Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/24/13

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/24/13


Episode # 10313 ~ Abby and Tyler share a romantic holiday; Michael and Lauren wish for a miracle.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Nick: All right, here we go.

Sharon: Um, I don't think there's anymore room under the tree.

Nick: Well, you've got to make room for this.

Sharon: Faith's dollhouse?

Nick: Yep. [Sighs] Wait, she's not here, is she?

Sharon: No, she's, uh, with Kendall. They're exchanging gifts. I don't have to be there to pick her up for an hour.

Nick: Oh, good. You can help me wrap it.

Sharon: Well, uh, it might take a little more time to assemble.

Nick: Huh?

Sharon: Yeah. Santa's gifts come unassembled?

Nick: Well, yeah, but, I mean, I don't have to have it built right now. I could do it, you know, tomorrow or next week when there's more time.

Sharon: Nicholas, no. You can't give a little girl 500 pieces of a dollhouse for Christmas. You -- you have to put it together.

Nick: In an hour? I can't.

Sharon: Santa would do it.

Nick: It's 500.

Hilary: Jack, it's beautiful. Thank you. Now I feel like a real executive assistant.

Jack: You don't need a pen for that, the way you whipped my office into shape. You don't believe me, ask the interns.

Hilary: Oh, gosh, I hope they don't hate me.

Jack: I have heard nothing but good things about you from everyone at Jabot.

Hilary: That's nice of you to say. [Chuckles] Thank you. And for this.

Jack: Yeah, it was my pleasure. I gave you something else you're not gonna like as much. I e-mailed it to you, like, five minutes ago.

Hilary: Oh. The fourth-quarter sales projections.

Jack: Yay. I just need you to break it down to departments whenever you have a chance. No rush.

Hilary: Yeah. No, I can take care of it tonight.

Jack: No, not tonight. It's Christmas Eve. Tonight, you're with friends.

Hilary: I haven't really made a lot of those since I got to town.

Jack: Maybe it's time you got that started.

Hilary: There aren't a lot of volunteers.

Jack: This time of year is about being with people, singing Christmas carols, drinking eggnog.

Hilary: Is that what you're planning on doing?

Jack: [Sighs]

Both: Christmas presents! Christmas presents!

Cane: Christmas presents!

Lily: Hello? Inside voices, remember. Inside voices.

Mattie: But we can't wait for Santa.

Cane: But you have to wait. See, he hasn't started doing the presents yet. He's probably in Australia, about to start there. Shh.

Charlie: I want to move to Australia!

Cane: All right, how 'bout we go outside and we wait for Santa to fly by with his reindeer and we see if we see him. Okay, come on. There you go. Come on.

Devon: Maybe something will fall out of his sleigh.

Cane: Yeah.

Lily: All right. Have fun.

Cane: Come on.

Neil: All right, guys.

Lily: [Sighs] I am very sorry about that.

Neil: If Moses was here, the decibel level would go through the roof.

Lily: Well, it must be hard splitting the holidays with Sofia.

Neil: Oh, we'll still get a chance to celebrate with him.

Neil: He's gonna get lots of presents. But I am, uh, gonna miss that little dude adding to all the commotion tomorrow.

Lily: Well, Mattie and Charlie will do plenty of that. They're gonna be ripping open gifts and throwing around wrapping paper and screaming when they see the video games that you got them.

Neil: Yeah. Right. I can't wait!

Leslie: [Chuckles] Me either. Me either.

[Door opens]

Tyler: Abby, did you forget something?

Paul: You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you.

Fenmore: What the hell? You said my dad was going back to prison!

Michael: Not another word!

Paul: Fen, do you understand your rights as I have explained them?

Fenmore: I thought you were my friend!

Summer: I am.

Paul: Fen, do you understand what I just told you?

Fenmore: Yes. I understand.

Paul: I'll find someone to book him.

Fenmore: You lied to me.

Lauren: Honey, don't blame her.

Michael: We convinced Summer that helping us bring you back was the right thing to do, and it was.

Fen: The right thing to do. I'm gonna go back to prison!

Michael: Shh! Not necessarily.

Christine: I'm sorry this had to happen tonight of all nights.

Michael: [Clears throat] You obviously had enough evidence to arrest Fenmore.

Christine: Well, as his lawyer, everything will be turned over to you as soon as Fen's arraigned.

Michael: That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Uh, do you think we could do the arraignment right away?

Christine: Michael, it's not up to me. I would need a judge.

Michael: If it doesn't happen tonight, my son spends Christmas in his jail cell.

Christine: Okay, even if I could get a judge, Fen was trying to leave town. He's considered a flight risk.

Michael: He ran because he was scared. He didn't know you were looking for him. The minute he heard, he turned himself in.

Christine: Michael --

Michael: He showed up at the police station. What other reason would he have for coming back here other than to turn himself in? He was acting responsibly.

Christine: You expect me to believe that.

Michael: You don't have to believe it. The only person who has to believe it is the judge. And that won't happen without your help. Christine, please. This is my son.

Tyler: Abby? You there?

[Door closes]

Hilary: You have a huge family celebration planned? This place looks like its seen awesome Christmas gatherings.

Jack: Oh, it certainly has. But not this year.

Hilary: Why not, if you don't mind me asking?

Jack: Well, everyone's made their own plans. Abby's off in Los Angeles with her boyfriend. Ashley talked Traci into coming to New York and spending Christmas with her husband. Billy and Victoria just want a nice, quiet holiday at home with Johnny.

Hilary: Well, what about Kyle?

Jack: Kyle's off skiing with his college buddies.

Hilary: So you're all alone. I've spent a few Christmases that way. And thanksgivings and birthdays and...

Jack: Must have been pretty hard for you, being at summer's birthday celebration, seeing her surrounded by all her friends and family.

Hilary: No, it was nice. And I'm glad I could help you get those presents for her.

Jack: You went above and beyond, getting that bracelet engraved in less than a day.

Hilary: Well, I love a challenge. Especially when it brings a father and a daughter closer together. You didn't tell me what Summer was doing for Christmas.

Jack: Actually, I don't know. Kind of tip-toeing there. Facing both her families on her birthday -- I don't want to push too far.

Hilary: Well, if you call her, you won't have to spend the day alone.

Jack: I don't want to make her uncomfortable. Besides, I'm perfectly happy spending the holiday alone here.

Hilary: Okay. Well, I have to get started on these sales projections.

Jack: Okay, well, I would try to talk you out of it, but I don't think I'd get very far.

Hilary: Yeah, you're right.

Jack: Try to have a Merry Christmas, anyway.

Hilary: Thank you, Jack.

Jack: Come on.

John: Perfectly happy, huh?

Jack: Hello, Dad.

Sharon: Okay, "Attach staircase to the back wall, shown in figure three."

Nick: Staircase. Figure three. Yeah. Oh, man, if our kids knew what we did for them.

Sharon: Oh, I don't want her to know that we're doing this. It would spoil all the magic of Christmas.

Nick: Yeah, it's too soon.

Sharon: I wish she could believe in Santa forever.

Nick: You used to say the same thing about Cassie.

Sharon: It's like we weren't looking, and all of a sudden, she was grown up. Or at least, she thought she was. And I remember that year we were separated, I took her to the mall to see Santa, and she told him all she wanted for Christmas was her family to be together. And you made that wish come true for her.

Nick: Well, I didn't want to let her down.

Sharon: I remember the gift you left behind for me.

Nick: Cassie's drawing of our family.

Sharon: You had it framed. The look on her face when she saw it. "Having a family -- that's the best. Santa heard me." That's what she said.

Nick: She was right.

Sharon: You know, I look at Faith, and I wish we could keep her young and innocent like this forever.

Nick: Me too.

Sharon: Well, for a little while longer, anyway.

Nick: All right. Staircase to wall "B."

Sharon: Maybe we should have gotten a pony.

Nick: No, no. I got this. I got, like, 48 minutes to get this thing built.

Sharon: [Laughs]

Nick: Cake.

Sharon: [Gasps]

Faith: My dollhouse!

Sharon: Um, Faith, what are you doing home, Sweetie? You're supposed to be at Kendall's.

Faith: She ate too many cookies and got a tummy ache. So her mom brought me home. Is that my dollhouse?

Sharon: Uh, yes, it is.

Faith: What is it doing here? It's not even Christmas yet.

Nick: Nope. It's not. But Santa needed to drop it off a little early.

Faith: Why?

Nick: That's a good question. Why?

Sharon: Um, because it's so big that it wouldn't fit in the sleigh with all the other toys he had to deliver.

Nick: Right. So he asked if he could leave it here today.

Faith: Why didn't his elves put it together first?

Nick: Well, the elves are -- they're pretty busy this time of year, so Santa asked us if we could give him a hand.

Faith: Daddy, are you telling me the truth?

Tyler: Oh, that was fast.

Abby: What?

Tyler: The shopping trip.

Abby: Oh, yeah. I-I saw these Santa hats downstairs in the gift shop, and then I realized I forgot my sunglasses, and I came back. Who was that woman that just left?

Tyler: Woman?

Abby: There was a woman that just left our room.

Tyler: You know what? I thought I heard somebody, but I figured it was you. When I came out of the bathroom, I didn't see anybody.

Abby: I did.

Tyler: Maybe it was the maid.

Abby: A maid in 4-inch heels. And why would the maid mess up the bed instead of make it?

Tyler: You think somebody broke in?

Abby: A thief who doesn't take anything. Maybe she got freaked out and took off before she got the chance to.

Abby: I don't think so.

Tyler: Well, if it wasn't the maid and it wasn't a thief, I don't know who else it could have been.

Abby: I know exactly who it was.

Lily: Please don't let those bogus charges against you ruin your Christmas.

Neil: Yeah, it'd be a shame if you did, son. Leslie's gonna have this whole mess straightened out in a minute. You know that.

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: Why would the Las Vegas police think that you would trash a hotel room? You could buy that hotel.

Leslie: I don't think that'll fly as a defense.

Devon: My defense is that I was never in Vegas. I haven't been west of Chestnut Street in months.

Neil: Okay, well, that means there's obviously someone out there that's pretending to be you.

Devon: I just wish the hotel would hand over the surveillance video that they claim to have of me, 'cause that would clear this up.

Leslie: Yeah. No, I've been calling them, you know. Their security staff is a little shorthanded because of the whole holiday thing. But they promise to get back to me as soon as possible.

Lily: Did you figure out how someone was able to get your credit-card info?

Devon: I use my credit card for everything, so it could have been anywhere.

Lily: I'm really sorry this is happening to you, especially during Christmas. That's awful.

Devon: There's much worse things to stress about than someone stealing my identity.

Lily: What? Like making this the best Winters-Ashby Christmas ever?

Devon: Top of the list.


Neil: Hey, Guys, to nothing spoiling this holiday for us.

[Children shouting]

Cane: Whoa!

Lily: You guys.

Cane: Whoa. Whoa. Now, what do you want to say to your mommy? Come on.

Charlie: We're sorry.

Mattie: We didn't mean to ruin your dinner.

Neil: [Chuckles]

Lily: Oh, Honey. It's okay. You didn't ruin my dinner, all right? I love you both so much, just the way that you are. Okay?

Cane: Mm-hmm. Me too. One for you, too.

Lily: [Chuckles] I can't be mad at them.

John: Well, now, you don't seem too surprised to see me.

Jack: The last time you were with me, you told me how proud you were that I'd finally stepped up to be the head of the Abbott family.

John: Well, I am, Jacky. You did a wonderful job taking care of your brother and your sisters and all my grandchildren.

Jack: But?

John: But you need to be with somebody that...take care of you.

Jack: Dad, I'm doing great. No pills, no booze.

John: And nobody. Come on, Son. It's Christmas Eve. You're all alone. Jack, Phyllis would not want to see you like this. Home alone, talking to a ghost. You have got to get your life back among the living.

Jack: It would just seem like a betrayal, Dad.

John: She would want you to be around people who care about you. Son, that is the greatest Christmas present you could give her... and yourself.

Jack: You know what? You're right. You're right. I should be out among people I care most about. But first, I got to do something else.

Lily: Yeah, we should go to the park. Are you coming?

Devon: No, the press is following me around everywhere. I don't want to turn the ceremony into a media circus.

Neil: Oh, that's a shame, Son. I know how much you wanted to be there.

Devon: I will be, in spirit.

Cane: Let's get out of here. See you tomorrow, okay?

Devon: All right. Bye.

Lily: And, hey, there better not be two ponies coming through the front door.

Charlie: Ponies! Yay!

Devon: How'd you guys know about that?

Leslie: You're not serious, are you?

Lily: He better not be.

Cane: Uncle Devon is joking. There's gonna be no ponies.

Devon: There's ponies.

Cane: Come on. Let's go.

Lily: Okay, Devon, I mean it. There better not be.

Devon: Fine. No ponies. Love you.

Leslie: He's joking about the ponies, right?

Neil: Yes.

Lily: He's joking. Trust me. Merry Christmas, Hilary.

Hilary: Your sister bump her head or something?

Devon: What do you mean?

Hilary: I don't know. Did she forget who I am? Has she come down with amnesia?

Devon: No, I'm sure she still wants to wipe you from her memory.

Hilary: Then why did she just wish me Merry Christmas?

Devon: Maybe it's really the season of miracles.

Nick: I don't even know how you can ask me that. I mean, do you know what happens to people this time of year who don't tell the truth?

Faith: They don't get any presents from Santa.

Nick: Exactly! So why would I even risk that?

Faith: But Santa has a bunch of elves to help him put toys together.

Nick: Sure. He's got lots of them. But elves need time off, too, just like everybody else.

Sharon: To spend time with their kids.

Faith: But we have elves here -- in the elf tree in the woods.

Sharon: Yes. Uh, I saw one the other day, and he told me that they were all headed up to the North Pole to help with the Christmas rush, so that just left Daddy and me.

Nick: Santa's given us so much joy and happiness through the years, when he asked us to help, how could we say no?

Sharon: So we're his helper elves.

Faith: You guys are the best helper elves ever.

Nick: Oh. All right. [Smooching]

Lauren: [Sighs] Thank you so much for pushing his arraignment.

Michael: And getting him released to us.

Christine: I did what I thought was fair.

Michael: You've been more than fair throughout this whole thing.

Paul: Well, we know how difficult it's been on all of you.

Lauren: Oh, excuse me.

Summer: How did the arraignment go?

Lauren: They released him into our custody, and they're fitting him with a tracking device right now. And thanks to you, he's coming home. And he's safe.

Summer: Fen hates me.

Lauren: You did the right thing. And he will realize that.

Summer: Fen is not gonna forgive me. Not for this one.

Michael: Uh, somewhere between training wheels and this, I failed him.

Christine: Michael, you can't blame yourself.

Michael: Then how did we end up here?

Paul: Well, parenting isn't an exact science. You did your best.

Michael: Wasn't enough, was it?

Christine: Hey, you and Lauren got him to come home.

Michael: And now what?

Paul: Now you spend Christmas with your family.

Michael: Uh, okay. If I'm gonna do that, I better get him out of here.

Paul: You got to sign some papers first. They're in my office.

Christine: So, your dad's taking care of some paperwork, and then you can get out of here.

Fenmore: Great.

Lauren: Thank you so much. We are grateful beyond words for everything that you've done for us, aren't we, Fen?

Fenmore: Yeah. Sure.

Christine: The paperwork he's signing, it basically says that he and your mom are responsible to make sure that you show up for all future court proceedings.

Fenmore: Don't worry. Whatever it takes, they'll make sure I'm there.

Christine: If you're not, your parents could be charged with aiding and abetting a fugitive. So you see, Fen, this isn't about your freedom on the line. It's about your parents', as well.

[Door opens]

Tyler: All right, so who do you think was here?

Abby: I know who was -- you know what, Tyler? Never mind. I don't need this.

Tyler: Don't need what?

Abby: These games. You bring me to L.A. to try and mess with my head. I don't have a problem finding men.

Tyler: Wait a minute.

Abby: I've dated movie stars, billionaires, professional athletes. I once had a Norwegian prince offer to buy me a castle on a fjord just to be closer to him. And maybe -- maybe he wasn't a real prince. Maybe he was just Nordic-ly gorgeous and ridiculously wealthy, but you know what? The castle was real, and so was the fjord.

Tyler: Okay, Abby, I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Abby: Me! Me! I have options, lots of them! I'm not gonna just sit around while you sneak around with your ex, okay?

Tyler: All right, this has just gone from loopy to downright insane.

Abby: I saw someone leave this room.

Tyler: And you think it was Mariah?

Abby: It wasn't a maid, and it wasn't a thief. And you know the saddest thing about the whole entire thing is I believed you when you said this wasn't another fling, that what we had meant something.

Tyler: You were gone for, like, three minutes. What do you think happened?

Abby: I don't know, but something did.

Tyler: [Scoffs] Okay, Baby. You know what I think? I think that all of this sunshine is playing tricks with your mind.

Abby: And I think it illuminated the situation perfectly. So you know what? You and Mariah have fun playing your reindeer games. Abby out. Stop it. Let go of me.

Tyler: Unh-unh. You're not doing this, all right. We're gonna go down to the front desk. We're gonna straighten this out. Because we are gonna have a Merry Christmas, all right? Even if it kills me.

Abby: Don't tempt me.

Tyler: [Sighs]

Sharon: Do you like your dollhouse?

Faith: I love it!

Nick: Yes.

Faith: But it's not fair.

Sharon: What's not fair?

Faith: I got to see one of my presents, and you guys didn't.

Sharon: Well, maybe we should each open a present, then.

Faith: Yeah!

Sharon: Well, let's see. Why don't you grab that one and give it to Daddy?

Faith: Here, Daddy! Open it!

Nick: Good toss. All right. Is it a globe?

Faith: [Giggles]

Nick: No!

Sharon: [Chuckles]

Faith: [Giggles]

Nick: Oh, man. Check that out.

Faith: [Giggles]

Nick: "Best dad!" Nice job, mommy.

Faith: I made it!

Nick: Oh, you made it. All right, well, then I extra love it. Great job. This is the best present ever.

Faith: You said that last year.

Nick: Well, they're all the best presents ever. Come here.

Faith: [Grunts]

Nick: [Smooches] I love you. Hey, little elf, see that red and white one right there? Why don't you go give that one to your mommy?

Faith: So heavy.

Sharon: Wow, I get the big one?

Faith: [Giggles]

Sharon: It's from you. You got me a present?

Nick: I did. Just a little something.

Sharon: Okay. Well, I really love the wrapping paper. And the ribbon.

Nick: Just so you know, it's not a "Best Mom" shirt.

Sharon: Oh. A foot spa.

Nick: Yeah. The other day you said that your feet always hurt when you wear heels all day, so I thought you could use something like that when you came home.

Sharon: I love it. Thank you.

Nick: Merry Christmas.

Sharon: Merry Christmas.

Jack: Merry Christmas to you, too, Daniel. I'm glad you're there. Yeah, j-just put the phone next to her ear. Hey, Red. Merry Christmas. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you. I think about you all the time. It's cold here. Very cold. Talking about more snow. Again. 'Cause, of course, 3 feet isn't enough. Remember we were gonna get away from the cold this winter, go off to Maui. We can still do that, you know. We can go to all the places we talked about. Hey, we could bring Summer with us, she just had a birthday. Well, of course, you know that. Gave her a mountain of presents. You'd have told me I was spoiling her, but it went pretty well. There's something here for you, too. I won't tell you what it is, but... it'll be here waiting for you when you get here. So will I. I miss you, Red. I'd tell you I wish you were here, but... you are here. You're in my heart. I just want you in my arms. Merry Christmas. I love you.

Paul: You see, Michael, we really had no choice. The lab found gunshot residue and some blood splatter on the suit that Fenmore was wearing the night Carmine was shot.

Christine: Between the forensics and your stories about the sober chip not adding up, I had to issue a warrant.

Michael: Well, um... [Clears throat] We know this hasn't been easy on either of you. And, um, we would like to thank you for spending your Christmas Eve making sure that our son spends the holidays with us.

Paul: Well, we have to get over to Chancellor Park.

Lauren: Oh, that's right. That's tonight. We, uh, we would have loved to have gone.

Paul: Well, if we can wrap up this paperwork, we can all get out of here. I just need your signature right here.

Summer: Fen? Fen, please just give me a second to explain --

Fenmore: Explain what?! You lied to me.

Summer: Fen, I didn't do it because I wanted to stab you in the back. I did it because I care about you. You're my friend.

Fenmore: No. My friends aren't rats.

Summer: Fen, you were doing something stupid and dangerous.

Fenmore: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for that vote of confidence.

Summer: Look, Fen, I get it, okay? You want to run away and leave all of your problems behind. I did it, but I learned very quickly that that's not the answer.

Fenmore: Yeah, maybe not for you.

Summer: Yeah, Fen, neither for you. You were in trouble, major trouble.

Fenmore: Look, I could have handled it all on my own. I didn't need your help.

Summer: Why? Why would you want to, Fen, when you have so many people that want to help you, people that love you and care about you?

Fenmore: People like you?

Summer: Yes, Fen! People like me! I did it because I care about you.

Fenmore: Yeah, well... I don't want your help.

Summer: Fine. Go ahead and push away all the people that care about you. But you have no idea how lucky you are to have those two people in there. Because I would give and do anything to be with both my parents on Christmas.

Abby: You're gonna make me do it, aren't you?

Tyler: What?

Abby: Apologize.

Tyler: Well, I mean, if there's something that you feel like you want to apologize for, I'm not gonna stop you.

Abby: Okay, it's perfectly reasonable for me to assume that something weird happened when I saw a strange woman leave our room.

Tyler: Okay, that's an apology? Really? [Chuckles]

Abby: Okay, I may have jumped to the wrong conclusion.

Tyler: All right, this isn't your thing. Let me -- let me help you out. You could say something like, "I'm so sorry that I was a raving lunatic and I accused you of something so ridiculous that I can't even repeat it.

Abby: How was I supposed to know that the hotel room keys were all mixed up?

Tyler: Okay, so you believe what the guy at the desk said, yeah?

Abby: I guess it's possible that someone went up to the wrong floor and used their room key to get into our room.

Tyler: All right, well, I don't think they would have gave us a free spa treatment if that wasn't true.

Abby: All right! I'm sorry! I'm really, really sorry that I acted like a jealous idiot. But at least we got free massages out of it.

Tyler: Yeah, which I think I'm gonna go ahead and pass up on. You know, after that whole mix-up with Traci...

Abby: Okay, well, we could soak in the Jacuzzi. Give each other massages. Hmm?

Tyler: That sounds good. After.

Abby: After what?

Tyler: After we go down to the beach, watch the sunset, and then we wait for your star to appear.

Abby: Ooh, well, it'll be a little while until the sun sets. What are we gonna do till then?

Tyler: Tell you what. I've got some ideas.

Abby: Ooh. [Chuckles]

Tyler: [Chuckles]

Abby: Christmas!

Nick: All right, Beautiful. Have you thought about what you're gonna wish for when you light your candle?

Faith: I already got my wish.

Sharon: Was it your dollhouse?

Nick: No? What, you want me to tell Santa to take that thing back?

Faith: Daddy, you can't do that!

Sharon: If it wasn't your dollhouse you wished for, then what is it?

Faith: I wished that you and Daddy and I could be together for Christmas. And Santa heard me.

Fenmore: Ho ho ho. Merry Christmas.

Lauren: Here you go.

Michael: Thank you.

Lauren: Okay, Men. You know, we have not had much time to decorate.

Michael: Well, we haven't had much inclination, either.

Lauren: Yes, but it's never too late. Any interest?

Fenmore: Absolutely none.

Lauren: Okay, well, I'm gonna put up a few things. I still have some Christmas spirit.

Fenmore: Ever the optimist.

Michael: I would be glad to help. You know what I always say. A little garland and tinsel always cheers up a room.

Lauren: You know, Fen, you used to love my positive outlook. Do you remember the Christmas list that had 14 items and one was larger than the next?

Fenmore: You told me that if I was good enough, Santa would give me everything.

Lauren: And?

Fenmore: I'm not a kid anymore, Mom.

Lauren: But that doesn't mean that I still don't want everything to be right in your world.

Michael: That's all we've ever wanted.

Fenmore: And all I've ever done is disappoint you.

Lauren: That is not true.

Fenmore: I killed a guy, Mom.

Lauren: Your father's gonna get you acquitted.

Fenmore: There's that optimism.

Lauren: You know something? It worked in your favor in the gift department.

Fenmore: You know, I hope you're right about this, too, 'cause... I got to tell you... I'm scared.

Lauren: Come here, Sweetie. Come here. Your dad and I are here, and we're gonna get you through this. I promise. [Sighs]

Devon: You know, Hilary, you really didn't have to do this.

Hilary: Well, I said I would buy you a drink, so now we're square.

[Glasses clink]

Devon: Well, if you think that this makes up for everything... thank you.

Hilary: I'm surprised you're not at the park for the ceremony.

Devon: I wanted to be. But I'd just be a distraction.

Hilary: Paparazzi outside wants to make it all about you.

Devon: Mm-hmm. I really wish my grandmother were around. She would tell me exactly how to handle those clowns.

Hilary: How would she do that?

Devon: Oh, I... I don't know. But I'm sure it would have involved an obscene gesture.

Hilary: [Chuckles] What? Your grandmother really would do that?

Devon: She would. That was her, the great Katherine Chancellor.

Hilary: Wow. I wish I could have met her. You really miss her, huh?

Devon: Yeah. You know, she wasn't even a part of my life a few years ago. And now that she's gone, I don't have a clear picture of who I am. And it's no wonder that somebody stole my identity.

Hilary: It's easy to lose yourself when you lose an anchor.

Devon: How do you get yourself back?

Hilary: Maybe I can help.

Devon: What, you have a magic wand to get rid of those bloodsuckers outside?

Hilary: No, but I could tell you who's been causing all this trouble for you.

Devon: You know the person who stole my identity?

Hilary: Yes. And so do you.

Abby: No. No. [Chuckles] Merry Christmas. [Chuckles]

Paul: Hello, everyone. And welcome to the first ever holiday candle-lighting ceremony here in Chancellor Park. As many of you know, this beautiful place was dedicated in the memory of our beloved Katherine Chancellor. And it seems strange, at least to me, that the holidays are upon us and she is not here to share them with us, at least, physically. It's been months since she passed on, and, um, I still expect her to be in town and pick up the phone and hear her voice, but sadly that has not happened. I miss her terribly. And I'm sure I'm not alone in that. And during the holidays, we all have a tendency to grieve over those we have lost. But the Katherine Chancellor I know wouldn't have any of that. She was the complete and total embodiment of the spirit of the season. And even though in her advanced age, she had the uncanny ability to see the world through the eyes of a child, that is not to say she didn't face challenges. She did. And she met them head on. But she never lost faith in the resilience of the human spirit. She believed that faith would indeed overpower fear. And she also believed in family and the bonds of love that bind us to the ones we hold most dear. But above all... she believed in hope. Even in her darkest days, she never lost hope. So join me, everyone, in lighting a candle to honor our beloved Katherine Chancellor and making a wish... a wish made in love... to a beautiful future.

All: The first noel the angels did say was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay in fields where they lay keeping their sheep on a cold winter's night that was so deep noel noel noel noel born is the King of Israel they looked up and saw a star shining in the east beyond them far noel noel noel noel born is the King of Israel

All: Happy holidays from "The Young and the Restless."

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: Hi! Merry Christmas!

Avery: Nothing is going to spoil our day. I promise you that.

Neil: Will you marry me?

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