Merry Christmas.

Henry: Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.

[Indistinct conversations]

Dylan: Hey, you're just, uh -- oh, excuse me. You're just in time for dinner.

Man: I'm the plumber. I'm here to fix your pipes.

Nikki: We will go riding in the sand. But not right now. I just -- I need to stay close to home.

Victor: You need to stay close to McAvoy. Right?

Nikki: To him and for him, yes. I know right now he doesn't want anything to do with me, but with the New Year, new beginnings... no one should feel like they're alone.

Victor: Sweetheart, he's not alone. Mean, he has Avery. He has friends. He's a grownup. You're much too good hearted.

Nikki: No, I'm not. I'm just a mother. Anyway, can we please just enjoy this day? Cause I am so grateful for it. I love you so much. I want to enjoy it.

Victor: Okay. And I have another present for you.

Nikki: Oh, really?

Victor: Oh, yeah.

Nikki: Hmm. More tickets?

Victor: Oh, no, no, no, no. No, no tickets. And I have a feeling you will not say no to this one.

Nikki: Oh.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Nikki: Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh! [Gasps] Victor. This is a first edi-- this is a first edition!

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Darling. I can't believe it. Thank you so much.

Chelsea: Chloe always mentions to me that Katherine was her godmother. It really meant a lot her. It created this amazing bond between them. I want that for Connor. I want him to know Chloe.

Adam: He's gonna know Chloe. He's gonna see her all the time.

Chelsea: She loves him, Adam.

Adam: Yes, she loves him. She especially loves the part of him that is Delia.

Chelsea: Maybe that's partly true, but she loves him a lot, nonetheless, and that's all that matters. What baby doesn't need extra love, huh? Yeah.

Adam: I know, but I mean... why do we have to slap a title on it? "Godmother" of all things. I mean, a rose by any other name. And no matter what, she will still walk around under my roof, giving me the stink eye.

Chelsea: You said that we were creating our own memories, our own traditions, remember? I never had those growing up, Adam. So just do this for me. Humor me. Humor the fact that I want godparents for my little boy, and I want to thank God for this huge miracle that he's given us. 'Cause Connor- he is. He's a little miracle, isn't he? Yeah. And Delia -- she's proof that you can't take miracles for granted.

[Connor coos]

Chelsea: Isn't that true?

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Yeah. So what do you say?

Adam: This little guy is a miracle. Yes, you are.

[Connor coos]

Adam: And so are you. And so I'll do whatever you want.

Chelsea: Yes! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yes!

Kevin: So in keeping with that whole "It's ok to talk about Delia" thing that you mentioned...

Chloe: Yeah, what?

Kevin: Uh, okay, well, I... I woke up, and I had this image in my head. Um, it was Mrs. C... wherever she is... with Delia. And, uh, and Delia was trying on all her jewelry. And then Mrs. C gives her this perfect Delia-size version of that big green ring that she used to wear...

Chloe: Yeah.

Kevin: ...As a Christmas gift.

Chloe: Oh, Delia and Mrs. C's rings.

[Both chuckle

Kevin: Yeah.

Chloe: [Voice breaking] The ring that I gave Delia the night that she --

Kevin: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you. I just thought --

Chloe: No. No, no, no. [Sniffles] No. You know I don't normally believe in all that stuff, but... [Sighs] Katherine and Cordelia Katherine are up there together, and she's taking care of her. I know that.

Kevin: Yeah.

Chloe: [Sighs]

Neil: Hey, Girl.

Leslie: Hey.

Neil: Business handled?

Leslie: Well, of course, the one file that I'm looking for is nowhere to be found. You should, um, you should just go ahead.

Neil: No.

Leslie: What?

Neil: I said no. I'm not going. Come here. Take a seat in this chair. I'm not walking out of her until I do what I've been meaning to do all day long. Now, this wasn't part of the plan. But here it goes.

Leslie: Neil...

Neil: Let me do this, okay?

Leslie: [Gasps lightly] Neil.

Neil: Will...you... marry me?

Victoria: Hey. We're home. Billy? Billy?

Leslie: Please, please, please get up off the floor.

Neil: No, Leslie. Not until I have an answer.

Leslie: This is a police station. You don't know what's on that floor.

Neil: You insisted on coming here today, and that's just fine. I'm good with that. You know why? Because I love you. Every -- every minute, every second of every day. Leslie, when you wake up in the morning and your big, beautiful eyes look around and you say, "It’s a new day, what a blessing," I hear you. When you play with your hair... that little thing you do when you don't think anybody's watching you... I'm watching. And I love... I love that you work so hard. It means so much to me that you' diligent. And -- and the reason that I'm -- that I'm here right now, doing this...is because I don't want to spend another Christmas not married to you. Leslie, I am asking you for my gift -- just a word. Will you spend the rest of your life with me?

Leslie: Yes. Yes.

Neil: Yes. Yes.

Leslie: Okay.

Neil: There it is. Baby...

Jack: [Chuckles]

Chloe: [Chuckles]

Leslie: [Laughs]

Jack: About time.

Neil: Thank you.

Avery: [Sighs]

Dylan: [Sighs]

Avery: Well, we don't have to worry about leftovers.

Dylan: This isn't exactly how you envisioned it, is it?

Avery: No, but it's perfect. It's Christmas... with you.

Hear, hear!


[Piano playing Bach's Prelude and Fugue in "C" Major]

Chelsea: Now, tell me this is not the best baby ever. I dare you. I dare you. I dare you. [Smooches] I dare you.

Adam: Yes, you're the best baby ever.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Adam: Yes, and you survived Christmas, didn't you?

Chelsea: Yes. Oh! He loved it. Look at that face. [Gasps] Best Christmas ever. Just perfect.

Victoria: And I was wondering where you went because you're not -- you're not home. Um... hi! You're home.

Billy: Hey. Yeah. I was really hoping to beat you two home, but, uh...

Victoria: Where were you? You okay?

Billy: Yeah, yeah. You know, I was thinking about Christmas and Delia and Johnny and you, and I realized we need cookies. We need cookies! [Grunts] Now, they're not as good as the ones you finally managed not to burn, but we have cookies.

Victoria: My one successful batch.

Billy: Yes. Delia was very impressed. So I knew we had to have them. I went out and got them, and now we've got cookies, 'cause Christmas needs cookies. Yeah.

Victoria: You know what? Now it really is Christmas. Thank you. [Smooches]

Billy: I love you.

Victoria: I love you.

Billy: And I love you, too, you cute little monkey. [Smooching] Yeah.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Adam: Don't you have a new brother to hate?

Nick: You know, its comments like that that just show your true colors. You can't run from it forever.

Gloria: I knew it! You two are back together.

Billy: You said, "Balancing the karmic scales."

Adam: Yeah, it's a common expression.

Billy: Not that common.

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